Peaceful Prayers To Fall Asleep Blessed | Invite God's Presence | Bible Talk Down For Protection

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matthew 22 37 says you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself lord give me a heart that obeys you transform this cold heart of flesh of mine and give me a new heart of faith a heart that is filled with your love and a deep hunger for you lord give me a heart that places you right at the center as king and lord of my life as king and lord of my soul and as king and lord of my mind your word in first peter 1 verse 13 says therefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ today i rest my hope fully on the grace that i have received from jesus christ amazing grace a grace that covers a multitude of sins may the joy of the lord shine through me the joy spoken of in philippians 4 verse 4 rejoice in the lord always again i will say rejoice and so i will rejoice i will rejoice in all of your goodness and all of your faithfulness i pray that your peace will guard my heart and my mind i thank you for being a god who has been faithful throughout the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything that i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation that i face steady my emotions father where i am anxious give me peace lord where i am troubled i give you my burdens and father when i am worried i cast my burdens on you you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress when i am tired and weary i will wait on you to renew my strength your word is a lamp into my feet that guides me so that i may not stumble and fall i pray that your strength renews us may your presence be felt continuously in our hearts i will forever be confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the toughest of times father it is your pure and holy light that eradicates the darkness and destroys the traps set by my enemy your word says in deuteronomy 10 verse 12 and now israel what does the lord your god require of you but to fear the lord your god to walk in all his ways to love him to serve the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul father help me so that i may not have any fear in this world but rather may i only fear you my god i pray that i may walk in your ways help me to not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor to stand in the way of sinners nor to sit in the seat of the scornful lord i desire to be completely devoted to you to hunger and thirst for you so i pray that you would remove everything that might hinder my growth remove everything that might hinder me from walking with you i pray that nothing would block me from chasing after you god strengthen my faith lord renew my faith re-energize my faith in this moment i bless your name in jesus name i pray amen [Music] lord jesus there are many things in this life that we may consider important there are many things that we devote our time and energy into thinking that they will bring us happiness but all of them are worthless when compared to you there is nothing on this earth that's worth having lord if you're not involved your word in psalm 73 verse 25 says whom have i in heaven but you and there is none on earth that i desire besides you father every earthly desire that we have is insignificant and trivial in light of eternity help us king jesus to have a desire to store up riches in heaven and not on this earth all that is in this world is meaningless so lord jesus we fix our eyes on you we fix our eyes on your word let our passion be to follow your will teach us to love what you love teach us to value what you value transform our minds and realign our view of the world so that it matches yours for your knowledge and wisdom is so far above ours lord jesus may the beauty of the gospel displace everything else in our hearts and move us into action remind us of the surpassing worth of jesus christ and let that knowledge drive us to declare and testify about your goodness as humans our natural desire is often to seek our own gratification however as believers we say not our will but your will be done may you take all the glory father i thank you for rescuing me from a path that was leading to hell lord jesus i thank you and i glorify you cultivate in me a heart that has a great love for you may i be grieved by the idea of sin i pray that you would eliminate any lingering craving for worldliness or sin in my heart make me hunger and thirst for the kingdom of god i invite the holy spirit i welcome the holy spirit to work in my heart and bring about a change bring about a new desire and a new passion for christ within me may jesus christ be exalted in my life and placed above every other thing [Music] search my heart lord and tear down any idols expose every area of sin and disobedience in my life bring it to light lord and remove it from my heart remove every ungodly and sinful desire within me and replace it with a holy and pure passion a passion to do your will a passion to preach your word to make your name known to unbelievers to glorify your name if i desire these things i know that you will not deny me lord help me not to envy the dead-end pursuit of unbelievers they may have happiness for a time but it won't satisfy them because only you lord can satisfy every longing need in the human heart i pray that my desire would only be to serve jesus christ to preach his gospel and to testify to the entire world about the goodness of my god change my desires lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] father god thank you for your goodness your word says in psalm 34 verses 17 to 18 when the righteous cry for help the lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles the lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit hear my cry today lord deliver me from all of my troubles father god i pray for every believer who is listening right now don't pass us by lord hear the cry of our hearts just as blind bartimaeus got your attention may you hear us in our place of need today god in our moment of desperation we call upon the name of jesus you are merciful and kind lord a god who was always willing to help those who seek you sincerely all too often we wallow in shame and guilt we prolong our sufferings by trying to take matters in our own hands or by simply not having patience forgive us lord forgive me if i have doubted in any way shape or form forgive me if i haven't stood strong in my belief that you will not pass me by when i call on your name forgive me if i have ever pushed you aside because of impatience or arrogance or pride instead lord jesus i invite you right into the middle of my storm i will wait on you king jesus i will turn to you instead of trying to fix things on my own because on my own i am weak on my own i become vulnerable to my emotions but in you with you i am strong i am made whole and i am led by your spirit help me to wait patiently on you because your word says in isaiah chapter 30 verse 18 therefore the lord waits to be gracious to you and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you for the lord is a god of justice blessed are all those who wait for him [Music] some trust in chariots and summon horses but we trust we trust in the name of the lord our god when we call upon your name lord there is freedom we will no longer be trapped by anything that is oppressive or depressive when we call upon the mighty name of jesus christ that is when we will find rescue and refuge that is where we will find healing and hope your word says in the book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 16. let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need i am indeed blessed when i wait on you so i pray that you would help me to renew my mind and dismiss any thoughts that lead me to question your impeccable track record of delivering your children time after time help me to cast down the thoughts and whispers from the devil that say you will reject me or condemn me father i'm making the choice to not take matters into my own hands but instead i relinquish control and wait on you [Music] i am choosing to wait patiently in prayer and to bring my requests before you father psalm 37 verse 7 says be still before the lord and wait patiently for him fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way over the man who carries out evil devices be blessed and glorified o king jesus lead me in your truth and in your wisdom lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ i pray amen psalm 73 verse 26 says my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever trusting in the lord means that i may not know all of the details but one thing that i do know is that my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever now let us pray lord jesus may you get all the glory in my life teach me to be more patient teach me lord to be more reliant and trusting in you i believe that when i face difficulties and when i face challenges in life you will be my rescue i believe that when i am in deep waters you will stay true to your word in isaiah 43 verse 2 which says when you pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you when you walk through fire you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you holy spirit help me and teach me so that before i go anywhere else searching for solutions before i look anywhere else for answers let me seek the counsel of the lord let me search the word of god first because in jesus i have a god who moves mountains and speaks calm to every storm in jesus i have a god who performs miracles a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way [Music] lord your word says in psalm 73 verse 27-28 for behold those who are far from you shall perish you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you but for me it is good to be near god i have made the lord god my refuge that i may tell of all your works [Music] lord it is good for me to draw near to you it's good for me to make you my refuge because in you i will find strength in you i will find preservation and comfort so i declare in the name of jesus christ that i am equipped with everything i need to survive this storm lord jesus you will never give me more than i can bear and you have already made a way to victory available to me so i declare that in the name of jesus christ i am more than a conqueror i will overcome this test this difficulty or this trial in my life although my physical eyes might not see it yet i believe that in you lord jesus i will have victory although my