How Strong is Ulquiorra?

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The stuff he points out, about him being paired up with yammy, despair to ichigo. He might be right despite the data books stating yammy is the strongest. You can be powerfull but you gotta be smart in battle which yammy is not

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

In terms of raw power Yammy is the strongest. Now rather or not Ulquiorra would be a bigger threat than Stark I have no idea. Stark was the only Espada I recall having an attack that would literally track the target.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TOT1990gup 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I left a comment in the video, i gonna copy and paste here

7:17 The power boost that you give is soo wrong that i am cracking my self up. Bankai is a 5x to 10x boost and we KNOW for a fact that a Resurreccion is normaly weaker than a Bankai, we know Yammy Resurreccion is a HUGE power increase and it is only 10x in power.

But i guess to someone that think Grimmjow got 100x times stronger from one arc to another is a normal thing.

14:34 never saw such BS haha First Zaraki was tired from the battle and Ichigo was caught off guard WITHOUT his Mask. Without his mask he can't even fight Grimmjow Base, imagine Starrk

19:40 Nope, it's not.

23:50 We don't know for sure how much power he would get if he have choose that. For sure is far better to have the regeneration than a little more of brute force.

27:15 for a long time i would agree with you, but the Data Books, the ones that you keep bringing in your video confirms what Yammy said about he being stronger than Ulquiorra.

28:44 No, it should not make him 100x stronger, not even 2 times stronger in my view. You see, his first release is a 10x boost(Databook 3) and his "second release" is more like a rage release, he get bigger and stronger and he is not even 2 times bigger than he was before.

28:52 A couple min ago in the video you said that Kubo was rushed to release one chapter a week, you think that he didn't got time to flesh up Ulquiorra vs Ichigo fight, but he would have time to flesh up a secondaty character? crazy.

29:51 Where you take those numbers? i don't remember nothing like that in the databooks. About Yammy vs Ulquiorra i disagree in almost everything, i don't think Ulquiorra could win the monkey form, no way. Zaraki needed to remove his Eye-patch to win the fight, a Zaraki FAR FAR stronger that fought Nnoitra.

30:38 No, he is not the only one. All Espadas can use that in release form, EVEN Yammy tried to use against Ichigo in his release form... only in the manga sadly.

31:30 You are really using a filler movie that KUBO HATES to backup your argument about FullHollow Ichigo? and No, he is not a Vasto Lorde, please stop calling what he is not LUL

32:17 HOLY SHIT, you don't have any idea how power scale works on Bleach do you?

