Watchmen: You Are Called To Pray - Zhaleen Panlilio

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[Music] so we are continuing with our series contending for your destinies that verse says God is a great plan for us but the reality is we do not just wait for that plan to unfold we have our part we have a role to play and that is to content for that destiny to content for that God's plan for us and this afternoon I'm going to share a portion of how do we contend and I'm gonna focus and zero in on contending in prayer Pastora Preem know I mentioned that one way know one of the best ways one of the best ways to contend for our destiny is on our knees so I'm gonna be zero in zeroing in on that this afternoon I'm gonna share about prayer may I ask everybody to peace rise to your feet as we welcome the Word of God please rise your feet we're going to read 2nd chronicles chapter 7 verses 13 to 15 we're gonna flash the verses here but I also encourage you if you have your Bibles with you please open your Bibles with at 2nd chronicles 7 13 to 15 are you ready let's all read the Word of God 1 2 3 go when I shot up the heaven so that there is no rain or command locusts to devour the land or sent a plague among my people if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place blessed be the name of the Lord for the reading of his word you may all take your seats so this particular passage in the Old Testament now in the Bible clearly tells us a very very clear instruction in times of chaos in times of tragedy in times of trouble so sabadie toe the picture here is during that time the Lord shut up events mean to say there was no rain and Reid was important for the flop after the crops no for the land rain is important in other words the heaven is shut up and blessings are not coming Sabbath on or command locusts to devour the land or sent a plague among my people so there's plague among his people it's not even plague among those who are not believing in him but plague luck locusts was sent among his people so this is a picture of chaos can you see it just like the tile Pirelli tires on oh it's a picture of chaos and then the Lord says in verse 14 if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven I was praying and meditating upon this verses and this is what the Lord showed me the Lord sometimes shuts up the heavens where there is no rain sometimes you feel like he doesn't hear you sometimes you think that your prayers do not reach him there are locusts devouring the land you work hard but you don't enjoy it there are plagues among his people this is a picture of tragedy and devastation one thing that the Lord showed me here is that our God is good but he allows bad things to happen even among good people I remember encountering a book in in a bookstore and that's the title of the book when God allows bad things to happen to good people and we have a friend know she wrote a book the title of the book is when God allows rape so one thing that we can learn about the Lord in this passage is when you give your life to the Lord you claim that you are a believer you call upon the name of the Lord you claim the name of the Lord it is not a guarantee that it's always smooth everything is always good everything is always favorable everything is always comfortable because that verse acknowledges there's no rain well I know I'm rain Milo spa my my locusts namaha my plate bah a gallon a plate plug a plague among my people no sometimes the Lord ray see me saying you would relate to that in fact I would like to ask a more specific question I'm only here you wondered why you are suffering why you are going through difficulties when in fact you have put your faith in the Lord you have given your life to the Lord you are in a relationship with God in other words you are a follower of Christ yet you are going through difficult times and then you start wondering why who would be honest enough like me you started to ask why so be my Otterbein but I am umami cigarroa and drunk on my own you know our God allows bad things to happen even to good people even to his very own people and it is not for us to find out why because sometimes the Lord really does not explain why have you found that already maybe there are some of you here for a 10 years already you've been asking - why still no answer demo Pauline but I realize man you're asking the wrong question it is not for us to find out why it is for us to find out how do we respond and what is the Lord telling us out of it I don't know if you're watching the news notice that they'll eruption a lot of evacuees Elena Johanna evacuees in the name latest account and the doctor gun by on areas not been a clear and been evacuate because Africa total agony Liam danger no canina aguachile in Anu stole a garment epidural mado albedo Los Alamos Paquita paronella asylum to lead to the perineum below so Hindi Pedrosa guarantee how do we respond a family in LA lacking in finances how do we respond to that losing a job how do you respond to that losing a loved one how do we respond to that how do we continue to contend to God's great plan for a God's great plan when we were going through difficulties and tragedy because many times tragedy many times difficulty it saps our energy it saps our faith out right but how do we really respond to that what is the biblical perspective and the biblical advice verse 14 is our answer to that Abaddon if my people who are Moni here you would like to claim you are the people of God raise your hand of course in Amanda BA we want to be God's people's happy I no longer go in if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven the Lord is waiting for us to respond to him then he can change the situation but many times we just want the Lord to change the situation without us doing our part but this verse is God's grace for us so brown clear an instruction Satan under dawn our response is to be number one be humble tell your neighbor be humble are you proud that your humble very proud of your humility humbly bragging about your humility so that we don't be humble what is the characteristic of the humble man a humble man a humble woman is one who would always acknowledge his or her helplessness apart from God a humble man is somebody who would always run to the Lord and troit apart from you I cannot do anything a humble man would be somebody who would say I know what I can do I know my talents but I know that my talents will not be enough if you will not bless me and come with me God is looking for people who may be struggling with humility but will choose to respond by humbling himself and herself before the Lord then I will hear from heaven