WC3 - Rejuvenation Cup: [UD] eer0 vs. LawLiet [NE] (Playday 16)

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law light versus one two zero former teammates of ell will be kicking off the day here in the rejuve cup play day sixteen low light looking decently strong same for one two zero they're in the middle of the standings right now we're gonna take a look at that later but right now we're gonna hop into the game because uh we are starting right now thank you very much mango with the 21 month resub says welcome back remo thank you so we're starting off on northern isles and uh if you guys haven't been watching too much over the last two weeks you might be wondering warden what's going on warden isn't that weird it was weird for the longest time but lawley had found a really cool way to make the warden work gonna explain it later thank you also vitikind with a five month resub much appreciated heavy creeping here on both sides the warden of course as we all know very level dependent also the dk will need to get at least level three rather for quickly starting off with really good items pendant and ring oh yeah i guess that's not really good but you know against the warden can still be good and yeah lolite was playing quite a bit of warden recently and he was able to take maps even off of happy i'm trying to remember was it one map or two maps i think it was two maps and colorful also followed in his footsteps also playing warden also taking maps off of happy on the top level the knights have been struggling in this matchup for a while now and on the top level means against happy and one to zero against everyone else the keeper dried expo still works well and the mass air still works well but against happy and one to zero it doesn't seem to work anymore so then i also have been looking for new answers oh didn't get the last hit warren secures it lots of mana i invested though demon hunter old standard doesn't seem to work cheaper any variation doesn't seem to work so lawley especially has been trying out the warden and it's been looking pretty damn good with the warden fast tacking to tier three trying to get the bonus experience get level five and once she's level five add in a panda second to have mass aoe in the late game with blink fan and breath of fire trying to out damage all the undead's healing that seems to be the new approach that lola and some other night elves have been trying and indeed it has found some success however happy especially also has been reacting recently by going into um panties as well banshees in the late game which could be and panda if that all is gonna shake out this way the way i outlined it we're gonna see both heroes crept to level three nothing too eventful has happened so far i don't think a single unit died yet did it i don't believe so a dk might be getting surrounded here yep that's a lock he's got the staff can easily get home skelly's expecting the wisp there it is [Music] a little bit more damage to the deca but of course it's going to regen on blight and with aura and all that nice touch i wanted the rest of skelly here to try to at least punish the wisp but always looking fine he's got a moon well at the natural maybe thinking about an expansion but with the warden you really want to go tier three fast and double down on the experience game i feel like i've said this like five times these last couple of days i imagine most of you know but maybe not everybody knows if you have only solo hero you get bonus experience gain on tier two and tier three if you're tier two you get 15 bonus if you're tier three you get 30 bonus and that is very important for the warden to try to get that level five maybe even lower six but again the way the light's been playing this is rush towards level five solo hero and once she's level five add in the panda and try to create space with a blink fan warden big creep jack here though with the cordova this should be easy kills archer falls but the shredder is mechanical so that one should get away it's important to keep this alive lola does not want to lose the shredder will sacrifice another archer for it that's fine what now close level 4 does not have blink by the way fan and shadow strike build a player's forces are under attack lol for years now and by years i mean like seven years the best warden player in the world and i think very clearly the best warden player of all time i was a big doubter in the warden for a long time i thought against top undead's she's unreliable but lawley had found this new way to play with warden level 5 rush and a panda added late game i think that could be a viable way to play unless banshees ruin the day that i think is not quite clear yet all right here we go tier three finish one to zero he's gonna look for the frenzy timing this is always the scary time for the warden you have to hold on against this push normally the knights will add in an ap in the main trying to hold on against this push i think the light didn't make one which is kind of surprising gordon got level four and getting from level four to level five even with bonus experience just from creeping is very hard ideally you want to take out some fiends take some ghouls try to get the experience that way because you get a lot of xp from that dark ranger is normally the third hero that always gets added here wait there's no fiends have you focus on the dk but he's gonna survive where are the fiends wait what is one of zero going wagons and avons this is a very weird army another ghoul gonna go down this is a great fight for lorelei he's able to eliminate some ghouls before the push hits his main base before even the dark ranger is there why are there no fiends in dark ranger i must say i'm quite confused inward potion force tp as well and low light if he even gets the item from the middle that will be sick but now everything's too hurt the lich remained we are dependent on the lich no yeah that's weird chimps oh i see that was double slaughterhouse sorry i didn't see the double slaughterhouse double slaughterhouse is always a bombs and wagons and also destroyers yeah and chimps work very well against that good scout by lawliat we are choice by one two zero though why isn't he just going fiends and banshees fiends and banshees is the swiss army knife of undead composition always good always works always what you need basically the best army in any situation with some exceptions it's not that good against mass archers for example but it would be good yeah these gyms are gonna kick in like chuck norris with a round house good point by kevin uh what does it probably expect ap is in the main that's why he's going wagons yeah that's a good point what a hard counter though did you see it i don't think he did he took out the moon well but two gyms