I've NEVER had Watermelons grow THIS FAST! 😯

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welcome back Growers I have some exciting news my giant watermelons are only 12 days old and they're already getting huge they're bigger than most eating watermelons already look at this here's the first plant it's doing so awesome we got rain last night and this morning and look at that there's the fruit right there the first thing I want to say is why I have a white sheet on this watermelon you might be wondering and the reason for that is normally The Vines and stuff that are all over here will grow on top of the watermelon and the leaves will really shade it but these giant watermelons get so big that they aren't really protected from the Sun and that heat can warm them up and I've heard that they can just stop growing so I like to put a white sheet on them you don't have to do that with normal watermelons but just with these ones so let me take off that sheet and show you what we've got going on look at that and I have a gallon size jug right here to show you for comparison look at that that is huge we're talking that's bigger than most eating watermelons and it's only 12 days old that means 12 days ago it was just a flower and look at that it's already huge look from this angle that's incredible what's mind-blowing to me is that last year I grew watermelon and I harvested it about 72 days old so for it to be this big at 12 days old is getting me really excited I'm wondering how big it's going to end up getting at 72 days old look at this stump right here see how open it is I've been really keeping these leaves trimmed back so the sun can shine down on it and keep it from getting rotten and moldy and all that stuff really keep keeping that air movement I also want to say I think the reason these watermelons are growing so fast is because every day I'm making sure to give them a five gallon bucket full of water and then I'm consistently giving them some like triple 10 fertilizer and I'm not really a pro I don't really know what the best fertilizers and stuff are I've just always used the triple 10 because it's just a simple basic fertilizer and I'll sprinkle some around that stump and make sure to water over it but this rain especially is awesome because the rain is really allowing that fertilizer to wash completely down to the roots so I'm really excited to see the growth that these melons will put on after this rain look at that stem you can already see the watermelon just bulging out where it's light green like that that's really cool yeah when it gets bigger it really does get those ridges and the lighter green will just kind of Bulge out but it's always fun to look at that stem and see how big the melon looks right there so that is the first plant I have two and that's number one oh real quick we gotta take this guy off keep all that energy going to the big one we don't need little tiny melons these are called coals we got to take them all off just so the energy goes to that one there was one here over in this blueberry bush that I cut off yesterday but this guy's gotta go so all right got my trusted gallon jug for size comparison let's go to the next patch oh by the way this is my grape trellis look at that there's a lot of grapes that are getting ripe it's so fun to just come out here and snack on them pull some off and have a little snack there you go all right here is plant number two look at these Vines see how they're just running out here and then you can see these smaller vines coming off of it lots of flowers right over here there's actually a little tiny coal we've got to take off as well don't need that taking away the energy from the big one oh here's another one I'm just keeping you guys on the edge of your seat instead of showing you the big one I'll show you in just a minute got the collection of coals and there's another one here got three I'll have to keep looking but for now let's take these and throw them in the pasture for the goats so this stomp is actually over here look at that we've got Vines growing all the way out here like 15 feet away and over there too and now without further Ado here's the watermelon look at that compared to that jug it's already getting so big foreign let's see how it looks without these little napkins on there wow this one is definitely the bigger of the two melons it's getting huge let's see how this looks I'm so excited this is only 12 days old but I'm really impressed I've never had a giant watermelon that was this big at 12 days old these leaves are huge too wow it's really starting to rain out here but I just wanted to really quick share an analogy so that hopefully it can inspire you in your life too and I was thinking of this analogy um to get these watermelons to pack on the pounds to get these monsters to grow fast you've got to really feed them feed them lots of water lots of fertilizer and I was thinking about how precious you know these watermelons are the whole purpose of these plants is to get the big watermelon and imagine if somebody came out with a machete or Hatchet you know and they just chopped up that watermelon I'd be so sad it'd be really sad but that's because it's precious to me and there is something else that the Bible says is precious it says your faith is much more precious than gold think of having a handful of gold and how precious that would be to hold that you'd be like wow that's valuable but the Bible says your faith is much more precious than gold and so I think about that your ability to have faith in God your ability to trust in Jesus and what he did on the cross that is so precious more precious than a watermelon more precious than gold if you think of that watermelon if your faith is like that what are you doing to feed your faith I was talking with a guy this week and he said he he's a Christian but he doesn't like to read the Bible he doesn't read the Bible much and I was like well you know if you were a baby right just like this watermelon's a baby and you and you want that baby to grow you've got to feed it and the Bible says that as newborn babies we should desire the pure milk of God's word so we can grow and so it made me wonder you know how much am I reading God's word if I want to grow I need to read God's word so I also want to encourage you guys you know do you have a faith in God and if you do are you feeding it are you spending time just enjoying God's word and spending time just praying and talking to God and showing you how much you love him alright that's all for today a big watermelon plant that's filling out in a ginormous watermelon so make sure if you're growing watermelons feed those guys and if you have faith in God make sure you feed it if you don't have faith in God make sure you get it pick that watermelon on your life and grow it put your energy into it feed it water it and watch how it grows
Channel: Creation Gardener
Views: 4,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mulching, no-till, no-till gardening, gardening tips, back to eden, back to eden garden, how to garden, woodchip mulching
Id: 3F1NYTDw3rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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