Watch & Learn: Century Eastern Wonders - Full Playthrough

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welcome to John gates games today I'll be doing a full 3 player playthrough of century eastern wonders now I'll be teaching this game as we're actually playing it and what's going on here is each player takes on the role of a merchant who is sailing from island to island trying to trade their spices so that they can ultimately go to port and ship these spices overseas in the form of a bunch of victory points now before we start playing I would like to ask that if you enjoy this video you please consider clicking the like button down below as well as the subscribe button also if you'd like to support this channel please go to junkets Gamescom slash support to see a variety of ways with which you can to help keep this going all right without further ado let's jump into the game out here we have the game fully setup for our three different players now you notice we all have a little player area in front of ourselves and there's also this large map with a variety of tiles that have been randomly placed at the beginning of the game each player has a single ship that has been placed down into these tiles in a reverse player order and we also start with different sets of starting resources now if we look over here to these various cups we can see that the basic resource is going to be the yellow ginger the next most valuable one is the red chili then we have a green tea and finally the brown cloves now we're gonna be the start player and we're gonna be playing as the pink player so let's go ahead and zoom in over here and see we're gonna do for our first turn the structure of a turn is really quite simple first you have the option of moving your ship around to new tiles and then you have the option of activating whatever tile you land on now when it comes to movement the first move is going to be free but every subsequent move on to a new tiles it's gonna cost us one of the spices from our hold we're gonna have to take it and put it down onto the spots that we passed through now in this case I don't think we want to do this for this first turn instead when you consider the fact that we have four of these yellow gingers I figure we probably want to move over to this adjacent tile right here because as you can see each one of these market tiles has a resource conversion where you can turn one type of a resource into another so let's go ahead and do our free move over to this spot and then we're gonna activate this market tile now the first thing you do before you even convert any resources is you check to see if you have an outpost on that tile first you must have an outpost to do any conversions and currently we have no outpost so let's go ahead and look into building the outpost but before we move down and it's worth noting but this is a red chilly tile when we come over here to our player area we can see that we have a whole of outposts that have not been built yet they are organized into this grid right here and you'll see that the rows on the grid are associated with the four different types of tiles that are out there on the board that means since we're trying to build an outpost on a red tile we're gonna take the leftmost outpost from the red row and then build this out onto the board it's also worth noting this is our cargo hold right here we can hold it ten spices at the moment and as I mentioned before we currently have four ginger so we're gonna go ahead and build the outpost right there and now we have to pay for it the cost for an outpost is one resource of any color for every previous outpost on that tile so fortunately considering and there were no previous outposts the cost to build this one is free now that we have built an outpost we can then activate the rest of this tile we can then convert two of the ginger into two chilli and we can do this as many times as we'd like so in this case we have a four of the ginger and we can now cash those in to grab four chili from the bank and now these go into our hold at this point we're now coming to the end of our turn and the last thing we have to do is make sure we don't have too many spices as I mentioned before you can hold up to ten we could have more this moment and we would discard down but fortunately we only have four so our turn is over and now the black player can go it looks like they've decided they don't actually want to move their ship around so they're just gonna stay here and then activate this spot in order to do that they have to have an outpost down so they'll go ahead and build this one for free because there are no opposing outposts on the spot and now they can run this conversion we can see at the start of the game they began with two red so they'll run the conversion twice and then grab at six yellow with that their turn is now done and they do not have more than ten resources so now blue can go and they've decided to also not move their ship so now they're gonna activate this spot they're gonna go ahead and build an outpost for free and then run this conversion they've gone to a chili as well as a ginger so those are gonna get put away and then they're gonna keep to grab a clove from the bank okay with that completed blue is now done with their turn and it's now back to us now at this point we now have a four of these Reds in front of ourselves and I think we should just double back to this tile that we started on because this would allow us to turn to red into two of the yellow ginger as well as one of the brown clove there will be a really good market action for ourselves so let's go ahead and start off with our free move over here next up we're gonna pull the outpost from it the ginger row on player bored and put this down onto this tile and now we could run this conversion right here so all four of this chilli could go into the bank and for each set of two we're gonna get to go ahead and grab but two of the gingers so that means we're gonna get to grab for ginger total as well as two cloves so we've got quite a bit of stuff knocking around inside of our cargo hold now okay next up it's now the black players tournament they've decided to do their one movement for free down to this spot right here and then they're gonna build their outpost onto the brown area we can see there's still no cost for them because they are still the first people to go onto this there's a lot of free outpost building at the beginning of the game but we will start paying penalties for building outposts on locations that our opponents have already gotten to pretty quickly I think so now they've gone here they can run this conversion which allows them to turn at three of the ginger into one clove well in this case they actually have six ginger in from themselves so all six of these can go away into the bank and then they get to grab a two clove and with that their turn is or this means it's now blues turn and they aren't going to move but they've decided to do a double move and as I mentioned before and the first move is free but every subsequent one is gonna require you to take any resource from your hold and put it down onto the tile that you move through now this resource can get picked up by anybody who lands onto this tile so it's a bit risky of the blue player to do that but they really want to make it down to this spot because we can see this is gonna allow them to turn one clove into two chili and at three ginger and right now they just have one clove left over so first of all they of course have to build one of these outposts in this case it's gonna be from the ginger column on their player board and the then they can run as conversion getting rid of just this one clove and getting a whole bunch of lower value resources in return it's once again our turn but the decision of what to do is not quite as obvious as it was on the previous couple turns for us now the first option we have available to ourselves seems pretty good we could sail down it to this spot right here we could pick up this one and ginger that was left over by the right blue player and then we could run this conversion we see that we have easily enough ginger to go ahead and do this and get a red and a green and we would take another one of our red outposts and put it down onto the board and you'll notice that that would actually generate us one point at the end of the game as you go deeper into these that given Rose you get even more points this is an additional two points for going even deeper and if you out the whole row the final one is gonna be worth three points but there is something that is pulling us away from doing that and that is these little red arrows along the top now the moment you clear an entire column then one of these red arrows is gonna activate and that will give us access to one of these a bonus tokens down here now most of these are going to give you an