Why L VS Near VS Mello Isn't Close

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El laia the most accomplished student from wham's house as well as the greatest detective to Grace the Earth he solved countless cases and though he wasn't able to solve the kir case or really just close it he ones who inherited his will did and those two were near and mellow both of them desperately wanted to surpass L with Melo in particular taking Extreme Measures to ensure his victory over not just near but extension L near however is seen as the true success to L by many fans his name inherently Nate River symbolizes that n's natural Talent from L hence why he's considered the natural successor even though near and Melo were able to defeat Light Yagami the big bad of the series and solve the Cure case did they end up surpassing l in the end however or was L always staying at the top alone surpassed by nobody let's find out DCI or verbal comprehension index is the body of knowledge and abilities acquired for our lives that enable us to cope with the majority of problems we encounter in everyday life water has the most diverse and advanced library in the world located at whes from which the children are free to read extract knowledge and also improve their verbal comprehension as early as they introduced we see a younger meler reading countless books in the manga to surpass near we actually don't see near reading too much but we know that melo's efforts were for not and near ended up consistently scoring first place in the constant assessments they had for the fourth generation of wham's house so how does l compare well we know that L was the highest achieving student from wham's house and essentially became the goal post that the students of wh house should try to reach L's VCI is truly unmatched as he was able to solve a complex crossword puzzle created by beond birthday another student of wy's house that very same crossword puzzle had left the best investigators to the country had to offer and dozens of police agencies confused for this reason comprehension goes to L working memory index plays a key role in intelligence it is the component of intelligence that enables us to consciously process information its capacity is limited making a bottleneck the cognitive system the more information we can process at the same time and the highest speed that we can do so the more we can solve complex problems L's best feet in wmi or working memory processing large amounts of information at a time high scale at which near has replicated this fee is in definite chapter 91 n is seen holding information from a couple monitors mounted throughout the room each transiting various sources of information some which are different languages stated L could do something similar in the data book and that it's about brain capacity arguably L and Def note is way better than near in raw brain capacity however it's near a mellow so if you quantify it who knows the manga narrative is a bit weird at sometimes if it was more Canon material for L you could definitely say for a definite answer that L takes everything on this list sometimes but for now it's a bit messy but what we can give here is that l in the BB murder case is solving cases at the same time he's even doing this in manga Death Note where in between before and after meeting light at Uni was a couple months where L had to still cover different cases of screen he also carries the free titles of the top detectives in the world remember in the BB mder cases said that L solved 3,500 cases in his career so working memory index goes to L this before Kira by the way when he solves those cases and if you're enjoying this video so far Please Subscribe I'm trying to make more definite content and other Series in the future like your favorites like Tomodachi game isoy and liame all those different series we'll be covering those in the future so subscribe F or fluid reasoning index measures a general problem solving ability that consists in extracting the underlying rules of a problem situation and then using them to solve the problem posed it therefore involves implementing a chain of inductive and deductive reasoning this is the general approach that allows humans to tackle problems they may encounter for which they have no specific procedure acquired for experience or education since L's is pretty universally known and will be told in more detail in the future with his deductive abductive inductive and abstract reasoning we'll go over n's best feet in fluid reasoning index and this would be his final plan which I'll break break down as set up n meets up with the members of the spk and the mpa at the yellow box Warehouse intending to close out the Kira case however near is seen wearing a mask which he remarks is as for insurance near is confident that both xura and elura have no idea as to what near looks like however he is fully aware that the identity of everyone else at the meeting but himself unknown to both of them he had calculated that there existed a feasible possibility that Kira had written down the names of everyone else and had scheduled them to die on the time and the date of the meeting which would allow elira to kill near following the mass execution using