How Strong Is Soul Society Ichigo?

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if you're a fan of bleach please hit that subscribe button let's support bleach as a team until the enemy returns in 2021 because if you support me I'll keep supporting bleach by making plenty of content in the future every series has that moment that moment where the stakes are at their peak the odds are stacked against your favorite characters the threat has become too great to deal with and the likeliness of survival is slim to none a moment where that one sole individual is needed but hasn't arrived yet a moment of impatience a moment of desperation a moment of Legends we all know the scenes and we all love them today I will be focusing on one of the most iconic moments in anime the arrival of soul society Ichigo and how this version of Ichigo made us feel like he was Superman by saving the day and surpassing every single thing that was thrown at him if you've ever wondered how strong this variation of Ichigo is well I've got you covered today with this video and if you want more videos like these please hit the like button because if we get 10,000 likes on this video I'll upload a video on ruget sorry Ichigo and explain just how strong that form of Ichigo is I believe one of the most underrated features of Ichigo other than his sensory abilities which I've mentioned in previous Ichigo oriented videos is absolutely his hand-to-hand combat ability a lot of people have this weird perception that bleach characters are not adept at hand-to-hand combat because they are predominantly showcased using swords as their primary way of offense and defense from my own analysis of bleach their physical strength and hand-to-hand combat can sometimes be the most electrifying part of the battles grimmjow vs. Ichigo comes to mind yamamoto vs. 1 to iose any battle involving yoruichi or SOI fon and even some of renji's battles although there are countless other battles where hand-to-hand combat is the most common aspect of the battle itself in Bleach it's still a very underappreciated part of the series which otherwise is so heavily synonymous with sword use chakuda also known as white hits or hand-to-hand combat in the viz translation is the name of the martial art style shown throughout Bleach which is used predominantly by Shinigami this style of hand-to-hand combat is sorry in depth that thai takeover Gabe shouldn't waste or finger stab is Shane's flicking technique used against eysan SOI fons kicks and Yamamoto's punches their own unique names where most other series would just call these punches flicks pokes and kicks Titan Cooper gave them quite a lot of thought which was noted in the official data books which he was actually involved in where in these data books they list specific names for almost every blow thrown in the series the reason I bring this up is because ichigo who only knew the basics of karate as noted where he claims he could only beat tarski up until junior high and apart from that only has a lot of street fight experience while ichigo implemented this style which isn't even haka dug into his battles as a Soul Reaper being able to outbox and judo tossed Ganju then completely blitz three lieutenants one being in a harness means subordinate Hasani omaeda one of the main members of the cell force the squad that specifies in hand-to-hand combat stealth kills and is even praised by Aizen you know oh my de the guy who is the right-hand man of the female captain who prioritizes hand-to-hand combat over using her sword he also takes out yamamoto's right-hand man charge it off all in the span of one blitz then he is able to pick up his zanpakuto and react to be akhiya who is attacking him completely off-guard Ichigo was also able to deduce it conquers entire fighting soul Renji style and adapt her hyah in their training even breaking through his blood shield he also achieved bankai in roughly two and a half days which means that he actually learnt bankai quicker than or ahora did he also impressed your ohe when she viewed him adapting to zhong gets are you bullying him in training and according to byakuya he mastered shouldn't poke although I personally wish Ichigo used his hand-to-hand combat more throughout the series it's still a cool way to open up this video kampachi says his sword technique is barely assist in a captain level though he closes that gap and surpasses captain level in the span of days along with increasing his spiritual pressure without even using Hakata all being super experienced at sword fighting his fire Q was better than Shinigami who were hundreds to thousands of years old by only using human level karate mixed with his street fight knowledge and minimal sword training his fight IQ is definitely a very underrated quality of Ichigo and something we see time and time again later in the series so very similar to when Ichigo was able to absorb the menos grande Serra and fire it back into it sending it back to hueco mundo this was without a doubt him passively using Quincy abilities and this is why earlier was so confused about what was going on with Ichigo something of which I actually explained in my Shinigami ichiro video well in his battle against kampachi in the soul Society it is later clarified that Ichigo in fact used blue vein or moreso song gets who used it to save Ichigo from bleeding to death against Kenpachi this is actually clarified in the war arc