see knowing him in tanana McCampbell you Montaigne said we must have to be more Taiyuan marijuana let us be the first one to humble ourselves what's the next instruction the next instruction is to pray it's not just to put on the stature the stature of humility dependence on the Lord but that dependency leads should lead us to pray here what is prayer prayer is calling unto the Lord prayer is not something complicated or difficult prayer is being in the presence of God talking to him and calling upon him actually these two words come together being humble and being prayerful and it also follows that if a person is not humble that person usually is not prayerful because if you are humble and you feel your dependence on the Lord you feel helpless without the Lord you will really pray who Oh mom we have experienced that you're going through something or you're about to face something and you realize it's difficult dug in prayerfully right students no finals week no I remember during my fight one of my semester in college final sweet no college which is just last year I had in the span of five days I had nine exams all finals covered to offer you coverage no not only the cover but everything in between the cover I remember that week I became very very prayerful you talk about an indica a contain Latino coverage is that true when we go through difficulty we're facing challenges although more know we become humble we become prayerful what's the next things have you done seek my face but what do we usually do how do we usually respond when we are facing crisis and difficulty we seek for solution we seek for people when you're down you seek for people but very clear instruction dito see you know how hang up in more Loren seek the Lord so could it be that the reason why what why we are going through what we are going through as a nation even as a church or even as a family perhaps is God calling our attention he's been seeking in the wrong places you've been seeking for the wrong things it's time to seek me I pray that by His grace we would respond to him and seek him because in Jeremiah 29 the next verse there you will seek me and you will find me if you seek for me with all of your heart the Lord is not playing hide and seek with us he is in fact waiting and eager to reveal himself to us and to act strongly on our behalf he's just waiting for us to seek Him encourage your neighbor tell your neighbor seek Him Sahabi lands have been must seek him the fourth point is very important equally important no with the first three Sabbath on turn from their wicked ways so God is pointing us to the things that we need to change and we need to correct and we need to be cleansed from and those are wicked ways you know the Lord is so good and the Lord is gracious he reveals in his word every detail of instruction that we need to know the appointing among vignale ami and Abba yah Sabra detail in other words this verse is trying to tell us are you going through difficulty do you feel like the heavens are shut no blessing is pouring upon you here's what you're going to do number one you humble yourself number two you pray you call upon me number two you seek me what's the difference between prayer and seeking prayers you are talking to God you're asking him your communion communion with him sick is more intense it's deeper like I'm not gonna let you go until you bless me Lord until I see the heavens open I'm not gonna let you go and it doesn't stop there the Lord says hey you have to look at your life too you have to look at your life there are certain things there that we need to remove there are certain wicked ways wicked things I'm strong now we're ignorant no we kid missing having mistakes in this in a being difficulty in dienes in this in a big challenges or struggles in a big weekend ways so could it be that when the Lord allows us to go through tragedy it is also a time for us to face the mirror and it's also the time when the Lord would reveal though we get things in her life that we need to graduate from I pray that whatever you are going through right now as an individual or even as a family that you would find grace not to face the lord's mirror and let us allow the Lord to examine us to show unto us what are the wicked ways that we need to surrender to him so that we can be cleansed Baha'i palacios Ibaka Honda subleasing so we are not to hide our wicked ways but we are to turn from our wicked ways how can you turn from something that you have been denying how can you turn away from something that you don't even admit but by the grace of God may we find the humility and the grace to face God's mirror and acknowledge the things that we need to be cleansed from amen is this helping you are you okay am i okay yeah and then God's response what will be God's response I'm going donítö do you wanna know God's response if we do our part he will do his part are you excited for his part his response number one he will hear from heaven who Oh mommy you want God to hear your prayers and by hearing from heaven this does not say just mere hearing and not doing anything but this verse is saying I will hear from heaven I will respond to you I will answer Sabbath on I will hear from heaven and then I will forgive you so first is he will hear us he will listen to us and second is he will forgive us and third is he will heal our land gyuhan turnitin canina he will blessed are those who dwell in your house then we have to contend in prayer tell your neighbor content in prayer come on well aloud sabemos ammonia content in prayer sabila Sabino content in prayer the title of our message for this afternoon is watchman you are called to pray today we're going to issue God's mandate upon our church upon our disciples and our leaders and ministers image in the church we are not just called to pray occasionally but we are called to pray as a lifestyle let prayer and intercession be our identity our core value it's who we are Isaiah chapter 62 verse 6 to 7 here we will see that prayer is important how how important is it in the heart of God pay Messiah attack I say a 62 verse 6 to 7 we're gonna be reading it in different translations just so that to stress a point ah hi let's read it from ESV can you read this with me together one two three go amen so the Lord is saying I have set watchmen can you say the word Watchmen can you say it aloud Watchmen you know one reason I am asking you to speak is because I don't really see you so I'm guessing if I'm talking to somebody so I'm asking you to speak really is dark and he's very in my eyes I have set watchmen so the Lord is the one who sets Watchmen prayer warriors I'm John Bahia I see if I get