are ready pendant and also the mana aura now cat guess pipe would be great for a panda later the warden didn't level too quickly to be honest if you don't have bears you can't really creep too well out on the map we saw the light also yesterday again so and his reads were amazing there already he already you always knew exactly what he had to do it was super sick and here as well he doesn't go for the ap but i wanted zero expected the ap probably but then again he went wagons and then he didn't push into the main so did he really expect aps i think his wagons are also super good against riots forces are under attack not so good against chimps it turns out this red cam will go to one two zero level four on the dk and the holy aura unfortunate fine for him all i bought at least one uh set of one of illusion here maybe even two and the chimps behind the gold mine and there's no fiends to web them oh my god are you kidding me can't he repair against this the repairs lakes oh my god the haunted is gone but also lots of drives dying and bears oh but look at that magic damage boys and i don't normally have a really tough time dealing with statues chimps how great are dealing with statues but the word dies oh no oh loli there was such a sick game by him but he loses the warden he used a fan of knives there didn't use the tp when you use a spell and your mid animation sometimes you can't use items denies the chimp one bought back tpus she's far away from level six oh great saves though four drives survive at least game's not over yet lola had lost a lot of units and the biggest problem is the world is far away still from level six if the dryers and bears would have just been kept safe somewhere else and the warden would have been next to the gyms to tp them out if necessary here we go blink fan retraining ideally now lolite may want to go for a panda to creep him up but northern isles honestly doesn't have that many creeps so it's hard to find uh level up opportunities for panda lake game maps like last refuge or tight hunters that would be much better then comes the warden one to zero quick with the splits if the warden blinks in she might be in a bit of trouble only gets one acolyte here all that is doubling down on the chimps three chimps more upgrades one one about to be 2-1 but i would say dk and lich definitely outscale the warden if it's solo warden the dk is about to be level five i would certainly favor one to zero in this position and the coil a bit too late there's a few things that are off with this one play here by law light it's expanding in the corner does he have the time for this though the goal here of course is for the warden to buy space use the blink fan harass the economy force one to zero to stay back and get this expansion up and running there's a zeppelin now the acolytes are safe and one two zero is going to attack the main with wagon so there's gonna be a lot of siege potential it's still not that much anti-air right it's one gargoyle and colonova basically plus a bit of destroyer damage is staffing back i found noise by the way it's not very effective here there's not many fiends there's not many ghouls 43 supply only for la light here one of illusion baiting some spells but there's lots of mana on these undead heroes two ap's finished though they would be a big help if it should come to a fight right here ward also doesn't have bears to aid her so no rejuvenation makes things a bit more difficult oh she doesn't even have an overvenom by the way very interesting game not an easy position for la light by any means trying to chip away at this undead army oh boy the magic damage though does kick in oh look at that magic damage against the heavy armor warden suddenly level five and a half unfortunately the ap denied the one a bomb which would have been big experience abomination is i'm not experiencing it again 85 times 1.3 a player's forces are now the fiend transition is finally coming in oh the moon wells are completely bone dry oh that has lots of gold though mass destroyers should the light switch into hippos maybe this is such a weird game dude suddenly we have mass destroyers final eyes now completely useless blessing neo probably wincing at this but especially the heroes i feel like these ended heroes hardly can be dealt with or the one you got a lot more experience where did that come from suddenly she's 5.8 more chimps are under attack oh the chimp two shots to cool bam [Laughter] all right there's more experience ward once that level six acolytes have all been saved takes out the narrow tower because the narrow tower also gives experience 25 times 1.3 she's very close now gets one more statue oh look at that one kill away from level six oh if that a-bomb hadn't been denied earlier this chimera will be sacrificed there's no more ghouls honestly it's not that easy to get level six here maybe low light just just uh staff back drink from the moon wells go for an inverse potion so you can guarantee it get that one kill on the acolyte getting in undetected i think it would be worth it it's going to be night time again in a moment this is where again the night elf feels a bit safer with superior vision moon well region shadow meld so we got five 500 heroes where's the warden now she was at the shop i guess oh very smart by one to zero he's in the middle next to the shop anticipating the invest potion maybe but he moves north it's gonna it's a freebie bear right there yum yum all right he's gonna go for the counter attack yes he is he knows he's gonna get level six warden he's gonna have avatar of vengeance he can summon in the undead main base or the tp not an indus potion i think that was a mistake not going for the invis with the invis he definitely would have gotten at level six oh the acolyte oh my god that one actually is gonna be level six are you kidding me the black citadel also gives experience but it takes a while to bring down tp home that acolyte are you kidding me lol level six oh the lich isn't level five yet oh and the lore survived that's actually a big deal thousand gold for alliant what's he making here double lures okay he just wants to go into mass triads i think that makes sense i guess against these strong undead heroes hippos would just be getting a player anyways this is a cool game to start off the day ladies and gents oh look at that once they're unsummoned the graveyard so that the corpses won't be respawning five head play they still last for a little while corpses last 90 seconds i believe but then they're going to be gone a player's forces are under attack it means no fiends true i don't think he needs fiends though the heroes are strong enough to deal with any army oh but look at lolite classic law alliance expanding everywhere mushroom expansions sprouting up in every