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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to the water balloon challenge. Hey guys, so we're going to be uh, doing a water balloon toss. If you've done this before it's basically a challenge where you toss- *Laughter* Anyway, so we're gonna uh, continue on with the water balloon challenge. If you haven't seen this before we toss balloons back and forth And we take one step back for each time we toss it, every each person takes one step back each time and then uh, whoever breaks it loses! And whoever loses get punished. Great. Cool. Alright. Cool. Nice. Then you take a step back. *Giggles* Mark: No its not- Oh! Bob: That was a good throw... Yeah, you're welcome. Mark: Bad throws gets you disqualify ya. Bob: Huya. Nmmha... Oh, its short! ... Oh, sorry. Mark: *Grunts* No, it's okay. I got it. It's cool. Bob: Oh, that one might have actually worked. *Laughter and unintelligible words from Bob* Bob: Alright. Mark: YAAAY! Bob: Ahh... Bob: *Whispering* This is the sound of me cleaning your ears. *Squeaks balloon between hands* Mark: *In background* ... So now Wade and Tyler are gonna go... Mark: Same deal... Bob: *Still whispering* Now I'm sticking a worm into your nose. Bob: *Balloon squeaks so much that Mark is not heard* Mark: ... Then a winner's bracket. And we'll do it that way Bob: *STILL whispering* Now its eating your brain. Wade: That is not a good sound. Bob: *Yelling girlishly* Mark: *Unintelligible words* Bob: I was- I was ASMRing. Ethan: Yeah Bob was- Yeah. Mark: *Laughing* Bob: ... The worm I just inserted- Mark: Wait. Bob: -into their nose was eating their brain. Mark: Wait. Wait, okay. Bob: *More girlish screams* Mark: *Chuckling* Bob: Oh god! *Laughter* Wade: Was that intentional? Mark: Yeah. Bob: I didn't really know what was going to happen. Mark: *Laughs* Wade: Alright, ready? Mark: Okay, now, Wade and Tyler's turn. Mark: Nice. Wade: Oh. You stay- Whoever catches it, moves back? Bob: Yes. Wade: This is uh... Mark: It gets procedurally less fun, huh? Ethan: ... Your poop face! Tyler: You ready?! Wade: Yeah! Mark: Bad throw, bad throw, bad throw. Ethan: That's short! ... Bad throw! Ethan: *Sing-song* You're out! You're out! Ethan: S'a bad throw! I gotta look up your nose. Ethan: Absolute silence. If anything, golf-claps. That's the only thing. Bob: Just cheer raucously the whole time. Ethan: Ha! Amy: Wait, do we both- Oh! *Laughter* Mark: Well, Ethan's out! ... Wow! What? Ethan: *Laughing* That was so bad. Bob: Ethan, what do you have to say for yourself? Ethan: ... Funny. Wade: You just lost the one second challenge. Mark: You just lost, yeah, you lost. Ethan: *Giggling* Yep! Mark: No, actually, that was so bad- Ethan: Get another try. Mark: No, I don't think you should. Tyler: No definitely not. Ethan: It's not fair to Amy. Amy: It's not fair that I won? Mark: Alright, alright. One more try, one more try. Amy: I won fair and square! Amy: We both step back? Ethan: Uh, no. Amy: Does it matter? Wade: Just one, whoever catches. Tyler: I've been stepping back every time. Wade: Catch back. Ethan: We're already farther than before. Amy: Oh my god. I hate this. Ethan: I don't like the way that it jiggles. Ethan: You got it, you got it! Tyler: You're good, you're good. you're good, you're good. Ethan: If it needs to be fixed, you can fix it. Wade: Like a puppy! *Laughter* Ethan: Much like a puppy. Amy: I'm sorry! Mark: Good throw. It's okay. *Cheering* Ethan: This is the longest toss yet. Mark: No. Ethan: Well, f-for me. Mark: Okay. Ethan: And Amy. Wade: Well for every toss- Mark: Yeah, that's how it works. Ethan: *Laughs* He-yeah. That is how that works. Ethan: I'll- I'll- I'll run for if need be! *Cheering in disappointment* Mark: That was a good throw. That was a claim throw. Clean throw? Good throw? ... Good throw. Ethan: I didn't take my phone out of my pocket. Mark: Your's isn't waterproof? Ethan: Mine is not waterproof. Mark: Okay! Well, that sucks for you. Mark: Ther-There's such a thing for redemption from the loser's bracket. Tyler: If we get further out than the winner's do... Ethan: 'Kay. Tyler: ... We win. Ethan: How's-How's this gonna work? Ethan: So this is the loser's bracket, we all loss and now we're doing a triangle toss. Mark: THIS IS THE WINNER'S BRACKET. Fans: *Cheer* Ethan: Definitely the winner's bracket. So how we...? Are we doing duh, duh, duh? Tyler: Yes, yes. I throw to Bob, Bob throws to you. Bob: Oh, it's going to look like my fault when you drop it. Ethan: Ha! Good hands. Ethan: Ho! Good hands. Ethan: Ho. Ethan: Why is it only for me? Mark: I'm gonna get a sick shot. Hang on guys, wait. Hang on. Wait. Mark: Go for it. *Cheering* Mark: I got it? Mark: Wait, okay. Clean toss, bad catch? Good toss? Mark: So now it's going to be Bob and Ethan together and they're gonna go and whoever the winner is after Wade and I go, then the two winners will come back. Mark: So this is how if the first person playing loses they have another chance at redemption. Bob: This is how we planned it. Mark: Yeah. This is how we planned it. Bob: Yeah. Mark: *Unintelligible* style! Ethan: Ready Bob? Bob: Best of luck sir. Ethan: Remember, we're working as a team. Bob: Kind of. Mark: Not really. You guys are directly competing. Bob: Yeah. Ethan: Competing? Bob: We're in compitation. Tyler: You're in competition. Ethan: The winners of the losers is going to play the winner of the winners. Which will then determine the big winner. Tyler: Okay, can we just start? Mark: Yeah, lets go. Mark: I want a clean game. I want a fun game. Entertain these people, if you don't, we'll kill ya. Ethan: *Cackling* Ethan: Okay. Bob: Alright. Bob: We trying to win now, huh? Ethan: No. *Cheering in disappointment* Bob: Ah geez. Ethan: It was a good game. It was a good game. Mark: ... Lost on the second try in his first game. Ethan: I know! Bob: I think it that was a crappy balloon. Bob: I think the balloons were deflated. I think the balloons were deflated! Bob: Please don't close up on my nipple. Mark: Are we good with this one? Wade: Looks good. Tyler: Hold on. Lemme inspect. Looks good. Amy: Regulation size. Ethan: Is that a regulation water balloon? Tyler: You're good. Mark: Good? Good! Alright, clean game, lets get going. *Cheering in disappointment* Mark: Not the shoes! Amy: It was the nails. Wade: The nails. Amy: Really did me in. Ethan: Now its a face-off. Tyler: Its a face-off. Mark: We'll just continue from here. Wade: I feel like a I got a good call of trying to catch. Mark: Yeah, you gotta attempt. Tyler: Crowd! Clean throw? Clean throw? Wade: That was clean. Random Girl: Sike! I'm kidding. Mark: I was hoping- I was hoping to do it at the exact same time. Wade: Wait. Why was your beard wetter than my hand? Mark: No. Your hand got my beard wet. Mark: So um, I've won the winner's bracket, Ethan has won the loser's bracket. So the winner and loser uh, winners will come together Mark: in a face-off. Tyler: Since he tied it, I will let you begin. Mark: Okay. Sounds fair. Ethan: Red versus blue. Who's gonna win? Mark: You know who's going to win, Ethan? Ethan: Wha'? Mark: Purple. Ethan: Aw. Mark: No, get the fu... Ethan: Ooo... That was short. Mark: Little bit. It's okay. Mark: No! Crowd: *Cheers* Tyler: Ethan redeems. Wade: Hold on, hold on. He's wearing anti-pop. Mark: *Offended* Anti-pop? Nah, that was totally me. It went- It cradled right outta my palm. Ethan: O-Okay. I won. Mark: I don't understand. This is not fair. Mark: Not fair. Tyler: You made the rules! Crowd: *Cheers* Mark: I wanted to disqualify him in the beginning! Mark: I wanted to disqualify him. Crowd: *Chanting* Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. Ethan: Victory lap? Ethan: Oh yeah. Oh yeah! How does it feel to lose, Mr Markiplier?! Ethan: Yeeaaahhhh! I'm better than you in every way! Mark: You won. Ethan: I won. Mark: Which is really great. Incredible. Good job. You really outshowed us. Uh... You get the prize. Mark: Come against this tree. Ethan: Oh great. Can't wait for this prize. Ethan: I already know what's happening. Tyler: Come here. Ethan: I'm just going to embrace it. Ethan: I already know. Mark: Okay. Ethan. Ethan: Yeah? Mark: I'm going to offer you something. Ethan: Offer me something. Mark: I will take your place- Crowd: *Ooohs* Mark: IF you delete your channel. Ethan: Its really tempting! Mark: *Laughs* Ethan: Its really tempting. Random Guy: Delete it! Ethan: Its kind of a win-win. To be completely honest. Random Girl: Delete it and then remake it! Bob: I thought you were just gonna say you'll take his place if he declares you the winner. Mark: Yeah I'll do that. Ethan: No. No. Mark: You wanna win more than you wanna get- like, slaughtered by balloons? Bob: Ethan wants it. Ethan: Absolutely. Bob: Ethan's a champion. Mark: Alright, cool. Mark: You're a champion. You are the winner. Ethan: Just let it be known that I'm better than Mark. Mark: Yeah. Amy: Wait, do we both- Oh! Oh! Oh! OH! OH! *BOOM* (Epic explosions!) Mark: 3! 2! 1! Everyone: FIRE! *Laughter* Ethan: How is there's still more?! Ethan: Why?! Ethan: Why?! Tyler: They were all the flat ones. Ethan: No! Ethan: Stop! Ethan: It doesn't end! Mark: So thank you for everybody so much for watching! We had a ton of fun here. Thank you for everybody that participated. Thank you everybody that had a lot of fun while we were here. And thank you all so much for watching. And as always, I will see you- Crowd: *Cheering* Mark: The next video, Buh-bye! Crowd: *Cheering and clapping*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,621,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, water balloon toss, water balloon fight, water balloon challenge, water balloon challenge with fans, fan games, challenges with fans, hit with water balloon, water balloon fight funny, funny challenges, balloon, water balloon, challenge, meetup, fans, fight, balloon fight, food fight, water war, super soaker, funny, laughing, friends, tournament
Id: LDIktdrQpEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2016
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