when Ichigo was training to get his real son pocket our powers and is reflecting on the relationship between he and the spirits inside of him yeah there were no lies not in his words not in yours either he used a Quincy shadow to help me you used a Quincy's blood to stop mine you lent me the power of a Quincy to help me be stronger Laure zangetsu is admittedly holding each note back from using his true power that we later see in the war arc he and white help out Ichigo in various situations throughout this arc which makes the scaling incredibly confusing for the average reader when viewing bleach for the first time for example ichigo's power after he fights Kenpachi although heavily wounded is so amplified after this battle and before even doing any of the bankai training I want to really emphasize that before any of the bankai training that akitaka genuinely believes and is in shock that this form of Ichiro is and I quote wow that spiritual pressure it could only belong to a captain but I don't recognize it whose is it where is it coming from you also need to keep in mind that in the words of Yoda Ichi half of ichigo's organs were crushed in the battle against Kenpachi yet he was still able to keep up with the Akio speed and impress Luca taki just from him moving and getting out of bed it opened up the wounds that was making him bleed what's even more crazy about this statement and ichigo's confrontation on the bridge is that in his battle with kampachi kampachi believed that he was originally assistant captain level and although zangetsu buffed him to captain level and it's later stated this is why he survived his wounds just from that battle alone he gained such an increase in power because we know he isn't being buffed by his own getsu at that exact moment that he had actually attained captain level power from zenkai booze as once again for those of you who don't know after every battle that a sorry for goes through or basically any kind of character in Bleach they increase their power just like characters in Dragon Ball once again I want to really put emphasis on this Ichigo is considered captain level before the bankai training has even started and is incredibly injured at this time but yet he can still keep up with byakuya on the bridge perceive his movements and parry his attacks multiple times Ganju is also quoted saying that's not what I mean that guy's spiritual pressure is at least as great as Iraqis and this is before he even flexes his spiritual pressure or fights even in a serious manner to once again go back to Ichigo sensory abilities Ichigo is so mentally sharp that he can sense Chad almost died across the other side of the soul society while Kenpachi spiritual pressure is covering the entire battlefield and Chad is so far away that it can actually take multiple days to get from one point to the other in this part of the soul society before all of this stuff happens though when Ichigo is training for the flower crane cannons and to the soul Society he creates so much spiritual pressure that it actually scares everybody including kukaku Shiba who was able to one-shot one of the gatekeepers with hotter 63 Raika her in this arc of bleach this is the most common time you will see ty say Kubo place a lot of focus on ichigo's speed and this leads to being his main quirk throughout the rest of the series yo - Ichi emphasizes that she is going to get Ichigo to the level where he can be worthy enough to fight byakuya and in her own words to be more specific actually surpass him and once again he not only impresses yada vici when she is viewing him trained but according to byakuya Ichigo has mastered shunpo calculating each of your speed in this arc is incredibly simple Ichigo was previously relativistic to Lightspeed against the menos grande which the data books claim uses light base errors or ihara also believes Ichigo needs to fight the menos Grande to prove himself showing that this isn't a miracle and he believes he can fight something of this level and the fact that he tussled with the menos Grande and even byakuya is impressed by his ability to deal with the menos grande along with Renji being in complete denial that he did showing further evidence that menos Grande are a big deal at this point of the series also to add further evidence to her O'Hara's claim he also later states that Ichigo has more potential than his own well to get to the actual number you could say that each year has become 5 times stronger than where he was against the menos Grande as Renji states he is now 5 times stronger in their battle in the soul society compared to the world of the living and Ichigo achieving chic i has amped him to this level while after fighting Renji and Kenpachi where kanpachi thinks in their battle he has become assistant captain level ichigo then progresses to the level of a captain on the bridge then hi captain level when he fights by Akio you could also say that he was captain level and they can party fight after you've got the amp from zangetsu but we're talking about Ichiro without the help of zangetsu here just to clarify now I'm not gonna do any crazy stuff where I went Ichigo to a thousand times life speed in this part of the series or put a weird number on it where it's just so ridiculous that are when you do stuff like this it transcends author intent and becomes way too headcanon II if I do the math one way but another person who does it their way