Watch Dogs - All Antagonist Defeats

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oh man look at you crispin no no wait pierce right it's all you piss the auction iraq you this [ __ ] raining down on me cuz i got a lot of [ __ ] raining down on me stop right there i'm not about to let you get away with this you've been [ __ ] me up snooping in my [ __ ] right interfering with my plans we're all dead it was you you were the other hacker in them a lot that there's my currency my masterpiece and you trying to take that from me you took something far more valuable for me i took from you [ __ ] i don't even know you [Music] what are you doing watching an old man die be the man and you've tried to destroy me i've ripped them apart one by one you expect me to bank [Music] i can quit on his knees beg all you want that doesn't interest me you don't even know why we attacked you it was a mistake we thought you wanted this don't lie to me rose you were just sloppy if you'd walked away i would have forgotten you what a lovely woman rose washington wasn't for her dad where would i be most women die without purpose but she had enough sense to die in front of the camera see and our mayor never tidy with his secrets and stupid enough to fall in love all of this lina's death because you didn't want to lose a puppet do you think you've won see when i die you'll build a statue and you you have to help me the city didn't stop for your grieving family because you don't matter evan yard i'm the vigilante i clean up mess like you [Music] so [Music] quinn's dead this is the part where i'm supposed to say i feel empty right and be lying to myself i finally feel awake like i can breathe again and lena nothing can change her death but maybe i can still do something that'll make a difference come on surprise surprise you got a speech damien anything you want to say you know who i am now that's it that's all you got hey [ __ ] you look at you you plowed over people to get to a mob boss you think you're absolved because your cause is what noble you played me that's what this is about i played you clara is as much your fault so is your niece that's why you sent your family away right they know what you are you play a beautiful game but sometimes you still lose jesus you guys talk a lot what are you doing here sorry pal new contract kick it over what come on kick it over oh you're hilarious you know you guys take things far too personally that's your problem that's why this went wrong there's lessons to be learned here fellas phone two give it to me come on hand it over [Music] [Applause] i don't know what damian wanted in those final moments death i suppose and i'm sorry that this [ __ ] nut dragged you back into it but even if i deserve this you don't you don't hold on hold up your damn phone um [Music] ugh [Music] is that the nanotech mama found her babies can i see it uh no time oh okay are you gonna [ __ ] puppy dog me now oh jesus fine here take a look wow there must be thousands of dollars in nanotech in there you are so cute try hundreds of thousands okay show-and-tell is over gotta go hey what was that yes you didn't stop her [Laughter] you straight later don't [ __ ] with the hot sauce yo that that's like a line from a cisco movie damn that's my boy why the hell are you here man it it could be important but let me uh let me tell you a story our story everything you've done it's all out there now violating the public trust manipulating the stock markets the lies the fraud [ __ ] bellwether all of it you're bluffing what happens if you actually answer it this time maybe it's bloom sending you to face the firing squad alone or maybe it's your lawyer telling you there's no place to run maybe it's just a telemarketer you really should answer at this time whoever it is you're done [ __ ] people over [Music] [Music] you have the right to remain silent there you are it's no use i can build another prototype you have no way of stopping me oh i've got one way yeah reggie so sure i was gonna kill you [ __ ] would have been so much easier too you know i didn't start working with you for the money i mean sure i thought you were a spoiled [ __ ] with too much hair wax by the way but you had a dream remember you told me you wanted to see humanity reach the stars we're gonna do that together man i lie to you you naive [ __ ] prick i'll hunt you down and all your little friends back in san francisco sitara josh marcus you still have time to make things right reactivate my upload let me live so i can continue my work mate you can't believe a single thing she says now shut down our life support and finish this whatever you decide she can't stop you i can't stop you the choice is yours please don't please don't do this i don't want to die [Music] hello malik you've been disconnected is it just me or does he look constipated right wouldn't be a briefcase wanker without his briefcase oh look seemed someone's locked the door on him don't worry there's no way that's going to oh no it worked guy what the hell right well that's a wrinkle isn't it is he seriously going to try to get away in a car a car connected to the city spanning network of automated surveillance devices that i control auto drive now enabled [ __ ] hello again you know for all your steaming you don't exactly think quickly under pressure come on then i don't need no [ __ ] microchip to gut you filthy bastards oh dead sick is it at least your timing's good the cops are on their way for you oh i am counting on it love everyone freeze back away from her mary kelly you're under arrest take me an inspector i throw myself on the mercy of the bleeding court but don't plan on me staying around very long you lot i gave you purpose when this city spit you out we'll be seeing each other again very soon stop you don't think she's gonna let you scum take her white whale who are you protecting the system or the people promise us promise us she won't go free go i'll take care of this yes [Applause] i'm impressed think your little resistance is ready to be london's protectors we seem to be doing a better job than you oh it's a thankless burden and the people will hate you for it in the end even when it's for their own bloody good that's the thing you gotta let people decide for there themselves is death sex fatal flaw your faith in people you recruit all types done you straight off the streets well i used to have faith in people too i got a good man killed once [ __ ] you just can't get enough of me can you or are you just incredibly stupid do you want me to access the transmitter while you socialize yes yes you're incredibly stupid wonderful i see dedsec hasn't changed his brand you'll need to stall for time and remain near the transmitter unit come on sabine deep down you know this isn't the way to fix things fix well you think we can fix this what with crypto anarchism protesting doxxing optics are glorified cattle tags albion shoots civilians in broad daylight snitching is now a means of survival no you skids can't fix anything believe me i get the cynical lone wolf thing it's hard to see the good out there but you have to try and you're the arbiter of goodness let me ask how many have you killed since dead secretary started see a tiny tweak in your philosophy and we're on the same page the tower's fins must be collapsed to complete the trace i cannot initiate this hack but you can are you saying what i think you're saying that we should get the band back together again oh sweet but no i'm saying i was in denial too shackled by their technology their morality but my hard reset wipes the slate clean so we can all start again i'm sad you won't be around to see it aah sorry about that sabine you
Channel: LeaderOfMischief
Views: 142,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Antagonist Deaths, Antagonist Defeats, Antagonists, Video Game Antagonists, Villains, Watch Dogs, Watch Dogs 2, Watch Dogs Legion, Watch Dogs Legion Bloodline, Watch Dogs Villains
Id: rZG4XBXb22I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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