Inside Job | Pastora Venus Armas

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let's just enjoy guide today all right how many of you believe that God is in the business of transforming his people amen I'm Ponyo non-poor I concerns about a society not goosing at i/o McBay go at knock baba go amen that no matter how old and experienced you are as a Christian kappa girl not Christian okay gonna wanna cotton done Christian what Kate gonna knock our immune are an ass and what Alamo that is not done with you yet amen but Oliver in Bhutan pin a bag on a lurid Sabine Masada be more been a bag open already Amen at me Bakugan papacy Lloyd's about is a satin Amen God wants to transform your life God wants to transform my life and he does it from the inside out and not from the outside in mariupol is some arrow the same equipment I began go so simply don't we my friends and people s nothingness anima by big Annette in Aquila Lanka Latoya diba but the last point Pina goes up another wala naman cuenta de ba ha ha ha ha we don't talk about deep things amen for the last boom ba ba ba ba Abigail on him up in a google shopping at in hama ba ma ba bo Peru in Dina have aggrieved a tailored knee Puna lava grips the Holy Spirit amen so Obama kasama Amina sipping a mimic praise report I love them praise report so some of my life group can I go up whoo yeah no person having praise report it to poem Papa spin up in apostle on Monday keno annular saboom Ling go away sin appetito me Mikasa Mikasa life Bruckner in Ubu steam or a snail as a praise report you bucket of stomach praise report wedding I'm a closing player queso or is there a man in my life group Yana Cooley Derek I know you who live in a like a Mac when tomoko cuento young co-lead Erica papillae canal on attending worship Italy and aha - kwinto yeah and elegant mother Nucky Singapore and they were my start delegate in psyche Singh they give me singing am I going to San Diego Hospital Abascal Boston gate waiting among young people as young teenybopper I know if it's a beginner mahjong game that wasn't my own and Shabnam alien driver that was Punta Sur about my free lunch coming alum neuquén Press reported on well up at the NASA Gabba Landon's am a total of shine upon a guinea bandoneon and Alison lotto Emily my embrace their important ever amen so didn't we embrace reports on icy pond amoebic praise report so I know me poon alone patata on a mangina go and alerts of Anila a vamp in upon ingen cupola i'm say i'll Marilu me know you Matas my vegan cup Oh Marilu me know you meta kappa samsaya a trabajar pupunta nanny bumpers and abide no marijuana numbered certificate please dad a man that was back the pink moussaka and Acuna Pig Elin ha ha ho ya kala Khun Ella seguro tankful la cocaina appreciative cosa Montenegro and the Lord subbu a co-parent yeah possible on Press report Nutella goboomboom wasabi amen come come up with somebody at that time inner battle American pina colada Island and in the column panel in Lulu so I decided to be vulnerable side because Salmonella to allow me a bigger boost a vanilla scene open the guy agree saga that you may not have this and that no material things no fulfillment in this area no increase yet but there's an abundance inside amen in the epic Sabino allah humma a lista Evelyn and gonnago ass alert Co so Toto I'm damning Dena go on alert say or Salak more amen and for the one who knows us and can change us it's doing an inside job I mean God is doing something powerful inside that is far better than what the ice could see amen and our hands touch sometimes well you couldn't even understand what's going on inside leave I mean sending the Menominee Indian come and enjoy a day in my area but you can trust that it's an inside job amen Akaka bhagavato spin monument Sisera limo Akasha bhagavato amen so right now let's talk about subject and title inside job and inside job gen magaling szilárd balla can pune tinsel romans 12:2 and IV sabadie tow do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will number one do not conform to the world amen do not conform to the world but sooner people conform it means to be in agreement or harmony Mackie ion but agree to be similar Amen coxinha people conforming it's a being and Mackie gaia mahoma Makaha wa makka influenza amen and the first tells us do not conform to the pattern of this world if it's mean but do not copy the behavior of this world amen do not copy the behavior of this world or stop imitating the ideas and opinions of the culture around you amen I'm Gustavo knowledge I own an influential Saturn can a cavern an inside job dial in Adam the name only influential indeed upwards attend amen sin apetito gusto Moniz a crystal emerging influential on bahama amen so Maggie Maggie King Hank Dava Barnum a Pangolin sha no me Papa Gaza a Mendel Ionia me confirm Pattaya patterns namond or amen so ask yourself right now tell me mr. a limo am i a trauma stat or a thermometer amen a