corner and if one to zero moves out then low light will hit the main very intricate tactical game now this is the most effective uh corrosive breath chimps game i've seen in a long time all the gyms get caught though one's gonna die right away he wants to take out the black citadel and he does tp out one shim lost maybe a dryad no that one actually surprised whoa the chimp wasn't in range one two three doesn't see it no way no way no way no way no way no way ah he doesn't see it oh it escapes oh the destroyers are too late but they can probably kill the gym anyways [Music] allied may have more bases but there's still no way he can win a fight so how is he going to win this game it's a very unusual game this game is no longer about who wins fights it's about who kills the buildings in this one finally how much gold do we have left in this gold mine light still only has a tiny army should the light train back into shadow strike maybe or the dk taking a lot of damage here maybe he should it definitely needs blink so he can't go shutter strike plus fan a player's forces are under attack why did he remake that acropolis by the way seems like a little bit of a waste oh another chimp caught it's finally literally five this is gonna be a long day today folks a players forces are under attack around 30 minutes in game seems far from over lala is probably waiting for the gold mine to run out and we'll be trying to just eliminate all the buildings whilst not allowing a counter expansion resource is very low now on both sides i like that i got nature's blessing a player's force which double five by the way eliminates the possibility of any repair because uh the nova will one shot all the wisps how much gold we have left quite a bit fifteen hundred gold still one zero can definitely win this game both players can win this game i think it's all about movement knowing where to move and how to use your chess pieces first blink dodge of the game and yeah he did retrain shadow strike retrain going heavy for the dk does he have death pact oh boy here come the gym warden needs to be careful as well she is quite squishy as a tp though still your potion used first dk dies first aren't triggered it seems like he doesn't have death pact was that the big mistake i wanted that might cost him the game oh the a-bomb survives on half a hit point warden chasers gets the kill almost level seven her level seven won't be that big of a help but i guess blink level three lower cooldown at least three second cooldown now yeah the retrain into shadow strike definitely made a lot of sense here the warden brought two tones of retraining this game kind of funny first time to skill into blink fan second time to skill into blink shadow strike the tree of eternity made its way over all i'd lost a lot though 37 supply only left but he's about to be mining off of two bases and the dk doesn't have death pack this is going to be a continuous weakness oh the fiends all right from this point by the way the warden doesn't get stronger if she gets level eight level one fellow knives doesn't do anything and level two foul knives if she gets nine doesn't really do anything either figures the moon stone the light has superior vision here and i think he's got it involved is going to keep him alive for a bit she's he's just waiting for the involved to be over and then the light should be able to get this blinks in shadow strike what a game by lalit the best warden player in the world one two zero calls for the g g damn that was cool and the warden lolite signature hero works out once again what a sick read man one two zero going for the wagons law alliance responding by not going aps by going for gyms instead and then winning with a semi base race kind of game despite some mistakes in there especially the warden loss of course was painful and there was another moment where the warden made a mistake i kind of forget what it was but that was cool i like that one oh lead for alliant the warden in his hands is just such a pleasure to see thing is of course warden not playable on every map one eye coils very much playable but echo else is almost guaranteed vetoed we have seen her on last refuge before with mixed success we've seen her in tidehunters before with mixed success autumn leaves it can work concealed hill is definitely impossible amazonium i'm not sure about amazonia although that's probably also vetoed by one to zero if we hop into map number two we take a quick look at the standings we haven't uh observed those so far lola and motors are really close to each other kind of in the middle of the field law allied at seven points at the moment one two zero with six points if lolite should win today he's going to catch up with chamiko in points although he has one more game so chemical has the chance to pull ahead there happy and chemical both looking really good in the standings and we're gonna see them play later after this game really hype for that as well all right let's go to map number two and i'm very surprised to see this one echo isles the best word map in the pool this might mean that one two zero wants to counter the warden by fast expanding fast expo against warden can be really good because the warrior is going to be very passive and creeping in the early game so the undead can freely go for a fast expo if he wants here we see the warden no surprise there why is moon not playing in region of cup yeah i don't know either he's like the one top player that's missing i can't tell you i don't know why he's not here to be honest it's a bit of a shame but maybe for season two if there's gonna be a season two we're gonna see him would be wonderful of course thank you by the way teddy bear with the first time prime sub welcome and mario studor with a four month says hello everyone nice games with remo casting great saturday we're gonna have two broadcasts in fact today after the rejuvenation cup later on today at 6 30 p.m cet we're gonna have the show match from hive cup three big moment here in the early game by the way one tattoo was trying to steal the shadow priest but lolite secured it for himself with a nice pull and a wisp in position very nicely done that means that all light however uh stopped at 18 supply so his lumber is going to be a little bit low it's also using whisper pair here of course as you need to and there's the fast expo that was to be expected i guess important wisp detonate by the way if the wisp gets gives the experience for the dk then it's going to be level 2 dk after this camp and that is very relevant level 2 unholy aura changes everything second ancient of war in the middle oh la light wants to go all in it would seem a player's forces are does not trust that you can take this late game i guess well it doesn't really have to be my