QAnon: The 21st Century's Most Bizarre Conspiracy Theory

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hello everybody welcome back to another episode of decoding the unknown today we're tackling a big one that i don't feel i know enough about we're doing q anon uh who is behind q anon specifically if you're new to the show kevin writes me a script one of my writers does today it's kevin thank you kevin i'm gonna read it and uh add my thoughts when i want to and jen how does it feel to see your conspiracy theory come to life a wonderful video editor is going to well do the video edit or the audio edit if you're listening to this is a podcast welcome one and all um i feel q anon is quite an american-centric conspiracy theory like whenever i read about it it tends to be like americans believing something crazy about some dude who's like slipping them information and then did i recently read that people think that john f kennedy is gonna come back from the dead or some crazy [ __ ] like that you're crazy up there are they crazy is that q anon i mean it just seems absolutely wild i'm excited to learn more uh i'm hopefully not gonna be killed by someone who believes in cuenon the number part of the conspiracy because that's the thing they'll be like simon you did this hit piece on q and on what are you like antiquing on are you part of i don't know i don't even know what the people in q anon believe like who's their big bad i guess it's the government i don't know who cares are they really pro-trump is that a thing they want trump back in the presidency let's get into it [Music] normally i enjoy a nice meandering opening to these episodes but there's no time for that today this is a big topic and there is a lot to digest today we're going to be looking at what exactly is q anon and who the person or persons behind the cue account might be before we can take a deep dive into q anon we first need to set the stage so let's take a trip to everyone's favorite lawless corner of the internet yeah i have to say i'm really glad we're getting a background because all i know i feel like q and on don't people think that there's there's the q character maybe he's from the cia or something weird like that who knows the origins of 4chan the dream was simple a place where english-speaking anime fans could go and post and discuss pictures like so many other internet sensations 4chan was created by a high schooler in this case it was christopher moo pool he modeled the site after the japanese image board to chan but i guess his site was going to be twice as good the structure of the site was simple there were a number of different boards on the site for topics such as anime video games manga user's original artwork and pornography users did not need an account to post and the default setting for anyone without a username was to post as anonymous post could be just text but normally included an image or video to start the discussion it was a very basic structure and the site could be as wholesome or as depraved as the content the users felt like posting given the largely anonymous nature of the website and the reputation that it has i'll leave it to you to guess which direction that it went i have to say i mean i knew that 4chan was a discussion board i mostly know 4chan like for when they do pranks like don't they like take websites down of like piece of like companies and governments and stuff and always like it's pretty nice i guess i don't know i didn't realize it was so depre i mean it's got that reputation of being depraved but normally when you hear about it in the news you're like i'm usually like that's quite cool one of the things that keeps 4chan so popular is that there's no form of upvoting posts everything is posted chronologically which means that all users have an equal voice also it's kind of like the opposite of reddit but isn't what's nice about reddit it's like you only see the good stuff because it rises to the top and everything there's a bit it just goes to the bottom isn't that like a feature while many sites start off this way they all ultimately fall in line with the industry norm of making some posts more visible than others personally i hate that system and will never forgive twitter or facebook for making that change uh here comes a christian realize you vote you vote you write for a youtube channel which youtube is this entire thing yo there are so many metrics and little analytics things and all of this that matter youtube's not just like his the latest uploaded videos because i think this is a good thing and i'm not sure if i'm saying that just because i benefit from that but it is like and it's not even voting on youtube it's literally they look at the behavior of viewers like if you watch this video for a long time this video is more likely to be shown to other people which just seems like a sensible way of doing things because it means that people see the good stuff rather than you know 10 seconds that someone accidentally uploaded from their phone when i log on to social media i want to see the absolute latest fake news post not just the fake news posts that received the most engagement yeah implied that all of social media is just fake news everyone having an equal voice is appealing when you don't want your salient points to be drowned out by click bait or other random noise a celebrity said but the one problem with everyone having an equal voice is that all the people have equal voices too this is the same reason that democracy does not work that was yeah i mean yeah yeah there was i mean democracy doesn't work none of the systems were i mean work perfectly none of the systems work perfectly just democracy seems to be the one that works best of all of the bad systems except like i don't know benevolent dictator i'm like oh shut the [ __ ] up there was virtually no moderation on 4chan either the site owner and a handful of volunteers will work diligently to remove snuff films child pornography or anything else illegal that got posted onto the website but that was about it as long as it was legal or at least vaguely within the realm of legal nothing would be moderated chris's efforts to remove this illegal content not go over terribly well and the phrase moot is a homophobic slur i assume that didn't say homophobic slur but it was inserted there has almost certainly been posted on the site millions of times in response to what was perceived as draconian enforcement of the extremely minimal rules of moderation let me just run through that list of what people were upset about getting removed didn't it wasn't this snuffboo films and child i mean yeah snuff films charmanography or anything else illegal 4chan were like no no don't remove that we love snuff films what do you say to the people who claim you're destroying cinema classic many popular websites and apps created by teenagers wound up selling for tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars today 4chan sees 22 million unique users every month with over 600 million page views that is a lot as someone who works in views on the internet that is a lot most recently it was ranked the 1 354th most popular website which is still really good but it's peaked as high as 56. these are the sorts of numbers most people can only dream about take a guess simon how much money do you think a site with those numbers can sell for um oh god do i actually have to guess why 600 million pages a month uh i'd guess like at least a hundred mill 100 million dollars i don't know i'm just completely guessing um just based but youtube views are not the same i don't really know website views i don't know that that that would feel like low to me i guess i can't see the future so i don't know what your guess was but i can pretty much guarantee you overshot it by a lot relatively early on chris was approached by a japanese video game company that wanted to buy support chad for fifteen thousand dollars which is crazy i mean the amount of money he's making a month is assuming he's got some ads on there i guess he must um he's gonna be way more than that when he refused they offered forty five thousand 000 but he also turned that down that was the last time anyone would ever try to contact him to buy the website despite chris's desire to monetize the site companies were simply not interested in having their banner ads potentially run alongside tube girl or goatsie uh tub girl sorry i remember tub girl um and unfortunately that is an image i've seen unlike somehow i've managed to avoid two girls one cup three girls one two girls one cup that video like 20 years ago never saw it very happy that that never happened uh but unfortunately i did get tricked into looking at the tub girl image i have no idea what goats he is and uh i'm never gonna look it up if you haven't been on the internet long enough to know what those are do not look them up i'm deadly serious here yeah please don't please for the love of god don't i don't even know what goatsy is but you don't want to look it up