thermometer just sets to the temperature in the room an thermometer pointy boobafina wanna Lanyon clima our young atmosphere and as I said okay I'm thermometer if you're a thermometer Christian whatever the temperature of the room is whatever the temperature of the people around you you just adjust adjust to it amen na keiki baaga : so master baker sajo an Incan Angwin nasopalatine Mahalo Mahalo McCadden nnedi dick pan colonic we must happily get more you're a chameleon Christian a man who doesn't have a fire of your own I mean not like a lung but you're just the temperature of what everyone else is concern kanaky baggala in I am Ellen Mahalo and come in blue and Sanka no Kiki I owned a long time ago mellow young window then I think Milan Panama memorandum on door but the thermostat this dates the temperature in the room in Topanga Banyon Anna thermostat Shane daddy big pass a temperature temperature no room if you're a thermostat Christian when you work in the room instead of recognizing how dark it is how cold it is and impossibly young Hira and heavy but if you are a thermostat Christian you decide that you'll determine the temperature amen if to Yuma given temperature an unfamiliar epidemic in temperature classing talked at the beginning temperature no workplace NAT all amen in the Eco Agnetha tang i economy influence amen amen and we run towards impossible situation tie up in Punta Samana I possibly among a bad guy and we released the supernatural solutions of Jesus amen India home akikusa by him tini Bicks Sabina do not conform to the patterns of this world him become akikusa by indica Papa whoo-ha someone dough amen why because we were made to set the spiritual temperature in the room amen I put up at unity influence tired that but eunuch stand amen and not to be overcome by it amen completion ova Iowan and room temperature lukewarm is the room temperature lukewarm is the temperature of the room amen sorry no we as ourselves we assess ourselves right now what are the ways that you have conformed to the world a new boy yo mama bag is a buhay KO na na keiki IANA Palazzo no Alana Company E bar cigar go in the mulatto of the Sandow panoramix Selita panoramas great act Amen panic on my name it la luna i un papel was no man and papa was young imp inanimate poet be no personal on social media amen but malaga comes a paisa also trending item D nanaka ions opinion in you Allah and more right Malala buggy on conviction move kite Malala but you worried me Lord amen no certain gas I'm on the pop Ignace octant Abigail it come aniket Kadena BA 10m can have some analog but we are part of a different Kingdom in the kingdom of God prognostic manga independent Papa Soria Nick patawad gana diba amen so what are the ways that you have conformed to the world and a poem on a buggy no Alana time peanut gibbehh Sam window sanap wind in a llama Sabina Kushan opal Asha India lotta separate linear problems amok Selita for a long McGrath Muhammad but I belong kilos remember that you have the power to shift the atmosphere and reset the temperature amen so don't be conformed but be transformed Bo come back but the lava come mati I own a man why because we can shift a culture if you look exactly like it amen hindi naman po n - mama boggling some culture now can I go I did nothing no Alana time Pina Cuba amen amen Church Matthew 5:39 sabe Patito you are the salt of the earth but the salt but if the salt has become tasteless how can it be made salty again Latino poison but if the salt has become tasteless how can it be made salty again it's no longer good for anything while an adult on patina bang except to be thrown out and trampled upon trampled underfoot by men in Jesus's day stomping on pony Jesus they didn't have refrigerators they were in which to store their food walang anuman porcelain refrigerator para papac's table non-food para hindi mandira so Saul was the primary means by which they preserve their meat and poultry amen salt Puig Amidala a senpai della paura hindi massara in pakka n so Jesus went on to say that when salt becomes tastless it's not good for anything except to be worked on by men some people need Jesus : on last I ever seen well a name pagina bang all right up up on the lap aparna lung in other words for the people of his day no Pannonia Jesus they would taste salt diptych Mandela as in dignity lucuma ilaha illallah amen it's no longer salty but they said like the food they were trying to preserve they knew it would not keep their food from spoiling t pigment tunneling machine at eating Mandela who malapa O'Callahan along yump Anka ended up a penny preserved Nia Amen and kumoi line and lasting machine para max Alba sapa kasi random pakka in when Anna Putin página ba and we all know that Jesus is describing the body of Christ amen tie you buoyant in o2 arena Jesus dito what does it mean for believers to become tasteless an appointee big Sabina Milan enlasa well enough a lob well an an effect it means that