ahold of him allow all right let's read it from the NLT NLT it says one two three go read it that's the marching order that's the clear command of the lord shabonneau lord i have set watchmen i have posted watchmen on your walls they will pray when they will pray when they and i maked up tompa continually day and night continually take no rest all you who pray to the Lord and give the Lord no rest until they no picture ekodama on whom my nominal hang in what compete again and penang see lord hong kong Halen subpoena servers give the lord no rest until he completes his work this is the picture of contending for our destiny on pending for the great plans of God for our lives we all have to say to take it sitting down and just wait long great plans and then yours NASA and Lloyd it's our part I've stationed you I have posted you as a watchman and what are you going to do you're gonna pray day and night it doesn't say you're not gonna work it doesn't say you're not gonna use your gift things it doesn't say you're not gonna fulfill your calling and just pray pray pray no while you are doing your part while you are working while you are exercising your gifts and callings from the Lord pray day and night continually why continually I say my process you fulfillment some plants the Lord Sabina pain and the verse is telling us do not stop praying until the Lord completes his work do you find it getting difficult right now do you find it you're struggling right now by future Papa you're battling you feel heavy you feel like I cannot break through why is it like this three years ago it's so easy why is it like this right now God is telling you on praying keep on praying do not stop day and night continually until he completes his work in you why because he who began a good work in us will be faithful completed his role is to plan great plans for us and to fulfill his plans for us our role is to pray day and night continually until he accomplishes what he wants to accomplish in our life tell your neighbor don't stop praying Sahib Allah encouraged Masha don't stop praying in the amplified version sabadie toe on your walls o Jerusalem I have appointed and stationed Watchmen Meriden ignorant prophets to be a prayer warrior is to be a prophet to be a watchman who will never keep silent indeed Papa he make day and night with the Pauline D to majimak by Allah means a new beginning' male and got me a prayer to majimak you who profess the Lord take no risk for yourselves give him no rest from your prayers until he establishes Jerusalem and makes her a place on the earth when God sets his heart to do something great in a land or among his people the first thing he does is he sets his people to prayer I was meditating on this and I started asking the Lord so you won't do your you won't fulfill your plans if I don't pray because I heard one controversial preacher said that he said God cannot do anything apart from you that's very controversial and I don't want to be controversial God will still do what he wants to do because his sovereign are you there he is not hindered by us neither do we help him when we pray he is sovereign and then the Lord started revealing to me it's by ritual role why will you pray because that's your role it's not because God is dependent on us it's not because God is limited if we do not bring his sovereign he can do anything and everything even the most impossible thing he can accomplish it and he will accomplish it even without us but then the Lord started revealing to me but that's your role so if you don't do your role you you lose your chance of participating in my great and grand plan for you for your family for your ministry even for our nation I don't know with you but I don't want to miss that chance I don't want to miss that privilege of taking part in the fulfillment of God's plan for my life for my family for our church and for our nation amen and that is true prayers in the PPP let's enjoy the PPT Jerusalem I have stationed intercessors on your walls who will never be silent day or night you reminders of Yahweh take no rest so be more take no rest some of you already rest in oh I can see it tell your neighbor take no rest and tirelessly give God no rest Wow that's the picture of contending in prayer contending for our destinies Abaddon tirelessly give God no rest what mahjong panel panel making Alabama Holly Hobbie male on askin I know but I'm using myself as an example to Omaha Omaha couple of unis unis a meow my own cream cheese will be with Budi Budi aluminum Bahama Bellini open charge a few co-parenting judge Bob I believe on Brandon gusto you know Perry union picture loony if we're going to pretend for our destiny that with the putting data ppmd kappa fired you - I am uncle EP my pop I think I am a monkey pop is not God's plan for us how much more God's plan for our church how much more God's building for our people how much more God's plan for our nation somebody the bag I don't pull it more into some small I come back I you pull it nothing but I mean I think I'll order will it go a little lower can you use me Lord good hold them are not misuse people it go yeah baby a hundred no more player I [Music] no because this is what that's what God wants to do in us he wants to steer us up in prayer so that we can be stationed as watchman a nobody on watchman in the world just to give us a picture the lord is designed that every city or every nation is covered and surrounded by wall so imagine this is destiny Church we are covered by wall your wall during that time is a thick wall it's a wide wall now how wide it is in the chaparral you block millennia now no or firewall Magana how wide is that world cup on two to three carriages or two to three cars no Makaha side-by-side donno kalapa dual ion and the Lord has designed that watchman with stationed around the world it's not just one person covering the whole wall it's a lot of Watchmen covering the wall and what's their role to watch watch to watch the enemy and to watch for what's happening and what's their role to pray day and night come on Oh Nikita a paprika world goin on Evita a paprika Lord in dat cheese Miss India and oh na na kita you would unknown upon sin e Lulu hood K Lord main upon sense of family week a long time since a family illusion you are a watchman so imagine in the family you are surrounded picture it you are surrounded by a wall but there's no watchman the enemy is already coming the enemies already attacking the enemies already ransacking no muscle Oh voila watchman so let's bring this to a point of person reflection in your family who's the watchman for your work who's the watchman is there a watchman for your ministry