64 Heat Attempts Until I Lose My Sanity | Hades

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] what's up what's going on how we doing happy today is today happy Saturday happy weekend thank you everybody for coming this is a special little Strom of course we got going on here [Music] I can't I can't promise a lot of success as you can imagine uh but we're gonna do our we're gonna do our best and this is more of just like have fun and celebrate the 100K subscribers uh on the tubes basically you know what I mean I gotta put nightbot as a moderator and he's telling me there might be some testicle difficulties hopefully not too many uh uh let me see how do I do that this is my first YouTube stream ever I've never even attempted it before okay it's like a minute love the love these tunes by the way if you haven't checked them out here I'll link it in the chat this is a small YouTube channel that deserves way more attention they make a lot of uh 8-bit compositions of like classic songs and everything [Music] huh no tagging YouTube chat all right let me say oh let me try this I mean it's not a big deal if we got if we don't got nightbot but I'll try oh I have to oh I have to like subscribe to nightbot app on YouTube that's interesting let me see what I can do I'm not gonna try too hard at it settings [Music] it's not it's not a typical alien stream if we don't have some amount of technical difficulties As We Know this is one of those things that's kind of scary because you don't know it's working until like you're in it you know what I mean all right did I do it night bot I hope I did it Andy let's make them a standard moderator instead of a managing moderator whatever that means just in case that's fake nightbot okay I don't know we tried though we tried if it doesn't work it don't work what's up everyone hey Bali Toronto you dupe recognize a lot of people here from twitch of course thank you everybody for coming out I I like I was saying earlier I don't I guarantee no success but maybe we can just have some fun I'm here to like try to answer questions if you all got them because I know that uh that 64 heat video uh got a lot of attention so I'm sure a lot of people got some questions about it and everything they're curious about different different aspects I think uh okay right there how's that how's that is that good I think it's good okay Hades Hades Hades mm-hmm [Music] well welcome to hell that is 64 heat I will spend a second trying to explain it whatever there is to say about it why am I going to do this to myself well there's some there's there's a there's a nice comforting thought that at the end of the day I can just stop and it's no big deal laughs you know what I mean I know that statistically we're not going to get it today that's just that's just how it does not to mention I'm really not the best person uh for this honestly I'm not I'm not the best player for something like this uh both this aspect and this heat I have no practice at the people that have beaten 64 heat using mods that reduce RNG they had to practice for hundreds of hours thousands of attempts to get good enough to beat the modded run now imagine if you have to spend that amount of time to practice your skill level just to then grind out the RNG to get one possible chance every who knows how many hours we get you know what I mean this can only end well yeah I agree what's up free trash have I heard of moist critical of course I have I have I have if he wants to attach a bounty to something like this hey I mean all the more support to them um I think there's always going to be a slight concern when it comes to these things um once you put money on something like this that um the it it's kind of scary um because cheating is a real thing uh in games like this and when there's money to be had from it then the possibility obviously skyrockets it's already bad enough when it's just for clout essentially right um but it's a bit scary I gotta say it's a bit scary and so I just I would hate to see someone waste their money if you know what I mean on something like that hey hey hey what's going on Gurnee how are you hey thank you so much for the gifted memberships you didn't have to do that we don't have any alerts or anything hope you've been good hahaha so we are going to do the standardized I'll talk about the setup I guess here um but yeah if if they put a bounty on it um I would definitely be down for it uh I'd be interested to see what happens and everything there's also um the aspect that I hate the idea that someone would put themselves through it to some degree you know what I mean um a little bit but again I guess if there's a monetary incentive interesting I guess you know maybe maybe maybe maybe I'll have them submit it and analyzed by a team hmm so I mean without getting too far into it uh it's it's very people have been caught cheating in Hades uh but it's it's not easy someone got caught because they raised their quit chance when using like an arm and Spoon from 15 to like 50 which is a big difference right that is a very very large difference but if they had only done like 25 or something like that would we have ever caught them the truth is that modding Hades in a way that other people can't tell that you've modded it is kind of easy Once you have a little bit of knowledge you know what I mean it's too bad but these people exist and again it just comes down to it's not a big deal if it happens you know people waste their time doing those kinds of things uh but I I would be weary to throw money at it you know I just again I just hate to see someone's money get wasted you know what I mean I got this first try yeah we'll see your nail all right so let's talk about a little bit about it so in case you somehow missed the 64 heat video 64 heat is in a sense probably never gonna be beaten in my eyes a lot of people have different views on it and we can talk about it as we go um but I I feel like 64 heat will never be beaten most likely we don't have enough we don't have enough skilled players that are willing to put in the hundreds of hours if not thousands of hours of time into it in order to complete it not to mention the interest in something like this has only waned uh since Hades came out it's been almost three years and then we have the sequel on the horizon as well there's just so many factors here you know what I mean so 64 heat it's not looking good for anyone to ever complete it and that's okay um I also want to mention that it's okay that 64 heat isn't beatable I think I would rather have additional packs of punishment options for people simply trying to beat 16 or 32 heat you know what I mean I would rather have these packs here just to give us more options to mess around with stuff and try different things to beat the challenges that are built into the game instead of uh you know what if 32 heat was the max that you could do right in The Pact and therefore there's no actual options for how you load out 32 heat you just max out the whole thing and everyone's at the same thing I don't know I think it makes Hades interesting it makes it unique by uh giving us so many options here you know what I mean okay didn't know Hades has a history of cheating well I mean any popular game is gonna have it I think to some degree or another uh I wouldn't say Hades is like rampant with it or anything but yeah I mean it exists it existed even before the game came out in 1.0 uh okay so let's go over what we need to have happen um here in order to potentially beat 64 heat I am Rusty I am not great at this aspect I feel this is always an aspect that I knew the power level was quite good but I could never never like fully clicked with me I think uh so I kind of just suck at it well we're using the aspect of Zeus the shield and I think I could explain better why this one is so important here and why it's kind of the only reasonable one and the big reason is that the two big reasons are that we only have one dash so you kinda have to have the bull rush charge from the shield in order not just a block but to give you some kind of extra movement on top of the one that you can't just one dash your way out of everything you just can't without that second Dash It's just gonna be crazy to avoid certain things from you know like certain bosses like Hades namely you know what I mean you're just gonna get bonked all the time and um and the second reason is that Zeus aspect probably surprisingly if you watch the video requires the least setup compared to some other things so uh you know like something like Rama kind of has the possibility to do it but it just requires a lot more things in order to have it it happen Beowulf same thing like if you don't get Mirage shot with Beowulf you're just not going to have enough damage you got aspect of Varys and that one's pretty good but again with one dash I think you're kind of just at a detriment basically so we're looking for Zeus's special we are going to have to reset every single run until we get Zeus is special however I'm not gonna do what I said in the video which is wait for an epic special we will simply we'll take common or rare and do our best when they do appear but if we don't get the Epic special or I mean sorry if we don't get any kind of Zeus special in the first room or explosive return that we're just gonna have to reset which means taking a death okay Shall We Begin we can talk as we go after this you know what I mean what's up Merrick I see someone has beaten in the game uh without mods or seeds I believe it is 62. there is a video of someone doing it on Billy Billy okay let's see I'm trying I'm trying to get the auto splitter running not because I want to time it so much but more so because I want to count the attempts we got the cast so send us back that's one and that's one baby not quite first try [Laughter] uh one dash no Defiance no recovery you have to take Shield I mean uh it's it's definitely true that the block helps uh for sure you know what I mean hey Skelly let's see is my auto starter even running here yeah you can't really do pay yeah another reason Beowulf doesn't really work is because you don't have the uh dang got the attack what can you do you only have one cast and it's not even study and soul you know what I mean I can't we're doing on modded this because the purpose of this is Aid mostly to uh celebrate 100 000 subscribers on YouTube thank you all so much by the way or your love and support I really appreciate it um uh but also partially to kind of get a real a closer Glimpse at it I gotta count another attempt oh live split doesn't want to work for us caddies all right give me give me give me give me give me give me go get it what okay let us try like this maybe okay temps are now at two oh no I think I broke the program let's see if that that works now I don't know we'll see this is the only option Zeus is the only option I'm afraid this is the only option you want Maxi to actually be beatable in Hades too are you okay with it being impossible 100 okay with it being impossible I think there are some things I'd like to see differently um I have a video on the tubes from only like a couple weeks ago that kind of go over what I'd like to see differently and there's definitely some changes I'd like to see in uh the packs you know I wouldn't want to see just like a carbon copy of what we have in Hades one mostly just because I'd like to see something different okay good the Autumn splitter did go at least hey we got our first special in the third try um but I'm 100 okay with there being a difficulty that is not essentially reasonable to beat but I would I I would like to see I don't know there's a lot of things that I would like to be at least a little bit different mostly just a little bit different I think uh they mostly just had up to about 32-ish heat in mind uh when they made Hades one I think going like a little bit further in terms of the the thought and the balance uh would be nice for Hades too a little bit beyond it in some way we had discussions uh during early access with the devs the speed run Community the high heat Community we did talk to them and they they heard our cases we complained about things like approval process I think that ultimately they felt that it is a something like that oh it was a fun pack to punishment so to speak so that's why we get we got it okay let's go purple special is required I did but we're not we're just we just want to get a feel like in kind of partially at least explain why forgive the copy set um so we we want to kind of show I don't think I can really fully do it justice why you need the special so we will be doing attempts because otherwise if we just wait for the special to show up then this whole stream would just be me resetting in chamber one uh extremely often so I think getting a glimpse at the start of Tartarus and maybe if we're lucky into Asphodel is kind of important here to get a feel for what it's going to look like okay we gotta Palm it you do need this is something that didn't really get talked about in the video but you do need probably two three four Palms in uh on the special here even if it is and that's with it being epic too by the way in order to have the D for it you can always crop it there we go super giant really only expected players beat up to 40 heat if I remember right that's why they added extra dialogue for the Hades fight did they oh I actually didn't even know that retrash getting a five sack at the end of a 64-year run that's the thing it would just be so devastating it would be so devastating wouldn't it so even if you grind out all the things you needed to do you had the skill for it and then that just happens at the very end oh my God we're not really dealing a lot of damage as we can see here I mean we kind of got the chunkiest enemies in the world it's kind of hard because me at just using the regular attack on an enemy here while hoping that the special actually hits a it's like they don't really coincide very well essentially because the attack knocks them back that's one more damn it's any point worth it to take the Rarity of Boost from a eurydice for this Yes actually that is the preferred take because I think another thing people underestimate is just how few Boons you're going to have at the end of a run like this you're probably gonna have four or five Boons at the end of a 64 heat run after you beat Hades a lot of times and so the the the hope that you're gonna have is that by the end of Tartarus you wind up with something like epic special a few Palms on it maybe jolted after that and of course something to sell and then you get a rarity Boost from Euro to see after that time took a big hit there you definitely don't throw your roll out here this could be our Boon to sell basically at the end of Tartarus all right here's our Hammer what do you think you think we're gonna get explosive return first try oh we got a fountain we did not get explosive return I'm afraid this one's pretty bad too in general this one sounds good for Zeus aspect but in fact it's