The Hollow Earth Theory

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of decoding the unknown as always I am your decoder Simon I'm here one of my writers in this case ilza thank you Elsa write me a script she's put together today the secrets of agartha never heard of this I have no idea what this is about that is of course the format of this show I have a fat old script in front of me and I have no idea what's gonna happen maybe you don't either and we're gonna go on a wonderful exploratory journey together so let's get started [Music] I have a pretty amazing job you got another job because you know this one Elsa ah I write for an Unsolved Mysteries channel oh it is this job that's nice so every time I sit down to write a script I realize that I have to suspend my disbelief in order to tell a good story I approach every project with the goal of finding some truth and mostly I succeed most Mysteries have some logic behind them admittedly you might need to do the Macarena upside down like a drunken bed hanging from the roof of a dark cave to see the logic but it is often there so I apologize in advance the idea of agartha is enticing and there are certainly some interesting Snippets but the majority of this very solved mystery I'm about to present to you has very little logic behind it instead of just suspending my disbelief I have to pack it in a heavy suitcase and drop it down a very deep well I suggest dear listener that you do the same so let's get to it oh my God I struggle to do this I know and I'm reading this and I'm like oh no ills is like I feel like this is a subtle criticism of me because whenever I read these I'm like no no no it sounds like the aliens Cape no big ghost no the D no demons there's no it's not real the closest we get to Demons are the people that I feature on my other podcasts the Casual criminalist in the spring of 1829 a Norwegian fisherman and his son Olaf set out to find the land Beyond The North Wind the further north they went the stranger the journey became the many icebergs they encountered were expected of course but soon their Compass no longer worked the needle just pressed up against the glass to make matters worse they got caught in a storm after several hours of their small boat being tossed about like a child's toy the water finally calmed and in the distance they saw a small reddish Sun whenever I hear about boats on choppy Waters I feel like it just reminds me of I I I'm generally fine on boats calm seas doing great it gets a little bit choppy that boat starts moving around I'm gonna be sick like I don't get Cossack I don't get plane sick I don't get anything sick but put me on a boat and make the water really choppy and I am going to chunder absolutely everywhere violently and repeatedly until there's nothing left and it's fully miserable I remember once I was I can't remember where it was it was somewhere I was like in Asia or something I was backpacking and uh there was this speed boat that took us took me to some island or something and it was so rough and I'm just like curled up in the corner of the deck just in like my swimming drawers or whatever with a bag close to my mouth that are just filled with sick and it's like hours ride or whatever and I'm just like on the ground just heaving into this bag just dry oh God it was such a bad time initially they Shrugged it off as a mirage but as they sailed on the sun became bigger until they realized it wasn't only real it was a planet of some sort onwards they sailed until finally they spotted land they anchored in a river and went ashore but none of it made sense a green tropical island in the far north however if they thought things could not get any stranger they were wrong while Gathering nuts they heard singing and a ship came into view and they watched an amazement as the ship came towards them and 12 giants disembarked 12 feet tall friendly and curious the singing Giants invited the fishermen and his son on aboard their ship and so began a visit to the land of giants that would last for almost two years this is a fictional story this is obviously not real but because this is an episode of decode the unknown there are truly people out there who believe that this is not some old story slash myth which it clearly is Olaf and his father spent their time well they learned all about the Giants their language similar to Sanskrit culture their Customs they learned that the Giants were a good-natured musical race with an average lifespan of 800 years the Giants took them on trips not the acid kind though I kind of understand why you might think that rather to show them the advanced technological wonders of their world and they revealed an amazing secret the Earth is Hollow oh this is a hollow Earth story I like this here we go this is well trodden familiar territory for this channel the Earth being hollow when obviously it's it's not it's really solid I mean there's maybe some caves in it but that's about it and I don't mean like in down in the center I mean like close to the surface it's not Hollow though it's really not it's full of magma and [ __ ] nope Olaf and his father had entered through one of the openings in the North Pole the Waters of the ocean flowed into this opening and continued on the inside held to the underside of the Earth's crust by the laws of gravity because throwing a little bit of science goes a long way to prove that you know you're talking about where you obviously don't because gravity doesn't work in opposite directions does it it's not like oh yeah no it as well as falling I also could just jump up infinitely into the sky because gravity also works the other direction of course it doesn't that's insane there's only one continent and in the center of the earth a single Sun provided the Giants with all the warmth they could ever need during a visit to the capital a lush Garden City called Eden the very same Eden Adam and Eve got kicked out of they met to the high priest the ruler of this Fantastical world the two fishermen spent some time with the high priest telling him all about the world outside they were invited to tour throughout the realm as much as they wished and Tor they did however after two years they decided they'd had enough of the good life and a wish to return to the service the journey would be dangerous they knew but they attempted It Anyway the journey this is this is a nice story I'm enjoying the story it reads like a story that I'd read my kid in the evening it's nice the journey was successful and they managed to return to the outside world but sadly Olaf's father died and Olaf himself got stranded on an iceberg luckily he was rescued and returned to civilization Upon returning home he told everyone about his amazing Voyage to the Center of the Earth and was promptly omitted to an asylum no surprises there was he really is it it's going yeah no dude that's not real what are you up to you were on that Iceberg so long somehow surviving for two years that you've literally gone fully insane you've just gone absolutely batty once he got out he returned to the life of a fisherman never said another word about his adventure and finally retired to California it was only wait in the 1800s I guess so I guess so I'm not sure my American history is not that good women's California when was that period where they all went West the gold rush I thought that was the 1800s right it was only on his deathbed that he told the story one last time to his friend and neighbor novelist George Willis Emerson and let me guess George Willis Emerson published story which we just heard all about no no he's got a point Emerson an American novelist immediately said Ben's paper and wrote the Smoky God or Voyage to the inner World which was published in 1908 he swore that it was a true account as told to women not a work of fiction so Dido left Jansen travel to a secret world and meet some musical Giants it was Emerson Nevada to novelist than he seemed to realize let's delve into the secrets of agartha and see if we could find an answer to that question I already know the answer he's a good he wrote a story also it could be bad if it's published as a work of fiction just entirely as a work of fiction then it's like okay this is just not very good it's just kind of a descriptive store a boring story about a dude who goes into the center of the earth and meets High Priestess there's no Stakes there's no story there's no hero's journey there's just uh just a description of the inner earth and but if you say it's all facts people are going to be much more interested like that DaVinci Code burkeyside all based on fact it's like is it though Dan Brown is it is it really Dan because it doesn't seem like it is Dan does it Dan welcome to agartha so what exactly is a garther well that's going to depend on who you ask there are as many versions of the tale as there are storytellers to tell them and you really can't rely on science because as we all know the government is control of all academic institutions and those guys simply cannot be trusted yes people truly believe this the Flat Earth people that's a much more popular one people actually believe this stuff all around the world they believe this stuff crazy it's gonna be correct quick crazy contrary to what science whatever you believe the Earth is in fact Hollow the Earth's crust is around 800 miles that's around 1 200 kilometers thick and at each pole there's an opening around 1 400 miles that's 2 200 kilometers across I think we'll be able to see that on Google Maps to be honest that's a big hole the edges of these openings gently curve from the outside of the Earth's shell to the inside that means that a ship or a supposed a swimmer if they were so inclined could travel from the outer sea to the Inner Sea without realizing it of course the fact that the South Pole is a continent Antarctica which is roughly the size of the