Renature: Complete Playthrough & Review

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hey residents of meeple town today the land has been polluted and john and i are going to be planting things along the way so that we can well planting animals along the way so that we can keep planting animals renature the nature that needs to be natured good table and check out renature [Music] all right meepletown so we have renature set up we are now ready to play this thing uh turns are pretty simple in this game huh dean that's right so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be drawing three tiles and this is our hand and then we're simply going to be placing them on the green brook spaces on the board to help renature apparently we're planting animals instead of seeds we can either plant them on one of the four starting spaces here or we can match them with other animals you'll see that as we go but you can match it with another domino every animal has to actually match with the domino that it's orthogonally adjacent to we're also going to be planting grass and bushes and trees and stuff in these brown areas and we're going to be doing some area majority scoring those along the way you can see the point values on the board here we can do some stuff with our clouds we'll kind of share that as we go along but uh you ready to go you okay there i'm all right i'm right all right choked up a little bit but yeah i'm good so i'm the first player i actually get an extra point because it's really nice going last in this game because i mean hey it's area majority so you can kind of go boom boom and go right what's up what's our score so far john that's true we did not do that oh my gosh oh yeah our score on the year right now we are two to two tied up on our games this year i can say i've not beat john in this game yet yeah it's not looking good for me we'll see what happens yeah but maybe it'll be reverse last year i didn't beat you in anything except for when i got on the camera so i mean i'm gonna choke here on the camera bro could be it's game time um one other thing to mention is that butterflies are wild at this moment we can't adjust the wilds so meaning it does not have to match up it's a wild wild butterflies so crazy okay i think wow this is interesting okay i think i'm gonna go right here right here and now that i've placed that i can place one of these orthogonally adjacent in a brown spot i'm gonna go ahead and place this this is worth one point value one two threes and fours i can move this around just so you know but now dean has to either place on one of those four spots or a frog next to mine i'll draw up and that is my turn oh i score a point sorry that's right i'm actually going to do pretty much we're both playing doubles right off the bat exact same thing that's right i'm interesting one of my people there and here just if you just ask because i really don't want to hear that noise the entire video [Music] okay and so you may see some of these uh neutral color tiles those are coming to effect at some point in the game they're not our own basically they can be used to hose other players help us maybe yeah pretty much right you can score some points as well such a a nature themed game wouldn't be so mean violet so i'm gonna place this here now what i have the option to do is put something here or here so what's interesting is whenever we get when these squares are filled up it actually doesn't score yet it's not until the brown spaces have things orthogonally adjacent to them we can spend clouds to get pieces back so i'm thinking right now should i go here next to dean i could put this too but it's not really worth me to waste one of my twos i think just to get two points there now if dean places next to this he's going to get all three points at the end whenever we score it so that's an interesting decision to have to make i think i'm just going to instead kind of take a little bit of the lead in this three value spot there now what i thought john might do is put a neutral one in there because the neutral would have given him the two points and then like taking away any points that i would have gotten films if you end up with a tie that those players are actually wiped out when it comes to the scoring i did consider that probably would have been a good move but i don't think you took your point either oh my bad yeah yeah um but man i kind of wanted to save them for a little later okay all right i'm gonna take my turtles turtles there and do something pretty similar to john i think i'm just gonna place down here in this four spot okay and you see that we're scoring one point you actually score a point for the the tile that you placed or whatever you just placed the grass or whatever and then every one that's equal or lesser value you score a point for that as well and so since there's not only one so it you know for both of us probably could have made more sense placing in areas where we have other people um maybe but we didn't i feel like this is pretty abnormal for us yeah i just wanted to try something a little different this time and i and i've kind of got myself in a bad position already i think so how about that dean you'll probably like that i do oh i really don't like the tiles i have that's part of the game though you know oh this is actually really tough man meepletown meeps i really don't like what's going on i can spend two long games i can spin two clouds to change uh the wild but this early in the game is doesn't seem like that is the greatest plan all right i'm gonna do this i know that from experience i'm talking about our last game i hate that i'm placing using up all these ones at the moment maybe it's okay maybe it's okay all right the thing oh actually that could change things a bit for me um it will actually that will change things for me quite a bit so what i had planned on doing is taking this frog and putting it up here and putting the neutral here that's exactly what i just said to block john however i have an opportunity to close this off right now which will help me out that's why i didn't want to do that uh so i'm going to take my dude you're beating me already i'm going to take another uh grass piece and put it here that's going to give me two points if you don't mind i'm going to close this off i made it i should have i should have neutraled that one and when i close this off what's going to happen is i'm going to get the um three more points the three more points because i'm the only one in that spot and then there's some there's points on the back of this too that john doesn't know but i do i don't know that's true i don't know what it is um dean takes a commanding lead are you scared no i'm trying to think of what to do next i really don't like the way this game is going at all um man i hate losing tiles you know like but then the problem is you just have to pick your battles that's right and sometimes you don't get what you don't do what you want to do what's happening that's right that's exactly right you can quote me on you nailed it and here is interesting too because i could come in here and like put a bush which is worth to value and tie it up but then he could just come right back and take the lead there um which i don't love either but you know what i'm going to try this okay so this is what i'm going to do i'm going to take this too i'm going to force him to make some decisions here but i get three points for placing that because those two are lesser value so i'm gonna go ahead and get one two three points to tie it back up that's right uh and that does it makes things a bit more challenging for me now really i'm gonna have to i almost don't have a choice the problem is i'm gonna have to waste one of my wild tiles to put that in there it's so crazy so crazy it's wild um but i feel like i'm gonna have to do that so not have to but i'm going to do that so i will place this right here and the good thing is john won't be able to close this one out which is what i was a little worried about um but i'm just going to put this right here giving me the lead i can close it out what are you talking about no you could have because you're worth arguing if you place oh that's right if you place here you can close it out that's right uh yeah i'll still do it i'll still do it that's fine well that stinks because i don't have the tile to close out i was i forgot this i was thinking that you wouldn't because you don't have to close it out you don't have to have the diagonal adjacent so as long as it's orthogonally adjacent uh dean gets three points for that too oh not bad yeah wow it's really easy by the way in this game to forget to get points every time you play something down um but pretty much every turn you're gonna get points this game is really not going the way i want it to go i feel like i'm playing defense against dean right now instead of the offense that i'd really like to play um so i can place anything next to this butterfly so i think i'm gonna hold up yeah i think i'm gonna use that to my advantage at least at the moment and i thought you might change the wild but i just don't want to spend them right now yeah that's true and like right now i'm thinking like there's a four here there's a four down here um you know the problem with like i'm gonna give you like this game is pretty like simple to understand but deep strategically that's