if it's anything like tub girl i'm gonna see it oh god oh god they did sell a 4chan pass for 20 per year that offered additional features but even then chris would describe the site as being technically profitable while everyone knows that technically correct is the best kind of correct technically profitable is absolutely the worst kind of profitable also yeah i mean running a website with those kind of numbers is going to be expensive you've got to pay for like the the bandwidth and stuff anyway that gives you at least a vague inkling of the sort of place that 4chan was a site that could generate traffic to rival the biggest sites in the world yet no advertiser would come within a thousand feet of it i feel like there are advertisers like but uh you know they'd advertise on anything you know the the the generally shady ones that you might see on a website where you're allegedly streaming something illegally or something like that you know like uh gambling mobile games these guys will just like advertise on anything cultural impact [Music] it's important to remember that q anon oh god this video is about q and on not no wonder this script so long kevin it's important to remember the q anon is not the first major cultural movement to come out of 4chan and by taking a quick look at some of the things that can trace their origins back to the infamous message board it might give us some insight as to the mindset of the site's users wait i know it's stupid because we just did a massive intro into q into uh 4chan for q anon but in my mind q anon is like something for karen's and like middle-aged people who don't really understand the internet wait i thought this was like way more of like a weird facebook conspiracy thing rather than like 4chan users who i imagine like as technically competent and fans of anime which i i in my mind is quite removed from q anon which is why i guess i don't really know much about it i'm learning because i feel like q anon is in the news more than it deserves and uh but i i guess most people so far knew a lot more about this than i do the multitude of ways in which 4chan has impacted our culture is only rivaled by its diversity many of the earliest internet memes can trace their origins back to 4chan and they were harmless fun if you remember lol cats pictures of cats with humorous but poorly spelled a grammatically incorrect captions you can thank 4chan for making them popular without 4chan swarming the video to increase its visibility in the algorithm you may never have heard the dulcet tones of chocolate rain is that right did fortune make chocolate rain popular well there you go better or for worse without 4chan american audiences would likely have never met pedobear and of course on the topic of memes there is the most famous story for some reason in the mid-2000s chris installed a filter that changed all instances of the word egg to the word dark so a word like egg roll would become dark roll this led people to posting links that purported to be relevant to a topic on hand but instead just led to an image of a duck on wheels in 2007 when rockstar games published the trailer for grand theft auto 4 online their website crashed one 4chan user claimed to have uploaded a copy of the video to youtube but the link took everyone to the music video for never going to give you up thus the advent of the rick roll well there you have it [Music] i feel like i actually made a video about that but i really felt like i just learned that for the first time but now i think about it i'm almost certain that on another channel i do today i found out i made a video literally about the advent of the rick roll and the first two seconds of the video were just the the rick rolled thing made you know tricking everyone to thinking it was a rick robber then we actually explained it because that's what we do on that channel but 4chan has given rise to more than just memes it's credited as being the birthplace of the internet hacktivist group anonymous although after an attack on the church of scientology's website turned into a real-world protest chris tried to crack down as organizing physical protests violated one of the few rules that existed on 4chan i'm guessing this decision had nothing to do with any moral or political stance and more to do with preventing the website that was already unable to bring in advertisers from gaining any more potentially negative attention and there's another thing i learned today i am learning all sorts of stuff today i had no idea anonymous came from 4chan allegedly the number of controversy surrounding 4chan is far too great to attempt to cover them all but we're going to hit some of the highlights to try and get a full picture of the culture on the website that would become the initial home of q there have been numerous arrests made for threats of domestic terrorism on 4chan they range from threats of school shootings to coordinated bombings of nfl stadiums the vast majority of these were meant as a joke not to be taken seriously um yeah as we know and have an episode coming up on the casual criminalist about don't joke about that because you'll get in trouble but the fbi has routinely failed to see the humor in the situation how surprising in fact there have been a lot of arrests in addition to domestic terrorism members of the site have been arrested for using 4chan to post child pornography videos of themselves abusing animals and more than once by users posting pictures of their murder victims no way guys it's so crazy how a group like anonymous will come out of there who like i don't know weren't they recently like taking down like russian websites and it's like hey and also the same site where people are posting victims uh posting pictures of murder victims i guess that's the thing it's like super across the board but it's like oh my god that is dark to like oh my god legend in one such instance the image was accompanied by the text turns out it's way harder to strangle someone to death than it looks in the movies jesus christ guys rule number one don't write down your crimes august of 2014 was a big month with 4chan seeing two major controversies one was known as the fappening that being the internet's preferred on the poetic it's a big brain word there kevin term for masturbation following a compromise of alkali icloud users passwords thousands of private photos and videos taken from cloud storage of female celebrities were posted on 4chan and then spread all over the internet this prompted chris who to his credit was always very cooperative with authorities regarding anything illegal happening on the site to finally post the digital millennium copyright act policy on the site after years of not getting around to it the other big controversy that month went by the name gamergate i don't know that one it all began with unsubstantiated rumors from the ex-boyfriend of indie game developer zoe quinn that she had begun a sexual relationship with a video game reviewer in exchange for a positive game review oh i vaguely remember this he later said that he had no proof of any relationship between them and the reviewer in question didn't even review quinn's game these are facts though and apparently facts have no place on 4chan immediately women in the gaming industry were the targets of vicious harassment doxxing and threats of rape and murder all of these continued well after proof that nothing untoward happened it's about ethics in video game journalism was the rallying cry of gamergate a rather puzzling platitudes and journalists weren't the ones being harassed only women and predominantly women developers if it were really about ethics the successful male journalists using their position to extract sexual favors from female indie developers with the promise of furthering their career would be the ones acting unethically but logic is irrelevant in cases like these especially since we know it didn't happen anyway get used to that sentiment because it's going to be a pretty common theme throughout the episode yeah there's also that thing where people just get locked into their you know you have an opinion about something and then evidence come out comes out that contradicts that opinion it's crazy how many people will not give up that opinion because they've just believed it for so long and then it's like there's evidence i'll okay i've said this before on this show always be looking to change your opinion on stuff because humans are really bad at changing opinions and it's actually a good thing like if you're presented with new information or you grow up or you mature or whatever or you i mean it can even go the other way like you could gain a negative opinion on on something that you used to think was good even if object i'm losing my train of thought but like always try and change your opinion it's a good thing to do [Music] pizzagate [Music] pizzagate was essentially the prototype for cure not this story is not solely contained on 4chan with activity on reddit and twitter as well come