In the end i almost agree with you, i think Ulquiorra R2 is stronger than Starrk and even first Yammy Release, but not the monkey form. Your scalling numbers don't make sense from what we got in the series, a Bankai, one of the most power boost in the series is a 5x to 10x increase, imagine if you could train for a couple of months and get a boost better than a Bankai OMEGALUL. It simple don't fit the universe, IT'S not Dragon Ball.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xItacolomix 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
when it comes to the espada rankings there are four individuals among them that are incredibly contentious in terms of the actual scaling of power throughout this group and has led to a lot of confusion among the bleach fandom as to who was in fact the strongest Espada at the end of the Eisen saga the characters in relation to this topic are Barragan stark Yami and Mookie Ora in discussion around these Espada people seem to forget many things that happened in the series like kukura having a hidden transformation and this clearly makes him much stronger than just the sole rank of four which is displayed on his chest we have Yami being the rank of zero which was a secret all along which was also shown to us very clearly and said by Yami himself or many of the battles which took place and slapped into our faces what was happening like a lot of the things to do with Ichigo and how Akira scales to his vast Oh Lord a form yet people still forget these events even happened and even things like how Aizen stated he had pre-planned each fight among particular Espada to help develop ichigo's in a hollow him to the soul society's chances of winning the war and to see what would become of someone who is a Shinigami hollow and Quincy all-in-one though once again people forget these very simple scenes which tightiy Coover had laid out for us all even happened Ruki or Asifa is quite easy to scale among the series of bleach and as the thumbnail and title suggests he will be the main focus of this video as all of his battles in the series are very cut and dry alongside data books statements and things said directly by characters in the series alongside statements by the actual author most of what I will talk about in this video frankly doesn't even need to be explained though I will anyway - hopefully cement this video as the definitive scale of Akira stiphu in Bleach so let's clear up some of the downplay people use towards buki aura as I have never been the biggest fan of Rukia my personally always preferred Grimmjow but the stuff that people say about him or just used to downplay or cure in general and some of the Espada is just downright written so I hope by doing so this shows I have no bias towards who you are as a character just merely a big issue with some of the people who talk about bleach almost every single time someone brings this scene up I almost have an aneurysm on the spot from how silly it is to use this especially given the context of the scene itself akira says this after he tanked a fully-qualified getting attention from ichigo in base form takes zero damage from the attack except for his clothing getting torn he then fires a casual cero which almost kills Ichigo and Nell in one shot though it does knock out kid Nell cooky Ora then chases both of them followed by him kicking Ichigo into one of the concrete pillars with ease Ichigo although beaten very badly doesn't give up and Akira is shocked by this - which Ichigo then states you're the leader of the Espada's right so if I beat you this was as good as one who Yura then follows up by showing him that he has only ranked number four and uses this to destroy ichigo's willpower he wants to humiliate him and does this again during their later battles for okiura to blurt out that he has a second release form there and then would not only be incredibly stupid but he thought ichigo strength was mediocre and for him to expose his second release form when there is zero need to and he believes even Aizen doesn't know about the form is once again stupid and goes against him hiding it until later what he said to Ichigo was clearly a lie now Aizen definitely did know about a key or a second release form as he is the one that missed out the Espada with release states that were based on a Shinigami powers using the hogyoku and in his monologue where he talks about a key or a fighting Ichigo it's shown Aizen has a mental image of the form but he makes no comment about it being a surprise further backing Aizen statement that he anticipated the vast our lord a would fight ouki aura and he even makes a statement about each year being in the form although he hasn't seen the much stronger version of the Vasto Lorde a that appears again yura even the version of ichigo's in a hollow that fought itching and the flashback to show how a sheen actually met Misaki Kurosaki should be among some of the strongest Espada even possibly stronger than all of them oisin being an exceptionally strong Shinigami who as a royal actually has more spiritual pressure than a normal Shinigami this would explain why he can't anger with Aizen and tag him even in his Silver Surfer mode after having not used his Shinigami powers for such a long time so far there isn't much evidence to actually imply that itching is stronger then than he was in the flashback and once again the version of the hollow that he fought was actually weaker than the one that fought through Yura as it had not only become stronger after being in each year for so long and