although we might come to a number where technically we're both correct in our evaluation of the actual equation it can become what I would imagine laughable to the author like imagine you approach the author and you have a conversation with him and you say sorry mr. Tice a kuriboh is it true that each year is fifty three thousand four hundred and fifty six times the speed of light and the soul society is the exact moment in the story like right here what he's talking to be Akio I'm just really curious could you answer that he'd probably say what I mean he dodges Lila it's that's probably the most impressive thing he did like how did you come to that number you see pretty weird to have that conversation with the author right so let's be charitable with this and not go overboard with the answer okay Ichigo and Chi Chi when he faces off against pyaar kiya has become high captain level without a doubt he's stronger than he was on the bridge where he shocks through kataka and byakuya and yoda wait she thinks she can actually make him stronger than byakuya in me days showing this isn't a flimsy statement by akitaka as byakuya also states he surprised Ichigo can stand his spiritual pressure and can tag him multiple times while severely injured well once again the Ichigo in shikai who faces off against byakuya can not only keep up with PRP his shikai and repel it multiple times but he avoids the zanpakuto a few times while it's in bankai and then he himself goes bankai he wasn't fully rested when he actually came to battle byakuya and he did take a blow from the bankai when he should never have taken damage to begin with and this was due to his cockiness when he goes bankai although it's incredibly powerful it could have actually been stronger if he was rested and didn't take a blow which almost murdered Renji in one shot you know the same guy who was in bankai now what's crazy about this is that his bankai amplifies his speed so much that byakuya can't even register his existence in his brain and although Ichigo slows down as the fight progresses and white claims each other is being crushed by his own bankai spiritual pressure it doesn't change the fact that when Ichigo first rose into the form he is massively faster than byakuya who is famous for his flash step prowess is injured and took a blow which he should have never taken well if we lowball ichigo's bankai multiplier because only mastered bankai get a 10 times increase in their attributes and Ichigo obviously hasn't lasted it at this point in the story because there are side effects from the bankai it's also stated that it takes 10 years to master a bankai and he can barely use his bankai for long periods of time before it starts to lose its efficiency in battle this is also something that the Aki are really hammered into Renji that you should not use bankai until you've mastered it because it's actually gonna be too much of a detriment to you in battle Ichigo in the battle against pyaar kiya has become 5 to 10 times stronger than multiple forms of ichigo who were above the form that was already relativistic to the speed of light and if we lowball Ichigo to the most honest answer he is anywhere between three to ten times the speed of light in shi Kai another five times in bankai rather than ten because of what I just said about him not mastering bankai then another 10 times when white takes over because although each eager hasn't mastered hollowfication at this point in the story and it is stated that he does master it after his third battle with Grimmjow white is the one using it meaning nothing is holding him back which would increase his speed and strength by a solid ten times as Tarzan claims he is more confident using hollowfication than his own bankai and he thinks hollowfication is a greater power than bankai Towson's word here is very important because Tarson absolutely has mastered his sword and he is over 100 years old yet he prefers hollowfication you could say well he's only saying this because he's becoming infatuated by the power and the whole vision related thing but the problem with that is that he only becomes infatuated and accent of character once he goes into the resurrection because then he can finally see so using that argument isn't relevant to what he said about hollowfication it's a legitimate statement without even a doubt in my mind this Ichigo is anywhere from one singular time the speed of light to potentially tens to hundreds of times light speed with white using hala fication this also isn't a huge thing to say as white absolutely blitzed and change the tide of the battle between both he and byakuya byakuya had no chance at all and this was shown with a huge gap in power so once again Ichigo is consistently around 1 to 100 times the speed of light just to be safe the most I would say to be narratively consistent however is around 3 to 5 times solidly the speed of light at this point in the series once again I don't want to go overboard with the calculations and the numbers because it becomes incredibly headcanon oriented also he does kind of you know blitz multiple lieutenants through directly scale two lieutenants who dodged the nagashi on at point-blank range a light which has hyped up by the head captain himself and this light scales to vast honoré tier hollows so for those of you out there who are downplaying the speed of characters in Bleach or maybe you just don't understand how to