ongoing ability this one doesn't this just gives you straight victory points at the end of the game and it the number goes down as people start taking it but this one right here would increase our cargo hold by three for the rest of the game and you can double up on these so you could get two of these and increase your cargo hold by six and as you can see some of these spots can generate a ton of resources like one cube into five so having a much bigger cargo hold could be really nice it means we maybe wouldn't be wasting resources later in the game there are other options here though this one right here gives you an additional free ship movement so you can move on to tiles without having to pay anything on a turn this one right here says that every time you do an outpost placement action you are going to be able to do an upgrade of one of the resources that are currently in your hold when you upgrade you turn a ginger into a chili you turn a chili into a tea or a tea into a clove so that could be a really good ability and it's worth 2 points at the end of the game and the final option is this one down here and this is associated with an action that I haven't actually talked about yet and that's the harvest action when you land on any given tile you can activate that tile or you could do a harvest action now the basic harvest action is that you take two of the ginger cubes and put it into your cargo hold and that's it but if you have this bonus not only will it be worth one point at the end of the game but every time you take a harvest action you're gonna get to grab an additional red chili resource as well so it makes that less powerful turn into a better one by grabbing more resources because of this I think we want to consider instead moving up to this tile right here now we have two of these clothes currently in our hold so this would be a really good ratio we would get rid of two clothes and get 40 in this is 80 tile and we'd be able to pull off this outpost right here and we would be one away from completing a column and getting one of these really nice abilities the other thing to keep in mind of course is that the goal of this game is trying to achieve these tiles over here and that this tile is somewhat close to us and it requires three of the as well as one ginger and if we went here we'd get a bunch of tea so I think we could then maybe zoom over here on a following turn and try to cash that in so I think let's go ahead and do that we'll move over here just like that and then we of course have to build the outpost so we'll take this one from the Tea row here we'll put that down and then we can get rid of both of these cloves and then we get to grab for tea from the stock we'll add those into our cargo hold and we see that we still have eight resources so we are under our resource limit and with that we're done with our turn okay it's now the black players turned and they've decided to use their one free ship movement to bring themselves up to this tea tile and then they're gonna go ahead and put this outpost down right here and we can see that they have two clove currently in their cargo hold and they've decided to cache both of these in and each one is gonna get them a ginger a chili as well as a tea these are all gonna go into their cargo hold and now the blue player gets to go it looks like they've decided to use their free move to come up here and now they get to grab this cube that they left behind on a previous turn this will go back into their hold and they now want to build an outpost here we can see it is a chili tile so they're gonna pull that one off of their board and now they can run this conversion they currently have four of these gingers so they can spend at three of them in order to go ahead and get a single chili and a single tea these will get added into their cargo hold and now their turn is over and we get to take our turn when it comes to figuring out what we're gonna do I figure let's zoom out and take a look at some of our options now the first thing to note is we just have a single one of these clove outposts left to put down before we unlock an entire one of these columns and we get to grab one of these bonuses now if we look out over here we can see that we are adjacent to one of these clove tiles and it requires us well it doesn't require it's an option to actually do the conversion we could just move over there and build an outpost if we wanted to but it's nice this one has a three ginger into one clove option and we currently have four ginger available to ourselves now another option for ourselves is we could go all the way over here to the spot because we have enough tea as well as ginger to grab this tile but we can see what our opponents have and we can see that nobody else has the ability to cash that in yet and we'd have to leave two different resources behind in order make her way over there on this turn so I figure what we should do instead is move over here and get this outpost down so let's go ahead and sail there and then we can grab this we'll put it down onto the spot but it's not free you'll notice that there's already a black outpost down on that location so that means we have to spend one resource of our choice in order to make this happen and I figure the ginger is much less valuable than the tea so we'll get rid of one ginger and pay for that outpost in that way next up it's time to claim one of these bonuses because we have clear to call them now the two that I'm really considering are this one which would give us an extra free ship movement which will certainly make us more flexible or this one right here which would allow us to upgrade one of our cubes immediately after placing an outpost down and we figure we're gonna be doing a lot more outpost building actions as this game goes on now if we took this free ship movement in action then next turn we can make it all the way over to this tile and cash it in without having to pay a penalty and we're not sure if our opponents are gonna be able to work their way around to being able to grab this before we would be able to and so I think when you consider that I figure let's go ahead and grab this one it is worth two points at the end of the game as well and the extra flexibility for upgrading cubes could be really nice for enabling us to be able to grab future victory point tiles in the ports finally we can go ahead and activate this trade right here we only have three ginger so we'll get rid of all of that and we'll take one clove from the bank and of course we can do this because we have this outpost right here so with that to our turn is now over this means black can now go and they're gonna move right down here and they're gonna build an outpost with their chili outpost so this is gonna be their last one completing a column for themselves as well and when they put this down if they're gonna have to pay a penalty and in this case they've decided to spend it one at chili this is gonna go to the bank and now before they run this conversion they get to grab a bonus tile of their own once they've thought about their options that they've decided to grab it this extra cargo hold right here and that'll get added right over here so now they could hold thirteen resources it's not time for them to run the conversion over here and we see they have the two ginger so they'll get rid of both of those and with it they're gonna grab it to chili once these are in their holds their turn is now over and now the blue player gets to go and they've decided to do a single ship movement over here then they're gonna build a tea outpost right here for free we can see that this is gonna be their last one completing a column as well so we are all able to work that out so our first four outposts were all different this is gonna get placed right over here and the blue player decides they want to follow suit with what we did they're gonna grab one of these which will allow them to upgrade it one of their spices when they go ahead and put a future outpost down so now that they've done that they can do this conversion and we see they have three of the chili so they'll use it to of it right here in order to grab two tea from the market well with their turn done we can now take our turn and I realized we made a mistake last turn when we moved over to the spot and we paid one resource as a penalty I just threw a ginger away because it was the lowest value resource and I didn't really think about it but we actually needed that ginger in order to cash out this tile so now we have the 40 while the three tea we need for that tile but no ginger so we don't actually have the ability to sail over there on this turn instead we're gonna have to go a little bit slower and it's a little scary because we can see down here the blue player does have a three of the tea as well as one ginger although when we look at it another way we can see that they are 1 