Watch This Before Marvel Avengers Endgame (Theory Compilation)

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if you are not a fan of Marvel comic books then you might have been wondering what on earth Hawkeye was doing with a sword during the first endgame trailer no it's probably not that he misplaced his bow and arrow there's actually a comic-book precedent for his appearance that many fans have been eagerly awaiting we'll introduce you to the character named Ronan and explain what could have convinced Clint Barton it was time to rebrand let's start out by answering a question that you're probably asking yourself right now which is who the heck is Ronan if you stick to the movies that's a fair question since Ronan hasn't yet made an appearance in the MCU but in the comic books there have been many heroes who have gone by the name of Ronan over the years these include Maya Lopez Eric Brooks Alexey Shostak aww and of course our very own Clint Barton now let's talk about how Clint ended up ditching the name Hawkeye in favor of Ronan since it may contain some clues for what's going on right now in the MCU everyone knows that one of maksimov has her own set of emotional challenges to deal with and these coupled with her incredible powers can often cause trouble at one point in the comics her powers drive her insane and she brings a Kree warship down over New York City in the ensuing battle Hawkeye ends up being blown to bits in an attempt to save his teammates but don't pile to hate on Scarlet Witch just yet because even though Clint's dead he gets better with her help all it takes is a little bit of moving reality around to set things right and all of a sudden Clint's back with no memory of what happened but when he does remember he's not too tickled about it and paste Scarlet Witch back by shooting her with an arrow yeah as you've probably guessed messing with scarlet witch's generally a bad idea even if she kind of deserved it Clint ends up being wiped from existence and understandably everyone thinks he's gone for good and that's a fair assumption but it turns out to be a bunch of baloney because Hawkeye gets resurrected he hangs out with Doctor Strange and then ends up hooking up with Scarlet Witch who at this point has no memory of her past uh you gotta love those awkward comic-book romances anyway he finds out that while he was away Kate Bishop has been going by the name Hawkeye and he's surprisingly cool with it echo the original Ronan gives Clint permission to use first secret identity and all is well with the world well sort of those are the facts about what happened to Clint and how he ended up as Ronin but it's hard to describe his mental state throughout this whole thing we've seen Clint be a generally Apple guy but his days as Ronin were marked by a much darker and grittier version of the character than we're used to seeing in the MCU if Clint has made the transition from Hokkaido Ronin we're guessing it's not because anything good has happened to him and we're not just talking about the finger snap of doom which was almost inconceivably catastrophic it was so bad even Captain America looks like he's in therapy because of it based on the Super Bowl endgame trailer it's been made clear that the MCU version of Clint is a family man I mean listen this guy gave up being a superhero in order to spend more time with them of course the second things got interesting he was quick to pick up his bow and arrow and get back to business but come on who doesn't want to be a superhero hi childhood dream right here during Captain America Civil War pock eyes back in action before promptly being taken out of action and placed under house arrest womp womp hey listen nobody said being a superhero is easy just that it's cool as we all know the sokovia accords means it's a bad time to be a superhero and even after his first slap on the wrist we don't Clint was eager to get back out there in fact many fans believed this was why Clint was conspicuously absent from Avengers infinity war maybe he decided to stay home with his family instead of risking getting in trouble but does that really sound like Clint or really anyone with any common sense Thanos isn't just some random evildoer trying to rob a bank or even level a city he was trying to destroy half of all life in the universe so we can't exactly picture Clint simply deciding not to suit up because he doesn't want to get in trouble either with the government or with his wife would he really have let his anger at Tony Stark or the possible legal or family consequences stop him from suiting up to save the world we just don't think so and we think there's more to him becoming Ronin than just dealing with what comes after the decimation remember where Clint was when we saw him in the trailer for Avengers endgame he looked to be in Japan standing over the bodies of slain members of the Yakuza if everything was going great and Clint's life prior to the decimate how did he end up in Japan taking down members of an organized crime syndicate even if his entire family was lost in the decimation it would seem like a very strange and unexpected time to cross the world and restart being a costumed crime fighter let alone with a different identity during the second endgame trailer we saw Captain America seemingly taking part in a support group for those who lost loved ones in the decimation he's not in disguise and his very handsome and recognizable face is on full display like Clint Steve Rogers was also considered a criminal following the events of civil war we know he went to undercover for a while but in the aftermath of infinity war it seems like the time for that has passed if the decimation caused Steve Rogers to show his face to the world once more why did it cause Clint to hide it more than ever the simple answer is that it wouldn't whatever happened to Clint could have happened before the snap this could also explain why we didn't see anyone communicating with Clint in any capacity during infinity war perhaps they simply couldn't find him because he had already become Ronin one of the many awesome things about the MCU is that we get to see how something that occurs in one movie has a ripple effect through the whole timeline the Battle of New York was an epic moment during the Avengers but in spider-man homecoming we saw Adrian Toomes struggling to take care of the aftermath if it wasn't for that oh give him the tesseract ooh Loki maybe he would have never become the vulture since the Battle of New York there's been no shortage of crime and scary situations occurring here on earth heck the sokovia accords which were the main focus of civil war happened because civilians lost their lives during a battle involving superheroes this is just our way of saying Clint could have lost his beloved family in a number of terrible ways even before the decimation happened in the comics he becomes Ronin following the events of civil war which seems to coincide nicely with this timeline that being said we doubt his transformation has anything to do with Scarlet Witch otherwise this would have probably been mentioned in if you remember Scarlet Witch was one of the unlucky people who perished at the end of infinity war if you thought Clint's absence during infinity war was going to be glossed over yeah think again patience is a virtue according to Joe Russo when asked about Hawkeye not appearing in the movie he assured fans he hasn't forgotten about Clint Barton and that his story is no less important than that of any other member of the Avengers Russo stated we cooked up a story for him that is a little bit of a long play not a short play it seems like whatever Clint was doing during infinity war was indeed significant and will play into his actions following the decimation co-writer Stephen McFeely confirms some characters who weren't as prominent during the previous film will get their time to shine during endgame although there are a ton of characters involved here the expansive nature of the MCU means that there's time for everyone to shine and this includes Clint even Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige admits to being a huge Hawkeye fan making us think there's a lot more in store for his character Feige has confirmed as much and adds that he believes Hawkeye's just as awesome as any other Marvel character although he knows some people joke about Hawkeye being the weakest avenger he can't help but notice that the second he doesn't show up everyone wants to know where he is it's possible Clint lost his family took on the darker and grittier Ronan persona in order to work more covertly and started fighting crime again this certainly seems like a reasonable explanation and there aren't many things more dangerous than someone with nothing to lose Thor even points this out during infinity war when he's working on creating storm breaker if this is true it could present a potential difficulty during endgame we've seen what happens when people let their emotions control them and then don't stick to the plan star-lord completely blew it by lashing out at Thanos and if four had just aimed for the head things would have ended very differently Ronan is more than simply a different look for Clint it symbolizes that he's going through a very dark and challenging time in his life but let's not forget that we now have things like time travel and multiple timelines in the MCU yeah you can thank dr. strange for making things more complicated there some people think Hawkeye is a useless superhero and on the surface we can see why after all he's a human dude who doesn't even have a super suit and when you stack them up against someone like Thor while it's not all that impressive but it's been demonstrated over and over again that Hawkeye's a skilled tactician and is able to read and interpret scenarios much better than his peers also because he's an average-looking human it's easy for him to go undercover and help out in some of the many situations which require subtlety Thor may be good at fighting but discrete isn't really in his vocabulary so when it comes time to potentially travel through time in order to gather Infinity stones and take down thatõs there's no doubt Clint would be extremely useful we could imagine someone like Natasha going to great lengths in order to help him out what if the Ronin we saw in the first trailer isn't the one we're used to seeing in the MCU is it possible the Clint we know perished in the decimation like so many others causing Natasha to visit another timeline in order to recruit him he could be from one of the many other timelines were Thanos triumphs and if he's ronan that means he likely has no ties left with his current timeline why not hop over to another where it seems as though there might be at least a slim chance of defeating the mad Titan right different universes and timelines are commonly used in the comic books but we're just starting to see them utilized in the MCU this could really help take the concepts to the next level by bringing Clint from another universe over to the MCU timeline now let's talk about the endgame trailer which premiered during the Superbowl although it was short and we only saw Clint for a moment it looked as though he had on his trademark bow and arrow instead of the