either his bare hands or the notebook isawa is currently bearing knowing that elira does not hold the Shinigami eyes but that exira most definitely does once all the other members had died in the complete preemption n supposes that exur would simply be able to obtain his name while this looking at his face and kill him per L's command thus justifying The Mask is's currently wearing near therefore suggests they wait 30 minutes so as to be certain that no one is currently being controlled by the notebook ni having taken off the mask then informs the others that they will need to wait some more before they are able to close out the case they must give enough time for the one which will solve anything being mikimi to arrive at the warehouse near is sure that mickim will come soon enough and that he will likely try to take a peek through the one and only entrance to the warehouse a sliding door near explained to the other members present that exura as the loyal and faithful servant of who had executed the killings in the first place had been informed of the meeting's conditions location time Etc by El Kira near asks if isawa had kept an eye on L AKA La Yagami who is L after Target had been kidnapped and killed when he confirms it near concludes that elira had talked to exira through taka based on the fact that he and L had set the conditions for the meeting L had met with taka which would have given him the opportunity to ask her to relate information about the meeting to omikami near seems to apprehend mikimi in the ACT fully aware that mikimi had been judging on the behalf of Kira and that he will attempt to write his name once he arrives in other words n's main aim is to prove that mikimi is exure by having him try to kill him once mikimi arrives and starts to write the names NE knows that the other members of both the S spk and NPA are currently under immense pressure and fear NE therefore decides to reveal his plan hoping to reassure them that their safety is not at stake his first plan was to tamper with the notebook Mak me carried around around with him by replacing some of its Pages based on mckim's habits ni had calculated which page would end up being used on the 28th and from there had replaced all the subsequent pages so that when mikimi would try to write the names of the S spk and MPA it would have no effect NE then assumes that once mikimi is finished he will undoubtedly try to walk into the warehouse to see if it all worked and his targets are dead he then plans to seize and confiscate The Notebook from mikami's hands to see which names among all the participants had not been written down thus identif in and proving Kira's identity when like confidently asked mikimi to the one outside if had he'd been finished writing the names and mikimi answers him back Nia finds it very strange that exur had replied earnestly of course ni already knew that ex Kira had been in charge of the killings based on his reasoning but now he had actual emotional cue that both El Kira and exira are connected understanding that elira and exira are both overly confident in the success of their plan n incites mickim to enter the warehouse by saying that since he had already written all of the names down there was no reason for him to be scared hoping to apprehend him once 40 seconds have elapsed and no one has died n asked jaavan and rester to arrest mikami and sees the notebook NE then looks at the names which have been written down and sees that only light's name is missing thus identifying him as elira of course light had already sold himself to near by saying that he won preemptively and additionally that mikimi had addressed him as Kam God near then proceeds to explain that light might have actually won by his clever use of mikami whom he had instructed to carry a fake notebook around and use it publicly so as to mislead the S spk into believing that it was the real thing however n had realized this and tampered with both the fake remov parts of the pages and real replace the entirety of the pages notebooks nean commands javan's diligence and he was able to with the aid of resta to recreate a completely indiscernable copy of of the original notebook matching the exact details of its composition the use of mckim's handwriting ni also explains that he was able to see ruk since he had touched the notebook prior to their meeting he also purposely talks to him remarking that he had always wondered what Shinigami looks like and he had always assumed that they had skulls for faces and carried around sickles so as to show to light that he is not lying n also supposes since some of the edges of the notebook are torn apart the mere pieces of the notebook must be sufficient in carrying out its full effects when ruk confirms this is true near guesses that light must have used this property of the notebook as an imaginable number of times imagine how many times he used it as to deceive all who tried to stand in his way with this situation unraveling the answer is very clear to near Light Yagami L is Kira the result of this long confrontation has now unfolded near has won on behalf of L and mow Kira has been completely and utterly defeated so how did n actually win you may ask let us retrace what kind of sequence