Watch & Learn: The Reckoners - Full Playthrough

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welcome to John gets games today I'll be doing a full two-player playthrough of the reckoners now I will be teaching this game as we're actually playing it and what's going on here is you have this fully cooperative game set in an alternate universe where a bunch of people have been turned into super powerful beings called epics now the unfortunate thing is that all of them are evil and they are wreaking havoc on the city so us as players have taken on the role of asymmetric reckoners who are ordinary people trying to figure out the weaknesses of these epics so that they can take them down now out of all of these epics there is one far more powerful than the rest his name is steel heart and it is our goal to take him down before the rest of the population gets wiped out in the city now I will explain the rest of the rules as we're actually playing the game but Before we jump in I would also like to ask that if you would enjoy this video you consider clicking the like button down below as well as the subscribe button also if you'd like to help support the channel and the making of these videos in the future please go to junkets Gamescom slash support to see a variety of ways with which you could do that all right without further ado let's jump into the game out here we have the game fully setup for our two different players now in the middle of the table we can see these three different locations and you always play the game with one more location than the number of players that are in the game that's why we have three of them and they're all functionally the same but in each one of these locations is an epoch now these epochs are super powerful evil beings who are wreaking havoc on the city and they are essentially trying to kill off the population and that is going to be our end game loss condition if all 40 of this population goes away then we immediately lose but the way we win is by taking on the most powerful of the epics which is Steelheart up here and at killing him now at the beginning of the game we can look over here and see this track is purple and that is the research track because what we have to do is figure out and steal hearts weakness before we can actually do any damage to him at all if we look down to the other locations we can see a health track and a research track so we can research the weaknesses for the other epics and some of them would require this and other ones we could just kill outright without doing any research now at this point I think it's time to take a look down here and look more specifically at the two characters that we chose over here on the Left we have Megan now she is the red player and we can see printed on this board it says that she always starts the game with the checkmate ability now this has a really powerful ability which lets us spend one containment action in order to do three damage now that's very potent and the other thing that's going on for Megan is as the red character she starts the game with these three red dice now if we look over to David we can see that he starts with three blue dice which also matched his color and the way these dice work is we all have three of these basic dice with one of each of the six basic actions on them but then these red dice and blue dice or special dice in general have +1 to a single one of the phases so all of them except one are the same but as we can see megan has two of these attack enforcement symbols and then over here David has two of the containment symbols right there on his special dice now David also has the ability of improvised and we can see that's over here this allows us to once per turn have David said any of their dice to any face that they want so that's obviously a very powerful ability but at this point you may have noticed that these characters have one more piece of equipment each now at the start of the game as part of setup we gain for money and we can spend as much of that as we want on as many pieces of equipment as we want we decided to give David this bank vault ability this allows him to get three money and money is communal in this game every time he uses this once per turn which would cost a plan die face and you can see that's right in there so obviously David is hoping to roll these and we'll probably try to make that happen and then over here we have Megan and she started the game with this forensic kid for her this says that any of these research icons is the same as a money icon and vice-versa for the rest of the game before we move on I do think it's worth noting that there are four other characters that you can play as in this game and you can actually play with up to six players in this game but for now we've decided to go with a Megan and David so we can put the rest of these in the box okay we can now begin the game and the first thing that happens is all the players are gonna simultaneously roll all of their dice and at this point we now have to decide on which dice we're going to lock in if we look to our player boards right here there are these three different columns and there is a one two and three and at this point you must always lock at least one die in to this spot right here now you're gonna re-roll all of the dice that you don't lock and then you will have the chance to in a second time and then re-roll why third time if you want to and then you have to keep those results now one interesting thing that's going on here is we can play this game kind of asynchronously with each other we don't have to all lock one in and then roll at the same time one character can actually hold off and see multiple rolls and multiple locks of dice in one of their companions before they actually make any decisions well in this case David decides they want to start things off by locking some dice and the first one is going to be this symbol right here now this is the attack enforcer symbol and what this allows them to do is to kill off one enforcer which are these red tokens right here in the region that David is in then we can see that at the start of the game David decided to start here in Millennium Park and it looks like Meaghan is over here in the navy pier and it's also worth noting it that Steelheart is also in play now currently Steelheart is in that millennium park as well which means that both seal heart as well as death point over there can be targeted by any players who are currently in Millennium Park so this means that as David were hoping to use this die to knock out one of these and forcers and the real reason you want to do that is because these enforcers allow the epics to charge up their power much more quickly we definitely don't want that to happen so we also want to lock in I think a couple other things one of them is going to be one of these plan sides now the way this usually works is if you spend this you can then gain a plan token and you put this off to the side and at the end of the round you can add it into your plan token pool now as you can see at the start of the game each player has one of these plan tokens in their tray and these are really nice because they effectively act as a wild die action you can it can be any one of the six basic actions so you can use this for instance to actually activate this over there so I knew that for we guaranteed had a way to make the bain't fault bank vault happen but I figure we may as well hold on to this because you can have these from round around and use this die instead to activate that over there now of course we're not activating our dice just yet we're just making our plans and I think the last thing that David wants to lock in is going to be this double containment right here now this is obviously the special ability that's on the blue dice and containment which I'll explain a little bit more in detail later essentially allows us to reduce the if activeness of various epochs including Steelheart if you happen to be in the same place which is where David is so David's gonna lock this in right there and then he's gonna go ahead and roll all three of these dice and at this point he can now lock some of these and roll again or Meaghan could also take interaction and decide where they're gonna walk well maybe we should take a closer look at some of Megan's options because we've mostly been focusing on David so far now as I mentioned before she has this checkmate ability which does require one containment activation so I think it's pretty obvious that she's gonna want to lock this one in right in there and the reason she's gonna do this one and not the two red ones is because the red ones have the option of potentially being the double attack enforcer ability and if we look over here she's currently at the Navy Pier and there are two enforcers so she would like to roll at least one of those or realistically just one of those so that she can knock both of these guys out now at this point she might want to lock it in something else and yeah I think if she's gonna lock it in this money now normally when you activate money it just gives you one money in you then you can use that to pick up more pieces of equipment but she has the extra ability of this forensic kit this is an ongoing ability so she can use it as many times as she wants during a turn and this means she can use that money as a research action now this is important because if we look over here to the Navy Pier the epoch over here is refraction aerie now the other epochs that we can see over here have at various health values but refraction Airi currently doesn't and in fact the health token for her is on this infinity symbol that means that you cannot actually do any damage to this epoch until you have researched its weak point if we now take a closer look at this card we can see that