Wingspan Tutorial & Playthrough - JonGetsGames

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welcome to junkets games today we'll be playing through a full three player game of wingspan now I will be teaching the rules of this game while we're playing it and I would like to ask that you please turn on the Klingon subtitles so that if any mistakes were made I can then put corrections on the screen and you should be able to see them now the reason this video is being made is because wingspan won the poll that is voted on by the patreon supporters for the channel and what's actually going on in this game easy player is essentially running a sort of aviary where they are cultivating a variety of different birds that can live in the forest as well as the grasslands and the wetlands now on every player's turn they will take an action and they can either gain food lay eggs draw more cards or play more birds into their area and whenever they do it the first three of those actions they will do it better depending on the number of birds that have already been played down into that specific habitat now I'll explain how all of this works when we are playing it but before we jump in I would like to ask that you please consider clicking the like button down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel also if you would like to directly support the channel you can go to junkets Gamescom slash support to see a variety of ways with which you could do that including voting on some of the videos that I make each month including this one right here which did win the poll alright without further ado let's jump into the game now here we have wingspan fully set up for our three different players now we are gonna play from the perspective of the purple player down here and as part of set up each player drew five cards they also got one of each of the five different types of food and they got two gold cards now each of us had to select one of those gold cards and we've decided to go with historian now we can see that we are gonna get to two points per bird at the end of the game that are named after a person now you can see this feather right here that shows that this is a victory point said whenever you see that feather in this game those will be victory points and we can look down here and see that this is going to be any bird with an apostrophe s in its name and 11% of all of the burden cards have this attribute now one of the reasons we decided to do this is because in our starting hand of five cards we did have one that is that matches up with that we can see Kayson Sparrow right here matches up with that apostrophe s and you may be noticing that we only have two cards in our hand and three food now that's because as part of setup each person gets to decide to keep five things whether that be cards or food so we decided to keep these two cards here and that that we had to discard two of our food but we've selected to keep these worms this week too and this fish right here and that'll make sense pretty darn soon obviously our yellow and blue opponents also made these decisions and it looks like the yellow player went with two cards and three food but the blue player went with three cards and adjust two food to start the game let's now begin playing the game and we can start things off because we have this starting player token right here now on every player's turn they're gonna take one of their available cubes and you can see that at the start of the game we have eight of these and they will then perform one of four different actions now we have playing a bird gaining food laying eggs and drawing bird cards now whenever you activate any of these bottom three you always do the action that is closest to the left-hand side so if we gain food we would perform this action right here if we laid eggs we do this one and then drawing bird cards would be this spot right here if in the future we had a bird cards on these spots then we would unlock the ability to do it the better versions of these actions and because of that I think we should take our first turn and play a bird now when you do this you have to play the birds on the leftmost side in that given row and you can take the action cube before this play bird action and put it over the column where you will be placing the bird now obviously we did have to play into this column because this is the leftmost one for all three of the rows and with that in mind we can now play one of the birds in our hand now there are a few things going on with these bird cards in the top right we have the name and in the top left we have not only the habitat restriction but also the food cost to play the bird now we could look over here and see that our black turn can only go into the water area down here and they are going to need a worm or a fish type food now we can look over here and see that we have a worm and a fish right here so that's good and the other one that we have as an option is Kayson Sparrow now this one that must go here into the middle area and they want to eat a worm and a wheat so what that means is at the start of the game we selected two cards and the food necessary to get both of these played although each time we play them it is going to cost an action now if you look down at the rest of the cards we can see that the black turn is going to be worth four points at the end of the game in case in Sparrow will be three and then they also both have it icons now there are several different types of nests in the game we can see this one right here is a bunch of little eggs in a pile and this one over here is a star now the star is a wild type of nest it can count as any of them when it comes to the overall goals and since we are speaking of those that let's now come over here and look at the goal board now this is out in the middle of the table and it shows around 1 2 3 & 4 now this is the overall round structure for the game once we have finished four rounds we will count up our victory points and whoever has the most is going to win now if you look over here we can see that in each one of these rounds there is a goal in the first round the person who has the most birds in the wetlands habitat will get 4 points the person with the second most will get one point and then third most will get 0 now if there's a time you will sum and then split the points for that given spot and if we look here we can see that in round 2 we're gonna count up the most eggs in the forest habitat and the points get better for this competition and then in round 3 there is one that has to do with the nests in particular this one wants the bold type of nest right here so it's the number of birds with bull-type nests that have at least one egg in it now obviously neither of these show that bowl type of nest but since the black turn has the star it can count as that when it comes to that round scoring now the final one for the fourth round of the game it's worth the most points and we can see it's pretty simple it's just gonna be a competition for having the most birds in your habitat so we know that at the end of this first round we are going to be competing to have the most birds in the wetlands down here and the rapid will end once everybody has taken all eight actions now with that in mind let's go ahead and start things off by playing our black turn now as I said that this is gonna cost a worm or a fish and since our case in Sparrow what's a worm let's spend at this fish right here and then we have to put this black turn down into the wetlands now once we put this down here there is no immediate benefit but there is now a brown ongoing benefit that says when activated we can draw one card and if we do we can discard one card from our hand at the end of our turn now this is important too because this activation happens every time we do the draw Birds action for the rest of the game so it's gonna be nice having that around now that we have finished our action we can move on to the next player in clockwise order and that's going to be the yellow player here now for their first action they've decided they want to gain food now as I mentioned before whenever you activate these three bottom actions you will do the action that is farthest to the left that is not blocked by a bird so they're gonna put this cube down right over here and the effect says they can take the food from one of the food dice now the way this works is quite simple they're just gonna grab one of the dice that are showing at the bottom of this birdhouse dice Tower now you may be wondering what would happen if they want to take a food that isn't showing for instance if they wanted a rodent and it isn't here now you can re-roll these dice if there is just one type of food showing or once all five of these food dice are taken then the dice will be rear old so unfortunately at this point in the game gathering rodents is a little bit tough but it looks like the yellow player is fine with that they're gonna select this die right here and that means they can take either a seed type food or an invertebrate type food and they're gonna grab the seed right here it's now time for blues turn and they are going to play a bird in this case it looks like it's going to be a common yellow throat now the food cost for this one is one invertebrate so they can discard this right here and then we can see that this card is going to have a win activated ability it says they can draw two cards and if they do they have to discard one of them at the end of their turn and obviously this common yellow throat has to go down into the violence for them now once again this ability will not become active until the player chooses to do the action for that overall region it's now time for our second action of the round and I figure let's go ahead and get Kayson Sparrow played out into our area now we can take this action cube and put it right here into the first column and that is gonna allow us to play a case in Sparrow into the crash-lands so we'll put that right over here and that of course does cost an invertebrate as well as seeds and we've planned well because we have exactly that in our area now before we move on let's take a look at the activation ability for case in Sparrow now it says when activated we can lay one egg on any Burt now you'll notice that the action over here for the crash-lands is simply laying eggs and we have a bunch of them over here in this tray now every color egg is functionally the same the colors are to make the game look nicer and this means that when we lay eggs we could place two and then when we activate case in Sparrow we can add another egg down onto another bird now this is important because not only are eggs worth one point at the end of the game but we also have to spend the eggs as an extra penalty as we build out more birds into given routes we can also spend eggs down here to draw more cards but I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself at this point we can now move on to the yellow player it looks like yellow second action will be playing a bird and that one is going to be Sprague's pivot now I'm gonna tell you right now that I'm for sure gonna be Miss Bernette saying some of these wacky bird names but either way we can see that this is gonna have to go into the grasslands it's gonna cost one invertebrate as well as one that seed food and we can also look over here and see that if a player does not have the right types of food they can spend any to other food to get to the type of food that they need and they don't even need to be the same so either way we can see here that the ability down below it says when played and it has a white background that means they get to do this immediately and it says they get to trot to new bonus cards and then keep it one of them so these can get dropped from the top of the bonus card deck and you can now see that even though we all start with one bonus card there are ways to gain more as we play after considering both options they're gonna keep this one right here and that's gonna finish out their turn the blue player can now go and they are simply going to lay eggs this means they will gather two eggs from the supply and again the color does not matter and then they can put these down on two birds that have space to store them now every bird shows you just how many eggs they can have this common yellow throat right here can't hold it for so that's the only bird they have right now so they'll put both of these eggs right on top and that's gonna finish out their turn now speaking of eggs I think that we should do this too now the reason for that is because when we do this we will gather some eggs and then we can spend an egg on our next turn when we go to draw more cards so that we can take two cards instead of one now this is important because obviously we don't have any cards at the moment so when we go right here we can gather two eggs right now and if we want to we can spend at one of our two food in order to gather a third egg but I don't think we should we don't have a particularly good a food gathering engine just yet I think having this food is probably more important but we do now have it both of these eggs so maybe we could put them down on to this black turn and then the last thing we can do is move this over and then the casein Sparrow will activate now we can see it says that we get to lay one egg on any bird and right now our black turn is completely full of eggs so let's go ahead and take one of these and put it on top of Kayson Sparrow itself with that we have now finished out this action it's time for yellows next turn and they are going to play a bird now they only have one and this is a house finch it can go into any of the habitats and it looks like it wants a very as well as a seed now the ability down here says that when it is activated they can tuck a card from their hand underneath this bird and if they do they can draw another card so effectively they can get rid of a card in order to see a new one and this is important because at the end of the game every card that is touched underneath another card is going to be worth one point so they can spend essentially get a point as well as get an extra redraw if they like now they're gonna put this one or write down over here into the wetlands it's time for blue to go and they want to draw a bird cards now they're gonna put their marker right down here because this is the leftmost one and this says they can't draw a card and they can spend at one of their eggs to draw another one and they have indeed decided to do that now whenever players draw bird cards unless otherwise stated it they can take either a face-up card or a facedown card from the deck now they've decided for their first grab to pick up this acorn woodpecker now this can only be played into the forest it needs three seeds in order to be played and it has an ability that says they can to gain one seed from the birdfeeder if it's available if it's on one of the dice and then they make a on top of this card and that's important because it says May which means they could keep that seed for spending later or if they put that seed on top of this card then it will be stuck there for the rest of the game they cannot spend it but every token that's on top of a card is worth one point at the end of the game so it's kind of like the Acorn woodpecker has pecked and they chord it into a tree to store it now they can draw again but this will not be refilled until the end of their turn and they've decided they want to grab this Barn Swallow now we can go into the wetlands or the grasslands