right like if i put a two bush to kind of take a commanding lead in one of these spots i'm wasting that i could get more points like i got three points because that was equal or less value there higher um so i don't love that and then i'm you know i'm looking at some of my other ones up here that i have a little bit of a lead but dean could easily go in and place a tile and do something with them so i'm just gonna go ahead and just do that for now and just again man i feel like i'm usually the aggressor and you're the aggressor right now which i don't like at all and i will be able to close that one out which is helpful um before i deal with that i'm going to put something down here the thing is i don't know what to do i might do something a little weird right now i'm going to put a neutral grass right here you got to get rid of them at some point that's right so what john was just saying you've got to be able to that's all right i'll get one for that then we'll close this yeah and since he said that we lose points for every thing that we do not get rid of on our board at the end and we have 26 dominoes and i think 24 of these in a two-player game so you have to place one almost every time that's right so i'm gonna get four points sean's gonna get two one two three four and he's awesome so i'm also gonna get this tile which is like 20 points so i mean the only good thing that i have going for me right now is that i can do this and so what this is going to do which is why i think this game is an interesting strategy i've blocked him off of there's no way that he can win this now that's right that i'm going to get four points for that now he could close it off it's going to be a little bit hard because the animals do have to match on both sides of that so i'm going to go ahead and i think i think i'm just going to place just another one right here and i'm getting we don't score that yet again until it's actually blocked off now what i did here when i closed this one off john just mentioned that you have to have you know the same pieces that match up this one you can only put a wild here now that's the only way they'll be able to place a tile which makes that quite a bit of a challenge and so what that means is up this area is actually going to be kind of difficult to get so part of me thinks you know maybe i could place here and then start getting something here um to benefit me so i think i think that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna place here um and when i do that i'm just gonna place a i'm going to place another grass so far we've just other than this we've mainly just placed grass out there one point i'm going to place this because again this is still wild and since he has this grass here i am going to go ahead and spin my two at the moment because that will give me two points now what i forgot to do is i should have placed there before i placed up here because the um because that wild there because now i don't have what i need to be able to move down here which is unfortunate all right meepletown we had a little bit of a camera faux pas so we think we were playing for quite some time without the camera actually recording so we think we've got it all set up if you see anything weird or different i just wanted to call it out like that because we don't mind we think we're right there we're real you know i'm saying we're authentic dog it does mean our turn should go pretty fast because because we know what we're going to do you know we're going to do for them i'm going to totally change it up because he was beating me on those moves i had some good moves and if john changes it up i'm flipping the table quitting meeple town all right i'm gonna go up here i'm gonna place this woodpecker matched up with this woodpecker and then what i had done was placed my your number two my bush there so that i could take the lead in this area okay and then what i had done well i can't know which one it was i think i placed oh i can't remember what was on the end of this dean because you play something down there was it a turtle or was it a frog well no it wasn't a turtle it was a frog okay yeah we just want to make sure we get this right because hey okay anyway so what i have done and what i will do now is place this right here i went ahead and i'm gonna go ahead and place this neutral tile here now what this neutral does at the moment i could place down here which would give me a cloud now i can't have more than six clouds but i could spend yeah so i get three points for place in that i took my two from the last round i forgot to get them but what i effectively have done is i've made like right now this thing is totally closed i'm gonna get six points for this however dean can spend two clouds at any time to take that neutral back any of the you know his tiles are a neutral tile back which then can give him the win on that but i forced his hand to to spend his clouds if he's going to do that and the reason that i knew that john did not place that turtle it would have been better for me if he did because i could have placed that turtle right there i got you as it were i did have to spend two cloud to change it to the squirrel that's right and when i do that i'm going to place this here and that will close that out however what i did is i placed a neutral one here giving myself one point and then spent two more cloud tokens to remove them so remove this one and to take this giving me four points one two three four and john one two and so what i like and what i don't like is i don't like that he has three of those he's probably got at least five points sitting over that i don't have so not only does he have the lead he's also got another five points or so what i do like is that he's down to two clouds that's right and so that's going to yeah that's going to be interesting um so i am going to now place this turtle right here and let's see here actually huh that's what i did see see we didn't make it oh there we go so i placed that there and then i'm placing this here for a point even though i think i might have done something different now if i could go back but it is what it is okay i still have i knew we would make a mistake if we tried to play it off like nothing changed someone would call us out because we would have screwed something up that's right okay i have got several different options here that's the thing as this game expands out there's lots of different areas you can play so ap can definitely happen especially the later on in the game that that happens and if we've already said this because we recorded saying this i don't remember if this was the part that the camera wasn't on but we're going to just go ahead and play through the whole thing before we do our thoughts and stuff because this is a 45 minute the most hour game i think right now we're 15 minutes of the most into it and we're we're moving along pretty quick that's right i'm just going to place this here just a grass and that's going to give me one point okay um interesting i mean there's a lot of choices at this point i mean yeah it gets to be yep it is all right it is i mean i i really like in this game how you are effectively like potentially blocking other players and stuff like that like here if i place this here now i've blocked this space now someone could go here here but i could play something here which i'm tempted to do but i'm also like this is worth six this is worth more so i could go down here but this space is already blocked as well um wow you know do i want to do that do i want to that's a i'm worried about spreading myself too thin on a lot of these different places here and not actually getting things closed off i need to close a few things off but again placing a tile yeah yeah okay i'm gonna do this i'm gonna make dean make a couple decisions up here i think um and to be frank i'm just going to keep spreading myself a little bit and i'm a little worried about this but maybe not i think john's got a good thing going on he's got a lot of choices john has one two three four five places actually six if you count this one if i counted that right and at the end of the game you score every area that's right so even if they don't get closed off they get scored so hmm i'm just kind of like this is johnny apple's just kind of spreading the seed honestly it's good because the the other problem is on these two pointers if i go to stop you you can still come in behind and then close them off and get the points for that which is not as many but still i think what i'm going to have to do is close you off from getting on some of those let me let me think through this so i think what i'll do like for this one for example um that's what i would do yeah now here's the thing i can take this i can actually take the lead on that but i could also just make it a wash for john completely by putting a neutral in there um that's a tough one but i do think my goodness that is that's quite the challenge now if he comes in and closes that one which he very well probably will oh goodness gracious but he won't be able to think about it i think i will just try to take the lead on that or not try i will so i'll i will win that one but i had to waste one of mine and i didn't like that yeah that's i mean that's not a bad bad call um i mean there are ways for me to win that if i wanted to like i could take my track place a bird