on facebook how you not involved there pizzagate was like the ultimate fake news facebook meta that's your that's your bread and butter baby come on i am disappointed on october 30th to allegedly get sued by mark zuckerberg saying facebook's bread and butter is fake news i mean but in my opinion it is isn't it what else do people go onto facebook for i don't even use facebook on the 30th of october 2016 a twitter user took a break from his normal posting of white supremacist propaganda to tweet that the nypd believed leaked emails from huma mahmoud abedin vice chair of hillary clinton's campaign pointed to a pedophile and human trafficking ring with hillary at the center of it when the emails of john podesta hillary's campaign chair were posted onto wikileaks proponents of the conspiracy thought the emails contained coded messages conducting several high-ranking members of the democratic party to the sex ring oh and also a satanic cult because why not washington dc pizzeria comet ping pong was believed to be the central location where children were locked in the basement and democrats would perform satanic ritual abuse you ever have one of those conspiracy theories where it's like yo yo yo the burden of proof it's like some you'd be like that's a fairly mild conspiracy theory that is actually you know that's quite believable burden of proof is much lower it's like okay well show me some like show me some evidence with this it'd be like oh boy you're gonna need to have some mega evidence to support this crazy theory because you had to throw in satan and i mean it's just it's just wild it's just prima fassy unbelievable the theory was immediately picked up by fake news and alt-right propaganda sites when i say fake news note that i don't just mean news that is publishing facts or opinions i disagree with i mean sites that deliberately post lies and hoaxes as news just to generate traffic and thus revenue sync infowars sort of stuff allegedly these sites added to the claims saying that the nypd had raided clinton's property and that the fbi had confirmed the theory i i mean you're always like you can't just make stuff up and it's like websites absolutely makes it these fake news things absolutely exist and it's crazy it's just written as facts on some website that looks like the news because people are gonna click on it from facebook and they're gonna get advertising revenue it's mental and i guess like the the law just can't keep up with them neither of these things were even remotely true surprising but the original conspiracy wasn't true either so in for a penny in for a pound we suppose besides it's just a bit of harmless fun to improve their bottom line what's the worst thing that can happen from spreading misinformation like this some kind of apocalypse the end of the world ah i guess this was 2016 and back then we were like not really quite aware of how damaging fake news can be and what it can be used for it's pretty crazy to think about and with this i kind of feel it's like just look you can feel about like um what's that super left american one msnbc or the super right american one like fox news either way you look at it those are news websites like don't go to facebook and click across to some random website called like world news web dot bd or whatever for like i don't know what extension but it's like don't get your news there choose your favorite politically biased thing that fits in with your opinions and the echo chamber that you want to be a part of because at least you're getting something resembling the news you know or alternatively just read something like the financial times which is so down the center you're like so boring we just have a sponsor i think was it ground news that uh had this amazing thing where it was just like ranking the thing so you could like it would combine all of the stories and it was really good was it ground news i want to say it was ground news there was another one that did something similar or something else to do with news and so i might be confusing the name but they'd they'd compile all this news into one app and it would be like here's what this slightly right of center website says here's what this slightly left of center website says here's what breitbart says or whatever and you're like oh holy [ __ ] right bart or holy [ __ ] left wing equivalent on december 4 edgar welch a 28 year old man arrived at comet ping pong with an assault rifle oh god i do remember this during his visit he fired a total of three rounds fortunately injuring nobody but edgar wasn't there to hurt anyone he was there to be the savior he drove from north carolina to washington dc to rescue children from their captors armed with all the information that had been provided online regarding the human trafficking ring he shot off the lock of the door that led to the basement where he believed he would release the children from their shackles except that obviously didn't happen behind the door was not a basement just a closet with the pizzeria's older point of sale equipment the building didn't even have a basement edgar surrendered himself to police and was sentenced to four years in prison following a plea agreement no oh i know you shouldn't go with an assault rifle and start letting it off but this guy thought he was he's just dumb and was on a mission that's insane he thought he was trying to save people he didn't hurt anyone oh my god he should just have community service right he just fell for a stupid joke despite all the evidence of the country including his own vagilantism he still believed the pizzagate conspiracy was true two polls were conducted of registered voters following the incident one by public policy polling why would you call your company that it's basically impossible to say a company out of north carolina and one by the british paper uh paper the economist is a magazine uh the economist even after the raid of comets showed that the endangered children were actually just outdated cash registers support for the theory had not vanished this is the thing this is what i'm talking about people will get an opinion about something they'll be presented with tons of evidence of the country and still be like yeah yeah but we didn't land on the moon did we there were children in the basement that didn't exist it's insane please try and change your opinions for the kids for us for all of us the american poll asked voters if they thought hillary clinton was connected to a child's sex ring being run out of a dc pizzeria not that she's just attached to a sex ring which i feel would be enough of a poll but also that it's being run out of a pizzeria in washington dc only 72 said no with 7 19 being unsure and 9 saying yes although i feel like if i got that poll i'd be like this is crazy yes yeah she definitely is yeah she is i feel like there's nine percent of people are just jokers the british poll asked voters if they felt leaked emails from clinton's campaign talked about pedophilia and human trafficking the number of trump supporters that said yes was 46 but they're they're super biased because they vote for trump you know they don't like clinton it's a bias poll but from clinton supporters the number was still 17 are you smoking the crack that cannot be real i'm not sure what's more frightening how high those numbers are despite the complete lack of evidence and in fact evidence to the contrary or that 17 of clinton voters confirmed to support her despite believing the rumors were true that's even more insane it's like yeah i do think that hillary clinton is running a pedophile sex trafficking ring out of a dc pizzeria but i still support her because i support child sex trafficking jesus christ whatever the case this seemed to be it's amazing that someone could could still get a ton of votes just because they're backed by some party that people like to the extent that they could be a running a pedophile sex ring it's like jeffrey epstein could be he'd still if someone backed him if someone was like yeah yeah i mean he's dead obviously um but if someone if like he was nominated people would still vote for him which is absolutely mental whatever the case there seems to be a blind spot in the human psyche no when the safety of our children is threatened all logic and reason go out of the window and people still want to protect them from any threat no matter how imaginary that's not to say that human trafficking and child exploitation aren't very real things because they absolutely are and they should absolutely be stopped but unfounded internet rumors don't seem to be the solution with that it's time to dive into the main story of unfounded internet rumors one more quick thing first though on the topic of 4chan human trafficking and internet rumors on august 10 2019 an anonymous user on 4chan post an image of pepe the frog with the caption don't ask me how i know but epstein died an hour ago from hanging and cardiac arrest this post was made 38 minutes before the definitely suicide wink wink of alleged