we have ceased to be salty we taste like the people we are supposed to be preserving we taste like the people who are supposed to be influencing we taste like the people were supposed to win amen we have become tasteless when we behave how the world behaves so stand on your conviction Amen stand firm on who Jesus says you are stand fill my you and more don't compromise amen do not compromise on who he has called you to be sometimes because in our attempt to be relatable means and I was doing nothing mugging relatable we have lost some of our authority a meant to impact our culture sometimes in our attempt the mocking approachable relatable sometimes for the culture influenced us more than Christ has influenced us amen it's an inside job I believe God wants to influence us at at angle and poonam only influence and in Amanda but not in Nara NASA and gusto coupons saketini Antonelli Tosa Matthew 5:13 Matthew 5:13 savvy potato if the salt has become tasteless how can it be made salty again actually sabe no no Bible well I'm not done talking about but I'd like to answer the question how can it be made salty again gusto , glass 11 we stole macaron enlasa if you've lost your saltiness I believe obedience can bring it back amen obedience can bring it back amen amen your obedience matters nah important depot no obedience more Napa important about that you follow God's voice amen Napa important people that we persist in applying the word if follow Mulan yo be Milan keep on applying with the Holy Spirit saying to you listen to his voice and follow his voice ob/ob guide my socket amen cap mahira tightened eminent India and you don't have to understand to obey amen keep on cooperating with the Holy Spirit where he's training you right now then the Train Tainan panino he knows what he is doing and if you fail if you commit mistake past or LM best container a Dakota like a mega wine Tacoma Alice tone Dakota sinew Cebu and Coleman failed failed its foolishness put to stop and just let it become part of who you are it's someone lurking chameleons amongst a billion more in a long cigarette Allah God Dakota like a fire I mean you're not powerless over your behavior you can do it crisis a new amen persist in your obedience obey God try again do it again see Nobunaga agree stuck in the desert milord I'm making my Sonoran by Oh amen they serve my lord NEMA and Nakayama so no rain amen Sabine Masada be more a Hamas Punto yeah so miserable oh come on take a summer and our obedience is not the fear-based response I'm obedient spoon out in my go a bi or Hindi da hell behind in Our Blessed Lord second Amma behind inaho the meeting the Lord sig ago ain't gonna know our obedience is out of love al mahalla latinum panty Nandi not in science a pen noubar well maja latinum panino in an inequality sanya hainan open sabine epochs in opinion alone alone sin opinion Polliwog hallouwe piscina bientôt hinto girl amen switch we are part of a different Kingdom we are in this world but we are not of this world amen the kingdom that were part of that we belong to is a kingdom of light and is the kingdom of holiness amen I have person I have in the Holy sprit in a walk amen waagh I'm in kasi PO say it back up at under Enoch Nana walk Noel I didn't oh mama Papa teen conviction air engine alum we all wear de'longhi come yo mama Ghulam bhai mugging obedient car seen on and in a while anima golem boy Perry and some uppity gas an Olaf amen come yo mama Kim distracted my district mocking Masanori ANCA seen upon the Nene Ayanna my blessings obedience in the indie pop ago and it hurts I Adele tripping along Amen pin ipagora in Passaic Estonian balance is analog anima be blessed and pala gah amen proverbs 4 10 to 15 and savvy put it on my son if you will take the time to stop and listen to me and embrace what I say you will live a long and happy life full of understanding in every way I have taken you by the hand in wisdoms ways pointing you to the path of integrity your progress will have no limits when you come along with me and you will never stumble as you walk along the way amen so receive my correction no matter how hard it is to swallow for wisdom will you back into place her words will be invigorating life to you do not detour into darkness or even set foot on that path stay away from it don't even go there alumni po Alumni Lord company mug palutena Ana alumni LED panel Papa grow expert his name parenting amen and his correction is not punishment amen tamo più Bonnie on correction a true skin a gamete en casi Muhammad Atticus and hola pero al alamin community nylon and diba it says in proverbs 23 24 when a father observes his child living in godliness in obedience he's ecstatic with joy nothing makes him prouder amen sin apetito and gusto mo na kappa gotta meet ignant company no on our long sigh oh la belle Musa Pagano am an economist on Orion in deepen up a circuit um although a monopoly garnet in Salerno amen but pyramid Puna team perahera