and it just needs a one invertebrate and the ability down below says that when it's activated you can tuck a card from your hand underneath it and if you you draw another card now that they finished their main activation they can keep walking their cube to the left until it reaches the very end and then it activates every bird that it hits so we can see that this common yellow throw now lets them draw two more cards and if they do they have to discard one from their hand at the end of their turn in this case it looks like they are not interested in this gray catbird so they're just gonna take two random cards from the top of the deck and then they're going to discard at this one right here so that was a very effective round for them they gained three bird cards and they are probably set for a while since the blue player is now done with their turn we can refill this tableau the first one to come out here is a mountain Bluebird now this can only go in grassland it wants invertebrates as well as berries and we can see down here that when you play it you can play a second bird card to your grasslands by paying its full normal cost so the bonus for this is effectively a bonus action of playing another bird and these can be really quite nice especially when you consider that the final goal for the fourth round is going to be just having the most birds in your overall area so getting combos like this is certainly good we have to draw again so this one is going to be a Belle's Vario now this is interesting this is named after a person so it's gonna match up with our historian ability so we are definitely more interested in grabbing this one because for us if we play it it would be worth 4 +2 or 6 points now we can see here that it wants to invertebrates to be played and that when it is played we can actually draw another one of these bonus cards so this is a really interesting card for us we are definitely hoping we can grab this one well I figure there's no time like the present it's our turn to take an action and we don't have any cards so let's go ahead and draw some now I when we go here we can draw one card and then I do think we should go ahead and a discard a egg that's gonna let us draw any another card well I figure we should definitely draw Belle's burial the fact that it will be worth two points at the end of the game for our historian bonus and it will get us another bonus is great and then for our second pick I think let's grab this mountain Bluebird as I just mentioned this is going to be a really good way to combo out multiple birds and I think we could actually for instance if we get enough food I'll play this one right into this one because Belle's Vario can't go over into the grasslands area so we could maybe try to build up to that or maybe do something else either way that's our two grabs but at this point we aren't done we can now move our action cube to the black turn and it says that when activated we can draw one card and if we do we have to discard a one card from our hand at the end of our turn so we could draw a random card or this gray catbird and that this one has an ability that lets you repeat a brown power on another bird in its habitat now I don't think that makes sense because I think I like both of these better than this one and we are going to have to discard at the end of our turn so let's go random and maybe this will be better than one of these two so in this case we have found a common grackle now it's gonna take one seed to be played and then one of any type of food and then its ability says that when it's activated we can tuck a card from our hand underneath this card and if we do we can also lay one egg on top of this card and again eggs can be used as extra resources for playing new birds as well as actually getting points at the end of the game so we have to discard one of these and I think it is going to be this crackle that's a pretty great ability but I like the idea of building up a combo turn to get both of these birds out so we'll discard this one right here and now we finished out our turn this means we can refill this supply so we can draw the top card here and we have found a barn owl now we can see that it can go into any of the habitats and it wants to rodents in order to be played now down here we have a new type of ability and it is a predator one you can see that little bird skull and crossbones there it says that when it's activated you control all of the dice that are not in the bird feeder so those are the dice that have already been used and then if any of those show up as a rodent then they gain one rodent from the supply and they cash it on this card and again any of the resources on cards are worth one point at the end of the game now every one of these dice has a one in six chance of rolling a rodent so this effectively means that they have a one in six chance to get a point for every die that is not in the birdfeeder now the other bird to come out it will be this one right here and it is a California quail now it's pretty expensive it wants an invertebrate as well as two seeds and down below when you activate it you could just lay a egg on top of this card and that's certainly good considering this card can hold six eggs so it just makes more points as you activate it yellow can now take their next turn and they have decided they're going to gather some eggs now they can get two and of course they could spend a food in order to get another one but right now they are out of cards and they are out of food so they are not going to do that so in this case they can take these two eggs right here and they are simply going to put them down onto this house Finch now they can move their Cube on to this Sprague's pivot right here but it does not have a brown when activated ability so nothing happens and that's gonna finish out their turn it's time for blue to go and they are simply going to gain one food currently it looks like they can take a fish an invertebrate or a berry and they want the invertebrate right here alright we can now take our next turn and we have these two really good cards in our hand now it's worth noting that there is no hand limit in this game and right now we have a nice combo going here but the problem is that we need 2 plus 1 or 3 invertebrates as well as 1 berry to pull off this combo now right now we have a 1 seed which is not needed for any of these and then we have a 1 invertebrate so that's one berry and two invertebrates we need and right now we only get one food every time we spend an action so that means at a minimum that would be 3 action spent to gathering food and that maybe that's not the right way to play this out right now we can hold on to this combo for the moment we don't particularly need it for the scoring in this first round and I think what we should do is probably draw some more cards so we can take our action and go right over here obviously we invested in getting a bunch of these eggs already so this is going to allow us to draw card and then let's go ahead and spend another egg to draw another card and realistically what we are looking for is something that can be played into the forest and something that can use some seeds now over here on the main area all three of these can go to the forest but this one needs three food this needs to rodents which we don't have and this also needs three food so I think let's just go random with the first of these drums looks like we found a barrows Goldeneye now this is actually really good for us it has an apostrophe s that means it is going to match up for our historian ability it's not particularly great for the moment but we can definitely give this one plate in the future now you may have noticed that this has a pink banner at the bottom and we haven't seen that just yet now this says once but Queen turns when another player takes a lay eggs action then this bird lays one egg onto another bird with that specific type of nest now specifically that is called a cavity style nest and we do have one wild nest down here that would work for that so we definitely I think want to keep this one even though it's quite expensive and we might not get this plane for a while so we can now draw another card and let's go random again again we're hoping for a forest and we're hoping for cheap and we have found both of those awesome this one is an Eastern Phoebe and it can go into any of the environments it just wants a berry or an invertebrate so unfortunately it does not want a single seed but I guess beggars can't be choosers here it takes four eggs and it is a wild nest which is also nice and then down below it says that when you activate this bird all players can gain one of the invertebrates from the supply now that's important because you could take it from the supply and not from the bird feeder and it's also important to note that all of these when activated abilities are optional so if we don't want an invertebrate that we don't have to activate this and we don't have to give food to our opponents but I think considering we do need a lot of those right now this is probably something we are going to build out here and then use now we aren't quite done because we can move our cube over here to the black turn and this lets us draw another card and then discard one card or from our hand now I figure we may as well this might be better than the ones we've pulled already and this one is a bush tit now it can go into any of the environments it also wants invertebrates as well as a seed and it is also wild so we're pulling lots of those wild nests now it says that when it is activated you can tuck a card from your hand behind this and then if you do you can lay an egg on top of it now that is certainly a good ability but I think I like the rest of these better the fact that this one is named after somebody the fact that this one is cheap and the fact that these can combo well and this one can give us the invertebrates we need to actually get all three of these played means that these are just better cards for us so let's discard it this one right here and that's gonna finish out our turn it's time for yellow to go and it looks like and they also want to draw some cards they don't have any and they also don't have any food at this point so they're gonna go right here and it looks like this is why they got some eggs on the last turn they can outspend but one of those eggs to dry card it looks like the first one they want is this gray catbird now that's kind of surprising considering it needs three food and they currently have none but I'm sure they have their reasons we can see down here that it's worth five points and when you activate it you can repeat to the brown power on any other bird in this habitat now that is a potentially really nice combo right there and then they can draw another bird card and they're just gonna go with a random one next up they can activate their house finch now this says that they can tuck one of these two cards underneath this and it will be worth one point at the end of the game and then they can draw another card but the thing is that they like it'll look of both of these cards the one that they picked up randomly was actually very good for them so they were going to pass on and getting that extra point and that draw so that's gonna finish out their turn blue can now go and they've decided to play a bird card now it looks like if they have an Eastern screech owl in their hand now this is gonna cost one invertebrate or it's gonna need one rodent and it looks like they do have an invertebrate to spend and then it can only go into the forest and when this one is activated it's very similar to the other owl that we saw they roll all the dice not in the feeder and any of the rodents that show up will get put onto this car too for a point at the end of the game let's now take our next turn and I figure let's play our Eastern Phoebe now we know that it's gonna take a very or it's gonna take an invertebrate and right now we do have an invertebrate we need a lot of those but fortunately when we go and gain food with this over here in the forest we can gain an invertebrate every single time now it's not great that our opponents will also gain invertebrates when we do that but I think we need to think long term and really get to our food engine going right here and when we do that we will be gaining more food anyway so yeah let's go ahead and play this right here and I guess the other thing is we could spend this turn and gaining just one food and that would be the berry and then use that Mary to play this down but I don't know I feel like that's a bit slow when you consider the fact that we are getting to the end of the route so we'll slide this right over here we will spend it the invertebrate and that's gonna finish our turn it's time for yellow to go and they are going to draw some more cards they have these two right here and they like them but they like the idea of coming down here and spending another one of their eggs to draw two more now it looks like we actually forgot to refill this in at the end of their a last draw action so this one right here should be a brown pelican now this one is going to live in the wetlands it wants to fish and when you play it you can gain three fish immediately from the supply that's interesting you have to have two but by playing it you actually end up with even more and it is worth four points so that's a pretty nice combo now the yellow player can draw two and they're gonna go random for the first one and then they're gonna go random for the second one and then they can move their action cube right here and with this house finch they are going to activate at this time this lets them chuck a card or from their hand underneath it and then they can draw one more card it looks like they're gonna go random again and that's gonna finish out their turn alright blue is up and they are going to gain some food now we can see here event and they will get one food and if they discard one of their cards they can gain a second and it looks like that is indeed what they want to do so we can come back over to the bird feeder and for the first one they are going to take a berry and for the second one they're gonna take another berry next up they can activate their Eastern screech owl and roll all of the dice not in the bird feeder and they are looking for rodents now it looks like they plan this out pretty well because the moment all five of these dice are picked we immediately reroll all of them so four is the maximum they can roll right here and they of course looking for rodents and they did get one so they can take this from the supply and then cash it on to the screech owl where it cannot be spent it will stay here for the rest of the game and it's worth one point when the game is over alright let's now take our second-to-last action and I think we need to set things up so that we can play this barrows Goldeneye on our next turn now the reason for that is because it can live in the wetlands and we know that we are going to be judging the birds in wetlands goal at the end of the round and we have two more actions until the round is over and right now all three of us have a one bird in the wetlands and if there's a time we just sum and then split up those points so we would not actually be gaining on anybody so I think we should try and maybe take first and if one of our opponents does sneak in there as well then maybe we'll just tie for first now in this case we can see that this is going to need one seed and then it also needs an invertebrate as well as a food so let's go ahead