refraction during starts with two on this research track and when she has her weakness on discovered then we're gonna put this health token down onto the three mark so that means that after that happens she just takes three damage to be killed this means that at the moment megan has locked in at one dollar sign which can also be a research action so that's one of the two that is required for Megan to actually be able to do the three damage to refraction airy with this check main ability so Megan is definitely hoping to find one more of those research abilities whether it be the magnifying glass or the dollar sign for her while resumed in let's take a quick look at cinder over here we can see that she starts with three up on the research track and six health now if you research the weakness for cinder then you just set the health token for cinder down to three as long as she had more than three health and it is possible for these epochs to gain more health and research actions then is printed on their card so that's definitely a decent thing to do but obviously not all of the epics must be researched before you can do damage well with all that in mind I think Megan is good with just locking these two in she certainly doesn't need these extra two damage icons because she could just straight-up kill refraction Airy with this checkmate ability so she's now going to go ahead and enroll these and we're hoping to see nope at least one of the double enforcers but we did not get any of them but we did get one of the dollar signs oh also we got a magnifying glass and I think that's probably gonna be the right call as I mentioned before we want at least one more of these so that we can discover refraction Ares weakness and now that we have those locked in we can tell that Megan is gonna be able to kill refraction Arion this turn I think we should probably I guess we could lock this in as well and that would get us potentially won more money which is gonna be good to buy things but I think we should go ahead and draw all three of these only one of the die faces has the two attack and forcer symbol and we really would like to see one of those and we didn't all right well at this point we go ahead and slot all of these in like this we're certainly gonna have a lot of money available to ourselves and now the david player needs to go ahead and to finish out their action locking decisions we can see that this was rolled so they have to put at least one of those in here and they're currently over in Millennium Park well considering we're in the earliest phases of the game in this first round I figured David should just lock it in this extra money because we can spend this money on as many pieces of equipment as we want and we really do need to get a lot more powerful in order to win the game now we can roll both of these and we're hoping to get more of these double containments because we could potentially contain at that point as well as steel hard right here we'll go ahead and roll these and we did not get either of those now we have one research and one money but and this point that was the third roll so we have to slow these in anyway and with that we have finished all of our diamonds and now we can start evaluating the dice themselves well let's go ahead and start off with some of Megan's dice now the first thing she wants to do is use this one research dye now as I mentioned before that is gonna remove the research track down by one for a epoch that is in the location that Megan is in so that's gonna be refraction airy and then also she is gonna go ahead and use this one money symbol as a research due to this forensic kit and that is going to allow her to move this research pawn over here and that means that refraction aries weakness has been a fully researched and now we can set refraction aries health down a three so we put this right there and this means that megan can now use this containment symbol to activate her checkmate now once again checkmate allows her to do three damage which is this green skull right there and you can only use this card once per round and we can mark that by putting the die right there on top and now that's going to do three damage over here which is exactly enough to kill off refraction airy so we're gonna go ahead and discard this and we're gonna get the reward in the top right corner once we've evaluated all of our dice so now we can see what the next thing we should do is i think at this point david now has to activate some of his dice because we can't activate them in any order and we can definitely jump back and forth between the players and he's gonna do this double containment now this is gonna allow him to reduce the power of an epic by two and the region that he is in now right now he is in Millennium Park and so is death point and a steel heart right there now as you can see death point just has this one power track but steel heart has all four of these power tracks up here and all of these can be reduced by one by shifting the indicator over once now I think for the moment we're gonna have David go ahead and both use both of these containments on death point that means we move this over twice and whenever an epoch activates they only do with the activations that are in the left hand bracket portion of their area so by doing that we have now caused one less population to get removed and this little yellow mark would actually increase the yellow track over here for Steelheart and the yellow track does kill off even more population so by doing that we have reduced the amount to that Steelheart and death point will kill off from the population which i think is a pretty good action next up david has decided to use this one attack in or sir action you can slot that in over there and that's gonna remove one enforcer from the region that he is in and now he has decided he's gonna use this improvised ability so if you remember this is a once per round ability that lets him set to any die to a face that they want so we can tilt this to the sign to show that we've used it and he's decided that he doesn't want this die to be a research he instead would like this one to be a double containment and he's going to go ahead and activate that one now once again he could target death point and/or Steelheart because with two containments you can split that up if you like but you can never contain an epoch beyond their one level so they're always going to activate at least once so there's nothing that can be contained for a death point so that means that both containment can now go over here to Steelheart now there are four of these different tracks so we have to decide which ones we're gonna slide backwards and I haven't talked about the specifics of these just yet the top one is gonna hit a bunch of population this second one is the black row and this is the row that allows Steelheart to try and find the reckoners base now this happens by tracking on this little mountain over here on the base board and if we leave it right here then that that token is gonna move twice and whenever it moves six times every single player is gonna lose one of their action dice and we won't get it back until we spend two money that's a really big deal so I think we should use one of our containment to bring this over like that and now we can look over here the red track is gonna put more of those red enforcers out in the map and once again those are gonna increase the power level of the epics in various areas at a much quicker rate and finally we have this blue track which is going to put these barricades down into various spots on the board and you cannot to enter or leave a spot with a barricade until it's removed and it costs a whole die to remove a barricade so this is kind of like absorbing one whole die action that we might want to do and right now it looks like we're gonna have one of them go out so we essentially need to decide which one of these three is more important obviously population is the main track for the game if we lose 40 population then we just lose but we can't win the game with just one population if we need to and I think that absorbing actions is a pretty big deal so let's go ahead and remove the blue one just like that that way we're not gonna have any of these barricades come out well it might happen but it's less likely to because we might have a new epic pop out that might push this row but either we have now done our two containments and I think that David is gonna go ahead and start banging some of this money they're gonna start off by using this plan dye and they'll put that right on top there to generate three money and it is worth noting that we have to fully complete one dyeing action before we can move on to the next but before we pan up let's go ahead and have them activate both of these dice as well so that's gonna be a total of five money that he has just generated when we now come up to the player board we can see that we can track that over here well slot this token right up to the top and now we're gonna have quite a bit of money to try and buy some of these really nice upgrades and I'll talk about these pretty soon at this point David has now spent all of their dice but they do have one plan token left over but let's now come back over here to Megan now she's got these two money dice which she can use to generate one money and she has this one can diamond die but right now she doesn't really have a use for this if we look over here we can see that she killed off the epoch that was in her area and if Steelheart was over there then she could contain him but he is not so there's nothing really for her to contain with this die but there are other things that you can do with dice one thing is you can spend any face of a dying in order to move to a new location you can go from one location to any other in