if you're a life group leader who's the watchman who's the one praying day and night continuously not stopping until the Lord accomplishes his purpose is this helping you is this making you realize things I pray that starting this season on a serious night and contending for our destinies that our prayer life will really be taken to another level that we will not be complacent we will have the people just so lacks in prayer but we're gonna be people who will really take hold grab hold of God's destiny for us and we're gonna contend work and a pound on the doors and the windows of the heaven we're gonna pound on the gates of heaven and we will not stop calling upon the name of the Lord until he accomplishes his work in us among us and through us it's time to pray it's time to call upon the name of the Lord the Lord is longing for us to call upon him day and night in our mind we're thinking we're waiting for our destiny we're waiting for your promise to be fulfilled but in the perspective of God I'm waiting for you because it's already prepared before we were born God has already prepared great things for us that we may walk in it I released pray call upon him Lord help me Lord change me Lord guide me Lord fulfill your plans Lord do your work yes do your work when we go to our office nor do your work in this office when you go to your campus Lord do your work in this campus we are the Watchmen where are the Watchmen will he be that Watchmen will you be that man that woman who would call upon the name of the Lord a and night continually you will not be satisfied until you see the breakthrough until you see God answering our prayers until you see God accomplishing his purpose in our life may we be that army of intercessors I remember when we were starting in the church the very first steps that we did to start this church is prayer meeting we would have prayer meeting 5 a.m. Konstantinov a prayer meeting I own 22 years ago at the prenup open window yah Dada WA and then I remember we got married he continued with a prayer meeting then I got pregnant with Julia Sullivan hang on chanko I would be in the prayer meeting madonna disabilities every day we would pray every day we would pray Lord Lord fulfill your purpose fulfill your purpose year after year we would see God work God would accomplish his purpose and as we enter a new decade let's enter into a new decade of Prayer let's travail let's give birth let's pray and content for what God has prepared for us for the next 20 years are you there who's ready to be a watchman for God amen Ezekiel 22 verse 29 to 30 the people of the land have practiced oppression and extortion and have committed robbery they have wronged the poor and needy and they have oppressed the stranger without justice in other words here is another picture of chaos another picture of a challenging time time of crisis Sabbath on people have practiced oppression extortion and robbery sounds familiar you read the news miliar exact picture to sabe don't they have wronged the poor and needy they have oppressed the stranger without justice left and right you see injustice happening then look at the interesting parts Abaddon I searched for a man so in the midst of the chaos God was busy doing something he was looking for a man and it says there I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before me for the sake of the land that I would not destroy it then the tragic of all tragedy says but I found no one not even one in emphasize one is tragic to have oppression injustice robbery extortion but is more tragic do not have at least one person who would stand in the gap and pray for that land the real tragedy there is not having that man who would stand in the gap and intercede and pray what's the greatest tragedy for our church is when nobody would stand in the gap and pray anymore are you there are you there in the NIV it says the people of the land practice extortion commit robbery they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the foreigner denying them justice does have been employed I looked for someone among them I looked for someone among them we would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it Abbadon but I found no I pray that the Lord and the Holy Spirit would really stay our hearts debris but when he looks at our family when he looks at our ministry when he looks at our church he will not say the same words so you must suffer to be more dire sacoby laws have been mocked paper attire are you are you seeing it that's where we are headed we're gonna content for our destinies in our prayer amen so just so that we have points point number one God is the one who posts Watchmen God is the one who posts Watchmen God is the one who brings steering in our hearts to pray we cannot force people to pray I cannot force you to pray maybe right now you're convinced in your mind we need to pray it's important to pray but unless the Lord bring a steering in our hearts and be the one to pick us up and take us to that post station as an appoint us to be a watchman mikasa Billiton laughs so when I was preparing for this I was praying to the Lord Lord you are the one who would raise up prayer warriors in destiny Church you are the one who would do that and then few days after I prayed that prayer somebody messaged me and she told me that I could not sleep a lot at night Samiha most of the times I would wake up 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. and I could not go back to sleep and once had to go back in time truce kappa kappakappa that mean you know are they the Lord is the Lord is the one awakening me in the middle of the night and the Lord wants me to play I just know that the Lord wants me to pray and she said I don't just understand what to pray for but I know that the Lord wants me to pray so I just wake up and I pray that's the work of God amen just so that we are transparent with one another who only have experienced that like in the past weeks you wake up in the middle of the night or very early than usual and you feel the burden to pray raise your hand yes I see that hand yes yes yes hey you need me playing I mean kissing me no no just kidding aside but it's really the Lord who would raise our prayer warriors why because in His grace he wants to accomplish his purpose in our life so he will also be the one to spear us up to pray for what he wants to accomplish point number two God is looking for Watchmen who are prayer warriors and intercessors so he's the one who raises them up but at the same time he is looking for those who would respond to him and tell him Lord let me be the one problemas ebin I think you break up some you know then nothing