of events had developed carrying near his victory and to cure his demise the explanations are mostly given in chapter 104 Nia gives all his credit of his victory to Melo who had engineered this very situation by kidnapping Tara with his very unpredictable move making his plan successful n makes light look at one of the pages of the fake notebook which keep in mind has identical contents when compared to the real one on this page mickim had written down taka's name when she was kidnapped knowing that light could not make any moves fearing that she would reveal details about Kira to the police in the event of being captured this means that mikimi had taken out the real notebook which was hidden in his very own safe deposit Bank to kill taka according to jaavan who had been instructed to probe mikimi as to discern some of his habits mikimi went to the bank following the news of T's kidnapping October 25th had been a Sunday meaning that mikimi went back to the bank on the 26 however jaavan had noticed that Micky went to the bank on the 25th of each month prior to the meeting so September October November and December therefore when mikimi had gone to the bank on the 25th of January and returned again on the 26th when T was kidnapped jaavan found it extremely strange for him cuz it was very suspicious for an extremely methodical man to break his own Clockwork habits once he entered the bank javanni had spawned mikimi heading down for the safe deposit room where for once he had seemed to be nervous about someone following him ni proceeds to explain that mikimi lives a completely fixed lifestyle but then suddenly when taka was kidnapped he decided to go to the bank twice thus breaking away from his predetermined lifestyle which would seem very strange considering the results of javan's long-term research near then managed to sense the possibility of a fake notebook being carried around by mikimi realizing that he under the orders of Kira had purposely used the note in public and talked to himself saying that he didn't have a Shinigami as to misdirect and lure the S spk agents into lights trap NE then explains it wasn't hard for them to crack open mikimi safe since it was an old-fashioned one at the local bank furthermore since light had allowed the S spk to search mim's belongings to create replicas of his key cards which would give them full access to his possessions near then notes that in the fake notebook The Notebook which near and the S spk had first replaced one page was filled in with the names every day on a consistent basis but that in the real one the rioting jumps all the way from November 25th to January 26th meaning that light had tried to trick them by having mikimi walk around with the fake Notebook 2 months in advance additionally before January 26th the time of death regarding the killings remained unspecified same as in the fake note however tet's name was written down all of the judgments for the 26th and the 27th had been rescheduled to the early hours of the 27th and the 28th respectively in the fake note however no such times of death were specified after T's murder meaning that when mikimi had written her name down on the 26th he had also written down the names of those to be executed on the 26th and 27th NE then assumes that mikimi could have executed criminals using scraps from The Notebook however if he was writing them down from his home and he could have suspected the possibility of cameras having been installed inside his room which would have been revealed to the SP spk this particular property of the notebook of course mikimi did not want to take this risk n understands that in order to make mckim's Forge notebook look real Li had likely cut and pass down pages from the real notebook to Taka so that she could have done the killings while this mikimi was under surveillance all mikimi had to do was send her a list of people to be judged by a cell phone or computer and subsequently delete the data and traces n also assumes for the deaths on the 26th and 27th light might have had him send a list of criminals to be killed to Tara after she was abducted by melow but that mickim me had ran down the names just to be on the safer side in the notebook n mentions the fact that there have been no new killings of criminals on the 26th and 27th meaning that mikimi had been prohibited from taking it out until 28th ni also supposes that light must have also tried to kill taka who was up until then in charge of the killings using a scrap of the notebook knowing that light would have had one on him for this exact sort of occasion by means of this ni had been able to stay one step ahead of light and had partly anticipated his plan using javan's collected information mikimi had unknowingly brought a fake notebook which he thought was real to kill all the members of the NPA and spk of course n had purposely instructed javanni ARR to craft and replace the entire notebook knowing for well that they would have been way harder for mikimi to perceive the difference had he tried to look for one the final plan of near along with melo's intervention is what allowed the Cur case to be solved at last surely L can't compare to his successes in this category as he died trying to solve the case