the area it doesn't have to be adjacent or anything and so we could potentially use that to actually fly over here now I guess walk over here either way what another thing we could do is use one of these money's to move over here and then we could contain Steelheart this would be pretty good because it would lower again one of his tracks so that he will do less damage but another thing to consider is that we really do like the idea of having this money and there is this plan token down here that she can use as well now obviously you can save the plan tokens between rounds but it is also good to spend stuff to try and stop the D kind of avalanche of bad things that can start to happen as these tracks get big either way I think what she should probably do is I guess use one of these dice because she can always use this as on money I'll actually use this my money died right here to move that's gonna bring her over here to Millennium Park and then she is gonna go ahead and lock in at this containment and that's gonna go on to Steelheart when we once again look up to steal hearts board we can see that the only two that can be contained is the yellow row and the red row right here I think between these two the priority is probably going to be the red row that's gonna reduce the number of enforcers that come out by one because every one of these little star patterns is going to be another enforcer around and that means we're probably gonna want to spend a Dayak ssin to remove that and force her later so by moving this down we are kind of saving ourself dying actions of course the population is important because that's how we lose but these enforcers can definitely snowball things okay it looks like Megan can now spend this one dying to generate one money and at the same time David has decided they're also gonna spend on this plan token and that's gonna generate one money as well so that's gonna be two money total which is gonna bring us up to seven and that unlocks the ability for us to potentially pick up this notebook and these tensors on the same round and I'll explain how all this stuff works pretty soon here but that's definitely something we're gonna consider doing all right at this point both players have decided they're done taking all of their dye actions Megan does have one planned token left over but she's gonna save this for another round we can now move into the next phase which is the rewards phase this is gonna allow us to take all of the rewards in the top right corner of any of the epics that we defeated and in this case refraction area is going to allow us to get to research done and this is a special research icon because if you look right there in the middle it has a little crown that means that that is specifically researching Steelheart and the other benefit down here is gonna allow us to remove one enforcer from the board so we can go ahead and take this one off and then take a look at steelheart's area as I mentioned a while ago Steelheart has 20 research points that we have to do before we find his weakness and by defeating or faction Airi we have figured out two of those so we can reduce this down to 18 and now we can move it into the buying equipment phase now we have seven money available to ourselves and we can buy as much equipment as we like but I think we should definitely start off by grabbing these tensors this is gonna allow us to grab one of these green dice and this one is special because on its attack face we have two attacks so whoever gets us is gonna be quite a bit more potent at defeating epics and I think we should probably give this over to David considering right now he does not do quite as much damage as Megan does so we've gone ahead and done that we can reduce this down by 3 and now we immediately refill the row in so at this point we have 4 money left over and let's take a look at our other options this EMP would allow us to spend 1 for sir died in order to get three containments this notebooks would allow us to do two research on any location it does not matter where you are so that's a very powerful ability is essentially like two extra dice that are always researched die on this schematics right here will give a player one of these planned actions every single round and if we gave that to David then we would always have an activator for the bank vault which is a pretty good combo and then lastly we have explosives this one says that whenever you get a attack enforcer die action on one of your three basic dice it's actually gonna be two enforcer actions while all of these are really nice options and these schematics will actually allow us to have two money left over to potentially buy something else I think we should probably grab the notebooks right now this is such a powerful ability because we can use this to either target Steelheart or we could use this to find the weaknesses in some of the epics and many epics are invincible until you find out their weakness so this will allow us to essentially do effective damage to them I think we're gonna want to have this in our back pocket so it doesn't really matter which character gets this one because it is a location independent let's go ahead and give this over to Megan for now that's gonna spend all four of our money and now we can reveal the next card it looks like this one is a dowser oh this one would give us access to the purple dying which actually has two of the research symbols on it as well so lots of ways to get research it looks like alright with that we have now finished all of the wreck interfaces we can now go into the epic phases the first thing that happens is we have to refill any of the spots that are currently empty so we're gonna draw the top epic right here and this one is ozone so she has for research and seven health and it looks like she starts off by putting enforcers down and she can also increase the blue track it looks like if we let her get really powerful she's gonna do a lot of damage to the population so we can go ahead and slide this right in right there and new epics always start out just at the one level which is certainly a good thing now that we have refilled all of the spots in we can start activating the epics and the first one we do is always in the location with Steelheart so it looks like that's going to be death point over here and as we can see there's just this one yellow symbol between the two brackets as I mentioned before that means we're just gonna move this symbol this bracket over here for Steelheart over once next up we're gonna have to power up that epic that just activated you always move the bracket forward once when they activate and then you add one more movement for every enforcer in that zone so unfortunately we killed off the enforcer that was here next up we can go over here to cinder it looks like she is gonna do one damage to the population bump up at the yellow track on steelheart's area by one and then do two more damage to the population so that means that that's effectively three population being killed off so we can go ahead and move this down by three so we're now at 37 and then we bump the yellow track up one more time so that's looking like steelheart's gonna do a lot of population damage as well unfortunately and now we can go over here to ozone she is just gonna activate this spot right here which is gonna put an enforcer down into this area and unfortunately she is then going to bump this up once and then she's gonna add one more for each enforcer and she just put one down so we're gonna go one two like that so she's already gotten a lot more powerful and I just realized that cinder also needs to go forward once over here now that all three of the location epochs have activated it's time for Steelheart to go now we're gonna start at the top row and work down so the top row we can see there's a one two three four five of these kill population symbols so that's not good that means we're gonna go from 37 down to 32 and that is a lot of population that we've lost in this first round of the game next up with this black track there's fortunately nothing showing there so we do not have to move this token down and on the red track we can now see that there is a two star and then a two what this means is we're always going to put new enforcers down in groups of 2 which is the second two and we're gonna add up all of the stars in the brackets and then start putting them down so right now we just have a 2 in the star so these are gonna go down into steelheart's current location and then we can go ahead and activate the blue row and fortunately we moved this down so we don't have to put any barricades over at this point we've now activated all four of his rows so the final thing that Steelheart does is he rolls this die and it's gonna move him one two three or four locations in a clockwise fashion and I believe that there's the same number of all of those eventualities so we can go ahead and roll this and it looks like he's gonna move - that means he's gonna go one two he's now hanging out with ozone over here at the Navy Pier and with that we have now completed the first full turn of the game and we can now move into the reckoner phase of the second term the first thing we do is reset all of our cards and then everybody is going to go ahead and roll all of their dice at the same time so we can go ahead and pull all of these back and then let's see what Megan does first it looks like she was not able to get any of her double enforcers and then over here we have David who's actually rolling seven dice now and he was able to get a plan which is nice oh wow and a bunch of these research symbols before we start locking in our dice I do need to reset these tracks over here for ozone we can see that her research is at four and her health is over here at seven so she's a very powerful epic