sword could this be another example of time being played with that red glow and his face looks awfully familiar it looks almost like the reddish glow of the reality stone and takes us back to when Jane Foster came upon at jury Thor the dark world is it possible Clint was Ronin while he was going rogue as a super hero but becomes Hawkeye when his friends need him again a popular endgame theory is that our heroes will end up going back in time in order to claim the Infinity stones from various places in the timeline if Clint's on board with the plan it's possible hope has broken through his Ronan persona and now Hawkeye is going to help out his friends of course it's a bit hard to deduce from this extremely short snippet but it could mean something truly significant we've been excited about the prospect of seeing Ronan show up in the MCU but could it be possible that we see Clint as both Ronan and Hawkeye when you consider that endgame likely involves no small amount of time travel it suddenly doesn't quite sound so crazy taking on the mantle of Hawkeye again could symbolize that he is fully committed to the Avengers and fighting back against the mad Titan we know the Russo brothers want us to have patience but we can't help thinking about what comes next for our heroes as we head into the endgame the excitement for Avengers endgame is out of this world with everyone talking about how the dusted heroes might come back to life or health analyst will be defeated or who will say goodbye to despite all of this you might have forgotten about the threat of the Infinity stones themselves and the mind stone might not only prove to be the most dangerous one of them all it might turn our favor to mad Titan into a demented grieving psycho but before we get started we have a brand new channel for you called behind the screen head over there for more movie content [Music] the Infinity stones there are six of them they're colorful and they're like Pokemon you gotta collect them all the six gems were part of the MCU ever since the first Thor movie and they were the main focus of so many Marvel movies there are millions of questions on our minds as we wait for Avengers endgame including how will Tony Stark return to Earth and what happened to Captain America's magnificent beard so many questions so many possible answers but it's a safe bet that the Infinity stones will be the answer for at least some of these questions for a while everyone was wondering about the soul stone they were asking where it's hidden and who has it but it seems like we've all forgotten about the one stone that might have been manipulating Thanos for years and it might have been the cause for the Mad Titans crusade to restore balance to the universe we were first introduced to the elusive mind stone all the way back in the first Avengers film the movie starts with Loki getting the mine stone from Thanos no one really paid too much attention to it at the time since the stone was hidden inside the sceptre and we had to wait years before it was finally revealed that the mine stone was hidden inside the sceptre all along lock twist the mine stones clearly bigger than the other stones and it has its own special place on the Infinity Gauntlet it was suggested that the Infinity stones are sentient and they make their own choices including accepting or rejecting who gets to use them for example let's look at the space stone in Captain America the First Avenger red skull tried to hold it but the space stone was like no ugly Hydra man don't touch me away with you and it kicked him all the way to voir mirror where he apparently became a Sith Lord or something we didn't see the space stone doing that since then but it's possible that it accepted other users while it rejected Red Skull and can we really blame it for that red skulls and evil Hydra creep no one wants to be touched by someone like that speaking of Red Skull and former when Thanos came to visit he found out that the soul stone is somewhat of a diva and a big fan of the Bible story where Abraham is asked by God to sacrifice his son Isaac of course in that story God wanted to test old Abe but then as probably is in a big fan of the Bible anyway to get the soul to stone then has had to sacrifice his favorite daughter Gamora pretty dark stuff but it's another example of a stone being all sentient and stuff but the mine stone was far more impressive when it comes to that we saw loki using the stone to mind-control others in the first Avengers film but in a recent retcon by Marvel it was revealed that Loki was actually being manipulated by the stone himself the mine Stone pretty much brought the worst out in Loki making him do far more villainous deeds than usual let's also not forget that the mine stone was the reason why Ultron went nuts on the Avengers in age of Ultron if the mine stone was able to manipulate to both Loki and Ultron who both had it in their hands for barely a week who knows what effects the stone had on Thanos now the interesting thing is that while the Stone brought out the worst of Loki and it turned all Tron into Skynet the stone wasn't able to corrupt vision the witch loving Android had the mine stone in his pink forehead for a while but at no point did he decide to go all 80s Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Avengers it's possible that this means that the mine stone itself isn't evil while it's sentient it's not a person for the stone it's not about right and wrong it's about the person who is using it the stone might just be simply reacting to the nature of whoever holds it unlike vision Loki's the god of mischief and he's no Boy Scout but while he did some nasty things in his time he wasn't pure evil with that being said Loki did have some inner darkness rage and jealousy and the mine stone simply acted on these dark feelings on the other hand visions of pure being and there's no evil inside him to manipulate pack even Thor's hammer accepted his Buras so the mind stone reacted the vision in a positive way the idea that the mine stone could bring out the worst of people is a pretty scary one even Tony Stark couldn't resist its influence when he held it an age of Ultron and that's not to mention the fact that the stone gave both Wanda and Pietro maximum powers and influenced their own inner darkness but unlike the other Stannis isn't a very nice guy and if the mind stone reacts to what's in a person's heart it's safe to say it's reaction to that US would be very dark and extreme unlike the other stones the mine stone was already in thanasis possession when we first saw it we never found out how the mad Titan got his hands on it or where the stone was hidden beforehand but if the mine stone did influence the minds of everyone who came into contact with it it's possible that the stone has been playing with Dennis's brain for a long time potentially being the cause for his mad crusade to restore balance to the universe think about it this could explain Dennis's narrow you when it comes to the use of the stones in infinity war thanassis worry about the fate of the universe could have been easily solved with the power of the stones he could have altered reality to make sure the universe will have the infinite resources and make everything awesome for everyone but instead the mad Titan decided it'd be for the best to simply weigh about 50% of all life great plan there champ it's possible that following Thanos losing everyone he knew on Titan us 15e weenie rampage and once he found the malian stone it reacted to that madness in the worst way possible driving Thanos to be unable to see any reason giving him tunnel vision that prevented him from seeing any other alternative but the decimation it's very possible that since they know spent so much time with the mine stone before giving it to Loki its effects on him or irreversible after Loki was parted from the sceptre his actions in the following films were more reasonable in fact he started acting more like an antihero and less like a full-blown villain when Hawkeye was under the influence of the stone all it took was a good knock on the head to free him from Loki's mind control but Loki didn't have the mine stone in his hands for long unlike the a knows who might have been exposed to it for years so even after he gave the sceptre to Loki the effects of the mine stone didn't just fade away and Thanos was still obsessed about balancing the universe of course our tears every night are an indication that Thanos was eventually successful with his mission to balance the universe but it didn't take him some time until he actually tried to really achieve his goals seriously it's been so long since that first time we sawed a nose why'd it take him so long for him to do his thing well we think it's probably because he was practicing his finger snapping skills and there's no shame in that one to win 3 some people have a harder time to snap their fingers than others and it's harder to do it with a golden magical metal gauntlet on your hand that's for sure we think they know spent all his time sitting on his floating throne perfecting his snap so when he finally gets all the Infinity stones on his gauntlet he won't end up embarrassing himself in front of everyone see kids practice makes perfect anyway let's be serious here for a second the fact that they a nose has all the stones now is a serious cause for concern we're not sure how Thanos felt about his Black Order but we do know how he felt about his favorite daughter Gamora who sacrifice that last act really did a number on tano's and what's worse than a mad Titan a grieving that Dighton with six all-powerful rocks gomorrah's death might hurt Thanos an endgame as he did see her right after the snap and it's possible that the guilt might eat him from the inside with the mine stone right there on his hand to mess with his head the Thanos that the Avengers might face an endgame won't be a calculated Titan on a mission to balance the universe but a demented grieving psycho who doesn't care who lives and who dies so yeah I will say the threat of the stones is graver now that it was before beyond that even if the heroes are able to strip Thanos of the stones they might still face the threat of the mind stone themselves it's very possible that the mind stone will try to influence anyone else who comes into contact with it just imagine if somehow the Hulka gets his hands on the mine stone that'll be pretty bad for everyone did someone just whisper World War Hulk huh in that case we'll need a bigger hull combustor folks maybe sure he can build one out of vibranium I'll solve a few problems it's unclear what the fate of the Infinity stones will be after endgame but we think the Avengers will have a hard time just destroying them Wanda Maximoff didn't destroy the mine stone but it's possible that she was able to do it because her powers came from that stone it's unclear if Wanda was able to do the same with the other stones there might be no force in the universe that can destroy the six gems well maybe Captain Marvel will just crush them with her bare hands hey after all she's advertised as the most powerful hero we've ever seen so that could be a real badass moment it's also possible that the resurrected vision might be the key since he did serve as a vessel