Was 9/11 an Inside Job?

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hello everyone welcome to the episode of decoding the unknown that is absolutely gonna get me uh all sorts of messages on Twitter that I don't want to get from people who are conspiracy theorists that are crazy and I'm really into conspiracy theories believe all the wild [ __ ] that we're obviously gonna disprove in today's video because we are doing the uh somewhat requested was 9 11 an inside job Adler if I haven't revealed my opinion on this it's like obviously not and look I'll look at some conspiracy theories and be like handsome there's something there that's a weird one there's definitely I I don't think your specific answer to this conspiracy theory dear tin foil out right where it is correct but I do think that something like the JFK thing it's like there is some something weird is going on there I don't know what it is but it's like that ain't added up like something is weird going on there with 911 uh it's just like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and um so Jaron who who wrote this episode whose name is spelled very differently and I apologize in advance if I I screwed up again he wrote me and he said I really want to do this one time because I used to believe this and I'm like you what now and to be fair I have talked about this before and I remember seeing a documentary when I was a teenager and I think jerem was was pretty young I think I probably mentioned this but I think he was young when he when he thought this and I remember being a teenager and being convinced that the moon landing was faked because I saw this documentary and it was like this happened and then this happened and there's all this evidence and I'm like oh my God it's fake and then the documentary had this crazy twist where it's like and uh no actually it was all real and here's why all of the stuff we told you in the first half is easily disprovable and um yeah and then afterwards I was like well that made me feel like an idiot but that documentary I remember to this day and it was super eye-opening so let's crack this Red Bull that's the sound of that kid has been sleeping terribly so this is live it off caffeine these last couple of days it's been brutal um and what better what better time than that to jump into this bag of worms let's go [Music] guys we've talked about them before we'll talk about them again they are absolutely one of my favorite sponsors it is their sea shoes what are their seats well they are simply the best shoes that you will ever wear Bessie started sponsoring me and honestly I'd not heard of Essie until they started sponsoring so it's like some sponsors I'd use before they even sponsored me which was cool but this doesn't matter why am I telling this story it's not important vessi came along they sent me a pair of shoes I tried them out they sponsored at me and I have not worn a I mean that's a lie I've worn like slippers and if I had to wear like really smart shoes I have but basically 99 of my shoe wearing has been vessies over the last two years they have an incredible range of shoes I had their classic pair first now I'm pretty much constantly ah there we go wearing this pair of Chelsea vessi boots they're fantastic but you know they look like normal shoes but these are fully waterproof this isn't some water resistant this is dimertex which is the material they use that's not important to me what is important to me is these act like a pair of wellingtons I was going through they say Splash around in puddles for me to to show you I was in a river up to here it's like wearing Wellington Boots it's absolutely ridiculous they also make more regular shoes you know these are their sporty pair which are great they also have these slip-ons these I haven't worn yet they still smell so new which I love I mean I'd love to wear them but I keep them nice and shiny for you guys to see I've got other pairs as well look what do I have to say about vessies other than what is there to say they're the best shoes I wear nothing else it's not even a joke if another shoe company came along and we're like sorry we have to sponsor you I'd be like I can't I only wear bessies vesi's early Black Friday sale is on now that he's giving away a pair of socks of your choice the first 100 shoes sold using my special code unknown get the style and size you want before they sell out check out their early Black Friday sale at vesi.com free shipping to two I there's a lot of shortcuts for countries CA Canada must be us obvious Australia Japan TW I don't even know krsgp look if you're in those countries you're going to know the shipping is free and if your country is not on there well you'd know it like I'm from the UK it's not on there or Czech Republic Where I Live Now CZ it's not on there but I know you know why are we over explaining this that's how to do it take advantage get those Free socks right now and um yeah bestie.com and back to today's they say every American remembers the exact moment when they heard the news about the September 11th attacks I I also do I was in detention because I was at school it's like lunchtime and I was uh I was in detention because I've forgotten my gym kit and I just decided that was the punishment for getting my gym kit I didn't really mind because detention's kind of worth it but not having to do gym or as we call it PE or games it's weird that in in the UK we call Sport like when you play sport in the afternoons you'd have to like we'd have to do football and rugby and all of this [ __ ] that I hated or Cricket God forbid and uh it was called games which is very disappointing because if someone told me yeah you've got afternoon of games I'll be like Wicked man can we play GTA 5 and be like oh no not by games we mean Sport and I'm like there are no things that are different more different to me they literally recall where they were what they were doing and the sinking feeling in their gut is they realized the magnitude of what was happening it's as if they all had the memory of that Dreadful day you seared into their minds forever works out for me I was only a year old whoa Jared is Young oh my God I was a teenager I'm feeling old right now shower's a year old he was born in 2000. amazing like 22. oh my god I'm an old man I was 14. oh no but growing up in the US Post 9 11 meant that I heard about it all the time especially on its anniversary which was when schools would show students footage of the attacks and talk about it extensively they probably went a bit over the top when they showed a bunch of 11 year olds videos of people jumping out of the towers but I guess it did his job because I definitely haven't forgotten about it in the years since come to think of it maybe that was just my school I never really asked anyone else yeah I don't know I live I remember it so I remember that happening no one in school ever showed those videos after us it was like and these are the people trying to escape an inferno and jump into their deaths why why I mean never forget completely agree with that sentiment but also do we really need it's like there was a plane crash we don't need to look at the bodies why would we do this one thing it certainly accomplished though was getting me to do a bit of research on my own outside of school and boy is the internet a wonderful place for an impressionable young mind I quickly came across the vast conspiracy surrounding the 9 11 attacks and as I delved deeper and deeper I became more and more convinced that they must have been true the government and media were a bunch of liars the public were a bunch of mindless sheep and I was among the only enlightened free-thinking intellectuals who knew the truth I've mentioned this before there's a