right now let's now start considering how we're going to go ahead and lock these dice the first thing to notice is that David was able to get one of these plan tokens which is gonna match up over here with the bank vault I think we do want to continue doing that because getting equipment is gonna keep fueling our upgrades so we can for sure put this one in right there and I'm not sure if he wants to keep any of the rest I think we have to do a lot of containment this round I think we're probably gonna want to move David over here to the Navy Pier and try to contain ozone quite a bit as well as bring the yellow track down a for steel art now we didn't get any of the double contains on these blue dice and we also did not get the double damage over here on the green die so I think we're definitely gonna want to roll all of those and I don't think we desperately need these to be research symbols especially when you consider the fact that we have notebooks now which is going to allow us to do two research on any one location for every single turn for the rest of the game so I think we're just gonna lock this one in for David and then we could go ahead and roll all of these once again and it looks like we started off a little better we got one of these double contains that being said we did not get our double attack on the green again and I think we could probably do better with these but maybe before we roll these again let's see how Megan does now she was able to get one of these containment symbols which will allow her to unlock checkmate so I do think she's gonna want to keep with that one and she's probably gonna want to do more damage so I think she's gonna go ahead and roll all of these as well she would like to get one of her double enforcer actions because she is currently on a spot with two enforcers so it would be nice to knock those out and it looks like let's reroll this one right here nope we didn't get the double enforcer but we got quite a bit of damage when we look at these options that this does seem pretty nice because we have three damage right now with checkmate and then three more damage would be enough to just off death point right here but we could also use these to research from the notebooks in order to find death points weakness which would bring his health down to four in which case we would not need quite as many of these damaged icons I think before making the signs what to lock in David's gonna go over here and he's gonna roll he's gonna lock in this one double containment and then see how the rest of these plan outs it looks like he did not get any more but he got a lot of these plans tokens so we're gonna get to slide this in like they're these are gonna go right there as well because he's done that now rolling these and now we want to think about what Megan wants to do when we consider how these dice all rolled out well I do like the idea of using the notebooks to do the to research over here to find death points weakness that means we just need to save one of these damaged to have the four total to kill him off so let's go ahead and lock this one in right here and I think we should probably lock it in this containment that is so that we can potentially move Megan over here to cinders area and start containing her because she's doing quite a bit of damage to the various population and worst-case scenario we could also use this die to do the move if all three of these dice roll in a way that we really like so let's go ahead and see what we got and nice we did get one of I promise so that was one of these double enforcers so we can bring this over there and now we are done with all of our rolls so we can start evaluating our dice well first things first let's use this double attack enforcer action that's gonna knock both of the enforcers out over here in the Millennium Park next up I think we should once again consider the notebooks now I was planning on using this to reduce the research down over here on death point and that would allow us to go ahead and kill him off with just one of our two attacks evils but since we did get two of them that unlocks a different possibility we could potentially instead use one two three attack right there along with checkmate in order to kill off death point without researching his weakness and then we can potentially use this notebooks on senator ozone or Steelheart himself now I'm thinking we might want to use this on cinder because she has three this would bring her down to one and that means on the next turn if we do move Megan over here then we would just need one research which she could do with either a money or one of these research symbols in order to find her weakness get her down to three in which case we could go ahead and knock her out by doing a single checkmate action I think that might be a slightly more use of our resources so let's go ahead and do it we'll use notebooks right now and that will reduce their research down by two over here at the power plant for cinder and now it looks like Megan is gonna activate her checkmate with a containment die and then she will also do one two three more damage by locking all of these in and that is gonna be a total of six damage which kills off death point next up I think David wants to start doing some of his actions and he's gonna start off by using this one research die in order to move now you can go to any spot he wants and he's gonna head over here to the Navy Pier and once there he's gonna use this double containment now he can target to either ozone or steel heart but in this case he does decide to go after ozone bring in her thing down liking this so that she is now not going to bump the blue track on steelheart's area also she's gonna put one less and force her down which is definitely good because you don't want these enforcers to start swarming or else we're gonna be in a big problem because as you can see they really buff up the abilities of the epics in their zones speaking of enforcers David is now going to go ahead and use this dye that's gonna allow him to remove one enforcer from this zone so this one is gone and now he's gonna use this planning dye symbol to activate his bank vault which will get us three money it looks like we currently have zero so that's gonna bring us up to three next up I think it's time for David to use his improvised ability this allows him to set any one of his dice to a face that he chooses and he has a couple good options he can set this green dye to be a double attack or this blue dye to be a double contain and the double attack would bring ozone down to five health which is pretty good but at the moment I think containing is probably more important so we're gonna set this one right here to double contain well slot that in right there and he could go ahead and at Target over here on the Navy Pier now at the moment ozone can only take one containment and that would stop one population from being reduced but I think David is instead gonna send both of these containments after Steelheart when we come back up to this board we can see that yellow is the only track that can be contained and it is really not doing good things so we're gonna go ahead and bump this down by two and now David is gonna finish out their actions by locking in both of these plan actions that means they're gonna get two of these planning tokens they don't get access to the either of them right now we'll put them right up here for the moment and we'll put them down into this train for the next round it looks like Megan is the only one with actions left and I think she's gonna go ahead and use this one money die in order to move because again you can use a die of any face and she's gonna head over here to the power plant and once he or she's gonna use this one containment which will slide this back by one over here for cinder so she's definitely setting herself up to try and defeat Center in the next round and it means that cinders power level is not quite again at max now this is important because if a power bracket is ever in the maximum spot it cannot go for any farther but if every bump it would go you just evaluate the last symbol once so in this case it would have bumped up steel hard to yellow track once again but now we just move this back one right there at this point we have completed all of our actions so we can now take our rewards we only defeat a death point in this last round so that means we find a to research towards steelheart's weakness so we bring him down to 16 and if I'm being honest we're not doing a very good job of reducing this track down and this is the way that we win but a nice benefit of this is we will get to more money so that's gonna bring us up to five money so while we might not be actually pushing our endgame condition we are getting lots of money which is giving us great access to good pieces of equipment speaking of that we can now go ahead and start purchasing them and with five money we could actually take any of these and I think the first thing we should do is definitely grab schematics this is too good of a combo when we consider that David already has this bank vault so now we just always have this in the bank and we can potentially use it for an extra action on a future turn as well but either way I think this is gonna be worth it so that's gonna cost us two money that's gonna bring us down to three right here and then we can draw the next card this one is a motorcycle it's a very cheap piece of equipment and it gives you one movement per round now I think at this point with three money left over I'm thinking back and forth between the dowser and the EMP obviously this is a very efficient use of one enforcer action in order to get a bunch of containment but I think rolling an extra die is even better let's go ahead and spend all three of these on this one and