pretty terrible uh uh so it says after your special hits you're next to a tax deal plus 80 damage what actually needs to happen that is not explained here is the special needs to hit an enemy then zag needs to catch it catch the special back the special Shield back and then you'll get the bonus unfortunately otherwise would be great otherwise it'd be probably great so you have to take the shop here you cannot skip a room like that because you need as much time as possible run you don't have enough money for anything is the setup in the context of a regular player or a very skilled player it is actually still rip our first run oh and then light split doesn't want to work again too bad [Laughter] the theory crafting it's not really Theory crafting it's been proven by a couple players using mods that is doable but they are extremely high skilled an average player who has not practice 64 heat with this build in particular will not be able to just do it if they get even if they get all the right stuff it's not like that okay live split calm down what's going on here reset oh nope it doesn't wanna come on you want to save your splits okay oh no I got an unhandled exception okay that was it no it's still not working all right let's try uh let's try restarting the whole thing lastly likes to do this to me uh why do you have to sell a Boon after each biome it's a pack to punishment requirement called the underworld customs okay I'm trying to just add one to the counter here okay there we go so that was attempt number four uh I think um that that's another misconception when we look at uh some of the people commenting on the the 64 heat YouTube video which is that they think that if we just put you know like 85 people in a room then they'll get a viable run every hour it's like I mean sure but all those people all 85 of those people need to be capable of beating the run after that and that's just not that's not that's not feasible there's only two people in the world who have done it using mods and it took thousands of attempts thousands thousands of attempts every time you take damage it's 100 permanent that's definitely how it feels I mean you can get Max health and get some current health back the only other there's like a couple like super tiny things that can heal but they're usually not worth it you got things like quick recovery from Hermes something like um her slash for the sword will heal you despite lasting consequences and some people brought that up but like it's that's that's not a good that's not a good uh it's not a good build for this reduces your health by 60 percent decided in Rush so this is a time where we started with a hammer so you could sit here and consider like well let's try it out and see what Zeus offers us what's the highest solidly achievable heat uh it's hard to say someone has beaten 62 heat without mods for seeds but that's only one person ever it's with this exact setup basically but they just don't have routine inspection let's just see what Zeus gives us here even though Sun Rush is not ideal Thunder Dash I don't think so yeah curse slash still works even though uh uh even though you have lasting consequences on um Guan you heal still works from the spin I believe again you get reduced max out so it's pretty brutal I think uh what's that one for the fist draining cutter I think technically works not very good though okay what could go wrong it's still very likely a highly skilled player would lose oh let's go baby let's go baby one out of nine there okay don't put Zeus on the thing okay yeah so that's true so even if a player who has proven that they are able to do it using mods even if they then get the right setup through all this crazy amounts of luck and uh and resets and everything like that right it's still it remember it took them thousands of attempts to beat it like that thousands so it might take them another thousand or two to beat it even when they do roll the the thing but then we got Thunder Dash we'll see how long this one goes but yeah that's not good why don't I play with mods myself well I wanted this is this isn't about me trying to beat 64 heat really this is about me uh kind of looking at uh what it feels like to grind it out does that make sense I don't I have no plan of really beating 64 heat I have no confidence that we will do anything I'll be happy if we get to ask Fidel today to be honest I'll be I'll be I'll be ecstatic if we get the assador I will celebrate with I don't know what do y'all want you wanna uh we'll take a a shot but I don't have any liquor we'll take a shot of prune juice okay um don't worry we got a level three Thunder Dash here [Music] the difference between 62 and 64 is the stubborn Defiance yeah and um come on come here oh okay you got two came too soon I mean that affords you some mistakes where you can actually get help backed by the stubborn Defiance right so it's interesting though the 62 Heat win is very interesting because they kind of needed the same luck in a sense sneak got me I've made it through Elysium though haven't I no no I don't know if I don't know what the furthest someone has gotten at 64 heat without uh mods or seeds I'm not sure that one's really hard to tell for this Reese chamber I guess I'll go by at least uh if we can never get through Tartarus I suppose no mag yeah I mean I it's since we know we're probably not going to get far you should probably I should probably be megging the sneak fight just to try to uh wow wow I should probably be making the sneak flight just to do the best that we can we not Meg uh you would normally not Meg the sneak I think if you plan to get the run all the way to the end you would not normally do that I believe I don't know check out a modded run to find out maybe I'm not I can't remember what they do kind of depends on the mini boss there too you kind of need the Megs for other situations usually we didn't have an ideal set up there so the sneak fight was kind of just tough doing a row baby there's something that isn't discussed that we I haven't really discussed at all and that is that the 64 heat modded winners they use mouse and keyboard because aiming the special of Zeus aspects and making sure it goes exactly where you want to it's actually very difficult with controller now you can play this game whichever way you want it's not usually a big deal but I think this is an instance of uh where mouse and keyboard is gonna be helpful but it's not going to be helpful for me because uh I would just be set back like 3 000 hours worth of play time and trying to play it for the first time again practically oh you got me so chaos gates are kind of interesting here but I don't think we can do it that's essentially permanent health Lost In some ways I was actually fascinated to see that uh in the 60 the recent 64 Heat win by Angelic using mods they actually took a chaos gate at the start of Elysium that's crazy they got to Elysium and they had a gambler they knew that they had to gamble the run on taking a chaos gate at the start otherwise they weren't going to have enough time uh the Zeus wounds right there too congrats thank you so much ah stop hitting me gnome skulls oh over four years on uploading videos on the YouTubes down to Seven health just like that wow we got the special with explosive return it's too bad I'm down to Seven health though but and it's rare so that's probably better than average so this might be one of our best setups we've had now ideally you'd probably start with Zoo special and then get explosive return because the time is I think I think that's what you'd prefer because I think I think you prefer getting the special boom right away wow these Fountain rooms have been pretty decent actually we really don't want afro hmm I don't know if you'd really want to skip it though you you have this is the first mini boss appearing we can get up to two more offered we pretty much are guaranteed for that hey seagull what's going on thank you so much for joining the house of alien isn't that cute isn't that cute seagull helped a ton in making the 64 heat video by the way so if you got questions seagull can help too if I'm failing to answer them Siegel knows way more than me about it actually I would argue Siegel helped a lot with the math as well hold on okay yeah you can't do that I think what do we got on the door so you got Poseidon and Aphrodite uh whatever we take from them would most likely be something to sell here because the only Boons we really care about are from Zeus or Dionysus I think at this point um I think you so the only reason that you'd have here is that I don't know Poseidon has like the dash but I don't know if that's really that helpful you're gonna I think you do afro because you could get very bad luck and Poseidon could give you sunken treasure which is not sellable and thus he would be forced to sell something uh important you know what I mean first time here welcome welcome thank you so much do I think the 62 heat run could have won if it was 64. ah I haven't seen that that was actually done quite a while ago I haven't seen it in in quite a while so my memory is hazely I but that's too hard to say just because the stubborn defines was used so much in the Run you know what I mean and some of those hits can be intentional at times wave of Despair not very good what can you do though why deal again uh Dionysus has one of the best uh damage output calls in the game and a call Boon is important not just for damage but it can also help you avoid taking damage as well any call boom can help you with that because you get what they call iframes whenever you use a call which means you're just Invincible for a very brief moment usually just a fraction of a second but it's kind of important to dodge some attacks nevertheless so ideally in other words we would get a call Boon that helps provide iframes and is able to deal a good chunk of damage to the enemy so Dionysus is called or Zeus's call would be amazing here oh all things my my ball Rush bonked on that little corner there I think that was like chamber nine or ten my bull rush bonked on that corner and I will wound up Landing inside of the Trap unfortunately uh back at it again we go it's the worst that could happen boo getting through this without Divine Dash is insane yeah so like the video we talk about the odds of getting the things that you need to have but we don't even get into nice to have Boons like Athena's Dash right and it's just wow admittedly Athena's Dash is um a lot less good when you when you only have one dash anyway you know what I mean [Laughter] so now we go back to resetting we need to start with either explosive return or the Zeus special any Insider info on Hades too uh I'm afraid I got nothing for you well actually no I got lots of information that I'm just refusing to tell you that's the truth you know what I mean it's gonna come out on April 20th at 69 o'clock I think next year without a little pain now we're running pretty good luck right we hit a we hit the two big notes really right so feels bad to lose that way what can you do common special we'll still try whoa okay the heat from the trap packed is a trap in itself yeah heightened security I have I have one of the the best quotes that we have from the studio director of supergiant games Amir um where we were I think he was asking for feedback at one point in time or or no this might have been during an event that we used to do called Hermes cup which was Hades Speed Run racing you can find uh the vods here on YouTube if you search just Hermes cup uh but he came on as a guest and I'm gonna guess it was during this time we were talking about The Pact of punishment and uh heightened security got brought up and you know what his uh his recommendation for heightened security was just don't take it if you don't like it [Laughter] just don't take it you know okay let's even get explosive return oh it's hard to avoid all this damage from these things ah it's just kind of awkward okay foreign oh I'll be honest I'm shocked that we we actually I would have guessed that we would have had uh Early Access of Hades too well under underway at this point in time in 2023 that didn't happen though interestingly we got Sudden Rush we'll still try maybe we'll go we'll go gamma brain here and just take a chaosuke changes I'd like to see between the two games yeah I have a recent video of that I recommend checking that out if you want more in-depth stuff but I think for me um my big dream which is not what most people want understandably I think for something like that is that I would love the kind of replayability that other that only a couple other roguelikes really have namely like slay the Spire maybe kind of like biting Binding of Isaac to a sense I would love for Haiti Sue to have something like that but that's a selfish thing to ask for because most people don't need or want that at the end of the day you know what I want it because that way we can keep milking this that sweet sweet clickbait you know what I'm saying ah for many many years to come okay let me out that hit the special at least uh too bad you have to turn down the two spoon we we can't afford to take the time to skip the shop here it's just not feasible I wonder if Sudden Rush is just better here for moving a little bit I think uh please don't miss man I should have waited that's my fault no God keepsakes I mean so that just gets into a very long discussion um where it's not as simple I think a lot of people when I say uh no more God keepsakes for something like Hades too one thing to keep in mind is that a lot of people look at it from the perspective what if you just remove God keepsakes and Hades one in which case Hades one would be an extremely different game and I think it would actually be a net negative if God keepsakes did not exist in Hades one um for all players involved um they would have to set up Hades too in such a way uh that God keepsakes don't feel like such an integral part of it does that make sense I hope [Laughter] oh I beat a seated run of 64 heat not without a lot of practice first like if I just booted up a seated run right now um all of a sudden I I couldn't even do it in like today not even close I doubt we could even reach Elysium probably even then and um now we can kind of talk about how different a seated run is compared to unseated so the way seeds work in Hades is it's kind of peculiar you can't necessarily I think some people have the are mistaken into thinking that you know seeds are kind of like other games other games that have RNG where you can kind of uh manipulate things well ahead of time in like The House of Hades you can't really do that you can't there's no like set up set uh uh inputs essentially that you can do and boom you can will a special Boon into existence in chamber one that's just not how Hades works uh chamber one is what it is and um after that the way a seated works is that you can manipulate R and G and or rather the seed is one way of looking at it by performing certain actions only after the doors