sex trafficker jeffrey epstein was first made public by abc oh is that still alleged i'm sorry yeah when i said it previously i definitely meant alleged while the identity of the poster or where they got their information is unknown this post was not made by q it's that rare instance of actual insider knowledge that gives all the other unfounded claims of insider knowledge some amount of credibility because that one person on 4chan was right about that one thing so maybe this other person is too well that person didn't guess they knew so it could be someone who works at the prison who's also on 4chan or whatever that's fairly intense this has been a very long background into a story about q anon but i have to say like this is a for me personally it's a nice intro and it kind of reminds me about stuff that was in the news what half a decade ago so this is a nice prep the calm before the storm it all started with a single post back when the user was still just another 4chan anon before adopting the name of q on the afternoon of saturday the 24th of october 2017 a user posted hillary clinton will be arrested between 7 45 am and 8 30 am est on monday the morning of october the 30th 2017. pretty sure that never happened i feel like hillary clinton got arrested unknown about it the post appeared on 4chan's poll board the politically incorrect board full of memes hot takes and ridiculous laughing accounts used to role-play as political insiders and spread misinformation why they refer to it as larping which stands for live-action role players beyond me seeing as it's all done from behind someone's computer but i'm not here to critique their nomenclature the point was that this sort of thing happened all the time but it never resulted in an entire political movement before the arrest of hillary clinton was a bold prediction to make it immediately people called bullsh the user that made the post continued to double down telling people to just wait 30 hours and also predicting that the complete jfk files would be released unredacted also fairly sure that's not happened this user was not cue but q's first post would be a response to the claim of clinton being arrested quote hrc i assume that's uh rotten clinton hillary rodham clinton uh extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross-border run passport approved to be flag effective 10 30th at 1201 am expect massive rods organized in defiance and others fleeing the u.s to occur u.s marines will conduct the operation while national guard activated proof check locate a national guard member and ask if activated for duty on 10 30 across most major cities end quote image balls like 4chan use something called a trip code a unique identifier used to tell that posts are from the same anonymous user and the trip code was used to show that the original post was the same account that would later become q while still using the generic posting name of anonymous the user would make their second post later that day the post contained a number of questions and statements that were centered around president trump and the military particularly the sort of unilateral authority that the president had over the military while cuenon is largely viewed as a far-right fringe conspiracy theory it's worth noting that this early post was not pro-republican and anti-democratic it was pro-trump and anti-establishment q specifically states that it is not an r vs d battle and they never believe for a moment that they republicans and democrats would lose control at this point trump had been in office for less than a year and his campaign rhetoric of drain the swamp was at the forefront of optimistic trump supporters minds this user was engaging with people in an interactive way asking them questions that would allow them to piece together the puzzle themselves it was like a game and the continued gamification of q's cryptic posts would drive engagement to heights that q may not have anticipated the original queue is just like oh my god what have i done as the original poster to whom q responded pointed out all they had to do was wait 30 hours as we all know however when those 30 hours passed nothing had happened to hillary clinton because well of course it didn't the thing with q anon however is that it is not a static conspiracy theory it's an ever-changing culture with as few specific predictions as possible it's like nostradamus right you just make like a few non-specific predictions uh and sorry make a lot of non-specific predictions and eventually you know some of them are going to be able to be interpreted as like oh yeah that kind of fits that and then people believe that some dude can tell the future when obviously that's [ __ ] because the future hasn't happened yet making concrete predictions means that you can be proven wrong and that's never a good thing making vague statements that the community can interpret however they want now that's a winning strategy just ask nostradamus exactly kevin and i same page q get their name from q clearance the highest clearance level in the department of energy the equivalent to top secret clearance in the department of defense the name was chosen as theoretically it gives the poster some level of legitimacy even though there's also the chance that it really was just some kid laughing and pretending to have insider knowledge of what would happen that's exactly what it seems like we could also like yeah i've got i've got top secret clearance because i said so that's [ __ ] seeing as q anon had been going on for over four years and there are over five thousand queue drops messages directly from queue that are also sometimes referred to as breadcrumbs there is no way we're going to cover every single thing instead let's take a look at where and how q anon spread and then at some of their core beliefs the rise of q it's hard to say exactly why anyone latched on to this account more so than the countless other making others making similar style claims but within days people were already analyzing the various cue drops looking for hidden meaning in the messages only six days after the first post from cue an alt-right youtuber tracy diaz was contacted by two 4chan moderators pamphlet anon and barrick the scribe they felt that q's message needed to be spread further and suggested she begin posting videos deciphering the messages okay do they know each other because if someone messaged me and would be like i mean people message me all the time like can you cover this and i'm like i mean sometimes if it's like yeah someone could message me and say cover q and i'll be like okay that sounds like a good idea but sometimes people will message me just be like can you cover this really obscure thing that happened to my gran and i'm like no i mean i just don't reply because i get too many emails but it's like what do you think i got a brilliant email this morning someone messaged emailed me and i don't know how this one didn't get caught in spare but it was like hi simon i love all of your channels been a watching viewer for ages without either way let's talk business best regards john or whatever the name was and i'm like what does this message even mean and i was like awesome maybe i look at their web address their email address so maybe it's like at some company wants to sponsor or something and then i can just look at that link there's no it's just a generic email address i'm like okay why what's going on who are you delete while the original 4chan interest is hard to explain the subsequent spread from influencers or people who would become influencers because of q anon was very simple monetary gain they want that sweet adsense money and this must have been before youtube were like yo yo yo how about how about we don't want to like allow people to monetize wild conspiracy theories i mean they can still wait sometimes even they can't post videos right they get they get suppressed which uh i don't know how i feel about that in general i used to genuinely feel it's like yo let the people decide like if people want to watch it and believe in it i mean they're not that people are smart enough to to not need to be exposed to this nowadays i'm kind of of the opinion which is a bit pessimistic but it's like people get s suck it and not just stupid people smart people get suckered into conspiracy theories it's crazy like someone in my family genuinely is like yeah no 911 was an inside job and i'm like but you're smart but you're smart how what and it's like yep and and did we land on the moon it's like no it's a conspiracy i'm like your big brain how uh the youtuber in question did not get a lot of views on her videos in general but saw greatly increased interest when discussing things like pizzagate or wikileaks so if q anon was going to spread it would be to her benefit to get in on the ground floor and spreading it was the goal because bigger and better things were q anon meant bigger and better things with a patreon that she advertised in every video there's a very common theme