hands okay no it is all right cryptospin for creeping but uh no it is mass hunts ring of region is amazing by the way of the best early game items warden just checking things out kind of surprises on creeping the natural the warden is basically wasting her time right here maybe she's trying to distract one to zero while the unit and the engine of war creep safely oh he stole the dust away nice one can't be revealed right now good scout by 1-0 seize the creep camp happening but the big boy is already gone more experience for the warden she's got the staff as well the experience gathered here matter a lot other one staffs over just a few feet to pick up the item and she did get it why not your faults will should survive unless they're shutter strike there is indeed shadow strike trying to deny but lawlite plays around it it's gonna get level three here right if he gets the trapper which he certainly should if he's going mass hunts all in i would imagine he wants to go fan of knives level two and one zero hasn't seen the second engine of war yet i think oh the skelly was close to seeing it the fact that the warden is chasing after the skelly like this is definitely suspicious very suspicious 1-0 wants to go for the mercant wants to hire especially the berserker and needs to figure out that these aps are coming if the ips are finished this is when things get a lot more difficult and what is there is not scouting for them with a ghoul this is a very standard position for aps kyle's surprised he's not checking up there good items for the warden didn't go for the marketplace creep by the way didn't feel that he had the time oh and fiends are still far away if one of them had played this really safe he would have delayed tier two gone for a fast graveyard and second crypt but he's got neither about a fast graveyard or a second crypt it's a tough position for one to zero i'd say one also full mana with what has to be found knives too the first ap is already finished warden being very careful with their mana expenditure here only two aps is not that much really [Music] maybe the lie wants to add in glaives early aps and hunts and warden very good against ghouls lolite now or one is there other feeling the pain for not having a great early graveyard fiends would be doing much much much better against this tier 2 is about to finish though lich can't start would love him to go to the for the altar yeah exactly lolli realizes if you can destroy the altar he can prevent the lich that would be huge and he should have the damage for it one glaive in the back getting attacked by the skelly's glaze of course very vulnerable but we got wisps here repair and the altar is taken out ultra has been remade at the expansion okay spark play by one two zero you saw this coming wow the fact that the black citadel or rather the halls of the dead is in range there looks a bit weird wow he actually detonates against the coil law alliance looking sharp right now but what desert needs is wagons desperately needs wagons slaughterhouses should have been started at the expansion but it's going to take some time until the wagons are actually here getting pressured hard mana potion coil warden feels the pain can you use the telly staff to get back to the moon was in the main not sure how much juice is in there we have a lot of glaze now designed to take out buildings and also fight against the wagons which are certainly to be coming yeah there we got the double slaughterhouse should be two wagons and then two statues right after light on a timer once there has lots of acolytes i think it's looking better and better here for one to zero with patience by one to zero not going in too quick now the lich is here and once the two wagons arrive oh that's gonna be in some trouble more than just some oh he's trying to expand now is that the right card i mean he's still tier one i think he should have doubled down on this attack but we'll see glaives now against meat wagons who has more experience with the mass ranged army it's not something that happens too often all the glaze now very far forward one going down right away taking a lot of damage which could be falling here but the warden is out of mana as well and the statue arrives the statue is going to help incredibly the bonus acolyte the 1-0 made making a big difference here as well and with one ap already gone and the second ap probably about to fall i think one to zero is going to tie it up looks like a bit of a risky choice to go for the fast tech where there were no fiends to save one to zero benefit of course was having statues wagons and lich quickly so i guess he did make the right choice in the end what's a bit weird that allied after creeping the merc camp went across the map with the warden to basically do nothing he could have just been creeping his murloc camp for example and then the natural after but level three much faster maybe that would have looked different then but yeah this game is over calls for the gg one two zero with a fast expansion makes it work kind of baiting the warden on equals smart play by him he knew the word was going to be coming but he was ready if you play warden there's nothing you can do about the fast expo all i could have perhaps tried to go into a two base two base game but you're going to be behind economically quite far so it's not an easy game either and i would say our two contestants here in the first match are very evenly matched indeed and i'm looking forward to map number three so since echo wasn't vetoed what else devito what did law light feature concealed hill maybe i'm not sure wouldn't be too surprised to see autumn leaves here if 1-0 didn't veto it you can be very tricky with engine of war creeping on autumn leaves and allied is the master of engine of war creeping and the master of the warden of course thank you very much thumpty with the eight month reserve plus b2w making for chill saturday welcome to iowa gifting a sub to cage man and guti sui gifting a sub true korean homie thank you can't read the name that's why i can't say it next map about to start players are in and ready who's going to take the next map it's going to be an important one match point or well isn't exactly true one step away from getting the draw at least would be uh that victory it's kind of a convoluted way of saying it but i think you guys know what i mean of course in this best of six series it can either result in a win for a player or it can also result in a draw if we manage to end up with a three three it's going to be a draw and one point for both players in case of a win it's going to be two points so draws are actually worth quite a lot and lola has gotten plenty of those already three draws for him in the six games he's played and two draws for one to zero and map