developed but it was also not even at full strength due to the fact that the she-hulk sure it was wearing was half ripped meaning its spiritual pressure wasn't even at max you might say this is irrelevant but in a lot of art where they actually show ichigo's full hollow form it has shown multiple times him wearing the full bankai she hug her and when he is actually training to reach his dong high form so he can use the MU get su once again the hollow appears wearing the full she-hulk show rather than a half of one meaning it is actually a thing which is also clarified when Ichiro speaks to an Hana now the royal statement that I actually made about issuing before in relation to his spiritual pressure and him not being some random Joe Blow captain this would explain why you know he's so strong and is still able to fight against someone like Aizen who is a bit of an anomaly in terms of sorry for strength and also the fact that a sheen is relative to an Aizen who goes through hogyoku transformations I just really want to stress that the whole world spiritual pressure thing is actually quite important and this also explains why byakuya was so strong against Yami and Ichigo could only blitz pyaar kiya in the soul Society Aqualand bankai because he was being fed spiritual pressure by zangetsu and the hollow if you actually doubt this and think that it's not true Buki or sa is that ichigo's power fluctuates so much from the hollow taking over his body that it even surpasses his own so to argue against that would be very dumb as when we see the hollow actually takeover against BR yeah the difference in strength is insane so hopefully that clears up some of the confusion as to why byakuya goes from soul society bankai Ichigo level to fighting against saw mari and then Yami and then so on and so forth but as I said before about the whole Akira scene where he claims that the Espada above him is stronger and he's only ranked for once again the only reason he shows him his second release in the second fight is to complete and utterly obliterate his confidence while showing him true despair and that he was lying in the first encounter this should go without saying but the rankings are incredibly inconsistent among the series and the rankings which were originally shown to us clearly don't exist because of Akira and Yami to put it as simple as possible houki or his second release puts him far above someone like Holly Bell to argue against this is not only absolutely idiotic but why would tightiy Kubo play such an emphasis on the battle with Ichigo where akira says it is a secret form clearly following up on the talk they had prior about the Espada above him he is showing Ichigo this form to not only humiliate him and destroy his morale but to show he is in fact stronger than the rank of four of all the Espada's only I have achieved a second stage release this is consistent with his personality because he tried scaring Aichi go with the idea that he has spotted above him were miles stronger than him so he wanted to show you Ichigo that level of power to his face or something even greater an interesting side note to add fuel to this is when Akira and Yami first land in the world of the living POS States there are only three individuals that could actually give them a decent fight on the entire planet those three are ki skate or ihara quitter Saki ischium and Shiho annette yoruichi now Ichigo you would assume is one of the three aforementioned individuals but they were only there to actually see how strong ichigo is whereas they already had the pretense that the three they mentioned are a legitimate threat whereas each year they were unsure about if you say replace issuing or yato eat you with Ichigo individually then it's still a very good statement for Ikki or in Yami they're being scaled to characters like yoruichi is xin each year and/or Ihara now of course sitting hu go aside the other three are what makes the same so impressive not only did the data book state an interesting thing here but so does Luke you're off he and the data books claim that Yami and himself were not in a position to be worried even after or ihara and Yoda which she arrived in fact Akira seems so confident in his ability to actually fight or Ihara and Yoda a Qi as he not only blocks an attack with one hand while the other is in his pocket and slaps it away which neutralized Yami's previous fired sera and this one was intended to most likely kill him he then replies to your Luigi statement about them quote running away and tells her to not get cocky as she knows what would happen if they were to actually fight now a lot of you would say straight away what about the fact that Yami took damage from Ichiro who was only in bankai at the time well there's two issues here and that's the fact that according to Ikki or his words Yami at this stage in the story wouldn't have a chance against her Hara and you're a wee cheat which is great because later on he does get stronger which also so does roogie aura another thing that he also says is that Yami is quite a novice when it comes to using pesky saw and sonido a lot of people don't know this but pesky saw is not just used for being able to react to attack Suzuki aura uses it against the vast oh lordy but it's also used to gauge how strong enemy's strength is something of which Yami is not able to do to explain this as quick as possible the reason Yami had his arm cut off by this Ichigo who was only in bankai was because of his lack of ability with pesky so he was not only unable to gauge ichigo's attack