among people publicizing q anon not just patreons for their content but they will also sell merge or do anything else they can to monetize cue everything from shirts and mugs to dietary supplements if it exists promoters of q anon have capitalized on it probably because they don't get to capitalize on adsense or regular sponsors i don't think squarespace is going to be very keen to advertise on a video that's like let's decipher cue and on things i mean i wonder if that they online because this is clearly like a historical skeptical look at this which i think is the fingers crossed not going to be suppressed by youtube because we're dealing with facts um but you could see why adsense the regular google ads use the youtube ads you see or sponsors might stay away from something like that while the message was spreading more every day being primarily hosted on 4chan was a pretty large barrier of entry as a result the decision was made to create a subreddit for q anon called r cbts underscore stream cbts stands for calm before the storm a phrase said in a very cryptic manner by president trump at press conference while waving his hand in the air in a way that could be interpreted as drawing a letter q in the air at least by anyone who was specifically looking to interpret it that way this press conference was three weeks before queue began posting on 4chan but it became a common saying amongst the group are other people who believe that trump is cue i feel like maybe that's the thing that i've heard about thanks to doxxing and threats of violence this subreddit didn't last very long the same moderators tried again and made the r the great awakening referring to the supposed great awakening when the brainwashed masses would realize the government was lying to them this subreddit also did not last long without getting before getting banned by reddit however these subreddits i didn't realize reddit was so anti-conspiracy theory there you go we can't have a drunken madman spreading conspiracy theories all over however these subreddits did serve the purpose of recruiting new followers who coincidentally could buy cue merchandise that could be migrated to q's new home where is that though it's not 4chan it's not reddit it's definitely not a youtube face facebook it's gotta be facebook come on why did q need a new home because 4chan had been compromised at least according to q if 4chan got its name because it was twice as good as 2chem then q needed a newer better home it was time to head over to the imageboard 8chan there you go if 4chan was like the wild west hm was the 7th circle of l for anyone wondering at home yes there are absolutely both 420 chan and 69 chan because of course there are while the claim was that 4chan was compromised the likely reality is that thai was too heavily moderated hard as that may be to believe chris was always compliant with law enforcement and while he sold the site in 2015 to japanese entrepreneur and 2chan creator hiroyuki nishimura for an undisclosed amount there was enough reason to believe that q was living on borrowed time on 4chan making a migration before being banned would make it much easier to spread the word and continue on without interruption yeah that's pretty smart it's something i absolutely don't do mostly because i'm like i don't know my content is not really something that it's educational content it's educational entertaining entertainment i'm not really living in that youtube zone if they're gonna ban it because i'm not making like conspiracy theories or weird content for kids which was like a huge thing a while ago or monetizing content for kids but also youtube can just be like yo whistle fact boy we're done with you and then that would be it because i mean like what have i got i got like a newsletter with a few thousand people on it brilliant i got twitter ah my career would be over is genuinely scary business continued as normal over on 8-chan until 2019 when there was a tree of mass shootings two in the united states and one in new zealand that brought a lot of negative attention to 8-chan all three shooters posted racist hateful manifestos on 8-chan before beginning their killing sprees there's no indication that these shootings were related to q anon rather than just being your run-of-the-mill races psychopaths but the negative attention was enough to make 8-chan owner jim watkins decide to shut the site down in august of 2019. for a few months he rebranded the site as eight kun and was back online that december i feel like if you've got a website like this jimmo don't you want to be like anonymous if the like this website feels i mean if there are people posting about going on mass shootings i i'd be like get that vpn up and running pretty fast he rebranded the site as aitkin and it was back online that december usage is a bit more complicated than this but the most basic explanation is that chan is the japanese honorific used for young girls through adolescence and kun is the male equivalent it was an adorable re-branding probably just because 16 chan was already taken the point is the queue had his home back cue continued to post at a steady rate until the 2020 election when joe biden defeated donald trump's reelection campaign in november and december of 2020 there was a single post from queue on december the 8th six days before the electoral college would cast their vote to make joe biden president because god forget forbid the popular vote mean anything q posted a link to a youtube video for the twisted sister song we're not going to take it as far as anyone knows q was now gone however q anon would live on throughout donald trump's presidency cuanon had grown into something too big to simply be dissolved by a lack of concrete direction from a single source if anything disappearing without any sort of final message was the worst possible thing q could do roughly 15 to 20 percent of americans believed in at least some form of the q anon theories oh my a percentage that continued to see small gains in the years following biden's election creating a massive radicalized group by preying on fear and distrust of the government and then walking away was like having a child a loaded gun see january the 6th 2021 without any sort of official leader the ever-evolving q anon ideology was now free to continue to grow and splinter as it had been doing for its entire lifetime where we go one we go all so what is q anon all about well that's a bit of a complicated question what started as a single post turned into a giant conspiracy theory and then into a political movement with so many followers that they aren't going to be a monolith in terms of beliefs just like the senate has trouble getting 50 registered democrats to agree on the same thing getting millions of q non-believers to be completely lockstep would be a pretty big ask there are a few themes that are common throughout however yeah this is the thing like you say 15 to 20 percent of americans polled or whatever believe in some q anon thing that could be just because there are so many q and on things or like remotely related if you believe in some tiny part of it does that mean like there's parts of conspiracy theories that i believe in like you could look at some stuff and be like well that's mad suspicion it's suspicious isn't it there's definitely something there does that mean i subscribe to the conspiracy theory and it's tyrus no of course not so i don't know that could be a bit of a misleading statistic the number of people who are fully queueing on wrapped up in it it's their life sort of thing is is lower the origins of the ideology go back to pizzagate and even if the conspiracy regarding comet ping pong was demonstrably false the arrest of jeffrey epstein opened an entirely new and at this time very real can of worms with epstein absolutely committing suicide in prison allegedly with epstein absolutely committing suicide in prison before being given the opportunity to name names the public's imaginations became free to implicate anyone and everyone that they wanted to see as members of his alleged child sex trafficking scheme yeah and that's the thing like that jeffrey epstein thing that conspiracy theory is like i don't know if i believe in it but it is mad suspicious isn't it regardless of which allegations are facts lies or rumors it's pretty easy to find common ground with which to at least open a dialogue with someone to introduce them to qanon do you think human trafficking especially of children is bad it should be a pretty universal yes are you aware that the government is corrupt and lying to you yeah no it's like yeah both of these things it's like obviously the government's lying to you i'm sure like in some way definitely everyone lies to everyone else all the time companies lie to you and government's just like giant company do you realize the world is run by a satan-worshipping cabal of cannibals led by hillary clinton that feeds off torture children to maintain power i mean obviously no that one's a