U.S and Mexico combined and the North Pole ice cap is Frozen all year round means that very few Sailors or swimmers will ever get near the opening but don't expect too much logic in this episode while Pilots claim to fly across the North Pole all the time none of them have ever seen this opening because the fools that they are they follow their compass and other instruments which in turn are following the magnetic rim of this opening to the inner earth instead of flying across the pole which is centered in the middle of a really big hole there flying around it however should you ever come across this opening in your travels if you're willing to Brave the ice hungry polar bears below freezing temperatures and adorable Penguins congratulations you found the entrance to Agatha hello hi welcome this makes no sense this is one of those things where it's like okay I can understand why people could like be fooled by this in the past because there's not a lot of like evidence to the contrary even though there's no evidence for it either but nowadays it's like what okay so all the academic institutions are brought off and so is Google Maps and all the other mapping companies and every company that owns a satellite that could take pictures of the earth it's like come on it's just nowadays we'll be we should be bigger than this we should be Beyond this our big brains should be able to handle the fact that the Earth is not Hollow there seems to be some confusion about whether agarthur is a country or a city some stories claim that Agatha is the land found in the inner earth and Shambhala it is its capital city and remember that name because we're going to get back to that later Shambhala While others claim that Agatha is the city or contemporary theories refer to the agarthan network claiming that this inner realm consists of a great many cities well that would make sense because it's gonna be really big if it's is on the inside of the earth it's going to be the same size as the outside of the earth and that's a lot of space the Earth's really big it's a very big big fluffy buns either way it's in the center of the earth and it's not just inhabited if all the stories are to be believed it's downright crowded with thousands or even millions of inhabitants well it wouldn't be very crowded then because what like eight billion people live on regular Earth and it's not that I mean it's it there's a lot of people but it's not that crowded they're a place to go it's like there's nobody for Miles this is cool the underground civilization is linked to all the continents with a network of tunnels some natural and some created by the residents of agartha you don't feel like plodding around the poles there are other entrances to agarthur across the world the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and the Shasta mountain in California the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza of course Ma manaus and Mata Grosso in Brazil igaw zoo falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina mount epameo in Italy the Himalayas into bed beneath the border between China and Mongolia which in my opinion is a bit vague Rama in India and King Solomon's minds of course you'd have to find the mines first which means you'd solve two Mysteries instead of one so good on you these entrances are a well-kept secret unless you have Google and they're guarded by initiate Swan to secrecy apparently somebody didn't get a memo did you see you see a memo about this yeah the inhabitants of the inner earth are superior beings far superior to our smear surface dwellers they possess Superior technology or intellectually far ahead of us and have reached a level of spiritual enlightenment we could only dream of of course they can't share this with us because they are morally obliged not to interfere with other cultures sort of like the prime director of Star Trek and well Enterprise captains of a history of trembling all over the prime directive on the odd occasion yeah it was all the time but what about the prime directive Captain we have to ignore while the prime directive on this one lieutenant all the time all the time and sometimes they're dirt and they just won't even mention it and it'd be like it's not top of mind when you're on a spaceship exploring space about the prime directive of not interfering with alien cultures and they're just like let's interfere I saw a great one it was comparing Stargate to Star Trek and it was like Star Trek don't interfere with alien cultures Stargate let's go [ __ ] up some alien cultures and steal their [ __ ] uh but these benevolent Subterranean dwellers have more self-control than the Enterprise Captain they also keep they keep tabs on us though and if the need arises they'll warn us to change our ways as they've done many times in the past and should we insist on annihilating ourselves well they're going to pick up the pieces of course some believe that Our Benevolent Subterranean Guardians are in fact our rulers we are ruled by the king of the world who is in direct contact with the Dalai Lama in Tibet the Dalai Lama has never admitted to this only someone knows how to keep a secret as for the citizens of this amazing land there are plenty of origin stories some claim that they're Giants another tale known as the shaver mystery retails of two races the benevolent Terrors and the evil daros that's short for detrimental robots by the way brilliant yet others claim that the inner earth dwellers are the slaves that were left behind when the original habitants left the planet in these Tales they like to torture humans and often kidnap surface women however most seem to agree that the wonderful people of agartha are originally from Simon's favorite place Atlantis it's not my favorite place because it doesn't exist and if it does exist it's an awesome magical floating super Island it's just a place that was sort of lost to history disappointed the people of the Atlantis were so far ahead technologically that they ended up destroying themselves with a nuclear war whether they were fighting among themselves or fighting the lemurians of slot for debate however some of these survivors led by one no one you might recognize that name from a story about a big boat fled first to Brazil at that point a colony of Atlantis because well of course it was where they built Subterranean cities to escape all of the radioactive fallout and the flood caused by the melting of the polar ice caps all right this is getting elaborate these cities were linked with each other and the outer world with a network of tunnels learning a valuable lesson they created a peaceful and advanced civilization and decided not to bomb themselves into Oblivion again a wise decision in my opinion from these survivors of Atlantis came the wise technologically and morally Advanced civilization that still lives in a garther to this day at the time they destroyed themselves atlanteans already had the technology to build flying machines but that they still use to keep an eye on us up on the surface we call them UFOs and they don't come from outer space they come from inside the earth no they come from either of these places they come from like secret military bases come on after the atomic bombs were dropped in 1945 the atlanteans came to the service once again to prevent another nuclear disaster destroying the planet though disaster ever occurred so well good job then of course it's not just the survivors of Atlantis living in Agatha some speculate that the Mayans also moved into the inner World which explains their sudden its appearance I find this they are particularly interesting since there aren't any descendants at the Mayan people living in South America to this day I suspect the author of this particular article was thinking of the Inca civilization but their disappearance wasn't entirely sudden or unexplained either I'm fairly sure the Spanish might have had something to do with that yes Conquistador thing alternatively the inner earth is inhabited by descends of lemuria a continent first proposed in 1864 by zoologist Philip schlater wiser geologist doing suggesting that there might have been another continent you're a zoologist stick to what you know mate come on which also mysteriously disappeared an entire continent disappeared that could never happen What's it gonna do melt away some Native American and Inuit tribes claimed that their people originated from inside the Earth but I couldn't find any sources to confirm whether this is truly the case or whether this is just another instance of a tale Twisted by Hollow Earth Believers to fit their narrative either way the center of our planet is apparently a Melting Pot of cultures where does the idea of a Subterranean world come from while it may have different names among different cultures the idea of an underground city or civilization of some kind inhabited by people of superior intellect or with magical abilities is not really new in miniature Tales the world is considered to be the world of the FAE King harler an ancient Britain King attended a Dwarven wedding that lasted three days when he returned to the service he found that three centuries had passed his lands had been occupied and his people were driven out by the Saxon horde there's also the tale of Sir Thomas a sill down a Scottish Lord and poet who was enchanted by the fairy queen and became her lover for seven days upon his return seven years had passed and as a reward for staying with her or perhaps his compensation Thomas the Rhymer as he was known was given the gift of Prophecy one night while dining with friends two white deer came out of the forest these stories from the bars that cheers wild it's like it's like my kid telling a story and then this happened and then this happened and then this happened and then this happened to Sleepy it's not making sense you completely lost it then