Watch Dogs - Sometimes You Still Lose - Killing Damien (4K)

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[Music] one of Chicago's most notorious personalities durit lucky Quinn is dead Quinn was believed to have mob ties with the Chicago South Club for many decades but no criminal charges were ever brought against him police say Quinn died of a heart attack after a charity event in his fstar hotel the Merlot I hope you don't mind I'm grabbing some of your stock figure that makes us even yeah sure of course take what you want f will be breathing down my neck soon I didn't even know Rose was dead she should have just walked away there's no evidence that bloom arranged her death hell Laden you don't know that they didn't you know I've seen a lot of things that don't add up B City Deals voter rigon all it takes is one good PR team to sweep that all away after to rosard they created that now I don't know the house and was of it but that code is dangerous something about I couldn't make much sense of it but was something of a bell something Bell weather that's what he wanted you got to burn that code man rest of it I don't care what you do with [Music] it you know n m I'm sorry about Clara only this whole thing is [ __ ] no matter how you cut it careful Aiden when the lights go out bad things tend to happen where several of Bloom's top executives are now being question about a series of graphic offic is not clearly [Music] shocking footage has surfaced implicating mayor Rushmore in the murder of a woman Rose Washington the woman was a former cos employee reported missing over a year ago mayor Rushmore has refused to comment but a statement released by City Hall claims the footage is a fake made by the hacker group dead sec in order to discredit the [Music] mayor [Music] after everything we've suffered you just gave it all away what have you done are you mad I don't know anymore but I do know Mickey's safe and I know you'll pay for Clara you think you're the hero in all this read your old press you're a terror to this city you and your vain glorious [ __ ] come on then come and get me let's finish this oh but there's one thing I forgot to mention you like this I've unlocked CTO completely I am inside the system and you are in for a [Music] show tone so there I am waiting for my train with PL to go out guarantee that's just the start of it Damian has full access Over My Dead Body I'm not going to let my C baby get gumed up by that wacka dooodle there's a weak point he won't know about get over there and shut it down that'll enjy ride quick Pronto I'll call you once I'm in nice to have you back I do like being useful head [Music] [Applause] up [Music] C it really is a Wonder of human Ingenuity a model system making a model City for model citizens I wonder what blue said about potential hacks to the system sound debate I'm sure hackers so relax r c is the most advanced blah blah blah blah ah shis Aiden it'll get you every time but then you know that very well told [Music] you one of Chicago's most notorious personalities dermit lucky Quinn is dead Quinn was believed to have mob TI with the Chicago South Club for many decades but no criminal charges were ever brought against him police say Quinn died of a heart attack after a charity event in his five-star hotel the Merlot [ __ ] can't get past the firewall T-Bone might have an idea he blocked us out I need him disconnected fast well [ __ ] I got one idea but last time I did it people died if we don't do it people will die what do you got the whole Network's tied to a satellite runs this kind of a safety valve to cos I got a homemade virus a real mean [ __ ] you got to install it from three separate points what does it do it'll shut down your man that's for damn I'm sure this could get ugly you don't know the half of it Amigo call me when they're installed we'll get it done [Music] right did you really think you could stop me so easily I'm disappointed I took you for someone more clever but I forced to see you're like everyone else ah the silent treatment you'll leave me an emotional wreck and who knows what I'll do in such a state come on Aiden impress me what will you do now throw me out my game come on you can do better screwing with the navigation on we got try slow down focus on one location at a time [Music] stand by with the c SC [Music] onzy they own this ch SC stand by hello is anyone [Music] theread all unit successful suspect located and marked careful P head for you check out all this [Music] control that's the great thing about viruses they could just spread out of control supect is inside we see [Music] [Music] them all right color me breast what was that a virus of some kind you taking quite you don't really understand what I'm doing you're trying to destroy the city ah it lives no not destroy so every one of them can know what it feels like to have their future taken from them and I'm saving the best for you partner who wouldn't want a smart City station is out of over he's gone head back to the [Music] station something's wrong with the c scan stand by [Music] all unit cqs scan completed suspect location is being distributed now a high powered Patrol unit's been dispatched after the suspect something this is fun I booked a trip to rec London England next want to come along [Music] wait [Music] that's engaging