heart and flesh may fail i declare god's word which says that i have overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of my testimony i confess and declare that there is power in the blood of jesus and so i ask father that you go before me lord although i may face things that leave me with more questions than answers i will continue to look to you [Music] a god who has said in deuteronomy 31 verse 8 it is the lord who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed lord jesus i will continue to trust in you to trust in your word your will is divine and it overrules my own will your plans are just and they are better than anything i could ever imagine and so i bless your name i relinquish all control and give you the glory honor and praise for ever more in jesus name i pray amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father [Music] my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness [Music] i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen as you end your day take a moment and go before god you see midnight is a time of transition where you cross over from one day into the next the events of today may have left you feeling tired you might be there feeling beat up you may have been up against attack after attack today and now it's a relief just to get a break and go to sleep you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be waiting for you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like they're an army marching in your direction do what blind bartimaeus did in luke chapter 18 verses 37-38 the bible says they told him jesus of nazareth is passing by he called out jesus son of david have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to jesus ask the lord to intervene when you feel cornered and your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your bible to second kings chapter 6 verses 17 and 18. and draw strength from the fact that when elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the bible says about elisha's response don't be afraid the prophet answered those who are with us are more than those who are with them and then elisha prayed open his eyes lord so that he may see and the lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha so i encourage you to pray that god would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when god opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that draw strength from the fact that jesus christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out and praise there is only but one god who can give you rest only jesus can lead you beside the still waters only jesus can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what would come tomorrow instead call unto jesus christ today right in this moment call on him to open your eyes so that you may see those who surround you the angels of the lord who surround you far outnumber your enemies god's goodness is greater than your problems now let us pray father god i ask that you would touch our hearts and minds today as children of god we are not afraid of anything because they that are for us are more than they that are against us help us lord not to be afraid about what tomorrow holds because tomorrow in itself is held by you if i am fearful lord if i am worried i pray that you would bring change into my life give me the strength to pray and push for victory for success and progress through the might and power of jesus christ [Music] lord i invite your presence to give me a sense of calm and assurance just as you have been faithful to start this day with me i thank you that you will end it with me as well thank you for your hand that has been upon me my family and all my loved ones continue to preserve me continue to guide me jesus may your hand continually protect me my problems may be many but my god is powerful and greater than them all i may seem to be outnumbered by my opposition but i trust that you would brush them aside lord and create a path for me thank you my heavenly father for all the battles that you have fought for me and on my behalf i give you all the glory and all the honor for you alone are worthy to receive my adoration thank you father god for what you did for me for what you're doing and for what you are still to do in my life great is your faithfulness towards me lord jesus i ask that you would not allow me to dwell on any unpleasant memories let me not meditate on what went wrong or even on what could go wrong instead give me the boldness to walk by faith and not by sight give me the boldness to continually fix my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith jesus christ father god i pray that i may have a closer walk with you and not only that lord but i pray that i may walk in this spirit so that i will not fulfill the work of the flesh help me to let go and to learn from the pain of today from the failures of today so that they may be wisdom for my tomorrow give me the boldness to trust in you and to act upon that trust in you and i can do this by not being consumed by fear but instead being filled with faith work within me lord jesus so that i can change for the better so that i may grow and mature in faith for the better as you renew my strength as you replenish my energy and rejuvenate my spirit i pray that you would give me the wisdom i need for tomorrow give me peace of mind lord give me a divine strategy on how i can overcome the battles that await me fill me up lord with the holy spirit and empower me to practice all that is in your word [Music] may i take action on all things that are necessary for my spiritual growth and maturity lord i pray that you would give me the victory over any giant in my life give me power and the strength to destroy completely that which fixes me i pray that you would help me to rise above any storm that i may come across i commit my life my family my loved ones my health and this year into your hands i pray that the holy spirit will continue to help me navigate my way through each day be glorified and praised lord you are mighty you are gracious and you are loving thank you for hearing my prayer and the precious and mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] i came across psalm 51 and i was moved to share this passage because it really is a prayer that we can all relate to this is a psalm written after david sinned before the lord and committed adultery with bathsheba now we have all sinned and we all need to repent so if you have something hidden within your heart that you are yet to repent don't hold on to it don't keep that sin hidden repent go before the lord and ask our merciful and faithful savior jesus christ for forgiveness so as i read the word of god before we pray i really do encourage you to pay attention to the sincerity pay attention to the need and desperation that david has for god to cleanse him pay attention to the regret and remorse that's in this song pay attention to it and learn the lesson that there is no joy in sin it's a fleeting pleasure that only leads to destruction so now the word of god says in psalm 51. have mercy on me o god according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i know my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have i sinned and done what's evil in your sight so you were right in your verdict and justified when you judge surely i was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb you taught me wisdom in that secret place cleanse me with hyssop and i will be clean wash me and i'll be whiter than snow let me hear joy and gladness let the bones you have crushed rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity create in me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me from your presence or take your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me then i will teach transgressors your ways so that sinners will turn back to you deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed o god you who are my god you who are god my savior and my tongue will sing of your righteousness open my lips lord and my mouth will declare your praise you do not delight in sacrifice or i would bring it you do not take pleasure and burnt offerings my sacrifice o god is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart you god will not despise may it please you to prosper zion to build up the walls of jerusalem then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous in burnt offerings offered whole then bulls will be offered on your altar now let us pray heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for the wonderful gift of the holy spirit may he pull at my conscience may he tug my spirit and highlight my shortcomings so i can repent may he cause me to turn away from any sinful ways lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions jeremiah 17 verse 9 declares the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it but i am grateful today that you o lord are the one who searches the heart so search my heart today king jesus and remove that which is not from you father created me a clean heart your word tells me to keep my heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life so forgive me heavenly father forgive me if i've allowed bitterness unforgiveness anger deceitful thoughts revenge dishonesty and corrupt ways to enter my heart forgive me if i have not been careful of the things i watch or listen to forgive me if i've laid myself open to all kinds of corrupt influences forgive me lord jesus if i have not chosen my friends wisely lord i'm sorry and i repent i repent if i've made any excuses or tried to rationalize my sinful actions have mercy lord i have fallen short mighty god and i need your forgiveness in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me [Music] you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humbled to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence in jesus name amen [Music] dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall sin from heaven and save me i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. the bible says for to us a child is born to us his son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me [Music] saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listen he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i am in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see [Music] i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen [Music] as you end your day take a moment and go before god you see midnight is a time of transition where you cross over