Water Pump Slinger made on a Manual Mill -- No CNC

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welcome to part three this is long overdue but let's take a look at this particular part there are six identical radial features on this part and each one of these pieces is I is identical to the one before it let me see if I can all this still do that at the same time now this is what's going to be called a one-way part if you look at this now are no discernible features on here to locate this part so any part of this any part of this part that is used for indexing clamping rotation whatever is going to be removed at the final step and at that point it becomes a one-way part it moves to inspection or to the garbage can or to the customer and out the door but it will not go back on the fixture because of the way it was held everything that was used to hold it down our index it has now been removed what we do know about this part is that it's going to be done on a rotary table each one of these features here is identical to the one before and the center of each one of these features needs to be centered over the rotary table so we have to index on a rotary table that allows us to index so realistically a rotary table on a rotary table would work or some other means of fixturing you could put this on a sub plate excuse me and index the sub plate or what I'm going to do what I plan to do is use a sub plate with a variety of perimeter features on this so that I can use one set up on my rotary table and as I finish with each feature I will physically lift this part off the rotary table index it onto my fixture and just repeat the exact same process six times six locations hopefully without incident all right let me grab a piece of material I think I'm going to make this out of black Delrin just because I think it'll look cool and no other reason it's a whole lot easier to clean up tolerant chips than it is to clean anything else at least in my opinion so let's get a piece of material let's pop a couple of holes in it get the sub plate set up I will show you this setup on the rotary table and explain what is what and we'll finally get to see this thing done alright stick around now as I had previously mentioned in order to successfully do a slinger part like this you need to rotation capability functions within your setup you need to rotate each one of these pieces about center to create the arc so each of the blue centers right here will ultimately need to end up over the center of the rotary table this part is not going to be placed on the rotary table true to the table the fixture is going to be set off so that the center of each one of these at 60 degrees is going to end up spot on the center of the rotor - on the outside of this part and the bike is going to be much bigger as I had mentioned before about a one-way part all of these location features will be removed at a later date and you will not be able to technically put this back on with the same accuracy that you created it nor will you be able to tell immediately how it was made just by holding the piece and looking at you're gonna be looking for holes or something there won't be anything there this particular red dot will be the rotation of the part so you're going to need one function of rotation to index the part per feature and then you're going to need another function of rotation to create the actual part feature itself and this is going to be pretty easy to do I'm going to do it with six holes in the actual part blank these are going to be reamed through holes I'm going to have dowel pins on on the outer side on the outbound 180 degrees apart so that as I rotate the part these dowel pins are going to position the rotation of the feature where I need it and the top two holes and the bottom two holes because it's a six hole pattern in the sub plate these will be pins and in the sub plate these will be threaded so every time I index it one that was used for a pin previously will now be over a threaded hole and I'll just continue to swap that will be no problem whatsoever these tout pins will cause the rotation of the part on the fixture plate and the fixture plate will spin for individual center points the fixture play will be mounted for individual center points so let's get out on the Bridgeport I'm going to make this out of black Delrin I'm gonna make the sub plate out of half-inch thick aluminum let's pop some holes in it and see what it looks like when it's done you know one comment that I would like to make and one note that I think is very important for added precision in any setup that you're going to do if you have a central location of your part if you have the world rotates about the center and you have positive negative moves all over your part instead of locating some of your parts by pulling the table and some of the parts by or some of the features by pulling the table some of the features by pushing the table it's but ideal and just a little added precision if everything is moving in the same direction that way you don't have to worry about backlash inconsistency or accuracy readings on your digital readout and when I do a bolt pattern like this I will start on the outermost hull push all the way across to the other hole instead of going here to here here to here that way it's one continuous move and the same thing with the bolt pattern in the back I will I will migrate all of my features towards the drill where the reamer or the cutter in the exact same manner so see if you can pick up on that as you watch this this will probably be fast forward but you'll get the idea first two holes I'm going to put in will be the rotation control holes they'll be drilled and reamed I will then put in one locator hole which is where I'm going to want the fixture positioned over the center of the table and then the other holes on the outbound front and rear will be 10:32 tapped holes to hold down the blank on the two sets of holes that are not being used in the six hole pattern that will be present in the part blank so I know that's a lot to digest but let's see how it works out you okay the identical pattern will be translated over to the black Delrin piece with the exception of that Center tooling hole right there that's not something we want to see on the final part I used a two flute spiral point tapped to do this because it's a through-hole application and I'm sure it forms them there you go very nice chips on the way through cuts the threads pushes the debris forward of the tap so try not to use these on a bottom hole you might have a little bit of a problem okay that's the fixture we're going to tell clamp this down to the rotary table once the rotary table is located underneath spindle and the rotary table set right alongside the vise which is really convenient for making clamps and parts or whatever it's a nice combination all right let me take this piece out of the vise physically position it on the rotary table will put the Delrin part back in the vise pop six holes in the dubbing part and start cutting stay tuned off-camera I took the liberty of popping some holes in my fixture plate so I did not have to use toe clamps and the table was returned to the zero position XY with the mill and I simply put a pin in a drill chuck and dropped it down in this hole to get my rough alignment snugged up