Is Coding still worth it in 2024? (as an ex-Google programmer)

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so is coding still worth it you know as an ex Google X meta Tech lead myself I may be one of the most qualified people other to answer this question for you it is an unequivocal no it's not we're entering an age of AI chat gbt no code Solutions an oversaturated job market where everyone in the world seems to be learning to code including their grandmas and general loss of consumer interest in downloading yet another app or bookmarking yet another website software engineering may be becoming another dead end job if it wasn't a dead end job already you know every once in a generation we see the collapse of an entire career path you in the past year I haven't coded at all in fact I've been traveling I just came back from Costa Rica it was great there was zip lining I saw sloths Birds monkeys and you know what I had joined this tour group when I sat down for dinner with them they did not want to talk about coding cing bored them they wanted to talk about soccer the Red Hot Chili Peppers music quick pause if you're looking to bring your side hustle to life then you want to check out our sponsor skillshare make 20204 the year your side hustle comes to life skillshare has thousands of engaging classes taught by worldclass creatives who have launched their own lucrative side incomes so whether you want to build a subscriber base for your email newsletter use AI tools to increase your productivity or open your first Etsy Shop skillshare can help you get there skillshare classes are led by industry Pros who have walked the walk and have an active community of members ready to cheer you on what's new they're introducing learning paths which are curated class sequences that can help you master a specific skill so for example email marketing is one of their learning paths which is arguably essential in today's economy I found it extremely useful where experienced marketers will teach you everything you need to build your subscriber list from scratch and how to manage it 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originally viewed as the way to become the next app millionaire the next Mark Zuckerberg Jeff Bezos Elon Musk or Steve Jobs this is not reality that was 20 years ago and you see this all the time in Silicon Valley and software Engineers where they're just saying well you've got the code if if you're not developing if you're not writing code then it's you're not doing anything you're doing some clown stuff if you're not typing C+ Plus+ hello world for loops and if statements do all Loops then what are you doing now by the way you may be wondering what is this beautiful mechanical keyboard on my desk and it just may be perfect the keyron q1 max I'll talk about it at the end of the video the landcape has changed so much people are no longer downloading apps or visiting websites most internet usage is now Consolidated into the top 5 to 10 top social media applications like Twitter YouTube Facebook Instagram Tik Tok maybe that that's about it however on these social media websites you now have code influencers who essentially are people who can't code who have never coded in their lives maybe they're react developers and they're just selling you the dream that maybe you can be a cool programmer or software engineer and really their whole entire identity revolves around making programmer jokes coding memes idolizing Tech CEOs and it's a throwback a call back to the days when this used to be the path to success and yet these code influencers will continue to sell you this Ponzi dream scheme of an idea that coding will somehow make you rich setting you free when in reality that is far from the case coding itself has become a Ponzi scheme praying on poor uneducated people who think that they're going to become the next Mark Zuckerberg if they just learn react let me tell you something about react react is the language of the slaves it was originally developed by Facebook for its mass Army of Junior Engineers who could not develop at all and who had no logical reasoning at all I mean these people just they messed up all the time and so they needed the language that was impossible to mess up in and so they developed react which was a language devoid of all logic control flow where all you had to do was wire up the button to the state and everything else was immutable such that it was virtually impossible to mess this up and any fool could be developing this and so the reality is if you're a react developer which so many people are you're not actually a real software engineer or developer because you're not putting to use any algorithms or data structures and there is no career path to anything higher than that you're basically doing the job of an automaton slave that eventually chat GPT will be able to do for us it's also relevant to note I'm one of the few software Engineers who will actually tell you this because I'm able to step out of my role most other developers and people in Silicon Valley have their head stuck in the grounds and they completely miss the social media Revolution they miss the no code Solutions still thinking that stem degrees are the path to success looking to the old ways of making money where they get two weeks of vacations per year making a good income of DK per year they think that's pretty solid and yet they completely missed out on the social media revolutions and no code solutions that have minted an entire generation of millionaires what really happened over the past decade was the construction of an entire consumer layer the media layer that comes between your app service or website and the consumer and that is where we see some of the most successful people today working in you know I'm talking about people like Andrew Tate Patrick B David Mr Beast Ben Shapiro Joe Rogan all of these people are building me media companies and yet Silicon Valley seems to have completely missed out and not only missed out but ignored this entire Trend pretending that it doesn't even exist and yet this is that layer that comes between their apps and websites and the consumer they don't have distribution anymore and so while Silicon Valley is still busy competing to see who can be the best developer with the best emac Vim key binding setups and who can install Arch Linux the fastest and I'll give you a hint that the best developer is whoever can write negative lines of code all code is technical de right stop writing code you don't even need algorithms anymore these days everything is just powered by Machine learning models and hallucinations the rest of the world Mew has already moved on to better more interesting things and faster ways of making money than the 925 grind you know this past year I've taken a vacation basically every other month visiting Hawaii Scandinavia Japan Italy and Greece and Costa Rica most recently and during my travels I met so many other remote workers and want to be digital Nomads living that Instagram influencer travel lifestyle because that's what people want these days you see the role of the software engineer was originally founded