are unlocked um so yes you can have a task do a seated run for instance um so that means that you can actually control literally everything given enough trial and error that you can control literally everything that happens in a seated run all right we got a rare special not bad I mean everything which enemies appear which Boons appear uh what what appears in The Well of Caron what appears in the shop what mini bosses you get what kind of uh benefits package enemies you get uh what's in the chaos okay if there is a ksk literally everything you can kind of control but it's not that simple you can't just like say I want this to happen you have to trial and error it and figure out the combination of RNG manipulation in order to see what's in the next chamber so you'd have to for instance if I wanted to manipulate what happens in this next chamber I would have to a find out what happens if I don't do anything B then find out what happens if I change the seed slightly and then if I don't like that I rinse and repeat and I keep doing that until I get the thing that I want to happen in the Next Room essentially and it's painstaking work it is painstaking work there is um there's a video Siegel actually has it on uh their YouTube channel check it out uh features the high heat Runner Bosch doing a Cedar Run of 64 heat I'm so sorry nope mini box mini box I can still fight yeah so Cedar runs it they're very hard to get a really let's just straight up blocking too too bad you would do that for all floors so you can just kind of give up on the manipulation at some point and just put the will of the Gods uh at you you know what I mean you can just like stop manipulating at any chamber that you want and then it's just random from then on out essentially um but you'd want to manipulate it all the way through because what if you you know you do all the manipulations right but then you accidentally get a five sack you know at the end of the day would stink right my YouTube exclusive now now we're just celebrating 100k subbies 100K good eggs here on the tubes you know what I mean just having some fun YouTube uh not YouTube Sorry twitch does not require uh exclusivity anymore so oh we got the cast send me back the modern runs they do make it sneak okay gotcha I don't think you can reasonably Meg any of the other no you can make you can make the Doom Zone too but the the other one with the five bombers I don't think we could favorite song oh man how can it not be um oh that's actually really hard to pick well there's two different Vibes I mean you got like in the blood for your kind of dramatic uh emotional song right that I love and then you also got uh the Unseen ones which is the Extreme Measures for with crazy guitar solos going on just two like very different feelings you know what I mean but God you gotta love them both all right come on send me back send me back buddy sometimes it's sometimes it's ever so slightly faster to uh uh go to the second chamber then try to get yourself killed in the first chamber slightly faster you know ain't you what's the difference between round and run and AC to run or the same thing um essentially the same thing essentially routed means that you did actually plan out the entire run seeded essentially just means that you know what's at least going to happen in the first chamber does that make sense what other weapon aspects might be viable at 60 plus 60 plus uh there is a 60 heat Rama win from a couple years ago by uh Taos great run highly recommend [Music] and that was unmodded conceited that was the record for a long time I think Rama is definitely one of the more capable aspects but it it semi requires a two Hammer combo of some kind but luckily there's a few hammers that kind of work you got triple shot twin shot perfect shot Point Blank shot all those are very very good at least so now we got a special Boon and now we're at a Crossroads do we really take a Demeter boon yes we do so why not Rama at the Maxi uh so you only have one dash uh at 64 heat and so the shield Bowl Rush is practically required to dodge some moves especially think about it Hades is moving 40 faster with the force overtime you literally cannot Dodge some of those moves with only one dash it's not it's not possible you need that bolt Rush you need that Bol Rush there is some Theory crafting around zag Shield that's right zag Shield of all things being may be viable at uh a very high heat like this and you use like the charge shot hammer in just a high attack damage I haven't really looked it I didn't get to look into that much but someone recently got a pretty high heat clear or almost or at least almost got a very high heat clear with it I believe someone might have beaten 63 with with mods I believe my positive though cute hat well thank you it says soup on it would you love soup you would need extra dashes from Hermes yeah a lot of uh a lot one of the reasons why Zeus aspect besides the fact that it's simply a shield is that we really only need like three-ish spoons to win yeah it might seem like a like a very specific setup but almost everything else requires more three-ish spoons and one hammer the one hammer is a big deal too whereas most other aspects would require a two a two Hammer setup in order to deal enough damage is Gilgamesh viable I don't think Gilgamesh is viable to beat 40 heat oh here we go all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right redeems hat change you wish Andy hey we got a fountain after that too I know Gilgamesh gives extra dashes but gilgames struggles at high heat Gilgamesh struggles [Music] who sight in okay uh I'm panicking okay there we go okay we did it I kind of forgot to start with the Damned control on you got to think pretty hard about this hydraulic mate and it doesn't really do anything but yeah here we go loving the content thank you so much it's kind of doomed because the common special yeah but that's okay that's okay I'm not I'm not I'm not planning a win we're just here to kind of see what it feels like right how if someone were to actually start to grind this out what would it kind of feel like you know what I'm saying otherwise you're all y'all are just watching me walk back to chamber one for probably the next five hours or whatever retract has 55 heat layers retract is that true how the how did you do 55 heat with Gilgamesh I Wanna Know oh I'm gonna guess marcelaine hey we got a second Zoo spoon so we could get really well set up here because Zeus is one of the key factors here if we can get the call and or well not and I guess or jolta that's gonna be that means we are like set up for exactly what we need very early just the Rarities haven't totally lined up for us but this could be big so we can get excited for this come on throw it out throw it out oh God I didn't see all of this explosive return is really important mostly for the AOE burst that we get from it come on come on ah it's only common it's okay it's okay it's okay you still take it maybe we can see asphidel I'll be happy if we can see Asphodel yo I want Jesu to be this difficult at high heat at maxi whatever their Maxi is going to be assuming that they do have the pact of punishment again in some way I'm okay if it's not possible oh the angle the angle the angle got me what can I say I'm okay if Hades too has an unbeatable difficulty I'm okay I think they I think they did a great job with the pact of punishment here and we don't need to be able to beat 64 heat you know what I mean let's get to work don't you dare look at me like that boy with your mismatched eyes you save it for yourself you have a mirror what do you recommend most for a first time 32 heat clear I love Hestia and I feel like hesty is really good just don't take any damage control you got uh you gotta get used to just reloading between every single shot though well we also got a special Boon again right away huh I think this is a testament just like how how much uh how much practice this takes because I'm I am not well practiced at this right so jumping into this and expecting even if you had the ideal setup to get very far it's like the Fool's errand and we can't even like play it safe and try to Turtle things out because the deadline right like just seeing that witch get stuck over there and cause a problem for me and just waste a few more seconds that's painful it's gonna be painful when we reach Meg for the first time today and we can't feed her because of the deadline you know what I mean which is probably gonna happen congrats thank you so much uh yeah Dio could have been good here if we got the call but that's literally the only Boon that's helpful unfortunately I guess I guess the dash kind of does a tiny bit of something but after party heal for zero percent yay if you play it perfectly in all the luck of lines is beatable right well yeah it is technically the modded Runners have proven that it is beatable yes they have proven that that's that that's how it's been proven what are you doing Special I think that is uh part of the reason why they wanted to do it just to prove that it is technically doable if the stars align how do you redeem a hat change nice try ah come here come on baby really just tough room here another thing we really didn't get to talk about in the video is just enemy patterns and getting high Health enemies like this is just it's tough It's Gonna it's gonna eat away at the deadline so fast but it's that one's really hard to calculate like what what patterns are that that one's like pretty much impossible to really calculate how how much that is going to affect a rung you know what I mean okay imagine imagine this I'm picturing right imagine this okay you go out and you buy a lottery ticket every day and then one day you finally win after years and years of buying lottery tickets but in order to redeem the ticket you had to go through Ninja Warrior contest within 20 minutes or else you don't get the money this is that is what 64 heat is like okay what do you got for me Dem wow literally the worst possible Boon literally the worst possible boon it does nothing and we cannot sell it it does literally nothing also there's no actual money yes also there's no actual money that's true too and there's no money you just get to say that you did it [Laughter] would it be easy to beat without the deadline it's still not easy definitely not definitely not that's 58 heat and it's easier to do 58 heat uh with the deadline on but you turn off some other things instead basically that's what I've been doing on the twitch stream lately we've been trying to do 58 heat mostly with aspect of Hestia and we've gotten pretty close we've seen phase three Hades once or twice we're getting there slowly but surely [Music] no money another key thousand percent easier it's not I wouldn't I wouldn't describe it as a thousand percent easier um because even if say you take your time with a mediocre build the longer you take uh to to beat any chamber or any boss the more likely you are to get hit a little bit more right the more time you spend doing any kind of battling is more time you could be getting hit so let's say it takes you ends up taking you like 30 or 40 minutes versus the needed 20 minute with a max out deadline then I don't know why I looked at that we shouldn't have bothered oh then um it's just uh that's just more time that you could have spent getting hit you know what I mean I don't think anyone's done it I don't think anyone's beaten Hades 58 heat everything's maxed out by tight deadline I don't know if I don't know if many people have tried either because it's unfortunately it's just really not a fun way I mean this is this isn't a fun way to play the game either to be clear but uh that's also not a fun way to play uh we have 51 seconds we got the chamber 10. we can't really do a trial here because Trials take a lot longer like a lot lot longer and of course they're more dangerous too while we're at it I can't I already forget if we got a fountain room this run but the hope is that you go right for the Palm and you pray you get a fountain is every enemy attack dodgeable in Hades theoretically uh yes there are no mandatory hits in Hades in theory everything is avoidable however there are certain patterns especially in the Extreme Measures for Hades fight where if you only have one dash imagine you got you know just a certain set of ads like a bunch of butterfly balls in the first phase of the Hades fight and then Hades is doing his spin move you know what I mean and then throwing this or that at you it's just it's kind of hard to explain but uh being able to outmaneuver those things comes comes to a near impossibility especially if you don't have The Shield's ball Rush the ads in the Hades fight are often what I think I think that's what's usually killer a lot of times we hit tight deadline and we didn't even get anywhere near Meg unfortunately routine inspections most brutal part they're all terrible I mean if you want to look at it another way what's the worst lowest heat combination you can do and I think the answer to that is it only takes eight heat to max out routine inspection you have no death defiances you have one dash you don't get as many Boons you don't get as as good a rarity on the boons you don't get any re-rolls that's only eight Heat [Laughter] that's only eight Heats I think routine and inspection probably they probably should have thrown some more heat values at it it probably they probably could have done three heat for each that would have raised the max but possible heat done in Hades but that's that's kind of arbitrary in some ways right I think they maybe should have done that just because most people I really would not recommend putting any points into routine inspection on The Pact until you're in like the 50s how much is Max approval uh it's three for each right so it was six feet for that lately uh on Twitch we tried some runs where we just turned off the things that make the game less fun so we did essentially the most heat we could but we got rid of the things that kind of just make the game a lot less fun and you might not guess it so approval process routine inspection we got rid of we did some runs like this and they I actually had quite a bit of fun trying to do it but I also got rid of convenience fee and so the reasoning behind it and we only you only wind up at 49 heat once you get rid of all those things the reasoning behind it is the fun was part of the fun of Hades right is being able to make decisions I want to buy this thing and I want to be able to choose one of three Boons instead of being forced one and I want to have some re-rolls and I want to have the chance I got to do a boon and things like that you know what I mean uh so I think that kind of made a quote unquote high heat run actually quite interesting you know because the challenge is still there because the enemies are still super buffed and things like that um the challenge is still there for that but we got a rare special we have not seen an epic special yet today by the way because it's