2 3 4 movement away so they would need to spend 2 resources in order to make it over there and they do not actually have two resources to give up so I think we're still safe and being able to grab this on the next turn but for now let's go ahead and inch our way forward and make sure that we grab a ginger fortunately for us there is this really nice tile right here which is gonna allow us to get rid of the one clove resource in order to get a ginger a chilli as well as a tea which will be the ginger that we need to cash in this tile on our next turn unfortunately for us in order to do this conversion we need to put an outpost down and the black player has been here already so we have to pay a penalty for that now we currently have the one clove that we want to spend right here and we have a four of the tea and that means that we're gonna have to spend one of our tea as a penalty in order to get this outpost down so that's definitely quite painful and we're looking a little bit enviously over at the blue player who's just sailing around the bottom half of the map plunking down free outposts like crazy while we are double backing where our opponents have been already but either way I guess this is kind of what we have set ourselves up for and now before we move on though we've put this outpost down and if you remember we have this bonus tunnel right here which says that immediately after placing that outpost we get to do a free resource upgrade so I figured we'll go ahead and take one of these tees and turn it into a clove and that means we'll actually have two clove to activate on this towel so this is still going to be a pretty good turn for us so we can now activate that market with these two cloves and that's gonna generate six resources so I think that bonus tile is definitely paying off for us already we of course add these into our cargo hold and we can see that we have eight resources so we're still under our limit and now the black player gets to take their turn after looking at their options they've decided to sail right down here and this is a ginger tile so they're gonna go ahead and take a ginger outpost and build that for free and then they're gonna go ahead and spend a two of their tea and each one of these is gonna generate for ginger as well as one chili let me come back down to their cargo hold we can see that they have been planning ahead because when they add all of this stuff in they have exactly the space they need to hold all thirteen of these resources and with that their turn is now over and the blue player can go well after thinking over their options they decide to sail right down here and then they're gonna build a free clove outpost now the moment they put this outpost down they do get to activate this ability right here so they're gonna go ahead and upgrade one of their teas into a clove like that and then they're gonna go ahead and activate the marketplace by getting rid of tuti entering it into two cloves all right it's once again our turn and I think it's finally time for us to achieve this port tile in fact this is gonna be the first one of these grabbed in the game so we're gonna sail over here and then activate the spot when we do that we're gonna go ahead and get rid of our three tea as well as our one ginger and then we're gonna get to grab this towel right here that's ten points for us we're gonna flip this over and put it into our area and now we're gonna go ahead and draw the top tile from the stack and put it down here and it looks like that is gonna be three cloves as well as one tea and unfortunately we're nowhere near actually activating that one so I think we'll be sailing away from here on our next turns but with that done and we are now done with our turn this means it's time for the black player to go and they're gonna sail right over here and then build a tea outpost for free with that down they can now activate this marketplace and we can see that it turns a four ginger into one tea and one clove and they currently have eight ginger available to themselves but it looks like they've decided just to spend a four of and then they're gonna grab at the one tea and one clove and it looks like the reason they're doing this is most likely so they can sail down and grab at this victory point out on it next time but for now these are gonna go right into their cargo area and now the blue player gets to take their turn they've decided they want to sail into a port tile as well and we can see that this one requires three cloves as well as one chilli and they have set themselves up pretty well for that so all of these are gonna get cashed into the bank they can now take this tile right here this goes facedown into the area and will draw the next one from the top of the stack and we see that this one is a 13 pointer it requires a clove to tea as well as to ginger at this point it's our turn but I do think that it's probably time to mention how this game ends now at the moment anyone the players grabs four of these affixed repoint tiles we will go ahead and finish out the round and then the game will be over so that means that since we were the starting player the blue player will definitely take the last action of the game and considering two of us have now taken tiles that means we're definitely progressing towards that end game trigger all right let's now take a look at some of the things that we want to do on our turn because even though we have taken this tile and it's ten points which is pretty nice we've backed ourselves into a bit of a corner because we are just surrounded by a sea of outposts and we would really love to break out and get into this free outpost area but there's not a super good way to do that and I think maybe the thing that we should concentrate on is trying to do some good conversions and also try to clear up another one of these columns so that we can grab this free ship movement action so in order to do that we can see that we've already done a tea outpost but we need to do a clove a chili as well as a ginger outpost action and right now we're over here and we have a reasonable number of resources and if we were to move it down to this spot right here that is a ginger outpost area and we could see if you squint it's going to be one tea into a four ginger as well as one chili so we can move from there that's a bunch of resources onto this spot on a future turn which would allow us to turn a chili and ginger into cloves and this is a clove outpost location and at that point we'll just need to get one more chili and where there are a couple different options there's this one right here there's also that one and if we go here and activate it will potentially have some cloves knocking around in our storage hold so we could move over there and liquidate our cloves into a bunch of chili and then potentially free up another column to allow us to move a little bit faster so I think that is our plan for a couple turns and you can definitely plan several turns ahead in this game so let's go ahead and activate that and it of course starts with us sailing right down here and once again retracing the black players footsteps unfortunately so let's go ahead and get our ginger outpost down onto the spots and I figure we do have a ginger around so let's go ahead and get rid of this one I don't see a huge reason to keep this around it's the least valuable of the resources so spend that as the penalty for well I guess just the cost because there's already one outpost on that area and now we can go ahead and run this conversion we've got a single one of the tea so we're gonna get rid of that and then we're gonna get to grab for ginger as well as one chili okay we can go ahead and now add these spices into our hold and it is worth noting that we had the option of using this bonus tile right here when we place our outpost down to upgrade one of these Chili's into a tea but I think considering where we're gonna be sailing next we probably want to hold onto this chili so I'm gonna go ahead and not activate that and hope that's not a mistake and now our turn is gonna be over and the black player can go now they've decided to go ahead and sail it right down here and they're gonna achieve this port tile that's gonna cost them two of their ginger as well as a chili eighty and a clove and this is gonna get them 13 points which is really quite nice and now they get to draw the next tile from the top of the stack and it looks like oh it's the X all right so this was shuffled into the top five tiles on this stack and this is the closed port token so this is going to go right here and that means that this port is closed and for the rest of the game whenever any of the other victory point tiles gets taken then we'll simply take this closed port token and move it to the new one and then refill on the back end so that means for the rest of the game whatever the most recently activated