for the mine stone for a few years but who will protect the other stones beyond that let's not forget that if the stones aren't destroyed there's a chance they might fall into worse hands and a nose like Galactus Annihilus Dormammu and many more just think about the terrifying effect the mind stone might have on those bad guys all of this might lead to the formation of a new group in endgame in the comics out of warlock forms a group known as the Infinity watch and it's job is to protect each stone and keep them separated we might get an MCU version of the team but we don't think we'll see Adam warlock and its leader since so far he was only teased in guardians of the galaxy volume 2 and we don't think he'll show up an end game since Doctor Strange knows his stuff about the Infinity stones it's possible that he'll take charge and form the new team strange didn't protect the time stone and the only reason he gave it up was to achieve the so-called endgame so it'll make sense if the time stone stays under his protection we assume that powerful characters like Thor and Captain Marvel are also obvious candidates for the Infinity watch at the same time most people believe that we may say goodbye to many characters that were with us from phase 1 and it's likely that the original Avengers will die possibly as a sacrifice to bring back all the ones that were dusted in infinity war but what if something else happens to the original Avengers think about it there are six stones and six og Avengers so it's hard not to do the math what if the MCU is infinity watch will consist of the original six Avengers by the end of the movie The Avengers will go their separate ways each vowing to protect the stones it'll be a fitting end for the first three phases with the heroes that were the main focus of these phases being the ones that keep the Infinity stones safe moving forward we're call on it but before you go we have just one more question for you do you love seeing behind the scenes footage of your favorite movies if so check out our brand new channel behind the screen for more awesome videos like this one up until now most of us have been assuming our heroes are going to undo the decimation at some point during Avengers and game and you know what happens when you assume people leave angry comments about it on your YouTube video well today we're gonna explore what might happen if our heroes are unable or even unwilling to undo the decimation and what it could mean for the future of the MCU here at CBR we love to talk about all the wild exciting and crazy things that might happen in the MCU sure the Captain America without a beard and the Captain America with a beard are probably not two different people but it can be fun to explore different options during Avengers infinity war Thanos committed a true crime against humanity by killing off half of the lucrative Marvel Studios / Disney franchises hmm we mean eat killed off half of all life in the MCU which is of course much much worse but redditor and Arvada has a theory which states the decimation may not ever be undone we've seen many characters in the history of the MCU die and then come back to life even Thor is pretty tired of that same old trope since his brother usually does it at least once per movie so there's a strong precedent for bringing characters back from the dead or having them secretly not have been dead this entire time kind of a reverse the $0.06 thing yeah we were sad at the end of infinity war and motive cried harder than Steve Rogers but we didn't think the decimation would be undone because of emotional reasons our reasons were well for one have you seen the trailer for spider-man far from home according to Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige the movie comes out moments after the conclusion of endgame and if the snap wasn't undone Peter Parker would have bigger problems than remembering to pack his toothbrush in addition Marvel Studios has also confirmed sequels to both Black Panther and Doctor Strange meaning these characters are going to have to find their way back to life some points an end game so how can we say there's a possibility the decimation might not be undone it's a little bit complicated in a relatively new addition to the MCU but it may have something to do with the multiverse comic book fans have long been familiar with the idea of there being more than one Marvel Universe the ancient one explains this in Doctor Strange when she says this universe is only one of an infinite number she adds that some universes are benevolent and life-giving while others are filled with malice and hunger but what she doesn't mention are the millions upon millions of universes that lay somewhere in the middle of those two extremes it's probably because they don't sound too exciting being too much like our boring old universe Doctor Strange may have looked into over 14 million of these universes but us moviegoers have seen a few of them ourselves and Doctor Strange we saw the astral realm the mirror dimension and the dark dimension each one of them more unpleasant than the last we also got a glimpse into a pocket dimension known as the soul world at the end of infinity war after taking a peek inside the soul stone it's one of these many parallel universes which might hold the key to how we can see some of our favorite heroes in the MCU without reversing the decimation dr. strange giving Thanos the time stone is one of the most talked about moments of infinity war and for good reason he flat-out tells Tony that he'd happily let him in Peter Parker died if it meant protecting the stone which is pretty harsh but then after taking a look into a few million futures he hands it right over to Thanos to save Tony the thing is what if he really didn't save him what if by handing over the time stone he knew Tony would ultimately not survive what would come next it might have seemed like he saved Tony when the Zach opposite was true it's clear that despite what movie audiences think danos doesn't really see himself as a villain as far as he's concerned he's not the mad Titan he's the conscientious Titan he gives this whole spiel about the importance of balance and how he's really doing everyone a favor by wiping out half of all life in the universe we know he's just a great guy and a terrific father on top of it all people who vanish during the decimation died but what if they were simply transported to another universe there could be a universe out there with all of the heroes who vanished during the decimation it's possible those who were decimated only have vague memories of their old universe if the decimation never happened at all this could explain the events of the Spider Man far from home trailer it certainly doesn't seem to feature a world where half of everyone disappeared and then were brought right back things looked pretty grim in the Superbowl end game trailer and we just can't see things recovering that quickly it also explained why we don't see Tony Stark but we do see Peter Parker once if the universe our heroes are trying to save isn't their own but whichever one their friends and up in maybe dr. strange was right and there's only one single universe where Thanos doesn't win and it's not the one we're used to seeing in the MCU maybe the best our heroes can do is ensure their loved ones will be able to live on in their new universe yeah we know that's pretty depressing but after the ending of infinity war would it be that big of a surprise our heroes could both defeat Thanos and still be unable to undo the result of the decimation now let's talk about this shiny new universe where the decimation never happened why it would Marvel want to abandon their old universe and start over if you think about it Marvel could soon have an issue with overcrowding and maybe getting rid of let's say half of its citizens might help okay we realize we just compared Marvel Studios to Thanos but just hear us out we all know that with Disney acquiring Fox there are a ton of other superheroes who can be incorporated into the MCU comic book fans been waiting for a well fantastic Fantastic Four movie for as long as superhero movies have been a thing and then we have the x-men who have an entire catalog of great movies already in existence it's going to take a ton of careful planning in order to bring these characters successfully into the MCU and in a world where Captain America does PSAs and Tony Stark are now tee's iron man at a press conference we need to know why these characters have been and hide it are we supposed to believe that nobody had any idea there's been a secret school for mutants going on for years in the MCU it would be pretty complicated to explain away but our heroes or at least most of them could end up in a universe where Xavier school for gifted youngsters has always been a thing and there would be some interesting character changes if everyone left behind no longer exists in the new universe in the comic books both Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have taken on the mantle of Captain America in the absence of Steve Rogers ever since they were kids Steve and Bucky have been incredibly close though not quite as close as some fans like to believe Bucky had always been the stronger of the two until the whole Super Soldier Serum thing and then Steve ended up saving him on multiple occasions seeing him step into the role of Captain America after losing Steve would be interesting for sure whether it's Sam or Bucky who takes on the official role we could definitely see these two working together and to becoming a dynamic duo of their own and let's talk about Nick Fury and Maria Hill who we saw disappear during the poet's credit scene of infinity war we saw Nick Fury in the trailer for spider-man far from home looking distinctly unveils hard to say whether he counts as Avengers initiative as a win or a loss on one hand they've saved the world on multiple occasions but then there's the whole Civil War business anyway it seemed as though Fury had given up his hobby of collecting superheroes but then we see him trying desperately to recruit spider-man why if all of the Avengers were still around it seems like fury would have better options than a teenager we're guessing fury doesn't just want to know a good place to buy churros the next time he's in New York City if the events of Civil War homecoming and infinity war happened in this universe there's no doubt fury would know that spider-man's being mentored by Tony Stark if he wanted to set up a meeting with Peter Parker couldn't he have talked it through with Tony instead of hunting down Peter himself on his class trip which Puri want to risk upsetting Tony by poaching Peter not only is Tony a superhero but he's also exceptionally wealthy powerful and rightfully protective of Peter Parker if Tony was still around we just don't think fury would be talking to Peter the way we saw in the far from home trailer but we do hear Iron Man and Thor referenced in the Trey almost in passing if the two characters had recently and terribly perished we doubt they would have gotten name dropped like that but if happened the world had been wiped out and then restored we also don't think anyone would be talking about the hero so casually could the Iron Man