Have we Found Noah's Ark?

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Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of decoding the unknown as always I am your Dakota Simon Wham is here the format of this show one of my writers in this case ilza thank you ilza has written me a script have we found Noah's Ark and we're going to uh investigate the mystery was Noah's Ark real like I mean the story of Noah's Ark that all the animals went on it's like the literal interpretation of the Bible it's like obviously not or uh well I mean it's not gonna work out well there's just some I don't need to explain this it's ridiculous um we're gonna you know there's often things in the Bible which turn out and I say oh yeah there was this that you know there's the historical part of the Bible which could be somewhat accurate and then maybe there was a big boat and all that stuff wasn't that a Steve Carell movie where he has a big boat he has to build a giant Arc or something like that he's Moses or something like that God that's a bizarre idea Steve Carell's great though watching the office for the first time somehow and uh yeah it's brilliant that's surprising to absolutely no one it's the office everyone knows it's great oh the format of the show I've not read this before did I say that it's the the it's what happens here [Music] an angel and a demon stand side by side on the Mesopotamian plane both in awe of God's Wrath a man and his family are loading animals into a massive boat two of every kind slowly making their way abroad apparently content with their Lots content with their lives like wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute there's just two of us wait so we have to and then our the kids with that that it's like oh my god dude know it no Noah although that's okay with animals right animals are all like incestuous and it doesn't mess them up genetically for some reason humans are like no don't do that do you want to have an overbite the size of an orange what is happening the demon wonders the angel explains the almighty it seems a little bit miffed I will be sending a great storm to drown everybody to wipe out the human race except for that family on the boat they'll be fine their descendants won't be with their massive deformed Jaws the demon is shocked the whole world everyone but the Angels quick to reassure him it's only the locals that will drown the almighty is not upset with the Chinese or the Native Americans or the Australians and when the whole thing is done the almighty will put a rainbow in the sky as a promise not to drown everyone again the demon is still shocked this is something he'd consider it has a lot to do the rain starts falling storm has arrived is that a real story like why why the Australians why are we leaving the Australians alone the tale of Noah's Ark is probably one of the better known stories in the Bible and has its fair share of use in popular culture those of you familiar with the television show good Omens would have recognized the conversation between the demon Crawley and the angel azira fail I've never heard of good Omens however for many this is more than just a story this is something that really happened but the literal interpretation of the Bible just makes me a little bit like what the man and I know like whenever I mention this people in the comments be like no no I know people like this I know people who lit who believe like literally in the Bible and I'm like there's like Bible I already find crazy like I don't know I think I've I not well but I know like of a couple of people who've done the like no sex before marriage thing and I'm already like right for real like with the reels and they always get married really young obviously um because of course they do but like that's the that's the furthest that I've seen people really go down the god religion path but literal belief in the Bible I don't think I know a single person in my real life and I know religious people who who actually literally believe everything in the Bible is fact that just seems insane to me but how does a Believer go about convincing the rest of us heathens of the truth of this tale well one way would be to find the actual Arc no I wouldn't because you'd find like a massive Arc and be like okay so someone bit a massive Arc did God set down rains and drown everyone and then there were only two of each animal in the world every single animal how do you even how do you even do that what about mosquitoes you Noah prick many have set out to do exactly that and great many came back with proof wooden fragments eyewitness accounts photographic evidence and now that science has finally caught up ground penetrating radar scans considering the time effort and money spent on the search for this elusive boat you'd expect some tangible results would you like to say today we're looking at the quest to find the ark and answer the question has Noah's Ark been found the story of Noah so who was Noah this renowned boat builder is a central figure in the three abrahamic faiths Christianity Judaism and Islam I'm sure most of our listeners have some idea of who Noah was but since the story of Noah is kind of important if we want to find his ark it is worth revisiting thank you Hilda I'd be like I don't know I like I I'm sure I read the story of Noah's Ark I mentioned it before I went to like religious school I'm sure it came up but I've almost entirely forgotten it so let's have some fun and revisit the story of Noah the story of Noah and his ark is similar in both the Bible and the Torah God looked upon the Earth and saw only wickedness he regretted creating Mankind and decided to wipe out all living things from the face of the Earth however Noah being an honorable and righteous man was loved by God and commanded to build an ark the ark had to be 300 cubits long 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits High which I don't care how big a cubit is that is not big enough to store two of every species on Earth there are where's the sperm whale going where's the blue whale going where's elephants going it's not big enough also gonna have a big fish tank in there are you Noah just give him a minute also wait wouldn't they be fine all the sea creatures did we not consider the sea creatures God they're all gonna be fine in the rain they're gonna Thrive also where's all this water coming from are you gonna flood the whole world with what water maybe melt the ice caps if you're wondering about Cupids we'll get back to that a little bit later God would send a flood but Noah his wife his sons and their wives would be safe on the ark they also had to take a pair of every animal male and female onto the ark with them as well as a pair of every bird and things that crawl on the earth however later on it states the gogaman did know her to take seven pairs of all clean animals and one pair of unclean animals so there's a bit of discrepancy there it's been suggested that this is the result of two plug bits being combined into one Noah also had to fill the ark with enough food for all the people and their charges once the ark was completed in Noah's sixth 100th year oh just casually throwing it and no it was 600 years old because of course he was Noah his family and the entire Zoological Department of Earth entered the Ark and God shut them in then the floodgates opened from The Springs in the earth and the rain started falling it rained for 40 days and 40 nights until all of us to the highest mountains were