number three will be last refuge not an impossible map for a warden but not an easy one either you certainly need double engine of war in the second engine of war normally getting placed at the merchant can get cancelled sometimes and then you can be in quite some trouble it's the warden again it's the new day the new age of warden law life seems fully convinced that she is the right hero nowadays and the great thing about last refuge is there's tons of creeps on the map so if the warden ever gets to five and you stabilize in the late game and you hold off the push you can easily go for a panda create space with a warden creep up the panda and then have lots of aoe but you need to get off to a good start so i think a priority here for one to zero on any end that has to be trying to deal with the engine of war players forces the second one attack but it's so early and it's built pretty far away from the creep camp i don't even think you can cancel this ancient of war wait is that one moon well into second ancient of war yeah it is right wow it's kind of crazy lola wants to make damn sure his second engine of war will finish he's sacrificing a lot of lumber economy for this it's all about the warden if you have to delay your attack for it fair enough if the warden finds her progress act like gonna see the second agent of war this is very standard has to be expected oh whoops running into the creeps on accident oh we got the experience archer coming in clutch there we go wow very early more camp here for the light playing extremely heavy on the creep side gets the level two and one two zero normally known for the exceptional scouting with skelly's everywhere a little bit too late here if you had seen this earlier the dk could have done some tremendous damage but now he's too late to steal the item kills the archer actually denied it doesn't have a dust here by the way get a cloak again which is pretty nice protect him against the warden one found a rubber the magi which is actually great for the water only does she always have higher mana region and mana capacity out in the field she can also drop it in the main very much like dependent of energy but also giving you bonus mana region which the pendant doesn't once they're investing or trying to use some coils rather but uh lawley investing the shadow strikes secures the kills for himself about to be level three a player's forces are under attack oh true i still have the wrong title i thought it was going to be happy as the first game gonna try to change it after this game try to remind me boys warden off to a very good start here and was just a slight mistake by one to zero seeing the merc camp attempt too late a player's forces are under it it's definitely something you don't want to allow what you want to do is be creeping yourself ideally in a position to be able to be aggressive if there's an opening and always scout if the opponent is being too greedy this you could definitely argue was too greedy by an alliance and what is there not punishing it is the mistake that puts him behind in this game one blinking into the back is gonna get two acolytes here probably it can of course be remade but this is still gonna cost a good amount of gold well i also trying to be efficient creeping in the meantime but this time one two zero has the right read sees this in process but well i didn't quite start it yet a town is under seat staffing home now demon hunter second oh my god is he playing sonic style i've not seen him do this before it has to be a demander everything else is useless imagine if it's a bottom and somehow he makes it work that'd be so crazy no it has to be demon hunter [Music] oh my god the sonic style the sonic style on the grand stage [Music] this glock of shadow is actually turning out to be quite good alliance may want to go for dust finally to deal with it there he is demon hunter ha very interesting [Music] one of mana stealing is a very bad item with these two frontline heroes warden and demon you really want to find survivability heal pots in reports even rings are good she's using a lot of level one blink i don't like that the amount of sticking around actually use that one charge of one of mana steel a player's forces are under attack ghouls could turn out to be really good against this there's no real aoe on the light side it doesn't have a panda obviously it also doesn't have panel knives so just friendly ghouls to pressure the heroes could make quite the difference oh let's see as the item gets the last as well what is there didn't use the coil there to get the last hit he does so now oh blink fan coil on cooldown lich has to use the inward potion low light again looking sharp oh that but the end snares punishing the night of the dryad and the shadow priest trying to run away already forced the tp as well the warden blinking in threatening the fan of knives or the shadow strike rather dude this row of the magi has been amazing for my strength i would have given that to the demon dude these end snares though another item forced mana potion had to be used there by one two zero but the d minor isn't level three yet and level two demon in the late game is very weak if this game should go a lot longer forces are underlying could get to double level five he's gonna be really strong and double level six would be unbeatable but that's uh perhaps i'm so realistic oh it's going naga this naga could be very very killable i'm not sure about that choice and i think he's out of input potions at the moment i for incarnation very good item for all light against all about survivability for the heroes 10 finds a creep great creep jack the light caught with his pants down creeping up on the high ground trying to reposition taking a lot of damage here though demon gets level three it's also executed though but young comes into play no he doesn't oh tp forced dk and warden both were in trouble 150 supply but used all of his mana basically no moon juice for law light scary situation for him as well it's going to be night time in a little bit and i imagine he's got more bears coming for rejuve could also get double or venom with these heroes by the way certainly should at some point great series so far between the two i'd say first a bomb being added disease cloud always really strong especially against night elf [Music] in this pot on the warden would love to snipe threat camp item but i think it's already gone right yeah cloak of flames on the dk which is not that good good positioning on the death knight not allowing an easy mana burn to come in they're taking a lot of damage which might be dead leak trying to transfer an item lola is trying to block the dk and he successfully does so couldn't transfer the item lich goes down but also second bear falling demon very low