the pins bumped it and indicated it so right now you can see that the six hole pattern is grossly off-center to the table I also danced all the corners off of this particular blank so with this blank sitting on those pins two pins here as I indexed apart the center of the rotary table will be right in line so that I can move and create the feature on the wheel so the only time this table is going to move is going to be to create this feature right here all the feature to feature movements will be done on the fixture plate this is the black diamond part that we are going to use for the impeller and this is the six hole pattern that will match the six hole pattern in the tooling plate and just food for thought for taking it to the next level of precision on this particular side where all the moves are hard moves point the point you know that the tool has the most likely chance of being on location on this side as the drill walks through if it were to skew as it passes through the material the pattern on the flip side of the part the underside may be slightly out of location so for accuracy and ease of interface with the fixture plate when I put this on the tooling plate this side will be against this side okay so I intend to flip this and lay it down I have just found in the past that that's the greatest degree of accuracy let's set it up dial it in and see what happens the blank is ready to be milled I had to cut the corners off the block so that it would clear some of the mounting hardware on the plate this is going to be a fairly straightforward operation the only time I'm going to need to offset the cutter is when we come around for actually it's the outside of the six vanes I'm gonna have to move the cutter down offset the radius of the cutter and before I start the arc I'll have to move it back on center with the center of rotation so it comes back around and ends where I needed to now the termination point of the inside of the arc is going to be the termination point of the previous vane outside arc so there are some very calculated numbers here and thank God for CAD systems because if I had to do that manually I think that I lost my mind I'm gonna set this up on a tripod I do have an air feed here if you want to take a look at how this is set up a little air feed Chuck on the side that [Applause] gonna keep a constant flood of air on the cutter and for that reason I'm gonna put some headphones on some ear protection is a good thing if you're gonna be subject to that cutter is gonna go 600 deep and the only concern with a part like this is since I'm going 600 deep with a one-inch thick blank I can expect this material to start to crown because I'm gonna relieve a lot of the surface tension from the blank on this one side if I was doing this for any other purpose than demonstration I would probably rough all this out and then deck the back off to maintain flat and then remount it and finish it to ops so actually it's gonna be more like 12 ops because this thing has to be rotated on the plate physically lifted and spun six times I'll try to run the film in real-time non-stop probably accelerated for the video but what you see is exactly what will be happening and I will try not to make it too long-winded all right guys we mount the tripod get some headphones on and let's cut you well there you go that is the slinger impeller design now these little islands here if you were at the 2018 Barzini bash I had a skill challenge set up in the mill that was a freehand mace for a cutter it wasn't actually a cutter it was just a blank but it was a maze where you had to navigate a stylus through a particular maze and that's exactly what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna come back in freehand and I'm gonna knock these guys off so since the camera gives a better image with the lights out than it does with the lights on but I need the lights on in order to knock those things out you're just gonna have to bear with a little bit of an orange tint to this while I do this freehand I'm gonna take this off this fixture play right now I'm going to take it over to the chuck I am going to pressure turn the outside tangent with these vanes and if all goes well it should work now we'll see what happens I may have to get back in here and knock some of these high spots off and we're gonna find that out momentarily but I'm gonna clean it up d part a little bit present it on the bench and let's just see take a little bit better look at it well here's the finished product as promised I did take the liberty of adjusting the geometry a little bit so that there was no hub in the center no recess in the center I wanted to see if I could get the tangent point of the cutter to go OD ID and it worked out fairly well I'm pretty pleased with this having done this manually not on a CNC I think anybody would be proud of that the only part of this that is a double XY move is actually the outside edge right here if you look at how this is set up the center point of each feature is about where this little red dot is and you can see that the face of this goes right directly through the center of the part so the initial move here the table is offset it's cut and then the table shifts back over before the radial move is initiated if you watch the track that's cut in the blank during the video you'll see that there is a small L formed right here and that's exactly what that is if you're going to make a mistake and believe me I've done it on several times so I don't want to say a hundred times because it hasn't been that much but if you're going to make a mistake when you offset for a feature that's in line with the center of rotation and then start your rotation I tell you that's that's how it's going to happen you're just going to forget to undo that offset before you start your radial geometry so pay close attention and don't be afraid to mess with one of them up or whatever if you need to make one out of wood make one out of wood if you're limited on the material I've certainly done that in the past so sorry it took so long to get to this this is a time-consuming thing to to prep for the actual work itself was about 32 minutes to do what you're looking at I know I accelerated the video somewhat as not to bore you to death but real time was about 32 minutes start to finish and I'm pretty pleased with the way it came out speaking of pleased I am pleased to announce that these guys are back in stock if you've already purchased one thank you very much for your purchase and if you've been waiting for the website to say in stock while the website now says in stock so if you've looked for one of these they're back in stock get them while you can because they sell out quick alright guys there you go number three impeller as requested thanks for watching you [Applause]
Channel: Joe Pieczynski
Views: 77,318
Rating: 4.9542036 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Pie, JoePieczynski, Advanced Innovations, advanced innovations llc, how to, machine shop, shop tricks, shop hacks, shop techniques, shop tutorials, rotary table, water pump impeller, slinger, choice #3, curved spokes, advanced fixtures, tooling, milling arcs, milling curves, offset patterns on a rotary table
Id: Ge27ubax82A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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