underwater and all living things perished except for those on the ark while the sea creatures God we what's this what about the sea creatures the flood remained for 150 days the water steadily receded and the Ark came to rest on the Mountains of Ararat after 150 days Noah released a raven but it only flew in circles after the Raven Noah released a dove since doves are apparently more trustworthy and the dove finding nowhere to perch returned to the ark after seven days the dove was released again returned carrying an olive leaf after another seven days it was released and a third time it never returned which must have been a bummer for dove kind yeah yeah so the dove off but we still got doves don't we people who take this literally how do we have doves I don't understand it how is Noah 600 years old where is all the water coming from and where did it go what happened to the sea creatures Bible people what happened to the sea creatures I'm not satisfied on the first day of Noah's 601st year the Earth was dry and Noah was commanded to leave the ark where did all the water go where it just disappeared it got sucked back into the Earth through those magical Springs he built an altar to God and sacrificed some of the clean animals and God made a covenant with Noah that he would never again send floods to destroy all of mankind the rainbow appearing in the sky after the storm is a reminder of that promise the tale of Noah and the Quran has a few differences no it is a prophet sent by Allah to warn people of their imminent eradication however the Chiefs wary of losing their power accused Noah of lying Noah is glad to build ways definitely lying about his age wasn't he no or his commanded to build the ark and he is mocked by the unbelievers for building this Ark similar to the Bible in the Torah Noah is commanded to take two of every animal onto the ark with him unlike the Bible and the Torah Noah doesn't or only take his family he takes a small group of Believers onto the ark with him one of his own Sons throws in his lot with the non-believers and drowns in the flood once all the non-believers drowned Allah stopped the Reigns and halted the flood I didn't see any reference to Ravens and dubs and the Ark came to rest on Mount Drury rather the Mountains of Ararat while Noah's Ark is probably the best known version it's not the only story that involves floods big boats and a select few surviving there are over 250 flood myths across the globe basically every culture has one one of the earliest versions and one some Scholars consider to be the tale Noah's Ark is based on is the Epic of Gilgamesh the epic poem tells the story of Gilgamesh king of orook and was written sometime around 2150 BCE and 1400 BCE the legend goes that in his search for immortality Gilgamesh Came Upon UT nap pished him I have no idea how to pronounce that a man who has apparently achieved what Gilgamesh himself seeks otamus so all right this dude The Immortal dude I'm not gonna try his name again revealed to Gilgamesh the tale of the flood the God enlil decided to send a flood to annihilate mankind a bit of an extreme reaction to overpopulation but the god ER warned the immortal dude to build a boat and give up his wealth in favor of collecting living things to take with him onto the boat he did as he was told and when the flood came he took his family and the collection of living things onto the boat the storm rage for seven days the Earth was flooded and every living thing died except for the ones safely aboard the immortal dude's Ark the boat finally lodged itself on Mount nimish oh the Bible plagiarized you stole this story Bible come on now everybody on the seventh day after coming to rest on Mount nimish uh The Immortal dude released a dove but it returned finding Noah to purge if this Dove gets an olive leaf yeah plagiarist Bible next he released a swallow but the swallow also returned finding Noah to land finally sent a raven which didn't return presumably having found dry land really or it just drowned it gets lost there's nowhere to land because it's just water and it drowns The Immortal dude and all living things on the boat disembarked and he sacrificed a sheep to the gods for his obedience both the immortal dude and his wife were granted immortality oh wait sorry I wasn't even more to do it was the dude who was looking for him immortality oh I'm confused it doesn't matter it's basically the same story as the the the knower story in the Bible clearly plagiarism here there are a great many similarities between the tales of Gilgamesh and Noah yeah no if I had wrote The Epic of Gilgamesh and then some dude came along and was like bro I wrote this book called The Bible I I would be like bro cease and desist you ain't selling that that is my story for if my name is not Gilgamesh wait was the book written by Gilgamesh or is it just called The Epic of Gilgamesh I think it's just called The Epic who wrote The Epic of Gilgamesh hey Siri who wrote The Epic of Gilgamesh okay some dude ocuslav Martin or something like that really never heard of him I'm so uncultured let's carry on the godsend a flood The Chosen and righteous man who's called to build a bow to take representatives of all living things on board or mankind is annihilated the boat finally wedges on a mountain but Dove The Raven the sacrifice since the Bible was written after the Epic of Gilgamesh many scholars believe the story of ner was a retelling of the tale of Gilgamesh but adapted to a monotheistic religion a retelling app I'm gonna I'm gonna retell the tale of Harry Potter in slightly my own words and sell billions of copies hey Siri how many sales of Harry Potter have there been Siri is currently spelling Harry Potter to me why did you tell me how Harry Potter spelled Siri why why is Siri so another flood myth thought to have influenced the biblical account of Noah is the Sumerian tale of King zayasudrap whatever king of surahpak who also happened to be a Seer after witnessing the God's counsel and realizing something catastrophic was coming he's visited by the god Anki who confirmed what he already expected this sounds enki it's a sushi it sounds like I'm reading like a Marvel story from there the tale is similar to the story of The Immortal dude or I don't know the dude previously built the ark who gives the king builds a boat survives the flood and gains immortality when you look at all the flood myths and I read a bunch of them in many of them the same motives repeat however not all myths are cataclysmic levels of Destruction some myths limit the flooding only to a certain area like a village or in one instance a disobedient son's land became a lake that sounds a lot more believable and so what I mean your flood myths are my backyard flooded why aren't in yours God rained down enough water to flood the entire Earth including Mount Everest which definitely wasn't called Mount Everest back then and only a bunch of incestuous animals and people survived on a boat and there was a dove and a raven or some like that and some dude killed a sheep boom some stories take on characteristics of the places that where they're told after much digging I came across two African flood myths that not only include an ark but also Birds however the birds of vultures and a hawk rather than doves and Ravens apparently Noah wasn't the only one to build himself a really big boat was there an arc to begin with [Music] before we can go looking for an arc we need to consider another question was there an arc to begin with