WC3 - W3Champions S7 - LB Final: [UD] Happy vs. HawK [HU]

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as we go on to the lower bracket final everybody friday's rematch we started this on friday and this is where the two players started this run as well happy eliminating craft and labyrinth hawk eliminating chemical and colorful and then two maps in a row versus happy as well today not too much of a chance in this best of five versus focus focus rock solid and happy also rock solid in the lower bracket he was thrown down to lower bracket round four defeated sock duo defeated low light 2-0 is he getting a little bit exhausted maybe of three series in a row don't really think so if you stream 8 hours a day then 3 maps should be fine but of course need a little bit more concentration you need to be at your very very a-game to defeat the best players in the world two koreans in a row one korean is waiting in the grand final that is focus and who's gonna challenge him another best of three to determine his opponent for the gold medal for the war three champions championship i'm i'm feeling it man this this feels different than your usual monday esl open cup final this is still the best of three and you only need two maps and not i have a lot of confidence in hawk right now weirdly if there's a lot of confidence in him generally like i'm like oh you know hawk's given up i've given up he's got no chance right now i'm like yeah i mean he showed he could do it he played it's like he played really solid it only took a couple of errors from happy and he was able to do it like i feel good for hawk definitely happy's a favor and app he's playing very well today but yeah i'm feeling good for hawk i really hope hawk is in shape as he was on friday and got this momentum that he needs against happy that he doesn't feel so lost anymore that he knows it's possible he started to see the matrix there on this very day but okay we've been there before axelot has taken the best of three off of happy had a dreamhack and then in the end when it really matters in the playoffs happy was just there there just like our supporters here more subs coming in thank you mr mayhem for the sub exxon holland for the 44 month resub stay hydrated my friends absolutely absolutely staying hydrated here with the prime stop and rookie 14-month war three champions finals are awesome and that is an awesome shirt remo thank you very much my man thank you all so much for the support dub dub let's get ready boys the second last game of the tournament who's gonna meet focus in the grand final it is the rematch happy ad hoc going up against each other once again hawk was able to win in the upper bracket the most sensational win for him in a long time was absolutely spectacular he wasn't able to make his run perfect by beating focus quite that game he did lose but he has a second chance now and this is really interesting to me happy is not a player who is used to losing at all but as i like to say you always learn most from your losses and now it's going to be really interesting to see how happy it's going to adjust and it's going to improve having learned from those losses yeah that's an interesting point about happy he's like he's obviously a world champion he's one of the top players of all time but one thing he doesn't have a ton of experience in is is losing and you know he's come back he's done reverse sweeps in the past and stuff like that but you know in a single tournament he's normally not making losers runs he's normally just making it straight to the grand finals not dropping a map winning so this is you know relatively new for happy to to feel what it's like to to go to the losers bracket to have the pressure on you if i can only lose one series and then i'm out of this tournament so you know it's new that's maybe the one thing he needs a little bit more experience in at times but uh we'll we'll see today we'll see the day of it it hasn't shook it all that'd be nice imagine if your biggest problem is that you win all the time yeah there there must be quite the life uh if you have that sort of privilege all right talk what were you seeing here i would imagine it's gonna be the same opening the same build as was the case two days ago green into expo it can be problematic if the dk shows up peasants dying and you don't manage to creep further not getting that level three in the arc mage could be a big pain but usually hawk always seems to be able to get that one happy moving across the map already not creeping the second green camp before harass which is a bit unusual so he wants to arrive way earlier this time trying to ideally steal some last hits here but the big boys are already gone interesting happy gets a a ring that's new and he also lost the skelly to the creeps remo demo he messed up his feet a little bit i mean that's uh that's actually unbelievable did you see that did you just see that video happy's in the slump jesus dropped this couple passes so almost saves it into the gold mine but a footman in a peasant is acceptable oh claus plus nine by the way my god is it hawk's day cosplay sign in a circlet happy gets a ring happy loses a skeleton to creeps i don't know might be the day there's perfect items for hawk absolutely tremendous start one peasant went down whatever and happy kind of free ball in it with this opening it didn't creep level two first he ran across the map in hopes of being able to steal last hits but he was too late for that so it seems like his homework perhaps wasn't ideal and he didn't figure out the timings perfectly now has to fall back now as to creep and it's the sag duo of items over here cloak plus ring for happy hey look the items for the archmage my man oh my god he can go get claws if he wanted to i'm surprised he went just straight to the shop and bought a circuit when he could have gone to the marketplace and maybe checked for another clause there but i suppose he wanted to hit the timing to be a little bit quicker yeah this is just tremendous for hawk currently he's lost only one peasant so far and he's even building with six so his expansion's gonna be super early he's not miss macroing his peasants in his main base this is gonna be as clean of a game as he had previously on northern isles yeah looking really good so far i need to start the tech here soon