works let me be the one may that be our anthem before the Lord Lord let me be the one to pray no no not to beat goodbye but to pray to intercede are you there amen so this watchman our prayer warriors they will be sensitive may attack ba a new Bond Yarrabah fat guy in an IRA you come to church you come to the service not just to attend but you come here you are a prayer where you're you pray for every seat I remember if every time we would have retreats no during our youth time which was just a few days ago we would pray for that for every chair know where you put it o makki kilala Pegeen on yahoo appetito Maradona tsongkhapa mean on your putti to goggling you my Sabbath company no unity discourage pagamo pousada to encourage - annoyed India may Allah give me mercy sirrah oh pretty miss a man who looked at it with the toy yarn because I never know how to call for God is looking for a watchman may we be the large man Pamela so you saying you want to be that watch amen I open albino seek a point number three by hiding to my scanner no kamae point number three Watchmen discern any enemy so watchman is not just a noogler no but these CERN men made this invention deterrence the enemy about to come and attack the church and defend the church in prayer and in warfare last week when Harmony Pastor Mike Candide was a pastor mike iuen sacto see Pastor Mike Andy Tobin come on junga junga okay way to have a mentor positions are being trained in a lesson military is they are given a task to protect their camp that was the realest wall there in my room world that was not a station Silla don't as watchman tapas lahat now watchman they have codes so pugna high duty sila they have codes assembler million could put many feet an asylum enemy they would send a code to one another tap or some Apple Apple the watchman will just sound the alarm and somebody else would do the fight that's what I imagine and then he said no idea who a noona autonomy we are the ones who would engage we are the first line of defense that's what it means to be an intercessor that's that is what it means to be a prayer warrior you see the attack and you pray against it you pray about it you bring it to the Lord you submit it to the Lord and you allow the Lord to intervene and arrest the enemy so that the enemy will not even come close to our town so imagine your family having a watch man wow that's why Jesus in his model prayers have been a lord lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil parroting polonium evil pin a pre-alpha that's what it means to be a watch man that's what it means to be a prayer warrior amen are you there I'm gonna give you just practical guidelines for ministers and leaders I would like to ask warm oh here are life group leaders can I see a show of hands and by faith I see you hi can I see a show Lance Life Group leaders you are BSG facilitators okay this part is specifically for you ministers and leaders three points for you number one ministers are Watchmen on the church's walls so you are not just to take care of your small group but we are together a corporate team of a watchman for our entire church is that clear that is the reason why we ask you to commit to our prayer meetings it is necessary that as Watchmen they be wakeful faithful and willing to endure hardness I said this to our gatekeepers yesterday if we cannot pray for the church we cannot leave the church if we cannot contend for our church in private we cannot leave them in public because that's where the real battle is that's where the bulk of the work is for ministers and leaders that we stationed ourselves as Watchmen praying for the people number two ministers are concerned to stand up on their guard day and night as life group leaders I just want to remind you life is a battle as what pastor Carl is teaching us life is a battle the enemy is real who would be the first ones that the enemy would want to attack of course it's the leaders because if the leader is attacked nobody will take care of the rest so stand your guard be always on watch touches for your people but also over your life so may I remind you as we enter into the rest of this new decade not just new year but new decade one thing that we should put our hearts into and put our intention is to grow in our watchfulness for ourselves know your witness know trigger points and watch yourself in those areas are you there is this helping you know guard yourself day and night guard God's people day and night we must never be off our watch as long as those for whose souls we watch are not out of danger we are to be watchful tell your neighbor be watchful and problema why your Netflix not on igano and watchfulness not a NASA Netflix now number three ministers must never hold their peace ministers must never hold their peace what does that mean we must take all opportunities to give warning to sinners or those under attack in season and out of season and ministers must never betray listen to this life group leaders BSG facilitators ministers must never betray the cause of Christ by a treacherous or cowardly silence we are to be watchful listen to the Lord be discerning see what the Lord is doing and let us not be coordinated come boldly unto the throne of grace and pray it out are you there I remember one Monday I was having second thoughts whether I'm gonna go to the prayer meeting or not I committed every Wednesday and it was a Monday and I know the Lord is convicting me to go there so I'm gonna go there but I was thinking maybe I'm the only one I'll be alone there then I better stay at home and just bring here then I message one of my friends I ask her assists are you going to the prayer meeting and then she said yes on my way Nepal Soyoung excuse comedy Sacco Hindi loosen Baro Papa labas Nirvana is a Cooper in homo Yahoo Mowgli laqad Papa labas nagoba glaucoma bio Anakin seven years old mom where are you going I'm going to the prayer meeting I want to go with you the Lord told me you see you're not alone yes Lord so he went to the prayer meeting we spend time praying for the church praying for you praying for our pastors bring for our gatekeepers for the members of the board we've we've been praying for you every single day since the week of fire contending for your destiny contending for your calling maybe you are struggling and you realize you're able to go through it by God's grace perhaps it is because of the prayers of God's people protecting you covering you that's how important and crucial prayer is amen are you there we must never hold our peace and betray the cause of being silent no longer will be will we be oppressed or silenced by the enemy now what is it for the