one of the biggest problems with the search for the ark and the flood narrative in general is the idea that it was a global flood an all destructive Global flood isn't something I think Life as we know it would have been able to come back from not only with eight people and a boatload of animals and science seems to agree there are a number of problems with the global flood the main being that there isn't enough water in the atmosphere to allow a flood of that magnitude if there was a flood like that the ground would have been saturated so we're talking about flood waters deep enough to cover all mountains including Everest evaporating in less than a year and well where did all of that water go while there is no archaeological or geological evidence of a global flood scientists agree that a localized flood of sub magnitude isn't outside the realm of possibility one interesting theory is that a comet struck the Earth around 5000 years ago off the coast of Madagascar these ensuing some armies hitting coastlines across the world caused by the impact is the source of all the flood myths some archaeologists also suggest that there might have been a global flood on the flood plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia today Iraq which gave rise to all of the flood myths including Noah and his ark in the region the Sumerian king list indicates a flood in the beginning of the third Millennia as history is divided into the reign of the pre-flood Kings starting with eredu and the reign of post-flood Kings starting with Kish clearly there was a catastrophe of Nota Mesopotamia early in the third millennium however there is no proof that this catastrophe was Global according to geologist Carol Hill if you take the Bible at face value the Bible itself doesn't mention a global flood either I'm not a scientist but I do know language language is far more than a system of symbols and sounds history culture and context play a big role in constructing meaning Moses generally accepted as the writer of Genesis didn't know about Australia Africa or the Americas he wasn't familiar with Native Americans Chinese or the sand people in the Kalahari Desert it also probably never have seen llama's panda bears or blue whales and I imagine he might have been rather surprised by the Platypus when Moses talks about a flood covering the Earth he meant his Earth which at that time was very small the Hebrew word used for Earth eretz literally means Earth ground land dirt soil or country people in the time of Noah and Moses didn't yet understand the concept of a planet why would they have a word for a concept that simply didn't exist yet Noah's world was essentially Mesopotamia a flat alluvial plane surrounded by mountains while Moses would have known about Egypt it's unlikely that he understood the idea of an entire continent the size of Africa attached to Egypt in Genesis chapter 1 verse 10 God called the dry land Earth it seemed to me like God is being very specific yeah that's a great Point these dudes didn't realize there was a whole big world out there like that wasn't discovered until much later much later a local flood would also explain the animals if we accept that Noah took two of every animal we're talking about thousands of animals and that's if you don't include the dinosaurs and some creationists want to oh God yeah that throws in an extra spanner into the works doesn't it because if the Earth is only 6 000 years old is that right then everything that's ever lived has to have fit into that six thousand years and which is obviously insane the dinosaurs were like 70 80 million years ago something like that I mean as I know it's a broad stretch but like roughly so all of that okay so Tyrannosaurus Rex's giant megalodons and all of that had to go on this boat come on this is ridiculous this boat would be well just really big be a really really big boat arguments have been made that Noah loaded two of every family rather than every species and that animals mutated into the variety that we have today which sounds suspiciously like Evolution but that's a whole different can of worms Oh God you've dug yourself a hole without what have any creationists regardless that's a lot of animals for eight people to take care of also not all species had relations in the Middle East the Kappa Bara native to South America would have to get all the way to Mesopotamia for no apparent reason hop on a boat cruise around for a year with a bunch of hungry carnivores and then canoe back home after The Unwanted Cruise without leaving any trace of its passing the Bible does make a point of mentioning Miracles but if there were any Miracles involved in finding and keeping all the animals the writer of Genesis neglected to put it on paper that means that Noah had to go out and gather all of these animals himself since he didn't yet know about the existence of Australia or the Arctic how would he have known to go there even if the continental plates only shifted After the flood I'm pretty sure sure the discovery of icefields and Penguins would have been extraordinary enough to Merit some mention in ancient texts the hardly a common bird in the Mesopotamian landscape however if the flood was local only animals local to the area would have been on the ark and that's a much more manageable number the global flood would also have been disastrous for marine life sudden influx of Flesh fresh water into the ocean or the ocean spilling salt water into freshwater lakes and rivers would have upset the ecosystem enough that most of the world species would have died out holy if we just mixed the salt water and the fresh water together ah there's a lot that's if the sheer weight of the water didn't crush them first this I mean I feel like most stories come from a place of truth right when you have like let's say the start of the Epic of Gilgamesh or whatever there probably was a really big flood somewhere like someone's entire town flooded and there was some dude who was like let's build a big raft and let's get all of the you know let's get some sheep onto there let's get some llamas onto there let's get all these animals that we need so we can repopulate them afterwards let's get them all onto this Big Raft so that they can survive this flood and then we'll get them to breed afterwards see completely reasonable story they're thinking then over thousands of years morph into the crazy story that is Noah and his giant ass Ark with every species in the world that that kind of makes sense to me so if you look for that giant raft yeah we could do that the Bible instructs know how to load animals and food for his family and their charges however the Bible doesn't mention anything about taking seeds and saplings to repopulate the forests of the Earth at least not the version I read if the globe was covered with water for almost a year most if not all living plants would have drowned some seeds can remain dormant for decades The Odyssey to germinate was a 2 000 year old date seed however being soaked in water for a year is not the ideal conditions if you want to preserve seeds unless you're planting seaweed that is of course cataclysmic disasters are plentiful in the historic record the eruption of Mount Vesuvius the eruption of Krakatoa the black plague brexit and Donald Trump to name a few so a counter-stromic flood decimating the Earth's population to some extent isn't entirely impossible even today hundreds if not thousands of lives are lost annually across the world due to flash