as I mentioned before the purple dye is the one with the double research symbol on it I figured we should definitely send this over to Megan because she has a forensic kit and she can use these research symbols as money it is worth noting that you're never allowed to move pieces of equipment back and forth between the players so it is important to make this decision well right now so now that we have decided on that we can go ahead and refill this last slot in this one is a rifle and it just gives you one attack action every single round all right at this point we have now completed all of the reckoner phases and we can now do epic phases the first thing we do is we refill in the spots that currently don't have epics so this spot is now gonna get stasis now she is gonna be invisible until her weakness is found so we can go ahead and put her health marker right over there she has for research though we have to do in order to figure out that weakness and it looks like she is gonna start doing some base recon actions so we can now slide this in right there the bracket is gonna be pushed over to that mark so that we can see it's just showing the one right there it's on camera just barely and now we're gonna start at the activations with the zone where Steelheart is it looks like that's gonna be ozone first so the first thing she's gonna do is put in and force her down into the spot and then she's gonna do one damage to the population that brings us down to 31 and then she's gonna power up going up once and then two more times for these two enforcers so ozone really does kind of feed into herself for increasing this power level next up we have stasis over here now this symbol is gonna be the one that moves this token forward so we'll move this down to here and as I mentioned before once we go all the way to the bottom and once we bring in the token back up to the top essentially resetting the circuit we will then all lose one die over here and we can only get it back by spending two money so that's certainly not something that we want to see happen now stasis is of course gonna power up again herself so that goes up to there and finally we have cinder over here now she's gonna once again do one two three damage to the population that's gonna bring us down to 28 so a lot of population damage over the course of these first two turns and then she's gonna bump up steel hearts yellow tracked by one so unfortunately in the population damage is gonna continue to come in with that ozone is now going to increase your power level again going up to there and we have now evaluated all three of these epics so now it's steelheart's turn to go we can look up here and see there's one two three four population showing so that means we take four damage to bring us down to 24 and then nothing is gonna happen on the black track the red track is too in its basic level so that's going to put two enforcers out on the board these of course go down into the spot where Steelheart is so there are four enforcers in that location now and now for this blue track we're fortunately not gonna put any barricades down the last thing we're gonna do is roll steelheart's movement die so we can now see that he is gonna move three times in a two-player game you'll notice that that means he's gonna go one two three and continue to hang out over here on the Navy Pier and now we have finished out that round alright this means we can go into the third turn of the game and where once again gonna gather up all of our dice we can have Megan do this first so she's gonna get all seven of these dice and now let's see what her first roll looks like she got none of her double enforcers but it looks like she does have a couple plans and a couple damage then over here we have David and he is also gonna roll seven dice and it's worth noting that he's gonna have access to both of these planning tokens as well so we can slide these in right there and then it looks like he got one of his double containments and then some plan and some research at this point we can now start locking in our dice and I think Megan is going to begin things off by locking in this one containment because that is going to be what she needs to make checkmate happen now next up we can see that she did get one of these dollar signs and she can use that as a research which would be enough to figure out the weakness for cinder over here and then we could go ahead and use checkmate to defeat Center now the thing is that this is on the red dye which is the one with the double enforcer possibility now if we reroll this one we can potentially get a double enforcer and move Megan over here into the navy pier where we have a big clustering of enforcers we have to take care of these otherwise every epoch that spawns into this area is just gonna instantly max out and we definitely don't want to see that continue to happen especially considering it Steelheart is already here and he always puts two enforcers down where he is so that would bring us to six enforcers in this area I think the odds are very high that we will get to either a money or a research symbol if we reroll all of these dice so I figure let's go ahead and roll all of them let's see how our luck fares this time it looks like we did get a money so we can go ahead and lock that in oh actually well yeah this one is a research symbol but it's once again on a red dye and we're probably gonna want to re-roll that so this money is gonna go ahead and take care of that so with these two dice we already know that we're gonna be able to defeat cinder and now we just need to figure out what we're gonna do with the rest of our turn now I think we should probably hold on to this because defeating enforcers is a thing that we're hoping that Megan is gonna do we hope she's gonna move over here and get a couple of the at least one of the double enforcer hits so locking this in is gonna be yet another enforcer that we're able to knock out um now when it comes to these other options I suppose having extra research is pretty good because that would allow us to start researching Steelheart as well because we're doing a very poor job of pushing him down that track but this is also a red dye and we really want to get those double and four-star hits I think that the big thing to consider is do we save this time or do we hope it turns into something else that we like I suppose having the one extra research or money is probably not going to be as good as potentially hitting an enforcer on this one as well so let's go ahead and roll all four of these and it looks like unfortunately we didn't hit any of the enforcers we got quite a bit of planning going on though so we can slide this in there and enforcers are starting to become the biggest problem that we have in this game while all this was happening David is trying to figure out what they should do and I think keeping the double contain is something they should definitely consider Steelheart is in this zone and so is ozone although David is hoping to potentially kill off ozone in this round we'll see how it goes now when you consider the fact that we have this notebook that is to research and we could put that down into any spot and that would be two out of the four we would need to figure out a zones weakness and ozone is currently set to do quite a bit of damage to this area adding two more enforcers including the two that steelheart's going to put down which would be eight total and I think we're not gonna be able to handle that much that's just an overwhelming amount so we do really need to try and knock out ozone with that in mind I figured David should probably lock in both of these magnifying glasses these research actions that is because that'll be two plus two or four in that case we only need to find three more damage over here and if we lock in this damage then we essentially have this guaranteed because David could always improvise this green dye into double damage so at this point ozone is for sure potentially taken care of it's not due to luck we might decide not to but I think we should go ahead and roll all of these to maybe hit some more of the containments and we didn't hit any of them we didn't get the double attack either which is a bit unfortunate I suppose enforcement is our biggest problem right now over here so we shouldn't lock this one in and let's go ahead and roll these two and see what we get we did get a double contained that is good and we got a single enforcement on this die which is gonna give us a interesting decision to make because we want to spin this over to try and kill off ozone but if we don't then we could take out another enforcer I guess it's probably pretty obvious and at this point we've done all of our die rolling so we can now do our actions and yeah let's go ahead and just do the probably obvious plan will use improvise right here in order to turn this into a double skull I think killing off ozone is gonna be better than killing off one enforcer and before we do that though we of course need to use our notebooks over here that's going to give us to research and we're gonna send that over towards ozone and then we can spend both of these research right here in order to figure out her weakness that's gonna bring her down to zero research and that's gonna pop her down to three health and at this point David can now spend one two three in order to defeat ozone so that brings us over there and that is pretty good because it's going to give us a couple of plan tokens as well as three research towards steelheart's weakness but we don't get those just yet and now I think Megan wants to evaluate some of her stuff she's gonna start off by using this one research to figure out cinders weakness that's gonna bring this down to there and the cinders overall health is gonna drop down to three and then Megan