potency and level of spiritual pressure but this resulted in him not defending himself correctly by making his hearers stronger with his own spiritual pressure so he could tank ichigo's attack Rikuo even says that Yami should have analyzed the situation more before engaging H ego and that he should have perfected his pest gazer because then he would have known how strong he actually is therefore he could have avoided or blocked the attack correctly the Biscay saw being something of which I will talk about a bit later on now although this version of Yami isn't very impressive yato Ichi badly damages herself from actually hitting him multiple times something the data books put a lot of stress towards alongside even her who says that she should have used her shunko form to actually hit him therefore she probably wouldn't have taken so much damage but even still pretty crazy especially considering what I said before where he wasn't even defending himself correctly the point I'm trying to make here is that it's very clear how strong tighty Cooper was employing these two to be and it's obvious why Eisen has these two as a pair not only are they the two secret strongest have spotted by rank and they have secret release forms but if kukura and Yami scale to the bastard Lord a which at this stage should be much stronger than an issue who was arguably weaker than when he fought the original weaker version of the hollow the same issuing that can fight isin and tag him in his hougyoku beliefs forms and this court spooky aura and yami not only above the Espada but in this shesha lon of fighters in the series Aizen actually states that he was expecting each year to be even stronger than he was when he appeared and this would imply that the hollow is something that could possibly contest him remember one of the plot points for Aizen was that he was hopefully looking for someone who could defeat him in battle Ichigo clarifies this because he can feel sadness from crossing blades with him and it seems that Aizen all along I just wanted a competitive fight and if you still doubt that I as a narrative point Aizen was really aware of how strong the original vastly law day was and he was expecting it to evolve over time which he was fully aware of and the same goes with the Espada and others were being shown countless times that people do get stronger as they go through many fights so once again Aizen is completely aware of the Vasto Lorde's power and what it could actually end up being in terms of strength and considering that he is the one that gave all the powers of the Espada and he knows how strong they are individually you guys should be able to put two and two together now as a follow-up to what Yuki or has said about him currently not being as strong as he should be at that point in the story we know for a fact that Yami actually increases in power and size as noted by Chad and the others when he fights against them and Grimmjow and/or Ihara actually state that you can get Bruce in power after every fight that you partake in like Zheng Kai Bruce from Dragon Ball this also isn't a crazy thing to consider because at the very start of the series it said that normal Vasto Lorde a who haven't even been given upgrades by Aizen so much of a threat that they can surpass captains in power and due to Akira and Yami being special cases who are light-years above just the No every day vastrel or day that you may run into in a hueco mundo you see what I'm getting here they are much stronger than they actually are the other reason why the rankings are not consistent at all is well yeah Yami and his rank exists that's all I really need to say about that so a lot of people like the idea that Barragan would clap any Espada in a one-on-one fight even if they are above him in rank solely because of his rest Vita ability which Ages anything from objects flesh to even energy based attacks like keator and hotter now he is the issue if the ability was in fact that deadly bargain would absolutely be ranked number one among the Espada because unlike the Quincy's who have a lot of very hacks and intricate abilities the Espada's don't really have that many counter abilities or hacks type abilities compared to even bargain or the Quincy's you know on average they tend to be very cut and dry physical based attack characters you could follow up by saying well he's probably just slower than stark so stark wins in that regard in the rankings or Stark has more spiritual pressure which is not only stated but backed up in the data books when it states that he can fire infinite Saros and also he is given a statement in the data books which clarify that he actually has one of the fastest sun-eater's in base where stock actually sun-eater's from one of the towers in lost no chairs all the way down to where Ichigo and Kenpachi are he steals Orihime flashes out of the way of both of them swinging at him at the same time and is able to soar neither his way all the way to a distance which is comparable from going to Montreal to New York in the snap of a finger but stark speed and spiritual pressure shouldn't even be a factor because Barragan can slow down his opponent's attacks aged them and his ability would be by default more useful than a man who can just sling Saros all day compared to an ability which once again can age Elektra believe anything many people assume that bargain was given the rank two over one which is kind of weird because he was the previous quote king of hueco mundo meaning that wouldn't he already be the strongest by default and