from one day into the next the events of today may have left you feeling tired you might be there feeling beat up you may have been up against attack after attack today and now it's a relief just to get a break and go to sleep you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be waiting for you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like they're an army marching in your direction do what blind bartimaeus did in luke chapter 18 verses 37 37-38 the bible says they told him jesus of nazareth is passing by he called out jesus son of david have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to jesus ask the lord to intervene when you feel cornered and your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your bible to second kings chapter 6 verses 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the bible says about elisha's response don't be afraid the prophet answered those who are with us are more than those who are with them [Music] and then elisha prayed open his eyes lord so that he may see and the lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha so i encourage you to pray that god would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when god opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that draw strength from the fact that jesus christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out and praise there is only but one god who can give you rest only jesus can lead you beside the still waters only jesus can renew your strength don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what would come tomorrow instead call unto jesus christ today right in this moment call on him to open your eyes so that you may see those who surround you the angels of the lord who surround you far outnumber your enemies god's goodness is greater than your problems [Music] now let us pray [Music] father god i ask that you would touch our hearts and minds today as children of god we are not afraid of anything because they that are for us are more than they that are against us help us lord not to be afraid about what tomorrow holds because tomorrow in itself is held by you if i am fearful lord if i i'm worried i pray that you would bring change into my life give me the strength to pray and push for victory for success and progress through the might and power of jesus christ lord i invite your presence to give me a sense of calm and assurance just as you have been faithful to start this day with me i thank you that you will end it with me as well thank you for your hand that has been upon me my family and all my loved ones continue to preserve me continue to guide me jesus may your hand continually protect me my problems may be many but my god is powerful and greater than them all i may seem to be outnumbered by my opposition but i trust that you would brush them aside lord and create a path for me thank you my heavenly father for all the battles that you have fought for me and on my behalf i give you all the glory and all the honor for you alone are worthy to receive my adoration thank you father god for what you did for me for what you're doing and for what you are still to do in my life great is your faithfulness towards me lord jesus i ask that you would not allow me to dwell on any unpleasant memories let me not meditate on what went wrong or even on what could go wrong instead give me the boldness to walk by faith and not by sight give me the boldness to continually fix my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith jesus christ father god i pray that i may have a closer walk with you and not only that lord but i pray that i may walk in this spirit so that i will not fulfill the work of the flesh help me to let go and to learn from the pain of today from the failures of today so that they may be wisdom for my give me the boldness to trust in you and to act upon that trust in you and i can do this by not being consumed by fear but instead being filled with faith work within me lord jesus so that i can change for the better so that i may grow and mature in faith for the better as you renew my strength as you replenish my energy and rejuvenate my spirit i pray that you would give me the wisdom i need for tomorrow give me peace of mind lord give me a divine strategy on how i can overcome the battles that await me fill me up lord with the holy spirit and empower me to practice all that is in your word may i take action on all things that are necessary for my spiritual growth and maturity lord i pray that you would give me the victory over any giant in my life give me power and the strength to destroy completely that which fixes me i pray that you would help me to rise above any storm that i may come across i commit my life my family my loved ones my health and this year into your hands i pray that the holy spirit will continue to help me navigate my way through each day be glorified and praised lord you are mighty you are gracious and you are loving thank you for hearing my prayer in the precious and mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen i came across psalm 51 and i was moved to share this passage because it really is a prayer that we can all relate to this is a psalm written after david sinned before the lord and committed adultery with bathsheba now we have all sinned and we all need to repent so if you have something hidden within your heart that you are yet to repent don't hold on to it don't keep that sin hidden repent go before the lord and ask our merciful and faithful savior jesus christ for forgiveness so as i read the word of god before we pray i really do encourage you to pay attention to the sincerity pay attention to the need and desperation that david has for god to cleanse him pay attention to the regret and remorse that's in this psalm pay attention to it and learn the lesson that there is no joy in sin it's a fleeting pleasure that only leads to destruction [Music] so now the word of god says in psalm 51 have mercy on me o god according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i know my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have i sinned and done what's evil in your sight so you were right in your verdict and justified when you judge surely i was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb you taught me wisdom in that secret place cleanse me with hyssop and i will be clean wash me and i'll be whiter than snow let me hear joy and gladness let the bones you have crushed rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity create in me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me from your presence or take your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me then i will teach transgressors your ways so that sinners will turn back to you deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed o god you who are my god you who are god my savior and my tongue will sing of your righteousness open my lips lord and my mouth will declare your praise you do not delight in sacrifice or i would bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings my sacrifice o god is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart you god will not despise may it please you to prosper zion to build up the walls of jerusalem then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous in burnt offerings offered whole then bulls will be offered on your altar now let us pray heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for the wonderful gift of the holy spirit may he pull at my conscience may he tug my spirit and highlight my shortcomings so i can repent may he cause me to turn away from any sinful ways lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions jeremiah 17 verse 9 declares the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it but i am grateful today that you o lord are the one who searches the heart so search my heart today king jesus and remove that which is not from you father created me a clean heart your word tells me to keep my heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life so forgive me heavenly father forgive me if i've allowed bitterness unforgiveness anger deceitful thoughts revenge dishonesty and corrupt ways to enter my heart forgive me if i have not been careful of the things i watch or listen to forgive me if i've laid myself open to all kinds of corrupt influences forgive me lord jesus if i have not chosen my friends wisely lord i'm sorry and i repent i repent if i've made any excuses or tried to rationalize my sinful actions have mercy lord i have fallen short mighty god and i need your forgiveness in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence in jesus name amen [Music] dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall send from heaven and save me i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. the bible says for to us a child is born to us the son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listen he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i'm in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god [Music] jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray [Music] our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness [Music] i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen [Music] as you end your day take a moment and go before god you see midnight is a time of transition where you cross over from one day into the next the events of today may have left you feeling tired you might be there feeling beat up you may have been up against attack after attack today and now it's a relief just to get a break and go to sleep you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be waiting for you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like they're an army marching in your direction do what blind bartimaeus did in luke chapter 18 verses 37-38 the bible says they told him jesus of nazareth is passing by he called out jesus son of david have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to jesus ask the lord to intervene when you feel cornered and your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your bible to second kings chapter 6 verses 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the bible says about elisha's response don't be afraid the prophet answered those who are with us are more than those who are with them and then elisha prayed open his eyes lord so that he may see and the lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha so i encourage you to pray that god would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when god opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that draw strength from the fact that jesus christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out and praise there is only but one god who can give you rest only jesus can lead you beside the still waters only jesus can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what would come tomorrow instead call unto jesus christ today right in this moment call on him to open your eyes so that you may see those who surround you the angels of the lord who surround you far outnumber your enemies god's goodness is greater than your problems now let us pray father god i ask that you would touch our hearts and minds today as children of god we are not afraid of anything because they that are for us are more than they that are against us help us lord not to be afraid about what tomorrow holds because tomorrow in itself is held by you if i am fearful lord if i am worried [Music] i pray that you would bring change into my life give me the strength to pray and push for victory for success and progress through the might and power of jesus christ lord i invite your presence to give me a sense of calm and assurance just as you have been faithful to start this day with me i thank you that you will end it with me as well thank you for your hand that has been upon me my family and all my loved ones continue to preserve me continue to guide me jesus may your hand continually protect me my problems may be many but my god is powerful and greater than them all i may seem to be outnumbered by my opposition but i trust that you would brush them aside lord and create a path for me [Music] thank you my heavenly father for all the battles that you have fought for me and on my behalf i give you all the glory and all the honor for you alone are worthy to receive my adoration thank you father god for what you did for me for what you're doing and for what you are still to do in my life great is your faithfulness towards me lord jesus i ask that you would not allow me to dwell on any unpleasant memories let me not meditate on what went wrong or even on what could go wrong instead give me the boldness to walk by faith and not by sight give me the boldness to continually fix my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith jesus christ god i pray that i may have a closer walk with you and not only that lord but i pray that i may walk in this spirit so that i will not fulfill the work of the flesh help me to let go and to learn from the pain of today from the failures of today so that they may be wisdom for my tomorrow give me the boldness to trust in you and to act upon that trust in you and i can do this by not being consumed by fear but instead being filled with faith work within me lord jesus so that i can change for the better so that i may grow and mature in faith for the better as you renew my strength as you replenish my energy and rejuvenate my spirit i pray that you would give me the wisdom i need for tomorrow give me peace of mind lord give me a divine strategy on how i can overcome the battles that await me fill me up lord with the holy spirit and empower me to practice all that is in your word may i take action on all things that are necessary for my spiritual growth and maturity lord i pray that you would give me the victory over any giant in my life give me power and the strength to destroy completely that which fixes me i pray that you would help me to rise above any storm that i may come across i commit my life my family my loved ones my health and this year into your hands i pray that the holy spirit will continue to help me navigate my way through each day be glorified and praised lord you are mighty you are gracious and you are loving thank you for hearing my prayer in the precious and mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] i came across psalm 51 and i was moved to share this passage because it really is a prayer that we can all relate to this is a psalm written after david sinned before the lord and committed adultery with bathsheba now we have all sinned and we all need to repent so if you have something hidden within your heart that you are yet to repent don't hold on to it don't keep that sin hidden repent go before the lord and ask our merciful and faithful savior jesus christ for forgiveness so as i read the word of god before we pray i really do encourage you to pay attention to the sincerity pay attention to the need and desperation that david has for god to cleanse him pay attention to the regret and remorse that's in this psalm pay attention to it and learn the lesson that there is no joy in sin it's a fleeting pleasure that only leads to destruction so now the word of god says in psalm 51 have mercy on me o god according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i know my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have i sinned and done what's evil in your sight so you were right in your verdict and justified when you judge surely i was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb you taught me wisdom in that secret place cleanse me with hyssop and i will be clean wash me and i'll be whiter than snow let me hear joy and gladness let the bones you have crushed rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity create in me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me from your presence or take your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me then i will teach transgressors your ways so that sinners will turn back to you deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed o god you who are my god you who are god my savior and my tongue will sing of your righteousness open my lips lord and my mouth will declare your praise you do not delight in sacrifice or i would bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings my sacrifice o god is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart you god will not despise may it please you to prosper zion to build up the walls of jerusalem then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous in burnt offerings offered whole then bulls will be offered on your altar now let us pray heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for the wonderful gift of the holy spirit may he pull at my conscience may he tug my spirit and highlight my shortcomings so i can repent may he cause me to turn away from any sinful ways lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i have wandered far from you o lord if i have allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions jeremiah 17 verse 9 declares the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it but i am grateful today that you o lord are the one who searches the heart so search my heart today king jesus and remove that which is not from you father created me a clean heart your word tells me to keep my heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life so forgive me heavenly father forgive me if i've allowed bitterness unforgiveness anger deceitful thoughts revenge dishonesty and corrupt ways to enter my heart forgive me if i have not been careful of the things i watch or listen to forgive me if i have laid myself open to all kinds of corrupt influences forgive me lord jesus if i have not chosen my friends wisely lord i'm sorry and i repent i repent if i've made any excuses or tried to rationalize my sinful actions have mercy lord i have fallen short mighty god and i need your forgiveness in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh [Music] lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence in jesus name amen dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place [Music] may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my own i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall send from heaven and save me i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen [Music] the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6 the bible says for to us a child is born to us the son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled [Music] it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listened [Music] he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i'm in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god matthew 22 37 says you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself lord give me a heart that obeys you transform this cold heart of flesh of mine and give me a new heart of faith a heart that is filled with your love and a deep hunger for you lord give me a heart that places you right at the center as king and lord of my life as king and lord of my soul and as king and lord of my mind your word in 1st peter 1 verse 13 says therefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ today i rest my hope fully on the grace that i have received from jesus christ amazing grace a grace that covers a multitude of sins may the joy of the lord shine through me the joy spoken of in philippians 4 verse 4 rejoice in the lord always again i will say rejoice and so i will rejoice i will rejoice in all of your goodness and all of your faithfulness i pray that your peace will guard my heart and my mind i thank you for being a god who has been faithful throughout the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything that i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation that i face steady my emotions father where i am anxious give me peace lord where i am troubled i give you my burdens and father when i am worried i cast my burdens on you you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress when i am tired and weary i will wait on you to renew my strength your word is a lamp unto my feet that guides me so that i may not stumble and fall i pray that your strength renews us may your presence be felt continuously in our hearts i will forever be confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the toughest of times father it is your pure and holy light that eradicates the darkness and destroys the traps set by my enemy your word says in deuteronomy 10 verse 12 and now israel what does the lord your god require of you but to fear the lord your god to walk in all his ways to loving to serve the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul father help me so that i may not have any fear in this world but rather may i only fear you my god i pray that i may walk in your ways help me to not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor to stand in the way of sinners nor to sit in the seat of the scornful lord i desire