Watch This if You Just Started Satisfactory... 5 Rare Tips

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with satisfactory 1.0 release on the horizon there are probably a lot of newer players experiencing the game for the first time if you're one of those people this video is about five tips and tricks that you might not know and that you might not discover while you play the game if any of these are new to you do me a favor and like the video and subscribe to satisfactory news for more guides and news teleport materials wherever you want when deconstructing a whole bunch of buildings that will surpass your inventory and then create an overflow storage box you can actually use a little trick to teleport those items to somewhere else so you're going to mass select all the things you want to dismantle just like normal and then finally you're going to select a singular item in a different location when you dismantle it will create a storage box next to this last item this is simply how the game works it puts the storage box next to whatever the last item you selected was but using this trick strategically can be used to move items to a more convenient location even a location that's somewhat far away you can deconstruct submerged vehicles have you ever driven a vehicle into water then gotten kicked out of it now you can't drive it maybe you can't even access the vehicle's inventory well don't worry because you might have forgotten a basic part of this game that's easy to forget in these moments deconstructing objects simply deconstruct the vehicle and all of the items will be return to your inventory and you can rebuild the vehicle continue your journey if you don't want to risk getting an inaccessible box of overflow material stuck in the water make sure you empty your inventory enough beforehand or use the trick of deconstructing a different item like a storage box in a more convenient location to teleport all of that stuff next to you this may seem like a dumb tip but you'd be surprised how often people especially newer players just kind of forget that you can deconstruct a crashed vehicle avoid backups bottlenecks can grind your factory to a halt but some of them are easy enough to avoid and sometimes the cause of a bottleneck is not enough incoming materials but generally you've done your math and everything should work out just fine another source of the problem in a perfect system could be a backup backups can occur when more of an item is being supplied than is being demanded or in the case of storage if the storage is full this will cause every machine before this point to fill up and to stop producing which may have other consequences depending on how your factory is integrated and set up but the solution to this is simple on any belt that you want to keep from backing up put a smart Splitter on it and select overflow on one of the side outputs build a belt that leads to an awesome sink now any excess parts will leave the belt system and be sunk instead this will obviously waste some materials but it will ensure that you have no downtime in your system as no machine can get backed up dealing with potential backups is very important in many liquid setups and you can learn more about that in my dealing with byproducts video which is linked in the card at the top of your screen beams let you build anything the absolute best item in satisfactory if you care about building interesting and unique structures are beams these items are the most flexible in the game allowing you to create shapes and structures that are normally impossible one of the easiest examples is that a beam can be angled pretty much anywhere and a pillar can be attached to the end of a beam and of course you can have a large range of movement for angling that pillar and then you can build items off of the pillar and you can use these techniques to create rounded shapes that would otherwise be impossible using beams like this can be very tedious and it could be difficult to think of unique ideas since they do involve out-of- thebox thinking like setting up certain items as a reference point then deconstructing them and building something else in its place building this way unlocks so much potential and really shows the versatility of certain building items in this game but it might not be something you normally think about considering how grided and structured much of the rest of the game is the map is feature Rich you know how most open world games have a map and you can generally place down a ping on a location well the satisfactory map does that and so much more and it's incredibly versatile markers work kind of like traditional map markers but are entirely customizable you can give them a custom color and icon as well as how close you need to be in the world to see the marker on your HUD these are meant to be long-term markers that stick around for a while stamps are a different type of marker they can be placed either in the map or in the game World itself and are generally used to Mark caves or plants or other small things when in the map screen you can select a marker or a stamp and it will create a beacon of light so you can easily find that spot in the world notable buildings and vehicles appear as markers on your map but you can use the tools in the map to toggle these markers on and off since the map can get pretty cluttered in the late game the one feature the map lxs is showing anything that you've built but you can upload your save file to a website like satisfa calculator if you do want to see that so what do you think of these five tips did you know all of them let me know if any of these blew your mind and if you have any other hot tips of your own leave them in the comments so other players can learn from them
Channel: Satisfactory News
Views: 10,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory news, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory tips, satisfactory tutorial, satisfactory tutorials, satisfactory guide, satisfactory guides, coffee stain, satisfactory 1.0, satisfactory tricks, satisfactory beginners guide
Id: DS6sPzegbOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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