TRUST GOD’S TIMING | God Is In Control - Inspirational & Motivational Video

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If the truth be told and we were being totally honest most of us don't like waiting particularly if we're waiting for something  to change or something to get better waiting can be a very frustrating experience  but the worst kind of waiting of all is waiting on God when God forces you to wait for  things to get better in your life for things to improve to change to  reverse and nothing is happening and yet over and over and over and  over and over again in the bible   we're told to wait on the Lord the  most difficult place for you to be   in life is in God's waiting room in God's waiting  room some of you are in God's waiting room right   now what is God's waiting room when you're in a  hurry for something to happen and God isn't that's   God's waiting room some of you are in a hurry to  graduate some of you are in a hurry to get married   some of you are in a hurry to start a family some  of you are in a hurry to launch a new business   to to close a big deal some of you in a hurry  for a big goal a big dream a big accomplishment   some of you are in a hurry for all kinds of  different things and God isn't we as human beings   hate to wait and we especially  struggle with waiting on God   have you ever been in a hurry when  God wasn't and your God I know you're   going to come through and I'm praying this  really Godly prayer I know it's your will   so where are you why aren't you coming  through and you're in the waiting room of life   and we get so impatient we want to hurry God up  and we want things right now and some of you've   been waiting for God to come through and you're  about to give up and you're getting discouraged   and you realize that God's standard time is  not always running on my time and it's in the   waiting rooms of life we learn to trust God the  most in those difficult waiting rooms of life   that's where God grows us and builds our character  the most through the pain of waiting we learn to   trust God and without faith it's impossible to  please God that's when he builds our character   you see while you're working on your project your  goal your dream your vision God's working on you   and God's much more interested in you  than in what you're trying to accomplish   because you're not taking your accomplishments  to heaven but you are taking your character   and sometimes God says yeah I intend to give you  what I've promised you I intend to answer that   prayer I intend to fulfill the vision but you're  not ready yet I want you to grow and when you're   ready then it's going to happen a lot of times we  think we're waiting on God for something to happen   like a prayer to be answered God says you're not  waiting on me I'm waiting on you I'm trying to   prepare you I'm testing your faith will you trust  me but I'm also trying to grow you up because the   blessing I want to give you so much bigger than  you can handle right now you're not ready for   it you can't handle it yet another thing you have  to learn in life is that a delay is not a denial   there's a big difference between no and not yet  now immature children don't know the difference   you tell a kid not yet they start crying and  having a hissy fit because they think it means no   they don't understand a delay is not a denial  God is saying I I intend to do these things in   your life that I've given you the vision the  dream to do but you're just not ready yet and   at the right time I will answer your prayer God's  often waiting on us now why is this important   because when you're in God's waiting room you  fall temptation to all kinds of negative emotions   you start worrying you start stressing out you get  anxious you get irritable you get spiritual add   you can get envious you can get jealous hey  he got a promotion I didn't get the promotion   that she's having a baby I'm not having a  baby she got engaged I didn't get engaged   he's starting a new business that's taken off  what about mine and and all these kind of negative   emotions can come in to your life and then you get  frustrated and then you start having a pity party   so what does God want you to do when you're  in the waiting room of life and because you're   going to go through it many many times God is not  a vending machine where you put in the prayer and   then you pull the thing and you instantly get it  there's always a delay the delays are by design   the delays are by design to teach you to trust  him and to grow up in your character hey a delay   is not a denial there's a big difference between  no and not yet for those of your parents you   understand this there's a big difference between  telling your kids no and not yet it's just not   time yet and a delay is not a denial we see it all  through scriptures God told Noah to build a boat   that would save his family from a great flood but  it didn't rain for 120 years God told Abraham he'd   be the father of a great nation but he didn't  have his first child until he was 99 years old   God told Moses that he would lead the people  out of slavery from Egypt they'd been in for   over 450 years but then God sends Moses  out into the desert for 40 years to wait   God gives Joseph this great dream that he'll save  his family and his people from famine and he'll   be a great leader but then Joseph gets sold into  slavery he gets falsely accused and imprisoned   and he's waiting there in prison until finally God  takes him from prison and positions him second in   command in all of Egypt and the promise comes true  King David God had King David anointed as king   but he didn't really get to be king until years  later even Jesus Christ spent his first 30 years   waiting in a carpentry shop before he started  his earthly ministry see a delay is not a denial   When God delays sometimes we feel forgotten Psalm  13:1 says how long o Lord will you forget me   forever you come to a point sometimes of believing  that God has forgotten you don't worry it's a   common experience we all go through it one  time or another feeling that God isn't there   or at the very least he's forgotten us perhaps  our problems aren't important to him we imagine   the Psalmist encounters those very doubts in Psalm  chapter 10 and verse 1 here's what he says there   why do you stand afar off oh Lord why do you hide  in times of trouble what you believe is that he   has given up on you you may even be feeling that  way right now if so please allow me to remind you   that what you're contemplating is a simple  impossibility God never gives up on you   he never ceases to care about you and  he will not abandon his work on you   of