scale the series correctly which which is fine I hope this makes it super clear for this period of the story and also if you want to bring up the godly lightening stuff or the gain statements that's some really outdated power scaling and I debunked all of it in my bleach speed video a video that I believe most bleach scalars should watch so if you get the time repeat that video the thing that's quite wild about this form of Ichigo is the progression of strength he achieves in such small intervals of time he enters the soul society at around lieutenant level after attaining shikai meaning he has become 5 times stronger than when he fought against the menos grande for the first time or Renji he swaps swords multiple times with high seated officers goes against multiple different captain's being able to survive an attack from one who Loki is most likely holding back but also testing him at the same time goes on to defeat Kenpachi with the help of zangetsu and although it's established that kampachi is holding back that level of power is worthy of captain class and after his death match with ichigo kampachi has been amped to the level of being able to fight Torsen and kama mora at the same time while basically messing around you could consistently argue that Ichiro would be strong enough to fight Tosun and kama mora at the same time because yes Kenpachi did get an amp but so did ichigo with his training i want to give some credit to Tarson and kama mora however and that's the fact that this is a Torsen before he got power-ups by Aizen and this is also a common Mora who didn't prep to the Aizen war some might bring up ah Tosun was holding back obviously this battle you know it's not what it actually looks like right but why would Tarson hold back against Kenpachi and risk dying it doesn't further his goal with Aizen in any way shape or form showing that he actually does get an increase in power later on and wasn't always that powerful and it is funny because Kenpachi genuinely believes that he can take on his saga and tetsuzaemon along with the two aforementioned captains at the same time so as for ichigo's scaling to that battle it's pretty impressive a small side note by the way it's actually emphasized that the holo mask from white is so strong that it can tank blows from captain level fighters and it saves him more than once in the arc any hurry the feat that is so impressive from this Ichiro is absolutely when he shocks all of the captains after being able to block the circular coup a legendary blade with the power of 1 million zanpakuto and is said to have the power to be able to destroy the entire seireitei and the soul society which is actually an understatement because in movie one of bleach which is canon it only takes a hundred and sixty Soul Reapers to generate enough power to be able to destroy the value of screams meaning although the statement isn't actually incorrect the blade can in fact do much more than what's stated and this is highlighted in the data box where it states that spiritual pressure can overwhelm everything in existence when Rukia is about to be executed by the circular crew Ichigo blocks the circular crew which is in its attack phase when the sokyoku is attacking its power is amplified by several dozen times making it 36 times more powerful meaning Ichigo block the power of 36 million zanpakuto and was about to do it again to the shock of the captains he performed a feat they couldn't believe was happening before their very eyes now there are three reasons which I could come up with as to why Ichigo was able to block the sokyoku because to be honest it is quite confusing that he can block something this powerful at this point in the story you could say it was specifically set to be able to destroy something of rukia's level and she was incredibly weakened at the time because of being in the jail which further adds that it should be really easy for you to go to block if it's at that level because not only does she not have Soul Reaper powers but she's also weakened on top of that and it's actually pretty wild because when she's viewing the akhiya and Ichigo on the bridge having their battle she has to concentrate the entire time just to be conscious and then passes out after the battle is done so I do doubt that the circular crew was set to rukia's level because Aizen emphasized to Renji that the sokyoku is used specifically for people of a high threat captain level and above one might say Aizen is lying here once again just like parts of his no but how does this lie further his facade in any way if he says the sky is blue while he's telling a lie is he incorrect it's very consistent with the reaction on the faces of the captains when Ichigo blocks it you also need to ask yourself why was the blade originally used in the soul Society well it was obviously made this powerful and with the tend to slay individuals like the old road killers from the rukon district like say or Nahanni before she joined the go to 13 because she was very notorious and there were plenty of people like her that were notorious and strong you could also say rogue captains in the past because it stated that Yamamoto was the only reason that the go-to 13 were kept together because he sort of put them in line showing that they weren't necessarily good people or easy to deal with you could also say Quincy's from the original thousand-year blood war and even the likes of villains