bit of a step too far isn't it i'm sorry what yes that took a real sharp turn all of a sudden i feel like you've got to lead people down the path a bit more before you get there there's a few more questions and then there's a few conversations and then you can get to that and then people are more like warmed up to it and they're like oh my god i guess so holy sh i didn't even realize cannibals was a part of this cubano believes that the public is being manipulated and lied to by the so-called deep state high-level members and influences in government finance and industry it's very similar to the idea that a secret jewish cabal was controlling the world and that only one leader could save people a theory propagated by well you know hey people who are unaware of the existence of the deep state are said to be asleep or living in the matrix while q anon members have taken the red pill and seen the world for what it really is of course simon hasn't seen any movies ever so there's a fair chance he doesn't understand their analogy uh excuse me kevin i've seen the matrix many times also i didn't understand why taking the red pill subject you know like i took the red pill and now i see it's like man if i was neo i'd be taking that blue pill so hard they'd be like you'd want to change your mind and go for the blue pill yes do i care that i'm a battery for some robot machines no god no give me the blue pill jesus speaking of pills you can purchase red pill supplements from a pusher of q and on theories to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals and to allegedly do all the other things dietary supplements are allowed to claim they do without needing fda approval yeah dietary supplements are so shady it's basically yeah things you put in your body but they don't need approval from the health agency pretty nuts there are two major events that q anon is waiting for one is the great awakening the day when the herds of sheeple finally awaken from their slumber and recognize the existence of the deep state it's all that happens be sure to buy a bag of freshly ground great awakening coffee only 13.99 a pound this is i hate all of this stuff this shilling of like look i i know it's a little bit hypocritical because you hear me show stuff on on this show all the time but i do it like and i i'm not like alex james where it's like the brains you know he says something crazy and then he's like i have the solution to this craziness in this magic pill that seems just i don't know it's a little bit worse than me make a video and then taking some money from squarespace to talk about how great squarespace is if i'm there's a there's a sponsor there's a couple of sponsors that i've actually refused to work with because i don't like it when companies make the problem or tell you you have the problem and then provide you with the solution there was one company and it was like yeah we measure testosterone and then we also sell and this was a legit company it wasn't some like dodgy you know mexican pharmacy scam it was like we measure testosterone and then we if you have low testosterone we give you testosterone pills and i'm like it feels a little bit of a conflict of interest doesn't it and i was just not really happy pushing testosterone pills because it feels a bit weird i'm like maybe maybe just an idea that's something you should perhaps go to the doctor for and i know they're like yeah but uh we we do it with an online doctor and i'm like all right well that's fine like we've got a sponsor called keeps and i'm like that's fine when we're talking about like hair pills or penis pills or whatever but when it's like we're gonna like mess with your hormones and [ __ ] i'm like let's leave that to a doctor that you have to go to and see in person and they've got the stethoscope around their neck and all of that kind of [ __ ] maybe just maybe it's an idea what we talking about sorry that was a way long rant about sponsorships which no one's interested in the other big event was the storm which was predicted to take place after donald trump won his re-election by a landslide oops a daisy the storm was the name given to the event in which president trump who was secretly working behind the scenes to battle the deep state would use martial law to restore order to the country and arrest thousands of people sending them to guantanamo bay or executing them oh my god so why donald trump because he was a political outsider public distrust of the government was nothing new and having run on a campaign of draining the swamp to weed out all the corruption in government he was the perfect centerpiece for such a movement ah yes when we don't trust the government we should trust the billionaire corporate dude because they are they are so trustable while i find it hard to believe that the followers of q anon would ever believe hillary clinton of all people would be capable of rising to power as the leader of the alleged satanic cult that was running the world she was his political opponent in 2016 which made her the easiest target plus with the leaked emails it gave people something to point to as evidence of child trafficking claims whether that evidence was there or not i'm pretty sure it wasn't right like people were just reading into it like into well i say pretty sure it wasn't it wasn't it was not there you're reading into it too much that is another core tenet of q anon the idea of do your own research the problem is that research they encourage should only come from other sources that follow cue or idolize trump with the so-called mainstream media being vilified once any part of q anon starts to be believed however the idea that traditional media outlets are compromised by the deep state isn't really a hard sell one of the interests is one of the reasons why i know that none of this is real or like i get that inkling because i'm always like well yeah i'm the media thing and i'm making this video and i mean despite what i'm sure people will say i'm not getting paid by some like deep state fake mainstream media person to do this i'm getting paid by my sponsors and the adverts that you see on this video which are probably less than the adverts you see on my other videos because we're talking about conspiracy theories and q and on so i'm just making this video because i find it interesting and i think people will watch it there's no like secret behind the scenes thing or is there there's not once any part of q anon starts to be believed however the idea that traditional media outlets are compromised by the deep state isn't really a hard sell one of the interesting parts of q anon is that it seems to be mostly or entirely a right-wing or alt-right movement this is interesting because on the very first day q posted that this was not a republican versus democrat issue it was portrayed as being trump as the outsider versus the establishment in the deep state the deep state including members from both parties yeah but then when trump goes on the republican ticket it's naturally going to cause like a push towards the that political side right perhaps it was just playing to their base but the individuals that were singled out were almost entirely left-wing politicians entertainers or businessmen there are very few republicans who were implicated and those were critics of trump's divisive rhetoric such as senator john mccain but now for the reason you're all here child sex trafficking that might have come out wrong yes uh simon out of context might be there much of the alleged trafficking occurs just for fun as every member of the deep state is supposedly a pedophile that seems statistically incredibly unlikely though it's unclear whether that is just an entrance requirement or just a happy coincidence however statistically it can't be a happy coincidence however there is even more sinister reason for all the trafficking which is to torture the children and to harvest adrenochrome what adrenochrome is a highly addictive psychedelic drug that is taken from the adrenal gland of children during satanic torture rituals this is insane this has become i mean it was insane to begin with and now it's gone double down on the insanity except not really adrenocone is just oxidized adrenaline epinephrine and it's easy to manufacture and synthesize there was some limited testing done using it in the 1950s but it triggered psychosis in the small sample size thus no further testing has been done it has not been approved by the fda for any medical use though a blood clotting compound can be derived from adrenocrone that sounds like a really complicated way to make a blood plotting drug much of the trafficking theory seems to stem from hunter s thompson's book fear and loathing in las vegas oh my god here we go in which adrenocrone is used as a recreational drug and the character claims that the only good source of it is a living human's adrenal gland claiming that it's no good if it comes from a corpse a fictional novel may not be the best place for scientific research despite