p.m. obedience minson casa la puna attend obedience he won and my family I'm open tamil elugu hi da boss holla poonam obedience Kayla and Malcolm Bagga angle entanglement my mama buggy puta lagana yo betta in Malacca away betta butta tangle in Wien perroso - told him we'd obedience arrow arrow en amen at modellist Molina bag I example obedience young in I apply my own worked under a big moon on Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday at ro ro obedience poem indie comic a gala Amana teamed in Des Moines alumi for some boom aeronomy Galit kassapa sumo obediency on amen obedience Puyo in the capital Sana'a capital o Chemex assault and Mazama obedience learn obedience poyomi never speak negatively about people even when they are being foolish papa indie comics is I've been a negative son Allah obedience Puyo an amen obedience indie comics Oh sing Italian D dominant character in a Lord amen obedience with Nenana lang in their obedience moombahton Moto's beguiling we understand amen nothing screams maturity louder than her ability to obey when an upon a bopping I'm attending pro a bar nelu malayalam paisa banging on continue button ding person at night and Sonia amen Serena we decide build a lifelong obedience nyan polemic decision gonna now boy Magee muscle and gas opinion on otherwise you may become more famous for your downfall than for your success amen because no matter how good or spiritual we are in most area of life at NAPA Google impunity nah animal pant is a spiritual in a bag I won on surrendered area one disobedience can begin a downfall amen pero mama booty-popping I don't attack the in Kenya anger Magallanes opossum oh but you need to cooperate with the Lord he intend cannon gamma mu and gamma Omega for our Father delights in our obedience amen do not conform do not agree with the patterns of this world but be an obedient child to the Lord amen do not be conformed to this world but be transformed amen amen do not conform to the world amen next number two but signed Paul it night and this time to see even a man Romans 12:1 2 - dear friends God is good so I beg you to offer your bodies to him as a living sacrifice pure and pleasing that's the most sensible way sensible way to serve God don't be like the people of this world but let God change the way you think but let God change the way you think then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him God is in the business of transforming his people and he does it by renewing our minds amen and changing the way we think so number 2 number 1 but do not conform to the world that be obedient to the Lord amen number 2 take care of your thought life amen I mean take care of your thought life did you know that what's on your mind is dictating your destiny come on Napoleon alal Aruna tense is it not income and opium logic NASA is it not engine type a Ponte you knew Maggie or Galina knew Maggie Ginn tie or tenure money is sabayon attained the things that you choose to focus on are the things that produce fruit in your life come an appointment the last one in is a union begin result an Ambu heimo amen so you cannot change your life in the opponent I am by going and boy in attend but if you will change your thoughts and align it with the Word of God with God's truth God can change your life amen amen pull it in Kapoor in Hindi not in time between buhay not in but if you realign your your your thoughts to the Word of God into God's truth no papa booing boo hey Nadine nappa important teapot to manage our inner world amen it it all starts inside and take care of your thought life means and casino pudy Tanaka Papoose cannon mama penguin Hong Kong TV series the vimana TV series pumpin for koala hunger and perón eternal diba provincial in Parabellum Hong Kong ha so means and I own about a pupusa human TV series the penguin hungin diva along seas on a long episode peridot life not in the not in my survival on kousonsan Pocomoke winter I'm in means a new manga likes not animal reactions of Facebook Twitter Instagram Alamo Puma Paulo Connie Sangha and a lymphoma Paulo on a 700 peridot like moody mama bantayan amen take care of your thought life see the Buddha domain mama pet the bye mama pet not only not a know Gautam very thoughtless not and Annette in Malaga I mean I mean our thoughts causes cause us to have certain attitudes and perspectives amen yo pug is upon attend you ma human Anissa Puna 10 in effect onion unhappy Oh golly accompany Puna - Nikita you mama buggy buggy they affect our relationships Amen they determine hope we will be your thoughts are powerful they greatly influence the overall quality of our lives amen Alan open a packet delay nah it's easy to get into bad thought patterns nepali Poornima who looks poor o- on allow me some Aruna papa-yoni pure negative eNOS I said no Amen pattern Europe Petula I'm here at aquiline amen but if we deliver in your minds and focus on the word focus on the truths Amen we can fight the