there and then that's i think this game is uh subtle in its complexion like in the decisions like at first you think oh you're just laying some dominoes but like there's a lot of choices to be made um so i am going to go ahead and do this whoops i'm not going to battle him right now i'm i'm changing my game at the moment is and playing the long game letting him win some battles takes some leads i did get two points on that sorry i didn't take those yeah and i get i haven't placed one yet so i'm going to score this real quick before i place it one two three three four two so i did get this now i can place up here um and that's that's a really hard decision for me uh in fact i just don't yeah i just don't feel like i need to waste another one just to get three points three points is really not very much so that was the other challenge with what i just did i think i'm not going to place anything nothing at all huh i'm not because i've only got one place to place it and i just don't want to place it there right now yeah all right now i've kind of got my eyes on this down here potentially if i can if i can place down there and if you see me looking up it's because i'm going to be pretty anal about that a little nervous yeah a little nervous all right i'm just going to play it safe a little bit put one of those down there i'll just take my point um i'm going to try to i'm going to give my strategy a little bit of weight it john's in a good good place it might not look like it because of the score but he's spread out in so many places that i feel like i need to do the same thing and kind of force his hand a little bit because it's yeah it looks better for me than what it actually is right now i think yeah it's just so interesting there's just so many different like choices and things going on the board and like one thing that you could do is get locked into this kind of battle for some small points here while someone starts to spread out over here and start taking the lead in some of these areas when i mean it's really tactical like when do i kind of show my hand of what i'm going to really start to go for and battle you out when do i you know not want to do that um i think i will go ahead and place this here and a lot of interesting calls here um [Music] for sure um because also i mean i still have all these neutral tiles and stuff i feel like it's going to be i'm going to do it but there's a couple things i thought about doing besides that i don't know if that's the right move what i just did or not and hey every game that we've played dean has won this and i've won the game that's like it's like you look at that 13 points and you think yeah but there's ways to like if i get second place in six i really cut a lot of that out absolutely especially if i close it and then get the tile on the back and then maybe he only won and three or four points more than i did that now i did put us both in a bad position by putting this here and not this way because now none of us are going to be able to get that cloud which again clouds are it's good for me actually that you did that because i think that it's going to be better that you stay thin on your clouds we still have the um the squirrel as the while so i'm gonna place um i'm gonna place a little bit more in there i'm i'm i don't know that's we'll see how it works i considered not putting a bigger one in there but again getting those points throughout the game is good yeah it's tough these are really tough decisions um i think i'm gonna go here and i think oh i think i'm going to go here yeah which means that as of right now there's you know only one spot that we can can place him but dean i mean the problem is i just gave him his option to do what he wants to do yeah i can go in there for sure oh that's a challenge though that's a challenge because i would have to put in i would have to put in my giant oak tree to be able to win that one um i could make it a wash for john by well no i can't he would still get second place by putting this in there so really my only option to be able to take that one is to put my giant oak tree in there i could make it a wash by putting my pine tree oh part of me just wants to let john have that as unfortunate that is john's getting a lot of points a lot of points um this is this is no good all right but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna place here and i'm going to force john then to place is that right so it's three so i'm also going to have three points in there that's only going to be worth one point when i place that however john is probably going to be able to close this out but that was the right move like i was when you were thinking about putting your other stuff there i was thinking like exactly what you did is i was hoping that you didn't realize that yeah i thought you didn't and i was like over here going oh yes like i was getting excited um and it is closer but tougher to close this one out because you have to have both of those for sure so i will i mean the thing is too is that the neutral player like even if i just spin one to remove that yeah the neutral player still gets three like takes three points away from me so i'm gonna get seven but that's you know is it worth it you know i mean i absolutely absolutely will go ahead and spin one of my clouds um to remove to take this however how can you place that there john because you get oh crap excuse me goodness um oh yikes yeah i can't do anything about it right now um unless i change the neutral to the badger you know that's um [Music] here's the other thing i already have three of these already out so like i have to actually spend one of my neutrals to have a i think that's the rule to have a spot for it i don't even know correct us if we're well i'm sorry like i think they have to have a spot for it like if i take that i have to actually take that back so that's the thing is when yeah when you take it now now it hurts me a little because i've already not placed something a turn so now i'm taking another neutral child back that i've got to deal with okay i'm going to do this i think it's i think i've got to do it at the moment i'm going to change that to the badger and i'm going to do what i just did i don't know though man it's really hard like it's really tough decisions and i'm also going to spend one to remove this um but i guess before i do that i'm going to have placed it's a wash my um place this down up here actually so i'll score a point for placing that one i'll also get this tile and i will score seven points all right but i also use my you know fur tree and dean's got all of his for real uh yeah but you still have but now i lost a lot of those and the clouds are worth a point each at the end of the game if you still have them that's right you did change it to badger you said so i'm gonna put this here no i don't know what i'm gonna do that's the other problem changing that to badger um oh man this is this is a tight game i do not like it part of me wants to yeah i think i'll do this i'm gonna put my fur tree in here that's gonna be one two three wow four points on that for um i could have done the same thing with my uh the bush that i have here i you know who knows but i want to have a little bit more in there a little more stock in the game up there i guess yeah i don't like that honestly um don't like the way it's going exactly um but i think i think like just let's just let's just play it a different way let's just do something here um man i really gotta get rid of these neutral tiles though me too because i'm gonna end up with just a ton of them at the end of the game um i could do that and i don't know if that's really the right move or not um why was i even thinking about doing that sometimes i don't even know what i'm thinking how about that dean i know you know what i'm thinking no i'm very aware that you don't know what you're thinking yeah um okay i could do that but i just don't know if that's like the seems like a oh it's just tough like because i'm yeah this stuff for a lot of reasons here um don't sound like i said a lot of raisins it's you know like a lot of raisins ah it's tough cause it's such a tight game right now um jeez louise i just don't like some of this stuff dean oh my gosh see here comes the ap right now just trying to i think right now is a really critical time in the game meepletown like trying to figure out who's going to do what where um okay i'm going to change course of what i was going to do i don't love this so now i've got a big decision on what to do here the double badger yeah it's but it's a tough decision it really is tough because i can place a neutral in here and score a bunch of points but then i'm in effect i'm just knocking myself out of second place contention though dean can easily put another neutral in there and wipe me out i could also come over here and just kind of try to take a little bit of a lead into this region um but i'm not one two three four five wow i don't know if that was a good move or not but i'm i'm i'm thinking i'm kind of banking on the fact that i think he was going to try to win he wants all 19 of those points now he's gonna have a really hard time doing that with those yeah it's gonna be that's right almost it's gonna be tough i was worried too the tiles wouldn't come out and i wouldn't get a chance to lay that one yeah i'm not as big on that now um this is