i think he neglected to make some peasants in the main the peasant count they're still really low on lumber only four seems like that's the first mistake for hawk this game not making enough there in the main base but still gonna progress towards you too here soon as we have the new donation coming in my style the 1337 says let's collect some tips for those awesome dudes providing high quality content of the game we all love thank you very much my man much appreciated also gary with a 10 month threesome is my favorite use of a weekend is watch walk grab three i think that is the case for all of us my friend as also the archmage now finally gets to level three got at the green camp saved his mana by the way didn't summon a watch elemental waited for that level three i do appreciate that bit of efficiency as happy now is looking to be aggressive and this time hawk is not in position to go for the counter-attack the run by right away gonna have to go back to the expansion here to defend the peasants i think he's fine to defend here though his archmage just bought boots is super strong even some more attack speed with the slippers of agility he's gonna lose some peasants here yes but i think he he's fine with defending right now the one thing that might hurt him is that that peasant count in the main base and he's losing some of the expansion right now so the lumber could back to but could come back to bite him in the future but for now he's probably happy to be able to get some right clicks with his archmage looks fun looks fun to have this hero yeah this old guy on the horse you wouldn't think of it when looking at him at first glance but he does pack quite the punch shout out to todd as defend is coming in at a very good timing you want to have that at the time that the lich comes out ideally because then footman lives are going to be threatened quite a bit more with a noble fox fire coming in archmage eats that first nova but still healthy enough those double circlets those plus more hp do make a difference yeah the shop's underway as well as the blacksmith with the expansion now two and there's no level three for happy he's gonna have to probably creep a little bit because he does like to have that level three as early as he can in most cases which normally his harass goes a little bit better he's gonna get that water elemental there but as soon as the shop is up the archmage is gonna be as healthy as he once was and there's plenty of defended footmen still to defend the fiends and without level two coil without any mana for coil as well this is going to be difficult for happy to get much done and this is not the usual early game normally happy finds tons of kills early seemingly has the perfect movement perfect harass this time i'm sure in hog's mind he's also thinking oh my god this early game went way better than i thought it would happy here miss stepping a bit early and this matchup is just so volatile it's crazy the ripple effect that every move in the early game has and hawk is absolutely looking to be in a good position it was just a handful of footies he's pushing back this undead force fairly easily waiting for his tech to finish but again the tier two wasn't that fast so this mk is delayed and so is tier three yeah this could be a position where hawk over commits with the foot man he's thinking oh my god oh my god i'm in a good spot i can get something done i've got the army to defend but maybe he could over commit some footman he's trying to put some damage on the statues with the water elementals you love to see it but fighting before his mountain king is here could cost him a few too many footmen and half he's about to be level three if he can get i think uh two more footman kills he will get level three so for now maybe hawk over committing slightly but he's certainly buying a lot of time for himself his tier three is underway he's uh continuing the sim city at the expansion even getting a workshop now and now he backs away i think that was pretty well in time but he gives level three to the death knight well he's retreating with that water elemental so happy's probably relatively happy with that exchange so is hawk i like the early workshop going for those gyros right away double racks double workshop that's what i want to see mass knights gyros that's the best way at dealing with this to deal with this under tier 3 push later on if we do see a banshee transition it might run into issues but then there should be a transition from the human upon seeing that later on and that's the question here i think the big one for the late game happy is he gonna go banshees this time in their previous encounter he refused to go for them but maybe this time he will it's a booster kelp was happy he's gotten awful items this game i'm afraid to say but um he does have tier three he's got the try hero he goes for the pit lord four towers almost up only a single arcane though and it's a little bit out of position for hawk he went for triple guard tower maybe a little bit unorthodox but the workshop seemed to be the focus we saw todd actually having his workshops caught out of position and this time one of two for hawk is going to be caught out he's trying to get it up and force him to cancel that means not a lot of flying machines he might not need a ton however the mount king getting a lot of experience though and a greater mana power king's almost level three rimadema and it's pretty sick the timing there was so tight man it was only a couple of seconds like two or three more seconds that workshop would have been finished and that makes a big difference that now means getting the necessary count up is going to be a lot harder but the pit lord expanded a lot of his mana so taking out this tower is going to be more difficult now for happy he's going to go in regardless i can tower burn not really too relevant right now and this mk if he gets one more kill just one more kill for the level three he's gonna get it right here too oh my god he's got so many snowballs he had happiness in town for the way i was gonna say that and he might even lose another feed he kills yeah just as a second fiend he kills the towers but hawk holds on tremendously that is the timing and happy doesn't look too strong at all is hawk pulling ahead now he was ahead before of course but pulling