certain member of my family who uh like believes in in this and not a dumb person smart man very smart man and but it's just like there's that part of your brain which this appeals to and it's just like some people just that activates for them and it's just weird and I'm just like okay mate just believe whatever you want to believe but good Lord no like you're in the minority thankfully I've distanced myself from conspiracy theories since then and these days I don't Place very much faith in any of the major ones but even without me in recent years conspiracies about 9 11 have only gotten more popular with a survey a couple of years ago showing that as many as half of all Americans believe the government is hiding something about that Infamous day well that's fine that's very different from believing like that it was it's not black and white it's not like it was a conspiracy theory and it was perpetrated by the US government to launch a war in Afghanistan for some reason which is like yeah because that worked out great two trillion dollars down the whole later I I but for God knows what reason but like believing that the government's hiding something sure okay yeah there's probably tons of [ __ ] that the government's hiding about all sorts of benigns but it's not like to the extent that they perpetrated it maybe there's just something that they don't want you to know about that's fine I could totally I I probably believe that I probably fall into that half do I believe that the the vast majority of what's presented as the truth is the truth yes entirely but I am a sheep personally I don't think the number is that high but it's definitely up there so there's a big chance that some viewers are watching right now even hold some of the beliefs we'll go over in this episode today we're going to crack open the huge can of worms that is 911 covering everything from the more common CIA planting bombs in the towers and George Bush planning the whole thing all the way to the more ridiculous the more ridiculous George Bush plan 911 the CIA planted bombs that is already on the scale of one to ridiculous that is beggar in the ridiculous level like alien involvement and of course Simon's favorite Prophet Nostradamus oh yeah but these are just like obviously silly I mean the George Bush thing is obviously silly but these are like not no that's that's not not where a part of your brain is broken but that's like no you are stupid so that's just that's not what I was saying about my uh family member who's smart but has that part of his brain broken this is like no no no this that's for dumb people the Nostradamus stuff is for dumb people we'll do our best levo Stern unturned and hopefully put some of these Mysteries to bed once and for all so is there more to 911 than meets the eye let's find out the official narrative before we get into the supposed plot holes let's start with the story of what happened that day or what some would call the official narrative between about 8 AM and 8 40 am four passenger Jets two Boeing 767s and two seven five sevens take to the skies on what probably feels like a fairly normal day the sun is shining the sky is blue and the temperature is nice and cool the two 767s the American Airlines flight 11 and United Airlines flight 175 both take off from Boston are expected to arrive in Los Angeles the 2757s are American Airlines flight 77 taking off from an airport in Virginia also heading to Los Angeles and United Airlines Flight 93 taking off from New Jersey and heading to San Francisco within an hour and a half all four of these planes will be hijacked by a total of 19 members of al-Qaeda armed with an assortment of box cutters pepper spray and mace bomb threats are also made but has never been determined if the bombs were legitimate or not at 8 46 am flight 11 crashes into the North Face of the North Tower at an angle that smashes through multiple floors but between the 93rd and 99th traveling at around 500 miles an hour loaded with thousands of gallons of jet fuel the explosion is the equivalent to 480 000 pounds of TNT a huge fire up and First Responders start heading to the site then just 60 minutes later the South Tower is hit by flight 175 crashing between the 77th and 85th floors resulting in a similar explosion and an equally massive bar evacuations are now underway in both Towers but between the thousands of people fleeing far smoke and debris many people are either trapped on their floor or slowly making their way out with the crowds people above the impact points have little chance of Escape in the North Tower not a single person makes it out from these doomed floors and in the South Tower it's only 18. as the nation watches the towers burn in the news another Target is struck at 9 37 flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon at this point U.S airspace is completely shut down most incoming flights are and all aircraft in the sky are ordered to land at the nearest airport but it's already too late just before 10 AM the South Tower begins to crumble and completely clamp forever disappearing from the New York City skyline followed soon by the North Tower just 30 minutes later as the north air collapsed heavy debris smashed into another nearby building seven World Trade Center also known as Tower 7 causing fires and serious structural damage that led to its collapse later that day just before the North Tower Falls the last hijacked plane flight 93 is heading for the final Target which was later determined to be either the White House or the U.S Capitol but as the jet cruises over Pennsylvania the passengers who had heard about the other attacks when calling their loved ones decided to take matters into their own hands while fighting to regain control of the plane flight 93 goes down crashing into a field and killing everyone on board in total 2996 people died in the attacks around 6 000 were injured and in the years since well over a thousand people have developed cancer as a result of the dust and toxins inhaled when the towers collapsed it is the single deadliest terror attack in history one of the deadliest days for the United States since the country's creation civilians of 102 different countries were among the dead and as of September 2021 there are still over a thousand bodies that have yet to be identified after examining the passenger list and identifying the hijackers it was determined that Al-Qaeda was behind the attacks and the United States demanded that Taliban extradite Osama Bin Laden and other perpetrators out of Afghanistan to be tried for terrorism the Taliban refused and so the United States led a coalition of allies to remove them from power and hunt down Al-Qaeda this would lead to 20 years of combat in Afghanistan kicking off the global war on terror and would pull the U.S and its allies into several more military conflicts and the world would never be the same again now that's the official story I barely interrupted it even it's just I don't feel this you're talking about the deadliest terrorist attack ever there's not a lot of commentary you can really add to that and people were already questioning everything early websites books and radio stations started throwing their support behind the 911 truth movement demanding that the government respond to accusations of involvement one such documentary was particularly successful loose exchange I vaguely remember hearing about this which was released in 2005 and was quickly spread through the internet in fact it is one of the documentaries that I stumbled upon when I was younger or at least so I thought it turns out the original Loose Change had so many flaws in it that the creators ended up releasing three newer versions of it each time updating their narrative and taking away some