you know Aizen and him had beef and Aizen did this to hurt his pride well sadly this is never once touched upon in the story other than the fact that Barragan dislikes him for taking hueco mundo from him one thing that is actually touched upon however is the way that spiritual pressure and abilities actually function among the series a Soul Reaper battle involves spirit energy I can easily overwhelm your silly power by accessing my own spirit energy if the Espada are based off of Shinigami as aura Huayra stated and they not only transform but fight exactly as Shinigami do we can assume they also operate with spiritual pressure the same way of Shinigami do - meaning characters like stock Rukia and Yami could all negate berrigan's aging ability with their spiritual pressure by default earlier notes that through cure is second relief spiritual pressure is sorry heavy and dark that it feels like it's alien as if it's not even a power that's from the reality that he lives in now going back to the Aizen seen if Aizen can do this to SOI fon who has a death hacks ability and the same rules apply to Espada's then this bargain would be dealt with kind of easy when it comes to a spotter who a ranked above him or have more spiritual pressure than him or if you use Rukia as an example he is so much faster and has more destructive capability than Barragan that he could move faster than the respira ability and he could stand very far away and spam alums and overland partners at him until he dies as those attacks make SOI founds bankai looked like a firecracker in comparison and the attack potency of the lungs in Overland Park would be monstrously higher gain also basically confirms word for word that the Espada don't follow Aizen because of his hypnosis ability but because he would absolutely destroy them with raw power if bargains ability was that dangerous why didn't he just destroy everything around him and keep Aizen away from him it's very clear why because the ability can be negated by higher spiritual pressure I usually don't like to use the icin statement about the spiritual pressure stuff because I'm a little bit skeptical that that was even Aizen that was hit by the Suzumiya bachi because when he makes that statement it turns out that his body is standing on the other side of the city and it just seems silly for him to even risk getting hit by that attack but that's just a bit of skepticism regardless it doesn't contradict what I just said anyway because gain confirms all the stuff that I just said an interesting thing I want to spend time in this video talking about that many people don't actually know about is the two aspects of power that za Mari and annoyance or have alongside rooky hora these are special abilities that certain individual Espada actually have which the others can't use something which was prevalent in the earlier episodes and shappers of bleach where hollows were like stands and had individual powers grand fissure could shape his ability into a projection of people he had killed in the past therefore he was able to show Ichiro his mother shreeka had homing minions that could explode from an audio signal emitted by his tongue and our Daniel could shape-shift into hollows or people he killed and use their powers to achieve as confirmed by the data books summaries specialty was not only his incredibly hacks eye ability in his release state but he claimed to have the fastest sun-eater of all Espada something which the data books also confirm and Noah Torah was listed as having the hardest year of all Espada now this should be pretty clear but Akira far surpasses Amari in speed because this ability only applies to their base forms another thing that a lot of people don't actually understand her meloso needle among all the Espada's my so needle is the fastest Xiomara speed does not seem to actually increase in his release state or even to a notable degree at all and notoriously arrow doesn't increase in durability when he goes into his release form Kenpachi actually never notes his skin getting tougher just that he now has to cut off more of his arms and this is somewhat annoying whereas he or his speed after going into resurrection drastically increases alongside his defense and attack potency when he or occurs in to his first resurrection he is able to completely blitz Ichigo to the point where he can throw a lance and within the span of ichigo's neurons firing and his eyes perceive the attack and is able to slightly move his head just the right amount to avoid the Lance by a hair a second Lance is then thrown within that time span he actually asks each go to fire a fully hollow fighting getsuga tensho at him and this Ichigo has gotten considerably stronger after his battle with Grimmjow and the Zheng Kai statement I mentioned earlier which Grimmjow makes a note of yet Akira is able to completely take the attack head-on with his spiritual pressure alone and it never even touches him another compliment to Russia or his speed is that Noah Tora things Ichigo and bankai while he is almost dead after fighting [ __ ] is actually a threat to him yet Akira takes the steaming on his speed in face form and this Ichigo is once again much stronger and is five through ten times faster than he was against noia Tora if not more because he is healed and hollowfied all thanks to the Zheng Kai boost now nellen kampachi also don't help Naruto his case of having the quote hardest hero beyond his base form because he claimed no one could cut him but was blitzed by an L who was according to their conversation