only a 3.75 chance we don't do chaos here um and that way your decision making actually matters a lot more I think uh at 64 heat here you don't really get to make a lot of decisions or you make far far fewer decisions because you're not picking Boons and you're not picking doors as much you know it removes a lot of the thought process behind it and it's mostly based uh just on pure execution pure realm uh per room all right we got a hammer give me explosive return congrats thank you so much come on Wheeling into existence everybody we can do it we can do it we can do it hello oh that stupid trap got me okay one of the worst one of the worst this is one of the worst hammers on the shield in general that was really bad I may have tried to do uh I think I think I have at least one YouTube video of trying to make it feel good and I don't know if we really ever got there it's hard to make the ball Rush do a lot of damage kinda I think I mean if you combine that with charred shot can you get that with charge shot I don't remember that was a nice room that room was nice it was very quick so we like to see three point seven five percent not that bad of odds I mean uh we see a lot of comparisons uh to like other other games and stuff about the odds right A lot of people brought up Shiny Pokemon uh for instance and Shiny Pokemon are just ridiculous come on are they not shiny Pokemon oh my God they are absolutely ridiculous the odds are just disgustingly small and everything I think there there is uh I think I think there's kind of a a difference here though which is that catching Shiny Pokemon is is a bit more uh what's the term laid back I guess in a sense I guess just resetting chamber one over and over in Hades is quite laid back on its own but as soon as you see a Shiny Pokemon yeah sure you get excited and you want to make sure you do it right and you don't mess it up but there's not as much at stake I feel at least there you know what I'm saying what's up webs thank you whoa doesn't necessitate a need for skill right right imagine if you had to get the luck of running into the shiny Pokemon and then in order to and then in order to actually catch the shiny Pokemon after you run into it you have to complete an Ironman run basically right that sounds about right to me what's up Raven hydraulic Mite yeah whatever something to sell I guess tackle would solve the RNG problem it's interesting it's interesting and I think there was a runner that recently had a run where they beat an extraordinary amount of heat with Zeus aspect but it wasn't with Zeus's special boon um I don't know that much about it that's sort of the power of explosive return potentially there um I think I think there's like some things about it but if you're gonna do a shatter shackle run it does mean that you're not gonna have the defensive Keepsake ever right you could hope to get you could delay getting a special Boon till later this way but you also can never Palm it you know and things like that come here that trial that trial we only have a minute 48. we're only at chamber nine oh that's painful oh that's painful gotta go this way tackle gives less damage the zoo special I think uh yeah I mean if you get a few if you have an epic Zeus special and a few Palms yeah the zoo special is definitely gonna be a little bit better but I guess uh if you're wondering like is the shackle viable up I think it's maybe you're kind of you're kind of trading the RNG for one place for another you're gonna everything's gonna be a little bit slower but you don't need all that special Boon stuff potentially right so the run's gonna be a little slower overall but if you get lucky enough rooms maybe it's still doable if that makes sense so you could get like really lucky like Fountain rooms event rooms chaos Gates and things like that using the shattered shackle but the boss fights are also going to take quite a bit longer we got boldly yeah the shackle adds to consistency but I think I think what you would find and this is what I find when I do high heat shackle runs especially with aspect of Hestia is that they start off a lot better they start off super consistent and very strong but then by the time you get to Elysium you've really fallen off a bit of a cliff like I think that because the damage you can't really scale it up reliably at all with the shackle no palms and other things um beating like the heroes and the dad fight in the time limit uh is very very difficult I think that's 100K thank you so much cheers mate what did Baldi give us four percent damage reduction blessed that was chamber 11. Hmm this is the final chamber of Tartarus can we see the furies at least for one run can we see Asphodel today I don't know if we got the deadline under control this run to really see asphidel here unfortunately I only got the asphidel once in my offline attempts and then I was like you know what that's enough once was enough never couldn't even see learning though it just died to the deadline 30 seconds oh oh the witch has got me I tried to play quickly and it didn't work out what can you do we tried though having to take chaos Gates with 100 lasting consequences yeah this is actually one that I I would love to get more feedback from the community over in terms of what's necessary you know what I mean God it's just it's hard to say I guess it really depends on where you get the boons when you get the boons how much time you got in the deadline Etc but we got a hammer we got a bad hammer we didn't make it I'm afraid dude that's the thing you gotta you gotta play a bit more loose in order to beat the deadline but then what happens daddy takes damage you know what I mean daddy takes that damage you gotta you gotta what they call greet out the damage like uh we can't we can't rest on my my what my lorries do I have any mods on no mods whatsoever hey mate what if they took the risk of rain route with tight deadline and made enemies stronger after the timer finished um it's interesting that's kind of that's kind of interesting to finish with this work so your assistant needed huh I don't know I guess we'd have to we'd have to think of think pretty hard about it how exactly would work in different factors rip really bad crushed I think that could work that could work right I don't know I don't necessarily think Hades won at least should be changed the way it is I think I think this is fine oh as I take my 20th death this is fine you know what I mean [Laughter] uh so okay well the truth is um I think type deadline was kind of Genius in a lot of ways it introduced people to this uh time limit factor in Hades that pushed them into essentially trying to speed up their gameplay a lot of people hate tight deadline for the way it makes them play you know what I mean uh uh but I think a lot of people also got kind of pushed into the the speed run aspect of the game and it helped with the community and everything I think it was it's a great pact of punishment in general and you don't have to take it damn uh and you don't have to take it at the end of the day you know what I mean I think it's really hard to improve this game I think it's the bottom line how do you improve a game everyone that has a 97 positive rating on Steam you know what I mean how do you make this better how do you how do you make the more people happier with this game we could appease certain players right with some changes we get a piece uh certain types of players certain people that do certain things in the game but that doesn't necess necessarily mean it's a good change for all players at the end of the day right come on how long was Hades and beta it was in Early Access from December of 2018 until September of 2020. tampon at kitty cats DLC New Gods and weapons I was at only 97 a 90s it's one of the highest rated games on Steam of all time half of the negative reviews are just jokes and memes it's the truth [Laughter] I even so even if they uh made DLC for the game and stuff right oh my God you know what we're gonna try this one just because charge shot is considered a good Hammer here um even if they made DLC for the game or free updates I don't think that necessarily means that the base game would be better or anything like that I don't think more people would have enjoyed the base game for that matter come on come on charge shot god that enemy was just very difficult all right I don't think charge shot is gonna cut it I don't know about this charge shot right now I'm hoping someone I'm hoping I'm I mean I don't want to put someone through the challenge that is 64 heat and I don't I don't necessarily hope that someone like puts in all that exhausting work for something like this but at the same time it would be great to be proven wrong you know I think that would actually be it would make it would be very interesting any way to get more time nope the time carries over between the zones yeah we don't bother continuing this one we got Dash we've talked about things like I I even I've pitched the idea at least out loud not really like I'm not not that I'm going to the studio with the idea or anything like that but I've uh we've discussed the idea behind in order to resolve type deadline a little a little bit maybe you could buy more time from shops and stuff but it that kind of goes against the the premise of tight deadline they want you to play the game faster and practice doing things faster you know clearing the enemies and the bosses faster so if you're able to circumvent that packed a punishment by simply spending ovals in the run then it kind of goes against the initial principle I think yeah time to go to work all those of the underworld are prone to ceaseless it's not obvious that you can get really incredible playstyles going and Until you realize that I'd argue the game is less fun I think I think there's something there's there are some improvements there where I do think the grind is a bit long in Hades for the average beginning the person just starting out the game yeah send me back I think uh they probably could introduce the weapon aspects a little bit sooner in Hades who if not right away right because it's a sequel so how are they going to work that out right um so I think I think that's one thing like letting letting beginning players get into the weapon aspects and the other side of the mirror and some other things a little bit quicker I think would be uh I think that would be a good idea because I think I think a lot of people they'd see the credits before they can really even get more than a few aspects unlocked really you know what I mean all right one more time is there a bounty on 64 heat not that I'm aware of no special hey doxy chaos gives more time yeah I mean these are these are things that could be done I guess it depends on how pure you want to be about it I suppose in a sense right I forgot something again buying chaos Gates is kind of like that to some extent oh you know what you're not wrong [Music] hmm it's interesting actually straight nope we just we've hit a string of bad bad Starts Here unfortunately for ourselves have we seen the furies yet not yet what's up Cal not yet we came very close though we got the last chamber of Tartarus chaos is a bad Strat um at 64 heat chaos is uh very unreliable in normal speed running where you're not doing a very high heat chaos is great for saving time what's going on righteous of the underworld take heed you think there should be a bounty available like an achievement I don't think so yeah a completionist would be upset ah yeah I don't I don't I don't think so putting an achievement behind it wouldn't really do help anything I feel really I don't I don't think that would encourage people to do it and I wouldn't even really want to encourage people to do this you know what I mean how many enemies have I killed totally mean by looking at the what do they call it the scrying pool this save file is a Hell mode save file so it's it's not my original that's been uh that's good that got thrown out a long time ago but here's what it is on the sell mode file do your worst father Poseidon's an incomparable fool I machine to call my brother Rama special might not be terrible for punching through shields uh the only the only downside is that uh you have one dash Rama is a great aspect for very high heat but once you go down to one dash trying to do anything without a shield is very very difficult very very difficult damn come on baby send us back isn't the bow better no no definitely not I promise yeah I had to um since I played throughout Early Access since around December of 2018 . uh my save file had uh thousands and thousands of attempts on it and what happens in Hades the more uh attempts you have on your fate save file the more attempts the administrative record department has so it has to keep overriding the save file in between every single room and it really bogs down the Run actually it makes the makes the every run go a lot longer bam reaching Rush yeah that's not the worst one at least but it's not very good we're trying to get the zoo special we'll see if we get it here this many research just for Thunder flourish yeah we had kind of a lucky streak in a sense but this is what it feels like right this is what it feels like didn't get the special so I mean that was with a lousy Hammer too what can we do send us back baby an achievement for dying at 64 heat yeah a goofy little achievement that just requires you to start a run at 64 heat might have been goofy fun right uh that that I'd be okay with that'd be 100 okay with that one how far in do you start to notice the added time for a dense save file it's hard to say it's a very slow accumulation you probably it wouldn't matter it wouldn't really matter unless you're doing real-time speed runs and we got explosive return at least hmm it doesn't really matter unless you just don't like the annoyance of the fact that the load times go way up really do you think the railgun's better at 64 heat hey man I'm all about you being the first to do it and I'll be I'll be there cheering on give me that Zeus come on come on show me that Thunder Fleur oh big wallop don't get hit by that trap okay yeah we actually got two chances since we have a roll so the first moon you pick up in a Hades run it's always going to be one of four Boons with approval process on attack special cast Dash but if you roll it then it adds other boots into the pool like Heaven's Vengeance could appear lightning reflexes could appear the call could appear if we after all we don't have to roll unfortunately I did take some big hits there but we have explosive return and a rare special so that's kind of something at least about your first one congrats thank you whoops whoops you can still get keys and routine inspection on uh yes so you can actually gain a reroll if you go to a key room and get a key yikes the house is in order yikes that was rough I thought it was okay the Speedy hands are really challenging in general here I think [Laughter] that's too bad you hate it you hate to see it right nope these enemies are