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because I want to deal with something now which is plaguing our communities and that is what's wasa the whispering of the shaper as Allah mentions and leve us whistle FISA Lord in us he's the one who he just whispers into the hearts of mankind and then he disappears and then he leaves us with doubts you know subhanAllah the house and I'm going to teach you something and I hope that you can memorize this be in the light about 1/4 Allah that is the process that is the process that the Shaitaan goes through when he whispers to you that is his graded progression in his aim to get you to disbelieve in Allah so the disbelief is up here but when he whispers it starts down here and if you take notice of it he goes to the next stage and if you take notice of it he goes to the next stage and if you take notice in it then he goes to the final stage and that is when you fall off the cliff and you may fall into disbelief when I would will be loved so the first thing that Shaitaan is going to come and whisper to you whether you're a woman whether you're a man is your Ahava your purification your purification I'm going to give you some very common whisperings that he comes to you with and mentioned the way for you to overcome them ok so he starts with mahara where a person he goes to the toilet or she goes to the toilet finishes he did they do it stings aristede mark whatever it is and then afterwards they feel some wetness on their underwear they feel some wetness on their underwear so they go back into the to the toilet and they do it again and they clean themselves again and then they go out and subhanAllah until you find a man he goes and he goes is in the Masjid and it's time for Salah and he goes and he makes his woogle and then he walks around for 20 minutes in the Masjid and he comes back and then he cleans himself again and then he goes back in Subhan Allah and he's mr. Saleh and he's missed everything until you find the the people spending hours and hours and hours in the how do we overcome this thing how do we overcome this you do what open or not at the allahu ta'ala and whom I did it or not is a great companion of the prophet alayhi Salaam son of I'm not even a hot damn of the allotment great companions both of them and even though I ain't mentions this in his book the way you close the door to this is that after you have used to toilet what do you do you take some water and you've cleaned yourselves etc you take some water and you sprinkle it on your underwear take some water that you know you have taken this water and you've sprinkled it on your underwear and you make your dough and hollows anytime you feel some wetness now you tell yourself that this is the wetness that I myself placed there you do this for one week brothers and sisters Hallows I promise you by the permission of Allah this thing will stop because a muscle pounder who were to ila and it comes from not knowing your Creator Allah Jalla WA ala he will not hold you to account for that which you have no control over Allah will not hold you to account for that which you cannot remember that which you forget so you place the water there for us now you feel some wetness and you're gonna go now and start doing pH test is it water is it soak on Allah don't go overboard you say this is wetness tell us I put it there and Allah Allah Allah now you can live for love or nificent in levels aha Allah will not burden the soul with more than it can handle so this is one of the times that he tries to get you in your Ahava if you do this and you you're taking notice of this the Shaitaan says are ok he's bitten at the debate then he goes to the next stage in Yokohama where a person is making model but they feel like they're not making model properly have I watched all of my arms have I watched every part of my face have I missed any part on my foot and while lying you will find a person spending half an hour trying to make model spending 45 minutes trying to make Google because he is like I didn't do that part right I missed that part so now I've got a go back and he starts again and he gets to that part and the shape and whispers again and he bites at it again he takes the bait and he goes again and again and again and again until you find people they can't pray though because they spent all that time in the bathroom and this happens this happens how do we overtake this how do we come over this so if you didn't stop it at the first stage in the fahara with the toilet et cetera then it goes to the next stage of the Hara which is in the waddle how do we stop it in the Lulu you know that the prophets are not long I lay you a son number he washed his arms etc between one time up to a maximum of three times you do not go more than three times stopped with a Prophet's on the love I like you a synonym stopped don't go more than three times right I watched my arms and including my hands you know on the side point a lot of people when they wash their and when they wash their arms in Google they think that the arms are from the elbow to the wrist you have missed the waddle their arms and all the way to their hands when you wash your arms you've got to wash your hands as well okay that's all part of it but that's a side put wash it three times and then you don't need to get a magnifying glass out did I get water into every place you know you follow the Sunnah and hollows you've done what you can and don't worry you're gonna get whispering are you didn't wash your foot oh you didn't wash this you didn't do that you say hello so I'm not interested has to be a long one am I looking alive sufficient for me as a disposer of my affairs come on that's it I'm not bothered I'm not gonna listen okay now if you don't listen at that point then where do the whisperings go Shaitaan takes you from stage 1 into stage 2 stage 2 is in your salah how many of us are you know we took notice of the first stage and so Shaitaan is whispering to us now in the second stage the Salah oh I'm on my third raka I'm on my fourth I'm on my first or my second I did I praise her in fact I did I not and he's breaking his prayer making his prayer breaking it making it and so Pamela's spends two hours trying to pray 2 rakaats and this is a big problem and if you take notice of it and I'm not going to spend time talking to you about the prostration forgetfulness etc talking to you about you know say I'm gonna be letting the shaitana regimes pickling of your left shoulder go and research this in Sharma but if you take notice of it of this in this then he moves on to a feed so it started with purification then it went to Salah and you took notice and in purification so he took you to Salah and you took notice that Salah I need I need you let him take you for a fool that Salah so now he comes and he begins to whisper to you about Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala or about the religion about the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam until a person he may end up leaving the fold of al Islam because of the whispering because he took notice and the thing that I'm trying to get you to see is you took notice you know the scholars how firm they are when when when a person is suffering with OCD or this type of thing I'm sorry and with regards to this OCD is included in this you know people washing their hands 500 times why why why are you washing your hands 5 no time with soap and then with this and then with this subhanAllah OCD this type this obsessive compulsive disorder is nothing but whispering from a shape art and it's nothing except that you yourself took notice of it and he noticed