can go ahead and use this one containment to activate checkmate doing three damage over here to center so this is pretty good we've been able to knock out two of the epics in this round so cinder is gonna go off to the side and now David decides they want to use one of their to containment actions one of the two double containment die that is to lock this in and target Steelheart it looks like overall we've done a really good job of containing Steelheart actually so we can bring this right down here and currently it's not looking like a whole bunch of population will get lost in this round but we're not really sure how the next epics are gonna fare when they pop out when we come back down here it looks like we have a bunch of different actions that we can still perform but the first thing I think I'd like to do before I forget is the schematic bank vault combo we can go ahead and use this one to give ourselves a plan action and then use that plan action that to activate the bank vault right here so that's gonna give us three money which brings us up to three money total at this point Megan has five dice left available to her and she has decided she's gonna use one of these plan dice to move now when she moves she's decided to head over to the Navy Pier and the reason for that is because she does have this one attack enforcer action she can lock that one in which will take out one of these four enforcers in the then she is decided to use both of these money dice as research dice now she is currently in the same place as Steelheart so that means that both of these research are gonna go towards figuring out his weakness when we come back up to his board we can see he was at 16 so now he's down to 14 and lastly for Megan she's gonna lock in this one plan die and that's gonna give her one plan token for the next round at this point David now has to plan dice one attack enforcer and one double containment and he's definitely gonna do the attack enforcer that's gonna bring us down to just two enforcers over there and now he has decided that it does make well he has a decision to make he can use both of these to knock out the last two enforcers but in that case he will effectively have a wasted double containment right here because well Steelheart is fully contained right now he's done a really good job of bringing those tracks down if instead David used one of these two maybe remove an enforcer and the other one to move then David could move over here to the Millennium Park and at least do a single contain over here on stasis which has stopped her from bumping up steelheart's blue track which would put the barricades down which would eat up some of our die actions that's probably the better thing to do so let's go ahead and use one of these to take out one of the enforcers that plant token was effectively an attack enforcer action and now we will use this token to do a move and then David will head right on over here and then use this to contain a stasis now one of the containment icons is unfortunately unusable but I guess we're just doing it too good of a job of containing and maybe I was prioritizing that a little bit too much but either way he is now done with his actions and so is Megan so we can now go on to rewards it looks like we were able to defeat two different epochs is round that's gonna be a total of five research towards steelheart's weakness and that's gonna bring them down to nine so we did a pretty good job of that round and now we're gonna get one that money so that's gonna bring us up to four and lastly we get two planning tokens and we can give these out to the players as we wish at the moment it looks like megan has won and david has zero so we could do one on one or put two into either of the buckets but I figure we'll go one on one and we can just move this into here because we're not taking any actions anymore so we're gonna have quite a bit of plan tokens available to ourselves in the next round of the game now that rewards have been given out we can start purchasing equipment it looks like we have four money available to ourselves and we could afford any of these different things and we've actually cleaned up a bunch of the enforcers so I feel like explosives maybe doesn't make a lot of sense motorcycle is pretty cheap and that would allow us to essentially gain an extra move each round and it looks like for the most part either character one of the new characters seems to be moving at least once per round EMP is certainly good at getting a lot of containment out although we've done a really good job of that so I figure let's go ahead and spend two of our money to take the rifle let's put this over into David's area so that he always has one attack he's having a little bit harder of a time killing off epics then it looks like megan has so this is gonna make him a little more deadly and now we can of course draw another card and this one is a grenade launcher okay well we can't afford it but this one is very similar actually to our notebook in that it allows you to do two damage to any location and I am quite intrigued by that card but we cannot afford it I figure this motorcycle is probably good though so let's go ahead and it use the one money right there to pick up the motorcycle and I think we should probably give this to Megan considering she might find herself in a situation where she can do more damage than we need so this lets her move around and do that damage also it'll allow her to potentially follow Steelheart around and continue to work on researching his weakness so we'll give this over to her and we reveal yet another card and this one is gonna be a grenade this one is just one enforcer attack action every round but it does cost two money so there's nothing that we can now afford but we can't save this one money into the next round for future upgrades that we grab at this point it's now time to shift into the epic phase of the round and the first thing we do is fill in the locations now if there are multiple locations that are empty then you start with the location with Steelheart so this one is gonna get this epic which is falseface now he does have infinite life so we can put this over here he has three research on the track and a new symbol actually this one that says that he will heal himself once whenever he activates this and that's gonna heal both the research track as well as the health track and he can't go above the maximums so we can go ahead and slide this in here and we're probably gonna want to take this guy out sooner rather than later because he might become unkillable if we let him heal himself too many times next up we can fill this spot in over here at the power plants and this one is gonna be warhead so he has three on the research track and six health total and it looks like he has a new symbol as well on so this is the enforcer symbol but if you notice there is an arrow on either side this means that warhead is gonna give to this action to the locations that are adjacent to the location with warhead so he's gonna put a lot of enforcers down onto the board now that every city has an epoch we can start activating them the first one is gonna be false face we can see right here that he is gonna heal himself that's gonna increase his research value by one and it would increase his health if he had health but his health is currently infinite so that won't go up it is also worth noting that you peg out at these spots and if you ever try to heal and you cannot go any farther then you just lose one population overall instead so after doing that he's gonna increase it in power by one and then one more for the single enforcer in that zone and now we can move over here to stasis now she is going to increase our base discovery track over here so that goes just like that and it looks like Steelheart is a little bit closer and starting to steal some of our dice and now she is gonna upgrade her ability she goes forward just once because there are no enforcers right here and lastly we have warhead now as I said before he is gonna gift this enforcer action on to the adjacent spots so that means we're gonna put one enforcer down into each one of these locations it's fortunate that this activation happened after the activation of the other epics so that these enforcers did not increase the power level of those epics after doing this warhead of course increases their power by one and now it's time for Steelheart to activate when we look up here we can see that Steelheart is actually very weak right now we've done a good job of containing him so he's gonna do one damage to the population so we go down to three right there he's not gonna do any base discovery actions it looks like two enforcers are gonna come down into his spot but that's always gonna be the minimum that happens and then lastly we have this blue area where we once again don't have to put any of these barricades down that was fortunate that we were able to contain this so that this didn't move forward because again these barricades just cost a die to be moved and it doesn't allow you to move into our out of his own until these are removed so we can now go to the last phase which is rolling the movement die for Steelheart it looks like he is gonna move up once so that's gonna bring him over here to Millennium Park okay let's go ahead and start off the next round of the game by resetting all of these abilities and now we can start off by rolling our dice looks like a Megan and David both are rolling seven dice still so let's see what she's gonna get Wow she got two of the double enforcer attack actions that is certainly a nice thing to see and now let's see what David does he's got seven dice to roll it looks like he got quite a bit of research going on right there well I think right off the bat we do want to lock both of these in but