quite a pickle now because i can get this cloud point which is really helpful um or i can put some something up here and that would be helpful too but i think what i'll do oh boy it's a tough one i think what i'll do is i will go ahead and take um yeah i'm just going to take this cloud point right here and that's only going to be one point um i hate that i hate that i did that but the difference between having two and three cloud points is can be really big because with three cloud points you can take back-to-back turns um and i might want to do that coming up i might want to say hey i'd really like to go two times in a row so i can close this thing off and help me that's a toughie yeah i don't know like i hate having to use this badger tile to do this but i'm i'm gonna do that and i'm going to i'm just going to place a two right there and score two points yep i'm kind of trying to see get in dean's head this game does play out in my opinion a lot different in like a two player game in a three or four player game because this is because i can't just put him in those positions because another player would come in and do something else i think i i like both actually i don't know which whether i like it at two or three or four better yeah i have to it plays different i have to get something in here i can't just let john take that um so i think what i'll do is i'll place a badger right here now what am i going to put there it was interesting yeah i was trying to kind of force him to do something there now i could just put this neutral grassland in there to tide up but he'll be able to place right back in there so that that doesn't seem like that would be the smartest thing to do um part of me thinks i could me thanks just go at it i think i'm gonna do this i'm gonna put my pine in there which is gonna give me three points one two three and give me the lead in here at least to force john's hand a little bit to do something else yeah what really is not good about that that's that really stinks actually i don't know if he intended to do that if he's the smart or not but but now i i don't have a fur i mean i have i have a fur and i could place him there but you're really making me spend my big dog to do it what i was gonna say is i don't have a bush to just take the one point lead oh yeah and so like that's what i would love to have done i could play you know and i spent my neutral fur which is what i would have loved to do right now would be just to put one in there of course he could end up taking it out um yeah this is i mean he's forcing me to do something here i mean i've got to do something i've got to do i've got to lay this tile i feel like i have to and it's just like the decision you know what i want to make is it a huge deal to win this one um actually no that's the call that's how that's how you do it the problem is he's gonna have a chance to take it out i can put my neutral bush here and then he could and then he's gonna but then you know again it kind of is playing into his hands like i'm that's what i don't like about this game i feel like i'm letting him make a lot of these final decisions and i'm gonna go ahead and do it i think it's worth three points too but i like to i kind of like to be the aggressor in the game now it's gonna be someone's going to have to use a wild i think i don't know if that tile is on there we got one that's right yeah there's one of every tile so i don't have anything that i can do for that one unfortunately that's like even if i change wild i can't place anything there which is really really unfortunate for me um so i'm just gonna need to go in another direction here i think i'm gonna go uh maybe start placing some pieces in another area i'm going to go up here and when i do that i'm going to place my bush there to take the lead that's going to be two points one two and before john and just turn he'll be able to put that i'm just gonna have to forget that one that one's it's unfortunate but with this one if jon closes it out which he probably will i can't do anything to stop it because if i remove this one he can go back and put it right back in there so that's just unfortunate it is you know but what's unfortunate for me i mean i'm just being real is that i am yeah okay whatever all right i'm not gonna spend what's unfortunate is to do this i might spend two more of these let's go all it's like there's a there's a lesson in this we play a game and it goes all the way back to the beginning circle of life i think that doesn't mean all right and in order to turn that into the butterfly then i can place the gecko in this here i'm going to have to make this move right now because that's a big machine and i close it out so because those are tied um that was big but i also have a tough decision here because i need to place another tile i don't like you like i've gotta i think i just i think i'm just gonna do that um i'm just gonna go ahead and place that here and which gives me two more points but y'all dean is getting 13 points here and i'm getting nothing right now so you may think wow good job which that was that worked out well for me for now but dean has a lot he has less tiles to lay down as well right now that aren't neutral yeah and for i just don't have the the tiles that i need in some places that i need to to put them ah that's quite the challenge also i need to just put in some spots to again take out some of what john has um so i think what it took me a lot to do all that that's i feel like i need to be ahead more points right now than i am i'm just gonna do this i think i'll take two points on that okay yeah yeah this is tough like i'm i don't like that right there i mean i still have three pretty powerful moves but do i do i go ahead and save one to go here to get second place that's six points you know that's yeah that's really tough um you know and now i'm like i've got it at butterfly do i spin my butterfly to make a big move here do i just see what i can do with some of my other some of these other tiles and that's that's a really tough call as well um yeah i mean whoo this is this is just at the end of the game it gets really challenging and i'll say because we've got i've got one i can't change the wild again unless i can get these so if i have a wild tile it's super precious to me um but of course he could easily just change it next round as well so that's where you kind of have that like push your luck i guess like what's he going to do is he going to change it is he going to not change it do i actually have a wild tile in my hand do i not you know um man i just don't like how it's spinning it for that either almost done y'all i'm sorry to kinda ramble here um do i just do that okay i don't love this i'm gonna go up here now do i you know try to take a little bit of a lead there do i just go ahead and try to snake three points at the end of the game if dean decides he's not going to place anything up there you know those can be points like that's i could get nine points at the top by him not doing anything if he you know um i'm assuming that he's going to want to just kind of wash what i do is his what is what his strategy is at the moment and i would like to watch some of what he's doing i just don't have the tiles in my hand to do it if i'm being honest with you actually no i don't that's not the right it's not what i can not right now okay so i'm going to i'm actually oh see when i place this here dean i'm gonna get the final say is the other thing that i like about it potentially yeah um but is that what does that final say look like in the game oh wow this is really hard to just make the decision on this because i don't want to spend my big dogs and that's it that's the problem is that he's going to leave me with only having to spend those to be able to unless i spend my one to get a one back which i can do that as well um so let's just let's just do this because he can't he doesn't have a neutral one so i get three points also which is a good way to spend a one if you can get three points like sometimes it's worth it just to get like right there i almost did that just to get the points i mean i did because i hurt myself that's right now i can come in there and just take that without john um do anything about it but again going back to the tiles you need the tab the tiles to be able to to do that at the end of the game that i feel like especially when you run low on these like the tiles get a little there's more things going on but you got to have the tile when you need it yeah and that's why i really didn't like spending my cloud yeah now since he has that i i need to just forget about that for a little bit i think because if i'm focused on that then i'm really going to be missing out on something in other areas and in this game it's easy to do that in this game it's really easy to kind of hone in on a battle that you're having with some other player yeah and realize well like that's what i was doing earlier instead of battling you for a lot i was kind of just spreading myself out and saying all right let him have the lead that's right maybe at the end this part just stinks because i don't i mean sometimes you just need the tiles and you're not going to have them you know and that's that's kind of the position that i'm in right now i'm very limited yeah um in where i can place on the board and so i'm just going to place there and