this happens it's okay you've completely lost the plot it was a fairy queen summoning him back to the world of fairy Sir Thomas heeded the call and was never seen again but it's not just the ancient tales that tell of the fairy realm in 1691 on May the 14th Reverend Robert Kirk became another victim of fairies taken to their underground realm in punishment for collecting stories and secrets about the Fey around as parishioners in aberfoil in the words of my favorite author Terry Pratchett the FAE are wonderful for they Inspire wonder and they are terrific for the terror they Inspire moral of the tale don't follow any of the Fey folk to their underworld Kingdom fragile Greek philosophers and story tellers the world under our feet was better known as Hades ruled by Persephone and Hades and inhabited by the shades of the Dead for Christians however What Lies Beneath of he does not a land filled with wonder riches and Fey but rather its Purgatory in hell since Heaven is above hell must be below according to wandel in 445 Patrick discovered a cave on an island that was in fact the entrance to purgatory and in the coming years many pilgrims would visit the island in order to enter Saint Patrick's purgatory and half their sins forgiven once at Pilgrim was an Irish Knight siroan who in 1147 after serving in the Crusades in the Holy Land entered Saint Patrick's Purgatory faced the demons and survived the punishments most of them including claim in some form to come out on the other side a new man because you know Going Through Hell will do that stories of the past so wild and then this happened that that happens of course we know these are just Tails there are no fairies not that we can see at any rate and there are no ancient Greek gods and hell is a crowded house party if you're an introvert in covert isolation if you're an extrovert it's not a fiery bit at the center of the planet the hollow Earth's in science the concept of a hollow Earth was first proposed by none other than Edmund Haley Haley was a celebrated astronomer and I think it's pronounced actually Hallie so that famous Comet Hayley's Comet which we've all been calling Haley's comments actually that's Halley's comment right and I I'm pretty sure this is the dude who discovered Halley's comments astronomer meteorologist mathematician and physicist while he made many contributions as a science he's best known for his identification of Halley's Comet and the accurate prediction that its orbit would take it past the Earth every 76 years the comics expected to swing by again in 2061 for those of you who would like to say hi in 1683 Hallie came to the conclusion that the Earth had four magnetic poles two in the Southern Ocean and two in the north specifically in the Bayern Strait and spitzbergen Hallie wasn't entirely wrong the does have four poles magnetic north and south and a geographic or true north and south the true north and south are where the lines of longitude converge whereas the magnetic north and south are determined by the Earth's magnetism unlike the true poles the magnetic poles aren't static and they change so the geographic North Poles are just arbitrary points that we essentially chose when we made up latitude and longitude right the other the actual magnetic balls they're in different locations then they move it'd be really confusing if last student longitude moved every year be really difficult for maps and [ __ ] Holly being a scientist tried to explain the existence of the poles and their gradual displacements so in 1687 using Newton's first principia that placed the density of the moon to the density of the earth as nine to five today we actually know it's 1 to 81 so Newton was just a little bit off there Halle came to the conclusion that the Earth must be Hollow he reasoned that if the moon is denser than the earth but the Earth is considerably bigger than the moon a hollow Earth would explain why the Earth didn't leave the moon behind in in a dust cloud in their crazy hurdle through space according to Halle the Earth consisted of an outer sphere that was 500 miles or around 800 kilometers thick this was followed by an air gap the same distance between the outer sphere and the inner sphere the inner sphere was held in place by gravity otherwise it would collide with the outer sphere however the inner Globe would need light and this light was provided by the concave arches of the outer Globe shining like the sun okay it was going to be really bright in there otherwise it would Collide without a Spate at the time science didn't know what the sun was and I'm sure the idea that the sun was a ball of gas perpetually on fire was a bit Preposterous of course when I say on fire I don't mean actual flames it's actually a series of nuclear fusion reactions but that's something you would have been admitted to Broad War for saying rather Halle assumed that whatever substance the sun was made of was found inside our Earth as well and was providing light to the inner Globe the Aurora Boreal little northern lights were proof of his theory the lights were caused by by the inherently luminous matter inside the earth escaping through fishes at the North Pole I don't know if Hallie knew about the Aurora astralis or Southern Lights but I'm guessing the same reasoning would apply Newton had already suggested that the Earth was a flattened sphere in 1687. thus highly reasoned that the poles would be the thinnest which is why you could only see the aurora or rebellis at the North Pole while he suggested that this inner lies might be habitable he never claimed that this globe was inhabited by Giants Dinosaurs or aliens oh no that would come later Edmund tally wasn't a crack but practicing pseudoscientist in his basement he was a serious scientist trying to explain a natural phenomena unfortunately science hadn't caught up with his ideas yet while he might have inadvertently given some serious Credence to a theory that would blow up in popularity 200 years later and is still going strong I doubt there was his intention with the equipment and knowledge we have today I'm sure Holly I would have come up with a different Theory you're no doubt because he's Mega smart he's Edmund alley he's discovered comets and [ __ ] his big brain Agatha and Shambala a major influence on the story of agartha as we know it today is Buddhism and Tibet now I don't practice Buddhism then I was limited to Western articles all in English my information considering all the misinformation out there finding the actual truth was quite difficult so if I got it wrong I apologize I also have to apologize I'll admit to something uh this look from MacArthur and Shambhala the start of this little section of the video I actually am recording this the next day because I was reading this and it's got nothing like no nothing to do with the writing but yesterday night I slept like five hours because I went to bed way too late I went out with my friends some cocktails and my kids have been sleeping really well lately like until 7am and so I was like I could stay a bit later maybe get home at like 10 11 o'clock and yeah then my kid decides to go at five which is awesome I was reading that last paragraph before that thing and I I read it but I was like half asleep and so I took a little nap and I came back the next day to to finish this up so if there's any like it's almost like Simon you read this like three minutes ago it's because I actually read it yesterday so that's that I don't know why I'm telling you this I could just probably carry on and all would notice according to Buddhism Shambhala is a mythical Kingdom a place of peace tranquility and wisdom some claim that it didn't some were in Himalayas however the concept of Shambhala is not limited to Tibetan Buddhism it's found in other cultures as well some others believe it can be found in the suit lay Valley or even in valleys in southern Siberia it's a pure land inhabited by enlightened people and ruled by the kalki Kings when the 25th cowkey King comes to Bowery will emerge from Shambhala to rid the world of greed materialism all the bad things and start a golden age in human civilizations apparently someone's done their math and they're slapping around 24 24 so we have around 400 years to get our act together this is one of those things was it 2012 2014-26 it was like I feel like it ended in an even number maybe it was even earlier than that wasn't this a Maya calendar thing and people were like oh my dude the Mayan calendar says that there's no more years after like 2012. oh [ __ ] yeah that's not the end of the world the world's gonna end and uh obviously it didn't because it's all made up and 24 24 is Gonna Roll around and we're all gonna be in like our future spaceships and [ __ ] and we're not gonna care at all because hopefully by that point we've moved on from this nonsense I'm just ready to move on and look it's all nonsense I'm not singling out Buddhism all of the it's all it's all like really you can't all be right can you since this kingdom is associated with a religious practice it can be interpreted in multiple ways the calacritant Tantra one of the many Buddhist teachings as I understand it whenever I think of Tantra I just think of like isn't isn't there something sexual with that isn't there like tantric sex isn't that what sting does I'm sorry what and I'm sure it's like it means like lesson or something so it's got something to do with like sex lessons and sting or something I'm probably being really offensive to Buddhism right now aren't I well let's just carry on and I lost my train of thought apparently I didn't sleep enough I slept awesome last night and I'm really enjoying myself a lot more today yesterday was a bit of a bit bit hard oh boy it's poor Simon boo hey you just have to go and read [ __ ] I love to read yeah but whenever I read Tantra Tantra Tantra tantric Tantra I'm away it just