of the stuff that had been thoroughly disproven but even after several segments have been cut out the 2007 version was still more than two hours long but don't worry this episode won't be two hours long and will do a much more honest job of covering what really happened so without further Ado let's dive in oh Jaren I mean it could be to As Long with all of my additions no we're okay we're 13 minutes in they judging by how far I am down the place this will clock in at just under an hour let's see how uh I'll probably way off who knows absurdity we're going to start with the theories that are so insane that I'm not even going to bother debunking them because if you actually believe these you probably need to say see a psychiatrist it's like yeah the Nostradamus stuff is like predicted in a book so many years ago that the towers wasn't there also a webdings thing where it's like if you and I can't I don't think this was true but it's like if you type in the flight number and 911 it's got like two planes and two towers uh in like webdings or wingdings or whatever it's called and it's like okay what's the person who made wingdings it's like behind us and it's like yeah no no it's a coincidence stop it whatever's going on here stop it immediately we'll just read them off and let you make your own conclusions number We're not gonna do that I mean you're gonna do that Jared and then I'm gonna be like yes crazy if you believe this you have a tiny brain so let's go number one it wasn't planes that at the Twin Towers Believers of this Theory positive instead of plane hitting the Twin Towers there's actually missiles presumably launched by the US governments except there's videos of planes crashing into Towers like videos especially the second tower there was like because the first one had already had a plane crash into it there were probably hundreds or thousands of cameras pointed at it seeing another plane crash into the second one that's insane videos and photos we've seen of them were doctored to make them look like passenger Jets what every single video that was taken that's thousands of videos and people on the ground were fooled by an advanced hologram surrounding the rockets and of course a plane didn't hit the Pentagon but instead a long-range missile fired from a U.S military base but we'll get to the Pentagon later this is broadly known as the no plane Theory and is actually so ridiculous that it has been banned from the more serious conspiracy sites number two it wasn't terrorists that hijacked the planes it was aliens this is even what the first one of our Holograms is ridiculous this is even more ridiculous this Theory suggests that the reason the government Never released the cockpit recording of the hijacked Jets is because they were speaking in an alien language or it's because when you crash a plane into a building they're not gonna find it because I mean kind of cockpit recorder survive that did they survive surely not they're not Invincible they're just really strong but it's not just got to survive a plane crash it's got to survive a plane crash and then tons of kerosene burning and then a building collapsing onto it I can't put the law and by building I mean skyscraper I can't for the life of me understand why aliens would fly thousands of light years through Interstellar space just to steal a few airplanes and then crash them into some buildings though I guess if it's true then we have to blame them for the creation of the TSA number three 911 was destined to happen because it's a because it fulfilled prophecy oh the Nostradamus thing here we go I'm excited let's get it let's get to work let's see what we gotta do yeah I tried to find the original Nostradamus prediction that supposedly describes the attack but every time I found a credible sounding quote I would find another website debunking it as a fake quote there's even a quote signed Nostradamus 1654 but this wasn't possible because he would have only been already been dead for more than 80 years by that time so I think we can safely write off any of this vague obnoxious prophecies one of the most widespread 911 Visions was even put out there by Canadian graduate student show the world how easy it is to spread fake garbage on the internet but Nostradamus wasn't the only Clairvoyant to leave his mark on our story I'd like to introduce you to Baba vanga a Bulgarian woman who lost her eyesight at the age of 12 when a tornado chucked her into a field apparently her eyes crossed over with dirt and she never fully regained use of them this lady honestly deserves her own episodes or keep this brief but she supposedly left predictions for the next 5 000 or so years ending with the time when she believed the universe will end I don't speak Bulgarian so I don't know how her Legacy has held up in her home country but I do know she's an incredibly popular topic among the Russian equivalents of the History Channel oh no we're experts say that a prophecies have had an 85 success rate I'm already calling Bush on this it's the history is a Russian History Channel it's going to be even more misinformation than the regular History Channel so what did she have to say about 9 11 why is a quote from 1988 horror horror the American Brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel Birds the Wolves will be howling in a bush and innocent blood will be gushing so the only thing is anywhere close to being relevant there is well it's an attack on America and steel Birds could definitely be interpreted as planes so America will be attacked with planes that could be literally any War can is there a single War where planes have existed that a country has not been attacked by Steel Birds chill out lady chill out I can feel Simon rolling his eyes already so let's move on from the prophecies to get into something equally ridiculous anti-Semitism oh there's never a good conspiracy if you can't throw some Jew hate in there come on there indeed exists a conspiracy that the Jewish population in New York was warned of the attacks before they happened giving them ample time to avoid the towers or get out of them before they were hit especially the financial workers that are offices there I'm seriously not making this up thankfully it's easily disproven when you look at the data based on the victims whose religion was known an estimated 10 to 15 percent of the victims were Jewish which I would guess is like completely representative of the number of people who were Jewish who worked in the building so meaning that three to four hundred of them were killed clearly they weren't warned ahead of time or that number would be zero right I mean come on this took me a simple Google search and apparently the Jews were warned to show up to work that day and were told directly by Israeli intelligence who were actually the true masterminds behind the whole attack hoping to frame their enemies and get the us to go to war in the Middle East it's easier ways to do this this is so stupid these theories gain serious popularity in places like Iran I mean yeah they would but why do they have to gain popularity elsewhere where news articles have randomly thrown around numbers between 500 and 10 000 Jews skipping work that day their Source trust me bro these theories are nothing more than a convenient way to stir up anti-Semitism in Iran no no the Pentagon now that we've gotten those out of the way let's tackle some of the more serious theories ones that at least attempt to bring forward some kind of evidence well it's like they tried to bring forward evidence it's like all the Jews that go to it now they did they did oh come on bro trust me trust me you gotta trust him look at those eyes first up let's talk about the Pentagon the attack on the Pentagon is often