most likely the rank of around five in strength as she was not only surpassed by the other Espada around her rank when it comes to power due to the time skip but she is also fighting at what can be considered and half her strength or maybe some random percentage like 70/80 it's pretty hard to quantify because her mask was cracked and leaking spiritual pressure throughout the entire fight with knight aura at full strength without being injured she might be the rank of four in power meaning she only drops one number in rank during the time between when Noah Toro cracked her mask and the time she spent as a toddler but that seems to be a higher ball because Noah Tora complimented bankai ichigo's speed who was almost dead at the time and had basically no spiritual pressure yet he still defended multiple attacks from Noah Tora intended to kill him alongside being able to outspeed Noah Toro and if you're in his base form can out speed a healed fully hollowfied Ichigo also to mention if you want to use Kenpachi that doesn't work you can't even quantify how strong he is at this point in the story when it comes to the fight between himself and Noah Torah as his power fluctuates from getting tagged and hurt way more than even nel did against Noah Torah to being a second release ye are me level and in the words of owner Hana he was holding himself back considerably possibly even to a fully healed bankai Ichigo level which would be a consistent power range given the times gift before where he lost to a weaker shikai Ichigo than the one that appeared on sokyoku hill when bankai and and now has a bankai which is even stronger than that bankai which was used in the BR key of five he also has a hala fication which is stronger than that and while he was fatigued and only in bankai he impressed noah torah so not only does that sort of put the nail in the coffin with the idea that nel is around the rank of four she seems to be more around the rank of five ish in power especially because she's not at full power but all of those multipliers and how much the camp arches holding himself back just really don't help the case of her being stronger than that she has to be around the rank of five and all it took for chem party to basically defeat Lloyd Torah was him placing his other hand onto his sword and he almost killed him in one blow once more holding him back considerably because he just wanted an entertaining fight something pretty cool about who you are is that he could have actually been much stronger than he was in the story but he chose to discard some of his spiritual pressure for his healing factor which personally I think he should have just put that spiritual pressure into his strength because it would have most likely made him around the Vasto Lorde a peach to go level and basically no one in this series except the higher tiers would have been able to even cut him so what's the use in healing when you can just never get injured in the first place prevention is better than a cure as they say and this is just further evidence to show that who you are was destined for greater feats than the others but I guess only being able to heal everything except your brain and internal organs is kind of cool and it does give him this weird eye ability where he can pull out his eye crush it and it allows him to project events that he's previously seen so others can view them a few years back ty take uber actually stated that in the Halverson Evie the animation and retelling of the fight which was shown at the start of the movie between Uhura and vaster latte Ichigo was actually how he imagined the fight more than the way that he was able to draw it in the manga or how the anime versions showcased the fight which is great to hear because tight a goober has expressed many times in the past that he was so rostering weekly chapters by shounen jump to meet deadlines at some weeks he was just happy to get a chapter completed meaning even during such an important fight in the manga he didn't even get to draw it in the complete way he wanted which is once again great to hear in this instance because if the movie version of the fight is more true to how he wanted in his head it further backs that tight a goober made you are much stronger than he actually is by rank and this isn't just skepticism as a fan what's cool about the scene in the movie is that Akira is able to tag the hollow and fight much more competitively thus being a huge compliment to his speed and the fact that the Vasto Lorde a actually dodges his attacks multiple times means Akira can hurt him and actually does in the movie in short not only can he or a break out of pocket dimensions which were made by Aizen to seal Espada who have gone loose or road while he is in his base form a feat which is later hyped up when Ichigo does it in ukyo's pocket dimension now I'm not scaling you Kyoya to that Ichigo but it's still a cool feat nonetheless and grim gel not only compliments ouki auras power and how fast he will be able to break out of that car horn nagashi on but he also uses the car horn Agassi on on Akira out of fear to actually have to fight him a quick compliment to Grimmjow he does tank one of who you are is Saros but in the process of doing that he almost loses his armed now a lot of people are gonna say how was Akira above yami when the data book state Yami is the strongest Espada and he doesn't react turkey or a second release form whereas everybody else below the canopy does plus you yourself did say that Yami is the strongest well it's absolutely true that