Watch This Before You Become a Web Developer in 2024

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this video is sponsored by nordpass watch this before you even consider becoming a web developer in 2023 let's get into this video right now I honestly can't believe how long I've been in Tech it's kind of crazy to see that I've actually survived to this point since joining Tech in 2016. and it looks like I'll still be in tech for a couple more years it's kind of crazy but since joining Tech in 2016 I've learned so many things that I hope could be helpful to you so let's dive into this video now I want you to understand and this is very important that anyone can learn how to code and I mean anyone anyone can learn coding isn't as hard as you think at least coding the the more basic and easier things but I think that's something that people need to understand it doesn't matter what your background is it doesn't matter what your circumstances are it doesn't matter if you're a College Dropout it doesn't matter if you're a high school dropout every interview I've had in my career in Tech no one has ever asked what college I went to no one's ever asked for a high school diploma all they care about is if you can code or not so now that you know that anyone can learn how to code then it's also important to understand that learning how to code it's not something that happens overnight but that learning how to code happens to perseverance because I'm gonna tell you this just like learning French for the first time Chinese Spanish Japanese French oui you name it right it doesn't matter how soon you start it's about how long you persevere and last and trying to get better at it number two wait up before we dive into number two and learn more about the expansive opportunities that you can have in Tech I need to tell you something as you venture into this world of tech you're going to come across numerous passwords that you'll have to remember websites databases API secret keys they all require passwords and if there's one risk that we all face online it's by using competitive passwords now don't tell me you're not guilty for this but expensive passwords enter nor pass a password Behringer designed to keep your Digital Life secure and your passwords easy to manage by the way nordpass is not just a lifesaver for web developers but everyone who struggles with remembering complex passwords or worries about data breaches whether you're a freelancer a part of a team or running a company nor pass will solve all your password-related struggles it's user friendly secure and designed to help you keep your Digital Life sorted and the best parts you can see nordpass business in action now with a three-month free trial in the link in description below or just using Code Chris Sean Nord remember secure passwords aren't as vital as coding in your Tech Career so anyway let's go on to the next part now let's talk about career opportunities and the insane salaries in Tech the insane demand for developers continue to grow even here in 2023 despite the layoffs we still don't have enough Engineers it is kind of mind-boggling the career opportunities that we have even in the midst of this Tech recession to be honest you're probably in a recession now that's at least what it feels like even if I wasn't lose my job I would still be able to get a new job in a matter of what one or two months maybe three months tops right and that's paying probably 20 000 less than I'm making now if not more if not just as much why because I continue to hold my skills because I continue to learn code so the opportunities are out there if you continue to grind even after getting your first job but but if you get that for shopping Tech you get that second job in Tech and you settle you stop improving you stay stagnant you don't want to take a new risk and get that high paying job because you might fail at it then you will continue to stay where you're at now salaries are insane the average software engineer in 2023 makes around 110 000 a year but yes that's true but not necessarily true there are a lot of things to take into account number one where you live your experience the kind of company you work for because the company a company you work for will determine how much they can afford I know people who work in Tech as a web developer who have been making eighty thousand dollars a year if not ninety thousand dollars a year if not up to only a hundred thousand dollars a year the entire career and they never went past that I'm not saying that's nothing that's a lot of money to a lot of people but I want you to understand that just because you work in Tech does not guarantee that you're gonna make a lot of money right off the bat all these things really depend on your goals on your aspirations on what you want if you are fine making 790k a year for the rest of your life and you live way below your means and if you live in California you better be living way below your means if you make that income with a family then that's fine there's nothing wrong with that but if you want to reach the 150 000 salary Mark 200 000 three hundred thousand four hundred thousand dollar salary Mark let's be frank you have to go above and beyond but not just go above and beyond willing to go above and beyond to hit that so ultimately how much you make in Tech in your salaries is totally up to you and for me and I'm very thankful for how much money I make now but I want to continue to go even higher my goal is to reach making half a million to a million dollars a year before I even retire next let's talk about passion versus practicality okay so there are two things you need in Tech to survive skill and determination no not passion nope not at all that's very helpful because there are two types of people who do work in Tech person number one is someone who has a passion who contributes to open source all the time who writes code whether they're sleeping or awake whether they're in the shower while they're doing a toilet you name it and is also the other person who's in Tech because of the practicality we make over six figures amazing work-life balance depending on the company you work for amazing health insurance and an unlimited amount of opportunities for us throughout an entire career just because you don't have as much passion as a developer next to you does not mean that you can't be a developer just because you don't love coding as much as a person you see on tech 20 who gets a thousand GitHub storage on the repositories does not mean that you are not meant to be developer it's okay to be in Tech because you want to make good income that's me I don't love coding night and day I don't coding isn't my life coding is what I do nine to five and of course I'll learn code after work hours to maintain my technical skills but that's it and there's nothing wrong with that I kind of try to keep that immigrant mindset of do whatever it takes to take care of my family and that's all that matters at the end of the day last but not least last but not least what I want to talk about are job requirements why is this so important because this can help determine if you get a job or not and what do I mean is this a lot of jobs out there will say that you need a Fourier degree to work for them nope apply anyway a lot of jobs will say you need to know all these Technologies to work for them nope apply anyway every single job I've applied to looking at the requirements of things that you need to actually meet to work for them I probably only qualified for 60 to 70 of the requirements they're looking for so just because you don't fit all the requirements just because you don't have a degree just because you don't have X amount of years of experience apply anyway why because you never know anyway I'll see y'all next video
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 57,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Id: E8RsToVQ618
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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