even more ahead yeah this is looking really good for hulk right now finally he has arrived on castle take it and pump out those nights now which is what he needs and happy has a slim window here he can creep two more camps the toast car and the lamp and then he has to go and then he has to all in that's it this is this is it there's no more time left in two or three minutes hawk is going to be too strong have too large of an army and happy won't have a chance anymore so the undead under the gun right now yeah i think hawk showing the the exact reason why maybe it's not the best idea to go for that toss car with the archmage right away save it for the mountain king the mountain king was 2.99 in holding that timing that it's so unorthodox normally you're barely holding on with a zero experience mount king but he's already level three the paladin's about to be out now too the lumber is still a little bit lacking i think due to that workshop being cancelled and being power built for so long and not going up and now he's gonna be a little bit more lumber the knights aren't actually being produced because a little bit of a supply block currently the farm will soon be completed and happy chooses to creep the red as a third camp before pushing but he's still gonna have the strong timing with those he got the two best items possible from these two creep camps park coming in for the creep jack the guy was trying to take out the destroyers right away getting healed for now big mana potion was committed but the destroyer does go down a lot more experience now for hockey dk surrounded almost might be going down the next stormboat hawk gonna get his next one here possibly one more stumbling that's it there he goes the hammer flies and hammer time it is gg does it again hawk with the one o lead against happy might be able to repeat a success it wasn't a fluke it wasn't a fluke it's happening again northern isles in is now officially human territory and what a game by hawk was that just flawless was there a single mistake i don't it was super sick i i don't i mean i thought he was over committing with the footman but it seemed to be like the perfect amount of commitment by that shop uh the creep with the mountain king was tremendous that was incredible i've never seen such an early level three mountain king against this pit lord timing what a game from hawk holy hell unbelievable absolutely wonderful however that early game was really messed up happy happy mess it up like that creep route and that timing for the attack was just off he grabbed the first green and then going to attack hoping to see some creeps but he was too late to do that he kept like one peasant had to fall back and keep creeping and get that level too and again this matchup is super volatile the early game is oftentimes game deciding you have to do big damage as the undead and if that doesn't occur normally the human is going to swim through as we saw here towards tier three towards that tech and get ready for knights drivers in the late game the mk was super strong as carson mentioned the items for happy were really trash oh my god that was just terrible all the way through but even not considering the items this was just not good enough in the early game here by happy which is so unusual to see northern isles really figured out very well nowadays by hawk but now we go to tidehunters where two days ago we had an absolute beat down by happy and it's unsurprising that this here is his map choice yeah before we move on to tight hunters we have a 10 euro donation to the prize pool by pishna don't do let me know take care of the pennies and pounds will take care of themselves guys do the quest and help our free champion staff for free exactly there's still quests up at the match arena four thousand two hundred and ten dollars at the moment would love to see that go higher because the games are absolutely amazing we have another donation thank you excellent 34 euro 20 have a beer guys epic casting much love that's a beer in norway for the three of us and gary thank you for the sub as we move on to map number two man it was already crazy that hawk took two maps off of happy on friday it is already crazy that he again takes northern isles if he too owes him now when was the last time happy got too old oh man um like 2008 probably maybe it's starcraft somewhere the robam tournament by fly i remember oh yeah true oh yeah that was a little bit disappointing there that was that was where nighting was playing in china that's kind of fun yeah the robot one belt one road that's where the uh the twisted meadows creep started that was the first tournament where you did the pulled the rock column that was sort of the beginning of the new era of high-level creeping was was that tournament very cool guys if you're tuning in late this score is not an error hawk is again able to take northern isles off of the emperor can he become the true usurper and kick happy out twice in a row he got match points twice in a row but this is the map where happy absolutely destroyed him so i wouldn't be too surprised to see the series go full distance again but maybe hawk did his homework he had saturday off of course there was a lot of reason to celebrate on friday evening but maybe he wants to improve on that tight hunters game where he got creep jack hart socks showed that maybe expanding on the bottom is an idea but it's also not the greatest idea what can human do against the happy harass on tidehunters we're about to witness it is match points for hawk the usurper i like that shout out to bobby b and to slash r slash free folk what is your nice what is your favorite game of thrones character carson and i will judge you for that choice for the rest of your life i'm not good with the names who is the uh the uh the dad of the lannisters what was his name again i win yeah that's that's the best character of course yeah he was really good yeah charlotte's dance amazing incredible incredible actor incredible character terrible names but yeah he's a good character that's a good choice he was he was really good most of the cast really good young things i was always a big fan of davos but i feel like in the last season maybe in the last two seasons they used him too much for comic relief yeah yeah he was kind of like the not the foil i'm not sure exactly