congregation now for the rest of us for all of us leaders and members it is not enough that your leaders pray for you I have six points for you number one make mention of the Lord continually through the good and the bad whatever we go through you make mention of the Lord what does that mean we do not deny the reality of God even when we are down even when we are going through challenging times we never avoid avoid you our Sun Moon Illuma bosib a big momentous Metallica and for your destiny do not allow yourself to confess negatively about the Lord but always make mention of the Lord and going through difficulty right now but I know that is sovereign we're going through difficulty right now in the ministry but God is sovereign I know God is working every single day the Lord is exposing a lot of difficult things a lot of negative things a lot of problems but I know the Lord is at work in the midst of all this is this helping you that's what it means to be a watch my number two we must be a praying people so beam you up we must be a praying people destiny let us be a praying people let us not be a people who would perform and run after the praises were men not run after an Instagram of all life that I would gather more likes pray that we will be a praying people in the last days it's gonna be more difficult the Lord says evil will become more evil wicked will become more wicked those who love evil will love evil some more but those who will overcome until the end they will be rewarded with a crown how do we overcome number three God is not displeased with our importunity Adonai immaculate the no offense alor setar Michalek McBrain gotta be vomiting mahalik gonna the example is Luke 11 verse 5 verse 8 a woman knocking big thing up by painting up i have been away began to look now ah da boom us na painting up a painting up I mean who painted up a big there by Benny Jesus Muhammad la way Papa nice Vito be beginning of Athena by the subpoena Lord in DB Bhagirath in epidemic I began be big enough in a pie they condition he here to looming it in the CEV translations arbiter he the friend will get up and give bread to the friend because she is not ashamed to keep on asking Wow when I was reading that verse I started praying to the Lord may I be that woman who will not be a keep on asking the Lord who would not be ashamed to come boldly to the throne room of the Lord and keep on pounding and asking Lord to your will Lord accomplish your purpose God you saw a church according to your plans Lord do not allow the enemy to hinder us I was meditating on that verse and when I saw that that really pricked through my heart and I thought the Lord may I be that woman who will not be ashamed to keep on knocking to keep on knocking because God says to those who keep on asking they will receive it's not asking that is crucial for us what's more crucial is to keep on asking until we receive the answers to our prayers number 4 what is the purpose of our prayer number 4 the public welfare and prosperity of God's people should be our utmost desire in prayer it's one thing to come to the prayer meeting and pray for your personal needs but it's another thing to come to the prayer meeting and be a prayer warrior for our nation it doesn't mean we're not going to pray for our needs anymore it simply means we're gonna go beyond that thereafter I pray for my knees I'm gonna be praying for my nation I'm gonna be praying for my family I'm gonna be praying for our church amen are you there who I'm on here would be encouraged to find out that somebody's praying for you are you encouraged what if I tell you every morning there are Destiny's prayer warriors who wake up early in the morning and gather every five o'clock praying for each one of us is that encouraging right I'm always encouraged whenever I receive messages from people and telling both from inside destiny and somewhere not from their signatures they would inform us your family is always in our prayer one pastoral family said every Tuesday is our prayer time our priority for you your family and the whole of Destiny church Wow that's the kind of culture we want to build we're praying for one another we're not attacking each other but we're praying for one another we're not doing a baker against each other but we're gonna pray for one another that's the kind of people that we want to be by God's grace amen number 22 is it number 22 or 23 okay number 23 no number five pray until we receive the breakthrough I am ending pray pray until we receive the breakthrough do not stop tell your neighbor do not stop maybe the Lord has revealed to you the Lord would give your family your own house because you've been renting for so long and you've been praying for it and then perhaps you realize your prayer dwindle down the Lord is reminding you encouraging you today and I want to encourage you may I propose go back on your knees draw the house kneel down in front of that drawing the heart you're gonna give this in your time in your way for your glory twenty two years we've been praying for a building we now have the drawing of it let the building let the picture of the building be in front of our eyes all the time in the morning we kneel down Lord give us a house for your people this is for your people give us a place where we can gather we will not be in the streets we will not be homeless but you're gonna provide a home for us we don't stop we plan to the church 22 years ago until today I travail Lord what is your purpose fulfill it do it Lord I even pray to the Lord if I'm the hindrance remove me Lord remove me use of your a prayer warrior your heart is for the heart of God you can take yourself out of the equation and you're all about the will of God that's the kind of disciples we want to raise up that's the kind of generations we want to raise up people would who would be selfless people who would be all about God because nowadays this generation is full of ourselves from a non self video selfie time at the moment ongoing right now the prayer warriors let's not stop until we receive our breakthrough you have a broken family don't stop praying for your family pray until you get your breakthrough pray until you get your breakthrough are you praying for family members loved ones you want them to come to know the Lord don't stop praying don't stop praying I wanna encourage you maybe your face has been attacked by the enemy maybe you've been discouraged along the way the past year may be very discouraging and challenging time for you but I stand here in front of you I want to encourage you I want to beseech you my brothers and my sisters let's get back on our knees let's get back on the promises