and spend our second-to-last action gaining food and we could gain one right here and then of course gain second one if we discarded one of our other cards but man we really like these cards right here so I think we should probably forego that and just take one and we know that after we do this we can then activate our Eastern Phoebe and give everyone including ourselves one invertebrate and that is what we need here so realistically we need a fish now it looks like there does happen to be a fish over here in the bird feeder so we're in luck there but let's say we hadn't been lucky and there was maybe a rodent here now we would not be out of options because whenever you go to take food from the bird feeder if there's just one type of die face showing on all of the dice in this then we can optionally re-roll all of the dice and then pick from one of the new options now the fish only shows up one in six times so it would not be at all I guarantee to re-roll five and get one so I'm quite happy that we could just guarantee to grab a fish right here now as I said before the moment to all five of these dice are out of the bird feeder we can roll them again and these will be the food options for the next couple rounds after taking the die we can now activate our Eastern Phoebe and again this is optional but I think we want to do it and this is going to give everyone and invertebrate so we get one and we need it unfortunately this does give them to our opponents but I think overall it's in our best interests it looks like yellow is next and they are going to play a card in this case it is going to be this is a mountain chickadee now it needs a invertebrate or a seed and they do have an invertebrate right here and we can see down here that when they activate this they can just take one seed from the supply and immediately cash it down onto this card so they'll put this right over here and effectively they will generate one point every time they gather food for the rest of the game because of this mountain chickadee Luke and Anna take their second to last action and it looks like they want to play a card into their second column now that one is going to be this Tree Swallow and it is unfortunately a wetlands type bird now this is going to want to an invertebrate as well as a very and it looks like we actually allowed them to get this played we gave them at this invertebrate and they can now spend this along with this berry to play this so that is certainly a little unfortunate we knew that we were going to be helping our opponents out but maybe not quite that much so now they're gonna put this one right over here and we can look at the bottom and it says that when they activate this they can took a card from their hand and then they can draw a new one now the last thing that they do have to spend is one egg because that is the cost printed up here the next one is an egg and then it's two eggs for the final two columns over here and we can look over here and see that they do indeed have an egg to spend well I don't see a reason not to continue on with our plan it's maybe not quite as good as before when we were hoping to take first place but we could still time with the blue player and net points over the yellow player anyway so we can play our barrows Goldeneye into this spot right here that's of course gonna cost our invertebrates our seeds as well as our fish in it will cost an egg so we can remove this one right here and fortunately we know that we are going to tie with the blue player because they don't have any eggs left so there's no way that they could play a third card into the wetlands area now this is still a really good play for us because even though we're not taking first place this is worth five plus two points to us at the end of the game and we can now pay attention and whenever our opponents take a gained eggs action for the rest of the game we can look down here and take one egg and put it onto a cavity style bird we have two wild and nest style birds so we have lots of places to put eggs down so effectively we get eggs when they get eggs so we're being nice when we give our ponents invertebrates but they will be nice to us and getting eggs is certainly good and we know that they will have to because of these extra costs associated here now of course this can only happen once between our turns so if both of our opponents gather eggs we'll only do it once but this is still pretty darn good yellow can now take their final action of the round and they are going to gather food and they've decided they want to discard one card to pick up a second food with the first of these they're going to grab a fish and then with a second they're going to grab and this either-or and it looks like they're gonna pick up an invertebrate now obviously they could have taken an invertebrate from over here but maybe they don't need seeds and they are trying to deny that option from their opponents the next thing that happens is they can activate their Mountain chickadee and this lets them take one seed from the supply and cash it on this card for a point at the end of the game blue can now take the final action of the round and they are going to lay eggs this means they can gather two from the supply and then put them down onto any of their birds and they've decided to put them up here on to their Eastern screech owl now even though it's the blue players turn our barrows Goldeneye is gonna activate and we can now lay one egg on another bird with a cavity type nest well as I said before these wild ones count as either so let's lay an egg up here onto our Eastern Phoebe and that's essentially important because in the second round we are gonna score the total number of eggs in our forest so maybe we can start to try and build those up at this point we have reached the end of round phase and the first thing we are gonna do here is gather all of our cubes and put them back to the side of our board the next thing to do is score the round bonus now we know that it's going to be the number of birds in the wetlands and we know that the yellow player has one we have two as the purple player and the blue player also has two that means we time with blue for first and second place so we can put these kind of right here in between and at the end of the game we will sum first and second place up and then divide that into and round down so that's going to be 5 divided by 2 or 2 points for each of us and then the yellow player comes in 3rd place which is worth zero points now you may have noticed that I put our cubes down onto these spots and that means that in the second round of the game we will only have seven cubes left over for actions obviously we will score again and in the third round we will only have six actions and then finally in the fourth round we will each only take five actions now taking less actions might not seem good until you realize that at that point in the game we will have lots of birds on our areas so each action will be much more effective now the third thing we need to do to set up the new round is discard all three of the face-up birds and then we will reveal three more so let's see this first one is a red crowned kinglet now it looks like they only go to the forest they eat a invertebrate to a seed or a berry and when you play it you can play a second bird into your forest area now in the next bird that we have here for the tableau is a pie build grebe now it's a wetlands bird that wants invertebrates or fish it's worth zero points at the end of the game and when you activate it you can draw two cards and if you do you discard one from your hand and then if you do you discard one from your hand at the end of the turn we have one spot left to fill and this one is going to be a greater Roadrunner now this one lives in the grasslands it likes invertebrates rodents and then one of any type of food it's worth seven points at the end of the game and when you activate this you can look at a card from the top of this deck and if the bird has a wingspan of less than 50 centimeters then you tuck it underneath this car - as a cash card for the end of the game now you may have noticed that every single bird has a wingspan printed on it for instance this greater Roadrunner has a wingspan of 56 centimeters now the fourth and last thing we have to do to set up for the next round is to pass this starting player marker forward clockwise and that means the yellow player will start things off in the next round to start things off yellow is going to lay eggs they're just gonna lay two of them and they're not gonna spend a food to lay a third and then they'll put both of these up on their Mountain chickadee this will of course activate our barrows Goldeneye so we can lay one egg on another cavity style bird and we'll put it right up here onto our Eastern Phoebe just trying to bulk out the eggs in our forest blue is now next and they are going to play a bird and it looks like this one is going to be a kayson's finch now we're a bit bummed to see that because we obviously want to be the ones to get these birds that are named after other people but we're obviously not gonna be able to get all of them now we can see that this one wants seeds and berries and they have exactly that in their food area this goes into their forest and it says that when it is played they could draw two new bonus cards and then keep one of them so these are the two that they picked and they of course also have to spend one egg because that is the cost for this column and they're gonna keep this one right here and discard the other one we can now take our turn and we don't have any food and we have these two cards now obviously we've been talking about doing this combo for a little while but the issue with this I now realize is that that would put these down here into the grasslands and in this current round we are going to be trying to see who has the most eggs in the forest now at no point will we particularly get bonuses for having these birds in the grasslands although having more birds here means that when we activate this we get more eggs and more eggs means more flexibility with some of the things we have to spend them on as well as more points now I think we have a different good option for ourselves though let's spend one of our cubes and put it down here and we can now just draw two cards without even having to suffer a penalty like this one here now this is good because we can now draw this ruby-crowned kinglet it's quite cheap to play it goes into the forest and its ability says we can play a second bird into the forest now this Bella's Vario goes to the grasslands or to the forest so I figure if we draw this one and then we play this one into this one that is a slightly cheaper combo to pull off and it gets more of these birds into our forest so that when we do future food gathering actions we get even more foods that we have to do it less we can now draw one more card and I don't think either of these are particularly interesting to us we of course always trying to search for those 11 percent of cards that are named after historians and we have pulled a northern Shoveler right here now this one goes into the wetlands which we don't care about as much anymore it's somewhat expensive at an invertebrate and two seeds but it is worth seven points at the end of the game and when you activate this all other players including yourself it gets to draw another card we have now drawn our two cards and we don't actually activate anything on our barrows Goldeneye but here are black turn lets us draw another card and then we can discard one card from our hand at the end of the turn well currently I'm not crazy about this northern traveler here so let's draw another card and this one is a spotted towie now it's once again not associated with a historian unfortunately but it's much cheaper to get out I suppose it is worth zero victory points as opposed to these seven from this northern traveler here and the ability down here says that when you activate this you gain one seed and you put it right into your area where you can then get more food so this does not cache that seed it actually gets you more food to spend on other things and that is kind of like an engine building piece to our puzzle and I think that is probably gonna be worth it I think we like this one better than as northern traveler we can hopefully get big ones like this one out and get a lot of points later on in the game when we perhaps have cards like this spotted towie in our forest that will let us generate lots of food for simple actions so the northern traveler will get discarded and then at the end of our turn we have to draw a new card for the tableau this time we found a Clarke's green dangit this one is named after somebody so this is one that we would have much rather grabbed it's super cheap to play - that is really unfortunate I guess maybe we'll do another card draw action to try and pick this one up now it says down here that when you activate this you draw one card and if you do you discard one at the end of your turn so its activation is just like our black turn the yellow player can have take their second action and they want to play a bird now obviously this is gonna cost one of their eggs and the bird they want to play is a Franklin's gull now we're pretty sad to see this because this is another one of those 11 percent of the cards that are named after people so we won't have access to this it looks like it wants to eat a fish as well as any other type of food so they can discard this invertebrate for that and we could see that it is a wild nest and it when it activates it can discard one egg and draw two cards now they've decided they can put this in the wetlands or the grasslands and they're gonna put this right here in the grasslands so that they will always have an egg available because obviously they will have just generated some so they can now get eggs in the draw cards when they activate the crash-lands right here so it's certainly possible that they might not do that many more of these wetlands actions in this game we'll just have to see how it goes the blue Claire can now take their second action and they want to it gather some food so it looks like they get to take a - right here and it looks like they want to take an invertebrates and then they also want to take this rodent right here they can now move their action cube over here and there Eastern screech-owl will have them roll all of the dice not in the bird feeder as they look for more rodents to cache on this card just like before it looks like they have a four dice to roll and they have gotten lucky they did pull out of one of these so they get to put down one rodent onto that screech-owl we can now take our second action of the round and even though we just drew cards in the last round I think we want to do this again on that card that just came out into the middle it seems way too good for us to pass up so let's draw two cards right now and then I imagine not draw any more cards for a while the one we're picking up is of course this Clarks grebe it's just one fish to get five points plus another two points so one fish into seven points is just something that I do not want my opponents to pick up and they very well might considering it is so cheap to get out now we can look down here and see that when you activate this one you can draw card and discard another one so this is also nice to have as far as cycling through cards that we might not like in our hand we can draw another card and I figure we'll go random from the top and in this case we have