port is is gonna have at this token on it okay with the black player's turn done it now comes over to the blue player and even though they've had a bunch of really good turn so far they've now found themselves a little bit out of gas they just have a single of these gingers in their area and really nothing that they could do with it around them they did of course take a nice victory point tile on their last turn but that means that this turn is gonna be a little bit weaker and they've decided just a sail over here for free and then instead of activating this tile they're gonna do the harvest action that I talked about a little bit earlier in this video and when you do that you simply take two ginger from the supply and you put them into your cargo hold this does not count as a market action so they would not be able to place an outpost down if they had gone over here for instance this is a completely separate thing they're gonna grab both of these now they have three ginger and maybe they'll be able to do something like on their next turn all right this once again our turn and I figure let's go ahead and continue doing the things that we planned out last turn in this case we're talking about moving down to this point right here so that we can get our clove out post down and then on the next turn we're gonna probably go to one of these two red locations in order to get to our eighth outpost down which will allow us to get another one of these bonus tiles so once we go over here we do need to go ahead and pay for this outpost it's gonna cost one resource of any color and at the moment we have ginger and chili so I figured let's go ahead and spend this ginger right here to make that happen and well this conversion rate lets us take one ginger and one chilli and turn it into one clove so that means we could do this three times total and just have three cloves left over but no matter what we do on the next turn whether it is move twice to grab one of those reds or move once and go on to a spot where the blue player already is we're gonna have to spend a one the spice next turn so if we did it three conversions we'd have three cloves and we have to get rid of one of them on the following turn to actually do the action that we want to do I think instead maybe we should just do this twice so that'll spend of these and these right here and then that leaves this left over so we can spend to this ginger as the penalty for our next turn and then for this turn we can activate this outpost ability right here and upgrade this chili I guess we talked about not upgrading the chili last turn and maybe we should have when we consider all these things but either way this one is gonna get upgraded now into a tea right here and then of course we can run this conversion twice so we'll get rid of these and we get to grab two cloves and with that our turn is over it's not time for black to take their turn and they decided to sail right up here and once again get another free outpost placement in this case it's going to be one of the tea outposts and we can see that once they place this then actually generated for themselves two more points they can then place this right over there and then activate this market place they only have two ginger right now so they're just gonna active you this once these are both going to go away and then they're going to pick up 80 and with that their turn is over and now blue can go and they've decided to sail right up here and they currently just have three ginger they do not have any cloves to run this conversion but instead of doing a harvest action because they can't use this they're still gonna do a marketplace action because this allows them to put an outpost down for free so that's gonna be a chilly outpost so they're gonna put this right there and then they're just going to opt out of doing any actual conversions this is pretty good for them because when they get this outpost down they get to be able to change one of these gingers into a chili because you remember they have that this bonus right here so this one's gonna go away they're gonna get to take this one back this is now gonna all go into their hold and this is all the spices they have and now they're done with return this means it's now our turn and the blue player really messed up our plan if you remember we were gonna jump to one of these two and realistically this is the one I wanted to go to because the conversion right here is really good it's a clove into three different chilies we have to close right now and we really want to get one of our red outposts down so that we can free up another one of these columns and get another bonus so in this case if we were to try and go over here we could sail over there we'd have to drop off one spice and then once we went there we have to pay one for the outpost that's two spices that we would be losing and then we would also have to pay one spice to the blue player because they currently have their ship there so that'll be three out of our four spice that we'd have to get rid of to move to that spot which is really the one I wanted to go to and that's just way too expensive so instead we have to come up with a new plan now we could move down here and just pay the one cost to put an outpost right here that would be the the chili one that we need but we would not be running the conversion at all and it is nice to actually run these converters another option for us is we could sail down here we drop off two of our spices in this case unfortunately that would be a ginger as well as one of these teas but then we could plant on this spot we could build for free and then go ahead and run this conversion oh wait actually no we would have to get rid of one of our cloves to have it the tea left over to run that and if we left a clove just out here we're really not sure if one of our opponents would swing down and try to pick that up so either way these are not amazing options for ourselves I suppose if we went and dropped a clove right here and then ginger right in there odds are good the blue player the black player right here would still probably want to move on if they stayed here they could pick up that clove that we left there but they would not be adding an outpost down and they don't have the resources to run that market so maybe we'll push our luck a little bit I mean I suppose the blue player might also sail over there to try and pick up that clove I'm just not really sure what the best option for us is right now I think in the end these are all not great options for us so let's just go ahead and sail right over here once we go over here we can build this outpost and we're gonna have to pay one resource to do that and I figure we'll go ahead and spend this ginger to do that this is gonna be the red one so we'll be able to get our outpost down just like that and then we obviously won't have the resources to run this conversion but it is the least number of spices to put out and I really feel like if we drop the clove then the blue or the black player will grab it before we're able to swing back over and grab it so either way once we built this outpost we have of course generated another victory point for ourselves at the end of the game and we have cleared another column and I figure considering how hamstrung we're getting and getting by trying to sail around we should probably take this one right here this is gonna give us a second free ship move for the rest of the game and I think this is we're gonna really help us out in future turns it certainly would have been nice to have on this turn but either way now we could potentially sail down here on our next turn if we wanted to or do a variety of other things we do have the option of course of using this bonus right here to turn this green tea into a clove and I'm not sure I guess we could try to think about what we're gonna be doing on our next turn and if we did do that conversion we wouldn't have any tea left over to convert down here although now we don't necessarily need to go on to a chilly spot we've got all four different locations are good for us especially if we're trying to hunt down these bonuses of course if we went deep on any of these we would be getting a lot more endgame victory points but that might be more of a late-game thing for us to do because getting more of these bonuses as certainly a good thing so I guess when we look out here we do see that this one the blue player would most likely vacay from on the next turn will be open and it does turn the cloves into three chillies and if we did that three times we could get nine chili yeah you know what I've convinced myself let's go ahead and do this conversion so we're gonna utilize this bonus right here this tea will then turn into a clove and when that's our turn is over it's now the black player's turn and they've decided sail right down here and build yet another free outpost