floods tsunamis and other disasters involving lots and lots of water I'm inclined to believe that our ancestors came to the shocking conclusion that well a boat is a good place to be in a flood and if you have a chance to load some of your Livestock on while you're at it your future looks relatively Rosy once the water subsides Ark fever [Music] so you're convinced the ark is real and you wish to go on an expedition to find it you'd not be the first Dear listener in fact so many people claim to have found the ark that new Expeditions and their findings don't even like the news anymore yeah if I read that I'd be like Sly Newsday guys it's like John starts looking for Noah's eye be like okay Daily Mail really that's the story we're going with but where to start their search there are a great many possible Landing places for the ark among them Mount Nasir close to the little Zam River in the ass Sula Mania region of the Zagros Mountains and Mount nisibis located near the border of turkey and Syria a more recent Expedition placed the landing place of the Ark on Mount Suleiman in the Albers mountains oh my God Guys these are not small areas that you're going to be searching and it's going to be buried like underground or snow or dirt or some like that however most Expeditions are focused on three places the durapanar site Mount Ararat and mount Judy so I figured I'll focus on those on top of all the sightings by people who truly believe they found something of value there are a great many intentional hoaxes perpetrated by fraudsters hoping to cash in on Ark fever I decided not to include any of those hoaxes since we have more than enough actual expeditions to look at now you and I might have a doubt about this whole Affair but as far as I could tell the majority of these Expeditions are truly looking for the ark and many sincerely believe that they found it of course a lot of cash is made off the search for Noah's Ark but we'll just chalk it up as happy coincidence rather than intentional fraud for the most part yeah I'm not I don't think it's intentional fraud like the History Channel let's just mention the History Channel separated from the words intentional fraud but like they fund a whole bunch of shows where it's like they're looking you know for aliens or like some treasure on an island and they spin it into like 700 Seasons which people watch and obviously they have adverts on it and it's like okay guys we get it it's not a lot I mean it is a it is a lie though isn't it because it's not like it's just entertainment it's just entertainment but it's kind of like a bit shitty isn't it the durapanar site probably the most famous of the arc site the boat shaped anomaly on top of the mountain in the dog goodbye as it region in Eastern Turkey has been the topic of many articles and even makes an appearance in National Geographic from time to time even if you don't follow the search for the ark he wouldn't be following the search of the Ark I've Google alert to the search for the ark or have any interest in Unsolved Mysteries in general odds are you've seen it even if you don't realize what the fuss was about really I don't know if I've seen this discovered in 1959 by a cartographer IL Honduran the size is about 30 kilometers south of the great Ararat and is still drawing Arc enthusiasm around the world many Believers and explorers looking for the ark firmly believe although we found it however most scientists and geologists have refuted these claims stating its simple rock formation that unfortunately happens to be vaguely the size and shape of a boat however considering its continuing popularity it's a good place as any to start mate you can't build a boat out of rocks rocks sink well I suppose if they were Hollow enough if you had like a big you know rock shaped bowl that would float because that's how it works but this isn't that it's just a rock formation how did he make it it's a boat's made out of wood what are you talking about the length of the formation is about 515 feet that's around 160 meters and is roughly equivalent to the measurements of the arc which is 300 cubits okay so it's a big ass boat but it's not enough to hold everybody however things are already getting wonky we don't know exactly how long a qubit was the word Cubit comes from the Latin cubitum meaning forearm and it was measured from elbow to fingertip as with 300 cubits that's really not that oh no that could be that could be yeah that could be as with most measurements requiring body parts this makes the exact length of a qubit a bit hard to pin down not only that there were two different qubits in history the common qubit was around 450 millimeters that's around 18 inches in the Royal Cubit was around 520 millimeters which is around 20 inches or at least that's our best guess so which qubit did Noah use considering that the size of the formation is one of the major plot point when it comes to convincing the world that this is the ark that's a fairly important detail there's also a solid argument in favor of using one measuring system let's not confuse future archaeologists and stick to using the metric system honestly I think we'll pass the age we're using body parts rant over we're here for the arc so let's get back to it yeah I agree metric system like I don't know I still use imperial system for some like what do I use it for the discoveries probably one of the most Autumn Believers of the Ark at the durapanar site must be Ron White in September 1960 Life Magazine ran a story about a boat-shaped formation in the Mountains of Ararat intrigued by the possibility of it being Noah's Ark Wyatt spent the next 30 Years researching not only Noah's Ark but a number of other biblical Mysteries as well since mostly research at durapanar seems to either be based on or at least Spa inspired by the work done by word it's worth taking a look at what exactly found and oh boy did he find a lot on August the 9th 1977 Wyatt and his two sons arrived in Istanbul needless to say things were rather different back then turkey was not exactly a tourist Hot Spot very few people spoke English and public transport wasn't what it is today it took them almost four days to make their way to doggle buyers it and due to the language barrier they still didn't know where to begin looking for the formation reported on in that life article this is this is not only 1977 though this isn't that long ago I mean it's like 50 is it 40 something years 45 years ago um 35 years ago 45 years ago 45 years ago I was just trying to tie it into my birthday and then I accidentally thought that I was 45 but I'm not I'm not quite 45. um it's cool whoever these dudes are like I read this thing in life magazine now I'm gonna do an expedition to Turkey to try and find it what is your life and I like it so according to the wire Museum website they did the only thing they could they prayed about it asking for the taxi taking them to doggo bars it to stall at the place where they needed to start looking not exactly the scientific method but whatever floats your Ark I suppose the taxi stalled three times I would have chalked this up to poor maintenance but why it was more optimistic every time the taxi stalled he and his sons would use small Stone piles to Mike this marked the spot the very next day they started their search at the third parl intending to work their way back to the first starting the first Palm they walked away from the road in a perpendicular line into the unknown and surprisingly they found