found a spot owl now this one that lives in the forest it needs to rodents in order to be played it's worth five points and when you play it you get to draw two new bonus cards and then keep one so this is the second one of these that we have in our hand alongside the bells Vario and we'll see if we actually keep both of these obviously getting those bonus cards can be a lot of points and the earlier we play these cards the more we can play to them to actually satisfy them next up we can move our action cube over here to the black turn and I figure let's draw another random one from the top and then discard one from our hand so in this case we have found a poem link and now it can only go to the grassland it wants invertebrates and two seeds and when you play it you lay one egg onto each of your birds with a ground style nest and again that counts for these wild ones that we have so if we play this one out it can have a big burst action of laying a ton of eggs now we have a ton of cards in our hand at this point and we do have to discard one of them and I do think it's gonna be this bubbling we have a couple of actually it looks like three birds that this would be associated with but I think I like it the actions on all the rest of these more I think the points for them will be much better considering this does cost a three food which is quite high so we can discard this and that's gonna finish out our turn now we of course have to refill this spot in before the yellow player can take their turn and it looks like this is a turkey vulture now this is interesting it can go into any of the three habitats and it does not require any food that's because it is a scavenger I guess and it's only worth one point but then once between turns when another player's a predator bird succeeds they get to gain one dies worth of food from the bird feeder so that is certainly interesting yellow can now take their third action and they want to lay some more eggs now this means they are going to take three eggs from the supply and they can put these down on to any of their birds they're gonna put two of them right up here and then another one right here and then they can move this cube there and they can discard one egg to draw two cards and that is what they want to do the first of these will be a random card from the top and with their other grab they're gonna take this turkey vulture here before we move on and we can of course gain an egg from our barrows Goldeneye because of the lol took some eggs and we'll add them right over here onto this wild nests yellows turn is done so we can refill this spot right here and we have a common rigged answer now the ability for this one is it's a predator and just like of that oil that we've seen already you can roll the dice not in the bird feeder and any fish that come up will get cached onto the card Luca don't take their third action and if they want to draw cards so it looks like they can pick up two for this main action and it seems they don't like the looks of any of these so they're gonna go random for the first one and then a random for the second one and the next thing they can do is activate their Tree Swallow this lets them chuck a card from their hand and they are gonna do that that'll be worth one point at the end of the game and they can draw another card and this one is going to be random again and then lastly they can activate their common yellow throat what's lets them draw two more cards which will let them draw two more cards and then discard one from their hand at the end of their turn well it's a lot of random cards for them this round so they'll pick up these two here and then they'll discard this right here too and their turn let's now take our third action and I think it's time for us to gather some food we have a ton of cards in our hand and I do think we should discard one of them to pick up a second food and I think that's gonna be this spotted owl it is nice picking up new bonus cards but we are not particularly interested in rodents right now and we have a lot of other good cards in our hand some of which combo quite well so yeah let's discard this right here and pick up two food and the first one will definitely be this invertebrate here so we can add that into our zone and we can now reroll all five of these dice now when we consider the fact that none of our cards need the seeds as a mandatory action and many of them still need invertebrates I figure let's take this one as our second one and we will take another invertebrate and we are essentially denying seeds from our opponents well it's not all that bad for them though because we are now going to move this here and we have the option to give everyone and invertebrate and I do think we should that will bring us from two up to three and that means next turn we could play this card which would combo into this card with all three of these right here so yeah let's go ahead and take those and we can now hand those out yellow can now take their third action and it looks like they want to play another bird and in case it is going to be that vulture this can go into any of their habitats and it does not have a food cost which they like and they're gonna put that right over here now they do have to spend it one of their eggs to do this but they have just bolstered their ability to get more food and they can now potentially get some food whenever anybody succeeds with those Raptor effects now right now only the blue player has been doing that but it's likely they will continue to throughout the game so the yellow player likes the idea of getting some bonus food from them the blue player can now take their fourth action and they want to play a bird to their first column now that one is going to be this house wren we can see that that's going to take one of their invertebrate food it can hold a ton of eggs right here and it says that when it is played they can play a second bird to their grasslands or to their forest and pay its normal cost so they can add this right over here and then they're gonna play this card right here as their bonus and this is a song sparrow now it needs an invertebrate or a seed or a berry and they have only the invertebrate right here so it looks like once again by giving them one of these foods they've been able to play another one of these cards but anyway we can see this is I could hold a ton of different eggs it is only worth one point but then down here it says that when you activate it if this bird is to the right of all of the birds in this habitat you may move this bird to a different habitat so they're gonna build this one right over here and that means that when they activate this one and take three eggs they could potentially fly this up here to grab three food or fly it down here to grab at three cards so this is a very flexible card as long as you keep flying it around and it doesn't get trapped with other birds to the right of it now that says they have to pay their normal cost and that does mean they have to discard one egg for that column okay we can now take our fourth action and we've been setting this up quite a bit let's go ahead and play a bird down here into the second column and that one is definitely going to be our ruby-crowned kinglet then we can put this right here and that's gonna cost an invertebrate a seed or a berry so we can spend at this invertebrate right here and that will let us play a second birdie into our forest at its normal cost now of course we do have to spend one egg for this and then let's now get the bells Vario out here that's going to take both of these invertebrates here and that is cost another one of our eggs but this is really good because we can now draw two new bonus cards and keep one of them so these are the two we get to choose from and the first one says cartographer now it says that we would be looking for birds with geography terms in their names if we had two to three birds it would be worth three points at the end of the game and if we had a four or more birds this would be seven points now it shows all of the terms and this could be American Atlantic Baltimore Mississippi Savannah Western there's just a bunch of different options here and it looks like twenty-one percent of the birds have one of these keywords on them now the other option that we have is large bird specialists we can see this is four birds with wings bands over 65 centimeters if we have four to five we get three points and if we have six or more then we get six points at the end of the game now if we look out here we can see that we have as far as our wing spans are concerned 18 20 28 2016 1 and 71 so we have a bunch of small ones and then two moderate sized ones unfortunately 61 is not quite 65 so right now we just have a one bird that would count for this so we would need it three more to even get to the first scoring position now if we look at the birds that we have in our hand we have a 28 centimeter a 36 and a 61 which is again just barely not the 65 that we would need here so I don't think this large bird specialist makes sense especially when you consider that for this cartographer we do already have an Eastern Phoebe which is going to count for one in our hand we have a mountain Bluebird which is going to count here as well so that means we already have in our area the ability to get to the two spots which will be worth three points and if we push forward and get two more that could be worth the seven at the end of the game so we'll keep this right over here and we are now paying attention to birds from historians and birds that are associated with regions so that's a nice spread right there and we can discard this card it's time for yellow to take their fifth action and they want to gather to food when they come over here to the feeder it looks like they're just gonna take a both of these berries and then we can see that they're turkey vulture does not count for activating now in their Mountain chickadee well when activated it put one of these seeds down right on top of the bird and that's just worth one point at the end of the game blue cannot taking their fifth action and it looks like they want to draw some more cards just like last time they are not interested in any of these face up ones so they are going to go digging looking at one from the top and then another they can now move on and activate their Tree Swallow and they are indeed going to tuck one of their cards under here and unless them drawing another card and that is going to be a random one again next up they're gonna activate their common yellow throat to an to draw two more random cards these will get added into their hand and they now need to discard one and it looks like it'll be this one all right we can now take our fifth action and I think we should take some food again we are all out of food and this will allow us to take two food I don't think we will discard a food for another one and then we can gather an invertebrate which will give one to all of our opponents which isn't great but if we look at our hand that could potentially allow us to play this mountain Bluebird into this spotted towhee both over here into our grasslands which would really increase our ability to make some eggs we can also see that the spotted towhee generates seeds every time it's activated so that means we can actually generate food when we are trying to generate eggs and obviously eggs could be worth a lot of points so streamlining that is pretty good so with that in mind let's go ahead and look at the bird feeder when we come over here we can see that there is an invertebrate which we would like and a rodent which we don't care about so let's take this invertebrate which we can add right over here and now since there's just one type of die here in the bird feeder we have the option to reroll all of the dice and I do think that's what we should do we really need a berry as you can see right here for this mountain Bluebird so let's see if we are lucky and there is one of them whew so we can pull this off right here we can then take that berry and then we can move our action cube over here and then give all players and invertebrate so we will get one and then so we'll both of our points yellow can now take their sixth action of the round and it looks like for the third time in this round they are going to gather eggs so this will get them three eggs and they will put one here one here and then one down there and then they will activate their franklin's goal and that will let them it discard one egg to draw two cards now it seems like for one or another no one is particularly interested in these three birds up here but they will get wiped at the end of the round the yellow player is indeed going to go with random ones from the tops of the deck now before we move on our barrows Goldeneye is going to activate that will let us lay one egg onto a cavity style or the wild style nests and I figure we'll put it right over here and again that happened because one of our opponents laid eggs the blue player is now up and they also want to lay eggs now they've been kind of stalling on this because they're waiting for the yellow player to do it so that when they did this it would not give a benefit to us because again we only get to activate that barrows Goldeneye once per round so if both of our opponents do this we only give that one benefit so when they go here they get to lay three eggs and it's no surprise to see that all three of them are going to go right up here into the forest habitat now once they have done that they can move this cube here and the song Sparrow says that when it's activated if this bird is the farthest to the right in that habitat then they can fly it to a different habitat and they have decided to do that they're gonna fly it right over here into the forest with that they have now finished out this action and this means that we can now take our turn now at the moment we have two turns left and both of our opponents have one turn and we know that we are going to be vying to have the most eggs in the forests at the end of this round now at the moment we have two in the forest the yellow player has four and the blue player has three now if we look over here at the round tract we can see that the first place will be five points second will be two and the third place will just be one and obviously gaining five points is a decent amount especially if we are gathering eggs while doing that which are also worth points now we essentially have a two options for our turn we could spend our action to play both of these birds down because they combo together but that would cost both of our eggs and it means we would be definitely coming in a third place which would be worth at one point now the other thing that we could do is we could spend this to gather eggs ourselves now we would only get two eggs unless we spent a food to get a third one and that would bring us from two up to four and we can tell here that the yellow player while they're currently in a lead they have no more spots to hold eggs in the forest so they are capped out now the blue player does have a lot of spots left over and we could see that they could activate this and generate two or maybe even three eggs but if they did that then we would also generate an egg because of our barrows Goldeneye this means that if we spend this to gather two eggs on this turn we will go to four and then if we do that again we will go up to six plus potentially one if either one of them lay eggs that'll get us to seven which is technically more than the blue player could even get to so I think by