gonna take me a bit come on you have to show a death every run like if you have a death in the video but like this seat can you give up and start over uh you cannot give up and start over no you cannot can't do that because the people watching your recording wouldn't know how much you've practiced the seed how long did the Community Practice to determine this is the best build for it I mean since before the game even came out in 1.0 they've been practicing since early access a lot of them I know angelic's been at it for almost three over three years now just kind of pushing those heat limits never lay hands upon guys tear you to pieces finer than the ones to which some of your ancestors were once reduced yeah it's it's it's just a combination of low setup this is a low setup the damage output and the safety from uh being able to use that bolt Rush [Music] up to 32 attempts can we even see uh what's the number of attempts I said we still haven't seen an epic epic special on our hands of course we could be resetting even harder because I'm accepting these common and rare Zeus specials just kind of for fun but yeah what's the worst that could happen come on hey there we go there we go okay I'm focused and ready this time no mistakes I got like the worst enemy in the world for chamber one by the way holy God like literally the chunkiest enemy possible Hammer looks been pretty good yeah it's not hasn't been bad so far right how much better is epic compared to Common uh common is 30 damage from from those the the lightning damage uh epic is 45. if you get the heroic it's 60 be at her or from like eurydice or something Gilgamesh no definitely not oh come on [Applause] I don't know how they did that they just got me at the right angle I guess yeah wow it's tough okay martic thank you the armored enemies take less damage uh no they don't take less but you can't stagger them [Music] so I can't like stun lock them until you knock the armor off because of the underworld take heed ah terrible other than it takes time to restart these runs what is the thing that gets under your skin that drives you crazy doing this to me it's hearing the same intro and death music over and over well if I had to if I didn't have people to interact with here and I'm I'm wasting time doing it too as you can see many many points and I would be uh absolutely bored out of my skull probably [Laughter] maybe if I had like some old school TV shows on my other screen and I'm just recording it right I could uh you know I could be watching some old Simpsons or Futurama or something like that you know what I mean maybe that could pass the time a little bit better but then that shows up in your recording maybe or something uh ah epic I saw the I saw the purple for a second I almost got excited not quite brimstones nice quick reset at least again I'm sure that's probably actually how a lot of people would do anything like this for the most part um they would be mostly preoccupied by something else and then as soon as they land on a good seed right they kick it into high gear and pay attention a lot more you know what I'm saying background noise is the Simpson episode right okay so this I I tried to factor in the time of this stupid cut scene into the time it takes to reset but they kind of range in time and it was kind of hard to do so I gave up and I didn't even account for that cutscene that you got every fourth run where Hades just decides to waste our time but that's actually kind of a major contributor it it has at least five seconds on the Ave boom was that baldron how are you what's the point of this type around curious because the highest heat you got to is 16. bragging rights only there's nothing else to it and just the idea of it you know what I mean and don't worry I have no plans of actually getting a win here 85 hours was a very optimistic estimate yes you are I 100 agree we got a common special all right these enemies aren't so bad at least either oh boy when hammer and Boone would go for we have to get Zeus's special we really have to get explosive return to have a chance but I might continue to run without it just to see how far we got oh the Speedy hands come on not the Speedy hands man they're the worst with one dash here it's just brutal God that was so slow [Music] ah Crystal beam I see what will I do if I somehow complete this challenge I tell you what I'll tell you what if I somehow by some miracle completed this challenge in the span of just today I will personally donate one thousand dollars to charity but the thing is I can guarantee that that will not happen [Laughter] not because I would throw it either by the way it would be worth it but you'll be totally worth it but the odds are are not just not there pray to hit the 50 50 of the special aren't there glitches no Hades doesn't really have witches well now Hades has some minor glitches and did have glitches in Early Access I have a whole video on it on YouTube here actually uh if you want to check them out the only thing that's even remotely abusable is uh like there's a bug where you get more damage from Mirage shot on Beowulf but good luck getting Mirage shot at 64 heat you know what I'm saying thank you that's like the only thing I can think of you can't like get out of bounds and skip over rooms or anything like that it's all good we hit the special that's something at least we got a pause buffer here for the sake of the timer to spend as little time as possible waste as little time as possible for things like those doors oh this is gonna be tough oh you got me it's taking that little bits of damage Speedy witches it's a challenge I don't have time to waste here though you can't really take it easy go Crystal beam go you got this baby oh got to see the shop here at least bad news also abusable I guess [Music] [Laughter] it's great you'd promise 10K right come on stand still okay it's all slightly off center but we'll it'll make do five health and a dream Dionysus come on show me the call show me the call oh drunken Dash I think this is a point where you wouldn't want to uh spend a role though here Roca Dash kind of does something at least so one thing I didn't discuss in the video another thing I hadn't there's many things I didn't get to touch upon in the video but here's one other thing swaps if the game the game could swap force you to swap your special Boon for another God all of the sudden when you pick up a new Boon and there's nothing you're gonna if you don't have a re-roll there's nothing you can do about it if you don't have a reroll there's nothing you can do about it you're screwed that runs over right resting my pepperonis how often does the game offer swaps I don't know I don't know I I don't have uh if like seagull we're still here maybe a retraction of those too maybe there's like some kind of mathematical equation behind it but it it the danger of the swap is so high not that the odds are super high but just like the fact that it could just totally kill a run just like instantly right you might not buy Boons from like the end shop right before Hades in case it happens right just because it's too dangerous even if you have a role it's possible to still just roll into the same swap [Laughter] happens every time you don't want it to exactly 90 of the time it happens all the time you know what I mean strong drink strong drink doesn't work with lasting consequences huh wow that hammer just absolutely cursed us today I think send me back how long to beat it if I remove the deadline probably several hundred hours still I would say I'd say still probably several hundred hours thousands of attempts if I were to guess that's 58 heat and there's a there's there are easier 58 heat setups than this than that rather thank you Immortals life is short and fraught with pain is that truly the life you yearn for boy yeah swaps are like a little more likely if you have everything filled but it can still just kind of happen I forget how it how it determines whether or not to show a swap I forget if I had a new time limit what weapon would I choose I don't think it would change because I still only have one dash so you need a shield without without a Dash You're Gonna need a shield to move to get some more movement and stuff you know what I mean positive outlook no good either positive outlook is the one that just reduces damage when you're below 40 it does something I guess but it's not exact it's not a meaningful amount for the most part I'd say you don't get enough Boons that'll run like this usually you can't keep enough boons do I feel like I can actually do it no absolutely not but we can experience it as Outsiders [Laughter] uh Achilles spear you mean because you get movement from the special I think you kind of need the block Achilles spear at high heat is has a rough time because you're dependent on one hammer I mean we're depending on one hammer here here too so but compare like Achilles spear where you get flurry jab to Zeus aspect where you get explosive return it's tough my choice is made it's gonna be tough has anyone done a seed at 64 year run yes it was in the description of my my videos done by baj it's on seagull's channel hello it's our first epic special of the day it took us 1 hour and 39 minutes to get the first epic special which is supposed to be an actual requirement uh in order to do this run oh yeah if you want to see the seated run which is wacky and crazy uh search uh I don't know probably just search 64 heat and it'll come up pretty quickly oh you meant uh you meant after party when you're asking about that deal boom that one doesn't work either with a lasting consequences on okay we skipped chaos come on I'm focused no more reading chat everyone turn off chat no one say anything don't get hit.com even if I died at a time limit so be it I guess you know what I mean okay we like these enemies we love these enemies you can tell it's gonna be a quick run when you see those and oh my goodness ah key for a re-roll okay we still are gonna need some luck though no doubt there's still requirements between like a fountain room or boldie probably things like that uh no no no no no no no no no no it's my fault come on play better come on let us see Meg at least right let us see Meg took 40 damage in that room um I think he has like you kind of have to do Artemis and not and then just pray you don't get hit right hey foreign ERS the teleporters the teleporters it's rough huh it's rough I can't say that that was bad luck really in any way I think it I think that comes down to that comes down to practice still I think I think better players who have practiced more could have done better you know what I mean uh what can you do is there any way to get health back I mean there's there's some very small exceptions that usually have massive trade-offs you got curse slash that reduces your max Health you got one you also reduces your max Health yeah draining cutter which is just hard to use um you got a little technically quick recovery from Hermes we'll give you a health back but not really in a sense right you had to lose the health in order to gain it back um yeah I think there are oh so skelly's tooth will heal you skelly's tooth will heal you in fact I think in the the mod at 64 Heat win by Angelic they purposefully they put on skelly's tooth for asphadal and then they purposely use it in the lava right before they leave in order to recover a hundred health yeah the really the only real way of like to heal quote unquote is just to take Max health can you out heal tight deadline in in outside of 64 heat yes I have some videos if uh if you search like extreme deadline I believe you'll be able to you'll see a run where we start with zero seconds on tight deadline and we're taking five damage every second and we don't necessarily out heal it but we survive and beat the run it's crazy crazy stuff it's cool that's a really cool run I highly recommend it epic Thunder Dash you say stubborn Roots works I mean it yes it does work uh it's one Health every 0.8 seconds I think it's a very it's a minute amount tight deadline is five damage every second so essentially stubborn Roots reduces the tight deadline damage to 3.75 damage per second and yeah that's just it's not gonna be enough oh talk to scally he hasn't earned it my choice is made I said it I said it I said it rare special is doable okay let's get a little bit of focus going on here at least let's see if we can at least see Meg cyber Roots it's not worth it it is at in this context it definitely is not because it's a dual Boon and there's just so many other things you'd rather have than just that tiny bit of healing I think there because you you instead of trying to heal through tight deadline you could just get damage from other Boons that would allow you to beat the deadline instead of trying to out heal it you know what I mean go this way okay nice room there didn't get hit also got a palm all right all right all right all right all right we're up to 50 damage on the smash okay good Speedy hands no not the speed this is a big room which is often a bad thing especially in like a speed run but it might be a better thing in this instance where I'm kind of just scared of uh not having enough space to really get these Holograms away from me and stuff I tried to charge a bull rush but they're faster than me for that oh boy [Laughter] okay we survived took a little bit of damage no the teleporters they were my Doom last time they also deal Double D they can't teleport too often though slow though huh very slow okay we live we live not bad not bad we gotta skip that chaos I think mini boss is afro hmm we gotta knock that off first hold on I think that should be okay it is very good damn you hand dude can you do the move do the move please honey there you go that's the move bit rough an epic attack is kind of nice here it's worth it's it's this will do some work this will do some work there's nothing else we really want from Aphrodite anyway that's probably the best thing that could have occurred we have one roll if we take the nectar it's a 50 50 if it hits the special there's a decent chance we can't even keep that attack boom but it's nice in the meantime you know what I mean he picked authority over persuasion you can yes I think just for the sake of trying to get as far as possible we uh we risk the 50 50. it hit the attack though what can you do there's the shop I have to take it [Music] must be something I can do goodbye Zeus fish are overrated more Speedy hands why more Speedy clone hands come on sweet Jesus no I was charging on ball rush I promise whoa whoa whoa whoa pal okay we're good I'm just focus I was focusing on killing the hands to start ourselves off there can't even Dash across that Gap really we live the timer's getting rough we don't really do money most of the time because of conveniency money is just uh ovals are just a lot less worthwhile versus pretty much every other reward here come on I think uh maybe we can see Meg at least but oh come on how does it die while also hitting me