something on that first day with the help of local villagers acting as guides they came across the Stones this is I already know where this is going this is just going to be one of those Tales where it's like dude goes looking for something very specific and does everything he can to imagine that he's found that very specific thing like if you go looking for a moon shaped rock or formation in the woods you're gonna find that Moon so you're just gonna wander around for a while but I found it that's it people are gonna be like it doesn't really look like a moon does it and be like oh dude look at that it does come on the drogue stones or anchor stones found in the area a big selling point for Noah's Ark drug stones with the ancient equivalent of storm anchors they're large flat heavy Stones drilled with a hole at one end for the Rope the stones found by Wyatt and his sons had carvings of crosses on them exactly eight the villagers seeing their excitement showed them some more stones and the stones had eight crosses the one that only had six crosses obviously been broken so the other crosses were lost of course this is proof that the Rogue Stones the founder the site were from Noah's Ark as the crosses represent Noah and his family Dent man goes looking for something specific and he finds what he wants I know historian but to me the crosses appear to be in the style of the night's Templar while Mount Ararat and the dogobia's IT region is not on the root of the cruise is not on the route the Crusaders took to Jerusalem many of the Crusaders did pass through turkey and I wouldn't be surprised if they shopped around for some new recruits or just went out of their way to convert some of the locals to the brand to their brand of Faith while they were in the neighborhood so not only are these crosses themselves suspect historians have pointed out that the stones are not anger stones but Turkish standing stones used by ancient tribes for astronomy and as calendars the whole drilled in the top is used for sighting and the stones can be found in other parts of turkey as well they're not limited to the Mount Ararat region imara's opinion that makes them far more interesting and a significant part of the local culture and history yeah ancient tribes doing astronomy with these things is way more interested they were the anchors for a big fictional boat uh here on the second day walking from the second pile of rocks white and his sons made another great discovery great discovery still no boat but they did find a very old stone house with a Jason Stone fencing and animal pens built around two large Stones they interpreted as not just tombstones but the Tombstones of Noah and his wife based on some carvings on all that they found a very large rock that they considered to be an altar complete with rock fencing indicating pens and two stones with chiseled basins possibly used to bleed animals before the sacrifice on the big old tip so now we have anchor Stones Noah's house his grave and an altar fully equipped for sacrifice oh my God man goes looking for things he wants to find Jesus this is like one of the best examples of this I've ever seen on day three why I found the stone formation that they'd come all the way to Turkey for and excitedly decided that it found the remains of Noah's Ark however it was only in 1959 two years after his first visited an earthquake in the region fully revealed the ark properly and to Great many Expeditions followed while theorized that the ark didn't land on Mount Ararat but in time due to an earthquake and a landslide the arcs slid down the mountain to its current resting place near dogobasit and impaled itself on a wedge of white Limestone where it still remains to this day during after its delightful slide down the side of a mountain the ark was covered by a volcanic lava flow that protected it against erosion and weathering in time water seeping through the layer of protective lava leached out elements such as iron magnesium and titanium allowing the wood of the Ark to petrify in my humble opinion a lava flow will destroy everything in its path including a wooden boat but I'm just a writer I'm not an arc Explorer yeah it's fine you gotta lay a piece of wood I've been to like the um I bids you a volcano and seen the lava flow you throw some into that it is Gonna Catch Fire like it's not being preserved under the lava that lava is destroying it the earthquake of 1979 exposed evenly spaced indentations suggesting ribs to further bolster the theory of the arc but also discovered petrified wooden beams essentially nice rectangular blocks of Black Rock which showed three different layers in a cut section and was described as plywood that had obviously been glued together since the ark was made of gopher woods and we don't actually know what gopher wood is the guess that it's a similar to plywood is as good as anything this was sent for analysis at gabraith laboratory and the results showed elements of iron aluminum and carbon a rippled rock was also found near the side and was described as fossilized Reeds or bark and even sounded Hollow when hit with a hammer so had actual proof of an arc finally been found why is that why would that rock be Hollow I don't understand according to petrologist according to petrologist Lawrence Collings the answer is resounding now after analyzes of 12 different sections taken from both pieces of petrified wood both pieces were proven to be either Basalt or and a side volcanic rock so no it wasn't preserved it's not a fossil it's just rock and you don't build boats out of rocks the so-called glue holding the supposed pieces plywood together is most likely calcite or cyrite the rippled rock that was apparently a bundle of petrified Reeds consistent of layers of pyroxine and Olivine Crystal so once again no petrified wood here why would you send this to a lab it's like this is the 1970s it's not like this was discovered in the 1500s and they were like it's Noah's Ark no one could prove us different it's the 1970s you find it you send it to a lab and they're going to be like yeah but mate it's not if you really believe do these people really believe that they found the ark are they actually convinced of this because it seems like to me it's like it's a scam it's a con you can't possibly believe this because it's too ridiculous but maybe they do actually believe it and they're sending it to this lab expecting it to be verified which is beyond insane when you consider that they found these things by their car stalling people told them that they weren't these things and they still remained Resolute it's just so absurd that I think it's a scam but I think now that it's not and they genuinely believe this bizarre to me because the crystals are so closely interlocked The Rock vibrates when it's hit with something like a hammer making it sound hollow now for those of you wondering petrology is a branch of geology and focus exclusively on rocks and since Collins holds a PhD I'm inclined to believe that b might know what he's talking about Collins felt that the boat shape was simply the result of erosion of the Bedrock by Landslide debris but petrified wood wasn't the only weapon in White's Arsenal using a metal detector Ron White John Baumgardner and David fassold found iron artifacts at regular intervals in what they assume to be the walls along the length of their Arc metal flakes were also detected at the ribs of the Ark they came to the conclusion that these were rivets washers and brackets used