Web Developer's Roadmap 2024 - Step by Step

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hey guys how you doing uncle Steph here so in this video I'm going to give you the web developers road map there's a lot of them out there and so there's a lot of myths being perpetuated by people out there young nerdlings here's the good news you don't need to learn nearly as much as you think before getting a job so that's number one one of the big problems I see with so many of these road maps is they list out tons and tons and tons of technology and what happens is that people become Perma students they never actually start working in the field and so it's very frustrating and they give up and and then they hear from this person says oh you got to learn M this person says no you got to learn D Jango and python this person says you got to learn git and this person says you got to learn whatever here's the thing this is how it really works you learn your fundamentals I'm going to give you those details in a second and then the key is to get building real projects as soon as humanly possible so what I have people do is once they learn the fundamentals you go out and you build a simple website for a local small coffee shop or the butcher or the Independent Auto Mechanic or maybe you got a small accounting firm that wants to update their website the key is to get your hands dirty with real code and you start working with things you start deploying things it's very different than follow following along with a bunch of tutorials tutorials should be a very small part of the learning process most of your learning should be actually building things so people say to me well how can I get a job if I don't learn well that's the key the teacher does two things simplifies and number one teacher filters out what you need to know you have to understand that there is so much out there in the technology World in terms of development and programming and coding there's so much out there that there's no coder in the world that knows more than one or two% of what is out there even for example when I was a hardcore Java developer for years in years I still used a very small subset only a part of java I was an expert in Java web JSP servlets pojo implementations mvcs lightweight Frameworks but there's this whole other area of java where I didn't get into Java server faes egb 1 2 3 um and much much many many many other things uh Java Swing for client side develop these are all things that I just kind of dabbled in a little bit but I wasn't hardly a professional but that's okay I still had uh tons of work just doing what I was doing in Java now if you scale outside of java I'm just using Java as an example if you scale outside of java you look at all the different competing languages Java C PHP python Ruby uh JavaScript and there's many other typescripts etc etc you can go bananas trying to learn all this stuff and it that's where you're going to you don't want to get into that trap that tutorial hell I've seen so many people get caught up in that so let's get back to this is the actual road map based on my almost 30 years experience being a professional developer this is what you have to do it's great news so number one we're going to talk about the web stock number one you learn HTML 5 css3 and JavaScript learn to build modern responsive websites that's first thing you do that once you've done that where you can build a modern responsive website then you start looking at front-end web Frameworks just a little bit you look at maybe touch a little bit maybe spend a day on bootstrap spend maybe uh a day on Tailwind just to understand the very very Basics so you're you're at this point now where you got these things understood now it's time to actually build real projects notice I didn't mention react and get and node and all not yet start building real projects go out there find the coffee shop who needs to get their site updated find the independent I don't know dry cleaner who wants to get their site updated doesn't matter because you have to understand when you're actually building projects for real even simple projects this is going to teach you so much more vaner tutorial the analogy I like to make uh I used to box analogy I like to make is that one three minute three minute three round sparring session full contact is going to be worth 6 months 7 months of training outside of the Ring one project building even a simple website implementing somebody's PayPal putting up somebody's WordPress is going to be worth months and months and months and months of tutorials in terms of your ability to think like a pro coder developer in terms of your advancement one thing that a lot of nobs don't understand is that the development in the development game in the coding game you do a lot of your learning on the job you get paid to learn so a good course a good teacher a good Mentor will get you there as quickly as possible to the point where you know enough to get your foot in the door so that you can actually start building things it's understood it's understood by anybody who's hiring a developer that when you first bring them in there's going to be a lot to learn so one of the problems that nubes have to face is a lot of companies are looking for experienced developers they want people with this many years experience how do you get that that crucial two to three years experience equivalent to get that first job it's kind of a catch 22 right you can't get the first job unless you have two three years experience what do you do well I got the uh solution for you solution simple you do what I just said you do you go out you do two to three small free if necessary free freelance projects what employers are looking for is proof that somebody can actually execute and produce real code a real project because producing real code in a real project has much more to do than just uh being able to code you have to be able to communicate you have to have those soft skills you have to be able to organize you have to be able to deliver on time these are the things that they look for so many courses and programs don't cover that they have to cover that the number two thing that employers look for when they're interviewing people is your soft skills they want to know that you can communicate so on so forth very important guys very important so how do you develop those soft skills and interpersonal skills what are specific training you can do and so on but the key really is to get into the ring if you will and actually build something when you come for a job at you can say look I built this site for this coffee shop here and I implemented this company's WordPress and we hooked it up to uh an online shopping system I built somebody's uh website from scratch and we implemented bootstrap here that is music to the ears of pro prospective employers because it shows that you can execute you can communicate you can get things done another thing that's very common in development it's actually it's not actually very common have it's it's par for the course is that you're going to learn new things all the time you