How Much HTML, CSS, & JavaScript Is Enough? | Realistic Expectations

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[Music] how much HTML CSS and JavaScript do you need to know today to get hired by 2023 let's get into this right now this is a question that I have received many many many many many times right and this is an answer I've given him many times through the comment section but the reason I bring this up now is because this is actually a question that I asked the CEO of on one of my recent episodes on my podcast if you want to check that out link description below but let's hear his answer to how much HTML CSS and JavaScript does a web developer there's a friend and software engineer needs to know let's look at it right now how much HTML CSS do developers even need to know in the front end aspect you're going to need it but like HTML and CSS aren't the hard part like HTML is a markup language right you kind of learn the basic uh building blocks of like divs and and things like it's really not it just doesn't take that long to kind of get familiar with the structure of an HTML document and then CSS you're you spend so long mastering CSS but at the end of the day you go to work at you will not be the designer and this is where I really struggled um initially was I thought well to be a front developer I need to be really good at design that's not necessarily the case most companies you work at are going to have a designer who will give you a design either like an image or a figma file or you know something in sketch that your job is just to translate it into code um so I mean you'll need to know CSS I mean I'm just going to plug one of my favorite tools I use Tailwind CSS on the front end of of uh yeah of of Dev primarily before yeah the thing about CSS is like it's not crazy hard to figure out how it works you know you've got borders you've got Shadows you've got these things you can Google things when you get stuck but what is hard is writing like clean CSS so like I think we're all familiar with ADF clean code things like you know not reusing code you kind of abstract into functions writing clean CSS is like I'm convinced a near impossibility so the answer is you you do need to learn HTML and CSS uh but but you're going to need to spend much more time on JavaScript like my guess is 75 plus of your Learning Journey to that first front-end job is going to be JavaScript in some framework all right one million percent 100 agree with what Lane just said okay now this is a very important topic and so listen carefully so I think one of the biggest mistakes that a aspiring developer makes when learning how to code is that they spend way too much time either learning particular languages spending way too much time that they need to or again just to add on top of that learning the wrong technical languages out there right and just like what Lane said what people tend to do is spend way too much time of HTML CSS why he said that when you work as a friend developer a lot of spine developers think that you need to be the best designer a lot of the spine developers think that you need to have good design skills no that is not the job of a front engineer from a developer web developer friends off engineer you name it I our job is to take a design that a UI ux designer gives us and when we turn that design into reality not with a pen and paper but using actual code and so I like the point that he said because what Lane said was people spent way too much on HTML CSS people spent way too much in that thinking that they have to be the ones who think of creative designs but the thing is that's not our job at all our job is to turn what people created with photoshop with Adobe XD with I don't know you name it they create these beautiful designs and our job is to turn that into an actual picture and code so then how much HTML and TSS does a developer even need to know enough to get hired what you need to know is pretty much how to what what is the Dom right how what is the basic structures when building an a website using HTML I mean look at Craigslist they have all of the basics down on not the best example but that's literally HTML maybe some C sets to make the website more mobile friendly but that's pretty much it plain and simple I think that what you need to do is just don't know what the devs are what labels are right what is the header what is the body what is it what are the HTML tags what is the anchor tag you need to understand how the Dom Works what are all these different elements when it comes to HTML why is that so important because you need to at least have a basic Foundation I would say strong foundation in HTML which only takes maybe a month if not less to understand not fully understand but like get a grasp on and then why you need to understand this because now that you understand how HTML Works what is the structure of a body of a header you need to know just the basics enough to be able to use CSS why what's the whole point of CSS you use CSS to make things look pretty as hell that is pretty much it you see SES to make things mobile friendly but people sometimes tend tend to spend way too much time on CSS when so many people like me so many people like Lane so many people like many other developers tend to use a front-end framework and library to build these beautiful websites we no longer have to write this from from scratch well some companies do unfortunately but we use libraries that allow us to build these websites more quickly than ever more faster than ever and make them as clean as possible by using a CSS or JavaScript or a front-end Library like Talent right like telling CSS now there is one thing I want to disagree with Lena one point which is this he did say HTML and CSS is not the hard part I agree but I also disagree I think that people tend to misunderstand with Lane primarily being a back-end developer I can also understand why he would say these words because as a back-end developer and I now work in back end it is hard to sell