Yami is stronger than it you Kira but the problem of Yami is that he is a glass cannon and is also incredibly bad at perceiving enemy's spiritual pressure alongside the fact that he is incredibly low in the intelligence department and is slow as hell you'll notice throughout the series he continuously a tsuki or multiple times how strong opponents are when they're facing off against them and has borderline no ability to actually gauge an opponent's strength as I said earlier kukura tells him he needs to master his pesky sir but he doesn't this would explain why Yami couldn't perceive Akio his second release forms full power or even the vast oh lordy which was above the canopy of los no chairs fighting kukura he doesn't even react to it and also treats Kenpachi as if he is just some random Joe Blow Shinigami like he doesn't realize how strong this guy is normally I'd take his statement about him referring to Kyoya grimmjow and the others as trash a little bit more direct but not when you account for these facts he can't even read Luke you're his level of power a form which even he doesn't know about people would usually assume he doesn't react because it doesn't impress him but it's actually because he can't even comprehend Russia or his power the reason I am putting such an emphasis on this is because Akira might be able to actually tank Yami Saros and Bala's even if he's in his second release Monkey form as kukura takes a cero which was meant to kill him directly to his body while he is expecting the to kill him and he asks the vaster law day to finish him off with this said attack meaning he isn't even defending himself with his spiritual pressure yet he still survives it regenerates as much of his body as he can then he saw Nadeau's over to where the Vassar Lotte is while he is behind him cuts off the hollows mask saving oh dear and Orihime not only is Yomi considerably slower than aura but he would never hit him with any of his attacks and in truth he might not even be able to damage the aura I want to stress this once more but Espada's can make their hero stronger based on how much spiritual pressure they place into their defense we have seen a few times that Yami is incredibly bad at this and his ability to use pesky saw and has been cut by enemies that he shouldn't be cut by this would explain why although he has the strongest spiritual pressure in the most firepower why is it that he has trouble making his hero stronger than Noah Torres's whereas buki aura can do it quite casually when he goes into his first and second release Yami could barely catch Rukia Renji and shad then when Kenpachi and byakuya appeared they made him look like an absolute idiot and he was just pretty much blasting big cero attacks that never hit any of them and then even when he went into his second release which should make him 100 times stronger than his base form he gets off screamed like just consider that he gets off screamed you can give Yami some credit for fighting a cheater but that each year is still miles weaker than second release Yuki or as he has only half a she harsher on his mask doesn't even work correctly and in the words of Ichigo feels heavier and for Ichigo to get over a hundred times increase in power after that fight while he has half a she harsher on and he can barely fight correctly it's very silly I have seen people claim that he's stronger than the vaster latte afterwards but that just makes no sense they're even still when yami fights him the only attacks that he can connect Ichigo with are actually Bhalla which are 20 times faster than normal Saros and surpass his own combat speed and even still Ichigo was in the court Judy his mask not working correctly and he isn't at full strength if he were 40 ami he would not only blitz er me in he first and second release form but he could atomized his body with his satyr or scooters which could multiply his attack potency by an order of magnitude which can be around five through ten plus times in power and if that doesn't work he has the Lanza del relampago which is even stronger than the setter of scooters and in his fight with a vaster Lord a he uses the lungs at Overland Park after his sitter or scooters is canceled out by the Vasto Lorde's normal Saros now I want to clarify something very quickly about the Vasto Lorde a the Vasto Lorde was not only not at full power because of the half she Hawk show that it was wearing but in the battle it never used a runway Sara Kings grand race era or any sort of cero that is similar to us that our schoolers whereas let's say for example that the sitter or school does is a ability for only which so far it actually is he is the only one with a Sarah that can have its own multiplier he is the only holo with a Sarah that has its own of multiplier that improves his power by an order of magnitude even still we get to see that the Vasto Lorde a was an even at full power like no grand race arrow which would have an increase of its own and then she heart shows ripped just to clarify so even if Yami has more attack power ouki aura blitzes him in speed and has attacks that can multiply his own strength and can close the gap and then surpass Yami in strength you can also say well Yami would just get stronger as the fight progresses and he would fight like the Hulk does so over time he would eventually surpass Haruki Ora in power if it was that easy why didn't he just do that to Kenpachi and be Akio as Farooqi or his destructive capability you are not only scales to the Vasto Lorde a which you can get to planet level with