Water Damaged Plaster

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I've got an interesting repair today this is an old plaster ceiling in the roof or something is leaked but it's water damaged the homeowners already tried to do a little work on it and anyways they're having me come in well my plan is I'm going to scrape off all the loose material and what typically happens is the base coat which you can see right through this little hole right here is usually still salad so all I'm gonna scrape off is the Finish coat at least that's what I plan on doing I'm hoping what happens and then I'm going to apply a bonding agent a plaster bonding agent over the base coat before I apply a setting compound probably put a good heavy coat of setting compound which is actually quite similar to the finished coat plaster in that it sets up chemically and after that probably two coats of regular joint compound that should take care of it so let's see how this goes foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I still have a little more scraping to do but you can see what I mean this is your base coat plaster and your finished coat is just this thin white layer and that's pretty much what's peeling off I'll remove everything that's loose I'm going to try and get this whole area here off if I can but this area right here is where the actual water entered the ceiling up above it was a leak and then you can see it just kind of soaked into this whole area very slowly and that's all loosen it up so I'm going to pop more of this area here out and remove as much of the loose material as I can but so far so good the base coat is pretty stable what I'm using for my bonding agent is just something I picked up at a big box store it's a Concrete bonding agent I'm just going to put some in my little pan here doesn't take much as you can see it's very very water very thin and I'm going to put it on with either a brush or this little roller I'm going to try this roller first I just need to get it to soak in a little bit this helps a bomb but it also reduces the amount of how quickly the moisture is sucked out of the joint compound into this old plaster because the faster it's absorbed the weaker the compound actually gets because it has to cure naturally it's a setting compound that I'm putting out here and I don't want all the moisture sucked out of it before it has a chance to cure to set up foreign [Music] agent on I'm just going to let it dry probably take like a half hour or so to dry and then I'm going to mix up some setting compound kind of a thick mix and I'm just going to pre-fill these holes before I even start the actual coat over the where all the plaster has been removed this is the setting compound that I'm using it's an easy Sam 45 in other words I'm going to have about 45 minutes to work with I add some water I already have some water in my pan so I just sprinkle it into the pan I have a setting compound mixed up I got it mixed up pretty thick because I'm going to be filling that rather large hole and I want it to stick right in there without falling down at all so that's what I'm going to use for this hole it's going to push compound right into that hole [Music] I'm not trying to build it up or anything right now just fill that hole so that in a few minutes maybe half hour or so once this is set up I'm going to skimp coat this whole area with a setting compound foreign this area that I pre-filled earlier with some settings on those holes is already set up so now I'm going to just put a thin coat of setting compound just to fill all this indentation here I'm not trying to build it up I'm just trying to put a new kind of uh fill coat to fill in all that recessed area okay just using my six inch taping knife pushing it in and giving a reasonably smooth foreign okay so what I've got here is I've got what I call the fill coat with my setting compound over this repair it looks a little rough well I was really trying to fill and once this sets up I'm gonna probably I'm probably gonna put a fiber fuse wall reinforcement over this whole patch that will really smooth it out very quickly so that's pretty much what I'm going to plan on doing this is the material that I'm going to be using to do the finished repairing the ceiling it's called fiber fuse wall reinforcement it comes in a three foot roll I've cut off probably a 30 inch piece and I'm going to embed that in joint compound I like to use this because it really gets things nice and smooth and and strong right off the bat if you didn't want to use the fiber fuse for this repair you could just use regular mesh tape or the small rolls of fiber fuse and just embed that in compound around over the entire surface here and that would do the same thing instead of having to buy this big roll but this is something I commonly use because it works so good this area that I'm going to do first is three foot wide rules if I refuse I've marked out the edges of it so I know roughly where to put my joint compound if I have thinned it down a little bit and it's been a couple of hours since I applied The Fill coat over this plaster repair so now I'm just applying a thin layer of joint compound I have a pretty even layer of joint compound on there already I'm just going to use a wider taping knife just to get a little bit smoother okay now I'm ready to embed the fiber fuse foreign lightly press it in place then I push it in place real tight with my by taping those it just pushes right in nice and flat top on it actually goes right through it you want to get it nice and tight so I'm going to actually put a lot of pressure on it foreign what I usually do after I get it embedded is I go right over with another thin layer of the same joint compound put it right on doing this and Feathering those edges in nice all right that's looking good now I'm going to cut a smaller piece and finish the rest of this patch there you go there's the fiber fuse embedded in the joint compound now when this dries we should probably take two days I'm going to sand it with my dust control sander and then put another skim coat over top of it that's going to blend it in really nice and smooth and wait for that to dry and one more sanding and I'm done I'm back and everything looks nice and dry it looks pretty darn smooth just got some tool martial things so I'm going to give it a quick sand and then just put a thin skim coat over top of this and once that's dried we are ready to sand I'm going to use my dust control sander here it's got about a 220 Grit paper on it and of course there's hooked to my dust extractor vacuum over here [Applause] [Music] good [Applause]
Channel: Myron R. Ferguson
Views: 3,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plaster reapirs, water damaged plaster
Id: Xc9AgJL2O6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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