being easily disproven the idea that adrenacone is being harvested from tortured children continues to persist even if the chemical compound did have the effects that are claimed there are easier ways to get it i can go online right now and buy 25 milligrams of adrenal crown for 63 dollars there's a bulk discount at 250 milligrams for only 355 dollars that's a 43 savings you just buy the show on the internet i'm ready let's do it right now right here you don't need a prescription good lord unless they're drinking this [ __ ] by the gallon i'd say that price is pretty affordable for a cabal that includes the likes of bill gates and george soros yeah those guys are rich even with all the evidence to the contrary more and more theories about how hillary clinton and her cabal are trafficking children continues to arise another notable theory is the furniture company wayfair had a secret contract with the cabal to sell the victims of child trafficking what are you talking about i can't it's so funny just like yeah let's throw what should we throw in uh hunter s thompson wayfair furniture pizza it's insane it's truly insane this arose when some pieces of furniture on the site seem to have abnormally high prices compared to the company's other offerings that's just a pricing error or also really expensive furniture there's this furniture shop i walk past i look in the window and i'm so that's quite a nice chair i mean that's that's nice and i look at i look at just through the window and the price tag and i'm like that chair's a grand or like a mer it was it was a lot it was when it was more than a grand it was like grand and a half but not like a fancy sitting chair it's just a dining room chair and it's like what's so i do you've got to get like six eight of them or whatever that's insane it's a big conspiracy a few pieces of furniture with what seemed like extremely unique names at least by white european standards were suddenly on sale for prices in the area of 13 000 it didn't take long for q anon followers to realize that the names of base pieces of furniture were names of missing children and that the sku listed on the site corresponded to the case number on the missing person's registry there's no [ __ ] way that's true that is untrue except no they didn't of course they didn't the idea that the sku numbers matched anything was completely fabricated as for the missing children while i believe one piece of furniture did share the first name of a missing child that is easily a coincidence given the extraordinarily depressing fact that 460 000 children reported missing every year in the united states that's depressing another piece of furniture that was frequently featured showcased a girl who shared her name with the item but who was very much not missing she even released a very angry video about the fact that the people were broadcasting her name and image and claiming that she was a victim of kidnapping which she was clearly not that's another one they'll see that evidence they'll be like it's fake it's fake it's deep fake it's fake news deep state deep fake fake news ah locked into those opinions people remember to always be willing to change your opinion come on now while it seems like every new piece of the puzzle that q presents is ultimately very easily disprovable that's the beauty of q anon it is constantly evolving and changing whatever is happening in the world can be incorporated into their beliefs with previous things being focused on less in the beginning it was built on the pizzagate scandal later on it would push the belief that either cobiad was manufactured by the deep state or it was a hoax and didn't exist at all why would they manufacture a virus or pretend that there was one well that's so that bill gates could implant everyone with microchips via the vaccine to monitor and track us that was a queue and on thing that would truly be a terrifying thought if we weren't all voluntarily doing that anyway with our cell phones it's it's so insane that somehow like the idea that there were microphones around us back in the day would be scary and now it's just we're all very happily carrying around with us at all times something that films our face films what we're looking at um has multiple microphones that are incredibly sensitive on it and what else like i have a siri home hub in the next room in the next room like next door i'm gonna it's far away let's see if it can hear me hey siri studio two background lights red oh it just did one but it's far away in the other room it's always listening to me it's so creepy oh uh dear or audio listeners i just turned the background lights on the set or at least one of them red i don't know why the other one didn't change it should hey siri studio two lights red maybe that doesn't there we go it's lights red that's the command super creepy all right that's that's creepy regardless it will never be possible to truly quantify q anon as it has been constantly evolving a popular slogan in the movement is where we go one we go all allowing you to constantly move them as a group from one theory about the deep state to the next never needing to look back also don't forget to buy your wwg one wga t-shirts and bumper stickers but with q being absent for over a year now raise the question what you've all been waiting for who is q and where did they go [Music] there are a lot of theories about the identity of q they portray themselves as a high-level insider in the governments fighting to take back control of the country by itself this is utterly completely meaningless anyone can say anything online especially in an explicitly anonymous forum and this kind of larping was extremely common before q anon existed there was also fbi and on cia and on cia intern wh insider and on and so on it was all a stupid game and none of those other accounts made the same sort of impact on society as a whole yeah if you're going to say that you've got to somehow prove it you've got to prove that you're an insider i don't know how you do that but there's ways so show us your bomb some of the less credible theories that the queue actually is either a military insider or a trump insider or that it's all a left-wing false flag operation some people have even suggested that q is donald trump himself i thought i'd heard of that one a theory that dramatically overestimates the number of 70 year olds browsing 4chan for the latest of the dank memes honestly this never had to be a difficult question to answer back when chris was running 4chan if shim went down people were identified and arrested with incredible efficiency all that was well and good but he was never the owner when q was active i was unable to find an official statement as to why the new owner hiroyuki hasn't ever cooperated with authorities and identifying the person behind the queue account but if i had to speculate i would say that it's probably because he lives in paris and doesn't give a yeah this is this is exactly it i'm like wait why would he what's his motivation i assumed i guess kind of wait i think he is japanese right because he was the owner of the original one i now lives in paris i'd be like he's just not really got any obligation to does he yet he's like well i like the anonymous thing about it all with a chan owner jim watkins telling congress after the shootings linked to 8-chan in 2019 that he would not be hindering anyone's first amendment rights cooperation from the site owners always going to be less than forthcoming with all without the help we still have three prime suspects for queue and it's almost certainly at least two of them with queue migrating from one board to another and thus no longer having the single unique trip code it's very difficult to identify a specific chain of custody furthermore passwords on eight chance aitken are allegedly notoriously easy to hack and the account linked to queue was commandeered multiple times by random users stealing the account this meant that the owner and moderators of the website had to return control of the account to its original owner meaning that the owner and moderators of the image boards where q was posting had a lot of power in this situation it should come as no surprise that a lot of suspicion fell on those people as being potentially behind cue thanks to both an extremely in-depth hbo documentary and the work of forensic linguists on an occupation that i had no idea even existed there's a lot of strong evidence pointing to q having been two different people at two different times and probably not working with one another so the forensic linguist i guess they just look at sentence construction and how people write and be like that's not that person it's like when you get an email from someone and it doesn't feel quite right you're like wait what's going on you drunk the forensic linguist found through the extensive use of various machine learning programs that there were definitely two distinct writing styles used by q at different times these conclusions have been the