the suspect looks like you didn't need your hacker cheick after all uh looks like suspect is gone we've lost [Applause] [Music] him where's this guy hiding anyone see [Music] him see how smart this network is it anticipates a problem you and fix it I see what you're doing upload your little virus if and finds me then you come beat up the [ __ ] that about right I'd have guessed your hacker chick invented this little gabit but then she's dead isn't she well have at it give me your best and I'll give you mine and you can brag all about it in the [Music] afterlife I'm ordering you to stop stop pull [Applause] over look how efficiently our digital City hunt you down it saves energy consumption we've got a high powered patrol car in pursuit of [Music] suspect [Music] I'll try to spit [Music] him this is the police all over now I'm going to take this guy out suspect exit of the vehicle Pur doing be advised a high power patol car has been dispatched after the [Music] suspect did you know that opinion poll showed that most people find the CTO to be safe that's PR for you wonder how they'll swing this one Squad this is 65 David supect DAV oh my God oh [Music] God hold on we've got a tech issue with the [Applause] c all units this is Squad air support is approved and inbound a high power patrol unit is in route to a suspect ph5 the squad we've lost our Target over the best offense is a genius [Music] defense anyone check out the tunnels yet where the [ __ ] did he go [Music] area clear moving on may be hiding out in the parking garage CLE eyes open don't see anyone I'll head over there clear heading that [Music] way Squad this guy's gone we're heading back here it's done your viruses are in all right we're in it now do you head back to that weak point right where we started now will open up for you like a ladi's never mind you'll have a clear line to the satellite and that's what's important okay clear line to the satellite you say that's the safety valve and a little more once you're inside you pull the trigger lights out Aiden and if we're lucky and I'm as clever as my CV says you'll get a lock on Damian's location that's all I want [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] oh [Music] this one time I saw a guy [Music] driving a pierce wait we are dead sick we've been watching we know what you're doing you're killing the lines to C enjoy the show give us 30 seconds for what 30 seconds inside T we drop in our code then when the system reboots dead SEC will control the machine from inside we will correct what boom has broken 30 seconds is all we need 30 seconds no one knows our little secret we will be the Watch Dogs no I'm tired of all the noise we will not forget [Music] this [Music] I I've linked to a satellite from here T-Bone's virus will reboot the entire system stop Damian I'm going to find him my God that again how the power blaming that one why are you so damn stubborn Quinn's dead you got your sister back in Clara she stabbed you in the back she helped kill your precious Lena you know it's true what about you some might blame you for Lena's death I wonder who would think that huh but why up there perhaps we should blame you as I recall the Merlot job was your plan I blame myself every every day for the plan for meeting you for not stopping you when I had the chance I don't make that mistake anymore I see a problem I step in oh yes the Vigilante I've read your headlines you're the only problem I see now and I'm coming for [Music] you that's a lighthouse power's still running out there that's Damien remember when you and I first decided to pull our talents the schemes we were planning we had so much drive but never like this look outside we've taken down a goddamn City [Music] now I'm spending my final hours standing on the Widow's walk that's what they call the lighthouse Lookout The Widow's walk did you know that I didn't seems pitting everything reeks of [Music] conclusion come on surprise surprise you got a speech Damen anything you want to say they know who I am now that's it that's all you got hey [ __ ] you look at you you plow over people to get to a mob BS you think you're absolved because your cause is what Noble you played me that's what this is about I played you clar is as much your fault so is your niece that's why you sent your family away right they know what you are you play a beautiful game but sometimes you still lose blah blah blah Jesus you guys talk a lot what are you doing here sorry pal new contract kick it over what come on kick it over oh you're hilarious you know you guys take things far too personally that's your problem that's why this went wrong there's lessons to be learned here fellas phone too give it to me come on hand it [Music] over I don't know what Damian wanted in those final moments death I suppose I thought I could fix a little girl's death but instead it led to all of this exposed lies corrupted Kings a broken City and me changed man I don't look back anymore I don't regret I look forward everything is connected and I'll use that to expose to protect and if necessary to [Music] punish once again mayor Rushmore is dead police are not revealing any information the leaked documents found extensive corruption and deep ties between the mayor and the Chicago South Club leader lucky Quinn did the mayor kill himself over