of God let's give birth on the promises of the Lord we will not faint we will not give up we will look up to him and we will not stop until we see the breakthrough that comes from the Lord her life is the Lord's our life is the Lord's work he will never abandon us he will never stop working in us among us and through us don't stop believing don't stop rain don't stop contending are you a parent don't stop intending for your children even for your children's children Lord that they may serve you Lord that they may serve you continually Lord that they will not be snatched by the enemy preserve them lord over them they would love you they would serve you destiny let's content for our destiny we are not just called destiny for no reason being a people of destiny means we content for it we don't give up are you there we don't give up we don't give up we may be discouraged along the way we may be tired along the way but we're not gonna give up we're not gonna stop but we're gonna keep on praying until the Lord would open the heavens and pull out this blessing that there would be no room enough to contain it we're not gonna stop we know what we are waiting for we are certain for what we are looking for in lastly number six we will ask God for the spirit of prayer because unless the Lord and the Holy Spirit helps us and lead us we cannot pray Romans 8:26 228 it says in the same way the spirit helps us in our weaknesses we do not know what we ought to pray for have you experienced that you want to pray you know you have experienced that you want to pray you have time to pray but you don't know what to say DiPaola Milan Milan comparison very nice Apollo you know now you know what algorithm Allah uses a beam more you're out of words Megara sayin rinse a megadose iranian todo Maya Kanan Farina no you're out of words but the Lord says that is the spirit helps us in our weaknesses we do not know what we ought to pray for in acknowledged care people tell you by bully in acknowledging you witness school gusto dilemma brain or no pumps has to be him the back Lord does miserable paprika this happy with Allah this pertain walk with empty circles graph a polynomial 30 cycles down the cup where these are being kind Lord because I'm having throw poetry are some Chi Longman because you don't know what to say anymore but I wanna encourage us appetito I know I ain't in the empire Noam Lauren I know I ain't in the dinin Bibles Abaddon we do not know what we are what we ought to pray for but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through world less I word let world less word less gross I don't know with you if you have experienced that sometimes there are no words coming out you just feel the burden on your chest and then maybe the Lord reminds you of a person a project or a difficulty a problem or a need but you don't know what to say you just feel the burden why because that's the Holy Spirit helping us the Holy Spirit put me in that burden what do you do with that burden you close your eyes you bow down on your knees you bring it to the Lord in prayer but whatever you wanna do Lord do it now we have experienced many times in the past a horse an intercessor I would wake up early in the morning then I would kneel down I know God wants me to pray but I don't know for who I don't know for what reason then I will just start praying and praying and praying Lord whatever it is then sometimes I would feel its danger I need to pray for covering and protection for somebody so I would pray Lord protect your cover in Jesus name we take away the work of the enemy Lord protect them and cover them then the following morning I would find out either a family member or a disciple was almost got in an accident now rescue why the Lord is calling out worth why are yours intercessors brain I remember there was a time a season in our prayer meeting we would be praying for tribes I remember one particular tribe we've been praying we don't know who they are and where they are banging me samoh there will be pray for Sam they would know you blah blah blah all last year we went to some wanker and we went to this particular island books to swim in cami that's have been a pastor I am poor mama bunny nee-sama coming the Lamonica element D Nami syllable a und to polio and you know it encouraged Oscar say we found out that there's already a church there planted we just don't know how much impact we will have on our knees if you want to buy a ma map world map go ahead buy a world map start praying and interceding nations nations are you there he will searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance to the will of God and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose God is working we must be brave let me say that again God is working his working things out he's orchestrating everything for the good of those who love Him what is our role in all of this to come to him in prayer amen so may I ask this afternoon who a moment here would say yes I want to come to him Imperator I want to learn how to pray and I want to be that prayer warrior for my family for my church for my nation if you're that person I'm gonna ask you to stand to your feet right now and we're gonna pray we're gonna ask for the spirit of prayer we're gonna ask for the Holy Spirit to anoint us today in prayer because every time God intends to do something great he first sets his people to prayer you know what this message encourages me so much because being a mother I don't have the luxury of time really the goal places be a missionary and whatsoever the Lord reminded me that all of us can go not all of us can give big large sums of money for the ministry then the Lord told me but all of us can break don't say we don't have anything to offer and contribute to the will of God and the purpose of God we all can pray be God's partner as prayer warriors and as intercessors let us all come to the Lord in prayer Heavenly Father we thank you for this afternoon father I pray that you would awaken and steer up each one of us to come to your presence and dwell in your presence not just to enjoy your presence out of selfish motives but to dwell in your presence and be prayer warriors be Watchmen for our family for our ministry for our life group for our church even for our nation for the nations of the world Lord right now I pray that you would pour out a spirit of prayer for our congregation right now whether old or new come Holy Spirit and touch us with a spirit of prayer grant upon each one of us the grace to come before you to be in your throne room to be in the war room which were and content for our destinies I thought gonna ask you spend some time first pray for