overall Megan had a really good roll here if she locks both of these research actions in and she uses those with this double research action from the notebook and that would be all for that she would need to figure out the weakness over here for full space and then if she locks in this containment then that will be the three damage she needs to actually defeat falseface so she locks all these in she's looking really good and I think it might make sense to actually lock in this red dollar sign as well the dollar sign can be either money for future upgrades or it could also be more research which she could potentially use to chase down Steelheart a little bit more and try to figure out his weakness so I figured let's go ahead and put that in right in there so we have it looks like six of our seven dice locked into that first spot that was a really nice roll and now we're gonna roll this one and we're gonna hope to maybe get the double research but either way this is the only roll we're going to get with it and it's gonna be a plan action well now that Megan has figured out all of her plans David is gonna stop waiting and he's gonna figure out how he's going to be locking these dice now he is currently over in Millennium Park and so it's steel heart as well as stasis now stasis is currently immune and also has for research that we need to discover her weakness and it looks like that's similar over here to false face now it looks like David did roll two of these research actions and so what we could potentially do is lock both of these in and use that as two and then we could use this notebook as the other two and instead of using the notebook over here on full space Megan could perhaps use this dollar sign or these plan tokens that she has in her area so after we lock these in we need to look at our other options we can see that if David is indeed able to find the weakness over here for stasis which it looks like we should be able to do then stasis is health will be at three now David always has one damaged now because of the rifle and if he uses improvised into the double damage on the green dye then that will be the three damage that he needs so when you consider all of that he doesn't really need either of these damage he doesn't need a plan token because he already has this schematics bank vault combo right there and this money is nice to have around but I think he'd rather roll that to try and get something that would be even more effective like potentially more research actions so that we can figure out steelheart's weakness and maybe start actually doing damage to him maybe even this round so yeah he's going to go ahead and roll all of these and if he hits the double hit on this one then he could use improvised on one of the other dice so we're gonna lock both of those in and then we'll see ooh nice we did get the double hit well we can now consider the rest of these dice right here and there is one enforcer in Millennium Park that we could remove with this one die but at this point I think we're getting really close to the turning point where we figure out steelheart's weakness and we just turn all of our focus on trying to defeat Steelheart and because of that I think we should probably reroll all of these Knights if we're able to get even one research action I think there's a chance we might be able to figure out steelheart's weakness on this round so yeah let's roll all of these and I suppose we don't have a plan for improvise just yet so even if we miss on one of these we could get another good thing oh wow well that's interesting that is a lot of damage and then we did get a research as well I'm not too sure if we're gonna have a plan to use this damage right here but either way we have now done all of our diver Ling so let's now go ahead and evaluate them and it looks like the first most obvious thing we have is Megan using both of her double enforcement attack actions each one of these is going to take out two enforcers and she's currently in a spot with four enforcers social wipe all of these out and it was a very effective use of those actions and that now we essentially have a big decision to make at the end of the day this game is all about defeating his Steelheart and currently he has nine research that we need to do before we unlock his weakness and then we will need to do 20 damage in order to win the game now at the moment we have a plan of for Megan to be able to figure out false faces weakness we could then defeat him and get three of the research we needed towards Steelheart sweetness and we also have David who could defeat stasis and get three more research that would be three more that we would need and we could definitely do that but the problem is that we would be putting all this damage towards epics and not towards Steelheart we have so much of our research available to ourselves right now and we could put all of that towards Steelheart right now we could easily do the nine and that would actually unlock his weakness in the middle of our die action phase and we could instead put all of this damage towards him now this really occurred to me when we had this huge damage roll over here for David there's really not an efficient way to use it all honestly if he goes ahead and kills off stasis and I think we should probably try to do the plan that allows us to do damage to seal heart so with that in mind I'm going to go ahead and evaluate some things to get a bunch of research together the first thing is Megan will use this notebook that will allow her to target one zone and she'll do Millennium Park and she will put both of those research towards Steelheart also it looks like David is gonna put both of these in so that's gonna be three for research then we're gonna have Megan who will go five six and then seven research with this dollar sign turning into research and then she will use both of these planning tokens as eight and at nine research oops I got a little ahead of myself but Megan does need to be in Millennium Park to actually use this research so she will use it the motorcycle to move over there and then she will push all that forward and now when we come back to the steel heart track we can see that nine is enough to exactly zero him out we've now figured out his weakness and what this means is we're gonna actually swap out this board will remove this right here and we can replace it with his health tracker now as I said before he's gonna have 20 health because the health is always equal to the amount of research that you have to do at the beginning of the game and that research amount is dictated by the player on the number of players that you're playing so now that we've put these in we can actually do damage to Steelheart as long as we're in his region and fortunately enough we are both there so now let's go ahead and start doing that damage it looks like a Megan can use her containment diet to activate checkmate that'll be three damage right there and then David over here can do one two three four five damage plus 1/6 from this rifle a seventh for this plan token right here and then he will actually get an eighth one in by using improvise in order to turn this research symbol over into a damage so that's 8 damage from David and three from Megan for a total of 11 damage coming in right after Steelheart we can once again to come back over here to his track and that means he's gonna go down all the way to 9 health from 20 so that was a really big opening volley for us and I'm very happy we decided to spend all of our efforts towards Steelheart instead of going after those other epics this round at this point we just have one die action left over and Megan's gonna go ahead and use this in order to get a plan token now she can use this as an extra attack on the next round potentially and then of course David cannot forget his schematics bank vault combo so he will use this to get a plan icon and he will use that in order to get three money into our store it looks like we had one money so now we get to bump up to 4 and at this point we are now done with all of our actions so we can move into the reward phase but we did not defeat any of the epics astound it is worth noting that since we now know steelheart's weakness any of the research that we get for our reward on those epics is useless to us so we're definitely not going to be targeting epics in the next round and that we can now go into the buying equipment phase and I think this is pretty straightforward we just need to do nine damage to Steelheart in order to win and there is currently a grenade launcher out on offer and we have it exactly for money so let's go ahead and spend that for money and the grenade launcher which is just gonna be too damaged towards any zone that we want so that's too damaged in the bank towards the nine that we need to do after that we of course have to reveal another card and this one's gonna be this guy's this one would be really nice for Megan 1/2 considering that way to always enable her checkmate but we've been fortunate enough to be able to do this every turn so far this rocket launcher of course has to go to one of the characters and we'll give this over to David even though it doesn't really matter because this can again attack any region it doesn't matter where those characters are all right we have now finished the reckoners phase and we can now enter the epic phase of the round it looks like we have no epics to actually draw into the area so let's go ahead and start activating them we always start where Steelheart is so that's gonna be Millennium Park and stasis so she's gonna push the base finding track at Ford once so we'll go right there and then it looks like she's gonna bump up steelheart's blue track by one so this will go up to there she's of course gonna increase her power by one and then get another power