this exposure or was he executed Blom director of public relations Charlotte Gardner has issued a statement regarding the recent in cos troubles we knew all along that our cos Network would be a target for hackers of all strengths and skills it's been an excellent Proving Ground to demonstrate how robust our system really is we're so pleased with the results our firewall security withheld the worst of the attacks and in some cases trip switches closed the systems off before any access could be gained your personal information remains secure our cos network is restored to full operations [Music] in a world where we want to spend more time with loved ones be active in our communities have safer healthier homes and cities Bloom Industries listen to you and your needs we are embarking on a global Journey we want the world to be a community cos 2.0 focusing on you putting you on the global stage cos 2 .0 making smart cities even smarter up next an interview with a woman who claims to know the Vigilante Aiden Pierce renowned child psychologist Yolanda Mendes is with us Dr Mendes your story is extraordinary you actually know Aiden pierce the man we know is the Vigilante tell us how that came about I met Mr Pierce through the family his sister this was a surprise to us we couldn't find any information about him at all it's great that you've come forward you were treating her son for trauma yes well naturally I can't discuss any of that not even their names no no no no we wouldn't ask you to but that's how you met Aiden Pierce what's he like it's impossible to say for certain what he's really like he masks his personality and he's very good at it is he it isn't like someone playing poker this is a very smart man who is looking to gain the upper hand in every situation and you're writing a book yes I am it's a book about the whole experience a study on Mr Pierce I really wanted to explore this complex man's mind I'm sure it'll be a fascinating read Dr Mendes thank you dead sick has had enough our warnings have fallen on deaf ears our reputation has been attacked by weaking such a default heed our final warning there will be a reckoning we are Vigilant against the Watchers we are capable we are unstoppable we are at War while a statement from the Commissioner's Office acknowledges the recent decline in criminal activity the Vigilante known as the fox is only given the slightest praise for his crime fighting effort efforts an anonymous source told our reporters that members of the police department are more enthusiastic about the Vigilante than they are allowed to publicly disclose with Chicago still reeling from the shocking revelations of Rose Washington's murder and mayor rushmore's subsequent death there has been little appetite for politics or elections one name that's been floated about is Bloom's VP of communications Charlotte Gardner her supporters insist Miss Gardner will restore integrity and Trust to City that sorely needs it City officials are picking up the pieces from the shocking chaos brought on by a massive cos malfunction the city experienced major power outages Bridge disruptions and thousands of dollars in Damages while cos is back online many are raising questions about the safety features needed to run a complex system in a major city I'm bleeding here you I'm holding up I got one last bone for you to chase Maurice finally gave in then suddenly he was all talk I'll give you a location the rest you can work out yourself that's business huh yeah that's right it's all business jordy's like that tidy fixer keeps the Loose Ends clean Maurice is one of his loose ends and he's ultimately my problem he's the one who shot my car killed my [Music] niece I want to say we're different but I don't know anymore how many people have I heard killed who deserves to die who decides that [Music] 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 off clean off some loose ends I know you'd be back gu like us we don't know when to stop it's done you're the last there is no last you're in it now I warn you these guys they're like nothing they ever seen before you you [ __ ] think it's over no but now they have something to fear what the [ __ ] what's wrong with you man huh you're [ __ ] you get that we're both [ __ ] [ __ ] shoot me come on make you sleep better at night kill the guy that killed J niece good for you you selfish [ __ ] yeah I deserve it but ain't going to change anything nothing ever changes one 2 3 5 1 two 3 5 I know it I know it I know it Maurice is living his own private hell he's a victim in all of this and I've seen enough death he's going to get a second chance we both are thanks to you cos network has had a successful year with cos Chicago setting the standard we are proud to announce an expansion into other major cities across the country and around the world there's no better way to bring the city right to your doorstep look for cos 2.0 in the New Year cos the future at the touch of a button
Channel: Willzyyy
Views: 11,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Watch Dogs, Watch Dogs 1, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Missions, Graphics Mod, Cutscenes, Full Game, Open World, 4K, Willzyyy, Final Mission, Ending
Id: FxM2gH1eJO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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