what the technical term is but yeah he would definitely had just it was like almost just used for a certain purpose and not as like an actual character i agree with that okay you'd have that amazing scene with melisandre which was so good look older anyways um standard opening teen start you know compared to two days ago the upside here is it can't get worse for hog here in the early game compared to two days ago true yeah we'll have to keep an eye on that accolade but the accolades being dealt with by the footman the actor actually caught slipping for a second there took a few extra hits we'll see what the creep route is for happy seems to be um well thought out this time around take a little bit of damage on that death knight but the creeping will be finished soon and so claws for hawk so he's getting good items yet again happy uh gets a ring again oh no the it's again it's just it's just the warcraft gods i think they they want hawk to win they want hawk in the grand finals the ring cloak curse will we see it again happy by the way playing a different creep rock before he just sniped the item went over to her ass and hogg glad to see this left completely on his lonesome to freely creep up the natural and gonna be able to set up the expansion here quickly which is nice oh my god these items close the circuit all right boys here we go um however with this creep route with going for such a fast expansion getting up to level three not so easy he's gonna pull over the murloc cam get a bit more experience there but it won't be quite enough to reach that level three yeah he'll be quite close a couple of skeletons might seal the deal half he stops by the marketplace finds a clause there that could almost be something that hawk could have incorporated in i feel like if hawk ran over there he might have been able to beat happy there get another clause but now the harass begins skeleton's summoned of course another rod will be backpacked over by the first fiend that's out so there'll be plenty more skeletons where they came from what did you forget to make peasants in the main i think actually i think he actually did looking at it it's just a couple of seconds with the lumber mill or the power build rather was missing but uh yeah especially for the tier two timing it's gonna be rough death knight's quite low though quite low indeed and he's gonna continue to take some damage luckily he got those items which are gonna help but he's might not be able to make use of the second rod of necromancy with how low he is he's got one more coil he should throw early there it is maybe gonna be able to get one more peasant so far this is decent though for happy i mean it's not not the best but he's gotten i think enough peasant kills here yeah it's if one more fault it will be four peasant kills which is a players kind of normal a little above average maybe yeah three is kind of the standard and there we go there goes the fourth the town hall finally finishes more peasants coming in from the main we have five peasants still left on the main on lumber sixth one coming in but yeah this tier two not going to be too quick over here for heart this time is remembering peasants at least for the most part needs to keep building them right now the death knight extremely low but luckily for happy he crept for that aura already and he's quite a ways into his level two so he's gonna have level three much earlier than he did last game and i in my opinion i think that's a very important part of this sort of mid game before you're all into the expansion when you want to trade with the footman when you want to do a little bit more damaging than level three but the level three is first gained by hawk who gets boots in another circlet now and it's going to continue the pressure the main though with the shop happy should be safe slaughterhouse cancel would be nice to have footman now coming in but without defend they're not gonna be much of a threat and defend is still far away from finishing as the tier 2 just started lumber's still a bit low hawk unable to start that in a moment doesn't have a tower yet at the expo by the way no shop either so if this footman force gets pushed back across the map nice steel there with the coil the peasants again might be in trouble and happy sending in skeletons continuously finding more and more present kills yeah mantle of intelligence now in the arc mage as well the items are pretty good but death knight's about to be level three just in time for the lich to pop out lych actually gets a health potion and a potion of mana is this going to be maybe happy realizes there's no arcane tower he's going to do a huge investment into tier 2 here it seems the ziggs a little bit late though for the statue for happy actually but still this seems to be again a big investment in the halls of the dead [Music] you're gonna have to keep a close eye here on when the tech is starting now could be the time for happy the nova connects big ooh that hit all five footies hawk perhaps inviting that a bit too much double potion on the dk gives him a lot of staying power even before the statues are here oh and there's a little coil this is gonna be a town portal maybe no has to be used on the fiend the shop is so close to being done but the archmage really can't go back in and the archmage is kind of the carry here with these auto attacks so he can't really get damage in the arcane tower so late is that a mistake from hawk it must be because he should have one he should have his second and third tower on the way upgrading by now but doesn't even have an arcane tower i feel like this is just a macro error from hawk and this might be costing him the game he's gonna take so much damage here yeah how different the map can look we saw that two days ago already where on titans he got absolutely demolished happy before his favorite home turf seemed to be the frigid north of northern isles but now seems to have uh adopted a more tropical mindset on the luscious uh waves of tight hunters he seems to be faring very well militia called in from the main oh he gets us around the ledge nice but you know it's uh it's for the gallery more than anything yeah he's at least gonna buy a little bit of time for his archmage to maybe get in range the shop nice potion my god he actually had to sell an item there he had