WASP NEST VS CAR - Huge wasp nests

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these are not your average backyard nests here are 10 huge wasp nests number 10 the Louisiana nightmare nest if you're afraid of wasps then this video will fuel your nightmares per month this nest was found in the corner of a shed in Paterson Louisiana the nest had literally engulfed anything and everything in its way including storage boxes and garden tools and as if the sheer size of the nest wasn't enough the video shows what happens when the wasps awaken an attack the exterminator is swarmed by thousands of wasps but secure it is safety gear he gallantly sprays on until the wasps are successfully exterminated number nine the nest that took over a car wasps can make nests in strange locations and apparently cars are no exception even still Jude Verret was shocked when he was called in to exterminate a massive nest in someone's car the car had been parked in the owners yard and the swarm of yellowjacket wasps decided to make the car their home the rent is a veteran when it comes to wasp removal but this was one of the biggest nests he had ever seen surprisingly Verret wasn't stung as he rigged the car of this massive nest number 8 britain's pub wasp nest wasps were not on the menu at this British pub in Southampton hands but maybe they should have been this massive nest was found in the Attic of the pub and contained a record-breaking half-a-million wasps no one knows for sure how long the nest had been there but given its size it was clearly a long time the nest was an unbelievable 6 feet high and five feet wide in fact the nest was so big that experts from Oxford University were called in to verify the size of it they verified that the nest was in fact the biggest wasp nest found in Britain in the past 50 years before we move on be sure to subscribe to daily top tens with notifications on so you don't miss any of our videos [Music] number seven the 22-foot gnashed canary islands nearby neighbors in the Canary Islands were becoming increasingly concerned by strange sounds coming from a nearby vacant home so they call the local police to investigate the police walked into a nightmare when they saw that the vacant home had been taken over by one of the largest wasp nests in the world the nest was a staggering 22 feet long exterminators were immediately called to the scene and they were shocked when they saw the size of the nest shocked and confused that is turns out that ordinary garden wasps would not have been capable of building a nest of such epic proportions so experts believe the nest was built by an invasive species of wasp from Africa and if that wasn't terrifying enough the nest likely held around a million of these invasive wasps number six the unwanted bed nest imagine tucking into bed with thousands of wasps that could have been the case when a woman found this massive wasp nest on her guest bed in her home no one had been in the guest room for a while and the window had been left open so nearby wasps seized on the opportunity and built themselves a massive nest inside the woman's home the nest which housed upwards of five thousand wasps had burrowed into the mattress the wasps built the nest over the course of three months before the nest was discovered by the homeowner [Music] number five the super nests of Alabama massive wasp nests are popping up all over Alabama causing alerts to pop up all over the media officials are warning people to keep an eye out for these super sized nests some of the nests are as large as a Volkswagen Beetle and have upwards of 15,000 wasps the nests are being built by Yellow Jacket wasps which can sting repeatedly if aggravated as such these super neces pose a threat because they contain more than enough wasps to fatally injure anyone unlucky enough to aggravate the hive one such example was a seven-foot nest found attached to James Barron's smokehouse Barron went to his smokehouse to retrieve an ax and he came across the starting leaf large nest fixtures of the nest went viral on social media had acted as a warning to people all over the state officials warn that the nests are four times larger than average nests and can be found in a variety of locations including attached to cars on homes or inside garages and sheds number four the towering Tasmania wasp nest the wasp nest found in caroule Tasmania could be the largest underground wasp nest ever found the nest was discovered by a twelve-year-old boy when he was out for a walk on his property Jordan wanting ham wanted to help out his mom his mom had been complaining about an unusually large number of wasps on their property so Jordan went out to find the source and find the source he did when he found a nest weighing more than 200 pounds the nest was likely more than two years old it was built by European wasps who are known for building large nests however the size of this nest superseded even the biggest of the big in fact the nest was confirmed as the largest underground nest ever found by European wasps it took two full days to unearth the monstrosity and for men to carry it away [Music] number three the North Carolina gnashed when professional exterminator Erik McCool of McCool Wildlife Services was called in to get rid of a wasp nest he found himself in the throes of the largest wasp nest had ever seen the nest which was 10 feet long and 7 feet wide also stood an enormous two feet tall he estimated that there were 350,000 wasps swarming around the inside but he kept calm as he extracted 37 Queens by hand the nest had been built in a full down camper in Moncks Corner South Carolina the nest was discovered by owner Robert MacDougall when he went to move the camper with a forklift surprisingly McCool opted not to use pesticides to get rid of the nest he removed the wasps by way of bee vacuums and grabbing bangs he was stung half-a-dozen times in the process but claims it's all par for the course with this type of business number two Florida's formidable Yellow Jacket wasp nest Yellow Jacket wasps are known for their landslide stingers and their sting packs a powerful punch which is why coming across a nest of this size is terrifying this massive nest was found in Tampa Florida and video footage of the gigantic nest went viral when it was posted on YouTube the nest looks more like a small building than it does a waswas nest and as the camera approaches you can see the wasps swarming around it in this terrifying footage wasp repeatedly slamming to the camera and the sound of the wasps as they buzz around their home is both loud and frightening as the camera zooms in closer it becomes apparent just how many wasps there are and the speed at which they fly around their nest is astronomical the exterminator covered in protective gear becomes inundated with wasps as he declares this is one of the bravest things I've ever done from there the video cuts to the day after the extermination where the man declares that the nest is totally dead and pans to the mound of wasp carcasses on the ground it is a highly disturbing video that showcases the veracity speed and sheer volume of wasps in one of the biggest wasp nests ever found number one the wasp city nest of Rotorua the largest wasp nest ever found according to the Guinness Book of World Records was found in 1963 in well mal cow New Zealand then nest was just over 12 feet long and 18 feet in circumference the nest was so heavy that it eventually fell from the tree that was supporting it and while that's officially the biggest nest in the world a recent wasp nest found in Rotorua is a close second the nest found in Rotorua weighed over 200 pounds the nest was built by German wasps and the nest is highly unusual German wasp nests don't normally survive through the winter but because this nest is so big it can maintain its own heat inside the nest to survive through the cold spells to make a nest this big it likely took the wasps 2 to 3 years the nest was so big that it was more or less its own independent city of sorts so how many wasps lived in this city experts can only estimate but they are confident that the nest was home to at least 1 million wasps needless to say getting rid of a nest this size was an arduous undertaking the first thing they did was dust it with insecticide to kill as many wasps as they could from there they injected insecticide into the entry points in the nest the final steps were to slice off pieces one at a time and saturate those pieces with insecticide it is a sight to behold which is why the wasp city nest of Rotorua has swarmed its way into the top spot on this list of 10 huge wasp nests [Music]
Channel: DailyTop20s
Views: 4,575,067
Rating: 4.8242779 out of 5
Keywords: wasp nests, nests, wasps, insects, bees, hive, hives
Id: nPRQ5bW-Q-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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