you that you are being afflicted with this and so he he just comes and he keeps whispering and whispering and whispering until soprano Allah Pleasant things everything around him is dirty you need to know brothers and sisters filth is that which you can see or you can smell and it's just clear for you there this floor now Islamically we can come and we can pray on it and it's not classed as dirty this is a lack of our knowledge a lack of our understanding you know we're gonna say I want to put prayer mat down whatever is Islamic Lee we come and this place here is considered pure why we don't see anything on the floor we don't smell any impurity we know that not you know we don't know of anything that's happened like this subhanAllah those companions already allahu ta'ala they used to walk they used to walk to the Masjid and we didn't have you know flushing toilets like they like we do today they used to walk and the prophet alayhi Salam he used to say oh messenger up they said they used to ask him a Messenger of Allah would we walk to the Masjid we walk over this filth and this impurity so what's the ruling of it because you know they used to pray with their shoes on as well sometimes the prophet alayhi salatu salam look how simple this religion he he he said he made it he said that which comes after it purifies it meaning you walk over the filth and then you walk over the dust as if you're walking palace your shoes become purified from it he didn't say take your shoes off smell them look at them pull out your magnifying glass no it's us we are making the religion difficult the religion of Islam is very very simple if you know that this impurity if you know that you've got some impurity on you call us clean it once you've cleaned it after that you don't need to then begin to investigate and make the make the religion difficult upon you the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam said nobody goes into this religion trying you know with with intercede making it really difficult and his motive shoved it in his approach he's really making it difficult except that the religion will overpower him the religion is easy Subhan Allah the Sunnah is easy but based on this I want to say a couple more issues with regards to whispering don't lose hope if you're getting whispering about the religion if you're having doubts and certain things are coming into your mind don't lose hope this used to happen to the Companions that Rd Allah and wow I've said it I said a big statement there the hadith is in Sahih Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ah he was approached by some of the Companions about the olavo honeymoon and they said to him we find in ourselves such thoughts that are too terrible to speak of meaning the Shaitaan he comes and he puts these things into our mind not from ourselves but they come into our mind the profit alehissalaam said are you really suffering from that they said yes did the prophet alayhi salam said you've all become Kafar take your Shahada again they didn't know he said that is a sign of clear faith that is a sign of clear faith how I'm asking you guys how is that a sign of clear faith that the Shaitaan is coming to you I'm putting these things into your head and you're thinking about things which are so bad that you don't even want to mention them and in another narration even a bus for the Allah and Huma he says that some people came or a man came and he said o Messenger of Allah I think thoughts which I would rather be burnt to a cinder burnt to ashes then actually speak about them this is a companion hadith in Abood that would the son of a Buddha would I be dead so how is this a sign of clay faith why did the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam say that this is a sign of your clear faith particle logic this is a sign that the Shaitaan he knows that you are upon the straight path and so he's trying to deviate you I've got a very simple question for you you've got a thief now and he sees two houses in one house he sees that there's treasures in the other house he sees that it's empty and it's just derelict which house is he going to attack the house with the treasures Shaitaan sees that you have the treasure of iman in your heart he sees the treasure of iman on your actions he wants to deviate you he doesn't want to deviate the hindu who's taking himself to the Hellfire anyway he doesn't want to deviate the person who is you know just following his whims and his desires and he's already walking to the hal fire she thought doesn't want to lead him astray because he's already a straight Shaitaan wants to focus on the Muslim the person of it though he used the weapon of Shaitaan you use it against him he comes to you and tries to whisper you say thank you very much that means I know that you're trying to deviate me that means I know that Elijah know why that has placed some goodness in me by by His mercy another thing Ronnie is that Shaitaan tries to set you up the profits on the law are alight worse under the hadith is in and party and Muslim the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who says the Shaitaan comes to one of you and he says who created such and such and then who created such and such those back who created the speaker and then who created that and who created that and who created that until he says who created your Lord you see how Shaitaan starts with something small and you take notice and he calls bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until he goes and who created Allah and that stays the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said if that happens to any one of you let him seek refuge with Allah and put a stop to these faults this is what we need to understand we cannot control the thoughts that come into our minds but we can control the thoughts that we dwell upon does anybody agree with me in this that I thought may come into your mind but you are not obliged you have control over what you think about so we don't control what comes in but we do control what goes round and round and round so if you make it go round and round and round in your mind then you've got nobody to blame this is my imminent I am like him Allah says the one who has got these old CDs the one who's got these whisperings be firm and be rough with him because he's got nobody to blame except for himself because he's the one that gave them value he's the one that pondered over them he's the one that kept him going round and round and so he's got nobody to blame but his own self so how do we deal with it number one we ignore it number two we seek refuge with allah subhanahu wata'ala number three we seek knowledge because seeking knowledge overcomes doubts seeking knowledge overcomes doubt number four don't be arrogant some of these people we find their arrogance their arrogance Subhan Allah they think that they're better than that they think that they don't you know it's why is it happening to me recognize that you're a weak slave recognize you've got a weakness and then you can work on that by the permission of Allah Subhanahu WA to hide ultimately our Creator is the most high and he knows best so panic alarm the shadow alert and as dr. Luka why - really
Channel: Abu Ibraheem Hussnayn Official
Views: 6,252
Rating: 4.9901476 out of 5
Keywords: islamic reminder, islam reminder, quran and science, abu ibraheem husnayn, husnayn, abu ibraheem hussnayn, abu ibraheem hussnayn racist, abu ibraheem racist, abu ibraheem hussnayn exposed, salafi reminder, islam motivation
Id: mt9lQNhkMWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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