How To Repair And Decorate A Ceiling After Water Damage

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[Applause] [Music] hi this is daniel nugent painter and decorator today i'm doing this job on this bedroom but as you can see they had um some tiles slipped on the roof and water got in caused a lot of damage so first things first you've got to make sure that the actual problem has been remedied and you leave it for a few weeks to dry out fully so this is proper dried out now as you can see it's quite a large area it looks like the ceiling's been lined with lining paper but the rest of the ceiling is okay so this could be sorted um so initially looking at it it looks quite horrific but it's not as easily sorted so i'm gonna get the curtains down first cut back all the lining paper all the loose give it a good old scrape back stain block it with zinza cover stain okay and then i'm going to fill it with easy fill maybe a couple of skims let that dry mercury with the mercury sander prime it with some plaster primer and then just hit the whole ceiling two coats but do the rest of the room as well so um yeah start off with this got stripped that wallpaper as well but this this is the main area what to show on this video so if you ever get any water damage or water leaks and it looks really bad don't panic because sometimes it looks worse than what it really is you know um so yeah say with with a little bit of magic this can be remedy quite easy so let's let's go for it right so first things first it's just a standing knife like this i want to maybe go from that point there and then to sort of cut out any loose sort of hanging down you know i don't want to like just pull it down because it's going to probably you don't know where it's going to take it so rather than cause a lot of damage i'll start just drawing a line follow the loose like that up to that point pull it off like that then slide a lot along here like this that's it so that looking better already you see um around there like that probably back to there get that down take that off that's all sound that's all sounds this bit isn't i've cut in there cut towards me all right um i mean all this is pretty sound here uh maybe a little bit in there loose like that that's it so that's your first sort of process getting everything cut back next thing i'm going to do is stain scrape it back so while i'm here i just want to show you so any kind of like powdery loose you see that has come out there um it must have caused a hell of a lot about me this must have been saturated you know so just get all that to scrape back a bit such as any loose powdery sort of debris stuff you know pull that out there yeah cool it's a very uh very light chalky surface you know i mean look see all that coming off [Music] as i say once i um stain block it it will seal everything so once it's stainless sealed dries in about half hour so after half an hour start skimming my filler over this um let that dry and then we'll rub it down and as i say we'll blend this in with the rest of the ceiling you don't need to rely on it or anything so um that's another thing people think oh you must go strip the whole thing and re-line you don't so um yeah let's do the next stage right so initially the stain was here but when i started scraping back you could see where the water kind of settled out to but didn't do as much damage as in like the yellowness and and obviously destroying the plaster so it it ran to about there which still ain't too bad considering like the size of the ceiling that's what i've got to sort of put right now in remedy so as i say i'll skim it out to there the rest is solid now that's well stuck down it's just that was loose it just didn't adhere to the surface at all but that's the water for you it just runs and finds its way anywhere so it's obviously ended at that point there um so on with the cover stain so um yeah here we go seems to cover stain so this is a oil-based um product let's say it dries in half an hour as you can see here um yeah proper that just i always have this on board as soon as i start to run out i'll get another tin it covers a wide range of things um and as i say it gets me out of trouble quite a lot so i'm gonna start cover staining this up now and let that dry and then i'll show you how it looks right so this has had two skins of easy fill and it's just going off at the moment so you can see that when i get the mocha sander on that it's gonna be nice and smooth so um yeah looking good already so as you can see now it's all nice and smooth um we'll sand it down with the marker so now on guys the primer um this is an optiva plaster primer just going to put this all over the filler and then to coat the ceiling with um anti-reflex two and i will show you the end result so there we go folks um that's the ceiling lock first coated um so that's done with the anti-reflex and as you can see now it's all perfect back to a normal ceiling again so to show you this this is the anti-reflex to the best paint off fine for ceilings fantastic gear microfiber roller to put it on with so i use all worcester gear as well um just makes it easier for a lot of big vast ceiling like this so yeah i hope you enjoyed the video um so look up the other sort of videos for any hints and tips and please subscribe and uh please hit the like button thank you
Channel: Daniel Nugent Painter and Decorator
Views: 41,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vn23O7_3buc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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