by Noah to keep his big boat together chemical analysis done by the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Galbraith laboratory in Knoxville Tennessee indicated that these artifacts were composed of iron magnesium manganese aluminum and titanium course this would suggest that Noah was able to forge Alloys of these Metals well before it became possible for your standard blacksmith however that's not the only problem for Fairly substantial problems magnetite grains deposited in cracks and fractures in the Rock by rainwater could oxidize into iron-rich Limonite which would be picked up by a metal detector and might look like iron brackets a thin section of these washers and brackets should have been tested but initially no one bothered to do this much later a thin section of the bracket was finally tested but it didn't contain any actual metal it was composed of altered magnetite grains cemented together with Limonite also as Collins pointed out if the Arc was indeed constructed with iron rivets washers and brackets The Arc discoverers should have found hundreds of these artifacts lying around not a single bracket and one or two rivets yes indeed true but also when you found out that they weren't really metal that was also enough evidence is strong enough because there's no evidence the other way above the arc side higher up the Mountainside Wyatt found what he believed to be the bottom of the Ark and a strange piece of rock that was similar to a piece of rock that he found at his original site he came to the conclusion that this was the ballast of the ship of course it was going further up the mountain toward the Iranian border why it also came across the broken remains of an ancient stellae essentially a stone slab depicting three forms of writing the most legible segment showed the unique Ridge just above the side of the stellae a mountain peak in the distance a ship with eight faces in it and several animals Wyatt excitedly decided that this meant this was the original Landing place of the Ark this is entirely possible of course however this doesn't prove that the ark actually landed there only that someone believed it enough to put up a marker in the place where they thought the ark had landed can't we carbon date that somehow like the carvings would that be possible how would you do that to work out when it was carved maybe you can't because carbon dating relies on stuff trapped in there right you couldn't tell when it was cut from maybe he could scientists a big brain they'd probably figure out a way to do that let's do that and find out whether this is God do we even need to bother because obviously it's not from when Noah was around these discoveries are fascinating and might seem pretty airtight to some yeah some people who've smoked too much meth maybe however there are two concerns the first is that wired was not an archaeologist a geologist or a chemist while he worked in a lab for four years he was a certified registered nurse anesthetist now don't get me wrong I'm not saying you have to have certain degrees in order for your work to be valid anyone could do research on a topic and occasionally Amazing Discoveries are made by layman in the field however having training definitely helps you to evaluate what you're looking at what set out to find the ark that he decided was there and not only did he find the ark and the arcs anchor Stones he found a whole lot of other things along the way to prove in his mind that Noah lived in the area after the flood know his house no his Tombstone and an altar for sacrifice again man goes looking for something and he finds what he's looking for it's it this is it this is a brilliant example of this however no one has ever confirmed that these artifacts were related to Noah at all secondly if Wyatt only discovered the ark through persistent research that would be one thing however he also claimed to have discovered the exact location of the Red Sea crossing the Ark of the Covenant Goliath Sword and the Tomb of Jesus among other things oh my god dude this whole thing it's not some ego triple one is it I think he just I don't think he's a fraud I think he genuinely believes that he's discovering these things and maybe he's just a bit dim I think it's more likely just he's a bit dim or like so or just incredibly delusional a proper archaeological dig can take years and some archaeologists will spend their entire career on one side or one artifact Wyatt was a great Storyteller certainly but I doubt that he ever found anything True Value despite all the proof that this is really just a rock formation expeditions to the site continue the most recent search was launched in 2021 by the history chat not really it was launched by the Noah's Ark scans project which wanted to prove once and for all that the durapanar site is the final resting place of the Ark according to researcher Andrew Jones and Dr fetty Ahmed yuxel of the Department of geophysical engineering and applied geophysics of Istanbul of Istanbul University a man-made boat structure has been uncovered with 3D scans using ground penetrating radar and Electric trickle resistivity tomography which basically means dropping electrodes into boreholes wait this sounds like totally real things and these guys appear to be real scientists so what's up okay since this technique is apparently mainly used to determine the depth of groundwater and identifying Clays I'm not entirely sure that's relevant to finding a petrified ship but I'm not a scientist the team claims that the structure matches the dimensions of the arc as described in Genesis however we already determined that we're not entirely sure what those Dimensions were apparently the new data shows clear parallel lines and angular structures between 8 and 20 feet down that's around two to six meters the researchers feel that this is not something you'd see in a natural rock formation but that's not simply not true just take a look at the Giant's Causeway in Ireland this remarkable formation is the result of volcanic activity not human intervention but these guys like real scientists it's Dr so and so and researcher Andrew Jones they're at the geophysical engineering and applied geophysics of Istanbul University that sounds like a real thing using real technology I don't I I totally believe that they must have some sort of ulterior motive here or like that they're really they're trying to get their science to fit their religion or something like that but I feel like we need to like who are these people in an attempt to preserve the site due to the continued interest the Turkish Ministry of culture has declared the site a national park build a visitor center now called the Noah's Ark Museum maintained by the wire Foundation however despite the most recent claims no excavations have been approved yet since the site has become quite the attraction I don't blame turkey for not allowing anyone to dig it up and possibly kill their goose with the golden egg so I guess we'll have to be content with rock analyzes and 3D scans for now yeah okay so there's the rub isn't it it's like the Turkish government the Turkish University or whatever is very interested in this being true because it's good for tourism which is a conflict of interest Mount Ararat so I think we can all agree that Noah's Ark is not at the durapanar site instead some believe that the ark didn't slide down the mountain at all and can still be found resting atop Mount Ararat Kurdish tribes tend to their flocks on the