overshadowed by the catastrophic Tower collapses but it's one of the main arguments in the shadowy world of conspiracies the official narrative says that American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon damaging one of the Wings and starting a few fires there are two main alternative theories on this one but both agree that flight 77 never crashed the first Theory says that are instead a remote controlled fighter jet that caused the damage and the other slightly more popular theory states that an air-to-surface missile was fired from the wing of the passenger jet before it flew away or that a missile was fired from a military base yeah but no what about the plane and the people who died on the plane and the video of the plane again I do I do not understand add all those balls down to the impact on the Building compared to the aircraft as one author put it how does a plane 120 five feet wide and 155 feet long fit into a hole which is only 60 feet across um isn't that because like the like the wings are not like if a plane slamming into a building right the wings are going to cause some damage but not that much but that Center core that's gonna really like punch in there it's a great question on the surface because a quick glance at the hole in the Pentagon shows that it isn't quite as wide as a Boeing 757 the other piece of evidence is the grainy CCD view footage showing the moment of impact the plane is too fast to get caught in a single frame all we see is clear blue sky and then suddenly in the next frame there is an explosion however if you look very closely in the frame just before the explosion a small thin white object protrudes from the right here are the before and after frames with the mysterious partial object circled in red okay okay there we go yeah you'll see it on screen now so these are the before and after frames um all right okay these look like the same picture oh I see I see it's really small okay it's just poking in there this apparently the noise of the plane poking in for just a brief moment but theorists believe this is inconclusive and more likely to be a missile other suspicious pieces of evidence include an alleged difficult air aerial maneuver and the inexperienced hijacker pilot would have been unable to pull it off while flying that low and also Street lamps were knocked down without bringing the plane down and no remains of the aircraft were ever located on the site and this is where the theorists largely end their observations begin drawing their own conclusions but we can debunk all of this rather easily first of all there definitely were pieces of aircraft debris recovered at the crash site including the Black Box the landing gear and the cockpit yeah these are all major parts of planes guys come on DNA evidence was also gathered that matched the missing passengers and even the Chinese foreign Ministry confirmed the death of one of their citizens on the flight if this was actually a conspiracy I'd really like to know why China would want to help the United States yeah this is it the diplomacy that that would require would be insane and impossible so no as for the shape of the impact type that's pretty easy to explain as well professor of civil engineering meet sozan said a crashing debt doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building when flight 77 hit the Pentagon One Wing hit the ground and the other was sheared off by the pentagon's load-bearing columns this makes a ton of sense when you remember that the pilot probably wasn't experienced enough to avoid scraping the ground a few seconds before impact but I think there are two other serious issues with any Pentagon conspiracies if flight 77 didn't crash into the building then where did it go was it landed somewhere else where the passengers disposed of was it flown into the ocean it doesn't make any sense if you already have the plane hijacked you might as well use it instead of setting up an elaborate scheme to hide it before using a missile instead not to mention many passengers on board called their family members to tell them their plane had been hijacked and why would they have any reason to lie along with the passengers plenty of of people on the ground gave eyewitness testimony of the plane crash but conspiracy theories just simply say that these people were confused mate they are not the confused ones come on as it's just so much evidence to the contrary it's like why can't we just objectively look at it and be like oh my God there's so much evidence saying this happened and so little saying it didn't why do you have to focus on the little bit that says it didn't in fact I haven't really seen any evidence other than that photo where the front of the plane looks a bit pointy like a missile and I'm like okay that just it could be some sort of the camera looking at funny I I just it's just not enough it's nowhere near enough as for the missile I'm not in the military but wouldn't launching one from the base be a pretty obvious thing to everybody station there I have a hard time believing that every single engineer on Soldier on a base would keep their mouth shut for that long and there's no way it was fired from the plane either you can't just hook up an air-to-ground missile onto any ground vehicle that takes your fancy you need the proper attachments and these have to be connected to the cockpit so you can launch it with the Press of a button am I supposed to believe that the hijackers hurried and set all of that up before takeoff with nobody noticing you just look out the window there's a dude installing like a surface-to-ground missile on there be like why hey hey stewardess there's a man attaching a surface-to-ground missile to this plane why should we be concerned about that I know airport security was pretty minimal before 9 11 but surely they would have noticed someone sneaking in two thousand pound laser-guided Munitions I think we could totally say that flight 77 hit the Pentagon there's probably a listener right now that's frustrated how quickly I brushed off the Pentagon theories but I feel that they simply fall apart the moment you look deeper into them yes because you're absolutely right Jaron and anyone thinking this is just no no come on next up is Flight 93 the one that crashed into a Pennsylvania field when the passengers fought back against the hijackers the first Theory we'll cover is the fly 93 was shot down by the United States Air Force once they learned what was going on I'll be honest this is probably the most believable conspiracy theory in this episode but it still doesn't have any evidence to back it up yeah and that would be like okay yeah okay a hijack plane is headed toward Washington DC and there's already been two mass casualty events and now the pentagon's been hit yeah shoot it down totally reasonable and if the government wanted to cover up sure I could believe that if there was some evidence I'd find that very easy to believe but would they hide that I why would the government hide that they'd be like yeah we shot it down okay we killed a hundreds of billions but we had to we're really sorry but we had to it was an executive decision and that's how it works I'm really sorry but that's how it works it is what it is fighter jets were indeed scrambled to intercept the aircraft to f-16s but they didn't have time to get armed before taking off the pilots were actually prepared to Ram the hijackers had already agreed that one of them would Ram the tail and the other would Ram the cockpit to take the plane down and hopefully minimize collateral damage they never got the chance though Flight 93 went down before they got anywhere near it so yeah it's honestly possible that they shot it down and covered it up but that's just pure speculation