to sell the mantle just to have the time to use the potion one more coil left on the death knight the statue is going to help fix that problem though and the towers are still the adult the fiend even goes in to cancel the healing and the clarity on the archmage the tier two is finished mountain king on the way but happy of course is going tier three himself because he knows he doesn't need to stay any longer on tier 2 to do damage this expansion and there's no tower no single one standing as the undead is approaching tier three that is not good holding on here over the second place gonna be hard especially the archmage dies new here potion needed last second cutting it close over here sweaty spaghetti for hawk in this game too oh almost actually sneaks a surrounding on that lich but there could have been a town portal pass mountain king out so there's a couple of low heroes no coils a low fiend maybe hawk could find some time with the storm bolt the arcane tower now is being built tier three is being tacked two three almost done for happy and he has yet to lose any units here so hawk's got to get something done with this early mountain king or this tier three time he's going to be too strong coil of course it's there frost armor of course it's there but that's the last one for a while maybe one fiend kill at last for hawk no burrow yet that should be the first kill all right hawk gets something done almost to deny there by the lich which would have made things uh a bit more painful for hawk as if they're not already next on bolt connecting shouldn't lead to a kill frost armor here protecting these fiends nicely mk now out of mana but hawk pushes back the force that's the most important thing finally gets some breathing room and some time to make use of his higher tech hopefully later tier three halfway done second barracks now coming in but no workshops yet not a single one even in production right now only two lumber peasants in the main no blacksmith yeah he forgot about his power building it now actually that's it i get a macro error from hawk he's playing very well but it's just it's just all macros forgetting about the towers forgetting about peasants early on not having the lumber to power build the expansion and now forgetting about the blacksmith it's just simple errors unforced errors the lich getting surrounded maybe is there a coil there's one coil the orb oh my god that was close to the lich going down town pearl's gonna have to be passed here all right hawk buys himself a bit more time but hacky happy's gonna come back over here you can certainly be sure of this one mana potion on the dk and now happy's fully online he's got the statues he's got the orb he's got destroyer form and possibly a third hero pit lord if he wants to go for that again especially with a low amount of towers at the expansion and how just simply attackable they are by fiends i think that'll be a great choice i think i think hawk has to suicide some footman here or else happy just goes straight to the expansion and cancels both workshops i think he has to delay a bit longer happy's going towards the main base though so the workshops are going to get up we're going to have fly machines tier 3 is done lumber's still pretty rough for hawk he can just afford his paladin but oh how nice it would be to have two nights in production right now he doesn't have the farms or the lumber to get it going though and you mentioned it just macro errors stacking up here on map too one after the next it side with not enough peasant production at the very early stages and continued to be the case with not enough peasant production and now hawk has to hold on with only footies in my potion on the mk only hope for him here is to kill this dk storm bolt kill the dk otherwise he can't hold this staff out buying some time is buying time when the scroll the beast is running as well knights are now in production flying machines could be produced soon again not a lot of farms for hawk he's got to build more farms to be able to go above upkeep he's luckily for him i guess losing some footmen but now the mountain king exposed because of the staff of sanctuary the paladin coming out but it might even be a waste of mana to try to save that mountain king at this stage he's gonna do his best here by that holiday not enough and i think happy's just gonna finish this one off now nova reign of fire bye bye peasants knights are coming out all right we have some damage now being added in but there's frost armor against it and there's no storm bolt to combo with these knights so happy not really losing anything here the level 2 aura is helping him as well hawk trying to scrape by with a very few force that he has but it seems undoable now king's only level one though mountain king will come back there's two more knights on the way and the shop is at the expansion so we can heal up he's gonna have three heroes he's not mining currently in the main base what's lumber look like actually decent mountain king is able to squeak by the pit lord in the death knight and hawk is healing up in the meantime two more knights are coming out to reinforce currently starting to grow in numbers and happy has yet to really morph any destroyers he's now going actually for an abomination behind this but he shut down the mining completely in the main base i think hawk has to go for one final stand again for getting a farm that's the power bullet at the expo has been happening over and over here this game tight hunters just doesn't seem to work out for hawk next series they're gonna play i wouldn't be too surprised if this one gets banned all right here we go again trying to take out the dk but instant counters around with the fiends focus on the pally gets saved with the staff but perhaps only for a second could be taken out next november there's no altar left anymore stumbled takes out one fiend finally hawk gets a kill again but happy's getting way more i'm surprised he happy not more of any destroyers here and especially surprised to see that abomination he could just go into destroyers and completely kill his entire ground army but he continues to try to kite four knights still on the field the paladin seems like he will live through the staff the mountain king also gonna live by a potion for himself oh the paladin oh he's so close to