increase based off of this one enforcer right there and now it's time for a warhead to go the first thing he is gonna do is put a single enforcer down into Millennium Park and into the Navy Pier because those are adjacent and then he's gonna do two damage to the population we lost a lot of population in the early game but we were really able to stem the tide but it looks like we're gonna start losing that again so we go down to 21 and then warhead is gonna increase in strength by 1 and lastly we have a fall space over here he's going to buff himself so he increases his overall research level to 5 which is his max and then he's gonna push the black track up once on steelheart's area and lastly he is gonna do two damage to the population that means we're gonna go down to 19 total and the last thing we have to do is of course increase his ability and then do it one more time because there is one enforcer over there now that all three of these epics have activated it's time for Steel hard to go the first thing he does is activate the yellow row that's gonna do one damage to the population bringing us down to 18 then the black track is gonna happen and you can see these two little symbols right there that means he is going to move forward twice on this track now first it's gonna go right here and nothing happens and the second one is gonna reset this over there and that means that Steelheart has found one of our bases and that means that everybody is gonna lose one of their now we have a choice so I think we'll both definitely lose our white dice that we can keep our specialty dice and that does mean that we're both rolling six dice again in the next round instead of seven which is definitely not ideal again we could bind these back for two dollars in the equipment phase but I'm hoping we don't even get to the next equipment phase that we're able to kill off Steelheart all right so the next thing we have to do is evaluate the red row right here it looks like it's still in the first area so that's going to be two enforcers that come out in a group of two those are both going to go down over here into Millennium Park because that's where Steelheart is and now we have the blue row and I think for the first time in the game we're gonna evaluate this and put a barricade down so this always has to go into the area with Steelheart and if this had been right here and we put three barricades down you would put them down one at a time in clockwise fashion but fortunately for us we've been able to keep this one in check we're just gonna add the one down here so where we are both trapped in this spot but again it just takes one die action to remove this so that we can then start moving around all right the last thing we have to do is roll the movement die for Steelheart and it looks like he's gonna move once so in order to try and defeat him we will have to believe Millennium Park and get rid of this barricade all right let's now enter what is hopefully gonna be the final round of the game we can start off by resetting or numerous pieces of equipment over here and then we can roll our dice let's go ahead and have David roll for the first time they can go ahead and pick all these up again there's only six here unfortunately and looks like he was able to pick one of these damage icons which is probably one of the more important things that we were hoping to see and now it looks like Megan can go and she also has this one planned token right there so let's see what she is able to roll over here nice she got two of these attack icons as well it's now time to figure out how we're gonna lock our dice in and our strategy for this round is pretty singular we just need to do nine damage over here to Steelheart that means that both of us are gonna have to move over here to the power plant unfortunately Megan does have this motorcycle to make that happen we are gonna have to burn one die action in order to remove this but it is worth noting that we could use this schematics right here as a die action to remove this barricade and if we're hoping to win this round then we don't necessarily need to activate the bank vault over here so let's now go ahead and count up some of our damage to see how close we are it looks like if Megan is able to go over here she's got one to three damage right here because she did get one of the containment symbols it looks like she's got four and five and six potentially with this one right there and then over here David has one two three and then four so four plus six is actually ten damage so I think right off the bat we had a really good role here we just needed a couple of these damage faces to show up and they did so let's go ahead and start locking this stuff in we're obviously gonna need a containment for checkmate and then we're gonna lock in both of these I think next up realistically considering we have enough stuff already I guess we don't have to make the decision we can just lock all of these dice in because this worked out pretty well for us in this final round yeah I guess there's no reason to really drag it out let's go ahead and say that's where we're at we're not gonna re-roll any of these and this allows us to then go into the action phase and let's just evaluate the things that we just talked about already we can start by using our schematics that will allow us to bump out this one barricade because that is effectively a die action then we can use the motorcycle so that Megan can head over to the power plants and then I think it looks like David can use this one research icon that'll allow him to move over here to the power plants and then David will do one two damage with this rocket launcher plus a third one and a fourth one right there this of course all goes towards Steelheart who is now at of five health and now it's time for Megan to do her damage and she is indeed in the same place a steel heart so she's gonna activate this checkmate with one containment doing one two three and then she'll do four five damage right in there and that should be enough to bring steelheart's health down to zero and with that we have successfully defeated steel heart with that this means we have won the game and that is going to complete one full two-player game of the reckoners well I hope you enjoyed this playthrough my main goal here was to try and show with the collaborative process that goes through every single turn as players are trying to piece together the options that they have with the dice that they rolled and with the dice that their companions rolled around the table now obviously I filmed this playthrough as just a two-player game and you could play this with up to six players so there is a lot more discussion that can happen as you add more players into the game and there's also going to be a lot more turn through various things like seeing more of the epics come out because there's going to be a lot more locations and you're also gonna see a lot more of the equipment come out now this is the second full playthrough of the game that I played and the first time I played it was at this difficulty this was a standard difficulty playthrough and I lost really badly it was not even close but when I went back to play this game the second time with this playthrough you'll notice that it was a pretty solid win and I think part of that has to do with me playing it once before and kind of getting familiar with the game but another part of it was me realizing how important the equipment is as you're playing in that first playthrough I think I picked up half the amount of equipment that I did in the second one and I do think it feels important to prioritize getting money so that you can get all of these extra things that are gonna allow you to be able to subdue the epics as you're playing now one big thing that I noticed between those two plays was in the first playthrough the equipment I got allowed me to be really flexible and in the second playthrough I got some flexibility but I gained a lot more just raw actions through the equipment that I picked up and I think that was a big part of why I did so much better in the game but I think having a balance between these two things is definitely going to be important now I think that overall the play did a pretty good job of showing how everything worked almost none of the barricades came out as we were playing the game and I was also a little bit more scared of that black track on steelheart's area than I should have been because if you'll notice I thought and that whenever the base recon track went all the way to the end that everybody lost to die but it's actually just one die from the whole group who goes up there so in the future when I play this again I'll be much less scared of that black track going forward because one die instead of one from everybody is a pretty big difference so yeah I think overall that's gonna wrap up all my thoughts on this play and as always I'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting my channel through patreon including all of these producers level pledges if you two would like to directly support these videos then please go to junkets Gamescom slash support to see a variety of ways with which you could do that also if you enjoyed this video please consider clicking the like button down below as well as a subscribe button thanks for watching
Channel: JonGetsGames
Views: 10,374
Rating: 4.9435029 out of 5
Keywords: jongetsgames, johngetsgames, the reckoners, the reckoners game, reckoners game, jongetsgames reckoners, jongetsgames the reckoners, reckoners playthrough, jongetsgames playthrough, jongetsgames play through, jongetsgames playthru, jongetsgames runthrough, jongetsgames run through, jongetsgames runthru
Id: tKu54bUaFds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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