have to expect that when you are especially in the first 3 to four years as a developer and you're being paid you're going to learn new things all the time you may be hired for example as a node developer or maybe a react developer who knows whatever so you're a react developer and your boss will come in when they say listen we got a bunch of back office scripts that have to be updated it's all in Python and you're like well I never did python before so well go Learn Python and just do the work this is common now some of you may go Oh no I got to learn another language you got to understand it's like learning to drive a car once you learn to drive a BMW to drive a Porsche or to drive an Audi is not a big deal right cars are cars same thing with all these programming languages whether it be JavaScript C Java PHP python whatever go typescript with some few exceptions like rust and assembler or something with few exceptions all these modern languages are very similar so in my freelancing career I would go out there when I got mature as a freelancer rather I would go into a job and I would sit down I would have I would look over the spec of the job what technologies they were using and often times I would choose a language or a framework or a library that I never used before because at that point I was a professional developer I had written software in many different languages and I knew that because I knew my fundamentals really well I could learn a new language like this I can new learn a new framework like this so when you are starting off going back to beginners again don't be chasing the Frameworks in our libraries yes the node people are going to say you got to learn node the react people say you got to learn react the you people we got to learn view Etc no you may work 10 years in the game and never do react you may work 10 years as a developer and never touch python who knows right I've seen all different flavors so even in my mentoring group we have people who' have done all kinds of different things it's uh it's quite diverse so don't get caught up on a particular technology no matter what anybody says how this this is so special blah blah BS what's special is you know your fundamentals well and two you can show that you can execute on those fundamentals meaning you can build things for real one last point about uh development software depending on where you live in the world the trend is generally speaking you do not need a degree or a certification to get a job you need to show experience first and foremost the need for degrees although in certain areas I think in Europe um is fallowing quite a bit for example I saw a statistic recently in terms of all jobs in the US uh over 60% of employers now 60% the majority strong majority do not require people have a degree anymore employers are starting to realize more and more and more that people with college degrees are not necessarily a benefit to the business in fact Apple IBM and I think it was Google they did a study on their own employees and they found that there was no performance difference between somebody with a degree or with no degree so even Google said a couple years ago you can look it up they said if you want to become a professional developer do not go to college this is Google it's not me although I've been saying it for much longer Google has said don't go to college wasted time you should be able to get through uh a coding program um like mine I'm going to promote it but within six months that's working part-time part-time you don't need to do a three-month full-time Boot Camp or two heaven forbid you do four years no you ever notice in college whether you're learning computer science or software engineering or psychology or sociology or journalism for some reason all these different programs take four years it's it's what an amazing coincidence right all these different fields of study that have nothing to do with each other for some economics that can go on and on and on for some reason they all take amazingly four years isn't that a fluke you know I'm being sarcastic right there's a reason for it because they want to charge you for four years don't go to college if you want to be a developer unless you're quite young and it's free for you otherwise I wouldn't do it especially if you're older if you're uh in your late 30s and 40s don't waste your time you'll get some benefit out of it but it's not required for most uh for the majority of jobs I'm not saying all jobs some places they still you know there's they still use faxes and typewriters and uh you know they still believe in old school stuff but where they were require they will require a degree but I'm telling you I'm telling you in the development world because because the rubber meets the road quite quickly meaning because whether you're capable or not is very evident very quickly because if you write good clean code and you or and you well you can speak and communicate well it's obvious because of that experience it valued so much more than credentials in software development which is a good thing it's one of the uh few meritocracies left in this world which is fantastic right if you have a system of of government of economy you have a society if it's based on Merit meritocracy meaning you people who are good Advanced everybody benefits in a huge way right everybody benefits in a huge way so I'll leave you with this when I hire people I don't pay very close attention to what they know in terms of the language what I'm much more concerned about is what they done so for example let's say I had a job where uh I needed a a good JavaScript developer I will take somebody who's got four years of python experience over somebody who did one-year um course in JavaScript right those years of experience are far more important to me I would take somebody who's done who can show me four or five projects they've Built For Real clients right regardless of the language over somebody who's got a four-year degree and show can't show me any real projects because I know that the person who's got the real projects has demonstrated they can actually produce cont they can actually produce code that works anyway I hope this is uh useful to you my name is Steph some people call me Uncle Steph I'm the world's oldest developer believe it or not I'm 169 years old at least that's what I tell people um all joging aside I train people in software development I've trained people who have founded well co-founded billion dooll businesses I trained people who work at the fangs you the Googles and the Facebooks so um and besides all the own my own work I've done over the years so if you have any questions any comments about this video please feel free to comment below um yeah know do all that good stuff if you like the video give it a thumbs up if you hate my videos give it two thumbs down and um that's about it enjoy your [Music] day
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 32,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: uWoFF9MkRbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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