when i do that i don't want to place a neutral one there for obvious reasons because i'll block myself out so i'm just going to place this single one here and that's going to be two points two that's it but see this is what he does in a two-player game what he what happens is now if i place here then he can close it if he has the right tile if he has the right tile so he has the final say that's what i'm trying to do in some of these situations like when i'm trying to think through how can i kind of have the final say on this um but again you also do have to have the titles and that's the that's another challenging part of it is do you have those um and when to save when to save if i have a butterfly and if i and he can change it at any time you know um i don't like that you know let's see here got a lot of neutral tiles right now and i i do too like that's what that i don't yeah i don't love that um all right so just there's a lot of a lot a lot of tough choices here um and i don't like giving other players the final say on some of these choices there's some things i want to say out loud to you all about how the game is being played but i just don't want to say it right now because i don't want to i don't want to hurt all right so i think i'm going to do this i know this maybe it sounds kind of crazy but i got to get rid of some of these neutrals and i'm here i'm still got the lead here but i can pick up three points and get rid of a neutral dean can't place a neutral right now to tie me in that area unless you yeah anyways one two three i don't know if i like that move but i'm doing it i'm kind of playing you know poker with like what are you going to do that's right sometimes i'm kind of trying to buy time to see what he does and to see where he might place dominoes yeah it's john's and again i've said this a lot but john's got one two three four five but you have to it might be another one you have one two three and the biggest dog in them all so it's a pretty it's a close i think this is close right now i don't think some of the games we've had where pretty much knew who was gonna win at this point but pretty much all right now thing is i can't i could if i had the right tile could go in here and then take the lead not necessarily take the win but do i want you can place a four right there a six pointer maybe not six points is a lot however i don't know if that's really what i want to do those are the tough decisions i'm trying to make now and they're just tough decisions yeah i just don't have great i don't want to keep complaining about this i don't have the great titles that i need to be able to do what you want to do what i want to do i felt the same way that's one of the reasons like it wasn't exactly what i wanted to do you know yeah um yeah dean has a lot of neutrals left but those are like scaring me to put my big ones on the board because then he can just come behind it score the point but i just laid my big dog there with this neutral that's right you know and washed completely washed what i just did that makes me so nervous well but yeah but the problem is that's all i have to work with right now um i really am at quite a loss on what to do i am too harmy just wants to put something out there just so that i can get you know any points that's what i mean that's what i kind of did last round was just like you know what let's just let's just place it let's see what happens yeah oh good gracious i don't know what to do i don't feel so bad um i don't feel so bad about it now i can't play that there i've had some time turns i've had some long turns yeah i'm gonna have to do this just i honestly am at quite a lost on what to do i can again come down here and take the lead but not with that um i can do that that yeah i really don't know so i'm just gonna do this make two points just to take the two points oops i don't mean to take that off if that's not closed um yeah just to take two points and then take the lead in there giving john only one point yeah however he can come back and close that one out he was a three-point swing you know that's i mean the thing that that's i can i'm but it could be worth one point yeah you know and then i i've got to lay these tiles because i've got honestly i've got six one two three four five six i need to lay something every turn or i'm gonna lose some points now losing one point might not be the end of the world you know but it might yeah it might really hurt me um man i am just i'm the same way like i'm i'm really nervous about what moves to make here i mean i know i know what i can do and i just don't like it you know um i guess i could do that and force you you can't do anything about it okay since butterfly is wild i am going to go and maybe i should have done that earlier um my decisions were what do i do about this i'm going to go ahead and place a neutral tile to gain two points and then now what i've effectively done is there's no way that dean can do i mean he can i can he can remove this one and then place something on there if he wants to one two three four five and close that one up and actually that's not a bad idea at all the problem is i wanted to hold on to my three clouds because i wanted to be able to take an extra turn towards the end but i can't not because you get whisper did you mention that like that's one of the things with your clouds you can bring these back with the clouds you can do the wild and then also you could take with three clouds an extra turn back to back and yeah that could have been huge now this does kind of mess myself up here yeah because john can then come in and take that so yeah but what i am going to do is i'm going to spend that ooh to be good i mean i think this has that like chessy element don't you oh yeah like to be good you have to think a couple steps ahead like okay yeah but if i do that then now he's going to give me the advantage that depends on what he plays there yeah this one's closed out nobody gets anything completely washed that's three things that i just wasted now what i could have done is i could have placed my oak and you might think why would you not do that take those six points because then john's gonna still get three points and i would rather just take this tile and have it a wash and i got rid of a neutral tile which was helpful too but what i did again is open up john to be able to well i'm just gonna say thank thank you for still being butterfly or i wouldn't have been able to do that i'm going to go ahead and actually put my fur which is expensive but it closes it off because there's no way to place a tile there or place a tile there it washes dean i get three points for landing sorry one two three four i didn't get my points i get three for laying it then i'm also going to close this off and get seven more points because i had the lead on that's right so sometimes you got to take risk like yeah you don't really want to but but that's a cool thing about this game like i kind of think i maneuvered that position around i don't mean to be like it's just like and sometimes to be real maple town it's just a luck like i didn't i don't i don't realize that this you know with two moves this can happen over here but hey look what happens yeah you know sometimes you figure it out and sometimes it's just it's just lucky the way the dominoes fall that's right um i don't have what i need i mean that's that's what i mean right now but you still have two you still have two clouds which is positive for you i can just close out this up here which gives oh that does give john one of the points now is it worth it just to do that and i don't get to place anything else which is going to lose me points so it wouldn't be worth it so it's not worth it yeah uh i don't know if i mentioned or if we mentioned but any of these you have left over at the end you lose the value and points yeah on your board so um i mentioned it you you weren't listening to me no i'm sure i'm sure i was listening okay so i need to do something here don't i we both have our four big four daddies and our four neutrals left we have a lot of the same tiles left i mean it's it's this is not over yet you know um i'm gonna have to just place this here i mean eventually somebody was gonna have to place down here that's what i've been waiting for a long time yeah um and unfortunately the only thing that i could do is i had a double butterfly which means john can place anywhere on here that he wants to um yeah that just it really stinks because now he's probably going to be able to get this clown too maybe you always say maybe and then you're able to do no i mean here's i mean yeah i mean yeah but it's i'm still in not the position i want to be in i'll just say that i can share it on my turn i just don't want you to change i'm gonna place this here just to get one point because i could place up here to help myself with the majority uh but the only thing i can do is place that oak tree which actually that wouldn't be a terrible idea either so i will do that i'm going to do i'll place my oak tree here that's going to give me two points yeah that's i'm not i'm really not liking the way that this has happened what's happening over here right now um there is no maybe by the way you can definitely take that i know i can i can but what i don't like i'm just is that placing a towel here does nothing right now like so i mean literally nothing