this time it looks like it's gonna be a clove outpost right there and now they have a four chili available to themselves so they can go ahead and spend three of that right now and they'll send that over to the bank and they'll get to grab two clothes as a trade and with that they're not done with return they've got lots of cargo space and not that many spices at the moment this means it's now time for blue to go and they've decided to move once over here and once they land and they're gonna go ahead and build an outpost this is gonna be one of their ginger outposts so they'll put it right over there and since there is already one outpost there they do have to spend one resource as a cost so they're gonna get rid of this ginger right here and of course they just put an outpost down which means they get to activate this bonus tile down here which means they get to do an upgrade they're gonna go ahead and get rid of this ginger right here and turn that into a chili and now they have two chili available to themselves which works out great for this market action right here so they're gonna go ahead and get rid of both of these and then they're gonna get to get a two ginger and 1 clove back into their hold and now they're done with their turn all right it's now our turn again and I think it's time to start making some plans again we currently have three cloves available to ourselves in our cargo hold which is nice because they are the most valuable spice but we do need to have the right spices to actually capture some of these tiles we also would like to get more of these outposts out and as we can see most of the board is now full of at least one outpost and so there are just a couple of these free ones left over and considering we now have this ability to move twice I think we should maybe make use of that to try and scoop around here and maybe plunk down outposts in all three of these spots and I think if we did that we would also have enough resources to then loop back around and achieve this tile now eleven points is not as much as you know 15 or they all go all the way up to I think 20 in the stack but getting these tiles is still a good thing and utilizing the ability to move fast with our bonus ability and to get more free outpost down is probably something we should do considering yeah these are the last free spots on the board I suppose our opponents might also rush over there but either way I figure let's go ahead and move over here that's our basic free move and then our bonus free move next up we can go ahead and build one of these at ginger outposts and we could put it down right there for free and now let's go ahead and activate the spot we have three different cloves right here and we could do this three times that would generate 12 spices and we can only hold a 10 spices so I think that's probably not a good idea instead let's go ahead and spend two of our cloves and once we do that that's gonna turn into six ginger as well as two T so we can add that in right here and that's gonna be nine spices total so we're still just under our cargo limit and with that we're done with our turn this means it's now time for black to go and they've decided to move right over here and go ahead and build a free chili outpost that is gonna complete their second column and with it they've decided they want to grab with this bonus as well that's going to allow them to move a little bit faster around the board so they now have two free moves on subsequent turns and now they're gonna activate this market place right here that's gonna use this one at tea and it's gonna make it to Chile for themselves and with that they're done with their turn it's now time for blue to go and they've decided to move once right over here and then they're gonna build a tí outpost that's gonna go right there and they will have to pee one resource for that because we were there already because of that they're gonna go ahead and get rid of this one ginger right here and then they decide to utilize this outpost bonus tile right here to turn this ginger into a chili and now we can see that they've completed their second column and so that means they get to take a new bonus tile and they've decided to grab this one right here it's gonna be worth one point to them at the end of the game and it means that every time they take a harvest action again and they've already done that once and it looks like they have very few spices right now so they think they might be doing that again in the future they're gonna get an additional red chili spice in addition to the two gingers that usually get so the harvest action is a much better action for the blue player now now that their outpost is built in this area they can finalize their market action by getting rid of this clove right here and grabbing a Tootsie for it and with that they're not done with our turn alright this means that we can now go again and we're gonna just move once right up here and that's going to allow us to get a clove outpost down for free so I'll put that just like that and currently we don't have any chili and this requires a ginger a chili as well as a tea to happen but we do have the ability to upgrade one of our resources when we put an outpost down so let's go ahead and do that we'll get rid of this ginger right here and turn that into a chili and then we can use this chili this ginger right here and this tea to turn into two more close all right this means it's now the black players turn and they've decided to move twice over here and they can do that second move for free because they did take this bonus on the last turn and once they land over here they're gonna spend a one of their chili in order to build an outpost so it looks like this is 80 out post and they already have quite a bit of these done so this is gonna come out that's gonna be two more points for them at the end of the game although it does not help them in the effort to try and unlock more of these bonus tiles so this is gonna play get placed right over there and now they have two more chili left over so they can spend both of those and that is gonna generate two T for themselves and now the blue player gets to take their turn for them it seems like a bit of a no-brainer there's just one spot left on the entire board that has no outposts and it works out pretty well for them so they're gonna sail right up here and then they get to build a chili outpost for free and now they can spend a two of their T in order to get two of the chili as well as one clove and now they're done with their turn this means it's now our turn and I think that our plan has changed a little bit I guess we should have seen that the blue player heading over there and right now if we sailed over there we could get there for free with the two hops but we would then have to spend one resource to build our outpost and we then have to give a resource to the blue player and by doing that we would get the two chili that we need to then jump over here and take this tile on the following turn but instead I figure maybe we should just move down here this is gonna allow us to get to the chili that we need it's gonna not have us giving a resource to an opponent spending it to the bank is bad enough but putting it right into their cargo hold is certainly not good so I figure let's go ahead and move it just like that and then let's spend one of our many ginger in order to go ahead and get one of our chili outposts down this is gonna go right there and now we can go ahead and run this conversion we have it three cloves available to ourselves so I figure well actually at the moment we only have three spaces open in our cargo hold maybe we should just spend a one of these and then fill the spot in because we just won't have enough space although I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself we do have this ability to upgrade one of our resources in the hold after we place an outpost and we did just do that so I figure maybe we should go ahead and get rid of this tea and turn that into another clove and then spend on one of these cloves to bring in a three Chili's I think that's gonna be pretty good for ourselves because one of the other port tiles on the board requires three cloves so working ourselves to having lots of cloves is probably a good thing for the future although right now we're planning on going after the other one so either way I think we're pretty good with that we won't run the conversion anymore and a we can now end our turn and we don't have too many resources this means it's down the black players turn and they decide to sail right up here but in order to we'll build the outpost on the spot which is going to be a ginger outpost they do have to spend one of the resources and the lowest valued resource they have is T so unfortunately they're gonna get rid of this but that will get the outpost down and then once they're here they've