please Dash better nine health I don't know what chamber we're in we get the special ow man we can't even see Meg not enough time we have one more chamber to do it's too bad what can you do we'll try we'll try oh how we'll try if you start losing Health the tight deadline you're not gonna get it back you know this is where there's a baseline of luck required fight around what kind of Chambers you get that is hard to really get into the math of a lot of times is that going to be it no there's more of course rip too bad huh too bad yeah we had we we pretty much had to get boldly just to see Meg but we still wouldn't have had enough time to beat her we never got uh well actually I would argue that Aphrodite's attack boond there kind of did something for us but yeah oh yeah there was a chance for Thanatos too Thanatos could have brought us to Meg as well there it's true it's true we go again it's going to be different this time the only way to get a Defiance is from Athena you actually cannot get death defiances even from Athena at 64 heat once it gets turned off on The Pact there is no way to get one skelly's tooth is the closest thing if you uh so if you see Patty and Elysium with the death Defiance turned off from routine inspection then I think they won't even let you there's no uh uh there's no buff to take for it welcome Rowan thank you Titan lunch should not be lethal I think that that kind of probably okay I think that's a balance that might have been okay what do you all think what if type that line brought you to one Health but couldn't kill you we'd still complain about it but yeah can you replace the tooth with the Defiance from Athena ooh ooh um oh that's Advanced I don't know that sounds kind of familiar like maybe I'm not sure do I think there's a unique voice line no I'm afraid not because people have done it with mods and the game wouldn't know that you're using them chaos Lego oh the chaos legendary what do you think I don't think so I don't think I don't think it works I think it can't get offered but I'm not 100 not 100 Casey welcome to the house of alien thank you so much I saw epic and I got happy huh not yet nah tie deadline will straight up kill you straight up murder yeah I'm afraid tooth the move over Acorn if you make it into asphalt yes because you might not even see learning uh when you think about it you might need that tooth for other purposes so it could save you sooner you know what I mean um dang just a dash what can you do yeah welcome Andre you'd have to go go to chaos at least twice yeah I I feel like chaos might not offer though I don't know it's a good question we need to get the Zeus special to continue I forgot something greetings we are now about to enter our 50th attempt in two hours without a little pain why thank you damn come on come on um we can do it chaos could awkward with the egg it increases Rarity but I I don't know if it's even possible to get it offered I think they might I feel like it might be excluded if you don't have the uh death Defiance is unlocked on the mirror Sudden Rush pretty bad huh it's not a good one uh come on last tattoo thank god of the fines from Athena you would get an invisible defiance if that is true I don't I don't personally remember it sounds slightly familiar maybe what's up Noah is it doable with another special uh maybe this one probably has the least setup the pack is sealed Maybe possibly use Tass in this game to experiment weapons you need to have a chance of doing this uh you don't actually need a task for it um you can do you can route out like a seated run where you can pick which Boons there's mods that just let you uh spawn Boons and things like that too so there's lots of ways to kind of experiment darn uh with it and try different things out and I'm sure the high heat Community has uh done plenty but this is what they came up with because it's mostly about lowering increasing the odds of getting what you need in order to determine it and I think it's safe to say that there isn't a better build that could do this more consistently necessarily this is this is the most consistent one sadly huh sadly that this is the most consistent one but that's what it is at the end of the day I think explosive return oh it's not even that this is like the best aspect or the highest CPS aspect or anything like that but it's the most consistent down down to the mouth yep Nothing's Gonna Stop Me uh we're just having fun we're celebrating we're celebrating a hundred thousand subby wubbies on the tubes hugs and kisses for everybody I'll kiss you right on the lips Gilgamesh dear God no we got a common special well it's something we could definitely reach a Meg with a common special at least whoa uh-huh I actually not certain how that didn't hit me but okay okay furthest I've gotten I almost saw learning not today but in my pre-recorded attempts I spent probably I'm gonna I think I I kind of timed it I was going I was being a lot a lot more uh reset heavy but after about uh I'm gonna say six hours I was able to see almost see learning essentially hey Dink all right here we go explosive return guaranteed guaranteed yoga mesh with Athena's attack Boon nothing helps Gilgamesh the hose right there we're gonna try and divine Dash it's still it's not enough trust me trust me you can try it go ahead try it I I'm just gonna save you the pain that is Gilgamesh though hey taco cat hey Nola how are you oh baldy Baldi boldy am I very delayed yeah YouTube has a bit of a stronger delay I don't think I can adjust it midstream sometimes so I'm probably reading chat with a bit of a delay here cheers hmm only merciful land could save Gilgamesh yeah I mean if he could somehow guarantee getting merciful and and Athena's Dash so you'd need Ares attack a high Rarity on it multiple Palms on it probably at least two or three you need Athena special you have to then you need to get merciful land and then you need to get Athena's Dash foreign things already five very specific things right uh whereas with Zeus aspect and the it's it's gonna be a bad timing too you get all five of them really Zeus aspect it's just like a couple things we're doing better we'll see what we can do here okay we got the doomstone at least oh I was too early it's not it's she's gone oh she didn't miss okay I shouldn't have done it so early though very nice mini boss okay yeah we just take something to sell here it's okay what can you do uh I have one roll already so I think we're gonna we're gonna gamble the 50 50 because what can you do okay this room shouldn't be too bad Meg here we come okay here's a special no not dying Lament to submit shop I somehow have enough money here [Music] how did I get enough money we have 325. Poseidon Hermes I think I do Hermes if we got an extra Dash from Hermes oh my God hmm that'd be mental I have one roll we probably throw it out here oh um so you can get the health from that but I'd have to successfully execute the dash right after getting hit basically I think it Roll It I think you roll it we just big ball it basically pray for a miracle here kinda what else we got foreign classic Hades for personal computer okay okay okay come on no Palms on the special we're gonna gamble on it I think I think we're gonna gamble on it I know there was Max help there but soon to sell we already had dying lament to sell so I mean we really wanted something of actual use at that point this is gonna be a nightmare 205 on the timer might be able to do it because we got Baldi and Fountain right maybe oh these guys why oh come on witch okay hit the special okay okay we're okay we're okay that's chamber eleven we have one more chamber Demeter I guess we go that way okay if we get a really nice enemy pattern maybe we can see Meg or Thanatos okay this is good this is very good we like seeing the armored pots come on please hit him armored pots are an extremely good sign come on baby in fact this might be it no it's not a sad day there's more still a good sign but just because they're easier to beat you get you don't get too many of them really oh it's feeling like we're getting a lot of them right now huh oh my God there's another oh where'd you go come on baby yikes we're having as well is kind of something we saw Meg baby I guess we'll take the free Demeter here come on give us some Miracles here right okay I don't think we're getting past Meg here but we'll do our best nope one Palm on the special but it's only common no Hammer no did we get we got a hammer boat is bad right ah panicked kind of there oh baby that's our first acido oh all right [Laughter] my Golly Miss Molly that was the first Meg probably the last Meg give me I think we take the tooth here just to do the best we can we hit the timer at the last second the last seconds no chaos Gates I guess we send back quick recovery and keep dying Lament the element does something that special damage is kind of interesting how do we get the asphalt over those Boons really just because we got boldy and a fountain room and a couple of okay enemy patterns I think what do you think about the chaos gate you don't have any rolls retract says save it yeah I kind of agree I agree but and in terms of just I just I didn't get to the furthest chamber possible from that aspect I think uh I think taking the chaos there gate there was a was the right move I you know what I should have just said I should have said you know what there's going to be a chaos gate here without me buying it but I didn't say it so we didn't get it you know what I mean jvh what's up thank you so much welcome to the house of paleon am I interrupting something so the tooth will still heal us we're not gonna deal be dealing enough damage here to really do this quickly enough unless we get more miracles namely eurydice right like look how slow this is really come on man die wow that almost got me ah there goes the tooth already I'm trying to kill trying to kill yikes yeah we definitely do more max healthier so that's nice at least I guess there's a pretty high chance that chaos would just straight up kill the Run these enemies are actually better than the others because at least they don't run away in a sense at least they're coming toward us so we can finish the rim a little bit faster you know what I mean we can get eurydice we could get a fountain room we could get Thanatos there's things that can happen but will they happen right oh your Odyssey would be massive no man's I needed that health okay controls offer Health uh they wouldn't heal us there's the shop we don't have enough money to buy anything sadly but what's up Luke yeah we got a bad hammer already I believe we got reaching rush I think more armor with our uh bull rush basically I'm looking for a gold pot but I don't see one so we can't get the mystery sack going into an Aphrodite Boon here oh yeah yeah oh oh the barge is so slow The Witches would have been fine power couple would have been okay but the barge is a nightmare it's gonna take so long to get out of here if I can I already got hit oh my God well we definitely hit the maximum amount of spawns here 11 Health oh one Health let me out of the barge at least I demand it we escaped the barge The Witches still would have been tough I agree one Health no you're to say I guess the power couple is probably the easiest one these guys I feel like these guys are potential run Enders here they run away it's hard to like keep blocking them they're just kind of all over the the room every time right okay the fact that they run oh I died to the lava come on that was a pretty rough run you know we didn't get a good setup at all I'm glad we got to ask for dough at least I'm glad we got the asphidel at least there's that right yeah I mean it shows that you can do things like that right and you can get somewhere but you can tell we could tell that like that that was not a capable build right we and then you have to push and try again you know what I mean and then you just gotta push and try again can't waste time right [Music] um yeah the hammer was useless come on man modded 64 heat run nah I'm really just here to kind of experience what it would feel like to do on modded 64 heat I don't really have a plan to do to beat at any point you know what I mean my pots working apparently nightbot's working almost kind of working Andy sorry if you got Auto modded by nightbot Uncle Zeus someday imagine what was the Tooth doing just trying to survive as long as possible because it would rezia and Helia when he gets used hey Miss all brass 100K thank you so much glad I'm on his good side the devs didn't play test it uh I'm sure they kind of did um they just they took the stance that it's not meant to be beautiful and I agree with them I don't think it's neat doesn't need to be beatable it's it's fine like it's not a big deal it's not like uh this is the the modular heat system is very different from say if you're playing I don't know you know like do maternal or something and you turn on the highest difficulty there that is just a preset of different things you know what I mean hey what do you know it is working that's going okay everybody it's all about they they try to balance the game somewhere around 32 heat like how reasonable is 32 heat we got another common how reasonable is it with the pact of punishments given do they have enough option for practically all play styles to be accommodated to still beat 32 heat that's what they were thinking of and I think they did a good job at that I think they did a very good job oh come on my man okay make the health okay thank you Rio we're at like I think my My First Youtube upload was about four and a half years ago now it was a really terrible 80s speed run with no sound no mic because I barely knew how to get that functioning [Laughter] right that was that was the first thing foreign I mean I guess it has to be approval process just because you can't make a build with it with it on really and it's just that that's what it gives you all the resets for the most part ah trying to be too greedy there all right we take the Hammy Dash was from the first video was so janky yeah it's interesting they changed it pretty early on he had three dashes back then too the game would start crashing if you played it for more than like an hour or two two like uh it was a very high chance of just the game crashing on you during the very early stages of Early Access one little uh tidbit actually about the development of Hades is that they actually had to convert the entire game into I think Native C I think it was originally in C sharp like the rest of their previous games and they had to convert the entire game essentially into another programming language in order to get it better optimized it's crazy to think that in the middle of Early Access providing us content updates that they had to and they did do it it's crazy really that's so much work and it's totally unrecognized in some ways damn that sucks that's a really bad one we'll keep at it we'll see how far we got Karen must be nearby not sure if it's more difficult or just