hp now oh even a deny on the a bomb man they're both playing so sick and now we see the squishiness of the naga mana burn right clicks all the venom this is the downside of the naga input potion transferred the warden who was about to die demon has to run as well the bear is going to be going down damn all i had lost a lot right there the demon is going back in are you mad trying to distract from the bear no way imagine if he steps in and stabs the bear out he's going to do it no he cancelled no i'm sure the warden has another staff right yeah okay the bear still survives oh my god bad luck bears for one two zero oh that hurts now level four which means she can finally be a lot more liberal with her blinks she already has been with a level one blink now it's gonna be a lot cheaper level 4 demons also going to be a big level up thank you by the way to driller 24 month resub nice deny i guess so yeah i think this naga is gonna be a liability in the late game i gotta say but we'll see one blinks in a little bit too late for the steel continuing to creep he didn't get too many good items with a demon you especially love to get bonus hp and armor items and also over venom again trying to create space love the staff play pretty sure he's got a well spring upgrade by now one coming back in superior vision here for lawler thanks to ultravision and the naga isn't back into the fight yet shadow strike over the lich getting caught in the back but of course there is coil quick with the disability about a ball needs to be on point we're pissing for a light though creeps in the back on the other side we got the end undead to contend with dk getting focused hard that's getting focused next coil is there though that's a lot of drives going down while he's trying to force one to zero to tp away so he gets the red camp imma potion transferred dk positioning is amazing by the way in this potion oh and the d minor goes down and the ward might fall as well blink last second oh 20 hp trying to run oh lol i had completely over committed there gg oh no man that was such a sonic game there was a sonic strat and there was a sonic play style just davai go go go but there was a horrible position for him the creeps were battering him in the back and he way over committed on the lich which is kind of the hardest target to kill there because he gets coiled over and over and is of course more survivable than a fiend and he could even argue more than an a-bomb maybe i think if he had just crept the bottom right get demon hunter 4 get awarded close to 5 maybe he could win that but one two zero takes the win the 2-1 lead i am loving these games so far really entertaining and now i finally changed the title boys thank you messerman with a nine month three sub says sitting in quarantine sucks but at least i have good entertainment thank you guys and linford with 20 months good afternoon remo what's for lunch um [Music] probably gonna make omelet later yeah would have loved to see that i played this more passively creep up the demon get some more items if you get some rings and periaps on him it's really good pick up the second orb i think with warden plus demon you can go toe-to-toe late game i'm not sure about that though warden demon is a very rare sight in pro warcraft we don't really have much data on this but sonic has been playing this like literally for five years i don't know if that's the influence where the light got it from all right map number four lawl i need to tie up the series right now if he still wants to have a chance to get the win and the two points here on playday 16. this is the map where earlier we saw the warden being successful i could also see honestly a keeper here keeper mass air bit of a curveball nope 4 out of four warden games so far can't believe the rock golem killed the naga earlier didn't matter in the end though super early second engine of war once again this is the new adaptation by la light i guess second engine of war before second moon well a player's forces are under attack do you lose a bit of juice on the second moon does it finish after night time began if so only slightly i guess the lie is hoping for some mana items here even the one of my steel especially in the early game really good but of course the big mana potion is what he covets the most big involvements are under attack not very good early oh until they're going for the fast expo oh and low light doesn't have a wisp wait why doesn't he have a wisp anywhere kind of weird but he still expects it are you kidding me look at that what is up with lola in these sick reeds he didn't have a wisp here well okay no wait maybe he did maybe i just didn't see it maybe he detonated it but again isn't he just wasting his time here there's kind of like equals and that's the weakness of the warden she's very weak early you cannot stop a fast expansion forces are under attack shouldn't you just be creeping right now [Music] lawler starts the tech he's not going to go all in this time trying to punish some ghouls in the main but not getting any kills yet it seems like low light is not so much a player's force against the fast expo play oh if the blink gets too killed it's worth it but it's only one nice block one doesn't even have a staff so it's going to take her forever to get home fake the blink should play our players forces are under attack expansion was a bit delayed because 1-0 was creeping with four ghouls in the early that takes a while to get lumber up on the century war in the north absolutely wonderful for one two zero he's got perfect vision now when the expansion is going to be players forces are tempted attack the light may just what he could do here is not expand too early but rather rush tier three go for a fast panda and try to creep as much of the map as he can with a panda plus dryad map control and later bears but in that case of course you would fall behind economically quite far that's the one thing that you never see in happy games fast expansions but one two zero showing that he's very much capable of this oh the coil misses that's a painful misstep that coil may have actually missed because of the uh heal from the creep did he just detonate the sentry ward with the wisp players forces are under attack without knowing i think he did oh where the ancient of war falls it's kind of a big deal this engine of war could have been used a lot more for creeping especially when the panda comes out in tier two pretty bad items for the warden very bad items to be honest a player's forces are under by the way boba dee with a 58-month resub second crypt graveyard elephants a creep jack again oh did you deny the creep oh he did oh and the shredder is gonna go down oh boy that hurts oh i've been together tonight the creep he didn't get level three on the