which your trial is a part he even says that  your name is written on the palms of his hands   your very name is tattooed on the palms of God's  hands it is engraved there it cannot be removed   and such is God's concern for you he cannot forget  you no matter what storm you're weathering now   you have never left God's mind or his heart  yes sometimes when God delays we feel forgotten   but God never delays without a purpose he knows  you he knows your heart he knows everything   you're asking him for if he's not doing what you  think he should do just be patient because God   loves you don't forget he's got your name  tattooed on his palm he knows who you are   he hasn't forgotten and he never will often God's  timing disappoints us you know there's something   maybe something you've been praying about for  a long time and you really you need an answer   you know maybe you've been praying for  something really specific and you needed   God to show up within a particular time frame  you know it's an urgent need and he doesn't   when God doesn't answer when you need him  to I wonder what conclusions do you come to   do you think to yourself you know did I  do something wrong did I ask the wrong way   do you find yourself asking does God  even hear my prayers so often we think   when God doesn't answer in our way or in our time  that it's because he doesn't love us God loves you   he doesn't love anybody else one grain of  sand more than he loves you you know in those   darkest moments of life I want you to hear Jesus  looking right through your fear and saying to you   trust me I am right here God's timing might not  have been everything you hoped for in your life   but I hope you understand that you can  trust the one who keeps the time clock   We don't like to trust somebody else's  timing why because if we lose control and so we'd rather then trust God because trusting  God means my goodness I actually have to trust God   we'd rather go listen I like the plan and purpose  you have for my life but can we do it my way   and here's the funny thing now that I'm a parent  I recognize in my children that they don't like it   to wait on my timing they don't like to wait  they don't like to chill and be patient but the   thing is if they would just trust my timing  they would recognize it's for their good   it's for them to be blessed and prosperous and so  you can live life frustrated anxious stressed out   angry or you can rest and go God I have to trust  in your timing just trust his timing why because   it'll give you peace it'll give you rest and it  will help you to remove all disappointment and   hurt and bitterness from your heart because  you'll know actually God's in control of my life Why didn't God just tell you everything that's  going to happen in your life right up front well I think there are two or three reasons first  it would overwhelm you probably scare you to death   but the real reason God doesn't announce his  timetable to you is he wants you to trust him   he says just live one day at a time trust me I  I'm a good God I'm a loving God everything I do   in your life is for love but you just got to trust  me in acts chapter 1 in the bible the bible says   this Jesus said in verse 7 you don't get to  know the time timing is the father's business   so you're just not ever going to know stuff in  advance you don't know what's going to happen   tomorrow in your life much less the rest of your  life God does not tell us the details in advance   he has a timetable for your life but  he doesn't tell you the details in   advance if you could understand why God does  everything God does you'd be God God's timing   isn't good it's perfect because he knows all the  details he knows past present future he knows what   we need what we want what's the wisest thing to do  you can never go wrong waiting upon God's timing   If I'm going to wait upon God I've got to trust  him because my waiting is saying I'm trusting   you God that your timing is better than mine you  know what I do not know your time is always right   and so I'm going to trust you and I'm going to  wait till you give me permission to go there or   do this or have that or buy the other it isn't  that God's trying to deprive us of anything   he only wants what is best for us so it  takes faith and what I mean by that is   simply this am I willing to trust God  for his timing before I make a decision   Just imagine how amazing life would be if we could  trust God all the time in every thing all the time   in every thing and trusting God means that we  stop trying to make things happen ourselves   and we wait on God how many love waiting we wait on God it's a painful word even to say it  and God doesn't do it when we'd like him to or the   way we'd like him to but I can promise you today  if you will keep your eyes on God and trust him   to be your recompense and to be your reward and to  be your vindicator you will get double blessings   for your former trouble trusting him doesn't  mean I'm going to get what I want when I want it   trusting him says I believe that when the timing  is right God will provide what I'm asking him for   you know broken hearts do mend bodies do healed  disappointment turns into new dreams and the end   of one thing can open the door for something  new if we will just put our trust in God   you know what if you're still here on  the planet God's got a plan for you   it seems to you like God's forgotten all about  you well he hasn't he hears you and he sees you   can I tell you today that you're not invisible God  knows exactly where you're at and he knows exactly   what's going on in your life and he knows exactly  how much you can take and how much you can't take   and he may not be early but he won't be late  God's timing is always perfect do I believe   that he has our best interest at heart  if I believe that I'm going to wait   but watch this somebody says I don't have any time  to waste you never waste time waiting on God never   you always find out that his  timing is always the right time
Views: 2,031,525
Rating: 4.9393864 out of 5
Keywords: Inspirational, Inspire, Motivational, Motivate, Encourage, Encouraging, Success, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Christian, Overcome, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Hope, Above Inspiration, faith, God is with you, Give it to God, trust God, Let go, Let go let God, Stop worrying, Trust God’s Timing, God’s Timing, Waiting on God, God is in Control, God is working, pray, prayers, bless, blessing, God’s Time, Time, Wait Upon The Lord, Bible, Perfect Time
Id: TNIYnbj5edw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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