theorists also point out that a standard crash doesn't account for how spread out the debris was at the crash site with chunks of metal flying for over a mile and some smaller pieces making it several miles before falling back to the ground for it to travel a mile that doesn't seem at all unreasonable it's a giant plane that is crashing into the ground at hundreds of miles per hour it's gonna go places but multiple experts have shown that this is not only possible but actually expected yes one of the engines for example flew for about 900 feet or 275 meters its location is completely consistent with the direction the plane was traveling and with its Airborne speed it would have only needed to fly forward for a few seconds after impact to make it that far and yes the engine was found only 900 feet from the rest of the fuselage don't listen to many conspiracy websites I found claiming that it was found several miles away in the opposite direction that is just a straight up lie among the sides that don't lie though it still seems odd to me that they expect a heavy fast passenger jet to crash into the ground and just stay neatly in one place Additionally the Black Box recorders for the plane relocated two days after and a fair amount of human remains had to be picked out of the wreckage some explanations state that the real Flight 93 actually landed in Ohio and that a second dummy plane was crashed into the field in its place and that the passengers were disposed of were hidden away why so there's a plane that's going to crash and what you've done is you've taken that plane and killed all the passengers and then you put a fake plane in the why why what's the motivation you've got the same results and it's obviously a lot more hassle to do at the conspiracy way while you go through all the trouble to set up a fake plane crash if you plan on killing all the passengers anyway is a mystery indeed now let's not forget Flight 93 also had passengers make phone calls to loved ones and the police when they realized what was happening according to the FBI a total of 37 phone calls were made during which the passengers learned of the unfolding situation and described their plans to storm the cockpit so how do you explain that away were they just confused or was it an elaborate government plot with voice modifying software as some of suggested I don't know about you but I'd be pretty pissed if I sacrificed my life to take down some terrorists I need to learn that everyone thought had actually landed at a secret NASA base and then been disposed of I don't know however it is it's gonna be like if you're involved in something this big there's gonna be some conspiracy theories you need Just Gotta Be You just like okay people are stupid gotta move on with my life I mean you can't move on with me enough because you're dead but like you get my meaning the Twin Towers now I finally arrived the most commonly held beliefs those surrounding the claps of the Twin Towers entire seven so let's start with the twin towers and it's called the conspiracy theory states that the Collision of the passenger Jets and the Burling of jet fuel is insufficient to explain the complete collapse of the buildings this is the origin of the jet fuel cart melts to your beams meme because Steel's melting point is 2750 degrees Fahrenheit or 1510 degrees Celsius while jet fuel Burns between 500 and 1 500 degrees Celsius but Fahrenheit or 420 and 815 degrees Celsius so the burning fuel is allegedly insufficient to explain the melting of the tower's structural beams this is the one that I always feel is like super obvious isn't it it's like you don't need to melt them they just need to become weaker and if that's enough to weaken them then there's a fat lot of building that's on top of them that's going to collapse down and then when that collapse is down it's gonna you know there's a whole lot of building below it that's going to collapse down it's not that complicated is it how did they collapse then well this brings us into the controlled demolition Theory the idea that the real cause of the collapse were bombs placed in the basement of the towers and that the planes were just a distraction eyewitnesses supposedly heard shaking and Booms from the lower floors before the collapse and on several videos you can see the windows near the base of the towers explode before those above them do isn't that just going to be pressure like increased pressure is going to break Windows like yep push down on something the bottom bits are going to break as well the lobbies were also visibly damaged long before the towers fell which is odd considering that the impacts are more than 80 stories up on top of all of that's curious debris falling down the elevator shafts maybe not sure about that one on top of all of this the way the towers fall down does indeed look like a control demolition would with minimal damage nearby structures as they collapse straight downward falling at near free full speeds well again isn't that that's how it's because when they design buildings if there is a catastrophic problem like this or a bomb or whatever they are designed to con like not just fall over and smash up half a city the backers of this Theory aren't all crackheads though and there are actually some pretty intelligent people that stand by it say for example Stevie Jones who has a PhD in physics and is known for his work in muon catalyzed Cold Fusion this is another issue I have so this guy is smart smart people believe in conspiracy theories and he's working on Cold Fusion which I mean also isn't that a pipe dream uh but irrelevant the thing is I think just because you're good at one thing doesn't mean you're good at everything and people often think that if you're successful or clever at one thing that means that you're good at other [ __ ] as well which is just not the case yep and this guy is not a structural engineer he's got a PhD in physics that's very very different fields you know it would be like okay Bill Gates is smart let's get his opinion on this it's like if he's it's his smartness doesn't have anything to do with this in 2005 Jones published his findings saying that after analyzing the dust from the collapse he found traces of red and white flecks apparently byproduct products of thermite explosions as well as iron-rich microspheres I found one of his papers from 2007 detailing his analysis of the collapse I was able to follow along during his explanations of how photos of Dripping molten metal have been seen and how white puffs of smoke coming out of the building are indicators of thermite explosives he also takes a sample of dust and runs a magnet along it pulling out the metallic bits so he can take a closer look at them under a microscope leading him to find the iron-rich microspheres that I just brought up now I'm no chemist but apparently the existence of these spherical iron bits means that the metal was at one point molten okay so this is like interesting because it wasn't it shouldn't have been hot to melt the things I was thinking it just has to weaken them no this is interesting Jones goes on to say that only thermite explosives could have brought the Iron and Steel to sufficient temperatures to create these microspheres that he found in the dust samples by the way if you're wondering the dassambles the analyzer mostly gathered by a woman living down the street from whenever when the towers collapsed apparently the dust flew through some of the holes in her window and she collected them in a jar that is not a particularly solid chain of evidence or enough that that is super weak that is not good enough especially because there would be tons of dust go get some dust from somewhere else and run more trials on dust that is more clearly