such as you ha bark or even notorious hollows that Yamamoto may have encountered hundreds to thousands of years ago the second reason is that zangetsu and white am - ichigo at the exact moment to be strong enough to block the blade now some people have this weird head cannon that Ichigo became weaker after the soul society are concluded which just blatantly isn't true the reason I say this is because characters like Grimmjow were already established to be above captain level and Ichigo while going all out in bankai was nothing but average speed to Grimmjow he says this verbatim yes it's true Ichigo was scared of what and this is why he didn't use gasp occurs until the end of the battle but when Ichigo can use hollowfication after training with the visoreds Grimmjow is still in the same position of power as he was before the only times we see ichigo get exponentially stronger is during the Orihime amps when she's screaming out which was clearly a powerup from white and even with that happening grimmjow can still keep up with that level of power because he takes direct blows from these amps where there's a huge spike in power but they can still fight basically to the death and he's strong enough to take blows from no Itoro while off guard further showing that regardless of what you say Grimmjow is still above the byakuya shown in the soul Society arc and therefore showing he isn't weaker the third thing we could take from this situation where he locks the sokyoku is that well this actually isn't that mind blowing of a feat I mean sure in terms of numbers it sounds very intimidating doesn't it you know 36 million zanpakuto a blade used specifically for killing legitimate threats and Ichigo blocks it all by himself casually in chic well what if I told you that this is the kind of stuff high-caliber fighters like Ichigo Yamamoto Kenpachi konohana Aizen and so on can actually do let me just explain this characters like raangi crew have to wear seals in their buddy called gentei kaijo now this actually limits them to being five times weaker than they normally would be to stop themselves from affecting the world of the living in fact an each girl who is suppressed by zangetsu and his Shinigami badge is so strong that in shikai his spiritual pressure can reach across the entire planet according to Shinji now if we just say for a moment that song gets her and white amped Ichigo to being one of the top tier characters in the series for a split second considering they did admit to helping him throughout the soul society arc and each year was about to block the most powerful weapon in the soul Society and then have multiple captains after him including the head captain it's kind of like if they don't help him Ichigo is kind of fun now anyway during the war arc of bleach Yamamoto wall incredibly weaker than he should be due to having only one arm according to your Harbach who is very disappointed that he didn't get his arm healed and while suppressing his iron power that even worries ona Hana Yamamoto claims he has the power to destroy the entire soul Society himself and you hop back without the intent to do so and he wants to finish the battle as soon as possible because of this now I realize he is fighting the fake you hub I've just to clarify right this is a level of power that is emphasized by the author when it comes to the circular group yet characters of Yamamoto toes power when he's fighting the fake you hub arc can casually do that while suppressing themselves I'm not trying to scale Yamamoto or Ichigo back and forth between the arcs that's that's not what I'm doing I'm just saying that's how casual these sort of feats become in the war arc later on we've even seen vaster Lord a Ichiro being able to do stuff like this in the Halverson Uzi and characters like Yuki aura and Eisen could easily fire explosions big enough to do the same thing especially with the wrong Kiku can take hydros scaling the confusing part about all of this however is the overwhelming everything in existence statement in the data books because that's essentially getting into some universal type wording now to be completely fair and consistent I believe this means that it has the power to affect everything in existence in a soul crush type manner otherwise if we do say characters in the soul Society RK universal why we're destroying the soul Society be a shock to some of the captains you might follow up with well no one wants their home destroyed right well then why was you have bugs Paulo so intimidating or why was the soul King being able to hold the universe together so crazy if there are about fifty plus characters in the series of bleach who are at the level where they can affect the entire universe with their power then it kind of contradicts you huh bark and the soul king being so intimidating also it's kind of funny that Aizen became so strong that even the weapon which overwhelms everything in existence was viewed as useless when it comes to slaying him due to his immortality or maybe they actually did attempt to do it off-screen and it just didn't work because normally someone like Aizen who's done all the crap that he has done right that just be executed and gotten rid of right I mean they were gonna do it to Rukia for far less but you know to think they wouldn't at least try it on eyes and just seems weird maybe they really wanted to punish him by throwing him in jail for twenty thousand-plus