decided to spend on both of their cloves and each one of these is gonna turn into three ginger and one T they can then load all of those spices into their cargo hold and they have easily enough space to hold it also with that their turn is now done it's now time for the blue players turn and they're just gonna sail over right to the spot and then they're gonna do a harvest action instead of doing a marketplace action this means they're gonna get to ginger as normal and then they also get one chilli because of this bonus tile and with that they're not done with their turn all right well it's now our turn so I figure let's go ahead and move it twice all the way up to the port and then activate this in order to grab this port tile we can now see that this tile is gonna cost us two of our chilli as well as two of our ginger and a one clove but it's gonna get us 11 points which is pretty good and that is gonna be the second of these port tiles that we've grabbed and again the game is gonna end as soon as somebody has four of these tiles and then we're gonna finish out the round so having two of them is certainly a nice place to be especially considering we have four more spices available to ourselves which are pretty good so hopefully we can then leverage this to move on and get another one of these tiles soon speaking of port tiles we now need to refresh the board so we're gonna go ahead and move the closed port tile over to the most recently purchased tile spot and then we're gonna draw a new one from the top of the deck this one is a ten pointer looks like it is just four pieces of ginger and tuti okay it's now the black player's turn and they've decided to sail over to this spot right here they get to to sailing actions because they do have the sailing bonus tile and once they get here they've decided to build a chili outpost now there were already two of the outposts on that spot so they do have to spend two resources for that and if they decided just to get rid of these two ginger in order to do that and now they're actually done with their turn they mostly wanted to do this to get the outpost down and probably to wander over the side of the board because they do have technically what they need to fulfill this port title down here but for now that's gonna round out their turn and now the blue player can go after considering their options they've decided to sail right down here and considering they already have an outpost they can activate this market tile action without actually putting anything else down I never actually explicitly said it but you're not allowed to have more than one outpost per color on a given tile so they're gonna go ahead and activate this now and they've decided to spend all four of these chilies and that is gonna turn into for ginger and two cloves they can then add this into their hold and we see they have just enough space I guess they have one space left over and with that their turn is over okay so it's now our turn again and we have a few different options we currently have two cloves and our hold as well as a ginger and a chilli and our ship is over here at this port now we don't have a clear obvious path towards gaining any of these other specific tiles I mean it's pretty obvious that the black player is gonna be claiming this one which does mean that this port will be opening up probably pretty soon and then we're not really sure what that tile is gonna be but it's gonna fill in over there so maybe we shouldn't water too far away now when you consider that we have a whole bunch of our outposts on the board now we can go to those spots and activate those locations to do some really favorable trades I think what we should probably do is maybe liquidate our cloves I did mention that I was kind of trying to hoard them so that we can maybe move over here and get the three cloves and one tea but with the amount of resources we have right now it's actually gonna be kind if occult to get that last tea and that last clove I think that's gonna be a lot of effort to try and make that happen when we maybe can try to see if there are some a lot better ways to get points a little bit more streamlined ways and so I think what we should probably do is head to twice down here to spend one clove in order to grab three ginger and one tea and then we can go ahead and throw these into our hold and I think we're gonna have quite a few options available to ourselves on the future turns but for now this turn is over so now black can go well we're not too surprised to see them move twice over here and to grab this port tile and then they of course have to pay for this tile by spending four of their ginger as well as two of their tea and they've pretty much cashed out all the resources but they did get themselves ten points and now we can go ahead and refresh the port tiles by moving the closed port tile down here and then draw a new one it looks like this is a nine pointer it's gonna be three chilli as well as one T okay it's now the blue player's turn and they've decided to sail right up here and they already have an outpost so they can go ahead and do the market action and here they're just gonna do it once they're gonna spend one of their cloves and with it they're gonna grab two T and as we can see that's gonna max out their cargo hold and now their turn is done and we can go well when we consider this nine point town just came out and it's relatively easy for us to grab I think we should probably work our way up there we're definitely feeling like we're in a pretty strong position and grabbing these tiles is going to push us towards the endgame and right now let's see this requires three chili as well as one T and we have a 1 T and one chili so I figure we may as well move right up here where we already have an outpost and on that spot we can spend our final clove right here in order to grab 3 more chilies so this is gonna be more than enough for us to a go ahead and capture that tile on our next turn I think we've set ourselves up pretty well it's now time for black to take their turn and they've decided to sail twice and then they're just gonna do a harvest action so that's gonna grab for themselves - ginger from the supply and now they're done and this means that the blue player can go and they're gonna sail once right up here and unlike the last time they cruise through here they are going to be trying to build an outpost now this is going to be a clove outpost so they can put that in right there and we can see since there were already two outposts they do have to spend two resources and they decided to get rid of two of their ginger to go ahead and pay for that next up they've decided to activate the market tile itself so they're gonna spend three of their ginger in order to grab one clove and now they're done with their turn this means we're now free to take our turn and I figure let's go ahead and take that tile so we'll move twice up here and activate the port and then we have to go ahead and pay for this by spending our three chillies as well as one tea we now need to refresh the port tiles and so we'll move this port closed one it seems like it's bouncing back and forth between these two spots here so move this right in there and then we'll draw another tile and this is gonna go down here and it looks like this is 12 points for cashing in a ginger to tea and two to Chili's okay it's now the black player's turn and for the first time in a long time they decide they don't want to move they're now going to activate in this location and they're gonna go ahead and build a clove outpost so this is gonna go down right here and we see that that is gonna cost them two resources because they're already worth two outpost hotspot so they're gonna go ahead and get rid of both of these ginger that they just picked up on the last turn and now if we look down at our board we can see that they just cleared their third column so they can grab another bonus token considering how dry they feel on resources they've decided to grab this one right here which is gonna allow them to grab a chili whenever they do a harvest action when we come back to this market tile we can see that the blue player does not have the resources they need to actually activate it so their turn is now over and now the blue player can go and they have decided they want to move over here to this port to activate it now that was a movement of two and the blue player is the only one that does not have this bonus ship movement so that does mean that they have to leave a spice behind in one of the spots that they just pass through now they could decide whether it'll be this location or that location right there and I guess they figure they'll go right up there so it's less likely for one of their opponents to sweep in and grab it from them maybe they'll be able to sail back over there but for now they've gone over here and they'd like to