lower slopes of Ararat but many natives refused to go higher than a certain point claiming there's a magic Zone and that Noah's Ark is up there but God doesn't want anyone to reach it yet regardless of this multiple Expeditions have gone up the mountain trespassed into the magic Zone and found the one thing that God apparently didn't know what mankind to find yet no wonder we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden amount Ararat also known as masses in Armenian and Agri dog in Turkish is a 5165 meter door Mountain that is tall that's 17 000 feet that's a big mountain I've never heard of this embarrassingly it's a nice cat Mountain beak in Eastern Turkey close to the borders of Iran and Russia there are two peaks sitting next to each other which are often referred to as greater Ararat and lesser Ararat on the northwest side of Greater Ararat a series of glaciers flow into a permanent icefield the thing about Mount Ararat is that it's a dormant volcano that last erupted in 1840. admittedly it's not exactly mounts and Helens but it's not nor but it's not entirely stable either and this is a rather important detail for a time there was a firm belief that Mount Ararat formed during the flood however there are pretty big differences between a mountain formed by underwater volcanic activity and a mountain formed on land since this is a bit of a long script already I'm not going to go into a geological comparison of stratovolcanoes and submarine volcanoes suffice to say that people smarter than me can tell the difference based on a radioisotope age of the volcanic rock arat formed some 1.7 million years ago thus placing it in the Ice Age which makes it a relatively new geological feature in Mountain years even creationist geologists really creationist geologist that's actually a thing uh any signific field starting with creationist refers to a school of thought that considers the Biblical timeline to be accurate they've come forward stating that arat is clearly a post-flood mountain some biblical Scholars claim that the story of the Ark happened 5 000 years ago how they got to that number I don't know but now we're saying Ararat is 1.7 million years old but still only appeared After the flood and look I'll be honest I stopped trying to keep track of the age of the Earth argument when I did my script on Dragon suffice to say that different schools have thought within Christianity have different ideas about how old the Earth is and when Noah built his ark and we'll leave it at that okay good because I'm already confused the important takeaway is that many feel that Mount Ararat did not exist when Noah and his family hopped on a really big boat and even if it did it wouldn't have been very it would have been very unstable so it's unlikely the ark could have landed on it now this isn't the only problem with Mount Ararat many Ark Believers have pointed out a clear interpretation of the scripture the Bible states that the ark came to rest on the mountains of arat plural mountains not Mount Ararat many scholars that's how you could be searching a long time for something that's not even there guys so many people are wasting their lives on this it's mental many scholars believe that arat as mentioned in the bible refers to the kingdom of aratu and Mount Ararat wasn't a part of this Kingdom when Genesis was written the kingdom of arati was a mountainous region in northern Mesopotamia today Iraq it was a small Kingdom and while historians aren't entirely clear aware exactly the northern border was it's generally accepted that the northern border was quite a bit south of Mount Ararat the kingdom grew around the 9th century CE until it included Mount Ararat some people believe that Mount Ararat was suddenly part of aratu in the time of Ezra the writer of the book of Ezra around 440 to 300 BCE Ezra worked on Final edits of the Book of Genesis while compiling the Old Testament but by then Maps looked a little bit different than they did in the time of Noah and of course Moses the writer of the Book of Genesis now before you start yelling in the comments I'm not a Biblical scholar and apparently there's a lot of disagreement about who actually wrote the book of Ezra and when so there's just one Theory however this would mean that a lot of resources have been spent looking for an arc on the wrong Mountain but yet people persist the ark is resting on Mount Ararat and there are eyewitnesses to prove it tradition placing the Ark on Mount Ararat starts as early as 290 to 278 BCE with barossas a Babylonian priest chronicler who tells the story of a flood in his Babylon Nia curb essentially a history of Babylon many Arab Believers use barossas as a definitive source of the first mention of a flood to prove that the flood was real and the Ark landed on our at the main problem with this is that none of barossa's work survive we only know what he wrote through the observations of other writers who claim to have read his work and most of it in either Jewish or Christian interest with little real interest in historical accuracy it's important to remember that up until fairly recently in the grand scheme of History a writers and artists were supported by patrons writing anything your Patron didn't agree with it was a sure way to get yourself fired if you're lucky and beheaded if you're not yeah I mean that is definitely true in the past but it's also kind of true today like those two guys who are like in Turkey super interested in light and the Turkish government being like no you can't definitely can't take that up because it's not the ark it's like you just want the Pod you just want the history that works out for you that still totally happens today these days writers are locked in basement since Simon is unlikely to behead us so things are looking up however this means that while most ancient sources and even middle age sources are very interesting to read then it'll be impossible to verify most of the stories I read that supposedly proved the Arts existence were based on sermons second-hand Tales heard from someone who's seen the ark and stories of pilgrims who visited the ark to scrape off Pitch for good luck charms but but there are very few Tales of people who visited the ark themselves that survive for that reason we're going to skip over these and focus on the tales of the 1900s which are easier to verify none of them prove the existence of the argument opinion but I'll let you make up your own mind so let's start with George Hagopian a native Armenian man who claimed to have visited the ark twice with his uncle Once In 1902 when he was around 10 years old and again in 1905 not only did he see the ark he actually climbed on top of it apparently his uncle told him stories of the Holy Mountain with the Holy Ship resting at the top and one day he decided to take his young nephew to see the Holy Ship for himself many arc enthusiasts feel that Hagopian was telling the truth and since he used the name masses which is Armenian for arat there is no doubt where the ark was resting so you're just believing some 12 year old story because you want to believe the 12 year old story many people believe he was telling the truth yeah yeah guess who doesn't this guy and anyone with half a brain a gopian story was consistent throughout his life charlatans tried to make money from a scam often changed their story to fit with popular opinion he was also thoroughly checked out by everyone and their dog he had a good reputation in his down and among his family