and Thor being mentioned to be nothing more than echoes from a distant universe the idea of the movie taking place in a different universe also gives a new meaning to the phrase far from a home we get that it refers to Peter Parker traveling to Europe but it could also be a hint that the movie takes place in a different universe than infinity war and endgame so what will happen to all of the characters left behind during endgame we're guessing they're going to do something other than sit around and quietly accept their fate obviously they're going to be doing their best to defeat Thanos and try to undo the decimation but if it turns out that's just not possible they may be able to save another universe during infinity war one of the major themes was the idea of sacrifice vision sacrificed himself for the greater good before Thanos to the time-warp yet again and rendered his sacrifice worthless Groot sacrificed his arm to create Stormbreaker and Doctor Strange handed over the time stone to save Tony being a superhero means making those kinds of tough decisions it's not all shiny costumes and merchandising contracts of the heroes left on earth can you think of any who wouldn't be willing to sacrifice themselves to protect those who perished in the decimation would Ocoee a fail in her sworn duty to protect T'Challa would Tony and rocket fail in their father-figure duties to Peter Parker and Groot we could go on but we think you get the picture it's possible the surviving heroes will continue to live on in the universe they're currently in and it simply won't be featured in any more films or they could end up sacrificing themselves in order to defeat Thanos and ensure the safety of the prevailing universe there's no doubt that the quantum realm and the multiverse are going to be major players an end game and most people assume they're going to be utilized to undo the decimation but if this theory is correct we might see the MCU move forward in a whole new world [Music] you know that exciting moment when a character says the name of the movie in the theater erupts into tears we're sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you were waiting for that moment in Captain Marvel you'd still be waiting today we learned that Captain Marvel is a woman of many names but none of them is apparently Captain Marvel Ruster think this is going to be addressed during Avengers and game and might tie in to important plot points involving Captain America when we were first introduced to the protagonist of Captain Marvel we were told her name was veers and that she was a member of the Kree race however later on we learned the name veers came from a part of her dog tank which was recovered after a plane crash her real human name was Carol Danvers so how does Carol Danvers get the name Captain Marvel and why wasn't it included in the movie after all what would the first MCU movie even be without the line I am Iron Man we doubted it simply because Marvel Studios forgot to name their hero in the movie instead we believe the name has too much significance to pack into Captain Marvel's origin story we think Marvel Studios is biding their time until the big reveal during Avengers endgame not only will this likely be a big moment for Carol Danvers but possibly Steve Rogers as well as you probably gathered from the movie the Marvel part of Captain Marvel comes from Carole's mentor Marvel like Carol Marvel was a person of many names she was a brilliant crease scientist who lived and worked on earth under the name dr. Wendy Lawson Marvel worked for the United States Air Force and they apparently didn't conduct a very thorough background check on her did they not notice her blue blood during her physical alright we'll just chalk that up to some movie magic while Carol's story in the comic books is different than that in the MCU in both cases Marvel is a mentor to her Carol is in of Marvel and when they pass away she takes on the name Marvel in their honor in the comic books she first calls herself Miss Marvel which although it doesn't sound as cool as Captain Marvel was quite revolutionary at the time keep in mind that Carol Danvers made her comic book debut all the way back in 1968 and Miss Marvel finally got a self-titled series in 1977 at the time female superheroes often struggled to be anything but one dimensional and many people worried about women being portrayed as more than whites and mothers although Carroll has some amazing superpowers she also has the super ability to doubt herself which is something many of us can relate to she resists taking on the mantle of Captain Marvel because she doesn't feel worthy of being considered a captain now in her old life as a human being on earth it looks like she did indeed achieve the rank of captain based on the plane we saw bearing her name at the end of the movie however we also know Carroll feels totally disconnected from her old life and also feels full of regret for the things she's done while working with the Kree we wouldn't be surprised if she struggles with the same issues she does in the comic books where she doesn't feel worthy of being called captain we all know there's another prolific captain in the MCU and he and Carol Danvers have a lot of similarities both struggled to pass the physical requirements demanded of those who join the Armed Forces before getting help from an outside source they both have strong senses of morality and justice and are willing to put themselves in danger to protect others Steve Rogers has been the moral compass of the Avengers for quite some time and many worried that he won't survive the events of Avengers endgame not only are our heroes involved in their biggest battle yet but there have been some hints indicating Steve might not survive when he gazed wistfully at Peggy Carter's picture in the end game trailer we couldn't help but think back to when he did the same thing just before plunging his plane into the ocean in an effort to save others sacrifice was a huge theme during infinity war and we wouldn't be surprised if he's called upon to make the final sacrifice during endgame please note we didn't say we wouldn't be sad if that happened we plan on bringing plenty of tissues just in case many people have questioned who will replace Captain America pointing to characters like Bucky Barnes or Sam Wilson who also went by Captain America at various points in the comic books but instead of replacing Steve Rogers directly it's possible Marvel Studios will replace his role in the MCU with Carol Danvers character there's definitely only one Steve Rogers but his strong sense of responsibility into justice is something the MCU needs and it may fall on Carol Danvers to maintain it when he's gone in the comic books Carol Danvers eventually calls herself Captain Marvel in honor of the previous Captain Marvel but it's Steve Rogers who encourages her to do so she's reluctant to take on the name of someone she admired so much but it's Steve who tells her Marvel would want her to have it before she takes on her most well-known title she goes by other names including binary and warbird but it seems like in the MCU she's going to skip directly to Captain Marvel possibly with the encouragement of Steve Rogers after all there's a scene near the end of Captain Marvel where Nick Fury talks about the name Marvel and Carol Danvers corrects his pronunciation this would have seemingly been the perfect time for Carol to take on the name however she distinctly chooses not to we're guessing this means her name is going to have some added significance which may become clear during avengers endgame Scott Lang may be great at making us laugh and at close-up magic but it's safe to say he isn't exactly the most brilliant mind in the MCU that being said just because he doesn't quite understand quantum technology doesn't mean he can't come through for our heroes and Avengers end game with Hank Penn and his family gone ant-man is the one with the most knowledge of and access to his technology which could prove integral to defeating Thanos for a convicted felon Scott Lang is an incredibly likable guy he's a doting dad with a great sense of humor he's a superhero fanboy at least where Captain America is concerned there's no denying Scott has the skills and moral fortitude to be a hero but more often than not he does act on his own accord in both of his movies he pretty much does everything he's ordered to do by Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne even when we saw him in Captain America Civil War he was just following the instructions of other more authoritative heroes so it'll be interesting to see how he fares when he's on his own for a bit following the decimation at the end of the mid-credits scene from ant-man in the wasp we thought Scott was hopelessly trapped inside the quantum realm until he showed up perfectly fine in the trailer for avengers endgame now that's one magic trick that's actually impressive but what happened to Scott Lang after he escaped to the quantum realm and before he got together with the rest of the surviving heroes there have been many alleged spoilers and leaks floating around about endgame but one of them involving Scott Lang seems pretty plausible a casting call went out looking for someone to play what sounds like an older version of Scott's daughter Cassie Lang in the ant-man movies the part is played by a B writer Fortson who has a few years to go before becoming a teenager but there have been rumors that teenage actress Emma Furman has been hired to portray an older Cassie Lang during Avengers endgame if an older Cassie Lang is going to make an appearance during endgame is it possible that Scott doesn't manage to exit the quantum realm with perfect timing all things considered it seems like it'd be pretty unlikely for him to get out at the right time especially if his escape involves utilizing a time vortex one theory is that at first he overshoots and ends up a few years in the future this could explain the older Cassie Lang as well as one of the scenes from the endgame trailer Scott ending up in the future and reuniting with Cassie would mean she survived the decimation but Scott would still have plenty of motivation to put things right at the very least he'd want to save Hank hope and Janet and then there's Cassie's mother and stepfather whose whereabouts are unknown it would also be interesting to see how the world is sparing years after the decimation and might provide some valuable insight into how to stop Thanos if you watch the trailer on YouTube those few short minutes might have revealed a potentially interesting detail during one scene we saw Scott walking down the street in shock and awe behind him we see a house which is way over grown and looks to be in a state of disrepair and those missing posters on the telephone pole in front of him look incredibly old like they've been there quite some time but what you might not have seen in the YouTube version was what Scott was clutching in one of his hands it's easier to see on the Instagram version where the aspect ratio is slightly different but it looks as though Scott is holding on to some kind of handle in fact it looks like the handle of one of those rolling suitcases and somehow we don't think Scott is packed up his drum set