enemy slice Kyah Kyah pune tina tangle any amorphous anomaly in deep on evil on casino mulligan company tanaka toto Hannon River because knowing the thoughts of God changes our lives kappa kupuna laminate n young in hyssop Nalepa baguette io so every single day pakka greasing up along picked the right train of thought takagi simple an amen takagi sigma belong remind yourself of who you are in christ i am a child of God even when Musa is no amateur I'm important I am enough I'm amazing I'm beautiful I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength it's about knowing who we are and what we have in Christ amen my inheritance our Lord Kagami Tina or even welcome except namana bagging Oh Eliza is sick milord Amen a convenient ding AEC Pentonville Co amen so taking care of your thought life doesn't mean you don't have negative thoughts box inaudible you take care of your thought life in the nominee Bix opinion began at a table negative thoughts but it means you don't let those negative thoughts control your life Amen because you have the power to control your mind Amen so do not believe everything that is being dropped on your head how company will and lahat among us oh my sake say is it more you'll be transformed if you are committed to God's thoughts then the toilet and Parsippany Lord you'll be more you'll be transformed if you more if you are more committed to God's thoughts than your own thoughts amen and that is the key in p.m. suicide to setting the course and staying on track every day Illuminism boom era no Messiah boom Aaron Berger and my freedoms I am página 10 I mean we have to think God's truth and say it daily because it is only the truth we know that sets us free you cut the Kohan and lompoc atomic Papa liar satin it says in John 8:31 so Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed him if you continue in my word then you are truly disciples of mine amen amen and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free I'm freedom punah suniye Soweto books even free and Ibiza bohemian a freedom processor okay they'll my freedom upon an instant the back kappa kappa max are you annoying thing my freedom nama wala among our chains kuba I say yeah but boom I'm sorry don't know anything my freedom number well I may be breaking among strongholds get me a glass and freedom and freedom punishing us a beat or a process on a class and on freedom so sabi Patito and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free I'm sorry no the morning AG Baba bodka the morning in East my own Kotoko Hannah you will know the reality and that reality will progressively free your inner man amen it will progressively free you amen minson indie indie indie pop means on an item mallamma mama puta Palestinian an agua morondava takes a lot of encounter and truth Amen at young women pop Elias attend amen and the only way to know God's truth and God's Word is to read it panel panel Houma I used some thought left go read the Word of God amen meditate on it study it believe it because you will not experience something that you do not believe and apply it in our daily lives amen I apply it in our daily lives when we open our Bibles open your Bible to learn Columbus is Nepal nothing about science and went oh it's only a long lib impersonating a passing some verse open your Bibles to learn not to validate what you already believe amen so every single day fill your mind kaylynn okunoin nuttin and is it nothing with the thoughts of God they'll move on sell it I know hon and I'm banking on whaling espacio para so worried well an expansion in my capacity negativity in doubt young fear means and poor it didn't de line come back at my target IO come back at me ma no worry style dial when I mix patched up are adorned amen pompano on a nap on you know in DNA and pointy Pumas all amen so what does it mean to have a healthy thought life I've learned it for I've learned this from the firm a man of God I know Papa Legba Sabina my healthy thought life so you have a healthy thought life when you live in hope amen kappa kappa ohan PAGASA I mean Nakatomi sunset wash on Caillou nothing but the top was not in a min my accomplishment in young because any thought in your mind that doesn't inspire hope is rooted in life Laden and angle numpad ASIMO I see normally onion pay an adidas kirochka Amen Indian gallon gaylord a healthy thought life is this when impossible things looks possible you have begun to think like God cappuccino is imposing Bloomberg Paris happening in Mapo Salina like eben in Pocky cylinder here in your name I know you have a healthy thought life as we read the Bible Depot but we see testimonies happen so by work on diamond Athena Katan testimonies of the goodness of God amen and this testimonies we ought to let them change the way we think element win alone attend humongous story young talk no bug when you pack is it not end so we begin to think like God things cannot go on alerts vanilla mocha Haggadah