warden yikes huge pickup by one two zero the warden's fine level three but it's too late one watch you're gonna go down and the next fast expansion perhaps that is the way against the warden simply fast expand it seems to be working very well [Music] dry it's coming now though that's gonna make low life quite a bit stronger for some time oh the next archer dies oh boy oh boy he buys zeppelin as well what is their styling right now dodges the shadow strike our name use the cloak of shadows as well all right all right one two zero showing off right now wait we got the experience i think the light got it right with the shadow strike i believe double slaughterhouse double crypt what is it can afford it easily the players forces are under attack and i think tier three started already right wait no i think tier two is still not quite finished never mind tier three on the way and if what dessert just goes for a 70 push on tier 3 it's hard to imagine how low light will hold that the only way it can work is with level 6 warden right now she's double three dk levels up to four that's a big one as well now comes the panda but that's quite late very good item lionhorn of stormwind one of the best finally the item luck perhaps turning around but now it's more about experience than items especially the panda into level three badly very smart played by one to zero as well the zeros are strong enough already the dk level four very strong of course and it looks just fine on level one so playing aggressively now and slowing down low lights creeping is exactly the right call waiting for his tier three to finish and then he's gonna have lots of upgrades coming his way and can go for a big terrifying attack even the zeppelin finding usage here again tier three tech has started a lot of bears could help out we're still far away from this home of retraining all right all right wants to go into mass aoe with breath and fan needs a heel scroll already but the dk joins again he's got the coils ready the statues are healing of course and now we got frenzy oh it might not be ready yet actually that's coming certainly cool ghoul's tanking the aoe more mana being forced out of la light next heal scroll goes to one two zero he's gonna pick up a third hero here maybe and then attack to the expansion or lightnose would be unholdable and he taps out gg and after a strong start for law light in the series one two zero is bringing it back looking better and better especially that last refuge game it feels like low light left something on the table but yeah the fast expo i think that's just the perfect color to the warden what are you supposed to do against fast expo i don't think there's much so against happy warden very good because happy never fast expands but one to zero certainly does at times concealed hill would be an impossible fast expansion map but it's also an impossible ward map and amazonia is vetoed and everywhere else 1-0 can fast expand i was very excited for the warden i love lowlight's playstyle with it but maybe it just has that big strategic uh weakness that kryptonite the fast expansion what's she supposed to do against that seems like there's no answer to it at the moment you could try to do something like a one archer expo when you see that the opponent is going for a fast expo it's pretty dangerous though i guess we'll see what lolite has planned for map number five can he bring it into punching distance for at least a draw or is 120 going to claim the third win for himself 100 at the moment at two wins two draws two losses six points for him he's got one point already guaranteed today what about a fast tech to bears no when the enemy goes fast expo you're just not going to have enough by the time you have bears the unit has towers and 60 supply oh amazonia i'm very very very surprised once they didn't veto this map it seems like by far the worst map in the pool okay this is an impossible fast expansion map of one to zero and it might be playable for the warden it's not a great word map by no means but it could be playable also it can be really good for a keeper good old keeper expo demon hunter i was not expecting that okay it's very good for a demon this map you can stack up on items quickly you get level two right away if you get level three and boots you can really terrorize the undead because the map is very small you can always find him you can easily creep jack him with dryads and naga there's some decent ancient of war camps you can go for but in general demon hunter first hasn't looked the greatest lately and especially it's very bad for expanding and it can't it can't harass the economy of the united like a warden can it can't force kills early like a warden can but fast level 3 is very strong for straight up fighting lightning shield creep delayed by a bit oh demon heart is starting off very well gloves and slippers absolutely amazing demand a very item-dependent hero very much unlike a keeper also a warden not that independent really but the hunter certainly is okay this is slippers again we're in business no no slippers honestly though gauntlets for bonus health also good [Music] i'd love to see a wisp here for that night oh here comes the wisp and bam great detonate 1-0 does claim the experience here now out of mana and allow my people to get the rest of the experience right here also you can go for boots in a moment if you want and thank you each toddler with a 29 month resub all right once they're actually sticking around gets the rest of the experience both playing on a very high level perfectly getting maximum usage out of their heroes and units knowing exactly how far to take it and not actually losing any units so far there we see the boots on the demon and if he creeps the cobalt in the middle he's level three right ancient of war already in position i don't mind this position for law light at all naga's second should be the choice oh he's trying to snipe the renegade sneaky move a player's forces are under attack it's night time right now and we have limited vision it's pretty unlikely that once there's gonna scout that this could be a great item ruined racers the dream no room bracers lion of stormwind also excellent oh and with the lightning shield is creeping the rest of it e minor very tanky here 8.4 armor and he's got evasion obviously angie tome hell yeah naga second by one to zero oh wow it's pretty risky the d minor could definitely manhandle her quite well i would love to see him to just uh heal up at the moon wells go to the middle grab the naga and just bully the enemy now guy this demon is super strong right now tier three coming for allied one to zero ah no the other way around coming for one to zero low light delaying it for a little while demon couldn't unfortunately heal up fully because he