to visit the Avengers it seems more likely that he's holding on to the handle of Hank Pimm's portable shrinkable laboratory we saw Hank shrinkable lab and ant-man in the wasp and it makes sense that Scott would take it with him after escaping the quantum realm after all it's not like Hanks to be using it sorry too soon not only is Scott likely bringing along Hank Pimm's laboratory but it looks like he's bringing the whole quantum realm along with him well kind of we saw him standing in front of his pal Louis's van when he pulled up to Avengers headquarters police after his mother died his father got deported and his girl left him that van was all he had my constant sources Scott is definitely not showing up to meet our other heroes empty-handed and if Scott thinks seeing a telephone pole of missing posters is upsetting just wait until he finds out he's missing too he appeared among the victims of the decimation Bruce Banner was looking over during the very first endgame trailer finding out you've been missing and presumed dead is some pretty heavy stuff but thankfully Scott's alive and well well for now at least one of the moments from the end game trailer we just can't stop thinking about is when we saw those snazzy new super suits our heroes were wearing as they purposely strode through the Avengers facility at first glance they bear a striking resemblance to Scott ant-man suit designed by Hank Pym and utilizing quantum technology we're guessing Hank didn't leave a legion of other super suits in his lab so it's likely someone else made these using his discoveries and now that Tony Stark is finally helping out down on earth instead of monologuing in space there's a chance he helped create these suits along with Bruce Banner and possibly even Sheree if she's survived with the snap Scott might not be able to understand any of but surely between Tony Stark and Bruce Banner they could figure out some useful stuff it's possible these suits combined the very best of Pym and stark technology and are made for traversing the quantum realm why the quantum realm well there are tons of possibilities the quantum realm is home to some valuable resources like quantum energy and retrieving some of this was what Scott was doing in the first place when he got trapped there then there's the idea that the quantum realm is filled with time vortexes which Janet Van Dyne warned Scott about at the end of ant-man in the loss there's even hidden cities inside the quantum realm if he missed that particular Easter egg don't feel too bad it was pretty hard to spot but in a freeze-frame shot you can clearly see a city exists within the quantum realm we didn't have much of a chance to hear about the inside of the realm from Janet Van Dyne maybe in the excitement of being rescued she forgot to tell everyone about the city hidden inside the quantum realm or maybe she filled everyone in at some point off-screen we know it's weird to admit but Scott Lang might know something we don't if Jana did disclose more information about the quantum realm than what we were privy to we might even get to see Scott make some of these discoveries for himself an endgame after all if he can travel through time how long he spends in the quantum realm is irrelevant up to a point there's going to be a lot going on an end game but it's possible that the quantum realm holds some secrets which may come in handy when trying to take down the mad Titan and having Scott Lang be the one to introduce time-travel as a real possibility is a particularly interesting one as well as kind of a surprise for a long time we've been wondering how exactly Captain Marvel was going to factor into avengers endgame we know her standalone movie was going to take place in the 90s and that we haven't seen her around the MCU since then many fans wondered if she'd show up with a whole host of exciting new powers and knowledge of how to travel through time there was even an interview with actor samuel l.jackson in which he stated Captain Marvel can travel through time but in the movie we didn't see any evidence of Carol Danvers being able to do that sure she had access to advanced create technology but we didn't see if any of this tech allowed her to travel through time at any point in the movie if there's going to be any time traveling during endgame it looks like ant-man is going to be our best of this Captain Marvel may have the strength to pose a serious threat to Thanos but it looks like Scott is going to be the source of the knowledge needed to face them in a way this is kind of comforting to the many fans who feared Captain Marvel would swoop in to save the day at the expense of our well-known and much-loved heroes endgame is a precarious time to introduce a new character to the group and many fans have worried about her being too overpowered but if someone like Scott Lang is going to be bringing such useful information to the table it looks as though Marvel is going to make sure everyone has their own important role to play we're glad that ant-man isn't going to be pushed aside in favor of Captain Marvel at least for now those new suits do look like they're meant to traverse the quantum realm but they also have one interesting addition we didn't see in the trailers a Funko pop figurine of Tony Stark shows him wearing his new outfit with an interesting apparatus attached to his arm it looks almost like a watch and we're assuming it has a much more interesting function we also spotted multiple cast members wearing these devices while filming endgame and wearing their normal costumes one popular theory about these devices is that they may have been created to hold an infinity stone after all if our heroes are going to recover the stones they're going to need some way to transport them safely in the set photos it looks like our heroes have travelled back in time to the Battle of New York if they're travelling back in time to collect the various Infinity stones or somehow make copies of them it makes sense that they need to have a way to get them back to the present day but it's possible these devices are being worn by our heroes for a much more benign reason after all we've seen them on our heroes wrists while they're wearing both the new suits and their regular costumes it's possible these devices use quantum technology and simply allow the wear to switch between their multiple outfits we even saw Captain Marvel make various costume changes at the push of a button in her standalone movie so it's possible that these devices caused the new suits to appear when the wearer needs to travel through the quantum realm and then when it's time to fight they revert to their traditional costumes we also think it's important to note that Scott Lang is wearing one of these new suits as well it looks remarkably similar to his red one but yet he still suits up with the rest of the team this leads us to believe that these suits contain some kind of new feature likely devised by Tony Stark wears or both otherwise ant-man would probably just wear the suit he's used to wearing it's not like the group has ever worn matching suits before they tend to all go their own ways style wise if our heroes are going to attempt to utilize the time vortex is inside the quantum realm that it's possible that these suits are meant to withstand the challenges that come with that we'd imagine going through a time vortex would put a certain amount of strain on a person and perhaps these suits are meant to combat it Scott's suit was designed for quick forays into the quantum realm so it probably doesn't have all the bells and whistles of these new suits recently actress Tessa Thompson has confirmed her character Valkyrie will be making a highly anticipated return in Avengers endgame the Russo brothers took great delight in dashing our hopes and dreams and destroying some of our favorite heroes during infinity war they even stated characters who weren't even in the movie like Lady SIF and Betty Ross were victims of the decimation that's just cruel but they were always clear Valkyrie is still alive and we think there are big plans for her during endgame [Music] thor ragnarok was a great movie for many reasons but it also introduced some truly memorable characters we could go on and on all day about how director Tycho itt's Korg stole the show but today we're going to be talking about Valkyrie for a character who showed up falling down drunk and sold our hero Thor into slavery she sure did minute to win us over which is a testament to quality character building and storytelling something which had been sorely lacking in the Thor movies up until this point when we last saw Valkyrie in the MCU it was the end of Ragnarok when the Asgardians and their allies were escaping on a spaceship after conducting a brief assessment of their former home and deciding it was irredeemably destroyed the survivor set off looking for a place they could call home the good news is that their search was short the bad news is that's because they and the Black Order boarded their ship and started killing people since we didn't see Valkyrie at all during Avengers infinity war we couldn't help but wonder what happened to her could we have lost one of our favorite new characters already but before you blame Thanos the Russo brothers have confirmed Valkyrie is alive and well almost immediately following the decimation they clarified that Valkyrie was one of the characters who survived and said she managed to get off the ship in an escape pod during Thanos his attack considering that at this point the Russo brothers seemed to delight in killing off characters we loved this seemed pertinent and seemed to strongly suggest we could see Valkyrie again during Avengers endgame and finally at least one of our endgame predictions came true because of new promo art for endgame which was recently released actress Tessa Thompson also confirmed we will be seeing Valkyrie again on the big screen this April after the glow of vindication wore off we were faced with a new question what will Valkyries role be in the new movie one seemingly obvious answer to this question would be the rescue of Tony Stark we've seen them both seemingly adrift in space with no hope of rescue and safely back on earth and the company of his fellow Avengers come on Marvel trailers make up your minds clearly Stark manages to get back to earth and one and it may be valkyrie who helps him get there after all we heard she was flying around in a spaceship Tony is floating around in outer space come on what more proof do you need Plus Valkyrie really has nowhere to go at the moment Asgard is totally destroyed and she didn't exactly leave Sekar on the best of terms there's also the idea that Valkyrie may team up with another fantastic female superhero Captain Marvel it turns out Tesla Thompson is a huge fan of Captain Marvel actress brie Larson and has said she would love to work with her in the future the two women have even shared some fanart of their respective Marvel characters some of it suggesting the two may be more than just friends Captain Marvel and Valkyrie have both lost their homes and their former teammates and it seems like their characters would work well together on screen Larsen and Thompson have also gone through similar difficulties when it comes to