milord satin amen that is a healthy thought life I'm in dwelling in posible amen what else you live in peace and play my healthy taught life a pie Ibaka and you don't worry you don't worry amen amen him because suspicious in the castle OSA I mean you believe in others we look for treasure in people and give them the benefit of but in Dina gray play saguru a long road but since own of Omaha after non Makena washa but the please tournament number where took over time long amen you don't know other people's motives I mean we can adjust the time you don't even know our motives our own motives amen what else a healthy thought life you are quick to forgive tight in the panic Papa sorry tightening I deserve you are quick to forgive and freely give others grace and mercy even in other words you don't hold offenses they connect battery no salmon and Loeb healthy thought life and know how to confront in love and not in condemnation amen what else yeah well do you thought like when you like yourself and rejoice in your weaknesses see you see Paul for known a greater choice also shows our weaknesses Nia why because when we are weak and where we are we got is strong some mama buggy Pune Mahina tiring dividend Talal Okuma habits upon you not la lune attention ahi kilala amen and meanwhile up o Allah do not put I or my strengths and witnesses in deep boiling pour over strength Baba so you have to accept your weaknesses in the caboose before you sense a weakness away you have to accept your weaknesses you have to love yourself just as Christ loves you I mean what else you have a healthy thought life and you are confident and thankful you are confident and thankful don't think fulness poor shows that you realize you got something you didn't deserve and the difference between arrogance and confidence is gratitude Kappa Gamma pogba selamatkan de la la viola mo indica Yaba a Mendel Alamo lahat ian be AIA and demote deserve be confident with who you are and be content with who you are not amen so number one for number one and be number one do not conform to the world next number two take care of your thought life number three let's read romans 12:2 this time the message it says here don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking instead fix your attention on God you'll be changed from the inside out readily recognize what he wants from you and quickly respond to it unlike the culture around you always dragging you down to its level of immaturity God brings the best out of you develops well-formed maturity in you see no personal maturity see no Pune Nuala Szilard Goosen Yvonne - Mata Delta in Christian Oh Nagar growth I owe you one mature at i/o so number three live by faith and not by your feelings Heymann live by faith and not by your feelings amen not by your feelings I'm in a bigger not being seen as having disregard in a harem the manual on an Athenian para response about a bug in my opinion about essa we do need them but we are not to be governed by our feelings or make decisions solely based upon them in the e-book wedding um I'm feeling snide analog puppet apostle Christian walk not an amen in deep wading Papa guaran-damn-tee London on Impala P aha feelings are good indicators feelings are great servants but they are terrible masters amen well they are extremely valuable it's important to recognize that how we feel isn't always how we are in deep Orkut Union owner Adam demand more total yen amen and what we feel isn't who we are in deep or container on demand million kana Amen minima Churkin alert capita new true and Kanyon hindi mugdha pendous anna rerum demand more khun tin man iguales Sinha Sabina I mean Vincent coin Tina Turner Arnaz a new mug and Uncle Albany Lord Sabina take a support I feelings I mean in the kingdom of God we operate in faith amen not our feelings see no poo dito on my background casa Orsino buddha temple Oh tomorrow poppin piloted Ito or guide aircraft mechanic ganya what's that related post Aeroplan oh my room booba or underwater divers yen manga none wah-wah let me put that um Salem no Allah I'm bad long he had my hirabai on so Mariposa locked in a tower at least valid I borrow volumetric or examine come Alito so haha so we're putting about nastácia all disorientation of feeling Montelena without the spatial disorientation or spatial and awareness away an opening its bonito it volume in ability of a person to determine his true body position emotion and altitude if it's been put a current solanum feeling feeling canary pilot an alum po nagar insulin on feeling that aircraft pilots or underwater divers get that they are upside down and climbing when they are absolutely right side up I'm feeling Pinilla you never plan a parent Papa ass up pas climb Scylla away un-boom param dhaam it happens when they lose sight of the horizon because of Nene area put of a become a storm or turbulence away so I'm feeling Penelope rampant asila so this causes pilots to crash because they turn