grab this tile we come back to their board we can see this is gonna cost them three cloves as well as one tea so they also don't have very much in their area but that was a 15-point tile so they'll go ahead and flip that over and now their turn is over before we move on we of course need to refresh the port tiles and this could be pretty big for us considering we're now going to put one down right where our boat is and it's our turn so we see that this one is going to be an 11 point tile it is 3t and one chilly to achieve even right now we do have one chili and a four ginger but no tea at the moment another thing for us to consider on our turn it's the fact that we're just a one of these tea outposts away from getting our third column and with that third column instead of taking a new ability we could just take the six point tile that's right on over there so we definitely have a incentive to try and get another one of these tea outposts out and there are three more that we have not influenced yet and we can see that one of them is right here one is right there and ones right there so they're all kind of far away from us right now and considering we definitely don't have the tea available to try and achieve this specific tile I figure let's go ahead and work our way in this direction to try and get ourselves in a situation to line up and maybe actually grab one of these and in fact I think the best thing for us to do is probably to just move it twice over here that gets us quite close to this one which is cheaper because it only has one outpost as opposed to the two outposts over here and once we land over here let's just do a harvest action so we're gonna grab two more of these gingers and that certainly might be nice especially if we consider that we might go down here and then cash out a bunch of this ginger I suppose this is also a really great ginger cash out spot so having a bunch of this right now is not a bad thing for our next turn and our turn is now over and the black player can now go okay well it's now the black players turn and they've decided to sail twice up to this location right here and they are gonna pick up with this ginger that the blue player dropped off on their way over to this tile on their last turn after they've grabbed this they've decided they're just gonna do a harvest action on this tile so the one ginger they picked up on that island is gonna go right there and they'll get two more ginger for the harvest action and lastly they will get a chili for this a bonus down here which activates when they do the harvest action and with that they're now done with their turn okay it's now the blue players turn and they've decided to move over here and once they land if they're simply gonna do a harvest action themselves just like the black flier just did this means that they too will grab two ginger and then one more because of that bonus with blues turn now done we can now take our action and I think we've got a pretty nice one lined up we're gonna move twice down to this spot right here and once we land there let's go ahead and spend one of our gingers in order to activate sorry in order to pay for a tea outpost to come down so we'll put that right there and spend this ginger and now we can see that that cleared up our third column and that means we could take end of the bonus token just like we talked about before I figure we should go ahead and grab the six pointer right here I think the black player is probably regretting taking this instead of that they maybe didn't realize just how close the game might actually be to ending but either way we're gonna go ahead and grab this so that's six points in the pocket for us and now let's go ahead and activate that market place so we'll spend four of our gingers and that is gonna turn into two tea we can now add these over into our hold but I did just realize that we forgot to use this bonus ability which lets us do an upgrade action on one of the things we already had in our ship when we placed an outpost down and it's been a while since we placed an outpost so I kind of forgot about it but let's go ahead and activate that now and upgrade this ginger into a chili and now we can go ahead and add these two tea into the mix and now our turn is done at this point play has now come over to the black player once again and they're gonna sail right over to this spot where they already have an outpost and once they land here they've decided to spend all three of the ginger that they have and that is going to turn it into a single clove and that's gonna round out their turns so now the blue player gets to go and they've decided they're gonna sail right up to this spot right here and once they're there they're gonna put a tea outpost down onto that tile that's gonna cost them two resources because they were already worth two outpost there so they're gonna go ahead and get rid of both of these gingers right here and then since they just built an outpost they can activate to this ability right here and that'll turn this tea into a clove and now since they have a clove they can use that to activate the marketplace that they're at when we come back up here we can see that clove is going to turn itself into a chili a tea as well as a ginger and now this is going to go into their hold and they're turn is over this means that it's now our turn and when we look over here we can see we're right next to this poor tile that is tutitu chili and one ginger and we currently have two tea and two chili but no ginger so I think probably the best thing that we can do at this point is trying to get this tile and we could just do it by staying put right where we are and doing a harvest action so we're gonna grab both of these they'll go into our area and that means that next turn we can go ahead and move it into the spot and claim this tile which will start the endgame because that'll be our fourth tile which means that our opponents essentially have two more turns available to themselves right now so that's a pretty simple turn for ourselves but I think grabbing that twelve point is gonna be more important than maybe dilly-dally and trying to unlock some more of these outposts so we've gone ahead and done that our turn is now over and the black player can now go but they've just realized they made a pretty big strategic blunder on the previous turn the idea of going to the spot and spending three ginger to grab this one clove was that on this turn they can move over here and spend the clove to get tea which they could then use on their following turn to go over here and cash in for this tile now the thing they didn't realize is they don't actually have an outpost on this spot on they need to spend resources to go here and actually build that outpost and if this happened because I was giving you black and blue slightly confused so I'm gonna go ahead and a retro actively fix this I'm gonna say that for their activation instead of getting this clove they want to get these ginger back but they'll also would have done a harvest action so when they do that they would have grabbed two more ginger as well as one chilli and that's going to get them back to whether I had two right now so kind of fix things they have all these resources available to themselves for them to take at this turn now so for their actual turn now they're gonna move it twice over to this spot right here they are gonna go ahead and build an outpost that's gonna be a clove outpost right there and it will cost them on one of their ginger in order to build it because there was already one outpost on that spot and now they're gonna go ahead and spend one ginger one chili and one tea and that's going to allow them to grab a two clove from the supply these are gonna go into their hold and now their turn is done and the blue player can go after considering their options and the fact that the game is coming close to ending the blue player decides they're gonna move right up here and at once they land they've decided to go ahead and put down a ginger outpost this is gonna go right there and they are gonna go ahead and spend this one ginger in order to pay for it because there was one outpost there already and when we come back to their player board we see they've just unlocked their third column as well this means they get to grab a bonus and it seems like a no-brainer for them they're gonna grab five points for themselves considering the game is just about to end at this point the blue player could now come back to this market place and spend one or both of their chilies each one turning into three of these yellows but that really doesn't make sense for them because at the end of the game every non-ginger resource is going to be worth one point so right now they have both of these and that's two points but all of these gingers will be worth effectively noting at the end of the game and that they can't see a situation where