being done with the staff but might be focused down okay the mountain king comes back in so much damage from these knights actually but the abomination now at least here to tank a bit for happy a great game so far by happy i think the one thing that he's kind of uh mishandling in the late game here is not enough frost armor it's been pretty rarely applied now we saw one coming in again happy gonna take a stance back just for a second could take out two or three valuable camps here easily in a matter of seconds paul gonna appreciate this little breather trying to go for his own camp at the lab is that gonna result in the hero level up maybe mk2 for bash is okay but how different this is looking to another night where the mk gets to level three so quickly a completely different story here now on this giant strength not gonna be too bad there's still a town portal for hawk to get out might have to use it right now might be wise but he's gonna go in he's got a lot of nights but not a real big amount of sustain to keep these heroes alive bring a fire land snap out that means no bolt to secure kills any longer a knight is falling and the frost armor might not be applied but i think there's just enough units as hawk counters away and gets out with everything other than the one night but now the mount might be a bit exposed in the main base as well as that night that just gets stabbed that looks like two easy kills over here staff are good you know option to save units but it does come with a downside you just simply cannot move those units you can't you have to wait until they're fully healed to be able to control them again but the mk will actually survive the knights are pushing back the fiends once again and taking the statue trying to get that's around here but not quite able to and happy kiting this knight army easily i almost want to say mormon knights are falling happier six supply has a big supply lead against the guy who needs the supply on the other hand let's find one more fiend worth noting there is no alter currently if one of these heroes does fall but it seems to be knights for the focus fire okay the paladin's starting to be focused now is there a staff on cooldown he actually used the staff from the archmage not the paladin that paladin is dead for a long time a couple more beans taking some damage the orb helps against that coil but there's just not a lot of units now the altar is being built after the paladin is dead but happy even if he loses a couple of beans here still might have enough as he chain morphs and destroyers and there's the nail in the coffin because there's no flying machines only now it seems like hawk is just like oh i need that and then builds it after it's always reactionary it's never preemptive now he's getting flying machines but he's about to lose his main base yet again and without that income hawk doesn't stand a chance here anymore he's too far down in levels to be able to do this on one base he needs the two base economy he's been trying to hold on to that this whole game arc mage might be falling coil finally used offensively archmage falls off his horse and just like superman that comes to a gruesome end all right that was a mean joke sorry but uh that should be the end of game number two here as happy is gonna tie up this series five four three hero levels held yeah he's in his element right now cool the seahawks still still trying to hold on here i mean it's definitely game over it's 31 against 64 supply and the altar is clogged by the paladin currently but it's cool to see he's uh he's confident he's gonna try and hold on he knows he's strong in the late game because you know gyro with the try hero of human could be very very good but it's got to take a little less damage in getting there he's got to make it's it was simply i mean it wasn't as though happy hour played him the entire game he kind of just made some simple mistakes that you could argue were force errors because he's being pressured a lot it's hard to macro under pressure when you're forced to micro but you know definitely someone of his caliber could clean up this game and come back a lot stronger because happy doesn't look unbeatable here there's definitely some openings to get kills happy himself now looking for some more kills eyeing up that arc made she's looking pretty spicy with that 650 hp calling over pretty dangerous here there's only one holy lights and um yeah i mean we know this one is gonna go let's be real this is gonna be the entire army for hawk falling probably thinking about the next map already which is gonna be last refuge if i'm not mistaken as everything is hitting the deck oh look at that deny even the last second dark ritual coming in as hawk glues everything finally calls for the gg and we're going to move to a third deciding map the emperor strikes back this is what we expected but if we compare this tight hunters to friday's tight hunters this went a lot longer and this time it wasn't only happy's dominance it was rather hawk inviting happy to game three too many mistakes for a lower bracket final that can't happen on this level unfortunately it did but maybe he thought okay tight hundreds is happy's map anyway um this is not the worst thing in the world if i'm losing this it all came down to game or it comes down to game three and this is i guess what we all expected anyway yeah that's pretty cool it's gonna be really hype here for map number three last refuge if it is i might be wrong maybe it's autumn leaves all right autumn leaves yeah autumn is okay excuse me i was wrong about that one um bringing it down to the wire happy has been here many times before he's been losing some games he's been close to being eliminated out of a tournament but normally he always makes it and now the nerves are gonna come into effect who's gonna keep their cool better and gonna come out on top here there's definitely some improvement that hawk has to make missing that power bill in the early game missing that peasant production missing so many buildings as well the blacksmith among oth among many others that's just not allowed you can't make those mistakes mother is happy all right have to redo the lobby here with a little bit of a bug but hawk seems to be in a good mood still here no no big issues for him i think he knew that this would probably be