always reminds me of Sting and his tantricness people know this story about stinging his tantric sex the outer refers to Shambhala as an actual place that you can only read you if you have good enough Karma the inner and alternative meanings have more to do with spiritual and meditative practices you'll notice that I haven't said anything about Agatha many of the hollow Earth Believers claim that Shambhala is the capital city of Agatha the inner Kingdom and that they were told this by practicing Buddhist llamas and such llamas see when I read that I always think of that weird animal that sort of halfway between a goat and a camel however I could have find anything in my research on Buddhism that connects Agatha and Shambhala all the descriptions of Shambala I found are of a land or pure a kingdom a realm entirely in its own not a city or part of a bigger realm so how did this Buddhist Kingdom of peace and Tranquility become the capital city of an inner world and a launch pad for UFOs the first contact with Tibet for Europeans was 1624 however it was always a mysterious place and for most of the 1800s Tibet was closed Europeans in fact about as a habit of banning foreigners within their borders fairly often even before covid so as is human nature a solid combination of misinformation and very creative and liberal interpretations of foreign religious concepts with a healthy dose of cherry-picked science to Coal science what we explained earlier about gravity working two ways they're being like yeah science is like no no made up nonsense I don't think anybody would believe this story these two colds in people's imaginations creating a narrative of mysterious Eastern religion hiding the entrance to a highly advanced yet peaceful civilization safely tucked away inside the planet oh what nonsense this turns out to be real I will eat this iPad I've previously said there was something was it on decoding the unknown or was my other podcast casual criminals where there was something else like that will never happen and if it does I'm on video right now saying I will eat the script and that was when I had paper scripts before I cared about the environment and also couldn't be bothered to print them all out but if this turns out to be real I'll eat this iPad I'll eat this entire thing the search is on there are so many accounts of people who either visited a Garth of themselves or spoke to people who visited a garther and it's impossible to cover all of them and still hang on to any shred of Sanity so I'm only going to look at a few of the big names in the hollow Earth circles let's start with one of the first proponents of the hollow Earth theory as we know it today retired Captain John symes on the 10th of April 1818 a rather peculiar message arrived in the post boxes of members of Congress heads of universities and leading scientists at the time to the whole world I declare that the Earth is hollow and habitable in the interior it contains several solid concentric spheres placed one inside the other and is open to the pole at an angle of from 12 to 16 degrees mate your English also need some work son I undertake to prove the truth of what I am asserting and am ready to explore the interior of the earth if the world agrees to help me in my undertaking signed John Cleaves symes Captain retired Ohio infantry dude no one's listening to you you're crazy why are you sending this letter you so crazy Aristotle Captain who had served with distinction in the War of 1812 and then retired to run a Trading Post in Saint Louis with his family symes surprisingly not a trained scientist what but he was curious observant enthusiastic about learning and as the proprietor of a trading post he had some free time when business started drying up he moved to Cincinnati and threw himself into his true passion spreading word of the hollow Earth and raising money for an expedition to Antarctica to find this inner earth and expand the United States not just vertically but horizontally as well this guy is like manifest Destiny to the Center of the Earth wow wow he's not just morally wrong he's also scientifically wrong his lectures drew some crowds but he never got enough donations to actually go on his voyage the icy poles and prove his theory eventually all the traveling and lecturing took its toll on his health however he inspired a number of followers among them was Jeremiah Reynolds initially the two men traveled together giving lectures but soon they had a falling out while Reynolds was as much of a believer in the hollow Earth as times Reynolds was more interested in Voyage to Antarctica for scientific advancement rather than just finding the entrance to Hollow Earth well to be fair if he believes in the hollow Earth finding the entrance to Hollow Earth is going to be some pretty major scientific advancement to be honest it's probably going to be more interesting if you really if he really believes this he'd be like no we want to go there and study the ice or Penguins the other dude be like bro but there could be an entrance to the inside of the earth and a bit now more interesting than Penguins but if they both believe in it surely he'd see that scientific advancement that doesn't make any sense slimes however slimes however couldn't Phantom any other reason to go to the poll to find this entrance I know it's supposed to be bad but it says Phantom he couldn't Phantom any other reason I like that the two men parted ways and became Rivals once having lectures on the same day in Manhattan whilst I'm gonna convince investors to back his expedition Reynolds being a better speaker and focusing on the scientific value and Expedition rather than a hollower theory where it was pseudoscience at best had a bit more luck yeah no doubt because it's like hey hey hey uh governmental body I want to go to the North Pole to study penguins and consider drilling some ice samples and seeing if there's anything interesting up there if it's just a big Wasteland that no one should ever go to they'll be like okay it sounds boring but scientific another guy comes nice like hey hey hey governmental body the Earth is hollow and I'm going to find the entrance they'll be like who let this guy in and get the hell out get out get out get out how did you get past reception where's your badge sadly the first expedition backed by private investors was a a total failure the expedition was supposed to bring back seal Furs to repay the investors but there were few seals and the ships were ill-equipped to deal with the ice many years later between 1838 and 1842 a second Expedition this time backed by the government with the sole focus of being scientific exploration I was sent but due to conflict with people in powerful positions our Reynolds was left behind however this was not the first proper Expedition Reynolds had had several interviews with captains of whaling and ceiling vessels and learned that exploration of the region had been ongoing for years of course the captains weren't all that Keen on sharing their research because no one wanted to give away their Secret locations for finding seals and whales however there was one story that stood out Captain Adam Seaborn obviously a pseudonym yeah see why it could be why is it does it have to be a pseudonym like it's a real Adam Seaborn doesn't matter anyway it fallen on hard times and in 1820 he wrote a published a book claiming that not only had he found the entrance to the inner earth that but he had lived among the inhabitants for months oh maybe he used a suit in him because if he used his real name people would be like hey hey are they the crazy dude who writes about the aliens inside the earth yes I am well they are not really aliens I guess what do you call them inhabitants that would be embarrassing inspired by the theory of John signs Captain Seaborn outfitted a vessel named the Explorer and he set off for the south pole with a crew of 50 ostensibly to hunt seals for profit but his real intention was to find the entrance to the inner earth he felt that symes was correct when he stated that seals and whales swam from the inner to the outer Earth which is why they were much more numerous the closer you came to the entrances to the poles or they're more numerous for the same reason like if you're in the UK not going to be that many tigers if you go over to India gonna be more Tigers because when you get closer to Something's natural environment there are more of them you didn't think about that one did you see born did you apparently the fact that this was just the natural habitat of seals didn't occur to anyone exactly after many months stupid yes after many months of sailing and some threat to Mutiny the Explorer Came Upon a continent teeming with seals and named its Seabourn land that didn't stick today it's known as Antarctica leaving some of his men behind to set up a station and get down to the business of killing as many seals as they could find the past was the worst everybody the Explorer continued on the days became shorter and the compass became useless the needle just kept spinning randomly this was because the ship was in fact sailing downwards now into the inner earth they had actually found the entrance while you'd know you haven't because you'd be like well our sky is still above us C is still below us there's been no point where suddenly the ship is at a 90 degree angle compared to the rest of the sea in some sort of weird crossover land you would notice that you'd be like why is the Skull My Lord the sky is at a 90 degree it'd be like some Inception [ __ ] you know where they fold over the city you'll be like uh oh it's not supposed to be like this eventually they spotted land and finally came upon civilization Seaborn named in honor of the man whose theories had led him there he described living among the symesonians A peace-loving and advanced people they didn't fight Wars