to be completely devoted to you to hunger and thirst for you so i pray that you would remove everything that might hinder my growth remove everything that might hinder me from walking with you i pray that nothing would block me from chasing after you god strengthen my faith lord renew my faith re-energize my faith in this moment i bless your name in jesus name i pray amen lord jesus there are many things in this life that we may consider important there are many things that we devote our time and energy into thinking that they will bring us happiness but all of them are worthless when compared to you there is nothing on this earth that's worth having lord if you're not involved your word in psalm 73 verse 25 says whom have i in heaven but you and there is none on earth that i desire besides you father every earthly desire that we have is insignificant and trivial in light of eternity [Music] help us king jesus to have a desire to store up riches in heaven and not on this earth [Music] all that is in this world is meaningless so lord jesus we fix our eyes on you we fix our eyes on your word let our passion be to follow your will teach us to love what you love teach us to value what you value transform our minds and realign our view of the world so that it matches yours for your knowledge and wisdom is so far above ours lord jesus may the beauty of the gospel displace everything else in our hearts and move us into action remind us of the surpassing worth of jesus christ and let that knowledge drive us to declare and testify about your goodness as humans our natural desire is often to seek our own gratification however as believers we say not our will but your will be done may you take all the glory father i thank you for rescuing me from a path that was leading to hell lord jesus i thank you and i glorify you cultivate in me a heart that has a great love for you may i be grieved by the idea of sin i pray that you would eliminate any lingering craving for worldliness or sin in my heart make me hunger and thirst for the kingdom of god i invite the holy spirit i welcome the holy spirit to work in my heart and bring about a change bring about a new desire and a new passion for christ within me may jesus christ be exalted in my life and placed above every other thing search my heart lord and tear down any idols expose every area of sin and disobedience in my life bring it to light lord and remove it from my heart remove every ungodly and sinful desire within me and replace it with a holy and pure passion a passion to do your will a passion to preach your word to make your name known to unbelievers to glorify your name if i desire these things i know that you will not deny me lord help me not to envy the dead-end pursuit of unbelievers they may have happiness for a time but it won't satisfy them because only you lord can satisfy every longing need in the human heart i pray that my desire would only be to serve jesus christ to preach his gospel and to testify to the entire world about the goodness of my god change my desires lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] father god thank you for your goodness your word says in psalm 34 verses 17 to 18 when the righteous cry for help the lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles the lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit hear my cry today lord deliver me from all of my troubles father god i pray for every believer who is listening right now don't pass us by lord hear the cry of our hearts just as blind bartimaeus got your attention may you hear us in our place of need today god in our moment of desperation we call upon the name of jesus you are merciful and kind lord a god who is always willing to help those who seek you sincerely all too often we wallow in shame and guilt we prolong our sufferings by trying to take matters in our own hands or by simply not having patience forgive us lord forgive me if i have doubted in any way shape or form forgive me if i haven't stood strong in my belief that you will not pass me by when i call on your name forgive me if i have ever pushed you aside because of impatience or arrogance or pride instead lord jesus i invite you right into the middle of my storm i will wait on you king jesus i will turn to you instead of trying to fix things on my own because on my own i am weak on my own i become vulnerable to my emotions but in you with you i am strong i am made whole and i am led by your spirit help me to wait patiently on you because your word says in isaiah chapter 30 verse 18 therefore the lord waits to be gracious to you and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you for the lord is a god of justice blessed are all those who wait for him [Music] some trust in chariots and summon horses but we trust we trust in the name of the lord our god when we call upon your name lord there is freedom we will no longer be trapped by anything that is oppressive or depressive when we call upon the mighty name of jesus christ that is when we will find rescue and refuge that is where we will find healing and hope your word says in the book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 16. let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need i am indeed blessed when i wait on you so i pray that you would help me to renew my mind and dismiss any thoughts that lead me to question your impeccable track record of delivering your children time after time help me to cast down the thoughts and whispers from the devil that say you will reject me or condemn me father i'm making the choice to not take matters into my own hands but instead i relinquish control and wait on you i am choosing to wait patiently in prayer and to bring my requests before you father psalm 37 verse 7 says be still before the lord and wait patiently for him fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way over the man who carries out evil devices be blessed and glorified o king jesus lead me in your truth and in your wisdom lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] psalm 73 verse 26 says my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever trusting in the lord means that i may not know all of the details but one thing that i do know is that my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever now let us pray lord jesus may you get all the glory in my life teach me to be more patient teach me lord to be more reliant and trusting in you i believe that when i face difficulties and when i face challenges in life you will be my rescue i believe that when i am in deepwaters you will stay true to your word in isaiah 43 verse 2 which says when you pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you when you walk through fire you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you holy spirit help me and teach me so that before i go anywhere else searching for solutions before i look anywhere else for answers let me seek the counsel of the lord let me search the word of god first because in jesus i have a god who moves mountains and speaks calm to every storm in jesus i have a god who performs miracles a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way [Music] lord your word says in psalm 73 27-28 for behold those who are far from you shall perish you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you but for me it is good to be near god i have made the lord god my refuge that i may tell of all your works lord it is good for me to draw near to you it's good for me to make you my refuge because in you i will find strength in you i will find preservation and comfort so i declare in the name of jesus christ that i am equipped with everything i need to survive this storm lord jesus you will never give me more than i can bear and you have already made a way to victory available to me so i declare that in the name of jesus christ i am more than a conqueror i will overcome this test this difficulty or this trial in my life although my physical eyes might not see it yet i believe that in you lord jesus i will have victory although my heart and flesh may fail i declare god's word which says that i have overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of my testimony i confess and declare that there is power in the blood of jesus [Music] and so i ask father that you go before me lord although i may face things that leave me with more questions than answers i will continue to look to you a god who has said in deuteronomy 31 verse 8 it is the lord who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed lord jesus i will continue to trust in you to trust in your word your will is divine and it overrules my own will your plans are just and they are better than anything i could ever imagine and so i bless your name i relinquish all control and give you the glory honor and praise forevermore in jesus name i pray amen [Music] jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father [Music] my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god [Music] yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness [Music] i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen as you end your day take a moment and go before god you see midnight is a time of transition where you cross over from one day into the next the events of today may have left you feeling tired you might be there feeling beat up you may have been up against attack after attack today and now it's a relief just to get a break and go to sleep you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be waiting for you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like they're an army marching in your direction do what blind bartimaeus did in luke chapter 18 verses 37-38 the bible says they told him jesus of nazareth is passing by he called out jesus son of david have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to jesus ask the lord to intervene when you feel cornered and your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your bible to second kings chapter 6 verses 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the bible says about elijah's response don't be afraid the prophet answered those who are with us are more than those who are with them and then elisha prayed open his eyes lord so that he may see and the lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha so i encourage you to pray that god would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when god opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that draw strength from the fact that jesus christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out and praise there is only but one god who can give you rest only jesus can lead you beside the still waters only jesus can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what would come tomorrow instead call unto jesus christ today right in this moment call on him to open your eyes so that you may see those who surround you the angels of the lord who surround you far outnumber your enemies god's goodness is greater than your problems now let us pray [Music] father god i ask that you would touch our hearts and minds today as children of god we are not afraid of anything because they that are for us are more than they that are against us help us lord not to be afraid about what tomorrow holds because tomorrow in itself is held by you if i am fearful lord if i am worried i pray that you would bring change into my life give me the strength to pray and push for victory for success and progress through the might and power of jesus christ [Music] lord i invite your presence to give me a sense of calm and assurance just as you have been faithful to start this day with me i thank you that you will end it with me as well thank you for your hand that has been upon me my family and all my loved ones continue to preserve me continue to guide me jesus may your hand continually protect me my problems may be many but my god is powerful and greater than them all i may seem to be outnumbered by my opposition but i trust that you would brush them aside lord and create a path for me thank you my heavenly father for all the battles that you have fought for me and on my behalf i give you all the glory and all the honor for you alone are worthy to receive my adoration thank you father god for what you did for me for what you're doing and for what you are still to do in my life great is your faithfulness towards me lord jesus i ask that you would not allow me to dwell on any unpleasant memories let me not meditate on what went wrong or even on what could go wrong instead give me the boldness to walk by faith and not by sight give me the boldness to continually fix my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith jesus christ father god i pray that i may have a closer walk with you and not only that lord but i pray that i may walk in this spirit so that i will not fulfill the work of the flesh help me to let go and to learn from the pain of today from the failures of today so that they may be wisdom for my tomorrow give me the boldness to trust in you and to act upon that trust in you and i can do this by not being consumed by fear but instead being filled with faith work within me lord jesus so that i can change for the better so that i may grow and mature in faith for the better as you renew my strength as you replenish my energy and rejuvenate my spirit i pray that you would give me the wisdom i need for tomorrow give me peace of mind lord give me a divine strategy on how i can overcome the battles that await me fill me up lord with the holy spirit and empower me to practice all that is in your word [Music] may i take action on all things that are necessary for my spiritual growth and maturity lord i pray that you would give me the victory over any giant in my life give me power and the strength to destroy completely that which fixes me i pray that you would help me to rise above any storm that i may come across i commit my life my family my loved ones my health and this year into your hands i pray that the holy spirit will continue to help me navigate my way through each day be glorified and praised lord you are mighty you are gracious and you are loving thank you for hearing my prayer in the precious and mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] i came across psalm 51 and i was moved to share this passage because it really is a prayer that we can all relate to this is a psalm written after david sinned before the lord and committed adultery with bathsheba now we have all sinned and we all need to repent so if you have something hidden within your heart that you are yet to repent don't hold on to it don't keep that sin hidden repent go before the lord and ask our merciful and faithful savior jesus christ for forgiveness so as i read the word of god before we pray i really do encourage you to pay attention to the sincerity pay attention to the need and desperation that david has for god to cleanse him pay attention to the regret and remorse that's in this song pay attention to it and learn the lesson that there is no joy in sin it's a fleeting pleasure that only leads to destruction so now the word of god says in psalm 51 have mercy on me o god according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i know my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have i sinned and done what's evil in your sight so you were right in your verdict and justified when you judge surely i was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb you taught me wisdom in that secret place cleanse me with hyssop and i will be clean wash me and i'll be whiter than snow let me hear joy and gladness let the bones you have crushed rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity create in me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me from your presence or take your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me then i will teach transgressors your ways so that sinners will turn back to you deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed o god you who are my god you who are god my savior and my tongue will sing of your righteousness open my lips lord and my mouth will declare your praise you do not delight in sacrifice or i would bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings my sacrifice o god is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart you god will not despise may it please you to prosper zion to build up the walls of jerusalem then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous in burnt offerings offered whole then bulls will be offered on your altar now let us pray heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for the wonderful gift of the holy spirit may he pull at my conscience may he tug my spirit and highlight my shortcomings so i can repent may he cause me to turn away from any sinful ways lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions jeremiah 17 verse 9 declares the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it but i am grateful today that you o lord are the one who searches the heart so search my heart today king jesus and remove that which is not from you father created me a clean heart your word tells me to keep my heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life so forgive me heavenly father forgive me if i've allowed bitterness unforgiveness anger deceitful thoughts revenge dishonesty and corrupt ways to enter my heart forgive me if i have not been careful of the things i watch or listen to forgive me if i've laid myself open to all kinds of corrupt influences forgive me lord jesus if i have not chosen my friends wisely lord i'm sorry and i repent i repent if i've made any excuses or tried to rationalize my sinful actions have mercy lord i have fallen short mighty god and i need your forgiveness in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me [Music] you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence in jesus name amen [Music] dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall send from heaven and save me i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6. the bible says for to us a child is born to us the son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me [Music] saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listen he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i'm in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see [Music] i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world [Music] i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen [Music] as you end your day take a moment and go before god you see midnight is a time of transition where you cross over from one day into the next the events of today may have left you feeling tired you might be there feeling beat up you may have been up against attack after attack today and now it's a relief just to get a break and go to sleep you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be waiting for you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like they're an army marching in your direction do what blind bartimaeus did in luke chapter 18 verses 37-38 the bible says they told him jesus of nazareth is passing by he called out jesus son of david have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to jesus ask the lord to intervene when you feel cornered and your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your bible to second kings chapter 6 verses 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the bible says about elisha's response don't be afraid the prophet answered those who are with us are more than those who are with them [Music] and then elisha prayed open his eyes lord so that he may see and the lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha so i encourage you to pray that god would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when god opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that [Music] draw strength from the fact that jesus christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out and praise there is only but one god who can give you rest only jesus can lead you beside the still waters only jesus can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what would come tomorrow instead call unto jesus christ today right in this moment call on him to open your eyes so that you may see those who surround you the angels of the lord who surround you far outnumber your enemies god's goodness is greater than your problems now let us pray father god i ask that you would touch our hearts and minds today as children of god we are not afraid of anything because they that are for us are more than they that are against us help us lord not to be afraid about what tomorrow holds because tomorrow in itself is held by you if i am fearful lord if i am worried i pray that you would bring change into my life give me the strength to pray and push for victory for success and progress through the might and power of jesus christ lord i invite your presence to give me a sense of calm and assurance just as you have been faithful to start this day with me i thank you