doing this we are posturing to take the first place and it does mean we are stalling out on playing our birds but we're gonna get a decent amount of points for this and again we're just generating eggs that we can then spend to place some of these later birds and just have them as points at the end of the game and actually I just realized that we do have a case in Sparrow which also lets us lay an egg when we activate this so that makes all of this even better let's go right here let's generate two eggs let's not spend any food and then go here and lay another egg down and all three of these can go down on to this ruby-crowned kinglet if we want we can of course spread these out but the key is to keep them up here in the forest yellow cannot take their seventh and final action and they're gonna play a Burt this means they do have to spend at one of their eggs so I guess they are definitely not competing but there was no way they were gonna win in this competition anyway they just didn't have enough egg spots in the forest so now they're gonna play this bird and it's Ana's hummingbird now we can go into any habitat and it can eat any food it's worth four points at the end of the game and when you activate this then each player gets to take one die from the bird feeder as food and you get to start with any player of the yellow player's choice so they're gonna put this one right over here and they're gonna spend one invertebrate to pay for this and that's gonna finish out their action the blue player can now take in their third action and they want to play a bird now obviously this is gonna discard one of their eggs which means they go from three to two and of the yellow player has three so they are essentially guaranteeing they'll be in third place but the difference between tying for second place and just being in third place is effectively the yellow player gaining one point and they decide they don't want to waste an action about that they just want to keep pushing forward so they're now going to play this bird right here and this is a burrowing owl now it needs an invertebrate as well as a rodent which they do happen to have right over here and we can see that it has a nest of any type it can hold up to four eggs and down below it says that it is a predator now when you activate this you roll all the dice in the bird feeder and this one works just the same as this Eastern screech owl up here except this one is now in the grasslands we can now take our final action of the round and we are currently in the lead as far as eggs are concerned so we don't actually have to spend this gathering eggs it looks like our opponents decided to do other things and I don't think that we should play both of these birds because that would cause two of our eggs and that we were then at time with the yellow player to have the most and I certainly would like to not tie up because we can get 5 points for winning it now with that in mind I figured we should either gather more eggs we could draw more cards or of course we could gather some more food and food is a good thing I think let's get some food I think we'll be happy we did that in the future well it's not in a scardy card let's just pick up two food right here now our options are wheat or invertebrates and I figure let's take this one we will take an invertebrate and then realistically we would like to get a fish now all of the dice in the bird feeder are the same type which means as an option we can take all 5 dice and re-roll them and I do think that's what we want to do we would love to see a fish and we did not get any fish well we don't necessarily need seeds but we don't have any right now so I figure let's take this and to grab this one here and I'm sure we'll be able to find a way to spend it in the future we can now move our action token down to the Eastern Phoebe and we could give everyone an invertebrate but at this moment we don't really need more and we certainly don't want to give more food to our opponents so we are going to pass on activating this and that's going to finish out our action this means the round is now over so the first thing we do is gather up all of our cubes and put them back into our supply and then we can come to the round board and evaluate the goal now this is having it the most eggs in the forest we have five the yellow player has three and blue has just two so that means we will get first place which is five points the yellow player will get two points at the end of the game for there three and blue will come up in the rear with just one point there so we can see now that in the third round we will score the number of birds with a bowl style nest and this also includes the star wild nests that have at least one egg on it so the number of eggs on them it does not matter you just need it one or more and then as many of these bull-type nests as you can the next thing we can do is clear off this tray obviously no one was interested in these so it's good that they're gonna go away and we can now pull out three more now this one right here is a scissor-tailed flycatcher in fact this is the same bird that's on the front cover of the game now this can only go to the grasslands it wants to invertebrates and a very it's worth eight points and when you've activated all other players or all players in general gain one invertebrate so it's just like the one that we've had for a while now we can reveal another card and this one is a double-crested cormorant now this goes in the wetlands it likes fish and anything else and when you activate this you can discard one fish to tuck two random cards from the deck underneath this card so essentially this turns one fish food into two victory points because every Tuck card is a victory point so that one could be quite potent if it's used a few times and then lastly we have a Lincoln's a sparrow now this is named after a person so we are definitely interested in maybe picking this one up it can go into any of the habitats which is nice and when you activate it if this is to the right of the habitat then you can move it to another habitat so it's a really flexible bird and it matches up with one of our goals so we're definitely interested in this one the last thing we have to do to finish out in this round is to pass the starting player token clockwise that means the blue player gets to start things off and we can now move into the third round of the game now for the first action it looks like they want to gather some food they can take two food from the bird feeder and they can discard a card to take a third food but they've decided not to do that when we come over here it looks like they want to take two in vertebrae and then their song sparrow could move to a different habitat if they wanted it to but they want to leave it up here for now they can move this over here to their eastern screech owl and that means they can roll all of the dice not in the bird feeder and try to find rodents currently there are three of these and it looks like they did not get lucky this time okay we can now take our first action of the round and we have been delaying the putting these two cards out for a while I figure it's time to finally do it so we can put our cube right here over this column and that will allow us to play this mountain Bluebird now that is gonna cost one of our berries as well as one of our invertebrates and then when we play it it says that we can play a second bird into our grasslands well I think that's obviously going to be this spotted TOWIE and we have to spend a invertebrate or a seed and we can see that our other bird does not care between those two now I figure it's easier to actually they're both functionally the same difficulty to get so let's get rid of one of these invertebrates and then we can place this down right here now obviously both of these are Clint you cost one egg so let's go ahead and remove both of these and it's important to keep this open right here because we know that we're going to be scoring based off of the birds with this bowl that have at least one egg so we still have one right there four yellows first action and they are going to play a bird now they're going to put it in this column which means they do have to spend at one of their eggs and the bird they want to play is a gray catbird now this is going to cost an invertebrate as well as two berries and they have exactly that at the moment and then we can see that this can go into any of the three habitats and the ability says that when it is activated you can repeat the brown power of another bird within that habitat so they're gonna put that one or right over here blue can now take their second action and with this and they want to lay some eggs it looks like they will get to do three and they'll put the first one here the second one here and the third one down right over there and now they can activate this burrowing owl which has the same ability as that our Eastern screech owl up here so they can roll all the dice not in the bird feeder and they are once again looking for rodents let's see if they have better luck at this time and they did get one wrote so they can pull this one out of the supply and then add it onto their burrowing owl now before we move on we can see that the yellow player's turkey vulture will now activate it says that once between turns when another player's predator succeeds they get to gain food from one of the dice in the bird feeder currently there is an invertebrate as well as a rodent and they're gonna go with the invertebrate here now lastly we can see that our barrows Goldeneye will also activate because the green player laid eggs and we can put this down onto a bird with a cavities they'll nest now currently we don't have any of those naturally but we still do have three with the wild nests so let's put this one right down here we can now take our second action and I think it's time to draw some more cards we just have this clerk's grebe which wants a fish and we don't have any fish currently in our area we certainly want to get this played but I think picking up a couple more cards is probably a good idea now the first grab for us is pretty darn simple this Lincoln sparrow matches up with our historian bonus so it will give us plus two points if we get it played and we can see that this bird needs an invertebrate and a seed and we happen to have exactly that in our area so it'll be quite easy to get this played now we can draw another bird from this area and neither of these match up with our bonus so I think maybe we should just go with a random one obviously this game is not all about matching up the bonuses and this effect is kind of nice it lets you spend a fish in order to tuck two cards which is effectively like gaining two points but at this point I think it still makes sense for us to dig a little bit so let's go ahead and draw a random card and this one is a horned lark now we can only go into the crash-lands it also needs an invertebrate and a seed and down here we can see it says that once between our turns if we have this played then when another player plays a bird into the grasslands we could tuck a card from our hand underneath this bird and turn it into a point next up we can move our action cube over here and activate our black turn if we want to this lets us draw one card and if we do we have to discard a card and I think that's fine this horned lark is kind of interesting but I don't think it's really gonna match up that well so let's draw another card into our hand and then we'll discard one of these and we have found a prothonotary Warbler now this one is certainly not cheap it needs to invertebrate as well as a seed and it's just worth eight points that's pretty great actually when you look at it obviously it can hold four of the eggs as well and I think when we compare it to this one right here well it's actually not the most straightforward thing in the world we can see that this is worth three more points neither of them match up with our bonus and this would hypothetically potentially get us an extra point or two and it does cost one less food so effectively is a one food three points to us and I think it probably is especially when you consider that this Warbler here is a cavity style nest and that will match up here with our barrows Goldeneye so yeah let's go ahead and keep this one and discard at this horned lark yellow can now take their second action and they want to lay some eggs so that will be three of them they're gonna put them down over here here and then down there and then their gray catbird comes into effect it says they can repeat the brown power on any other bird in its habitat and to clarify on that it does not have to be a bird that has already activated so they can use this to copy essentially the when activated ability from the Franklin's gull and that lets them discard one of their eggs in order to draw two cards and that is what they're gonna do now I just realized we forgot to fill this spot in at the end of our last turn so it looks like there is a painted bunting on that location the effect is to draw two bonus cards and keep one so that's pretty straightforward it looks like the first one that they want to grab is this scissor-tailed flycatcher now after that they're gonna go with a random one over here and then they can move their action cube to the Franklin skull and they're gonna do this again so they can remove it this egg right here and to draw two more cards and it seems they want to go random off the top for the first one and they also want to do that for the second one the next thing that happens is we can activate our barrows Goldeneye again because the yellow player did indeed lay eggs and we have to put this down onto a cavity bird and we also have this mountain Bluebird which does count for that so I figure let's put this one right over here the last thing we have to do is refill this row and it looks like we have a Nash throated flycatcher now this one it says that it lays a one egg on each of your birds with a cavity style nest when it is played the blue player is now next and if they want to play a bird now that is gonna cost them one of their eggs right there and the one that they want to play is going to be this Savannah sparrow now it's going to take one invertebrate or a seed and it looks like they can get rid of this invertebrate here and as an action it says that when it's played they can put a second two bird down into the grasslands so they're going to put this one right over here and then they're gonna play this bird on to that spot now this is a chipping sparrow we can see that this is also an invertebrate or a seed so you can spend this invertebrate right here and when this is activated it lays an egg on any card so they can add that right over here and they do of course have to spend two eggs now so they will pick it up from here and then from here and now we can take our third action of the round now I think what we should do is put this right over here and play a bird onto this spot in particular it should be this Lincoln Sparrow right here it can go into any of the habitats and once we do that then on the next turn we could go right here and pick up three food all so this Lincoln Sparrow can fly around to the next spot perhaps we'll send it right over here next time and then be able to get a bunch of eggs on the next time we activate that but I'm getting a little ahead of myself we can put this right here that's gonna cost one of our invertebrates a seed and then also two of our eggs now I figure it's pretty easy for us to put - the eggs back on