evident evidently from the site that's not good enough at all this is one of the first times in a conspiracy that someone has actually brought forward legitimate evidence or at least legitimate enough to someone like me who isn't an expert so obviously I needed to keep digging when reading more about Jones I found out that he was a professor at Brigham Young University in Utah and as I happened to live just a couple of hours drive from there I wondered if I might get the chance to ask him a few questions in person Legend unfortunately it turns out that he went into early retirement from his professorship quite a long time ago and the receptionist I spoke to didn't have any way to contact him good for you Jaren thanks for I mean good effort mate after looking into it a bit it turns out he actually accepted early retirement onto some serious pressure after being put on paid leave by University administrators once he started posting his 911 papers on the school's official website uh oh so while I would like to bring you more analysis on those thermite byproducts and microspheres we're going to have to move on again I just there's not enough data there there's not enough information and also that chain of custody for that dust is not buggy good enough like if this really is a thing there'll be other people collecting dust and doing these same studies and looking into this more the fact that that hasn't happened and that this isn't accepted is just points to this just not being a thing there's no one else he's got some Dustin has done this at all come on to start with reports of booms and shaking in the ground before the towers went down are simply incorrect seismographs placed 21 miles north of the Tas picked up the whole event on their graphs you can clearly see the impacts of the planes register as a sudden bump in the graft graph and then a short while later you can see a much larger Spike of the crumbling Towers conspiracy theories okay so we're looking at this now wow that's so crazy you can see these on this graph it will be on the screen now that's really interesting conspiracy says that a collapsing skyscraper wouldn't bring about such sudden intense seismic activity and that the only explanation for this abrupt shaking is explosives here's the graph for you the huge red and black spikes are each of the towers are collapsing but this right here is a classic way to misrepresent data notice at the bottom of the graph the x-axis shows the truck has a whole 30 minutes of data yes but the collapse of the towers only took 8 to 10 seconds each so of course in comparison it looks like a single Spike take a look Instead at the graph with a shorter timeline of only 40 seconds I'm looking at it now it's on the screen as well here we can clearly see the expected seismic activity no sudden massive spikes indicative indicative of explosions showing the longer timeline that squishes the results is just outright deception yes and not surprisingly as for the whole jet fuel can't melt steel beams then well you're right if you place a steel rod in burning jet fuel is not going to turn into a liquid they will however get really really hot well over a thousand degrees Fahrenheit and for a structure to collapse its sport beams don't need to turn into molten Lakes they simply need for their structural Integrity to fail a 1100 degrees Fahrenheit steel loses nearly half of its strength and by the time the fires rage the maximum temperature of at least 1 500 degrees Fahrenheit and in some Pockets up to nearly 1 900 Degrees the steel support beams that were directly exposed the Flames would have lost as much as 90 percent of their strength which is not enough to hold up a building I remember pure wasn't even the only thing burning the fuel that remained after the explosion was merely the ignition for everything else in the building carpets rugs thousands of desks Furniture everything remotely flammable in those offices was quickly engulfed in flames letting the fire Advance at a rapid pace and it wasn't just localized the impact Point as burning fuel seeped through vents and elevator shafts weakening the steel around it at every Point fireproofing spray was either scraped off during the collisions damage in the explosion or were simply insufficient for the immense heat that they were now facing the steel floors began to Sag sinking under their own weight pulling the walls in and putting immense strain on the steel bolts holding each floor in place then a chain reaction as one floor near the impact side gives in and collapses it slams in the floor below it which immediately caves in a falls to the next full a fast powerful process known as pancaking which brought down the entire structure this also explains that white pups of smoke that people saw shooting out of the windows this is dust and concrete being blown out as the floors collapse onto each other the National Institute of Standards and Technology nist was commissioned by the US government to officially investigate the structural failure and their report identified flaws in the fireproof coating as one of the main reasons why the fire was able to deal so much damage now there are probably people already typing in the comments furiously about how none of this is possible and I'm a traitor that's fallen for the lizard people lies but study after study shows that this is likely what happened to the building on that day and yes those studies are peer-reviewed unlike anything you'll find on a 911 truther site and that's it like that guy with his steel balls and stuff instead of losing his position at the University it would have been peer reviewed and studied and that's not what happened so what now what's next but wait you're still furiously typing what happened to the black box is you know the indestructible flight recorders placed on every passenger jet well they're not indestructible they're just really strong after all these were never located well you're right they were never found but they're far from indestructible exactly even the ones found in the wreckage of the other flights the Pentagon and the one that crashed into the field were both partially damaged and they weren't even the ones to get crushed under a million tons of steel and concrete but wait they continue if the black boxes were destroyed then how was one of the hijackers passports found on the street surely that would have burned well that's not always the case first of all the passport wasn't found inside the collapsed Rubble where it would have likely been squished it actually fell to the street after the impact light paper debris actually survives a plane crash more often than you'd expect Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashed into a mountain in 1985 killing 520 people on board in fact it was a rather violent crash with One Wing clipping the ground causing the aircraft to flip over and explode on the Mountainside but miraculously many of the handwritten farewell notes written by terrifying passengers were later found because they were able to blow far enough away from the crash site to avoid being burned oh my God that is insane I had no idea about that I mean I know about Japan air 23 but I didn't know about those notes that's really terrible we can't cover every single talking point in this episode so here's a few rapid fire debunkers 1. the molten substance visibly dripping in some photos cannot be proven to be steel or any other metal it could just as easily have been glassed number two the surgical seeming Cuts in the base of the towers are exactly that surgical rescue teams used thermite torches to burn through steel supports in order to save people trapped underneath these were made after the fact they were not the cause of the collapse 3. U.S Geological