they lived humbly and there was no ambition and desire for wealth and power why else they spend their time doing what are you supposed to do other than gather wealth and power with life where seaborn's story differs from many others is that the inhabitants of simonia instead of keeping an eye on mankind became disgusted about what they learned of the outer Earth from Seabourn much to his shame finally realizing the danger the outside posed Seabourn and his men were banished from simonia and seaborn's dream of opening trade with samsonia was dashed he returned to his ship and the Explorer sailed back to the station in Antarctica to collect the crew and fur the ship continued on its way trading the first making the captain a good fortune of course he soon lost his fortune and sitting in debt as prison with nothing much to do he wrote a book about his most marvelous travels hoping for some Fame and Fortune and it never came prison I always whenever I think of that I'm like man that is a solid example of the pastor's verse it's like you get into debt and it's not like they want to collect the death they'll just put you in jail because you didn't because you you can't pay off your credit cards [ __ ] you know the true author of the book has never come forward some claim it was signed himself who wrote the book but considering that his middle name is misspelled a few times that seems unlikely Ori did it to throw through the guy throw people off a few authors have been proposed but it's generally agreed that Nathaniel Ames an American author of an American author of nautical fiction is the most likely suspect and the book is considered satirical travel fiction much like Gulliver's Travels others insist that the book is a true account of an actual Journey unfortunately since Captain Adam Seaborn took his true identity to his grave I suppose we'll never know however I think Simon would agree with me that I agreement on this one it's fiction of course it's bloody fiction I do also I think this is one of those things that we could potentially solve in the future with smart computers right because computers are really good at doing that like thing where they analyze tons of stuff so if you've put in and I know Google does this but like Google Books if you've put in every book ever written by every author like in libraries and whatever throughout history and then at some point there's going to be computers that are good enough to analyze all that hex ride and spot patterns and mistakes then you could plug in a book that exists and be like yo who wrote this using who's making the same mistakes using the same structure doing this and all of that and it'll be like it's a 90 chance that was written by this dude right that's not in the crazy distant future I think we'll find out eventually who wrote this not all explorations of a Garth happen to the flesh though like I mentioned before a liberal and often wrong interpretation of Eastern mysticism led to a number of visits happening telepathically oh my God how exciting because that's real yeah that's uh 100 accurate one such believer was Marquis Joseph Alexandra Sawyer de alvedra who was who contacted Agatha and his inhabitants around 1885 Psy of Honda alviedo is a philosopher proposing an idea of synergy as a form of government what the [ __ ] is synergy however an important part of his system I'm gonna look up Synergy so I'm obviously not gonna get an explanation is this something I should know joint rule or government by two governance or by two or more individuals or parties Rome had a crack at that didn't they with the like the tromborates those Emperors ruling at the same time something like that it's been done before however an important part of his system would include esoteric societies comprised of oracles guiding and protecting governments from behind the scenes let's not do that that just sounds like when the church gets too much power because or like great example the king people in the past in like I don't know how it is in other countries but in the UK it'd be like the king is the word of God like the God speaks through the king's mouth so whatever the king says is like the word of God but nonetheless I am King right now which honestly is [ __ ] mental isn't it and that's like having these oracles and people guiding from behind the scenes is just asking for trouble because these people are frauds obviously or crazy and because they are don't argue with me on that one and giving them too much power to control stuff is obviously a bad move because they're frauds being interested in the occult Sanya vez Saint Yves is how it said what's that one Yves Saint Laurent Eve say say Eve sa Eve I don't know I decided to study Sanskrit and engaged a tutor ah didgey Sharif hadiji I'm definitely pronouncing that wrong or hard jij styling himself as Guru Panda of the greater garthan School Shari told say there about all about Agatha a Subterranean Kingdom located beneath the Himalayas and governed by sages eventually master and student had a falling out and after an incident involving a knife shout was shown the door but side of air was now a firm believer in agarthur and apparently the feeling was Mutual for he began receiving telepathic messages from the sages and he eventually traveled to agassa through the app through astral projection and of course he wrote a book about it let's spin some money the story is the same as the others Agatha was a Utopia a futuristic Society with exotic architecture and the people would have were Advanced vegetarian long-lived and very happy this Utopia was ruled by three councils and overseen by a council of sages essentially the same system of synergy that sayev San Diego for God's sake the French dude had been proposing for years and lo and behold it worked amazing the sages kept an eye on the world above as well is occasionally sending emissaries to gently nudge Mankind in the right direction they had access to an extensive library of ancient wisdom most of it from Atlantis some sources claim that save was as mad as a Hatter Simon also claims this this guy's office [ __ ] rocker either that or he's a grifter While others claimed that he was a serious philosopher whose writings and Journeys should be considered fairly yeah yeah we've I've given it fair consideration but it's obviously bunk and I've been took advantage of the hollow Earth craze sweeping Europe to promote his philosophies on government another name that comes up quite a bit is Madame Helena blavatsky however much like Admiral birds that we'll get to later I'm not sure how much of what is ascribed to blavatsky as true born in Russia in 1831 she was a medium and founder of the theosophical society Shield sales has introduced the Western World to Eastern religions and mysticism and is considered by some to be the mother of the New Age movement she claims to have gotten much her information firsthand during her travels through India and Tibet which was closed to foreigners at the time a woman traveling the world alone in the 1850s a bit unlikely considering how restricted women's movements were at the time so anything she had to say should probably be taken with a pinch of salt everything in this bloody episode should be taken with a pinch of salt one story goes but while she was traveling to South America in 1849 and 1850 she learned all about the Subterranean tunnels in Peru and Bolivia leading to secret underground civilizations there were many tales of explorers discovering lost and hidden cities in the jungles of South America most of them never returned and it was accepted by many that they had found the entrances to a gather and decided not to return no no no they died in the jungle of diseases like malaria and typhus and getting killed by tribes who didn't like them and maybe ate them oh it's such a nonsense I'm thinking they probably died of diseases and got eaten by wild animals yes me too blabatsky like many others believed the entrance to the cave system and the tunnels that led to the underground world were situated in or near Cuzco in Peru she also claimed to have a map of these tunnels given to her by an elderly gentleman in Peru however she never used the map to find the inner world because such an expedition would require the cooperation of various governments and huge Expedition party to deal with all the dangers of the Jungle like most successful charlatans she was practical the reason I'm a little doubtful about blavatsky's role in the hollow Earth conspiracy is that when I did my own research on blavatsky I came across a fascinating historical figure she was a Charlotte in no doubt but she was the founder of a society he's smoked a pound of tobacco a day [ __ ] hell a pound hey Siri how much is a pound in grams grams grams you guys can't hear Siri but I'm like you heard what I said to it and then it's like what would you like to convert that to like Graham's [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hey Siri what's one pound in grams that's half a kilogram of tobacco a day that's [ __ ] mental that's like 10 big packages of that uh Amber Leaf what's it called what's that green tobacco that people smoke in the UK rolling tobacco that's a lot of tobacco that's absolutely mental your lungs must be a disaster lavatsky she was a very successful grifter at a time when scamming was mostly a man's business while she definitely deserves a biographics video I couldn't find any references to her to her search for a garther outside of the hollow Earth conspiracy books and websites as for South America I've been there and so I would encourage anyone interested to visit Peru is a beautiful country the people are very friendly they don't need entrances to the hollow Earth and lost cities to be amazing I've never been to South America I'd like to go I've always like it's definitely on my list of places bucket list bam but it's quite a