being accepted into the MCU some fans were upset about the idea the female superhero starring in a standalone movie and called for boycotts and protests of Captain Marvel when Thompson took on the role of Valkyrie her social media accounts were attacked by people making racist comments and saying she was totally wrong for the role these two actresses haven't been shy about calling for more diversity in film and among film reviewers and this has earned them enemies as well as fans it would definitely be interesting to see their characters team-up on screen just like Larsen and Thompson worked together behind the scenes but just because Valkyrie befriends Captain Marvel doesn't mean she's replacing her blonde bestie entirely it's clear Thor has a lot on his plate right now he's the ruler of Asgard a place which doesn't exist he's gone through some tragic personal losses and he was defeated in battle while other heroes may have more earth-based priorities Thor has a lot more on his plate some fans theorize that we may get to see the Asgardian worlds of Hell into Valhalla at some point during and game in hell we have Thor's sister hella who has managed to escape from there once and it's possible she could again considering the recent cosmic chaos then there's Valhalla which most likely contains Odin Frigga and the other Valkyries who were slain by hella of course we also think Loki being dead is going to come into play Malvo it's a crapshoot at this point which world he ended up in but if Thor is going to venture into the realms of The Departed it makes sense Valkyrie would have a vested interest in accompanying him being able to see her fellow warriors again even just briefly could help provide Valkyrie with a sense of closure that would help her move on with her part of the MCU what do you think about Valkyrie making an appearance in Avengers and Game well she swooped in to save Tony and nebula or is there something even bigger in store for her let us know what you think is going to happen in the comments section below and then click on that subscribe button for more videos from us here at CBR we'll see you next time the ever-lovin hulk was the second character to get a solo movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and he very quickly became a fan favorite even Loki came around to the big green guy but after that beat down by Thanos in endgame the Hulk has been a no-show could it be possible that banner won't wait for the Hulk's fickle mood and finally take the controls let's look at how that might happen since his first appearance in 1962 in the Incredible Hulk comic book the unstoppable rage machine has been a staple of Marvel Comics on the page and on the screen the Mean Green wrecking machine was a founding Avenger as well as a key member of other teams including the defenders and you think Jessica Jones had a hard time getting along with Danny Rand but no matter whose Jersey the Hulk wears he's always played the dual role of secret weapon and liability at his core the Hulk really wants two things to be left alone and to smash for the most part it has been the influence of his science half that has thrust the Hulk into the reluctant role of the hero in fact in the comic books the Hulk's Hulk's added the Avengers almost as soon as they got upset over his inability to control his more destructive tendencies it's always those who act the toughest that are the most sensitive isn't it that's been more or less true on the silver screen as well when it comes time for fury to pull the trigger on his Avengers initiative they need the science side of the brains and brawn duo to track the missing tesseract the thing has cost so much trouble but it turns out all this was a ruse by one god of mischief to get the Hulk to take out all of Earth's best defenders how'd that work out for you Loki good no yeah you'll get it right eventually pal even in age of Ultron it just takes a whisper from The Scarlet Witch where did that power go by the way and the Hulk started taking out his rage on Johannesburg the other Avengers have to come up with everything from talking of sunsets to a special suit of Iron Man armor to mitigate the risk of having the Hulk on your team in infinity war the Hulk's unpredictability took on a whole new dimension after getting an uncharacteristic beatdown at the hands of the mad Titan himself the Hulk remained a no-show during the rest of the movie no matter how stressed out Banner got only showing up enough to tell the good doctor no this means that the Hulk wasn't available to save Stark strange and Parker when the Black Order showed up to take the time stone and the Hulk wasn't available to defend Wakanda from Thanos his army or even they knows himself that has to have a pretty demoralizing effect on Bruce Banner when the world really needed his bigger greener angry F he was nowhere to be found while one might assume that the Hulk's pride was hurt the Russo brothers had a different take which they told Entertainment Weekly a lot of people had interpreted that the Hulk was scared of Thanos the Hulk is at his butt kicked before so it wasn't like the minute he gets his butt kicked he's gonna run in hide it's really the notion that the Hulk in Banner a very dysfunctional relationship which was explored even further in thor ragnarok and i think that relationship is starting to strain between the two of them and the Hulk is not interested in playing the hero to banner anymore I don't know if the Hulk sees the value in the relationship they both want to control Hulk's body the Hulk brings fighting and strength to the table and he's not quite sure what banner is bringing just yet so I think this is becoming a stubborn push and pull between two very despaired personalities stuck in one body this has left Bruce Banner Hulk 'less while he's watching his friends being taken off in his space and the remaining Avengers defeated by Thanos and his minions resulting in half the population of the universe being turned to dust that has to have an incredible toll on the more sensitive side of the science Bros with half of existence at stake he might not be willing to wait for the Hulk to come around to the hero game and will take matters into his own hands early toy releases and promotional photos have hinted at the emergence of a version of the Hulk known as Professor Hulk in order to understand what that means let's look at the history of the variations of the Hulk in comics the Hulk's iconic green skin it turns out was a matter of printing convenience Stan Lee had wanted the hope to be great but the coloring turned out to difficult and so the color was changed to green this set the stage for the different kinds of Hulk personalities by The Incredible Hulk in number 302 flashbacks made canon the idea that the Hulk started gray and became green grey Hulk became predictably enough grey Hulk and the green Hulk was referred to as Savage Hulk the Hulk we know and love in the Marvel Cinematic Universe the difference is that while grey Hulk is more morally ambiguous and disinterested in the beauty lives around him Savage Hulk is a raging destruction machine that you aim at things you want smashed grey Hulk could be more calculating even adopting the persona of Joe fix-it a Las Vegas security guard when his spell prevented the grey Hulk from changing back to Bruce Banner do not the cheat at that casino security what does that mean for the Hulk and end game throughout his time as host for the ever-loving Hulk Bruce Banner has been struggling with a way to cope with the other guy in his solo outing he had worked with one Samuel Sterns future Hulk fo the leader to rid himself of the Hulk all together when the Black Widow Natasha Romanov came to recruit Banner he even told her that he tried to just kill himself but the whole spit the bullet back out Bruce Banner in the comics has had a similar quest to manage living with a giant rage machine sharing space in his body something that anyone who's had to deal with an angry Hulk has gotten behind which brings us back to Professor Hulk in the Incredible Hulk and number three 77 banners buddy doc Samson saw his pal struggling as he and the two Hulk's the grey and the savage squabbled over who got control which meant that essentially everyone was losing so Samson acted as a negotiator between the warring parts of banners brain and brought the three personalities together to form a merged Hulk known as the professor all of the rage powers of the Savage Hulk with the science borough powers of banner and the cunning of the gray Hulk while this seemed like it was a banner in control of the Hulk it was all an illusion it turned out to be a fourth incarnation making professor Hulk a new personality entirely of course the MCU doesn't have a doc Simpson available to do the mind work on banner and there's no gray hull guy there so however banner takes control of the Hulk he'll have to do it another way the only character that has demonstrated the ability to manipulate people's minds The Scarlet Witch was dusted away in a snap but they don't call Bruce Banner a science bro for nothing he's got options there have been a number of ways that Bruce has gotten his hands on the wheel in giant green wrecking ball mode one of the more comic book ways that Bruce has ended up in control of the Hulk was when he wrote a gamma wave to another planet the resulting exposure to excess gamma radiation gave Banner temporary control of the hall well it doesn't seem likely that Bruce will be surfing a gamma wave to another planet in endgame it's possible that the science bro might science up a method to redo the experiment that hulked him up in the first place believing that this will bring the Hulk back to fighting form with banner in the driver's seat in the comics this change was only temporary and there's likely going to be Hulk to pay if Banner is able to take control of the Hulk smashing body without him while this is the most likely scenario there are even more ways that Banner has taken control of his smashy yourself doc Samson isn't the only Banner buddy who has stepped up to help out banner with his rage monster problem Reed Richards has also taken a swing and giving Banner control and perhaps the most super science way possible Richards broke banner down to his individual molecules and then rearranged them together again leaving banner in control just like with Doc Samson the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't have a Reed Richards yet the merge between Fox and Disney to return the rights of both the mutants and the Fantastic Four to Marvel is still being worked out making it unlikely that someone like Reed Richards will make his way into endgame but there's another super scientist out there who the Russos have confirmed survived the snap despite what the display banner is looking at says and that science sis Cherie Cherie was the head of research in the scientifically advanced land of Wakanda with its a nearly endless supply of vibranium if there's anyone in the MCU capable of breaking banner down to his parts and putting him back together again it'd be her now it's not likely that this specific method will make the transition from page to screen but sure he's access to technology and her own formidable sciencing skills could play a