that you will end it with me as well thank you for your hand that has been upon me my family and all my loved ones continue to preserve me continue to guide me jesus may your hand continually protect me my problems may be many but my god is powerful and greater than them all i may seem to be outnumbered by my opposition but i trust that you would brush them aside lord and create a path for me thank you my heavenly father for all the battles that you have fought for me and on my behalf i give you all the glory and all the honor for you alone are worthy to receive my adoration thank you father god for what you did for me for what you're doing and for what you are still to do in my life great is your faithfulness towards me lord jesus i ask that you would not allow me to dwell on any unpleasant memories let me not meditate on what went wrong or even on what could go wrong instead give me the boldness to walk by faith and not by sight give me the boldness to continually fix my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith jesus christ father god i pray that i may have a closer walk with you and not only that lord but i pray that i may walk in this spirit so that i will not fulfill the work of the flesh help me to let go and to learn from the pain of today from the failures of today so that they may be wisdom for my tomorrow give me the boldness to trust in you and to act upon that trust in you and i can do this by not being consumed by fear but instead being filled with faith work within me lord jesus so that i can change for the better so that i may grow and mature in faith for the better as you renew my strength as you replenish my energy and rejuvenate my spirit i pray that you would give me the wisdom i need for tomorrow give me peace of mind lord give me a divine strategy on how i can overcome the battles that await me fill me up lord with the holy spirit and empower me to practice all that is in your word may i take action on all things that are necessary for my spiritual growth and maturity lord i pray that you would give me the victory over any giant in my life give me power and the strength to destroy completely that which fixes me i pray that you would help me to rise above any storm that i may come across i commit my life my family my loved ones my health and this year into your hands i pray that the holy spirit will continue to help me navigate my way through each day be glorified and praised lord you are mighty you are gracious and you are loving thank you for hearing my prayer and the precious and mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen i came across psalm 51 and i was moved to share this passage because it really is a prayer that we can all relate to this is a psalm written after david sinned before the lord and committed adultery with bathsheba now we have all sinned and we all need to repent so if you have something hidden within your heart that you are yet to repent don't hold on to it don't keep that sin hidden repent go before the lord and ask our merciful and faithful savior jesus christ for forgiveness so as i read the word of god before we pray i really do encourage you to pay attention to the sincerity pay attention to the need and desperation that david has for god to cleanse him pay attention to the regret and remorse that's in this psalm pay attention to it and learn the lesson that there is no joy in sin it's a fleeting pleasure that only leads to destruction [Music] so now the word of god says in psalm 51 have mercy on me o god according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i know my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have i sinned and done what's evil in your sight so you were right in your verdict and justified when you judge surely i was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb you taught me wisdom in that secret place cleanse me with hyssop and i will be clean wash me and i'll be whiter than snow let me hear joy and gladness let the bones you have crushed rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity creating me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me from your presence or take your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me then i will teach transgressors your ways so that sinners will turn back to you deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed o god you who are my god you who are god my savior and my tongue will sing of your righteousness open my lips lord and my mouth will declare your praise you do not delight in sacrifice or i would bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings my sacrifice o god is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart you god will not despise may it please you to prosper zion to build up the walls of jerusalem then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous in burnt offerings offered whole then bulls will be offered on your altar now let us pray heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for the wonderful gift of the holy spirit may he pull at my conscience may he tug my spirit and highlight my shortcomings so i can repent may he cause me to turn away from any sinful ways lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions jeremiah 17 verse 9 declares the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it but i am grateful today that you o lord are the one who searches the heart so search my heart today king jesus and remove that which is not from you father created me a clean heart your word tells me to keep my heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life so forgive me heavenly father forgive me if i've allowed bitterness unforgiveness anger deceitful thoughts revenge dishonesty and corrupt ways to enter my heart forgive me if i have not been careful of the things i watch or listen to forgive me if i've laid myself open to all kinds of corrupt influences forgive me lord jesus if i have not chosen my friends wisely lord i'm sorry and i repent i repent if i've made any excuses or tried to rationalize my sinful actions have mercy lord i have fallen short mighty god and i need your forgiveness in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue ungodliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence in jesus name amen [Music] dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall sin from heaven and save me i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 verse 6 the bible says for to us a child is born to us the son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listen he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i'm in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god [Music] jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night and so with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen [Music] as you end your day take a moment and go before god you see midnight is a time of transition where you cross over from one day into the next the events of today may have left you feeling tired you might be there feeling beat up you may have been up against attack after attack today and now it's a relief just to get a break and go to sleep you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be waiting for you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like they're an army marching in your direction do what blind bartimaeus did in luke chapter 18 verses 37-38 the bible says they told him jesus of nazareth is passing by he called out jesus son of david have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to jesus ask the lord to intervene when you feel cornered and your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your bible to second kings chapter 6 verses 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the bible says about elisha's response don't be afraid the prophet answered those who are with us are more than those who are with them and then elisha prayed open his eyes lord so that he may see and the lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha so i encourage you to pray that god would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when god opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that draw strength from the fact that jesus christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out and praise there is only but one god who can give you rest only jesus can lead you beside the still waters only jesus can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what would come tomorrow instead call unto jesus christ today right in this moment call on him to open your eyes so that you may see those who surround you the angels of the lord who surround you far outnumber your enemies god's goodness is greater than your problems now let us pray father god i ask that you would touch our hearts and minds today as children of god we are not afraid of anything because they that are for us are more than they that are against us help us lord not to be afraid about what tomorrow holds because tomorrow in itself is held by you if i am fearful lord if i am worried [Music] i pray that you would bring change into my life give me the strength to pray and push for victory for success and progress through the might and power of jesus christ lord i invite your presence to give me a sense of calm and assurance just as you have been faithful to start this day with me i thank you that you will end it with me as well thank you for your hand that has been upon me my family and all my loved ones continue to preserve me continue to guide me jesus may your hand continually protect me my problems may be many but my god is powerful and greater than them all i may seem to be outnumbered by my opposition but i trust that you would brush them aside lord and create a path for me thank you my heavenly father for all the battles that you have fought for me and on my behalf i give you all the glory and all the honor for you alone are worthy to receive my adoration thank you father god for what you did for me for what you're doing and for what you are still to do in my life great is your faithfulness towards me lord jesus i ask that you would not allow me to dwell on any unpleasant memories let me not meditate on what went wrong or even on what could go wrong instead give me the boldness to walk by faith and not by sight [Music] give me the boldness to continually fix my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith jesus christ father god i pray that i may have a closer walk with you and not only that lord but i pray that i may walk in this spirit so that i will not fulfill