the plane upside down so now going with line feeling lapa tussilago input moment / Manila bah-bah-bah pero Alto da po o healing the man everything is fine get along - like iron so vanilla and of amon-ra macaque crash de ba attend poo in de lijn composite marami pune crashing Irma airplanes amen because of wrong interpretation of their possession conflicts with reality I'm a new interpretation Ellison Nara hindi bhama goon septum nanny array filling lap Angela : Oh Helen Pola had another - appetito my de l'eau up engages or instruments ax airplane now Anna Papa Gita both at your right side up Hume the low engagement ito Silla point me accurate accurate nah Callaghan more okay interpretation Callaghan moment Oh Tony RS aeroplane or away below who your parent Akama comely butts in opinion it's fine but but though it's my Intel how many was hired in Aloha Israel but Apple money why 11 everything is fine so the reason PO I am a delay on the long gagis yone parama keep and among our pilot on ahead gun owner Adam the Manila the gauges can't be wrong everything is fine amen but it's when they choose to make a decision based on their feelings Parihaka panini Pune Lena Ram de Manila over trusting their gauges that they end up turning the plane upside down and crashing Church the way you feel isn't the way you are in demo point impact car to Allah and I'm feeling small all the time many pilots crash because they choose not to trust their gauges many choose their feelings amen and God has given us gauges the Holy Spirit in us tells us the truth the Word of God tells us the truth amen but sometimes we tend to choose our feelings in supporting Papa Delta epic random nothing instead of watching the gauges that gives us accurate interpretation of where we are right now so what happened we end up rekt not because God didn't tell us but because we then we didn't believe it I mean we cannot trust our feelings all the time we need to go back to the world and believe it as it is amen that's why God commands us live by faith and not by sight amen we worry a lot about our future or the enemy tells you that you are not enough then I'm the man my own you feel all of Italy moto you feel insignificant you have nothing to offer nothing to contribute feeling more or any papinek filling with disappointed god i'll frustrated God now and I mean Kayla and megawatt well having accomplished but no matter what you feel here's the reality Church no matter what you feel here's the reality God is in control and he holds everything in the palm of his hands here's the reality nothing is impossible with God amen here's the reality God is naturally good and he is so much in love with you and me He loves us unconditionally here's the reality every one of us is significant in the kingdom no matter how insignificant you may seem amen sorry Ally the old has gone and you are a new person you have a new nature that is so pleasing to the Lord amen here's the reality God will supply God provides and he will never let you down back at the Pentagon you're hiring papaya and here's the reality the Holy Spirit do not panic hey panic no panic monkey upon among ii-era Panama's also clip the holy spirit do not panic amen hindi sonali indiana holy Pamela he's at work fulfilling every promise God has given you amen here's the reality God's will for your life is beautiful and satisfying good pleasing and perfect amen believer kabaah now we will not banging on satin good pleasing and perfect not only pion good in deep at apostle lord amen salute boomer I mean panel and the bottom panel on un peu Nyonya kunwari healer healer see Jesus because he loves to he'll amen Savior said Jesus Kisei he loves to save amen not for forgive Jesus because he's the restorer of the penitent and its own oppan Gangnam panel and Gustavo post opinion on s he's the breaker a man everybody breaker breaker in Micah 2:13 amplified sabe pedido the breaker Jesus the Messiah seen on go study tomoko semana Pinto da Matta galinha Hazara amen McCarron and de anza Moberg and impossibly now the breaker the Messiah who opens the way shall go up before them liberating them they will break out pass through the gate and go out so their king goes on before them the Lord at their head and if it's a beam poonam breaker in Hebrew is peratt's the meaning I had to break out to burst forth to urge grow increase open to break in pieces to break up to break open to break out violently the maganda to break out of limits amen I'm sorry Polito the breaker Sam is more alma boca samehada and mokuba's namaha Pinto atomo Monaghan Kenya bucket by Chiquito he's the breaker dial ionia Nahan gongchan Cannella amen Yamuna shall I own anime limits subbu hey mo I own anime worth my confinement subbu hey mo the message Sapodilla then I God will burst all confinements and lead them out into the open they'll follow their king and I will be out in front leading them jesus is our breaker and I believe he's here right now to