role that could take the form of kimono beads those all-purpose balls of vibranium tech that can do pretty much everything including acting as communicators to stabilize the wounds of a certain CIA agent who had taken a bullet for a wakandan that kind of external technology giving Banner the hands on the wheel has its own precedent in the comics again with the barrel-chested scientist doc Samson Samson made banner something called an ends to follow helmet which is essentially a brain bucket that allowed him to take control of the Hulk to save Glenn Talbot in the MCU Glenn Talbot was the frenemy of Coulson's agents of shield who eventually became graviton it turns out that while Earth was dealing with Thanos it was also threatened by the rise of graviton and a group of aliens called the Confederacy earth was having a bad day if the comodo beads don't provide the answers or vibranium can't shake up banners molecules and vibranium can do anything there is another option Doctor Strange may have been dusted away on Thanos his homeworld of Titan giving Tony Stark cryptic clues to well at least the name of the next Avengers movie there's another master of the mystical arts available on earth waiting on that wedding invitation from Tony Stark and that is Wong back to the comics again the Hulk has found himself on a number of planets sometimes as mentioned it's by riding a gamma wave other times it's groups like the Illuminati deciding to relocate the Hulk to protect property values worldwide of course the plan resulted in a very angry Hulk returning and declaring war on everybody but we'll have more on that in a second on one of these planet hops he ended up on a magical world where one of the magic people magic the Hulk giving banner control it's possible that in desperation banner could reach out to his new friend Wong to give him control of the Hulk now let's remember what the Russo said about the Hulk refusing to come out if he's resentful of what Yuni banner has to offer in his partnership between them and he's bound to be super resentful if banner takes control none of these methods manage to eradicate the savage Hulk entity entirely and when the effects wear off it's likely to make the events that took place on Saqqara look like a vacation when Thor finally was able to get the Hulk to revert to banner he said that he and the Hulk always had a hand on the wheel but in its a car where the Hulk remained the Hulk for over two years banner was shut out as we all know the Hulk gets stronger the angrier he gets which might end up being true of his personality as well while a banner controlled Hulk might help the remaining Avengers restore the universe it might come at a cost of a super angry Hulk well the last time that resulted with the Hulk isolating himself from the entire planet he might take his rage out on the people who held the banner take control in the first place while the rights issues with Universal were straighten the possibilities for a solo Hulk movie and angry Hulk taking out his revenge would put him at odds with the rest of the planet setting up the World War Hulk storyline making the Hult a main villain of the next Avengers movie sort of the same workaround that slid the Planet Hulk storyline into Thor Ragnarok while Hulk vs. everybody would be a truly epic showdown there's another possibility that might have the Hulk seeing red literally it turns out that grey and green aren't the only colors of the Hulk well hey Hulk anyway the original Hulk hater general fattiest Thunderbolt Ross has been looking for a way to stop the Hulk since he pressured Banner into creating him in the first place in the comics that resulted in of course a science accident and as we all know in the comics a scientist identify in this case it was the Red Hulk who wasn't as strong as the Savage Hulk but contain more of Ross's rationality he walked the line of good guy and bad guy since emerging and faked killing his general Ross self as you can see even if the original Hulk never comes out in Avengers endgame the opportunities for a different Hulk to appear are nearly endless those are the ways that the hope we see an endgame might not be the hope that we know and love what do you think what form do you think Professor Hulk might take let us know in the comment section below and don't forget to subscribe to see Br for more MCU videos thanks for watching [Music] Avengers endgame is under a month away and we just can't wait to see how our heroes will be able to right the wrongs caused by Thanos at the end of infinity war now the snapping has left us in shambles and we're still not over losing Peter Parker even though it's been nearly an entire year because of this we'd love to see fan toes get taken out sooner rather than later and we might just get our wish an end game ever since then o snapped half of all life in the universe out of existence fans have been coming up with theories on how the Avengers are going to reverse the decimation now many of these theories center around our heroes traveling through time and endgame to get all of the Infinity stones together both for Theo studs and then taking out the mad Titan in a grand finale battle of the ages that sounds like a great plan for our few rows and would surely make for a good fight but as a movie goer wouldn't this just turn endgame into infinity war 2.0 Marvel Studios has been building up an incredible finale and we think that's seeing a rehash of infinity war in endgame isn't the way they want to end the Infinity Saga now while we definitely think time travel will be a huge part of avengers endgame since the leaked set photo show our heroes back at the Battle of New York with a new guest in ant-man and some interesting gadgets on the wrists we think that owes will meet his end much earlier than many fans expect in the first endgame trailer we saw fan OSes armor on display like a scarecrow and then saw him walking through a field if you're a comic book fan then you know all about farmer Thanos after Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe in the comics to impress the personification of death PS he does it in the comics to impress a chick not because of a lack of resources he decides to retire and then become a farmer while his motivations may be different in the MCU we still don't understand why he didn't just double the universe's resort it's clear he's living the simple life in endgame - in the Superbowl trailer we saw Rocket Raccoon opening a barn door and then immediately made the connection that he might be on theosis farm rocket was finally opening up to his friends and then Thanos took them all away from him rocket even her groups say I am Groot for the last time and James Gunn himself tweeted that the talking tree meant dad went saying at this time with all this anger inside him Rocket might want to have a face-to-face conversation with the mad Titan who took the family he never had away from him also in the Superbowl trailer we see Thor overlooking what seems to be the place that oh snapped his fingers and trigger the dusting of course he can't just simply go back to Asgard because while its foundation was completely destroyed as Korg so eloquently pointed out in Thor Ragnarok he is also out of pretty rough couple of weeks with his dad Odin dying and then his brother Loki dying at the hands of Thanos oh and you know the mad Titan wiping out half of all living creatures in the known universe Thor might want to speak with Thanos - and by speak we mean beat the heck out of them does this all point to Thanos rocket and Thor being in the exact same place at the exact same time we think it's definitely a possibility and if we're seeing all of this in the trailers and the trailers only use footage from the first 15 to 20 minutes of the movie then it's likely that this battle with Thanos will take place early in the film rocket probably has his hands on some powerful technology and Thor is one of the strongest Avengers out there but even without the power of the Infinity stones Thanos is still incredibly strong after all he is a Titan even if Thor actually aims for the head this time it might not be enough to take daños down once and for all they need the support from one more hero to help turn the tide and that hero may be none other than Captain Marvel why Captain Marvel well for starters she's often associated with the space stone one of the six Infinity stones Thanos collected in infinity war and as we've seen in the scenes in the most recent Avengers endgame trailer you know the one where Thor calls Stormbreaker to his hand and then Carol Danvers didn't even flinch Thor and Captain Marvel seem to have formed a friendship with Thor even saying I like this one maybe that initial bond was made because they fought alongside other to defeat Thanos also as you know from her standalone movie Herald Danvers and Ronan the accuser know each other and Thanos knows Ronan so it's likely that Thanos also knows who Captain Marvel it's and won't be too surprised to see her show up to help poor and rocket defeat him she could also destroy a spaceship with a single punch so just imagine what she could do to Thanos Kevin Feige himself has said Captain Marvel is the most powerful hero in the MCU so with Thor and rocket by her side we have no doubt this trio could take down Thanos just defeating Thanos isn't going to bring our dusted heroes back though afterthe anos snapped his fingers at the end of infinity war the Infinity Gauntlet was heavily damaged and who knows the state of the Infinity stones it's possible that the gauntlet can't house the stones anymore which means the science Bros might have to make their own gauntlet it's also possible that the stones aren't working because they need to recharge or maybe they're damaged themselves while the Avengers may have succeeded in avenging their fallen comrades having a broken Infinity Gauntlet and worn out Infinity stones means they can't simply reverse the snap and then bring our dust and heroes back right when they think they fail ant-man could swoop in and reveal the possibility of time travel through the quantum realm which will allow our heroes to go back in time and then make things right we thought Scott Lang was stuck in the quantum realm forever at the end of ant-man and the wasp but he definitely found a way out and we think it involves those time vortexes Janet Van Dyne warned him about maybe those snazzy New Avengers suits are designed to keep our heroes safe in the quantum realm going through a time vortex might also explain why Scott Lang looks like a man out of time in the most recent endgame trailer all in all it just makes sense for the Avengers to get rid of Thanos early on in the movie so they could focus solely on bringing back those who were lost in the decimation Thanos is as vulnerable as ever since he's retired and no longer has the power of the Infinity stones by his side which could make for one heck of an interesting battle to kick off endgame there is no shortage of Avengers endgame predictions but today we're gonna be examining one of them a little bit closer based on some comments after Chris Evans has made many people assume an endgame will be the last time we see Steve Rogers in the MCU this brave Super Soldier has tried to sacrifice himself once before