years I could kind of see you know that being more of a fitting punishment for Aizen if one thing can be established from all of this captains are very easily planet level and beyond it's as simple as this can rob Kiku blocked the sokyoku mmm really doubt it I don't think she can at all but she can affect the entire planet with her spiritual pressure along with a fairly fodder shikai ichigo who can do the same thing but he could also block the sokyoku right in fact this ichigo didn't just block the sokyoku he actually put his sword into the podium and he destroyed it so that Rukia would be let go from it the podium which should be strong enough to take attacks from the circular crew you see what I'm saying if we can gather one thing from all of this it is that every character in terms of scaling from the soul society arc who scale around Ichigo or above each year can casually perform planetary feats or at least bare minimum affect the entire planet in a harmful way all it takes is a captain who is already multiple times stronger than wrong eager to go bankai and they are now ten times more potent than before very simple stuff to understand all the down players especially with the movie 1 scaling which was approved by I take uber where only a hundred and sixty fodder Soul Reapers can generate enough power to destroy the valley of screams although this variation of Aizen which you can see on the screen right now becomes arguably stronger by three times as he states his could eat soggy should be much stronger he is still far above most captain's as ichigo things to captain's may not be enough to stop him which later on ends up being true with the gains statement about how Aizen stacks up against all of the Espada and this is why they follow him in fact he's actually much stronger than ichigo's analysis because the statement about the Espada was made about the form of Aizen which appeared in the soul society arc now hear me out ok game specifically says they came together and followed Aizen in the past which would infer the soul society arc because he didn't just find the a spot of the day after he left the soul society he had all of this prepped for a very long time that Aizen right there was stronger than all of the Espada just to clarify when he is viewing Aizen he's talking about the one that's in front of him but when you think about the timeframe of the statement it is inferring once again the Aizen from the soul society our high-tech oeuvre at this time while writing bleach is obviously hyping up the strengths of captains and this is interesting because although ichigo is basically walking on death's door after his close battle with v Akio Aizen is still shocked that when he stops ichigo's blade with one finger his follow-up slash didn't actually cut him in half as he expected to further show evidence of Aizen holding back here he was able to bring Grimmjow to his knees from merely soul crushing him and this Grimmjow made Rukia want to run away in fact she couldn't even comprehend his speed and she saves verbatim to Ichigo to retreat now obviously Aizen is not fighting seriously at all here on sokyoku hill it's still quite wild to see that Ichigo does survive that blow which isin thought would kill him and further adds validity to Katoch a statement earlier about how strong each of her actually is and the potential that Aizen was so fascinated in alongside or a harem Ichigo on circular Hill if he was in bankai and fully healed is absolutely high class level and if white was to take over and his mask comes on mid-battle he can become 10 times stronger than this due to white having no limitations on his own power which the data books also emphasize his speed is casually multiple times faster than light and he should be able to destroy the planet with absolutely no problems if he really wanted to so that's basically it guys I hope you will enjoy the video I hope you all learned something I'm really sorry for making this video take longer to come out than it needed to be but there was more research than I anticipated so that was my own fault next time I say a video is coming out I'll make sure that it's almost done before I say that just a quick apology and real quick after this video goes live I'm going to be talking about bleach on my twitch stream so come by and leave a comment if you want if you've ever wanted to ask me anything bleach related I am live right now on Twitch in the description below so now's your chance to do that I will answer every question and it'll be awesome to just hang out with you guys on Twitch and you know just have a good time so come stop by also before I talk about a ron-karr arc ichigo who we see from the start of the Arrancar arc until when he transforms into donger ichigo this is next
Channel: Clyde
Views: 414,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How Strong WAS Soul Society Ichigo?, Shinigami Ichigo Is Overpowered, Fullbring Shinigami Ichigo Is WAY Stronger Than You Think., Explaining The Speed of BLEACH Characters!, How Strong WAS Vasto Lorde Ichigo?, Was Ulquiorra The Strongest Espada?, Ranking The Espada From Weakest to Strongest, Will The BLEACH Anime Return In 2020?, BLEACH PS4 GAME - WE NEED IT!, bleach, bleach anime, ichigo vs byakuya, byakuya, ichigo, byakuya fight, ichigo bankai, bankai, ichigo vs kenpachi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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