Survey examined dust samples and found that the red and white thermite material was like the flakes of primer paint and according to other experts but thermite explosives would be too slow to be useful in a control demolition regardless and they would have needed to be so much of it used that someone surely would have noticed it being planted ahead of time it's also possible that the use of thermite in the cleanup process contaminated dust samples that were later examined which is why they contained set iron microspheres and while we're at it there is actually not a single thread of evidence provided to prove that these dust samples were actually taken through the World Trade Center which I suppose date people's word for it which is ironic yes yeah yeah like I said the chain of evidence is just not good enough there number four the World Trade Center attacks are not comparable to the time a World War II era bomber hit the Empire State Building that plane was a B-25 significantly smaller significantly slower and carrying far less fuel than a Boeing 767 that struck the towers and yes it was a B-25 not a B-52 strata Fortress which is an absolutely massive plane if you've heard that it was the much larger B-52 you probably watched the original cut of loose change documentary that I mentioned earlier because in their first edition they mixed up the planes when talking about the event and apparently didn't notice before the release which is kind of sloppy if you ask me yes yes it is like getting them the wrong way around sounds like something I could screw up in a YouTube video saying like B25 when I mean B52 but when that is a large part of your Conspiracy Theory come on guys come on number five Structural Engineers argue that the reason the tower spell in such a straight manner is because it's the only way possible one of the towers actually had a bit of a Tilt at the top but a skyscraper that massive can't possibly lean very far as this would put so much stress on the building below that the supports would just give out and it would simply collapse like it did anyway it's just too heavy to dip over sideways and take out half of Manhattan okay well if they're not like I was saying they're designed to collapse in on themselves like the all this reason it's like whatever the reason people thought about this because you can't just have a skyscraper fall over and Destroy half Manhattan that would be crazy number six at the time these were the only high-rise steel towers to collapse due to an internal fire but has since happened and two more notable structures the Wilson Pace to Almeida building a Brazilian 24-story building that collapsed in 2018 due to an electrical fire that started on the fifth floor and the plasco building an Iranian 20-story building that collapsed due to a fire originating on the ninth floor anyway I could go on all day on this one so let's just wrap things up with the last tower Tower seven lastly we have Tower seven which was unfortunate enough to get damaged during the attacks and collapse later that day a lot of the conspiracy points here are similar to the Twin Towers so we'll run through this one briefly first of all Tower 7 wasn't hit by a plane so people were already super skeptical of its collapse this was made worse by the fact that the BBC accidentally reported its destruction 20 minutes before it actually happened and the building's owner Larry Silverstein was recorded as saying to the fire department we've had such a terrible loss of life maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse people cite this as him agreeing to detonate the bombs and bring the building down as well to add to the suspicion the CIA and various government agencies had field offices in the tower so was this simply a convenient way to destroy evidence of planning the attacks wait their way of destroying the evidence of planning the attacks is to be a part of the attacks that's crazy just burn all the documents beforehand and leave your bloody building alone well no the collapse here was similar to The Towers after being struck by Falling debris the building caught fire and several floors burned for nearly seven hours the collapse of the other Towers had disrupted the water source for Tower 7 Sprinklers and the quote about making the decision to pull was actually about pulling firefighters out of the building and deeming it a lost cause thousands of people watched the building go down and none of them heard any explosions the only eyewitness reported explosions is from one man who was exiting the building when he heard them so should we believe the one single guy or everybody else who was there and saw the whole thing happen everybody else again look at it this overming evidence and a small bit of evidence just go with the overwhelming that's the biggest thing there's more of it that's what you should believe the fire weakened the steel supports in the center of the building and in a similar way to the other two one of its flaws gave in causing the whole thing to come crashing down this is made even easier by the fact that falling debris carved out 10 floors on the center-facing side so deeply that the center of the building was exposed if you watch a video of the collapse you can clearly see that as cracks form across the building the East Side begins to slump and as it collapses it pulls the west side down with it this one actually did tip a little bit to the side as it fell hardly what would be wanted in a controlled demolition wrapping up so at the end of the day we're left with three conclusions number one the U.S government initiated the attacks number two the US government was aware of the attacks ahead of time and let them happen or number three Al-Qaeda was behind the attacks and there is no conspiracy everyone knows where I what my feeling about this is It's just clearly number three well I was a 911 the terrorists and they attacked and lots of people died the end yeah government did it we left with more questions than answers sure they allegedly did go to war in the Middle East but think of how many people had to be involved in order to pull the whole thing off you need planners recruiters Pilots to train the hijackers explosive experts people to move thousands pounds of bombs and into the World Trade Centers people to set them off all while keeping the whole thing a neat little secret we're talking potentially thousands of people and no one has said a word in over 20 years also if we're buying into this conspiracy theory how far are we going was it plains that hit the Twin Towers but a missile that at the Pentagon did the Twin Towers fall from the plains but only Tower 7 had to be brought down with explosives the problem with these elaborate conspiracies is there isn't a straight story there's just an enormous amount of suspicious talking points but not all of them are compatible in a single narrative I'll give them this though one of the reasons the theory is so popular is because not many of us would be shocked to hear that the US government had done such a thing the CIA has a pretty bad track record since its Inception yeah it's true like I was about to say I would have put it past them obviously I would like cia's done some sketchy ass [ __ ] no question they got a podcast now by the way like official CIA podcast it's not bastard at all but would they do this no I don't I really don't think so and let's not forget that Al-Qaeda took responsibility for the attacks initially they denied involvement to beg the US government not to invade Afghanistan but they took back what they said and their English propaganda magazine inspired has even featured articles debunking conspiracy theories can you imagine you just like blam those Dairy sex and you're like yeah