How to be a Warrior Cat | OCB2 Round 5

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[Music] hello everyone akira here and to welcome to round 5 a warrior cats OC battle - in this round we are going to look at all responses to this question but first I will need to look at the voting results for round org to see which cats made the top three if you haven't watched the other rounds yet I would recommend you do so first anyways last time you all voted on 24 names submitted by the seven remaining contestants in this contest the three OCS who receive the most votes for their top name will advance to the top three we're not getting enough votes in round three lion tuft poison Fang and Raven Frost will be eliminated unless they got first and round fours bow the remaining for OCS are simply trying to receive enough votes to make the top three and avoid the danger zone now time for the results we'll start with Swift strike her top name is rose thorn she got 62 votes this round unless a cat returns only one at risk cat will be sent to the danger zone next up we have lion tuft his top name is morning shadow lion tough needs first to be safe and he has 75 votes which is more than swift strike he is safe for now up next we have petal thorn his top name is Gayle spring he got 24 votes that is less than Swift straight so things are not looking good for puddle thorn since lion tuft is currently in first swift striking puddle form both remain at risk now we got Raven Frost her top name is locust storm he needs first to stay in the competition she got 57 votes which is impressive but not as much as lying tough so raven frost is eliminated our girl yen pause next she barely escaped the danger zone last time will she do better this time well yes she got 96 votes that's more than lion tuft that means unfortunately lion tucked is eliminated on a more positive note swift strike and Yin paw are both safe the next cat is poison Fang his top name is Wei bar he needs ninety seven votes to avoid elimination he got 49 votes unfortunately poison Fang is also eliminated finally we have falcon wing who got first last round which gave him the advantage of having three more names than the other cats one of those names echo mist became his top name so does he escape the danger zone well yeah he got 94 votes which is far more than petal thorn so Falcon wing is safe here is another look at the results lion tuft Raven frost and poison Fang are eliminated Puddle thorn is being sent to the danger zone and the other three are safe here are the top three if you are interested here are the voting results for all 24 names Yin pod did get first but since we are getting so close to the end no more prizes will be handed out we have to keep things fair also puddle thorn will be the last cat to be part of the danger zone in round 6 we are looking for a top 2 and nothing extra anyways it's time for one final send-off for poison bang who is created by spotted buyer and received seventh place Raven Frost who is created by breezy firm way and receives six plays and lion tuft who was created by dappled us and received fifth place it was fun having you all be part of this competition moving on to the question of this round which is about the advice that our o C's would give to a cat who just became warrior one of the most important things about creating characters is making sure that your OC learned something by the end of the story this question is a good way of seeing what our four remaining o C's have learned in their lives also I am bringing back the alphabet cats so you won't know which cat is which since link spell is the name that got first the alphabet cats of this round will look like her we'll start with Eska s cat's advice is to remember that you are not alone for every challenge of your life there was a cat that will stand by your side you need to embrace the relationships that you share because they are what holds you together T cat's advice is to not be afraid in particular don't be afraid to ask for help there is always someone around who can help and ignoring them will make your life harder for no reason you can't warns us about the dangers of overworking yourself it is important to be loyal and serve to the best of your ability but if you aren't careful your loyalty can turn into a desperate need to be important which will only end up making you vulnerable finally we have Vika who gives us a long response to the question which starts off by stating that becoming a warrior doesn't change who you are this cat expected so much out of their future that they we're not thinking about the present we get some advice about not waiting to act and speaking up when you need to and we end with a little motivation nice so that concludes all the advice that our top or OCS would give to a new warrior remember if you are in the top 4 don't share which response was yours it's a secret for voting you must choose your one favorite response and leave a comment with the letter of that cap in either parentheses or brackets if you are in the top or you are not allowed to vote but you can still comment on this video for your OC to receive 20 bonus folks anyways voting will continue until this video is 48 hours old I will reveal the results of the voting and the identity of s through Vika and round six time for some fan art if you would like your fan art to be shown in round 6 send it to me on TV NR or Amina round six will be your last opportunity to have your fan are in this contest [Music]
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 40,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, oc, contest, animation, analysis
Id: b1Wv_EKUhN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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