well no just because El died and failed to solve the Cur case doesn't automatically mean that n's fluid reasoning is greater than El's in fact had it not been for Mel's intervention and his death as well as tet's kidnapping being broadcast n would have ultimately lost to light it was that situation which is what calls n to rethink his strategy and consider the possibility of a fake notebook you also need to remember remember that fluid reasoning isn't just based off problem solving ability as problem solving ability also correlates to learning ability which L excels at El was able to use deductive abductive and inductive reasoning numerous times during the Cure case the Cure case which required El to analyze and scrutinize over numerous amounts of cases and scrutinize over numerous amounts of information he had to work from zero nelo picked it up later and we can see how they do against the case that L faced the Kira case in another video so say tuned and L at just 8 years old essentially became one of the best businessman by foreseeing the rise of technology and Advising Wy to invest as a result in Just 2 years he was able to make wery the richest man on the planet by accurately analyzing the stock markets for this reason fluid reasoning goes to L visual spatial index or vsi is a measure of visual perception this is the ability to analyze encode and mentally manipulate spatial forms researchers use tests such as block design or visual puzzle subtest to test one's visual spatial index the BB murder case L does something even more extraordinary than probably nears monitor hacks during the BB murder case L's not actually present at the crime scenes now Mur is functioning as El's assistant she would have to explain the crime scene to L giving him as much information as possible despite not being physically present El thinking is so abstract that he can visualize the complicated layouts of all four murder scenes as well as the lock door room designed by BB utilizing vectorial physics all L needs is a physical description from Nami Mur and I believe that L would take visual spatial index so yeah FS IQ comfortly goes to L but how about EQ emotional understanding is the ability to recognize comprehend and manage the emotions of others it evolves being aware of emotions understanding their effect and causes and being able to respond to them El's best feet of emotional understanding would be able to grasp a light emotions motivations and general psychological State without ever meeting him this Fe is even more insane when you understand the context that being Kira has absolute zero evidence of existing so he's purely just an abstract ction in L's head whom he prils from just the fact that criminals around the world are dying through impossible means such as Cardiac Arrest the fact of the matter is L using abstract reasoning that defies logic was able to understand light's emotions and personality based on the fact that criminals were dying in unexplainable ways the cura itself is a headache as it literally involves elements above basic comprehension such as Shinigami eyes Shinigami themselves in the Death Note these are all objects or beings of high power involved in a mass murder case that had all the major investigative agencies around the world confused but L's able to understand it all along with L himself being able to understand interpersonally his own self and he could reflect and be self-aware enough to assume that he and Kira are one and the same in fact he was certain for this reason emotional understanding goes to L emotional engagement is the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities such as thinking and problem solving El used his feelings of Pride and superiority to motivate himself to solving the kir case at any cost he had a reputation to uphold not just as the greatest detective but the man who could solve the unsolvable it doesn't help that he admits he's childish and hates to lose but he's again self-aware which gives him even more motivation to solve the puzzle as for Melo after being summoned to Roger's office back at wham's house and is informed that L had passed away Melo decides to take matters into his own hands refusing to work with N Out of sheer hatred yet also acknowledges his parel potential Melo leaves the orphanage at almost 15 years old funneling his rage and drive into capturing Kira he travels to America and quickly saws up to the top ranks of a huge criminal gang eliminating Mafia bosses who were Beyond Kira's reach as mentioned by his recently subordinated Mobsters having witnessed his incredible intellectual skills and capabilities the members of the mafia quickly came to trust and respect Melo and thus submit to his lead giving him the tools and fuel he requires to become number one Mel's feet of emotional engagement may just sound like that of a genius child throwing a tantrum but it goes far deeper once you understand Melo as a character due to the environment he grew up in he obviously admired L his desire to surpass near was to prove not just the institution that raised him but to the world that he was something else he was constantly overshadowed by near and once L died he lost the opportunity to be acknowledged by L himself so him