the cavity spots because of our barrows Goldeneye so let's grab this one here and it will pick this one as well yellow can now take in their third action and they want to gain some food now they can discard one of their cards to gain a third food and that is something that they decided to do so they could take this rodent from the supply and then they can reroll all five of these dice and the second food they want to take will be one of these berries they can take one more food and if this one will be a invertebrates they can add all three of these into the area and then they can move their action cube over here and potentially activate honest hummingbird now this would allow every player to take one food from the bird feeder starting with the player of the yellow player's choice but they've decided that they're pretty good on food and they don't really want to give food to their opponents so they're going to pass on activating this and then they can come over here to the mountain chickadee and this is simply gonna take one seed and put it right on top of that bird of for a point at the end of the game it's time for blue to take their fourth action and they're gonna head down to the wetlands and to draw two cards it looks like the first one they want is this painted bunting and with the second card they're gonna go random from the top next up they can move their action cube to the Tree Swallow and that lets them tuck a card to under here for a point and then draw another card and it looks like they are did in doing that so they're gonna slide this right under here and then draw another random one and that will be right here and then you can move this right here and that will let them draw two more but they then have to discard one and they're gonna go random off the top again picking up both of these cards after considering their options and this will be the one that get rid of and that's gonna finish out their turn before we move on to the next players turn we of course have to refill this market here and we can see that we have found a will it now this lives in the wetlands it's four points it likes invertebrates or fish and it's a predator it says that when you activate it you roll all of the dice it's not in the bird feeder and then any fish that you gain it can be cashed on this card we can now take our fourth action of the round and I think we should pick up some food we don't have any at the moment and it would be nice to get both of these birds played so let's put this right here and that means we can draw a three food from the bird feeder and if we're to get both of these birds played we're gonna need a fish to invertebrates and a seed now there's no fish out here right now so let's take an invertebrate as well as a seat to try and work on this one right here so we can add those to the pile and then I figure since there's just one type of die here in the bird feeder let's go ahead and do a reroll and we're gonna hope to see a fish so it looks like there are two of them great so we'll spend our third food action pulling this one out and adding a fish to our supply and we can then move our action cube to the Lincoln Sparrow now this says that if it's to the right of all of the other birds in that habitat it can fly to a different one and I figure that's a good idea we can send it right over here so the next time we lay eggs it will be much more powerful and we can now move our cube down to the Eastern Phoebe now this lets us gain one invertebrate but it also gives one to all of our opponents and I think let's go ahead and do that right now we can see that we just need this fish for the Clark scream and then we do need one more invertebrate to give this pro a thumb notary Warbler it's really hard to say played out here so let's go ahead and activate the Eastern Phoebe with that we'll get this one right here and then pass the others to our opponents yellow can now go and they're gonna play a bird into their fourth column now it looks like that one is going to be their scissor-tailed flycatcher now this has to go into the grasslands so they can add that right here and that is cost them two of their eggs and we can see this also wants to invertebrates and it wants a very blue can now take their fifth action of the round and if they want to pick up some food now they could optionally discard one of their cards to pick up a third food here and it looks like they are indeed going to do that now when they come back to the bird feeder they're gonna grab two invertebrates and one seed they can add that into their area and then they can move their action cube to their song sparrow which can fly to a different habitat but they continue to like having this one over here so they're gonna pass on that and then over here their Eastern screech owl can now roll all the dice it not in the bird feeder to try and find more rodents it looks like there are four dice not in the bird feeder right now and they got one rodent with that action this will of course get cached on to the eastern screech owl up here and then since one of their opponents successfully / dated the yellow player can now activate their turkey vulture and pick up one food from the bird feeder now since there's just one die face showing that they could reroll all of these but they actually do want this fish so they will take that right here and since all of the dice are out we can now reroll them it's now time for us to take our second-to-last action of the round and with that in mind we should definitely be paying attention to this round goal now this is going to be counting up the number of birds with a bull type nest that have at least one egg on them and if we look at our area we have one two three four of those types of birds period and not all of them have eggs now unfortunately both of our opponents have five potential in their area so I think what we should do for our second-to-last action is play carps grebe now we can do that by taking this action and putting it up here and that does mean that we have to spend one of our eggs and I figure we'll pull it off one of our wild and nest ones and then when we put this here we can spend this one fish and now we have potentially five options and with our last action of the round we could take four of these eggs and fully populate all of our potential birds that have that bowl style nest the yellow player can now take their second-to-last action and they are going to lay eggs this means they can pick up before of them and they can then put one here one here one over here and lastly over there so they do indeed have all five of their birds with that nest type with at least one egg on it now because it's not our turn and somebody else chose lay an egg we can activate our barrows Goldeneye and we can put this down onto a cavity style but let's go ahead and put it onto this wild one which does count and that's great because this wild also counts for the bull type nest that we are vying for in this round next up the yellow player can move their action cube to the scissor-tailed flycatcher and this will allow everyone to get one invertebrate but the yellow player is feeling pretty good with their food situation so they are not gonna activate this speaking of that today or not going to activate either of these two either that would cause them to have to discard an egg to draw more cards and they're feeling pretty good about the cards so they could just bring this over here and that's gonna finish out their action it's time for blue to take their last action of the round and we're not too surprised to see they also want to lay eggs since somebody else has already done this between our rounds we do not get a bonus again so it looks like the blue player will get to lay form and it's not surprising to see them lay them down on to the bowl type nests in their area and this last one they'll put right over here and they can now move this over to the chipping sparrow right here and that means they can activate it and lay another egg onto any bird well they liked the idea of spreading things out they're gonna put this one right over there and now they can move this over to the burrowing owl now this is a predator and it lets them roll all of the dice not in the bird feeder to try and find rodents the issue is that currently all of the dice are in the bird feeder so there are no dice to roll so they don't get any benefit for that but they're still pretty happy with how this one's they can put this right over there and that's gonna finish them out for the round this means we can take our last action and I figure we should definitely go over here and lay some eggs and it looks like we're gonna tie up with our opponents on now before I get ahead of myself we want to lay four of them down and we're definitely going to target this one and this one here because those are wild that way we have one two three four five in that category and we are indeed telling with everybody else now with these two here I figure we should just avoid the cavity style over there I don't think we're gonna be filling up on egg spots at this point but who knows we might delay a bunch of them in the fourth and final round of the game so we can move this over Lincoln Sparrow and it says if this is the farthest bird to the right then we can move it to a different environment and I am attempted to do that I think maybe we should go right over here all right we only have a one bird in our area at this point and that means the next turn we could go here draw three birds and then maybe move the Lincoln sparrow over here and gather some food now I'm definitely getting ahead of myself we can move this over here and activate this it says that when we activate it we can gather one seed from the supply now I see no reason not to do that so we're put this right over here and then we can finally move this to casein sparrow and that lets us lay one egg onto any of our birds and I figure we'll just put it over here onto the spotted towhee the yellow player can now take their last action of the round and they don't really want to play a burden because they would then a lose out on the goal and they're feeling okay about their food so they're just gonna go ahead and a lay some more eggs that means they can take four from the supply and place them down on to their Birds obviously a big reason to do this is just to get the eggs out and they will be worth points at the end of the game now they can add this one over here there and of course they could cluster them up if they want to it doesn't really matter at this point as long as they aren't going over the egg amounts so they can put that in there and fortunately for us our burrows golden I will activate it again and we could put this right over there so the yellow player made a lot of points and we potentially made one off of that as well next up yellow can activate their scissor-tailed flycatcher to give everyone an invertebrate but they don't want to and they decide they don't want to activate either of these birds either that would allow them to get rid of one or two eggs to draw two or four more cards but they're feeling pretty good about their cards so yeah this just was all about getting some eggs for themselves this means we've come to the end of the round and the first thing we can do is everybody can gather up all of their action cubes and put them off to the side next up we can score for the round and as I mentioned everybody was able to get to five of these Bowl style bird nests and every one of those birds does have a egg on it so that means we are all gonna tie for first second and third place so nobody's getting ahead of anybody in this round now we can look ahead and see that in this final round at one thing we need to pay attention to is trying to have the most total birds in our entire area the next thing we have to do to set up for the final round is to clear off these birds and then we can reveal three new ones now this one is a red breasted grosbeak it lives in the forest it likes invertebrates as well as seeds and berries it's worth six points and when you activate it you can gain a seed or a berry as long as there is one of those in the bird feeder next up we have a California condor now this is another one if it does not have any food requirements and when you play it you just draw two bonus cards and then get to play one it's not worth that many points but that is certainly potentially worth a lot of points if you draw into the right bonus card obviously drawing those that late in the game is a bit risky because you might find two cards that don't actually match anything that you've done all right the third bird is going to be a Red Cross bill now this one lives in the forest it likes seeds quite a bit it's worth six points and when you activated everyone gets a seed the final thing we have to do is grab the starting player token and move it back down to us and then we can begin the fourth and final round of the game well we have just five actions in this round and I think the first of these should be heading down to the wetlands now this will allow us to draw quite a few cards and we could probably try to get this one played as well as potentially one or maybe two more and I think overall that's gonna work out pretty well for ourselves of course another thing we could do is just play this one out right now and then spend the last four actions of our turn just I guess getting three of these eggs each time that's like three points a turn and I'm gonna try to see if we can get more than that by playing these cards out also by putting the birds out we are continuing to compete for that round goal right now we have one more bird than the blue player and a couple more than the yellow player so it would be good to stay in the lead so with that in mind let's go ahead and to draw three cards now the first one I think should definitely be this California condor not only do we have to not spend food on it but it can let us draw two of these bonus cards and hopefully draw in two more points and it says California on it so it matches up for our cartographer bonus now if we play this out unfortunately it would just be our third so we would need a fourth bird that matches up with one of these terrains in order to jump up four more points and it looks like one-fifth of these cards do actually have that tag on it so I think what we should do is after taking this let's start drawing with these random ones we are mostly looking for that regional tag on there and the first one we have is a red-bellied woodpecker now this one lets you gain seeds from the bird feeder if they're available that's worth one point and I do not think we're interested in this it does not have any regional stuff on it so the third card draw that we have will be this one it's a white-faced Eavis now this one is worth 8 points which is a lot but unfortunately it does not match up with either of our bonuses at this point now when you activate this one you can roll the dice not in the bird feeder and try to find fish to cash on here but I think it might be a little too late for us to try and get this played next up we can activate our lincoln sparrow and this one can move to a different habitat and i think that's gonna be a good idea let's fly it over here to our grasslands so when we activate this to get eggs and I'm sure we will do that at least once it's round we will get more eggs for it now we can activate our Clarke's green and this says that we can draw one card and if we do we discard one card from our hand at the end of our turn and in fact we can go over here to the black turn and