yeah yeah it was awesome it was awesome that no it was the US government off for [ __ ] sake you know how much planning went into that you know how hard that was to organize a little credit man come on and on the point I'd like to bring up here is in the days after the attacks there was a vicious attempt within the government to pin them on Iraq but every Trail kept leading back to Afghanistan if the US government's plan was to invade Iraq why would they set up some super complex conspiracy the points at Afghanistan they could have just seasonally said the hijackers were Iraqi and gone from there but all the evidence LED back to Al-Qaeda option two maybe the government knew about the incoming attacks and simply let it happen in my opinion this is far more plausible than believing They carried out the attacks themselves or what's most people will bring up here is that the U.S actually received intelligence of the planned Terror attacks earlier that year and ignored it the daily briefing handed to the president on August the 6th 2001 just a few weeks before all went down was titled Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S warning that Osama Bin Laden had operatives in in the U.S that were planning a major attack on top of this a few of the hijackers had already been flagged by CIA as Al-Qaeda but they had made their way into the country anyway because apparently no other departments had been informed again I don't think it's a conspiracy I think it's just incompetence the government's response to all of this was a series of statements talking about how yes they were anticipating an attack but no one expected passenger Jets to be used as weapons and yeah fair play government fair play but this isn't actually true anti-terrorist organizations had already foiled a similar plot in 1995 known as the bajink plot where terrorists planned to blow up 11 planes over the Pacific assassinate the pope and crash a jet into CIA headquarters in Virginia ambitious for sure and they were very close to carrying it out in fact they were in the process of making their bombs when the plot was uncovered coincidentally Osama Bin Laden helped to fund and plan this attack and it's clear that some of the ideas of the foiled plot made their way into the 911 attacks in addition to the bajinka plot a joint inquiry found that there had been 12 reports in the last seven years warning of terrorists using planes as missiles Egyptian Jordanian italian-israeli and British intelligence all reported to the United States throughout 2001 that Al Qaeda was planning something huge involving aircraft as many as 20 terrorists and large-scale American targets that the thing is like there's terrorist plots all the time terrorists are doing terrorists they're always planning stuff and the CIA and MI6 and Mossad or whoever they're always uncovering this stuff and there's tons of intelligence and of course stuff that's gonna like this is gonna come across someone's desk and the majority of the time nothing ever comes of it but the one time it does we all look back and you're like oh yeah of course they should have seen this but it's all the time there's a lot of intelligence there's a lot of people just out there Gathering Intelligence on horrible people so yeah the government was very much aware that such a thing could happen and that there were people actively thinking of doing it whether this constitutes prior knowledge or not I'm not sure but we can at least accuse them of being incompetent by letting known terrorists into the country yeah that is like come on guys get it together when I when you fly to the US you have to fill out this form as a non-american saying you're not a Nazi and a terrorist and I can't always called you you feel like I think you have to fill it online now and you print it out before you go and then it's like it's just some like I'm not I'm not a war criminal sort of thing and you had to do it's like no I was I am I am that would be a mistake but apparently you just check that box and you're good I mean you don't check the box that you're terrorist and you're good you also need to keep in mind that the CIA operates on a massive worldwide scale and these threats probably blended into the background noise of thousands of other reports wiretaps and intelligence leaks it's just thanks to hindsight that they stand out to us now though conspiracy theorists will be quick to point out that it wasn't just the government who had knowledge ahead of time and all you had to do is look at the stock market it was later noticed that in the weeks leading up to 9 11 a lot of put options were placed on airline companies these are the options that will be profitable only if the company's stock plummet so it seems like a clear Mark of insider trading a peer-reviewed study from the University of Illinois and group of Swiss Financial experts have also come to the same conclusion I don't really have a way to disprove this but I feel like if someone had told a bunch of business dudes on Wall Street that 911 was going to happen somebody would have spoken up but let's clear one thing up a big part of the foreknowledge accuracy revolves around the owner Larry Silverstein getting a massive payout for terrorism insurance which he purchased just months before the attacks even took the insurance company to court arguing that he should be paid double as the separate Towers should count as separate cases and he won 4.5 billion dollars in the settlement sounds Ultra suspicious so let's break it down first of all Larry Silverstein purchased a 99-year lease for the Twin Towers in June 2001 and was immediately contractually obligated to insure it the insurance plans that he and his investors chose automatically had terrorism coverage included because back then this was pretty much standard with every all-risk commercial insurance plan after all the idea of a devastating terrorist attack seemed far-fetched although there was a bomb 1993 World Trade Center bomb right where they tried to take it out the first time it's not like he went out of his way to hurry and add a terrorism Clause it was just the nature of the policy and remember the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993 and its owners were also fully covered then but nobody bats an eye about that finally we have option three the dalkaida in their blind hatred for the United States and western civilization in general planned the most devastating attack that they could Envision and carried it out on September the 11th 2001. the towers collapsed from the weakened structural steel not bombs the Pentagon was hit by a plane not a missile and Flight 93 went down in a field when the passengers revolted not because it was shot down by a fighter jet you could decide which of these narratives to believe just remember if your whole argument is based on stuff you've seen on 4chan or Reddit perhaps it's time to consider investigating some more credible sources yes indeed obviously I believe none of this nonsense and yeah hopefully we've uh cleared some of them up thank you for watching nailed it on the time by the way what did I say just less than an hour boom
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 418,782
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Keywords: was 9/11 an inside job, was 911 an inside job, was 9-11 an inside job, was 9 11 an inside job, was 9/11 an inside job or not, 9/11 was an inside job, how 9/11 was an inside job, why 9/11 was an inside job, 9/11 inside job, 911 inside job, 911 was an inside job, 9 11 inside job, why 911 was an inside job, 9/11 inside job debunked, conspiracy theory 9/11 inside job, inside job, 9/11 conspiracy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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