calc stacking multipliers and wank but it's confirmed in the Halverson Eevee around three different times that it is a threat to the world could destroy the planet was even hyped up by Yamamoto someone who while suppressed is casually planet level even while he's not at full power and covered multiple layers of hell with a cero blast which should be by default multiplanetary now ouki aura absolutely should be at least planetary because not only does his cero negate the Vasto Lorde's arrows and vice versa they have a back-and-forth battle but his lungs at Oberlin Parker is even stronger than this arrows that he uses to clash with the Vasto Lorde's arrows by quite a lot the same London oval embargo that Dwarfs Las Noches in size a place where Akira merely by going first release would destroy it without purposely doing so and the inside of law snow chairs is actually a pocket dimension which is so large that it has its own curvature on the inside and a light source from an artificial Sun this is a fact that a lot of people completely don't realize and instead scale the Espada and their attack potency to the outside of Las Noches which is smaller than the inside due to the things I mentioned and are displayed usually a lot of people actually scale the outside of the castles being anywhere from large city level to close to the size of some countries so the insight being the size that I just said is not only true but it actually makes the Espada look way more impressive than they were previously believed to be another cool little fact among the series is that shikai Ichigo was told to be careful with his spiritual pressure by Shinji as it could be felt across the entire planet and would most likely alert hollows which are hanging around in pocket dimensions around the world now I'm not saying shikai Ichigo is planetary please don't interpret what I just said in that sense but the fact that he can affect things with his spiritual pressure that far away he blocked the sokyoku which has the power of around 3 million zanpakuto was said to be able to destroy the soul Society a direct reflection of earth and can overwhelm all things in existence with its spiritual pressure and it would actually need to be that strong any way to execute most high-level threats in the bleach universe on the podium because when you think about it logically they have been dealing with threats like you heart and captain's who surpass even some of the current captains back in those days so it's not very far-fetched to assume that those feats are quite consistent a lot of people would say well the Aizen letter is actually fake but why would the feat about it being able to destroy the soul society be a lie because the others never can test that like the captain's seem to be incredibly surprised when Ichigo blocks it so you just claim that that little detail in the letter is is a liar it just seems silly because the feat is an inconsistent it's just a little detail that Aizen adds to his no I don't think that deserves it being discredited if he was to say that the sky is blue in his note does that mean that it's a lie no and anyway ouki aura is easily 1,000 times stronger than that each year in second release due to the multipliers he gets in his release forms if you want a lawyer Bala to 100 times really doesn't make much of a difference but it just means that icky aura is bare minimum I'm not gonna wing him to like galaxy level or some insane thing like that but he is just bare minimum planet level like there's a lot of evidence to imply it and it's pretty consistent especially with all the evidence I provided I think I've been very thorough with this not to mention he is also a massively FTL something of which I've talked about in previous videos but most characters in the series are anyway so it's it's not really worth mentioning it's just a cool note in terms of speed he's very fast ouki aura is without a doubt the strongest Espada pre time-skip and this is exactly why he was sent on more missions and was trusted by Aizen more than any Espada it's very clear that he was given particular power-ups by not only Aizen but I take uber and was used as a very important particular plot device for a reason Aizen knew that he would have to fight the Vasto Lorde egg and in the words of Yuki Ora to Aizen this is all the game if you're in need of a brand new VPN service then look no further than surf shark providing unlimited simultaneous connections for all your devices which no other VPNs actually do for maximum security speaking of security I'd venture to say that you guys would hate it a lot if you were to go out into public or you're on a holiday and you're staying at a hotel and then you have a hacker get into your computer phone tablet or any of your devices and take all of your sensitive info with you being none the wiser well 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Channel: Clyde
Views: 881,039
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Keywords: Was Ulquiorra The Strongest Espada? - BLEACH, ulquiorra, ulquiorra cifer, cifer ulquiorra, cifer, bleach ulquiorra, ulquiorra bleach, ulquiorra powerscale, Ranking The Espada From Weakest to Strongest, espada, bleach, grimmjow, halibel, harribel, nelliel, nel, nnoitora, zommari, szayel, aaroniero, starrk, barragan, aizen, bleach espada ranking, bleach powerlevels, espada video, bleach espada video, seththeprogrammer, clyde, bleach video, jaymeshanson
Id: oR7ML6P2D8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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