it has the same exact effect so let's go ahead and draw two more random cards and then we will discard two cards from our hand this first one is an osprey it only takes one fish and it's worth five points now that is not going to match up with either of our bonuses but that is a very good victory point to food ratio and this other one is an American Avocet now if we bring this out right here American is indeed one of the tacks now this one might be kind of hard to get out but it's worth 6 points and if we play this one along with a vulture then that would be a four point jump so effectively an extra 10 points or so there so I think let's definitely keep both of these and we will discard the previous two birds that we picked up and at this point we have four Birds on our hand and only for actions left so there's no way we'll get all of these played but in the next few actions that we have in the game we'll try to squeeze as many points as we can out of these at the end of our turn we do have to draw one more burden and it looks like we have found a black vulture now this one only goes into the forest it also does not want any food and down here it says that once between your turns one another players of predation succeeds you can gain one food from the bird feeder so it's just like the one that the yellow player has the yellow player can now take their first turn and they want to gather some food now at this point they can discard a one of their cards to pick up another food and with so few actions left and so many cards in their hand and they are happy to do that so they'll discard this here and they can pick up three food from the birdfeeder and they have decided to take this rodent this berry and this invertebrate they can add these into their area and then they will activate their ana's hummingbird and this says that each player can gain a one more food from the bird feeder starting with any player of their choice well in this case they're going to pick themselves this means they can grab either of these dice that give a seed or an invertebrate but the rules say that both of these show essentially a unique side so if they want to which since these are effectively the same side they can reroll all of these and that is what they're gonna do so they can shove these down the back and then they are very happy to see this they will pull that berry out and put it into their area due to the effective on his hummingbird the blue player now gets to pick one of these and they're gonna grab this seed right here and now we can choose one of the three remaining food at the moment we have two invertebrates and two seeds and if we look at our cards we would really like to get to the California condor and the American Avocet played out now we have in a food to make both of these happen and in fact we would have a one that seed left over in that case and unfortunately there are no fish because I think we would definitely grab that to play this Osprey now looking at the other options this Warbler right here needs quite a bit and if we played this a Bessette then we would use both of our invertebrates so I guess let's just take this I don't think that's really going to end up mattering we're not gonna get all of these played right here but I guess it's a reason enough so we can take this right here that's gonna finish us out yellow cannot move their action cube down to the mountain chickadee and this will take one seed and to cash it right on there for another point for themselves looka now taking their first action of the round and they want to put a bird right over there now they can flip this up and we can see it is that painted bunting this is gonna cost two of their seeds as well as one of their invertebrates and once it goes down they could draw two bonus cards and then choose at one of them after looking these over they're gonna add this right over there and they do of course have to spend two of their eggs so they're gonna pull these two off it's time for us to take our second action and I think let's play our California condor onto this spot I think it's a really good idea to try and get both of these out to maximize our cartographer bonus also with this condor will allow us to pick up another bonus card and who knows maybe that will affect how we play out our last couple turns so we can put this right over here and of course it does not need any food it's only worth one point by itself but we do have to discard two of our eggs it looks like we have found a backyard burger and wetland scientist now backyard burger is going to give points for birds that are worth less than four points so obviously they're kind of more common birds now if we look out here we have one two three four five six of them and if we have five two six then we get three points and if we have seven or more then that jumps up to six points now if you look over here in our hand unfortunately all of the birds that we have are more than four points so I don't see us going out of our way to try and to make that happen so yeah let's not worry about this one right here and then this one it says a wetland scientist this is birds that can only live in the wetlands now right now it looks like all three of ours in the wetlands that match that up and if we have three to four then that's worth three points and if we have five or more than that seven now I'm sorry not five or more you can only ever have five Birds now obviously we're not gonna get to that either so it's gonna be three points for either of these and I guess it's whichever one we like better and I don't know maybe this backyard burger is slightly more thematically fun so we'll add that right over there and we've just made three points yellow can now go next and they want to play a bird into the forest now that is going to be this hermit thrush it can only go into the forest and they do have to get two of their eggs as a penalty there and then also one invertebrates and both of these berries now we can see that this is worth seven points at the end of the game and has a wildness type and when it is activated the players with the fewest birds in the forest will gain one food from the birdfeeder now they can put this here and unfortunately they currently have one more in the forest then the blue player does but I think they mostly play this one for the points the blue player can now take their second turn and they want to play a bird over into the wetlands now this is gonna cost one of their eggs and then the birds they will play is this spotted Sandpiper now that can only go in the wetlands it also likes to eat these invertebrates and you'll notice right here that the card was misprinted in this first printing of the game it said four points when it was actually supposed to be five this is gonna be corrected for all of the next printings of the game but I just sharpened that new number right there now down below it says that when this is activated all players can draw one card from the deck and they can now add this right over here it's now back to us and we can take our third action of the round and I think we should play another bird into this column specifically right down here that's going to be the American Avocet and this is gonna be our fourth one which will get us up to the seven point bonus for the cartographer this card is also worth six points so I think this is definitely worth it we are gonna have to get rid of two points worth of eggs I suppose but when we put this down right here we will get obviously those six points and whenever another player takes the lay eggs action then this bird lays one egg onto a nest with the ground style so that means it's likely that our opponents of mites tried to lay eggs in the last couple rounds of the game and if they do then both of these will activate so we will get two eggs when they get eggs as well so it's possible that by playing these are opponents won't even lay those eggs in which case we can lay a bunch of eggs and trying to take an advantage there as well now of course we do have to spend a to invertebrates as well as a one seed to get this down and that's going to finish out our action the yellow player can now take their third action and they want to play a bird right over here now that is going to cost two of their eggs and the bird that they're gonna play is this golden eagle now that one can go into the wetlands as well as the grasslands which right here and it's gonna need three of those roads so they can get rid of all three of these right there and now we can see it's worth eight points and when it is activated they look at the top card from the deck and if that card is less than 100 centimeters then they tuck it under this card as a point we can see that this one is 201 centimeters and there are a lot of birds less than a hundred so they're feeling pretty good about this blue can now take their third action and they are going to lay eggs and we can see over here that they get to lay four and if they discard any type of food they can lay a fifth and they are indeed going to get rid of this invertebrate here and that will put five eggs down on to the board and obviously they have lots of space on their birds to put these down now after they do that we will gain two eggs because of these two birds down here that activate on other players turns this one has to go into a cavity style bird and this one has to go on to a ground style bird so that was a good turn for the blue player and obviously it was good for us too because it gave us two points the blue player does have a couple more things up their sleeve they can move this over here and lay another egg onto any birds they can add this over there and then they can go to this burrowing owl and that will cause them to roll all of the dice outside of the feeder and try to find rodents it looks like there are currently three dice to roll and they have picked up one rodent with this action that'll go over here on their burrowing owl and that finishes out their turn well we have two actions left and right now we have one more bird out than the blue player and a couple more than the yellow player so we are still in the lead there so I figure let's lay some eggs we can put four down with this base action right here now where they go doesn't really matter for the goal in this round so we can just start filling up some of these birds right here and then we can move here and if we want we can move this Lincoln Sparrow to another spot but I don't think that's a good idea we can now move over here to the spotted towhee and this says that we can grab one seed from the supply and add it into our area and then our case in Sparrow will get us one more egg that we can put down on to a bird next up we have the yellow player and with their second-to-last action and they are also going to lay some eggs so this is a very common action especially near and of these games because they could generate so many points they're gonna go here and they will get four eggs and then they will discard this fish right here to get a fifth egg they can start adding these on to their birds and spots that that can actually take them looks like the Golden Eagle can only take one egg there speaking of this Golden Eagle they can now activate it and this means they can draw one card from the top of the deck and if it is less than 100 when it comes to its wingspan they can tuck it under here as they caught it now in this case they found an American Robin and its wingspan is 43 so that worked out pretty well they can tuck this under there as an extra point and now they can move over here and activate the scissor-tailed flycatcher now this will give every player one invertebrate and they have decided to do that and it's likely because they are out of food right now so this is gonna give them one food and they could use that to turn it into an egg if they activate laying eggs again on the next round and this does mean that we will get an invertebrate and the blue player will as well moving on we have the gray catbird and this one can activate the brown ability from any of these other birds and they are definitely going to activate the Golden Eagles ability this means they can go hunting and they have found a 25 centimeter cedar waxwing so that definitely worked out they can tuck this right under here this gray catbird can do all sorts of things it looks like it's a bit of a chameleon the last activation they have is they could do this franklin skull that lets them discard an egg get to draw two cards but they are feeling pretty good they want to keep their eggs 4 points before we move on we of course get to take an egg for our barrows Goldeneye and put this on to a cavity style nest and this American Avocet can put one down into a ground style nest so everybody is going crazy on these eggs right now and we are certainly making out pretty well with that the blue player can now go and they do have one invertebrate that they were given by the yellow player and they have decided they are going to lay some eggs as well they figure since the yellow player laid eggs they may as well do this because we will not get any benefits because our benefits only happened at once per overall turn now we can look over here and they've decided they don't want to spend at this invertebrate here for an extra egg so they're just going to take four right here and then they can add these on to their birds and then after that they can move on now they're gonna activate their chipping sparrow here and this says they can lay another egg onto any bird so in this case they will put this one down here on the spotted Sandpiper and now they're a burrowing owl can try to put it again they can roll all the dice and not in the bird feeder and try to find rodents it looks like they hit one last time it so this time they did not hit any unfortunately alright we can now take our last action of the game and realistically we can either lay some eggs or we can play a bird now things have changed a little bit since before I didn't think we'd get this Warbler out it takes two of the invertebrates and one seed type but our yellow player gave us an invertebrate and then we got a sea the last time we activated this from our spotted towhee now this Warbler is going to be eight points but if we play it down into either of the valid spots we have to get rid of two of our eggs so that's minus two points so it's a six point play now if we just laid eggs we would get four points for these and a fifth one for this over here so that means this actually gets us more points and the blue player played a little weird they did not consume their invertebrate to put down an egg that kind of makes me thinking that since they are the final action of the game they are waiting to see if we play another bird they are currently one bird behind us and if we don't play something and they play one then we would time with them and I don't think we'd want that so all signs seem to be pointing towards us playing down this bird let's activate that right there we can get rid of two of our eggs and then of course both of these invertebrates and the seed and I suppose it is worth noting that the food at the end of the game is not worth anything for us so the next thing we do is put it down at hand let's put it in the wetlands with that we have now finished our final action of the game and this means that yellow can go and they're just gonna go full speed ahead with visit laying eggs there golden eagle gray catbird combo works really well they're gonna go here and get rid of this invertebrate that's gonna be one extra egg so they can drop five right