and i just don't get rid of anything yeah so like and based on what i have here i don't like that at all actually um and so like might like really don't like that like this stinks right now we blame you though because you're the one who put on no you didn't i did i screwed it up like that's what i was like that was a huge mistake well or not or you know it could have been a really big yeah i i just kind of thought you would do something along those lines but why would you though that was kind of a dumb move i mean right now it is really tempting to go here and take that and i mean almost too i mean i almost have to so that i can change the wild if i really want to you know um probably is i have all six different animals on these titles and i don't know what i'm going to draw so on the that's the challenge i guess i could look and see what else i would be allowed good place at some point here so probably want to keep that one i probably want to keep um just take me a second y'all i'm not going to go too long here all right i think i'll i think i think although it's going to place this here and then i'll place this last one neutral to grab this thing and gain only one point though so here we go three tiles left for me four times the other thing that's really positive for dean is that he has four tiles left all right i'm gonna go up four bushes left i think what i'm gonna do now that i have that extra tile um this extra grassland one i'm going to put this up here ooh no i still have enough there we go to wash that one out now john still can buy one of those out but he might end up losing points to do that um if he's gonna give himself extra tiles at the end so i didn't mind doing that and that was four points one two three four yeah there's something i really want to do right now but i don't have the tiles and i won't gain the dials um that's that is really bad for me honestly um he made a good move i mean what i really want to do is i really wanted to put an owl like right here yeah and just remove one for one but i i mean i'm kind of i'm playing i'm telling you my hand i mean you can see i can't do what i want to do that's a seven point swing um that's a big deal and like i can change the while but then i can't remove the neutral so all i would be in effect doing is getting that tile that little piece that's worth you know one or two points i don't think that's the wisest move for me here at the moment um i am extremely pigeonholed right now into what to do based on the tiles in my hand like really bad shape at this moment um there's not a whole lot out on the board anymore no i'm in extremely bad shape um and i've got a yeah three four five six so he has six points in there i have to you know i have the tiles let's see i've got so that's worth uh eight i have ten he could time me so it would there's still a time for us yeah um yeah and we both have enough to take something back to actually help us win that as well so like right now it's like oh my gosh do i the challenge is if i don't do anything too then dean just kind of does what he wants over here and i don't like that either um but i mean i'm really struggling on my tiles like this is this is a huge problem for me i think you're gonna win dean i think this is a this is a huge problem for me this is a huge problem and this is a huge problem um and it's huge problem too that he has some neutrals that he can cancel out what i do and he gets to see what i do first so this is that really stumped if i could have stopped that i mean part of me saying yeah i could place a tile here because i place anything there then i could come in here and just try to challenge him you know and just see what he does um i could force him to place something in there i could try to i could force him to use that last tile but it'll cost a couple of mine and in doing that if he does that he will also be able to get these uh extra cloud tokens too but if i place here then i mean place here then dean could come right back and immediately place here oh yeah then it would then you would get those oh or i could just shift over and say you know what i'm gonna do everything i can to win like you know this these points over here but that's not a huge difference in points like if i get six and you get three that's not a big difference um i could try to win this eight and four almost the problem is if i don't do anything here then dean gets 12 points and wins the game i know that that's this is where i don't like what's happening because i know he's going to get 13 here and right now i'm getting nothing it's really bad so a 13 point difference gives him the lead i think or close to it uh close to it i'm just barely behind over here a 12 point difference and you have to look at what i have and see you know oh man you know um wow this is it's just really tough right now i think this is the move this this may determine the game winner here and i don't like that so i'm gonna do this um i am gonna push you a little bit the problem is though if i here's the problem though if i don't place these tiles i'm going to lose four points i can't do that i can't i can't afford to lose four points because like that's i'm in the same room right now john because i can't afford to place anything right now okay with that being said i'm gonna have to spend these two to change the wild to this birdie because of what we have going on i'm going to place um this here that could give dean the chance to close it off that's why we do that so i'll place the verb here um man but if i do that then you can just go right back and do what i don't want you to do and get all those points wow this is a hard decision i mean because if he can wash out what i already have that's why i wanted to go here i might still have to go here and give him the chance to close it just to force that one two three four yep you might be screaming i think that was the right move y'all if it was a wrong move then tell me yep um yeah that's a tough one now because i can i can close that but well i guess you won't be able to win that one though this one right here will you uh no i can just eat into your points is all i can do if i have the right tiles yep ew that is that's unfortunate so i'm gonna have to close that out um and john you have the lead on that one i can take the lead now i will get a lot of points from uh yeah i will get a lot of points from placing this in there but i feel like i'm gonna have to just so that i can get a lot of points um so that's gonna be five points three four five yeah will give me the five and then this one so i'll get six john will get three on that one and then i'll get this title dang it yeah it's really not what i wanted to have happen in this game uh now dean i only have neutral which is really bad for me when it comes to this down here but it's not that for you yeah no you're in a good spot but i have to get rid of them i guess is what i'm getting at so that that's what's unfortunate for me um if i don't get rid of these i'm going to lose seven points at the end of the game so if i if i go here and i place my big daddy the thing i'm out of dean can go place his big daddy actually if i yeah he can place his big daddy right next to it and it will completely wash us and if i do that then he gets a lot more he gets more points than i do so i i don't like that at all now i could also come in here and just place a neutral tile to score you know for three or four points and then if i do that's what i need to do that way he can't win both points that's what i have to do at this point right i don't really have the tiles to do it except for i have one wild left the problem is i'm also then in turn giving him the chance to go ahead and close it again um but that's going to be difficult for him to deal with matching all three of those animals yeah oh wait sorry i have to do it like that so i will do that and i will place this so that i get three points and i will do what john did not want me to do actually i can change it i have a double squirrel so i can move that over there that might place this here put my big daddy neutral one there which is going to give me one two three four points the interesting thing is that you just gave yourself the non win on that one do what you just gave yourself then you get four points you don't get eight oh that's right i forgot that that was a neutral one and not yours that's okay because i'll take this other one and i'll get the four points yeah i would rather do that than i mean the thing is i could gain those four points or i could lose them at the end because um i don't want to hold on to that tile so now this is worth a lot that would be really good and it is i'm pretty s i'm pretty in big trouble with this last aisle here it was one that i i just didn't want to think ahead enough to because it was scaring me scaring you i didn't like it yeah i mean i mean i'll just let's just throw it out there meepletown i've got a badger and i have a turtle the turtle is impossible to place i think there are no turtles on the board that i can place on my tile um now squirrels are also i didn't he did change squirrel but there are no squirrels to place next to so all i can do is place next to a badger which would be here which means i would be spending my big four daddy just to win this little small point which meant i played it poorly i played that poorly probably cost me the game