all right what I do in back end is much more difficult than what I've ever done as a front-end developer right maybe it's because as a friend developer I went to the mid-level position I never became a senior friendly developer and I moved to backend right after that maybe that could be it but from what I've seen what I do now back in development is much more difficult from my perspective right but what what I'm trying to say is that HTML CSS is a lot harder than what people realize but I want what I want people to be able to grasp and understand is that the reason that you don't need to know enough a lot or all of the htmlc says that's out there before you move on to JavaScript is because of this Google you can literally Google anything on how to build anything HTML series you're using a front-end Library a CSS Library like Tailwind CSS what can you do Google how do I build a hamburger menu using Tailwind CSS literally type that into Google copy the code you find on the internet and paste that into your text editor boom you have a hamburger menu how do I build a footer using tele or whatever a bootstrap you name them and maybe you're still using materialize which has been around for a minute Google Google Google the whole point of what we're trying to say is that the amount of HTML CSS you need to know is enough to the point where you now you now know how to Google and research things the internet to help you build what you don't know as fast as possible right that is it and then what he says next is this he says that JavaScript is the harder part I agree with him a billion percent on this JavaScript will be very difficult for everyone trying to learn how to code why because JavaScript for most cases will be the first programming language that you ever learn when it comes to JavaScript it's not even just JavaScript anymore there's vanilla JavaScript uh some companies still use jQuery right companies nowadays either you spell JS not as much use angularjs but still out there and a lot of other companies now are using for react yes and then even when you learn react yes that's not even enough anymore when you learn reaction yes what is it about now you move on to using nexius nexius makes using reactors even that much more better not even just that because you know JavaScript now you need to use another tool like typescript to help you write your JavaScript to help you write as less bugs as little bugs as possible right so there's a ton more different things that you need to be able to learn so then the question then is how much JavaScript do I need to know Chris that I'll talk about next video just kidding let's talk about that right now so obviously they're going to be a lot of things that you need to learn in JavaScript and I can only go over so much but number one I think the most important part is to learn the terminology as a developer you need to not just learn how to sound like a developer right like people say but you need to know develop a talk why because when you speak of other developers especially in JavaScript a lot of developers will use terminology that you probably even never heard of like what is a map like how do you map around in a rape what is an array in the first place what's an object what's Json that's not even JavaScript but use Jason a lot when it comes to JavaScript at least I did so being able to understand these different terminologies functions to the for Loops to you name it so just being able to understand the terminology on different things is extremely important when you start learning JavaScript don't just skip around things online JavaScript understand the terminology now in the link description below I'll put a list of different terminology that you could learn when it comes to JavaScript hopefully this helps but let's go to the next part alright so I'm gonna go through this list really quick on my phone all right so number one when it comes to JavaScript you need to learn things like a Boolean number strings Etc that different operators when it comes to working with JavaScript right you need to learn even typescript to help you again avoid running bugs typescript will save your life as you learn this next what you need to learn are things like how to work with arrays how to work a different objects what the hell is even object oriented programming the basics are what you learn when it comes to this and then and then even on top of that you need to learn how to manipulate the Dom how do you write click functions when it comes to JavaScript what is a map what is a function what is the FL statement how to write an FLL statement how to use operators like double equal sign or triple equal sign when to use back ticks when they use semic semi yes I mean really you don't really need to use semicolons in JavaScript but pretty much all of the basics when it comes to JavaScript enough to allow you to manipulate the Dom on top of that you need to learn about events listeners when to wait for a click instead of you name it this will be especially useful when you start working with apis but Above All Else how much JavaScript do you need to know you do not know enough JavaScript if you haven't even built two or three websites using JavaScript so many people just learn learn that's the mistake that people make oftentimes is that they continue to learn non-stop when it comes to JavaScript but they don't build anything so your goal when you do learn something in JavaScript is to build as many things as possible to help you apply what you learned make sure you don't forget it you build a strong foundation and get hired from there anyway I hope that helps that's how much HTML CSS and JavaScript you need to learn if y'all like this video let me know thank you all for watching and I'll see y'all in the next one peace out
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 484,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Id: A7fF6czIxEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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