a loss and now it comes all down to autumn leaves oh man one map away from the big big big upset man like it's tough because it was hard to even like count the amount of mistakes that hawk was making but they were all in one area it was just macro errors and of course this is a macro based match-up from the humans perspective it's all about you know scraping by by getting as early timings as you possibly can so he can't make those errors but hopefully for his sake he's got uh he's able to clean it up that's all he has to do he doesn't have to do anything crazy he doesn't have to change his strategy entirely he doesn't need new creep routes he doesn't need to micro much better than he has but he's been micro pretty well just needs to clean up the sloppy mistakes that he was making on the macro side of things and then he would have had a totally different game on tidehunters so hopefully for hawk's sake he can clean it up focus is waiting in the grand final after this map we get the war 3 champions keynote by floss two times daily who's gonna tell us everything that is going on at the war three champions project and what is coming up with the walk three champions uh project and then we have the grand final of focus versus x who's x is it happy is it hawk would be a rematch of the winner bracket final of course when when was the last tournament that happy participated but did not win in europe or with european that was not offline in europe oh boy well at least not offline yeah because it would have been anaheim if not but uh i don't remember past that and that was actually last time i think he played focus worth noting and focus one in anaheim yeah also at wgl when he won that tournament who threw him down to the lower bracket focus his kryptonite always was back in the gara cup days as well they had plenty of grand finals versus each other i was pretty sick indeed pretty sick as also this series this rivalry throughout the entire weekend it will come down to that one more map autumn leaves it is no ch on happy side there is a little bit of a switch up in the map uh pool and we will see how this resolves will it be happy again he is the reigning war three champions champion or will it be hawk to dethrone him entirely and not only throw him to the lower bracket but out of the tournament the decision in the lower bracket final now ark with destiny in his hands can he claim it or he's gonna let it slip you can't let his macros look like he did a map too if he does this is gonna be over quick and pretty clear but he has gotten a taste of victory he knows he can beat happy and i feel like maybe i'm just projecting here but i think it's really important to get that win in against a nemesis just to make yourself believe that you can do it and i think he has that trust that believe in himself now that confidence yeah that is necessary yeah this is um definitely the most adverse city happy's had to face in a tournament for a long time so hawk's gotta be happy that he's the one delivering that but his you know his palms are probably pretty sweaty right now arms weak mom spaghetti all that good stuff most likely but you know autumn leaves is it a good map for human remodel what do you think is it good is it good for the expansion um i don't know it's kind of i think it's kind of average it's not really good it's not really bad you can certainly creep it no problemo but usually you're going to lose some lastest to the coil and the dk is going to get some good xp from there especially in the hands of happy yeah i think hawk normally goes rather to the outside expo rather than into the middle which is going to make holding on against the fiend pressure easier but especially if you lose that task master lasted of the cobalt it's going to be a bit rough hawk show before how well he can deal with the dk if he's paying attention to it you have to let the archmage click away on the dk put on those right clicks over and over uh task one footman with chasing him as well it's so important right pressure that first hero from the it right away look at this from happy he pulls the berserker and the trapper so far away it almost helps hawk for a second but now it slows it down a little bit it's still kind of cool yeah i do like if if hawk goes for the the corner expansion as opposed to the close expansion i like that better not only because it's safer later on not only because you have some nice green camps close by you can keep safely but also just because you can get better items and he's got a circle to start but you can get a much nicer item than from the expansion actually he's going for right now so i guess he just agrees he wants the easier faster creep than going for the uh the tough creep in the corner if happy steals two lastings here this ahmed is gonna be in trouble city level three is hugely important for the am organ magi must not be given away but it is that's rough i think he could have maybe just started attacking the death knight there forced him back a little bit if he just got him a little further away nice uh blasting on that trapper at least if he just got him a little bit further away the coil range would have made it so he could get that last hit so maybe a little sloppy from hawk there but definitely much more difficult than it seems to defend against his death knight harass so far a couple of peasants going down not uh game-winning damage for happy but that last hit was very big i feel like in the games he's happy he's been losing he's been giving the human too much space falling back to creep too much right now look at the archmage experience he's so far away from level three if hawk is just forced to hold back and uh refrain from creeping and just stay at the expo if the lich comes out plus statues and the am is only level two it's going to be so hard for hog to hold meaning i think happy should keep being aggressive right now yeah pick up a run of necromancy and keep pressuring even if you don't kill anything just force this am to play defense interesting happy didn't go for backpack i suppose because the rush distance isn't that long autumn leaves especially towards this expansion and yeah hawk he would have to pretty much go to his shop if he wanted to keep creeping they're standing at the tavern is he thinking about a dark ranger that would be unusual but can be