um but there's i have no other choice so dang it dean you're gonna i'll beat you every single time and you're gonna beat me in this i don't know man you still you have quite the lead on me right you're gonna beat me no i don't know the only positive thing is that i will be able to close this one out because i did have that which is yeah another one um i'm going to place a neutral one here which is just going to give me one point however i will get this tile um and nobody gets the points on that one so and there we go so that is renature it's over no let's uh score everything this will be interesting though right you'll get a lot of those extras not a lot there's three points for here because i'm the only one that was there so one two three up here i get one point and i don't get these tiles i'm not moving them away so here oh i get four points there yeah yeah uh okay maybe i did have it one two three four that was big actually this one over here here i got three guys four one two three no you got two and i'm not bad yep sorry about that i thought it was neutral for some reason nothing happens here but but but you get 13 here one two three four five six seven eight now i do think thirteen this is going to be the challenge because that one's not yours by the way this is so dang close yeah which one this uh two neither one of those yeah you cheated yeah no no no no no this would be close i still think john's got a really good shot because you've got at least as many and higher i have seven eight nine oh sorry i've got yeah i mean i could do it that way i have 12 points how many do you have 18. do you do you really oh you made me in this game i never won this oh just pound it what the heck is that stop punching me oh i thought for sure like being two to two like i've got him in this one i'm going to take the lead again this is a hard game oh man i'm really good at this oh oh yeah this is you know yeah do you want to do we're going to cheat it in the middle who knows but yeah let's do uh let's do our composers on this one all right okay arden components um for the type of game that this is i kind of like it i think that some people are going to like this art and some people are not going to pull the box out i feel like i really like the cover i like the box cover i think it's good i actually like the board the way that it looks although it's like a it maybe looks a little bit dated i guess if that's the right word but i i still like it i enjoy the art and then the the components are fantastic all these really chunky wood pieces which are really nice as the pieces are more valuable like these giant oak trees they're going to be those chunkier pieces of wood so i i like it yeah i do as well i told dean like it's kind of some people are really not going to like it i think it kind of looks like you know these flowers like something that would be on you know what do you call that the wallpaper that goes around the top here what are those called yeah that's right what is that called like the border the border wallpaper it looks like something would be like in your grandmother's kitchen maybe or something like that um but i like that about it for some reason it this feels comforting to me yeah you know what i mean like it feels like you said like an older kind of style and it has this like comforting feeling so um i i like it i do i think that it's going to be interesting i asked dean this like i wonder if this theme would turn like not that i mean renaturing is awesome like but just like if it was more of like a battle for spots or something like it might like appeal to a you know a different audience you think it should be marvel themed i mean yeah if it did you would get more people i'm sure um i like the theme i love the theme i love that this is um all about renaturing and and the fact that there's no plastic at all in this game that's wooden pieces uh cardboard pieces i think that's really cool and it's neat that they like incorporated like that theme and actually kind of followed through with it it didn't have a bunch of like plastic bags and stuff cool um and i i do i like it i think it's gonna turn some people off not me yeah it turns me on is the game about it is the gameplay does it match up with the components you wanna go first i'll go first um so you can stop your nonsense over there uh the gameplay is fun it's simple if you know domino's this is a you know obviously it's a domino game which i think can appeal to a lot of people who like domino's i know you'll probably get to that of introducing family members to this game could be easy if that's something that they've played before but it adds so many different twists along the way and john mentioned this and i'll just go ahead and say i know john's really big on this game um but trying to spill my beans but the one of the things that he'll say is and has said is this you know you just want to talk about the subtlety of the game and all of the the strategy that comes into play because it's not just area majority which might seem that way at first it does have that but it's also you can buy your pieces out which changes things quite a bit closing it really matters and can give you the game i mean essentially that's how i won the game how many of those do you end up with six uh seven three four seven yep yeah three four of them yeah so that can change things quite a bit as well um but overall i think the game is is a lot of fun um but i'll say this like it's it's ap prone and it also it's it's deeper in strategy than it might first seem now you may have seen that as we played the game out you're like wow these turns are taking long it's because you have to look all over on the board and there's lots of different places that can score points you just have to be the most efficient in how you do that the one thing that helps to cut back a little bit on the ap are the dominoes like you only have a certain amount of choices now if you have six different animals then you have a lot of choices or if you have clouds that can change the wild that's that's right and so that those are things so that kind of helps cut down between just i can go anywhere i want and not necessarily unless you want to spin your clouds and maybe early in the game you don't really want to so you're kind of like okay i can go here here or here so i i really like that about the game um there is you know there's some luck involved in the draw of the of the dominoes i think in this game now what i do like is that there's so many as the game progresses so many spots to go to i don't feel until the very end like i'm like gut wrenching i can't do this it's kind of like okay well let me shift to this strategy for a moment and see what dominoes i get which i think is brilliant i think that's really really fun um i like what you know i said during the gameplay dean said i like the way you can score points different ways than this you could i want to win all the area majority is great you can to win these but again if you close them off you get these tiles i think that's a brilliant move yeah you close them off and you get these because they can score dean scored 18 points in the game by closing things off um really smart and then also being able to place you know into areas and like you know placing there and going oh i get four points now i think that's really cool because you can score a lot of points that way even if your opponent wins yeah and the neutral trials really changes all of that big time on a on a less than two player game um you're gonna have less tiles just so you know actually you're not gonna have oh you have one of these so you're only gonna have four neutral tiles you know so like those neutral tiles are gonna become more i guess important i got these backwards now in a two player game i don't i kind of had it right no i don't think there's someone upside down here i do there it is um yeah and yeah it did i don't even know what i was saying but yeah it becomes you are saying it's more important with how you use all your tiles so that's what yeah and that can lead to ap though like i've played this at two i play set three i played at four and whenever you only have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty forty fifty seventy seven sixteen sixteen tiles to place like it's becomes or 16 pieces to place or whatever it becomes maybe i did that wrong anyways i don't know when you have a lot fewer pieces to place yeah it becomes like really important it feels like when you're playing this game where to place it when to place it and so like i said to dean i'll just briefly say that i think it plays really strategically different at different player counts yeah at first i really like the three to four player account which i still do i think it's awesome but i'm the two player accounts kind of growing on me because again i can put dean in positions where i'm like okay now you got to make a decision how are you going to do this or do that in a three or four player game i can't do that but with the three or four player game what's interesting is you do have these other players coming into the board and and shifting things changing things like right here where he was having the lead maybe you know susan comes here and screws up his lead now or puts neutral tiles and so now that's advantageous to me because she did that so i think that that's really scary i think