refusing to work with n and to build his own partneri to solve the Kira case and beat near is bigger than just jealousy he also intends to avenge El and probably put him to rest by completing the puzzle for him for this reason emotional engagement goes to Mellow and near emotional management refers to regulating and facilitating emotions in oneself and others to achieve goals so here is a bit of a split interpersonal and interpersonal El has been able to stay calm in most intense situations intrapersonal even a situation that ultimately led to his death he was still calm despite W tree dying in front of him Nero and Melo however take this a bit further melo's most notable feet of emotional management would be keeping his composure during the second raid of the mafia Hideout all the way between the death of virtually all the mobsters and up to the point where he is ready to put his life at stake if it means he can escape even at the price of near fatal wounds he had successively improvised his evasion on the spot under extreme pressure and conditions all the while monitoring the activities of the Raiders what's even crazier is that despite having his real name revealed in front of him as well as his life hanging by a Fred due to citro threatening to his name in The Notebook he still managed to call his bluff and keep calm n's best feat of emotional management would be purposely managing aizawa's emotions in chapter 94 of Death Note by convincing him that if he stays put and keeps his watch on L2 light then nearwood will be able to bring about kiro's downfall a thought which motivates isawa into following his orders for this reason emotional management goes to both near and melow emotional perception is perceiving detecting and deciphering emotions in faces pictures voices and cultural artifacts it also includes the ability to identify one's own emotions perceiving emotions represents the most basic aspect of emotional intelligence as it makes all of a processing of emotional information possible in chapter 64 of Death Note the notebook had been stolen by Melo and the mafia light under the guise of L2 or L's replacement was actively trying to recover it while as near observed near then proceeds to taunt light over the notebook being stolen by asking him if he has any feasible plans to retrieve the notebook NE also aims to broaden his profiling of L2 by judging from his reaction to the fact that at this rate the kidnappers will undoubtedly gain possession of the notebook without any major inconvenience at this point n is truly messing with light's emotional state attempting to induce anxiety into his mind so as to trick him into dropping his facade hoping to obtain some form of information on him El's monster speech in Def however Takes the Cake L acknowledges the fact that he's been lying this whole time it's not Justice that he cares about he just wants to win of course his desire to win has helped him solve cases in the past thus advancing the cause of justice but his intentions have never been Noble El's Detachment of human emotion has allowed him to become such a great detective he's been a to read many people one of the best psycho analyzers in Death Note this's why emotional perception goes to the lying monster L lo li since we went more in depth with L's knowledge on L vers BB will try and focus more on near and Melo because n and Melo were both considered to have potential to succeed L they would have add to specialize in everything that L did a part of his training hence they would at least have at least standard knowledge and understanding of all subjects I stated L was proficient in on the last video so you can go check that out if you want as to knowledge that shown in Canon Business studies this is debatable but Mello has demonstrated his ability to hide from law enforcement as well as grow an underground Mafia into a national Behemoth capable of financing expensive activities all across the US implying that he is a skilled business manager/ CEO and has knowledge of shares such stocks and bond types as well analyzing companies management and policy decisions which is required to make long-term decisions for experienced investors political science we know from ni's meeting with the president of the United States and L's meeting with Interpol they both have demonstrated knowledge of other countries political Affairs which should be at very least include the United States the United Kingdom and Japan see how L knew that heart attacks began in Japan near and L being able to cooperate with the US and elbm to stop the Winchester bombings at a Humanities near and Melo both had to move to a foreign country to solve the Cure case as Winchester is a cathedral city in England while this Japan is abroad they would need to be proficient in Japanese to communicate with other investigative bureaus such as the mpa criminal civil and international law when investigating a case and Gathering evidence detectives recruited by police agencies must have good understanding of the law and detectiv working with the Interpol must also have a solid knowledge of international law all of this extends to knowledge Pals in comparison to what L has shown he has knowledge in microeconomics criminal psychology