they could spend all of this ginger to get more points than if they instead just kept these right here and on their final turn did a harvest action considering they can grab a chili with their harvest action which is also worth a point at the end of the game they've also decided to not even bother using this bonus right here because they could upgrade this tea into a clove but once again they've looked at all the different options and every single one of them brings them back to the same victory point total for their current situation so they're just gonna go ahead and keep their chili and and their turn this means it's now time for us to go and I think let's go ahead and start the endgame we'll move over here into this port and grab this which is gonna be our fourth port title of the game we come back to our board we can see that we can't afford this by spending one of our ginger as well as two of our tea and two our chilies and that is going to finish out our turn we can go ahead and flip this over next up we of course have to move the closed port tile and then we can refresh this spot right here looks like we got a twenty point okay so that is forty and a two cloves I don't think it's likely anybody else is gonna have a shot at that monstrous tile right there and with that our turn is over and that was actually our last turn of the game because again we were the starting player and we've now initiated the endgame by taking four of these port tiles so that means the black player will take a turn and then blue will take a turn and then the game will be over and we can count up our points but I'm getting a bit of ahead of myself let's see what the black player decides to do well they've decided to start things off by moving over to the spot right here and then they're gonna spend two of their ginger in order to pay for a chili outpost now this is gonna come off there and go right down here and now they're gonna activate this spot they currently have two of the clothes in front of themselves so they can get rid of both of these and each one's gonna turn into three chili and if you remember every single non ginger resource is a point so they've effectively turned at two points into six points and when they add in the two more points they got for uncovering this one chili outpost right here this is an eight point turn for them which is a very nice way to round out the game so all these are gonna get added into their cargo hold and now their turn is over and blue can now take their last turn in the game well as I mentioned before on their last turn there's not a whole lot they can do on this final turn of the game no matter which way you slice it they're gonna be netting one positive point on they could have potentially moved over here and dropped down another outpost onto that spot getting them some points but they would lose some points worth of resources in order to get over there and pay for it and that would even would have come into play if they on the last turn would have turned some of the chili into the ginger so instead they're just gonna do the simplest way to get one point and that is to do a harvest action so I'll grab two of these gingers which are worth nothing but they will also grab this chili because they once again have this bonus right here which lets them take it on a harvest action so they have netted at one point for them settles on this final turn of the game and now we can go ahead and count up the points all right let's go ahead and calculate our final scores and we'll start off with ourselves so it looks like it down here just import tiles we were able to get 42 points with the bonus tiles over here we got eight points so that's gonna bring us up to 50 points and then over here with our outposts we've got 2 4 6 8 10 12 so all told that looks like we have at 62 points for ourselves because we have no points in spices next up we have the black player right here they've got 2 23 points in their tiles and then one point over here for their bonus that's gonna be 24 and then we can look over here that's gonna be 26 8 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 points so not super close to us we had 62 to 49 and lastly we have the blue player over here they've got 29 points within their port tiles looks like over here in their bonuses they have 8 total points and then lastly out here for their outpost they have 2 4 6 8 10 12 as well as another four over here for spices and when we add all that up they have 53 points so it looks like we were victorious with our little port tile spree over here that is 62 to 53 to 49 and that completes one a three player game of century eastern wonders well I hope you enjoyed this playthrough it certainly wasn't as close as I would have liked there at the end it seemed like us as the pink player went on a tile grabbing spree we ended the game with four of them compared to the two of both of our opponents but that being said the blue player in particular was only nine points behind us which I guess is the value of one of the lower value tiles and I think that our spree there ended up winning us the game for sure and it's of course a bit of a juggle especially with the game like this where you have to plan many turns ahead trying to make sure that each player is playing smartly and I do think that I probably did a couple flubs especially with the black player from a strategic position they had so many outposts out but I was not able to really utilize the fact that they had this great network of spots that would do these trades and it seemed like they always needed to go to one of the few spots they didn't quite have an outpost at especially in the later stages of the game I think that overall it still showed the game off pretty well we got to use a variety of the different bonuses certainly that a bonus tile that gives you an extra chilli whenever you do a harvest action was quite potent especially for the blue player but the black player got a good bit of use out of that as one as well if they had potentially taken the six-point token instead of that extra chilli one I'm not really sure how that would have panned out because they would have had significantly less resources at the end of the game and they did score a bunch of points for their spices even though they weren't able to quite get to the point where they could get to those poor tiles and ship out those extra things it was it didn't seem like all of the players were really gunning after going for those bonuses and if you go really deep within one of those outpost lines you do get quite a bit more points for those those couple things and I think that maybe the black player should have really tried to focus on cashing out a couple of those outpost lines instead of going wide again with their fourth column but either way I think that we definitely played the game well I feel like we deserved to go ahead and win that one we certainly utilized that bonus town which lets us do an upgrade quite well and I think that that's probably going to sorry.the the blur style where when you put an outpost down you get to do the upgrade that is a very potent tile and I imagine it's less so in the four player game because there's gonna be more congestion out there on the board as you are trying to jockey around and put cheap outpost down but we certainly made great use of that as well as the sailing bonus tile although you know the black player did have that extra cargo space and I think maybe that's kind of where I went wrong with them because they used that at one point and went up to 13 spices and then never really needed it again for the rest of the game so I probably should have been playing the black player around the ability to just go for really big efficient trades that they can get up to like 12 or 13 spices and utilize that bonus that they unfortunately only used once but I think at the end of the day that is everything I have to say about this playthrough and I certainly hope you enjoyed it as always I'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including all of these producers level patreon backers if you two would like to directly support these videos then please go to John gates Gamescom slash support to see a variety of ways with which you could do that also if you enjoyed this video please consider clicking the like button down below as well as a subscribe button thanks for watching
Channel: JonGetsGames
Views: 15,881
Rating: 4.9319148 out of 5
Keywords: jongetsgames, century eastern wonders, eastern wonders, eastern wonders playthrough, eastern wonders runthrough, eastern wonders play through, eastern wonders play thru, eastern wonders run through, eastern wonders runthru, jongetsgames playthrough, jongetsgames playthru, jongetsgames runthrough, jongetsgames run through
Id: 7qWS9nXElBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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