burst all confinements para Sidra in lahat numpad air and break out all limitations at angle allowed no limitations above I'm on CC line Pune on container static Omaha SEO stop Emilia mosa ministry more Cicilline mama pattern upon me piggle syoma hadlen at the Glee limits aaaah amen limitations and finances the breaker will break it amen limitations on health God will break it limitations on emotional health and well-being limitations on your calling annoying thing Jesus has come to break into pieces all constructions and to cause us to instead breakthrough breakthrough burst forth Union and toggle toggle 90 mama giba human face to face go harapan along and it won a lone pair on my own go gusto en mom breakthrough a Mendel Maron pas I mean upon our land you young well embrace report Shampoo Mallika why Lord honorable Lord Koga knitted fabric Oh Popeye Lord Lord I autumn season go present wedding my potato alert they were so I see nobody told me mama season gonna aluminum my arena risk a diva so up Oh LM expect corn I'm so good my lord bury it in door time we are this long there are but the less kosygin's has been alert pero I said it anyway because Sonia Lord see son Otto ito yung sees an ionic takig Allah who can pick up or for my surprise God spoke to me Sabby punya a holla ho in dual weight they were sabine alert pull your some day into today pull your some day into today how hungry are you to believe that there's so much more named Dick Allen han dongjun pull your some day into today go to Manmohan Papa retain he Lyon was a Padawan more young Sagat Yellen was Tappin on more young fruitfulness he 9 was upon me in greater presence greater confidence young fulfillment he lion was upon Malin Gallo sillerton any lion was the pan I would my own customer McGee BMC son Malcolm papaya master Jiang amen Pennsylvania I'm gonna lead you now will break all the walls and confinements illaallah basket as a continent nexpaq CEO and confidence is waiting on the other side greater presence greater know anything is waiting on the other side payment provision aim and supplies visions visions and dreams are waiting on the other side so now the question is what limitation do you want to see Jesus your breaker to break off I know Pat Aaron Gustavo Makeba I mean uh no come on I'm gusto mo mo voila I know contained on custom abbas ugh I love me for long breakthrough huh same Damona Mangano go strain breakthrough forgiveness to me breakthrough breakthrough ha ha were so alive hadn't so lugar nip in acoustic mo sign up or Iowa horn because there's so much more at IO not in Hong Kong channel entire amen so activate your faith and pull your someday into today Sanna gusto in wanna read Gustavo Matta Pusan unit anima I stand Aloha stone metabolism in it stomata Bosna focus somewhat abuse in tony tony in love who say oh but before it happened to our world it has to happen in his world um uh Malibu not English I know Omaha baggy baggy Tina trabajan attend diba been a Papa groaning : Kalon I'm gonna type in into trouble and nothing Emily nothing they need to pay any it starts in the spiritual realm whatever happens in the spiritual realm will happen in the physical realm amen cocoon in moose upon a longing but Nikita millions upon along in cognitive minds upon a long and Maggie evident the ancestor physical realm and what you explored in his world I have not Makita more and the spiritual realm will be exposed to your world will happen to your world a man will happen to your life so when limitations are broken capitana give I'm a pattern I am napoo me pig will say o my Allah among our bad habits bad patterns amen Maria in upamana is signal and we will begin to think like the breaker that nothing is impossible kappa now align your containers and sebou aman aman ya right now you can grow well on upon me piggley now you can increase now you can succeed I would like to propose that now is the time we're gonna maintain your next year per document a historian and Boheme Oh now is your suddenly amen and God takes a long time to accidently backpedal one and an analogue in the Gihon tie an exact repeat sonic the discipline and now is you're suddenly God is about ah amen on your behalf I mean you believe that imminent inner feelings fate by your faith Amen let's all stand thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I don't put it on Oahu Tom gonna wanna meanwhile in America how hungry are you the breaker is here and has gone up before us now ananassa Lord amen I know your mama limitations no gusto mo what limitations do you want Jesus to see Jesus your breaker to break off it whippin on Okinawa here boost amongst amigo the Hmong Oh mija must among Picatta taught us upon you know it's okay it's okay amen Basava come Popeye ignorant Gong genkan Allah
Channel: His Life TV
Views: 9,213
Rating: 4.8914027 out of 5
Id: boGHL7B3B10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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