Humanities Finance accountancy criminology statistics computer science physics and chemistry and even if you argue that near Melo would also be knowledgeable in these subjects as they were potential successes for L they haven't shown much expertise and Proficiency in these subjects like L has Melo making the La Mafia rich pales in comparison to making L making what Tre the richest person on the globe at just 8 years old for this reason El takes knowledge and it's not even close while n's creativity shines in his many strategies to catch light slipping to gain information or even manipulate Melo into acting it still Pals in comparison to L who managed to narrow down Kira from the seven billions to just a couple people in the police force with L being able to deduce that Kira is a student and has ties to police info our strategies are even more impressive when you consider the fact that he was getting information about the case as it progressed and ultimately knew nothing he learns later on that Kira doesn't need a name or face to kill but he didn't know of the Death Note Shinigami or the Shinigami eyes near and Melo knew all of this and even gained more information about the Death Note specifically the 13-day rule being fake and what's crazier is that despite having Advantage with more information even resources compared to light they still almost lost to Li had it not been for melo's amazing endgame plan the context for melo's final plan is that Linda has given Melo incomplete information regarding the case but has told him that near is willing to bring the case to an end this is only the information Linda would have given mellow first there's an ex Kira someone doing the killings who is not elira AKA like Yagami two takada is a link of communication between exira and L Yagami three ni has tempered with ex Kira's notebook and he's going to have him write down their names in the yellow box Warehouse four Once exira writes all their names aside from light yies NE will be able to find the evidence he needs to prove Li is Kira and arrest him alongside ex Kira the prediction that Melo makes would go something like this NE knows who exira is and has replaced the notebook he was hiding with a fake but Miller reasons that exira due to being in contact with elira through takada would have been aware of the fact that this would be the most efficient way to finalize their Showdown Melo knows that Li believes that ni still holds a level of pride in his method of Victory so he would go for the method that involves pinning down evidence Beyond reasoning doubt against life and exura Melo knows that light believes that ni still holds a level of pride in his method of Victory so he would go for the method that involves pinning down evidence Beyond reasoning doubt against light and exira first so the only way for near to actually capture Kira would be to catch them in the act of writing down names or to force confession which is pre-established since light knows what NE will do he would have him tell exura anticipating that NE would figure out xir's true identity and then have a fake notebook prepared for it exira would carry this fake notebook alongside him where one of ni's Agents telling him would gain possession of a fake notebook this would cause ni to fabricate a fake notebook giving him the illusion of Victory Melo had told n that there's a Shinigami possessing the person who owns a notebook so naturally NE would take under consideration whether there is a Shinigami possessing mikami as it should and since the notebook is a fake mikami wouldn't be seen with a Shinigami after KNE and rest of the sbk game possession of the notebook that they perceive as authentic so to cover up this discrepancy light would have to have mikami act as if the shinigami's absence was temporary or strange The Notebook possessed by mikami at this point of the story is Rams who is now dead but Melo doesn't know about her mikami would be writing names of criminals consistently on the no book but it would be quite strange if they wouldn't die remember Melo has figured the notebook is fake so mikami would have takab about doing the killings in this context by sending her the names and faces of everyone whom he kills so she writes them on pages that are lent to her temporary till the final day this is important because Melo has already deduced that there are two notebooks in current activity one in possession of the mpa and the other is in possession of KIRO so there can't be a notebook in the hands of exura and takada simultaneously mikami will obviously detect the signs of fabrication after exura confirms that the fabricated notebook has been tempered with the final of light's plan can be put into motion Neil enter the yellow box Warehouse expecting that X Kira will write down everyone's names into the notebook except lights which will prove both their guilt but what would happen in actuality is that xcira would finally bring out the real notebook to the real notebook to the yellow box where warehouse and write everyone's name except lights successfully killing them so if Melo doesn't do anything NE will die and Kira will stand Victorious now Melo knows that it's vital for ex Kira to conceal the existence of the real notebook