same across multiple tests by multiple groups analyzing all of the data the person believed to be the original cue is 4chan moderator barrack the scribe known in the real world as paul ferber a programmer living in south africa when confronted with the evidence that the writing style in his tweets was considered a match by the forensic linguists ai he responded that q became such a big part of his life that he and all followers of cube began writing in the same style that q did this does sound a bit like wishy-washy science doesn't it i mean yeah you write a bit like him you write exactly like inside okay so i write like him it's i don't know this maybe there's more more to this linguistic stuff than i imagined but this does seem like a bit of a stretch doesn't it people definitely have a tendency to adopt linguistic patterns from those around them much more so in speech than in writing so this would almost be a plausible defense if not for the fact that that analyzed paul's writing from before q anon began and it was still a match it's believed by many that paul ferber controlled the q account for the entirety of its duration on 4chan before moving the conspiracy to the even less moderated 8-chan surely after moving to a chat queue's writing style changed it was at this point believed that either a chan's owner jim watkins or much more likely his son ron stole control of the account from paul ron had long been a promoter of q anon and a major advocate of the narrative that joe biden and the democrats stole the 2020 election the same forensic technology that identified paul as the most likely candidate for the original queue has identified ron as the most likely candidate for the second incarnation of q the question of why is the easy part paul sounds like he was actually a true believer someone who still clung to the pizzagate conspiracy why long after it was essentially debunked while his convictions may or may not have been real the more cynical part of me thinks that the motivation is something much more simple it's money and power whether paul was the original cue or not he was one of the two 4chan admins to reach out to alt-right youtubers to spread the message and garner more attention for the movement making it more than just one of the many failed law accounts on the poll board as soon as the click started coming in which is already a form of monetization the merchandise sales were soon to follow it can also not just be about money you could just be like about clicks people it's fame people like fame they like doing something and getting attention even if it doesn't give money that's a thing as well it was the sort of bank that other conspiracy theories can only dream of but unfortunately flat earthers a flat globe is called a map and there are already people selling those as for power it gave them power over an entire cultural movement a movement that would include as many as one in five american citizens yet that fame and power and money it is a powerful combination jim walkins was also profiting from q and on through merch sales but ron watkins had more plans in mind than just financial gain ron is currently running for congress in arizona if ronnie's cue that creates a bit of an ethical dilemma the fbi classified qnn as a domestic terrorist threat so can a leader of a domestic terrorist organization be allowed to hold a seat in congress i'm not a scholar of constitutional law but i feel like the answer should be a resounding no yeah you can't be in congress if you're in prison the first rule of fight club and there's a very strong chance that ron is cue by his own accidental admission in the hbo documentary in ron's last interview describes what he was doing as teaching normies how to do intelligence work he then says it's basically what i was doing anonymously before but insert sudden pause when ron realizes he's [ __ ] up never as cute it's like just throwing in a allegedly this is followed by documentarian colin hoback who had spent the previous three years interviewing getting to know and understand ron nearly falling out of his chair in a fit of hysterical laughter while ron nervously laughs and promises again but he was never cute to hoeback who knows ron better on a personal level than any of us do there was zero doubt in his mind that this was accidental confirmation from ron whoops a daisy so we're like people accidentally admitting things on documentaries is a big thing there was the uh the the the curse the god damn it the one about the the real estate guy when he was just muttering on a hot mic yeah i killed her or whatever it's like oh my god dude and now he's well now he's dead but he got convicted and went to prison so where is cue now paul allegedly stopped being queue because what can stole the account from him that answers that part if ron was in fact the second cue did he dip back into the shadows after accidentally blowing his cover running for public office is not exactly hiding so i'm going to say no however ron seems to think that the movement ran its course while a staunch advocator of donald trump and the narrative that the election was stolen after joe biden was finally inaugurated as president ron started distancing himself from the movement on january 20th 2021 ron posted on telegram we gave it our all now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able this has got to be the smartest thing that q has ever said and yet there are still people out there there's still that there's still a thing right wrap up while we don't have 100 definitive proof that either paul or ron were q there is a lot of circumstantial evidence despite the common belief among the american public circumstantial evidence is often some of the strongest evidence there is if simon were to hear a gunshot in the basement and then run downstairs to see me standing over danny's corpse with a smoking gun this is a reference to another channel that i do that's all circumstantial he didn't see me fire the gun nor does he have any video evidence or eyewitness testimony but there would still be a very strong case off of that circumstantial evidence the same is true here barring a confession or a release of information from 8chan that jim watkins would absolutely not do unless there was no way around it as doing so voluntarily would be unamerican there may never be 100 definitive proof all of the evidence currently points to ron and paul and that is unlikely to change barring the identification of currently unknown third parties whose writing matches q as perfectly as paul and ron's did and who the watkins would have also been aware of and communicated with personally in order to maintain the integrity of the oft-hacked 8-chan account while there's a lot to learn about society as a whole from this entire ordeal and a lot that i wish i hadn't learned at the heart of it this may be a true fake it till you make it story q posted claiming to be a government insider ron was not cute but he believed kew's message so strongly that he was able to commandeer the account and become q he continued with the false claims of being a government insider and because he publicly was so involved in q anon the support of other anons has the potential to earn him a seating congress finally making him a government insider unfortunately if ron was in fact q that also means he helped create a monster that he has now unleashed while i appreciate the message that ron posted on telegram it needed to come as an official queue drop not from his personal account without a leader there's no telling what direction the fervent political movement is going to take or who will attempt to take the reigns the attack on america's capital on january 6th was not organized or advocated by q but it never would have reached that point without him as i finish this script i'm slowly approaching the brink of an existential crisis as i realize that the only thing scarier than a world with q in it is a world without q oh my god it is unfortunate like some you know it's like a pandora's box it has been opened and it is not going back this has been an episode of decoding the unknown uh it was a weird one i learned more about q anon than i ever thought i would want to or need to learn and so did you if you're here at the end and being here at the end means you probably enjoyed this episode a little bit why not uh gently tap that like button why not leave me a review that would be brilliant uh podcast people that's what i mean if you're watching on youtube it's not a reviewable thing but if you're listening to this as a podcast and your platform of choice supports reviews please go ahead i see them ticking up and i love it it fills my heart with joy and i'll see you in the next episode thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 986,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sVZm93JuHVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 56sec (4016 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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