now they can go ahead and continue to fill up some of these birds and then after they do this they can activate the golden eagle now this means they draw the top card and they're looking for a bird that has a less than 100 centimeter wingspan and they have found a lazuli bunting well that's certainly less then what it's 23 so the Golden Eagle has been successful again they can tuck that under there and then activate to the scissor-tailed flycatcher well they can if they want to this would generate one inverter it for all of the players but they don't really want one right now so they are not gonna activate this and instead they will move over to the gray catbird and this will definitely copy the Golden Eagle to try and to find another bird that has a wingspan of less than 100 so they draw the top card from the deck and it looks like they found a barred owl but this one is 100 and a 7 centimeters so it's just a little bit too big for this gray catbird copying the Golden Eagle to capture so this will just get discarded and they don't get any points for it and and they can move over here they are not going to discard an egg for cards so that is gonna finish out at their final action but before we move on we will once again get one egg from our golden eye onto a cavity bird and then one egg from our Avocet onto a ground style bird the blue player can now take the final action of the game and I'll just show you they were indeed waiting to see what we did they had a bird that they could place up here and that would have tied us if we had not played a bird down but since we did they know there's no real reason to catch up they're just gonna go down here and get a bunch of eggs so obviously they can discard this invert and that will get them a fifth egg for this main action they can put four of them right over here and then one over there and then they can move over and they're chipping sparrow will let them lay another egg and they'll put this right down on to this bird now it is worth noting that they have a lots of space on their birds for these eggs but that isn't always the case I have seen it in the past where somebody was not able to do this on their last couple turns because they did run out of space so we can now move on and the burrowing owl is gonna try one more time to try and find a rodent so let's see how they do right here and they did get one wrote so that means they can take this one right here and at this point the yellow player does have a turkey vulture this lets them take a food from the bird house every time a opponent successfully / dates they're gonna grab it this one right here to take you this and I do believe they forgot to do this earlier in the round so I'm just gonna say that they get to take one of these rodents here as well the only reason this matters is because unused food is a tiebreaker so blue can put this rat right on that burrowing owl and they have now finished out their action and at this point we are done with a game so it's time to jump into final scoring now the first thing we could do is score this final round goal this was just looking to have the most birds and we have 13 of them which is gonna be the most the blue player has 11 and then the yellow player has 10 so we will all sort out like that and the last thing we now have to do is tally up all of the points we got for doing all sorts of things in the game and see how we did now we can do this by player color and we'll start off with ourselves the first thing we will do is add up all of the points that we have it printed on our Birds when we add all of this up we have 48 points and birds and the next thing we get to take are our points for the bonus cards now over here we have three of them and this cartographer one is going to give us seven points because we do have 4 plus birds with these regional names we have the California we have the Eastern we also have the American and finally we have the mountain so we can move on from that seven points and we will get two points for every bird that is named after somebody who has an apostrophe s so we could look over here and we have 2 4 6 and then 8 and finally 10 so we get 10 points total for that one that's really huge we did a very good job finding five of those which is a lot considering they're only on eleven percent of the cards and then lastly we have this backward burger backyard burger that is and this will get us points if we have herbs that are less than four points and we do indeed have five to six of those so that'll be three points there so all told it looks like we are gonna generate 20 points from our bonus cards after we add that right on here we can now score the end of round goals and I figure we'll score all of these at once now over here we tied with a blue player for first so that will be 4 plus 1 or 5 points divided by 2 rounded down that means we will get two points for this one and blue will get 2 points the yellow player will get nothing moving on this second one here we have the most so we get 5 points and then the yellow player is going to get 2 and then blue will get 1 next up we have here where we all tied so that means we effectively got 6 plus 3 plus 2 that's 11 points divided by 3 rounded down that means we all will get 3 points each for those and if I we get seven points for winning the final round here the blue player will get four Anna the yellow player is going to get three next up we can count up all of our eggs looking out here we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen total we can add that right over here and now we can score for food tokens on our carts now it looks like we didn't do any of that in this game so that will be zero points and then the last one is cards that are tucked underneath other birds and we did not do any of that in this game either so it's a fat zero right there once we add all of this up we have a final endgame score of 89 and let's now see how yellow did up here the yellow player was able to get 44 points on their Birds which is just four points behind us which is significant considering they made a lot less birds than we did the next thing they do will be scoring their bonus cards now it looks like they have a two of these over here and the first one says viticultural list now this is for birds that specifically eat berries and if they add two to three they would get three points and if they had four or more they would get seven now if we look out here we can see that they have one two three four of those so they get to the highest amount for that which is seven points and then they have the passerine specialist now this one says they wanted it birds with wings bands of thirty centimeters or less if they have four to five then they will get three points or if they have six or more and they will get six points well if we look out here we have a 23 for one we've got a 13 for the second this 30 counts that's that our third a 38 does not count 28 does that's their fourth then they have a 25 and then a 25 down here so that is six total and that means they get the max reward for that so all told if that is going to be 7 plus 6 points here for the bonuses which will be 13 points total we can now move on and count up their eggs it looks like they have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 total eggs so we can add that right on here and now they're gonna score the food that is on top of their carts now looking out they have four over here on this mountain chickadee and that appears to be it so they can add a four right on there and finally they score one point for every card that has been tucked well they have a couple of these it looks like there's one right here this gray catbird has one and then this Golden Eagle has a couple under it as well so all told that will be four more points when they add that right on here and they add everything else up and they have ended the game with 88 points just one point behind us lastly we have the blue player and when you add up all the points they have on their Birds they just have thirty-one so significantly less than the rest of us the next thing will be points for their bonus cards it looks like they have it three of these over here now the first one says breeding manager it says they will get one point for every one of their birds that has at least four eggs laid on them ah now honestly I just realized that those birds that needed the eggs I thought it was just the birds having that capacity so with that in mind they definitely would have organized their eggs around a little bit differently so if you don't mind I'm just going to fix things a little bit to see what they actually would have had if I was paying more attention after triggering things around it looks like they have just one of their birds that could have held for that didn't quite get up to there obviously they would have played maybe slightly differently with how these eggs would have been taken off but I think this is gonna be close enough and we can look out here and see they will get one two three four five victory points for this breeding manager the next one says Forrester now down below it says that they will gain a four points if they have three to four birds that can only live in the forest and they will get eight points if they have five birds like that now if we look out here and they actually only have it two of them in their hand they did have one more which they were considering playing on their last turn but when they added up the math it seemed like they would still get more points for laying eggs so that means unfortunately they will get no points for this bonus card and the last one says ecologist now down below it says that they are going to get two points per bird that are in the habitat with the fewest birds so they effectively get points for and going even and we can see here that they have at three in the forest and three in the wetlands so that will be two four six points total for this bonus card all told that is just 11 points for there are three bonus cards and we can now move over and count up their eggs it looks like they have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 oops actually this one should be your right over there but either way that's gonna be 21 points which is significantly more eggs than the rest of us got throughout the game next up where they can count up their points for food on carts now here this burrowing owl has three food and this Eastern screech owl also has three so all told that means they will get 6 points for food on cards and finally they will get points for the cards that are tucked underneath it looks like they only have one bird that is like that and that is this Tree Swallow and there are 3 cards buried underneath there so that's three extra points and when we add up all of their points they have ended the game with 82 points and that means that we have just barely squeaked out a win with 89 points in fact if we had tied with the yellow player who has just one less point than us then they would have won on the tie breaker because they have to food to our one but either way we weren't successful we are the first place player yellow is just barely in second and blue is not that far behind in third and that is gonna finish our full three player game of wingspan well I hope you enjoyed this playthrough I have to admit I love it when it's really close there at the end and this was a one point game and I also loved it when we win so it was really great to see that happen now if we had played our last round slightly differently and picked the other bonus I think we could have probably squeezed out another point but it still would have been very close there at the end the yellow player was really nipping at our heels now unfortunately the blue player was about 7 points behind us there at the end and I think a big part of that is because they got zero points for one of their bonus cards they definitely analysed the situation and decided that it did not make sense to play to that instead they had a pretty decent egg generating engine so they went forward with that now I do have to admit that it was kind of hard in the moment as I was controlling all three of the players to analyze just how beneficial it was for them to be laying eggs when we continue to lay eggs on every one of their leg egg actions now the blue player was able to streamline behind the yellow player several times so they can take advantage of the fact that we could only take that bonus once for overall round but we got a ton of points from those birds in the wetlands that let us lay eggs when other people went I didn't count it specifically but I'm sure it was well over ten points in eggs and maybe was even up to 15 and I guess you could say that that was just part of the strategy that we played - and I can't help but wonder if maybe the other two players should have played suddenly differently and trying to perhaps not build as much of an egg-laying engine as four instead maybe trying to lay a lot of other birds into different areas now that's obviously tough because in the late game going after those eggs and laying a bunch of them is a big way to make lots of points obviously our opponents were making many more points than we were we were putting one or two down and they were putting like you know five or six down or even more but in the end I think that that's a big part of the reason why we won and I guess it's kind of an interesting take on the overall game now the one other thing that I'd like to mention is that we did not see even half of the birds in this game now it's obvious that many of the birds have a similar if not essentially identical actions but the birds themselves that might have the same active activated action will have a different costs and different environments that you can work them into now there are a couple bird type of actions that we didn't see it all there's one that has everybody the active player draw some cards from the top of the deck choose one and then pass it to the left and then everybody gets to choose one in a diminishing amount as it goes around the table and I do believe that there were a couple of other types of cards in there that we maybe didn't see but in general I think we saw most of the overall actions even though there are just tons of different birds that we did not specifically see and you know part of that has to do with seeing the great artwork that's on these birds and everything like that so yeah I think at this point that's gonna wrap up everything I have to say about this one as always I'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including all of these producers level patreon backers if you two would like to directly support the channel and the creation of videos like this one then please go to junkets Gamescom slash support to see a variety of ways with which you can do that also if you enjoyed this video please click the like button down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel thanks for watching
Channel: JonGetsGames
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Keywords: jongetsgames, jon gets games, johngetsgames, jongetsgames playthrough, jongetsgames play through, jongetsgames playthru, jongetsgames runthrough, jongetsgames run through, jongetsgames runthru, jongetsgames Wingspan, Wingspan playthrough, Wingspan play through, Wingspan play thru, Wingspan runthrough, Wingspan run through, Wingspan runthru, Wingspan review
Id: jDJ5WwpV3Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 9sec (6489 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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