hassle to get to because it's really far and there's like you've got to make connections in places from Europe and now that I have kids and [ __ ] it's going to be a really long time before I go there because flying with kids young kids is not so fun I took a three hour flight with my kids recently it was fine it was it wasn't the best fortunately there were lots of other kids on the flight so it wasn't and my kids are like three and one so it wasn't that bad but like 15 hours 16 hours no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not yet they need to get a little bit older the Nazis get involved oh what would a good conspiracy be without the guys from Germany that demonetize a video with the mere mention of them if that's the case Simon I apologize no it's generally good we'll probably be fine YouTube's quite smart now there are so many different conspiracy theories concerning the Nazis and the hollow Earth that it's impossible to cover them all some start well before World War II in 1938 with the Bavarian crash Germany's version of Roswell complete with Aryan looking aliens I have never heard of this Bavarian crash Germany's version of Roswell is a fantastic title for a YouTube video that would be very clickable and it ends with a whole bunch of scientists and Engineers going missing at the end of the war obviously they fled Germany for South America and the secret Nazi base in Antarctica however I honestly think the Third Reich has gotten more than enough air times I'm going to keep this brief it's fairly common knowledge that Hitler was obsessed with the occult and the Aryan race many a documentary a movie have been made based on Hitler's search for art facts of power of course of Indiana Jones is to be believed the Ark of the Covenant was found and when opened melted all the Nazis you'd think that they would have learned their lesson after that but oh no the search continued there are two very contradicting tales regarding Hitler in the search for the NRS on the one hand sources claimed that he was searching for the entrances to the inner earth While others claimed that he believed we are the ones inside the planet oh my I suppose he could have believed both he was certainly unstable enough he was lots of drugs was old Hitler so the one tale goes the Hitler believed we're the ones inside the Earth the Sun is in the center of the planet and we live on the concave slope so basically we're all living on the inner side of the Earth's crust like ants in a bowl so in order to use the concave shape of the earth to his Advantage A team's scientists were sent to rugin in April of 1942 they were ordered to put up radar equipment and aim it at a sharp angle up into the sky I just don't believe this ever happens I mean I know Hitler's is a little bit Bassy and all that [ __ ] and he believed in the occult and everything but there are lots of people who believe in the occult I think it's all a bit silly as you guys well know but believing that the inner earth is hollow is like that is a whole other level of insane that's like Flat Earth insane and they're just there's a good number but there's just not that many statistics I think it's very statistically unlikely that Hitler as crazy as he was I don't really think he believed the Earth was Hollow Hitler's reasoning was that the Rays would bounce off the other side of the concave Earth or the bowl revealing the positions of the Allied fleets I'm guessing he didn't have a strong science background no he did not the second tail edges on the he had an art background and it wasn't very good the second tale Edge is on the border of complete Madness in my opinion and was based solely on a piece of fiction a secret society named the Luminous Lodge of the real society was established sometime before the war and became closely associated with the Nazi party it was based on a book The Coming Race by Edward bulwer Lytton published in 1871 apparently physical copies oh this book are fairly rare but since it's in the public domain there are plenty of free copies online the book tells the story of a young American who travels to the inner world to reach Demus descent deep into the Earth he undertakes the journey with a friend an engineer but something goes wrong and his friend falls to his death leaving the Young Explorer alone with no means of returning to the surface luckily he's Bound by the benevolent relia in advance Society living inside our planet so this is obviously fiction it was written as Fiction it's talked about as fiction but somehow people cotton onto this as being like something they should believe this just seems crazy as with most Tales he described the amazing architecture the wise and benevolent people the advanced technology including flying machines that look and operate like wings all powered by an energy source called real power eventually our hero returns home with the help of one of the virulia who flies him to the surface ball williton himself was a part of several secret societies but he always maintains that the book was fiction and nothing more obviously God damn people come on why are you up to this one it's like you were saying this book's fiction and people are like bro bro your book ain't fiction that book's real it's like I wrote it it's fake why do people why why do we have to be like this however Hitler firmly believed that the book was fact the real Society believed that the inner earth was inhabited by the Lords of the universe and that man needed to become more Godlike in order to make an alliance with these Lords they were also very keen to get their hands on that amazing power source vril according to her some sources Hitler in his Reich for thousands into finding the entrance the inner earth scientists and geographers were tasked with mapping abandoned mines and caves in search of this magical City some claim they never found anything but others states that not only did the Nazis find the entrance at the end of the war Hitler and some of his high-ranking officials escaped to this inner World when they realized the war was lost once again all this information came from Pro Hollow Earth sources so I have no idea whether any of it's true yeah you do yeah you do it's not true we all know it's not true at the very least there certainly seems to have been a real society and considering Hitler's obsession with the occult I wouldn't be surprised if it's true well they definitely didn't go into the Earth and I don't think I really don't think like as much as I want to [ __ ] all over Hitler it's that I don't think he believed this because this is truly some off-the-wall [ __ ] but statistically it's just really unlikely you believed and that's that sorry also can you imagine Hitler showing up in the inner World he'd be like hey guys hey hey what's that we weren't ready for anything it's all good we went in a vodka they'll be like oh welcome to what was it called Welcome to the Real Society uh why how did you guys find us what are you doing down here it's like well we definitely weren't running away after because being a massive genocide that's for sure we're Godlike and Aryan and wonderful we're the best of society definitely no genocide was going on there was no Jenna why'd you keep bringing up genocide The Secret Diary of Admiral bird no video on the search for a girl who would be complete without Admiral bird operation High drum and the Admiral's Secret Diary keep in mind that the secret diary of Admiral bird and the lost Diary of Admiral bird though it has apparently been found so I suppose it's no longer lost are two different books entirely the Lost diary was found among some of the Admiral's papers and suggests that Admiral bird was not the first pilot to cross the North Pole whereas the secret diary is published after the Admiral's death and details his visit to Agatha but I'm getting ahead of myself let's rewind a little bit who was Admiral Byrd yes good question I was a little bit like did I miss something I feel like we mentioned him really early on didn't we or for me that would be yesterday richly bird was a naval officer in aviation pioneer who left his mark on history on May 9 1926 bird as Navigator and his Pilot Floyd Bennett claimed the honor of being the first people to fly across the North Pole however they may have turned back around 150 miles or 250 kilometers short of the North Pole due to concern about an oil leak so it is possible that this honor actually belongs to rolled and Munson and his crew fly across the North Pole was not his only claim to fame bird also LED five missions to Antarctica among them the famous operation high jump I have to say I'm like this episode's been so full of fiction so far I've got myself a little muddled but this is real history what we're talking about now actually happened fairly sure I might have even heard of this dude before we made this video yeah this is real during World War II bird served on the staff of the chief of Naval operations after the war from 1946 to 1947 he was placed in charge of operation high jump it was the largest Expedition sent to Antarctica at the time and it consisted of 4 700 men 13 ships among them an aircraft carrier and 25 planes that's a massive Expedition this was Bird's third expedition to Antarctica so he knew what to expect the Expedition mapped and photographed 537 000 square miles that's 860 000 square kilometers and returned with 14 9000 photos covering 60 percent of Antarctica as scientific Endeavors went it was quite successful now being a military man bird saw the potential in Antarctica and he feared a potential attack from the Russians via the poles many people have used his speech in which he mentions fear of attack from the polar region as proof that he visited an inner earth and feared their Superior technology or he just feared that the Russians could cross the polls to attack not literally I mean they'd be