in the 1960s for a sedentary lifestyle where you would earn maybe 60 70k per year not accounting for inflation today can't even keep Pace with inflation in which you would work 9 to5 and retire around age 60 70 maybe never or so and that was considered a pretty decent solid lifestyle these days it's just not good enough it's too slow it's too low pay it's too low status and it's really becoming GRT like work and there are just better faster ways to make money I think in today's society actually if you really want to be at the top of your game and even the say top 10% of the population or so you may want to consider going the entrepreneurial route now of course not everyone's suited to become an entrepreneur and it's pretty hard work and not very fun either sometimes but it's easier than ever for people to become entrepreneurs these days unlike in the older times and arguably being a programmer is simply just not as high status as it used to be and stat is kind of is everything you recently I was going through the book Vanderbilt by Anderson Cooper and in that book they've got these rich people Ultra Elite families who are born with money and the thing they realize is yeah they've got all this money but nobody knows who they are and so they spend the rest of their lives trying to acquire status and status is everything and so they're throwing these balls these parties trying to elevate their social status to get into Elite Social Circles and the problem with software engineering fundamentally is that you sacrifice all of your social status your time your health your youth your physical appearances your looks any sort of interesting characteristics or personality you may have in order to become just this nerd who all they have left with is money right you're trading everything for that salary job because software engineering ultimately is kind of a it's not exactly High status work High status work would be the type of job that you would want to do even if you were Rich something like say directing a movie being an actor maybe being a novelist or a painter something that would get you some social credibility being a coder a grunt worker I mean you might as well be a janitor at that point I think it's also worth noting that there's two types of programming really one type of programming is for slaves the other is for entrepreneurs but the slave type of coding are skills that really only work within the walls of a corporate company and these skills are impossible for you to make money with but may make you a good employee skills like unit testing right companies love unit testing react scrum agile Redux documentation code cleanliness model view controllers design patterns Java doing things the right way if you're doing any form of this kind of development they're essentially slave skills they're only really useful within the walls of a company but they're useless outside the real skills that will actually make you money are like PHP and Jore that's why all the PHP developers Drive Lambos now don't get me wrong personally I love coding many times I think about going back to working at Google as a developer just putting in my 9 to5 rounds but the thing is I'm past that and maybe this is one reason the answer to why you don't really see oder developers coding anymore because coding is fundamentally like cooking as you level up you have to assume the role of the chef who's managing all of the other line Cooks the coding delusion is ultimately built on the foundations of an outdated University degree that's teaching you outdated knowledge and information if you were to go through an entire College University degree you would learn nothing about AI or chat GPT quite likely you would be learning really outdated information like how to build an operating system from scratch how to build a database system from scratch how to build a compiler I mean sure if you wanted to work at sap or Oracle optimizing their database engines or maybe if you wanted to work in the systems division of Microsoft optimizing their visual C++ compiler then maybe you can get into that but I'm not sure that's what most people getting into software engineering are envisioning for themselves with the internet revolution information is moving so much faster these days I think that's one reason education is becoming increasingly outdated these days we've got so many new fresher opportunities that Academia is still trying to catch up to you've got Bitcoin defi web3 crypto you've got the creater economy on X Tik Tok YouTube where people are building entirely new social media layer revolutionizing marketing and you've got of course AI chat gbt AI tools and infra and this is an entire generation of Technology fueled primarily on data not much coding there at all and the opportunity in these may not belong to the coder so much because there's just not that much to code anyways except for maybe a few UI front ends some rappers here and there but really for those who are curious and technically minded enough to understand the Technologies perhaps tweak a few parameters and to put something together and that may be where the higher Leverage is but you know what enough talk this is the start of the show the keyron q1 max good stuff and so so this the q1 max is an updated refreshed version of the original q1 keyboard and it's just got everything going for it it's almost perfect maybe it is perfect you know I've tested a lot of mechanical keyboards this may be my alltime favorite quite frankly I'll explain why number one is these Keys just feel so good so you hear that sound these are fitted with the custom gadon banana switches which are similar to The Holy Panda switches it's like the tactile Cherry Brown MX switches but these tend to be a little bit stiffer shorter travel distance providing more pleasing [Music] sound when you combine that with this aluminum gasket body and this is double gasket so the pro model just has additional sound absorb in cushions in there it just makes the sound extremely pleasing overall and the tactile response good for typing office work or gaming as well and to combine on top of that these key caps they are double shot PBT the higher grade Plastics and they're actually using a unique keycap design with spherical angle providing better reach improving your typing speed they've also improve the connectivity with this version so in addition to wired you also have Bluetooth wireless connectivity so you can connect to up to three different devices at the same time it's very useful when I want to switch to my Mac or my PC it's got the all-important RGB backlight very important when you're coding at night if you're coding and so there you have it the keyron q1 max if you are a connoisseur of mechanical keyboards you want to check this one out and that'll do it for me if you like the video give a like And subscribe see you in the next one thanks bye
Channel: TechLead
Views: 141,470
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Id: As2aivqvBpk
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Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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