from near and spk otherwise light's plan would be screwed but he had figured out the blueprints of light's plan and figured out the most sensitive he could attack that being takada he knows that takada is a link of communication between xkira and Light Yagami let's establish his aim first his aim is to lay the ground work for Kira's defeat the fact that this was one of the major targets is also established in the HCR volume 13 to do this he needs to engineer a situation where he can force exura to reveal the location of the real notebook and since NE would certainly have an agent spying on xura to the very last day he would inform NE of the real notebook and Ne would likely fabricate another copy and replace it with the real one that Melo forces exura to reveal Melo has Matt drive through takata's location with firearms and grenades causing panic and distress and on the said distress takata's proection would be considered the main point of concern for her bodyguards Melo knows that Linda is takata's close bodyguard so if he were to arrive at the scene on a motorbike and pretend to rescue takada Linda would play along and quickly have takada get on melo's motorcycle takata's other bodyguard expecting Melo to be on their side requests him to follow on alongside them but Melo takes a turn into a narrow Alleyway where the cars can't travel he knows that The Bodyguard won't shoot from behind when they realize Melo is kidnapping her because they can't take risk shooting takada Melo eventually drives takada to a location distant from her initial kidnap he does this because he had deduced she has trackers on her which alert Bodyguards of her location so he strips her naked and gets rid of all her clothes and trackers puts them into a delivery company's Goods box to misdirect the bodyguards into following a false Trail and drives off with takada to karisawa a town in Japan Melo kidnaps takad understanding that the news will spread very quickly to light and near because of melo's move exira is met with an unexpected situation and is by extension deprived of his community medium Tak with light exura would have to assume that light is under surveillance and that therefore he cannot make any moves which is of course the very reason exura was given the notebook in the first place given the circumstances takada was stripped naked and made hostage by the kidnapper she could end up sipping up information via threats or corrosion or the SP spk might end up catching up to her while the she's isolated it would be too risky to let her roam under him so xra would end up killing her Point established is that tak's kidnapping would be considered a threat to Life's plan which would cause mikami to use a real notebook revealing its location in the process what makes this feat so impressive is that with incomplete information zero resources his Mafia group eliminated and no prep time whatsoever melow was able to predict light and n's endgame see through what KN couldn't and exploit the imperceptible and vague vulnerability in light plan mul there were a few specific details he couldn't have known for example Takata having scraps on her at the time of the kidnapping which caused his death due to his lack of knowledge on the death note he also hadn't fully expected Matt to die but he definitely knew there was a risk of him and Matt dying in the process due to the nature of their strategy and the adversity of the situation he was burdened with making a calculated decision that would forever leave a mark on history as Kira's demise and was waiting for the possibility of his death but still went in without any signs of hesitation and in the end it was all worth it it was melo's final plan that handed not just near the victory but finally put El's work to rest for this reason for this reason I believe that wiress L take strategy NE and Melo take planning though if you were to involve the novels then El would also take planning as he pulls off some pretty crazy Feats in change the world wish we can discuss cwl in the future so who wins l or NE and Melo well despite the fact that NE and Melo are spor to L in emotional engagement management and planning L still takes fsiq emotional perception emotional understanding knowledge and arguably planning if you like to involve the novels even though NE and Melo working together would be a competent match for L he'd still ultimately Prevail over them remember that milillo's unpredictability ultimately closed the case on light by melow messing up everyone's plan being the Wild Bull causing mikami to mess up which later is blamed for lights downfall against near
Channel: Avent
Views: 47,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death note, death note l, death note vs monster, death note x monster, johan liebert, johan liebert death, johan liebert vs light yagami, l lawliet, l lawliet monster speech, l lawliet vs johan liebert, light yagami, monster, monster anime, monster manga, tomodachi game, yuuichi katagiri, Light VS Yuuichi VS Johan, Manipulation, Psychology, Who's The Better Manipulator?, can l lawliet catch johan liebert?, why L VS Near VS Mello Isn't Close
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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