but does that mean he'll do so again we'll talk about his odds of survival in the chance that another character may decide to step up why is it so many people thing captain america is gonna die during avengers endgame well basically it's all Chris Evans fault okay so that's oversimplifying things a little bit but he didn't help matters with one particular social media post he's been a part of the MCU for years to the point where we now have to worry about practical yet dull matters like movie contracts it's widely believed Chris Evans signed on to a standard six movie deal with Marvel Studios following his appearance in Captain America the First Avenger he's been in - Captain America movies the Winter Soldier in Civil War as well as the Avengers age of Ultron infinity war and the upcoming movie endgame excluding the First Avenger and a couple of cameos this means endgame is going to be the sixth Marvel movie for Evans and many believe it could be his last he's also talked about wanting to leave the world of superheroes behind in order to focus on other ventures including directing let's not forget that he's been playing the role of Steve Rogers for years and it's understandable he might want to move on to new things he also said he would rather leave while he's on top instead of waiting until people are sick and tired of seeing him in his Captain America costume and then there's the fateful tweet from when he finished filming endgame this was from so long ago we didn't even know the movie was going to be called endgame at the time Evans stated it was an emotional day to say the least playing this role for over 80 years has been an honour to everyone in front of the camera behind the camera and in the audience thank you for your memories eternally grateful naturally people started panicking about how that tweet definitely 100% meant Steve Rogers is going to die in endgame that combined with Evans contract and his previous statements about his role in the MCU pretty much signed his death as far as many fans were concerned but let's back up just a second everybody knows and the game is indeed the end of an era and by era we mean a phase of Marvel movies it's the end of phase 3 and phase 4 will kick off with spider-man far from home and not to diminish the poetic nature of Chris Evans but this tweet sounds like a pretty standard one about wrapping up a movie he said endgame was the culmination of 10 years of filming and 22 movies and was therefore a pretty emotional day for the cast and crew Evans said he would have tweeted the same sentiment regardless of what happens at the end of the movie or to his character specifically and as far as his contract goes it's entirely possible he's got an extension tour signed a new one just because Marvel might focus on some other heroes for a bit doesn't necessarily mean they're going to kill off all the classics plus people don't have a great history of staying down in the Marvel Cinematic Universe we don't want to spoil anything but we have a feeling Peter Parker is going to be coming back otherwise far from home is going to be really depressing and Steve Rogers will be the least of our worries now that we've gone over some of the logistical reasons people think cap is on his way out let's take a look at the storyline there are many things which make Steve Rogers a sympathetic character many of us can relate to he struggled with trying to keep up with his friend Bucky Barnes for most of his life and was frequently made to feel like he was nothing special but it was his personality and strong moral convictions which caused dr. Earth's kind to choose him to receive the super-soldier serum that transformed him into Captain America right from the get-go it was clear Steve Rogers is a man of conviction this provided an interesting contrast between him and other characters which we've seen play out in the MCU Steve's sense of right and wrong inspired natasha romanoff who was used to simply following orders from her employers it also caused him to run into conflict with Tony Stark who he has accused of being selfish in the past when the two first met in the Avengers Steve chastised Tony for not spending enough time thinking about others before himself he even accused Tony of being unwilling to sacrifice his own safety to save others and we know that sacrifice is in something Captain America makes a habit of shying away from in his first big-screen movie we saw plunge into the Arctic in a heroic effort to save the lives of others before he went down we saw him looking at a picture of Peggy Carter a photo which the end game trailer reveals he still carries around despite the fact that Peggy passed away years ago it's clear Steve still thinks of her and his old life before he became Captain America and Steve Rogers was definitely in his element during Avengers infinity war because sacrifice was one of the major themes in that movie vision offers to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the mine stone before Thanos can get to it but Steve tells him that heroes don't trade lives it's a simple line that represents an interesting moral concept he believes that in general it's wrong to sacrifice the lives of others for the greater good placing a value on individual lives is kind of the hallmark of a superhero so this outlook isn't very surprising nor is the fact that Thanos believes the opposite Thanos is totally down with sacrificing people for the quote greater good or bad least what he thinks is the greater good and his megalomaniacal mind he doesn't believe in the value of an individual while our heroes spend the movie sacrificing things to help others Loki sacrifices the space stone to help Thor group sacrifices his arm for storm breakers handle and vision does ultimately sacrifice himself to save others even Thanos is forced to make a sacrifice in order to obtain the soul stone from Vermeer with all of this lined up it's easy to see why people believe there is going to be yet another big sacrifice during endgame and why they think it's going to be Steve but let's not forget about his old friend Tony Stark Robert Downey jr. has been in the MCU even longer than Chris Evans and let's just say he's getting paid a pretty penny for these movies there could be many practical reasons for Marvel Studios to get rid of Iron Man and some story related ones as well we said earlier that Steve once accused Tony of being unwilling to sacrifice but we now know that's not true during the Avengers he puts his own life in grave danger by grabbing on to a nuclear missile and taking it through a wormhole needless to say that was a pretty impressive move which showed that Tony is more than capable of just talk in a flashy suit we also know that he cares deeply for despite struggling to show it at some points in their relationship but even after their battle during civil war Steve was still on his mind in spider-man homecoming happy Hogan talks about moving the new Captain America shield presumably designed by Tony and of course there's also the kinder gentler or at least trying to be Tony that we've seen during both homecoming and infinity war if things get bad during endgame and a sacrifice needs to be made it seems just as likely it would be made by Tony and not Steve and really when it comes to things going sour it's really a question of when rather than if many fans believe that in order to defeat Thanos and undo the decimation our heroes are going to have to interact with the Infinity stones at various points in the history of the MCU getting your hands on an infinity stone is not easy not the least of which because they can be difficult to track down and get - not to mention how messy it can be if you try to pick one up when it's not in the proper container but there is one Infinity stone which is a lot more difficult to get ahold of than the others during infinity war we learned that the stones are sentient to a degree and they aren't cool with just anybody coming along and picking them up and using them when the space stone didn't want to deal with the Red Skull it sent him hurtling through space now that's a power we wish we had he ended up on vermeer guarding the soul stone which meant getting a new outfit and learning to appreciate his alone time the Red Skull wanted an infinity stone and now he's forced to hang out with one he can't possess in order to take the soul stone you have to sacrifice someone you love and even Thanos loves somebody in his own terrible terrible way he sacrificed Gamora to gain the soul stone so doesn't that mean our heroes will have to make a similar sacrifice we know that none of them would sacrifice another person but that doesn't mean sacrificing themselves is out of the question the Russo brothers have made it sound as though the Red Skull has taken off to parts unknown but it seems like nebula figured out what it took for Thanos to obtain the soul stone during infinity war and nebula and Tony Stark's seemed to be spending some time together during the trailer for endgame although we saw Tony floating around by himself we assumed he and nebula had some time to chat and catch up they also both seemed to work together fixing some things and both end up back on earth if nebula tells Tony how to obtain the soul stone it's possible he could keep it to himself until the last possible moment to ensure nobody else tries to sacrifice their lives for it another tidbit from the Russo brothers is that Steve Rogers is going to experience a serious character arc during endgame watching someone like Tony Stark's sacrifice himself to save so many people would definitely have a profound impact on Steve it would also be a tragic but fitting end for Tony as it shows just how far he has come on his hero's journey in many ways Tony and Thanos have had similar journeys over their histories in the MCU Thanos has spent ages preparing for an inevitably terrible event in his case depletion of resources but so is Tony and he's been trying to prevent it ever since the first Avengers but Thanos and Tony are only alike to a point and we think that point could be on the cliffs of Vermeer if Tony's going to sacrifice himself for the soul stone he'll need to have someone there to take the stone once he's gone Steve is a character who understands the meaning of sacrifice and would be able to comprehend the magnitude of what Tony is doing and why he has to do it not to mention that having Steve's standby while Tony sacrifices himself would be pretty much one of the saddest things ever and we all know how much Marvel loves toying with our hearts so what do you think about Steve Rogers chances of surviving Avengers endgame do you think his time in the MCU is coming to a close or will we see him again tell us your predictions in the comments section below and then click on that subscribe button for more videos from us here at CBR bye for now [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 903,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Endgame, Avengers, Infinity War, MCU, Marvel, Captain America, Iron Man, Thanos, Infinity Stones, Captain Marvel, Nebula
Id: PfITWpiZ8iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 57sec (4737 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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