not fun anymore that's the thing with the approval process so approval process oh is that gonna Target no it targeted the little thing uh I hate the doomstone approval process is kind of fun and interesting if you're at zero to like 10 heat right like it can force you to take things that you wouldn't do otherwise but once you start adding on the other packs it's kind of like well I need certain things to win right and if I don't get those things yeah that was bad that's my fault uh if you don't get those certain things then it just becomes a nightmare I think that was the reasoning why they wanted because we did talk about it in Early Access about approval process how much we hated it as people that played like kind of rather high heat and speed runs and stuff we did have a conversation about it and the bottom line was that they felt that approval process was a a fun pack to punishment for some players like it was it's goofy like I would describe it as goofy you know what I mean darn this guy deals 40 per swing would I do it all over again getting into Haiti streaming and YouTube content 100 100 of the time there's a lot of things I would have done I guess you'd call it better but yeah oh yeah 100 are you kidding me what's the worst that could happen [Music] charge shot I don't even know if it's worth trying what do you think let's see AP1 is interesting I don't know if I'd call it interesting because at the end of the day it's a pack that it doesn't punish bad players or newer players or inexperienced players it just it almost feels artificial like an artificial difficulty thing so one suggestion I had made in Early Access is to make approval process cost zero zero give zero heat but as like a fun and Goofy modifier that you could turn on instead me I don't know if it would even be on The Pact of punishment but basically have it be almost like a different game mode that doesn't actually provide Heat and special oh I had a roll that's my mistake wasn't paying attention let's throw it send me back did we get our supposed to return once oh yeah we got it like four or five times I think what's up Fury how are you welcome demo hey [Music] it's definitely plausible to get a decent distance with just just the special I Think It's just tough to manage the enemies like that there's a lot of things uh there's a lot of things that could have been done differently right but one thing that I think Hades it doesn't really get discussed the UI in Hades the user interface right it is extremely sleek and streamlined it is so well done it's so well thought out every single thing had a thought and a process to it even like the options menu just has this you know it's very concise and to the point it's not overwhelming there's not like hidden scroll bars it's a small thing in some ways but it's also like a really big thing it really gives the whole game a much more professional and uh just well-tuned feel you know and it's not something that we really think about when we play games very often or at least we don't usually praise it because I think what happens when it comes to UI design you only notice it if it's bad for the most part you are probably only going to notice it if it's bad and you might not put your be able to put your finger on why you don't like a game but that could be part of the reason you know what I mean why put as much time into Hades too we'll have to we'll just have to see more than half the time I've spent playing the game of Hades was before I made a single dollar off of it ah epic smash was right there yeah very consistent aesthetic and theme and everything why does the approval process show the black Boon it always makes you feel worse a lot of people ask for ask for them not to show it but I think the fact that the game spits in your mouth a little bit by showing you them I think I think it can fill some people with determination and it'll it allows at least for me as like a content creator to kind of you know there's these funny goofy things where it's like I can't believe it was right there and I didn't get it you know what I mean special strength so we've just had is that we've had one Epic special all day out of 62 attempts so far right I'm pretty sure that's a but we haven't been very efficient with the recess we definitely could have had way more recess like we would reset this one normally to try to get more attempts in normally uh these hands these hands I tell you sloppy these hands oh God that was miserable you go this way this will be a fast run probably but I might take some d you kind of like seeing these enemies but it's easy to get kind of bonked from them also thank you congrats 100K thank you so much come on okay still no damage taken nectar is good or thunder flourish we got a fountain room okay I need a little bit more money before the shop here oh come on I need four dollars yo anyone got four bucks yo [Music] oh come on nothing Dio is one of the keys too if you can get the call Boone why not take cash for common special I mean I know I know we're not going to get a win today so I'm mostly just seeing how far we can get and Chaos has a very high chance of just ripping the run immediately am I interested in armored Core six at all I don't think so yeah I've never played any games in the series so you and me ah come on oh my God yikes XXX is the information of where my name came from on the internet probably not readily available I can tell this story I can tell this story while we're back in reset hell I can tell this story okay rewind time over 20 years ago at this point over 20 years ago I played this little tiny online it's not I would call it an MMO but it's more of just like an Mo a multiplayer online game because it wasn't massive at all concurrent players might reach a peak of like 20 on a good day uh basically all at once and it was like this it was this uh Dragon Quest rip-off it was on a website called beyond.com but b-y-o-n-d and anyway I would play this game a lot and there was a guild called the aliens because the guild Leader's name was the hail or something like that I forget exactly uh and they wouldn't let me in because they said I was a a little basically I mean I was like 13 or 14 years old so you know like I don't think I actually did anything too much but I was probably annoying you know anyway so they wouldn't let me in so fast forward I don't know how long months days weeks something not like an extreme amount of time right and ah I was making uh I was making a character for Final Fantasy 11 the old uh Final Fantasy MMO before 14. and I couldn't think of a name and I was like you know what boom not let me into their Guild I'm taking the name baby it's mine now what are you gonna do about it thus started the name Alien forever and onward got a bad Hammer what can you do that seems to be a theme for me you know you mean like where I'm annoying and then I get punished for it in some way foreign so I've wound up with a sense God yeah I probably started using this name I don't know when I started playing Final Fantasy 11. yeah we'll just take a cast I guess probably almost 20 years ago probably around that time now I just haven't bothered I mean we all kind of wind up in the same place you just use a name and like you just don't really think about it after that you just stick with it thank you ow hmm Splash cast actually does a little bit of work for us here I'd say started a career out of pure spite [Laughter] Artemis okay oh of course I was never able to flaunt that I had stolen their name no it was such a small community that I don't think I don't think at all who knows about that one that one guy who actually uh ran the guild or whatever right maybe there's a chance they've played Hades and seen a video but maybe they just thought it was a coincidence right hmm so the dash is terrible here 's an interesting factoid I mean we don't have explosive return but it's one of only like two things in the game that cannot crit it is hard-coded that it cannot crit for some reason explosive return is one of them the other one is frozen touch from Demeter for some strange reason I mean hunter staff doesn't do anything throw it out the Artemis call I mean a call Boone is nice but that one's not great did it ever create it did and then I abused it in some early speedruns way back in the day and they nerfed the damage and made it so it can't crit and yeah that was the end of that you can blame me for a few things in the game explosive return can't quit uh uh the fact that the the spear special is not very good also because at one point it was great and I abused it a lot I mean I don't necessarily assume that they're gonna Nerf it I think there was one more thing but I can't remember what it is bull day something I can use hey full day what's up triple n clearly they had to make frozen touch less op right doesn't crit because you made it look busted ah there was this wild wild glitch uh it was only with explosive return so it was kind of annoying it was I know it it was kind of almost a little unfair to explosive return there was this glitch with it that could create insane amounts of damage um I'll talk about it in a sec but when they fixed the glitch they also nerfed explosive return at the same time for some reason it's just like uh maybe they should just fixed the glitch and we would have stopped using it you know what I mean so the glitch it had something to do I don't know it was only during Early Access I don't really know what caused it but if you took dionysus's special and you had an explosive return on a run and then you chose to give up on the run from the menu and you started at a new run you would retain the ability to apply hangover to enemies only through explosive returns explosion I hope that made some amount of sense now you might say well that can't be that good I mean The Hangover doesn't deal that much damage well well for some reason the hangover damage also exponentially increased and you could repeat the process over and over again to the point where you could deal thousands of damage in one Dionysus tick against enemies rest in peace that run hot too bad it was a wild time if you had if you ever restarted the game you'd have to do it all over again so the way the speedrun worked during that brief moment it was only for like half of a patch probably but the way the speed run worked was you would uh start a bunch of runs and get diagnosis and special and explosive return that you'd hit give up and then you'd start a real run after doing that four or five six times and you would just be melting everything Sheltering that is super specific I did not find that oh I wish I could remember you found it now try once again I don't know I don't remember what did I do with the spirit special well there was it wasn't really that the spear special like there was no glitch or anything like that it just dealt crazy amounts of damage back in the day way back common special game he just dealt like crazy damage so if you go back and watch not my very first speed run but it's just like the ones right after that on the YouTube channel here you'll see some old speed runs where I just I just throw the spear special out and I recall it and you would just deal crazy amounts vicious skewer was a really strong Hammer with a guaranteed rip on the return now it's only 50 they nerfed it to high heaven and but they nerfed it so hard it felt unfair they nerfed the base damage on this spear when they did that step one uh they nerfed the Hammers that you could get on the spear special and I think that same patch they nerfed Artemis overall to some degree or another I mean it was necessary but I think the spear special kind of never really recovered and so the base beer special I think is one of the weakest things in the game you can get it there's a couple of hammers that work really well with the you know like explosive uh exploding skewer charge skewer those are pretty good but the bass just feels like I think the bass just feels really bad I'm dead I was so certain I was dead in that that that moment right there stand cell okay we're live yeah I feel like relative to the other that was very close I think relative to the other weapons I have to be like the spear special outside of guanyu it just starts off weaker than mostly other things wow it was a nice room very quick very quick Artemis is call again baby hmm I'm gonna see much weaker than now or maybe you're remembering incorrectly um I used to take a lot of Athena I think I don't remember now Athena used to have much much much higher percentage modifiers for some reason they were higher than aphroditees they rebalanced everything around that stuff later on but Athena I think had the highest percent modifiers in the game and so you would see a lot of Athena back then oh darn it was almost I was about to Meg we were close same nightbot is on Twitch no I had to make separate everything again isn't Artemis much better back then like the plus cast amount is regular Moon Yeah you could get fully loaded as just a boon from Artemis it wasn't a legendary it wasn't a legendary um where did we see that oh yeah it's just one of my old speed runs also Mirage shot hey my stock supposed to return he got excited Mirage shot didn't exist for a while and instead they had you know a mirage shot equivalent called dual shot that Artemis could just give you as just like a tier two boon not even a Duo we have ferocious guard I guess we'll see what Zeus gives us useful okay yeah I think they they they started off with Cass being a lot stronger than a lot of people recognizing and then the speedrun community started to recognize it finally and that's when they're like oh we gotta change this because I think cast bills back then just weren't really well received disagree like people didn't really try them rip I don't think I don't think they were really around the Duos exist Duos I pretty sure always existed but not all of them down down [Music] welcome Michael thank you welcome Linus yeah cast builds are just uh they're a big reason why Hades has so much uh their uh variation and playability and everything mm-hmm Zeus ah congrats Hunter can't thank you so much sandbox mode they could have I think a lot of that's a big ask and I suspect that they are they're going to do it for Hades too because it's like a big thing that a lot of players ask for they could just make it so it's like a super late unlock right where you can spawn things like Hammers and Boons into skelly's room just as an example right um so imagine you could just spawn things and test it out on a Skelly right they obviously like cast builds too yeah I mean they put in a ton of effort uh into some of those final aspects uh like Beowulf and hair beowulfs especially they created a whole new set of cast Boons just for Beowulf when Beowulf came around because they added all the flares in uh so that was a lot of work for one aspect in the game they also wound up sharing that with Hera but they didn't do that right away three thousand bees what's up thank you so much uh for the