the work of the flesh help me to let go and to learn from the pain of today from the failures of today so that they may be wisdom for my tomorrow give me the boldness to trust in you and to act upon that trust in you and i can do this by not being consumed by fear but instead being filled with faith work within me lord jesus so that i can change for the better so that i may grow and mature in faith for the better as you renew my strength as you replenish my energy and rejuvenate my spirit i pray that you would give me the wisdom i need for tomorrow give me peace of mind lord give me a divine strategy on how i can overcome the battles that await me fill me up lord with the holy spirit and empower me to practice all that is in your word may i take action on all things that are necessary for my spiritual growth and maturity lord i pray that you would give me the victory over any giant in my life give me power and the strength to destroy completely that which fixes me i pray that you would help me to rise above any storm that i may come across i commit my life my family my loved ones my health and this year into your hands i pray that the holy spirit will continue to help me navigate my way through each day be glorified and praised lord you are mighty you are gracious and you are loving thank you for hearing my prayer in the precious and mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen i came across psalm 51 and i was moved to share this passage because it really is a prayer that we can all relate to this is a psalm written after david sinned before the lord and committed adultery with bathsheba now we have all sinned and we all need to repent so if you have something hidden within your heart that you are yet to repent don't hold on to it don't keep that sin hidden repent go before the lord and ask our merciful and faithful savior jesus christ for forgiveness so as i read the word of god before we pray i really do encourage you to pay attention to the sincerity pay attention to the need and desperation that david has for god to cleanse him pay attention to the regret and remorse that's in this psalm pay attention to it and learn the lesson that there is no joy and sin it's a fleeting pleasure that only leads to destruction so now the word of god says in psalm 51 have mercy on me oh god according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i know my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have i sinned and done what's evil in your sight so you were right in your verdict and justified when you judge surely i was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb you taught me wisdom in that secret place cleanse me with hyssop and i will be clean wash me and i'll be whiter than snow let me hear joy and gladness let the bones you have crushed rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity create in me a pure heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me from your presence or take your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me then i will teach transgressors your ways so that sinners will turn back to you deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed o god you who are my god you who are god my savior and my tongue will sing of your righteousness open my lips lord and my mouth will declare your praise you do not delight in sacrifice or i would bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings my sacrifice o god is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart you god will not despise may it please you to prosper zion to build up the walls of jerusalem then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous in burnt offerings offered whole then bulls will be offered on your altar now let us pray heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for the wonderful gift of the holy spirit may he pull at my conscience may he tug my spirit and highlight my shortcomings so i can repent may he cause me to turn away from any sinful ways lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions jeremiah 17 verse 9 declares the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it but i am grateful today that you o lord are the one who searches the heart so search my heart today king jesus and remove that which is not from you father created me a clean heart your word tells me to keep my heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life so forgive me heavenly father forgive me if i've allowed bitterness unforgiveness anger deceitful thoughts revenge dishonesty and corrupt ways to enter my heart forgive me if i have not been careful of the things i watch or listen to forgive me if i've laid myself open to all kinds of corrupt influences forgive me lord jesus if i have not chosen my friends wisely lord i'm sorry and i repent i repent if i've made any excuses or tried to rationalize my sinful actions have mercy lord i have fallen short mighty god and i need your forgiveness in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord [Music] i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humbled to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence in jesus name amen dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and the honor and you deserve all of the praise i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place [Music] may the presence of the holy spirit be strong in my home i ask that you watch over me as i sleep i ask that you keep me safe jesus defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all trouble and all unrest that can be found at night and just as paul and silas worshiped you in their darkest hour i too i too will sing praises to your holy name i will lift the name of jesus on high higher than all of my cares higher than all of my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness as the book of psalms psalm 57 states i pray that you be merciful to me o god for my soul trusts in you and in the shadow of your wings i will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by i will cry out to god most high to god who performs all things for me he shall send from heaven and save me i will go to sleep in peace knowing that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god it's you the creator of all the ages that will strengthen me it's you the only one with resurrection power that will help me [Music] i speak with the authority that is in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind peaceful and relaxing rest i come before you lord with a heart that is after your own and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus amen [Music] the bible describes jesus as the prince of peace in isaiah 9 6 the bible says for to us a child is born to us his son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace we all need that peace that jesus christ gives i've gotten to the point where my number one prayer point is lord may your peace be upon me let your peace fill my mind and my thoughts let your peace dwell in my heart and i am desperately pursuing the presence of god the peace of god so that in the midst of chaos or turmoil i can say it is well the peace that christ offers means that even if you're caught in between fear and uncertainty you are still able to say it is well with my soul the peace of god means that you and i are strengthened and calmed from within it means that our hearts are not weighed down neither are they troubled [Music] it's this peace that will keep our hearts and minds secure from everything that seeks to disrupt our faith and belief when the world is worried anxious and perplexed as children of god we have a peace that is beyond human understanding it's that kind of peace that no one can steal away from me saints we serve a god of no limits i can look back at the word of god and see that he has power authority strength over everything and everyone if it's nature he parted the red sea he created the heavens and earth he spoke to a storm and it had no choice but to obey if it's animals they listen [Music] he commanded a den full of hungry lions not to touch daniel and they listened in jonah 1 verse 17 the lord commanded a huge fish to swallow jonah and to keep him in its belly for three days and three nights but not harm him and it listened if it's human opposition then we know that pharaoh couldn't stand against him goliath couldn't stand against the power of god and the prophets of baal were no match for the lord and if we talk about the devil well we know that he's been defeated and will always be defeated because god is almighty and this is the good news that i want to share with you we can call to a god who has no limits is there a limit to his strength is there a limit to his wisdom and knowledge is there a limit to his patience his love his mercy lord jesus i come to you because when i am weak you are strong when i am weary and tired you offer me rest and you can renew my strength mighty god of the universe it is indeed a privilege to approach your throne knowing that you love and care for me in my time of weakness i will always rely on your strength lord if i feel weighed down with the cares of life or crushed and battered by my troubles you are ever faithful and all powerful to equip me to handle life's difficulties when they threaten to overwhelm me i pray that your presence surrounds me may your divine peace be found in my heart and in my mind i lay my burdens at your feet and i ask for peaceful rest in the knowledge that you are a god who will always fight for me holy spirit help me not to let the worries and stress of this world pull me down help me not to hold on to any wounds or feelings of hurt from today or from the past help me quiet my mind and turn off all unsettling thoughts i pray that when i feel anxious replace anxiety with a godly peace when i am low when i am disappointed may you lift my burdens and give me strength when i am in need of anything may you be my provider you're the rock of all ages my stronghold and my fortress you're my source of joy and strength when i am discouraged or tired and weary i know that i can always find comfort in you in jesus name i pray amen my reality of you my reality of your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and all of my confidence in you my lord my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 3,345,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: sM55L8RJqC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 265min 55sec (15955 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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