attacking from the polar region but they would also have to travel to the polar region first obviously why do we have to misinterpret he's like he's doing about the alien people in the earth no he's not why would you why would you jump to that conclusion come on [Applause] away since the secret diary about his visit to a Garth was only published after his death I have some doubts about its authenticity but you decide for yourself the diary is dated February the 2nd 1947 and it begins with a flight log at 600 hours for the flight North initially it appears to be a regular flight log bird and Israeli a man make contact with base camp there was a slight oil leak in the starboard engine and they experienced some turbulence at 09 10 hundred hours things get interesting both magnetic and Gyro compasses start to wobble military terminology I'm sure and the controls are a bit sluggish from this point onwards things go from interesting to well Fantastical first they start seeing mountains where there shouldn't be any mountains soon after that they spot a Green Valley with a small River and no sign of ice the light looks different and they can't see the sun anymore next they spot a mammoth-like animal in the vegetation below and their external temperature indicator measures 74 degrees Fahrenheit which is around 24 degrees Celsius in the South Pole they want to report this but they find the radio isn't functioning by now I would assume that I'm suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and turn the plane around but apparently our Intrepid explorers forged ahead and saw in the distance a city I'll be like let's get down to a lower altitude immediately and open the [ __ ] Windows because something ain't right mayday mayday at this point they lose control of the plane and they find themselves flanked by unknown aircraft marked with a symbol similar to a swash sticker they informed that their craft is under the unknown Pilot's control but they'll land safely which they do here the log ends and the rest of the diary is from memory it tells of a visit to a wondrous City with cordial hosts birders summoned to meet the master of Ariana that's what they call the inner world who gives them a message to take back home the people of ariani don't interfere with the surface world but the explosion of nuclear bombs Drew their attention and they're concerned about man tampering with forces that he clearly doesn't understand um wait a minute of course we understand it how do you think nuclear power came to be like whoa look at this big explosion we made how did we do that and then some scientists I could tell you exactly how we did that um because because we did it didn't we the master as their leader is called warns that there is another War coming one that'll leave human civilization in ruin should mankind continue down its nuclear path the Earth will enter another Dark Age but humankind should survive and when they start looking for the treasures of their Lost World these treasures and knowledge will be in the safe keeping of the people of Ariana who'll come forth and help guide mankind into a new age after this meeting bird and His Radio men are escorted back to their plane and allowed to return to the service World however Admiral Byrd would never deliver this message and he was ordered to stay silent and being a military man he did just that however when he realized that death was creeping up on him he decided to finally reveal the truth for all to hear now this story is a favorite of Hollow Earth Believers it comes up again and again however there's one big problem there is is there oh what could that be there's no proof that Admiral Byrd ever wrote any of this the only other person in the plane with him is Radio man Howard my knowledge never came forward with any Tales a mysterious inner world of the 4700 men that went with bird to Antarctica no one ever confirmed the story either in the log itself it states that the Admiral made a report to base camp when he spotted the mammoth and the radio only stopped functioning 25 minutes later surely reports of an animal thought to be extinct would be an extraordinary scientific discovery the only strange thing about this story is the fact that Admiral Byrd's son who apparently gave this diary to whoever published it died in suspicious circumstances he was traveling to a ceremony to honor his father but never arrived and was later found deceased possibly due to dehydration in a warehouse in Baltimore that is unfortunate and has absolutely nothing to do with this Hollow Earth conspiracy theorists believe that Bird's son was going to reveal more information about his father's visit to the inner world but he was murdered to keep him quiet what because his entire description of it was not revealing enough there was some other thing that he's like well we can't mention that that would make us look crazy while his death was certainly odd it's never been ruled murder this is of course a further cover-up of course it is so this inner earth is inhabited by singing Giants the tea rose The deros Descendants from Atlantis and lemuria Mayans amazonians wise men really are Nazis Mammoth dinosaurs Vikings The Lost tribes of Israel and and last but not least for those still looking for Emilia Earhart you can give it up before her plane crash she was saved by The agathans Who beamed the plane and its crew into Agatha which is why she's never been found so reasonable she didn't just crash into that giant pile of nothingness that is the sea and was never found that's not likely her at all is it finally I've been waiting for a resolution to that mystery for like two decades modern day Believers now you probably noticed by now that all of the tales I've shared rate from the 1800s and early 1900s good reason for that Hollow Earth Believers today based their belief of this theory on these old sources I've come across some truly imaginative theories that hurt my brain and make me doubt the future of mankind as a whole but the roots of the theories can always be traced back to Halle despite the theory being more than 300 years old symes who wasn't a scientist Sir epra who always either mad as a Hatter or really knew how to read a room blavatsky a known charlatan poor Admiral bird who's no longer around to defend himself all the crazy things the Nazis believed and finally teachings from Buddhism and Tibet that were conveniently misinterpreted however not only are there still plenty of Believers the movement is actually growing one such telepathic Communicator Diane Robbins told a New York Post article that there are 100 Subterranean cities known as the Agatha Network oh Diane you grifty Griff griffs allegedly the inhabitants are human like us but because they've lived their lives in peaceful isolation they've gained immortality that makes sense Diane you big brain and here I was looking at the viability of cryonics another modern day believer of the hollow Earth theory is Rodney klaff author of the world top secret our Earth is hollow published in 2014 published someone published this surely self-published come on come on no one's like who tried to organize an expedition to the hollow Earth in 2007 the planned Expedition would depart from Russia with an icebreaker ship and head for the opening in the North Pole at the time the Expedition would have cost 20 000 per person needless to say never got off the ground but Clough is the firm believer and claims more and more people are coming to terms with the idea that the Earth is Hollow in 2002 a man claiming to be a United States Air Force Colonel also came forward stating that he visited the inner earth in 1982 through tunnels under Area 51 so I guess you can add that to the list of entrances of course of course oh my god of course if you're a bit skeptical about this whole business I know I sure am what about just asking someone who's from agarthur sharula Aurora Dax is an ambassador from inner earth who was born in Telos in 1725 and arrived at the city of Mount Shasta in California in the 1980s she was kind enough to give an interview that covered life in Telos in great detail but good luck finding her because she went into seclusion in 1993. I'll be honest I only read excerpts of the interview because by this point I was beginning to down liability of humankind as a species so let's move on to something a little bit more real proof of Hollow Earth honestly doesn't sound a lot more real does it If we're honest some dedicated to Garth a theorists haven't given up on science completely and refer to how planets are formed as their argument in favor of an inner earth many people agree that a form of energy is needed for any advanced Society to develop for our service dwellers that would be the sun however there isn't a star inside a planet's core or is there to understand this Theory we first need to consider how a star and planets are formed basically A Star is Born when a cloud of dust and gas collapses under its own gravitational attraction this begins to heat up however not all the dust in the cloud becomes the storm the remaining dust that floating around in space containing various elements like carbon and iron these particles start colliding sometimes they stick together and eventually they form into physical bodies like planets dwarf planets meteors and natural satellites the universe is incredible I love what the ship is wild it's so cool unlike some [ __ ] theory about the hollow Earth let's see where this goes according to Marshall Gardner an astronomer and Hollow Earth believer some photos of distant planets and nebulas show flat and tops and possibly glowing openings suggesting an interior source of energy like a small sun inside the planet however while the majority of my knowledge regarding space is from Star Trek Legend I couldn't find anything to suggest that a star can form inside a planet but there is a there is a