your life pray for yourself right now go ahead you know your specific struggles you know your specific problem let's all come to the Lord in prayer and lift up to the Lord all of our needs our struggles our prayer requests our desires come on everybody lift up your voice in prayer yes Lord father accomplish your purpose in our life Lord God father set us free from every hindrance set us free from all the bondage of the enemy set us free from every heaviness every oppression Lord God set us free whatever is hindering us from coming to you and knowing you set us free Lord God every argument in our mind set us free Lord God every doubt that were struggling with Lord please set us free Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus let your kingdom come and let your will be done upon our lives Lord God right now let's come before the Lord as Watchmen for our families let's lift up every family member to the Lord you know the more you pray for your family members the more healing there is because there's no way you can hate there's no way you can hate the person that you pray the most come on let's pray for our family pray for every family member your father your mother your siblings your grandparents Lord Oh Lord Jesus God Lord let your covering be upon our families Lord God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus father let your healing Lord let reconciliation unity and peace be upon our family Lord God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus come on pray for your family content for your family in prayer come on pray for your family if you have a family member who's sick pray for them right now we speak healing we speak miracle upon miracle upon miracle Lord God we lift up to You Lord our sick family members Lord we ask for your healing Lord we ask for your divine hand to touch them Lord God Lord perform miracles upon our family even Lord you so every crisis that we are facing so that our family will come closer to you know that so that our family will be united our family would learn to come to you together Lord in humility in prayer Lord God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus father we even pray for every lock in the finances material world salam ala book salute on banging on et NEFAs I mean say opening Apollo 11 allow me families Lord God we declare upon our family you are Jehovah Jireh you are a provider Lord God nothing is impossible with you Lord God what we cannot provide we know you can provide even so much for Lord God we declare an overflowing blessing upon our family Lord God in the name of Jesus and father we pray that with the blessings that will come our way we would always acknowledge you Lord God but every blessing every perfect gift is from you it is not out of our hard work but it is from you your divine provision upon us Lord God in the name of Jesus father prosper those who are running their own businesses those who are running their own companies Lord God prosper them protect them from men and women of evil intention Lord God cover them north from any oppressive and in unjust transactions Lord God but let there be righteousness let there be justice in their businesses no lying extortion no bribery like that but all purity and righteousness in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah father we declare upon our family let your kingdom come let your will be done and we declare today as for me in our house we will serve the Lord we will love you we will worship you together and I God and we will serve you for all the days of our life Lord God we declare a mighty hand of protection about our families Lord God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus right now let's pray for our nation specifically for those who are affected by the Nile volcano eruption come on let's come to the Lord in behalf of them let's pray for the Lord's rescue let us pray that our volcano would stop and with no longer and Rob come on let's stand in the gap right now let's come before the Lord let those who name the name of the lord call upon him give yourself snow rest and give the Lord no rest until he accomplishes his purpose here on earth Oh Lord God Oh Lord god father would lift up to our beloved nation Lord God we lift up the Ummah macapa by and I mean banging on now peg paddle or 'god knock new bulkin a little bunny no oil no Nene la la patate du du Loup unum in Silla say in your tongue in oil ha ha began you puka me banging on let your mercy let your grace in your favour be upon our nation Lord God Lord we pray Lord that you would protect and cover humming maraca Baba and banging on we lift up to you all of our kebabian in the evacuation center in Lord God protect them Lord for those getting sick Lord heal them right now heal them right now protect them Lord God Father we pray for provision of all the needs God we pray for all the companies the NGOs the foundation and the local government units working there Lord let there be unity among them let her be provision among them in the name of Jesus Lord God in the name of Jesus cover them protect them Lord God in the name of Jesus father we even lift up to you our operation this coming week Monday Tuesday Wednesday as we go there Lord God let your protection and covering be upon us Lord God may we be United may we be generous enough to reach out to them to donate for them and more importantly to pray for them Lord God in the name of Jesus father we pray for your divine intervention Lord God protect and cover our nation and father it is our prayer today whatever your purpose is for allowing this Lord accomplish it do it Lord accomplish hasten your work in our nation hasten your work in our nation we pray let there be no casualty Lord let there be no casualty but accomplish your purpose Lord may this season be a season of calling unto you of humbling ourselves brain sick in your face in a season of turning away from our wicked ways Lord God so that you will hear from heaven and pour out your favor in your blessing father God we declare that in our nation you are the Lord you are our Savior you are our rescuer Lord God let your kingdom come let your will be done over our nation Lord God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus c'mon let's give the Lord a clap of praise their victory over our nation the glare covering over our nation because we will go from say the same we will go from glory come on let's great [Music]
Channel: Destiny Church PH
Views: 5,196
Rating: 4.7407408 out of 5
Id: t4rLukzlXfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 30sec (4470 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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