membership welcome to the house of alien do I think an endless mode in Hades would be cool I can't uh I can't really say time to go I'll take anything in a sense I'm sure whatever they put in it could be cool right could be interesting I think they'll probably do a good job um I think it could be good I think endless modes are really hard to do though I think LS modes are really hard to do in games like this all right common special I'm not gonna do I'm still not gonna do chaos I mean I guess you could say let's just roll the dice since it's just a common but um that was very close come on buddy come on dude my Moses oh Zeus again is very lucky if we get jolted or the call of course yo Dave [Music] what's up thank you so much for those 20 months what's up Detroit just got docs baby just got doxed o [Music] you can't over get over the fact how stupid 60 I said to house how I made a video about how stupid 640 is we're just having fun man jolted baby let's go we can have fun doing this it's not that I necessarily plan to beat the run but it was really exciting just to reach as Fidel earlier today once honestly when the challenge is this High you set your own standards you know what I mean if you just start out speed running a game you don't compare yourself to the world record for the first time that you do it you know what I'm saying that that's just gonna you're just gonna be destined to uh failure if you're only happy with being the best on the first try nice run we got going on here I think this is a good enemy setup for us okay one on the special we do have that jolt so maybe there's a chance we get a little bit further anything else that might work with 64 heat the only thing that's uh third Zoo spoon wow the only thing that other one that the community has agreed might be doable is actually zag Shield interestingly okay I gotta be careful how we do this okay now we Meg no I thought it missed oh come on special just kept flying out at random enemy enemies there and the call that'll help for now but it's probably what we have to sell at this rate that's something definitely the key okay okay okay okay well weapon to finish the first run uh uh I mean it's hard to go wrong with The Shield I like the bow but it takes a bit more to get used to I think a lot of people would agree but you can really Turtle things out and use the shield charge a lot honestly you could probably just go with whatever weapon you like the most grab the zag aspect for the cheap Titan blood and go that way and you'll get it you'll get it Rama requires too much setup it's the one dash that kills something like Rama Rama also kind of requires two useful hammers whereas this aspect only needs one useful hammer why is actually all well you still get the bull rush charge to help with movement and also just blocking and I don't know something I'm not really starting to have but some people have gotten really far with uh zag aspect and like uh charge shot hammer don't ask me it's harder to clear the damage control all right here's the hammy 100 guaranteed congrats 100K thank you oh thanks for teaching me you how to play the game you're welcome you're welcome and explosive return incoming God if we got explosive return now this would actually be like the juiciest run by a lot not even on the menu we don't have enough time either it looks nice looking room here at least no no no no no no no no no no no no can we see mag can we see mag it's not even the last chamber no bold even can we see mag can we see Meg oh we got dams let's go baby would you consider a 64 heat run legitimate if one Pro 50 noobs gather together with Noobs fishing for epic Zeus first run technically it would be an unmoded 64. I mean I think you have to at that point right would you agree if that's how it had to happen I mean that's one way to look at it but I don't know if you're gonna find enough people devoted enough to try to farm those kinds of things and not to mention like how often is this actually coming up right okay so we it would definitely be that's that's probably one of the ways that we could do it so you get someone like Angelic be like hey we're gonna fish seeds on your computer using like a virtual machine or whatever and we'll let you know when we hit one you better be available all the time though ah we already we're already up in kills here so Thanatos go for it honey Francisco welcome to the house of alien thank you so much go ahead fan get some kills I'll let you have it holy God how many have to die at Thanatos how many have to die honey I could I 100 be you Thanatos it was not even close honey sweating over here now um you just take hydraulic Mite to sell here potentially fish two seeds at a time with the right software yeah so if you like multi-box the game or whatever I don't know we have four Boons in our possession with zero seconds left on the timer essentially I guess I'm gonna do that hello Fury sisters I'm gonna beat 64 heat where where in my title does it sound like I'm I'm gonna beat it I said attempts until my sanity is gone that was a long time ago uh uh the deadline got us what can you do uh what can you do right is there a special dialogue if uh no I don't think there's dialogue there's a special title if you get if you make it so thin get zero kills [Music] send me back Buttercup babe hmm I I think I think uh my eyes are pretty worn out at this point so I think we do one more we do one more with the spec where we get a special let's just make it epic huh let's make it epic sanity officially at zero I guess right what's the game where you have to worry about your sanity is that like phasmo no it's not phasma oh you know what I'm thinking of I'm thinking of something like really in particular uh I'm thinking of uh does anyone remember that's the yag Saron fight and ulduar and World of Warcraft I think that's what I'm thinking of we had to manage sanity nope to do it let me back request more runs of tape the tape it's no big deal uh I don't I don't I don't think so maybe I got something again maybe when they update it oh don't starve at sanity you're right it did I totally forgot I totally forgot sorry we're on a delay so I'm probably super late in responding to this I totally forgot about Don't Starve sanity well I was so hyper focused on not starving to death in that game that I I don't think I ever actually hit like the sanity for the most part oh darkest dungeon too oh yeah I guess there's actually plenty of things huh um dredge I've heard great things about that game Someday I'm gonna have to visit it yeah I forgot something dude [Music] Thai title line would be more forgiving if we change some things about it I don't know so tight deadline is normally fine right and it requires you to have a bit more knowledge about the game right where you need to know about how do mid-shops work that you should always take them that you never skip an event room maybe you're gonna have to take a chaos gate increase your odds of getting Fountain rooms by skipping things like trials and stuff like that right explosive return okay I don't know so it's it's I don't it's it's it's not I don't think there's really it's not there's any one thing that's a problem here it's just that choosing to turn every single thing on is the problem and the games just wasn't designed for this to be how it's played and that's okay I think an unbeatable challenge like this it just makes it interesting I don't think we should be mad really you know what I mean unless you've beaten every other heat up to 63 and you felt like you needed more challenge I don't think there's any reason to be upset about it okay that's the way I'm looking at it so yeah chat no complaining unless you've beaten 63. uh all right special please come on [Music] let's go one more where we actually get a special Boon because that's slightly more important than explosive return how was it in supergiants previous games I wish I knew more about it I think that they're also like incredibly difficult what's the highest heat I've done uh 57. yeah but I know Bastion and transistor had it right had a similar modular difficulty systems um the pack is sealed so they're definitely no stranger to adding components like this to the game like the idea there's always a higher heat level to Aspire to the beat no matter how good you are I think that's a good way of looking at it there will always be a challenge here if you choose to take it most people would just choose to stop at some point though right [Music] um how viable is Athena's Dash I mean if you get it amazing but with one dash it's actually not as important as it kind of would be you know big differences between my 57 heat and 64. I have one the big ones are I have one dash I have no stubborn Defiance those are the biggest things uh I can't remember my pack setup it is somewhere here on the YouTube though I can't remember my exact Pack set up for 57 though all right this is it we only got common in Forge we got a palm in second room that's pretty good at least delicious hmm I'll have to look I wonder what packs up I did do there the Hades heat system is great though yeah I don't I don't think it really needed to be changed maybe like before anything would change I would love I would really want to see like test it you have a beta have multiple people try it out semi-publicly to determine like is this really the right thing for the game all right help me out Athena and that attack moon was good an attack moon is good now's a really quick room too okay heat system or dead cells boss cell system okay so I got a cheeky answer and then I got my real answer I think here so I'll take the modular difficulty that we have in Hades because uh that's been a great source of uh tips that I get to provide people in terms of The Pact of punishment and what they should take people have to come find my my heat guide to in order to beat 32 heat so keep bringing that on here but I think in reality normally The Pact of punishment if you're not going to look up outside sources is kind of require a lot of experimentation and it kind of just depends what kind of player you are I think at that point whereas dead cells it has a very strict here's the highest difficulty here's the medium difficulty essentially blah blah blah blah blah and that's better for people with who don't want to necessarily spend tens of hours experimenting with all these different things you know what I mean ooh boldly very nice um that's better for uh certain types of players and it adds it's a lot simpler obviously too not in a negative way but it's simpler sometimes players want something that's simpler a lot of people will ask even like what's the first heat I should take and it's like well just try it try one let me know how it goes kind of thing you know what I mean let's try it there's no harm you lose one run it's no big deal nice mag that's a beaut we like it I think it hit three creation of them okay haven't been hit yet I think right no you can't sell nurse soul and it does literally nothing I don't think you roll though I don't think you roll though God that is so bad that is so bad at least rare crop would have done something that cell's difficulty curve is too steep I kind of feel that way too but I guess that's neither here nor there at the end of the day God it's a bad luck there's really not much we want from Demeter but we just want something that we can at least sell you know what I'm saying ooh attack turkey no I don't think so recommendations for roguelikes with a short run time ah now that's that's a good question and it's really hard to answer because for some reason most roguelikes have a rather lengthy run time even the action ones like deck builders are kind of notoriously long I think a lot of times like you're looking at a couple hours for most of those um Amber Knights is okay that game recently came out it's pretty good it's a pretty good in terms of run time it's okay you can get it down pretty low but starting out you're probably looking at about an hour maybe even a little long maybe even a little more if you actually get toward the end of a run when you first start come on come on come on come on go go go go go uh uh let's see what else can we say undermine is like really long runs wizard of Legend I can't remember how long those are I'm not sure dungeons runs are pretty long I think especially if you do any amount of extra floors that just really depends how you want to look at it gunfire reborn pretty long runs great game but they're not short that's the thing that's the one thing that like I feel like that's I'm chasing the dragon with Hades trying to find a game that like can I get a game that's like 30 maybe 40 minutes per run you know what I mean but they're like impossible to find do we reach the end no we did not reach go go go go go come on [Music] we need something Zoo I guess we're selling the attack we don't have time though oh ferocious guard is not great but it does something more Athena 32 seconds there's not a whole lot else you could get here I guess well you could get the dash I don't even know if that's that good though I'm just gonna take that it's no use 31 seconds 20 minutes till dawn yeah we can keep you waiting ladies it's hard it depends like uh what style of game kind of too ah bag foreign I think those kind of wind up being a different category for me ring of pain yeah if you look if well God I love ring of pain you didn't make it what can I say chatties hmm yeah something like uh 20 minutes sold on maybe you know what I mean something like 20 and slow down that was a close fight though what can we do well I think there goes my sanity right about them thank you all so much for coming what the hell is that excellent twitch chat showing up on the screen so we saw Meg just twice we three times that might have been only the second time uh we only beat her once we got pretty close to learning in one of the runs but that was pretty tough unfortunately well thank you all so much for coming this was mostly just to celebrate 100K say thank you I really appreciate anyone who showed up both today who watches YouTube videos who likes who comments you know I thank you so much y'all have enabled me to be able to do this for almost three years now you know since October of 2020 couldn't do it without you so thank you all so much thanks for sticking around for the insanity I hope you all have a beautiful weekend be kind to each other be kind to yourselves and I hope to see you on Monday or in the YouTube comments or wherever okay all right thank you awesome
Channel: Haelian
Views: 28,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, speedrun, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, let's play, review, rogue, roguelike, roguelite, guide, world, record, wr, best, walkthrough, tips, tricks, action, rpg, live, 64, max, heat, difficulty, hard, mode, shield
Id: D8o4mWZs3Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 35sec (11255 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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