Bonding Quickset Drywall Mud to Old Plaster!

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hello and welcome to Vancouver carpenter today I'm going to teach you guys some quick simple tips to get your mud to stick to the plaster well and also make sure you don't have problems with delamination so I want to keep it simple and so we're just going to use things that you might already have so what I've got right here I've got a crusty old paint brush I have just a tiny bit of water in this bucket I've got some carpenters glue so it's just regular carpenters glue as you guys can see just gonna pour a bunch of that in there I'm gonna just mix it around with this brush so that it gets a little bit pinned down but not too much okay that's looking better so now I'm just gonna take this stuff and I'm gonna start spreading it on here and you could use a roller there's a number of things you could do but what I'm really going for here is to also get it like underneath the old layers this has all kinds of layers of wallpaper and plaster what this is is it actually a chimney that's been plastered over and there's been water damage that's made it delaminate so I can feel this stuff skimming over pretty quick and I'm just making sure to get it under the edges more than anything it's not even the old plaster that I'm worried about like it's not the broad surface it's just under the edges to make sure that that stuff ball gets held down and I don't get loose spots and blisters when I put my coat of quick-set mud on now I'm gonna wait for it all to get tacky which is happening pretty quick so we're gonna stay in the vein of keeping it simple and keeping this with tools you probably have so I'm just gonna put a little bit more water in here we're getting ready to mix up the mud so first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add some glue to this mud I mix enough Kwikset it's gonna be 20 minute quick set and I'm putting some more glue in here to make sure that the adhesion is top-notch partly because the brand of quick-set that I like to use can delaminate sometimes anyways you want to get this nicely mixed up we're gonna see all those stringy lines in there that's mixed in or you're gonna get glue chunks in your mud that's looking fairly diluted mixed up with more water in here I always err on the side of too little water at first then too much I could be using my drill guys that I'm keeping this simple for you just to show that you don't need a lot of fancy tools to get this done the glue makes the mud feel way stickier there was quite a lot of glue on there [Applause] we want to make sure that it's not too loveable because otherwise what I probably have is I've got some plain water quick set and I've got some glue water quick set we want to make sure that it's fairly uniform and fairly mixed through although the mix on the wall when I start spreading it is also gonna make it a little bit better this is some gluey sticky quick-set let's take a close look at this so it's mostly dry it's just a bit tacky like I can feel that these drips are sticky it's a bit tacky if there is any actual long drips like loose water and there still it's just gonna mix in with the mud but right now we're gonna have excellent adhesion here all of this is going to be locked down and when the quick-set sets up which is 20 minute I better get on it then it's all gonna be really stable and locked down I forgot to mention you're gonna want to make sure that you don't have majorly loose edges that's why it's been scraped out so much because I kept sort of chiseling away until I got edges that were fairly well adhered like if it's flopping and you can hear that it's hollow behind there you need to take more out until it's totally you know mostly stuck it's just the very little edges we don't want blisters now using whatever tool you're most comfortable with get the stuff on the wall man lady whomever but it's sure gonna stick because the last thing you want is to have your plaster fall off the wall not cool when your patches fall off the wall the big hump right here not to worry about that doesn't need to be completely perfect here we just want to make sure the walls not falling off anymore you know I almost put too much glue in that mix no the other thing that this does is it makes the mud really strong when it dries so get it flattened out as best you can doesn't have to be perfect at this you can put another one on which I will be and I'm messing about because there's this giant bulge right here okay just gonna have to leave it at that I can flatten this down when it kicks off we're gonna have to be bit let's get a look at that I got a hole up there that I couldn't quite fill got some stuff that needs to be knocked down there there's that big bulge right there where it sticks out way more as you can see I didn't scrape it totally flat like I left it a little bit above the edges in a lot of cases like right here it's pretty heavy but that's just what my trial was telling me to do with it so I go with what my trowel tells me not what the wall is this is mostly set up it's taken a long time actually you know what I think I added like a bit too much glue so as a rule of thumb I would not exceed a 1/10 ratio mixture so like ten parts water one part glue just gonna knock down my high spots scrape the top could use it you can see it's kind of flattening out that lifts off there what else do we need right here they just shave it down so this is just regular quick set you know the stuff that you get off the shelves at Home Depot or rona well but here it's over the paint and now it's pulling so I'm actually gonna kind of leave it alone it was good enough and it's where it's over the old painted stuff and it's a bit thinner that it was the worst can always test it with your finger if your fingers sticking to it too soon that all feels pretty good alright but this doesn't have to be totally perfect so let's get a coat on this so this is now this all-purpose mud nicely mixed up actually with the mixing paddle in a drill do you guys need a how to mix drywall in my video would that be helpful let me know in the comments and I'm putting this on pretty thick like quarter-inch to 1/8 of an inch in spots but that's the loading code they're not my finished passes I want to leave maybe like a small length on here or a couple mils so I'm gonna start with like a quarter-inch because that way I'll be able to leave a nice smooth coat now you guys may have heard me say that I let my trowel talk to me because it's my trowel that tells me where the big dives and hunts and stuff are in the wall by what the lines do that could be a whole video in and of itself I'll need the right job to show you guys that right now I'm just trying to smooth this out so that it can be sanded off nice and nice and smooth they said not even flat just without bubbles that's good enough he's a little knife work at the top I can live with that now let's take a look so the muds all nice and smooth without any major bubbles or bin holes so it's gonna sand really uniformly there's some liftoffs there some spots more than others you see there's that high spot but generally it's all really smooth and it's gonna stand out in just the one coat well there's one method you can use to make sure that your quick-set drywall mud sticks to the plaster and you have a hard durable long-lasting finish well a hard durable long-lasting finish underneath the cheap crumbly drywall mud let's not compare drywall mud to plaster but anyways there's one more method to making sure your mud sticks to your wall when you're doing those patches so thanks for watching back with your carpenter I hope you guys got something out of this video that's it it's all I have to say videos done
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 274,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plaster, repair, drywall, hole, wall, fix, patch, ceiling, damage, leak, joint, taping, mudding, tape, mud, skim, coat, install, crack, best, fast, easy, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, different, types, corner, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, home repair, tutorial, carpentry, trim, baseboard, casing, nail, screw, plywood
Id: 7NXHGTbs0n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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