impactful skeleton summon peasants in trouble this is looking like at least three more peasant kills over here he could have done the bouncer i feel here with the better tower positioning and a footman towards the bottom of the expansion i think i don't know why people only do that on northern isles like he could have definitely done that here he has the town hall placement but because he didn't he's gonna lose three four peasants tower is going to get cancelled the death penalty is low yeah but this is a lot of damage now for happy oh my god the peasant dude that guy just saw a life passing before his eyes he almost died that's kelly just barely taken out in time and that again slows down the expansion quite a bit lynch coming slaughterhouse being made and the dk is still sharking around looking for more damage the archmage abandoning his workers at the moment oh oh there's a one more charge of rod and necromancy as well there's soon to be one more coil the expansion is up but the tech is gonna be seriously delayed for hawk he's gonna have to attack with probably six seven peasants in the main base which is decent but he's gonna lose a whole ton more at the expansion the archmage was trying to pressure the main base but there's two fiends there to greet the single archmage on level two and you might be right the arctic is gonna be stuck on level two for quite a while unless he gets this entire camp but the peasants continue to go down the tower continues to be cancelled the arcane might get up this time around but i think happy is still pleased with the amount of damage he's done he's killed what eight peasants now maybe more happy certainly back on form here looking like the dominant force that we know him to be archmage now wait did he steal that one i think he got the whole camp or at least he got two or three yeah okay that's crazy look at the lich's experience my god nasty plays nasty plays by happy showing up when he needs to hear on map three in the decision and hawk finally establishes expansion but boy oh boy was that painful that's nice so close to level three now one more footman would do it even if it's split amongst the two heroes and hawks still trying to get that level three he's pretty close himself but his attack is only now started like happy might just be able to keep pushing yet again and hawk is going to be so long he needs another minute and a half even longer before he's got his mountain king out pk level 3 before am that is the short synopsis of this game it is a complete disaster for hawk trying to hold on once again with the few forces that he has if he takes out those skellies he's gonna get level three so that's finally where he's gonna be able to find that level up chasing after fiend well that's a better kill actually taking that fiend out will be accomplished i believe but again it comes at a price everything comes at a price happy checking up those prices despite his communist origins it's gonna be able to uh kill a lot of the footmen and continue the pressure the expansion's not even fully mining currently level two water elemental at last but the statue was just here perfectly in time to heal up those footmen to get more mana to heal up to the deathly just always perfectly on time the statue takes a little bit of damage but the aura is going to help with that and more peasants fall the tier 2 about to be finished it'll be another minute before the mount king is out but the archmage out of nowhere didn't even see it goes down to a coil nova and gigi's called and happy's in the grand finals yet again that was just wrath for what hawk did to him on friday and on map one holy moly that was a map adjustment that happy played so well and that's game that's how quick you can lose a series against happy you lose the momentum on map to maybe lose your steam a little bit and if you don't play your a plus with a star game games look like this this was more like the monday's esl cup kudos to hawk to play it so good friday and on map one here on northern isles but if happy's in shape it's rough and if you are not in shape then it's almost impossible but that means that mr carson is getting his grand final in happy versus focus in the best of five that's what i wanted man when i looked at this grid initially i was like it's gotta be it i know it's gonna be happy and it's gotta be an orc to test him i don't think anyone else i don't think the top night elves are going to testimony that's already been proven defeating the light quite easily actually the humans didn't challenge him undeads don't tend to challenge him and meer being the best of that so it's gotta be an orc and focus is uh looking like the best challenger maybe in the world currently is maybe except for lin but i mean focus is playing well in this tournament maybe this is the best test that happy could possibly have currently oh man i'm looking so much forward to this it feels like even back in the day in the jericho's when happy was rising after coming back from starcraft and it was just every week we got this best of five then we had no hosting solutions anymore and we had to wait for this to happen again this was a great run by happy through the lower bracket but it was also an amazing run by focus through the winner bracket where he already defeated people like mikhail sock lolite and hawk but he wasn't tested by the very best yet it's either gonna be the same old champ in happy or it's gonna be a new one in focus it's of course a little late in korea but we want to give happy the time after uh three maps in a row to take some time we will have the keynote with floss two times daily about the project war three champions about the current state about the future and of course time for you to spread some love about this very project here we're gonna set this up we're gonna call flossie then we'll talk a bit and then we have the grand final between focus and happy that's what everybody's waiting for so you don't go anywhere spread the word and we'll see each other in just a couple of minutes you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 6,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: 7NMNqhL1rls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 54sec (3054 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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