took this big creep camp and there is the naga oh did you see the last hit i'm sure if he did he may have and this is the strength of level 3 hunter nothing can deal with the demand right now naga might be going down unless there's a block oh yeah nice block by one two zero ally gets the rest of the camp i think two ghouls died yes this is classic amazonia tiny map you can contain the opponent very well here and especially with dryads coming in a moment lolita has map control right now and he's got superior vision because of ultravision love all these love how he's playing this [Music] there's a heat pod on the naga but that one is going to be used quick oh but the naga might be getting surrounded oh it's close of course the demand is very strong the downside is everything else is pretty weak for online yeah this is the best of six so it could be four to something victory for one player or three three draw plus six belt it's actually really good bonus health on the demon very helpful another edgy tone oh demon drop slow but he's fine i was gonna have to tp out creep jack is coming oh my god wait the archers are all stuck kind of all right one archer dies wow that could have been a lot worse but even sure if the light has enough juice to heal everything up again i need some beers beers coming if the light gets level four and three by the time 50 supply rolls around he's going to be in a very strong position to take a good fight he's hoping for some survivability items here invo potion heal potion that's what he wants he'll put wonderful i'm getting another 4 here right wow this is the d minor show he's going to the red camp a player's forces i guess he is all right i want to see a helm of valor right here demon hunter you got chad mode activated level three for the naga there we go the light now has a strong levels can't really force a fight right now though 100 is also creeping the red camp since he's got ghouls in his army it's a little bit hard to do for him claus plus 12 not bad maybe you should put those on the naga you cannot level four yet i'm taking a lot of nuke there from the corn over he's got some rejuve to work with but it's hard to get into range to man up burn the heroes that's why the frenzy rules are so important at the stake in the game at 50 supply to keep the demon at bay oh and the dk gets little four in the naga three that was big level ups one two zero 55 supply for the undead oh my boots on the demon by the way they're on the naga what is this just expanding the game is trying to look better and better for one two zero here in my estimation a player's forces are under attack oh he's surrounded oh he's blocking the naga for the staff oh that was painful so you had to use the big heel potion because the naga was getting blocked a thousand gold though lola can get up to 70 supply here possibly soon but right now he's only got 50 and one to zero is at 60 already threatening the main oh yeah cad gas pipe by the way i only saw it now well that's of course the perfect item steam is gonna have to do a lot of work to actually burn all of this mana both players playing around the cooldowns here well that only wants to fully reengage when he's got the fork lightning ready again i guess oh my god there's so much mana one two zero cad gas pipe op one bear save but now staff on cooldown the other bears are exposed as you have a second staff no air falls [Music] looks like one to zero is about to take the w in the series by this tankiness dropping quite low over here doesn't have a nipple potion by the way in the dks it has caused the positioning of the dk has been excellent he's not got mana burned once in this fight right here because the demon can't get into range not sure if having boots on the naga is the right call here and now the expansion is standing the statues are born dry now this could be by the light turns it around there's not much region for the undead anymore once to zero wisely tping out having lost barely anything great attack by one two zero behind this he's got the expansion if he had a meat wagon coming right now this would be absolutely perfect when he's got an a-bomb it might be even better and the lie doesn't like the look of this seeing the expansion cat gets piped dude so sick ass pipe also works on statues by the way which is crazy this game feels like the first that wasn't really close felt like 100 was always in control here got the nero tower standing at the expansion kevin schwim sweating right now 0.7 man already too much it's actually 0.5 mana it was changed but yeah it's still crazy crazy crazy good because it works on three heroes and statues mana is now finally gone but there's a mana potion still that will be necessary to heal the lich no there was a heal potion still healthy once more demon hunter again taking a lot of damage staff should be ready for him has to run away and the dryads only can't do much at least fortunately for the light there was no disease cloud yet otherwise this would be very painful now as well just simply retreating trying to go for mountain giants but i think his issue is he doesn't have enough damage and the mgs won't really help with that 75 supply for one two zero making a shop up there as well is gonna be a big help demon runs in burned right away the dk again parked behind the fiends that's the right position the perfect position to stay out of mana burn range now he's getting burned finally team hunter staffed out last second once more but these bears are dying so quick i wonder if there are some damage upgrades oh lawler doesn't have armor upgrades that's of course another reason why these drives are falling so fast all night delaying the inevitable once again good plays with the staffs he's making this as close as he can but it's simply too late he's too far behind oh wait dk doesn't have a tp oh hail mary play but within the potion transfer he's gonna be safe everything for allies so hurt now cadgar's pipe i think chaos pipe should be nerfed more honestly i think it's still too good definitely helping out one to zero here don't want to say was just because of the item no way once they're also played this really really well but boy oh boy did that pipe help out and one two zero taking four maps in a row we're not going to go to the final map i thought this was going to be a 4-2 or 3-3 after that first game lawley looked so strong there with the warden but the warden has an issue as well her weakness was exposed and that is the fast expo fast expo you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 3,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: rC0ELRa5jcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 54sec (5514 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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