very hot core inside our planet but perhaps it's possible for a planet to form around a different source of energy of course I'm not sure how that would prove the planet is hollow our own planet's core would be a great source of energy but that doesn't make the planet Hollow then there are the mammoths and mastodons big woolly elephants that lived during the last ice age that went extinct about 10 000 years ago while the average Joe won't come across Mammoth remains on a daily basis compared to dinosaur fossils they're plentiful and finding even well-preserved remains isn't that uncommon if you're in that line of work of course this is more proof that the hollow Earth is real how's that again mammoths are still alive and well inside the earth however if they wander too far north or fall into crevasses or die in some of the way they're carried by rivers from MacArthur to the surface this also explains why the remains are so well preserved you mean other than them being frozen in the very real ice have you looked inside your freezer put a stake in there and tell me what happens to it in 2014 in Siberia Mammoth remains were found with food still in the stomach the reason for this is simple the mammoth didn't die 10 000 years ago died the other day and got washed to the surface got me crazy but I'm going to go with the scientists on this one I believe them when they say that mammoths are extinct apparently there are also dinosaurs in the inner earth but we're not going to even go there you sheep come on this is all obviously real you're like a big science has got your eyes covered of course in order to keep this amazing secret well a secret civilians aren't allowed to visit the polar regions in case they spot this opening and tell everybody Google Images are being manipulated by the government to commercial airlines aren't allowed to fly across the poles it's all entirely false if you really want to explore either the Arctic or Antarctic as a civilian you're entirely free to do so since Antarctica is a continent that doesn't belong to any specific Nation you don't need a visa all you need is a passport however before you book a trip there are some conditions Antarctica is a very fragile and mostly untouched ecological system and we'd like to keep it that way so travel operators going to Antarctica need permits and you'll need permission to go to some places also unless you're a penguin Antarctica might be one of the most if not the most inhospitable places on the planet you're not just going to be uncomfortable if you don't take the necessary precautions you will die out of all that it's really expensive flying over the poles is also allowed but it can interfere with instruments and requires extra safety gear for all passengers in board on board in case of an emergency this is fine for a military jet carrying only the pilot but for a commercial airline carrying 400 passengers this just isn't feasible other than looking for exclusive openings to prove government conspiracies there's also no reason to fly over the polar regions it doesn't significantly alter flight times and with no big airports and limited infrastructure at an emergency landing be necessary there won't be help once the plane manages to land which might be difficult due to extreme weather military aircraft do operate in the polar regions the reason for this is easy both Russia and the US have considered launching attacks from the polar region so they're both keeping an eye to make sure that the other one doesn't do anything there first and finally all those Google Images being manipulated by the government I'm sorry that's also false it's a simple question of resources and time a popular image proving the existence of these entrances shows a dark section a right at the North Pole where the opening would be however the satellites that take the images don't take all of them instantly the satellite moves and the photos were taken over 24 hour period and then combined to give a picture of the North Pole and a lot can happen in 24 hours as one signed his dosto stated taking aerial surveillance photos and satellite images cost money therefore scientists spend their precious resources taking photos of areas of interest and and other things rather than a lot of ice there's nothing interesting about the poles that can be seen from the air the polls get super interesting when you take core samples of the ice but there's not much satellite images can tell scientists and they that they don't already know or can't find out by other means no one is prevented from taking photos of North and South Pole they simply have very few reasons to do so finally many of the stories about Agatha are in the form of a found manuscript the story of Olaf Janssen that we started with is a good example but it wasn't the only one there are plenty another good example of a found manuscript is a tale told to Lowell and jury who was supposed to publish the entire story but ended up not doing it and finally entrusting the whole manuscript with some of his own thoughts tossed in to John Yuri Lloyd Lloyd then added his own forward and finally published the book Etta dorfer so essentially it was found manuscript of a found manuscript it's also Aphrodite spelled backwards so world no creativity points for you oh my god any proof presented as a found manuscript a true story dictated by someone else or a secret diary that only comes to light after a person person's death is problematic this is the thing it's problematic in the same way that often with these episodes is like one person's eyewitness testimony I saw an alien spaceship yeah sure he did mate I saw this thing in the writing down diary I sure he did mate that's the response it's like sure mate because it just could be totally made up my generation will be very familiar with the Blair Witch Project the movie that started the found footage craze that is sadly still with us today but the found manuscript Trope as it's called was the 1800s version of lost footage it was first used by Mary Shelley in a novel Frankenstein it could be the diary entries as used by both Shelley and Bram Stoker in his novel Dracula or it can be a tale told to someone which the author then miraculously discovers and turns into hopefully a best-selling book while some authors had no problem owning up to the fact that it was fiction Shelley never claimed that either Dr Frankenstein or his creation were real not all authors were willing to do that as this channel proves people love a mystery it's like the Dan Brown thing everything in this book is real it's like Dan it's not no Dan I'm like no God conclusion as long as this script is and it is long it's got to be like well over an hour right it's a brief overview of the Quest for Agatha there are many explorers I didn't even touch on Nicholas rurich Austin dowski and his book beasts men and gods and the shaver mystery though in my opinion that was obviously a marketing Ploy by Amazing Stories editor Ray Palmer to sell more magazines to name a few what people trying to spin a story to sell magazines what no no come on I'd be happy to do a follow-up script looking at these characters in more detail if anyone is interested but in this case the mystery is not decoded as there wasn't any mystery to decode in the first place my biggest frustration writing this script was the fact that none of the stories are consistent there are some shared ideas opening at the polls and advanced and benevolent Society but there are far more inconsistencies in fact the various Believers can't even seem to agree on their name for the inner world I mean this is it though it's like why aren't all vampire stories consistent wild or zombie stories consistent why are zombies different in some works of fiction same for vampires and it's not because it's it's right there because they're all fictional like this it's all made up it's a fictional story that someone threw in at the beginning based on real events that's what we've got here that's it silly that's conspiracy theory 101 keep your story straight on top of that none of the sources I found and I did a lot of reading could really explain why the world's government would keep this a secret if any of this was true it would be the most significant scientific discovery in the history of mankind and if these people are as benevolent and advanced as the tales claim it's unlikely that any one country could possibly occupy them and steal their technology in order to do that all the countries of the world would need to unite and work together and I just don't see that happening we're too busy fighting each other the idea of an advanced civilization keeping an honest ready to step in and save us from ourselves or should we insist on destroying ourselves and the planet step up and help us recover is a reassuring tale but sadly that's all it is the Earth is not Hollow science has proven that and if Simon doesn't have a video on Earth composition or one of his other channels yet we'll definitely need to look into that as for agartha it's a reassuring story but there is not an ounce of Truth in it the only people who can save this planet are the people living on it yes and that's where today's video ends thank you for being here for this rather long episode and if you liked it please like And subscribe if you're listening as a podcast reviews are always appreciated and I'll see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 828,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow earth theory, hollow earth, unsolved mystery, conspiracy theory, geology, history, pl-conspiracytheories, history shows, unsolvednetwork, explained, explainer, underworld, unexplained, history channel shows
Id: cdC-niPK06w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 6sec (4326 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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