that's smart i like the way the clouds work yeah you don't have very many clouds so you have to be really careful about when you're changing the wild careful about you know when to pull tiles back and if you save up your cloud points if you haven't you know if you have all six of them at the end you can you can have some pretty huge combos by being able to change it to wild take an extra turn that sort of thing so those can really build up some combos if played at the right time and their points yeah and their points so you're losing them yeah i played my father-in-law one time i think he scored four or five points out of the game because he was picking up all of these and then he won the game yeah because he was getting the dominoes that were letting him do what he wanted to do which you know again that might turn some people off you know for i don't feel like luck is a huge factor in this game i think that there is a factor of luck yeah um but i don't think it's like this massive i think if you're a really good player you're going to be tough to beat them i agree with that i agree with that the luck yeah i had some bad titles i'll say during this game but for the most part there was always something that i could do right yeah that i could um it very least change the wild even if i don't want to use my cloud points but sometimes like i had a double butterfly during the towards the end of the game what i wanted to do is save that for the very end because i thought if i could keep that and then also i didn't want to use it because if i do that it opens up john to be able to place down here however when i was forced to use it i it was because i didn't have any other great options and so i had to use that setting john up for some things but it is what it is but and so like luck can play out in that way but like you said it's it's overall i think the better player is going to win which is this guy happened this time or actually i don't think i'm the better player in this game by any stretch at all in this game maybe anyway maybe all right so final thoughts yeah final thoughts i like this one a lot this is uh cromer keisling two of my favorites combined together um is this my favorite of theirs no it's not but i still really really like it i think it's a lot of fun a lot of depth a lot of strategy just a lot going on which can cause some ap now i'll say the thing that doesn't raise it up to an elite status for me is is a personal issue that i have with some games so one thing that i don't like i'll just use this as an example let's say this wasn't here um and this wasn't here the whenever i place this here i'm now opening john up to be able to close this one i don't often like in games where i have to hold off until until like at the right moment so that john can't just sneak in and take that you know what i mean now you have to take risk in this john took a risk i love that yeah i know you do john took a risk right here where he said i'm not going to close this one out if you couldn't then i could have maybe that's right no i you know i definitely have the right title at the right time to be able to do that um i don't love that in games where you have that like it's just see nature i don't really even know what you call that but it's like this delayed piece where all these pieces if i play here it's gonna trigger john to be able to take and that's just a personal thing i i i don't love that so for me this one gets an eight which is still really great but the reason why it doesn't get higher than that is because that very aspect of the game that just doesn't appeal to me in a lot of games i like it i like the idea of kind of having a lot of plates spinning you know all over the board and just i don't mind waiting like okay let's see what dean does you know let's see what the other players do you know of course you can take pieces back like the neutral pieces so the longer you leave things open if there are neutral pieces in there at least the more open you are to someone saying oh i'll just take that back and go in and do something else which i think is really cool and again you can take your own pieces back as well um i love this game i really love the fact that this is i can play this with i can teach this to just about anyone you know i taught it to my family a few weeks ago they understood how to play the game now what i love about it is that i can teach it to anyone but it's i think it's very deep strategically in this game i think it's a very deep strategic game it's i think that if you only play this game i fear some people are going to give it like one or two tries and go that's cool i enjoyed it and they move on to another game i think that's a mistake i think the more you play this game the more you're going to realize the way you can close other players off the more you can realize how tactically when you make moves are really really important in this game and that's why i just love it i mean again i've already said i love the way you can score points multiple ways it's not just area majority it's closing things off it's you know whatever closing things off area majority and what's the other oh whenever you place these things down like you can score points based on that i just i really like that about the game um this game is awesome like i i love this game crawmer kiesling's they're fantastic and this just this is just so good for me it's what i want i've been wanting i just is this your favorite of theirs maybe i mean yeah maybe because it's just one of those games like all right so remember azul how when i came out with that a lot of people loved it because i had some cool strict strategy but you could play with anyone it was and azul is fine i like azul but i wasn't like blown away by it this provides a lot more strategic depth and i think about as simple a game to teach maybe a little more complex to teach oh it is to teach though not to teach strategically but the strategy definitely way more deep strategically but i mean you know but to teach it's not way harder to teach and so i love that like just amazing i can teach this game just about anyone and we can just it it's just so super strategic i also love that this game is like a 45 minute to an hour long game depending on how much you know ap is going on it could be 30 minutes i play games at around 30 minutes play games at around an hour this was probably like an hour i'm gonna guess dean yeah um but i just i i love this i mean this is this is potentially my favorite game this year why didn't i place this over here i could have got more points i don't know what you're talking about that's going to probably make some people that's going to make some people go really like i mean i've loved one sue you have a lot left like to kinder there's some other games that i really like but this just has like this beautiful special place i feel like in my collection that i can play with almost anyone and it's so smart and it's so good i'm worried that this one's gonna fly a little bit under the radar like i haven't been hearing about it as much as yeah because it's it's you know it's an abstract game which i mean often often we don't love you know there's not a lot of the abstract games that we love either so i'm with you but i do think that the this one's getting a lot of good buzz the buzz that it's getting is positive i'm hearing a lot but it hasn't i'm a strong nine out of ten wow okay uh i actually think this could go up for me okay like i'm just being i'm being careful because i've made some calls in the past where i went whoa um yeah i mean this is so good this is but let me say this if you follow us and you love like like the games i like i could actually see someone going ah john why did you like that one so much so i want to be hesitant to that like you know the people that are want to play to one and sue you and stuff like that might be like ah i didn't really like this like you like you liked it john but i love it um wow i love it i'm really close to just changing it to a nine and a half how much is how much i like this game i'm gonna go a strong nine it's gonna be really high up there with uh i think the nine is the floor for this game for me i can see this being like really high which that gives it this a nine from john an eight for me that's going to get it a a meepletown royal seal which honestly will see overall until 2020 i don't think we have that many maybe four maybe maybe not even that many but royal steel from us we both really enjoy this game it's quite a bit of fun check it out if you like the gameplay seems like something you might enjoy tell people how they can get in touch with us if you enjoy our channel we would love for you to subscribe you can go to to check out all of our stuff we're at meepletown games on facebook instagram twitter and our boardgamegeekgil34 thanks for coming down to meepletown thanks for joining us and be sure to follow us on twitter at meepletowngames and connect with us on the meepletown guild guild number 3407 at and also subscribe to our podcast and youtube channel and until next time thanks for coming down to meepletown hi
Channel: MeepleTown
Views: 719
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QBjmOKwhC18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 29sec (4769 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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