friends and acquaintances a verified bank account okay although how this is relevant I'm not entirely sure he was also 12. okay and what's a verified bank account it's like you've been there like Twitter your bank account's been verified he also passed a lie detector test and we all know how reliable those are lie detector tests are not reliable as sarcasm from Elsa there's something like their 51 reliability or something which is basically just better it's it's one it's fractionally better than just them guessing however he never tried to make money from his experience of course I have my doubts but I'm inclined to believe that hergobian definitely saw something and he truly believed what he saw was the ark this is just one of these things he was 10 and then 12 years old right so he's going to be told a story by his uncle he's going to be like yeah and then you stood up on the ark and he'll be like yeah I did and then that story becomes crystallized in his mind or something that actually happened to him even though he didn't it didn't because of course it didn't another story often used to prove the existence of the arc on Mount Ararat is that of the Russian Expedition an article published in Rosser a Russian magazine told the story of a Russian Airman who observed the remains of a large wooden structure in a small Lake on the slopes of Ararat in 1916 while on duty over the region of Mount are at lake van and Lake ermia the Russian army could only send an expedition to look into this in the summer of 1917. a German soldier John schilleroff claimed to have been a part of the Expedition made up about a hundred soldiers and stated that the Expedition did indeed find the arc he described the Expedition as follows about two-thirds of the way up probably a little farther we stopped on a high cliff in the small valley below was a dense swamp in which the object could be seen it appeared to be a huge ship or barge with one end underwater and only a corner could be seen somewhere close but couldn't get out to it because of many poisonous snakes and insects okay so we saw something look like a boat from really far away in a lake and only a bit of a boat looking you're seeing what you want to see mate unfortunately with the Bolshevik Revolution kicking off in 1917 all the way to 1923 and the general political unrest in the region archaeological Expeditions dropped very low on the priority ladder the revolts from this Expedition were lost in the chaos and never properly investigated while multiple people have heard schilleroft tell the story and vouch the man's character there doesn't appear to be any existing accounts from any of the other 99 men who went on the Expedition there are of course people who claim to have known people who went Lieutenant rajanski claimed that his brother Boris Vasily rajanski was a member of the investigating party apparently there was a Boris V rajanski who worked in the technological Institute Peter the Great and attended the Imperial Institute of archeology in Saint Petersburg on the Expedition however if he wrote anything about his findings there's no record of it yeah the it was my mate it was my brother he saw this he saw that he's always just like it's second-hand eyewitness testimony which is just like basically worthless throw it out ignore it of course that could be because the entire story it was a fabrication by Floyd M Gurley for his magazine apparently finally admitted that 95 of this account was pure fiction what what the truthful five percent was I have no idea many articles by Ark Believers list this story as one of many true accounts of people who saw the ark first hand while many articles by Skeptics claimed that the story was 100 fiction and nothing about it was true at all look if someone's writing for a factual magazine and they make up 95 of their story and say like no no five percent of it is true we can just discount the whole thing because they made up 95 when they were supposed to be telling the truth so they're 95 alike if someone lies 95 of the if someone says I'm 90 I lie 95 of the time are you really going to believe them that they're telling the truth five percent of the time no I don't think so or maybe you are because they're so honest about lying 95 of the time or maybe that's part of the lion it's all 100 of the time that's confusing since there's no evidence for the sighting and no one else on the Expedition ever made a statement to bolster the story I am going to be siding with the Skeptics on this one another big name in The Quest for the Ark on arat is French industrianist and amateradi archaeologist Fernandes Novara who led expeditions to find the Ark in 1952 1953 and 1955. on the third trip in 1955 on the northwest side of Mount arat are Ararat Navara and his son Raphael it's upon gold when they reported a ship-like silhouette under the ice climbing into a deep crevice Navara discovered or what he claimed to be hand tooled wooden fragments beneath the glacier sitting at 14 000 feet he present the fragments to Earth to get tested and the result seemed to concur with the Explorer the wood fragments were approximately five thousand years old conveniently the estimated age for the ark According to some Scholars so far so compelling and I'm not even joking unfortunately several people among them two of navara's climate companions claimed Navara had planted the wood there in the first place uh oh Navara denied it of course during us Navara denied it of course but during a subsequent exhibition in 1969 more wood was recovered only after Navara had been left alone on the glacier late testing of the wood fragments more accurate using more accurate techniques placed the wood around the 8th Century CE so wherever the wood came from it missed the flood by about three thousand years dude so you just found some really old wood and we're like yeah this will do this will be old enough did they have carbon dating back there maybe not he was like yeah they'll just say it's really old so it could be old enough and then new technology comes around it's like oh no but exposed when you when you lie always be aware that there's like future technology that could come around and uh prove that you were lying so just be careful with that you know fake archaeologists science people all right in 1974 the Holy Ground Mission changing Center of Palestine Texas okay so the organization is called the Holy Ground Mission changing Center of Palestine and it's located in Texas Jesus one name a led to have a photo of Noah's Ark Tom krotzer spokesman claimed that the group saw and photographed the ark from a distance about 2 800 feet that's around 800 meters but they couldn't get any closer because they lacked the necessary equipment I find it strange that anyone would spend the diamond money to climb Ararat without making sure they have the right equipment regardless the photo has been evaluated by multiple professional photographers and the general consensus is the photo has been altered it appeared that someone may have added lines to a rock formation to make it look like a wooden structure built with planks some photographers even and stated that the photo was so vague that it could be anything in 2007 and 2008 Noah's Ark Ministries International based in Hong Kong claimed to have not only found but actually entered a structure on Mount Ararat that they were 99.9 sure was Noah's Ark it went 100 sure though apparently the team found seven large wooden compartments buried at 13 000 feet above sea level four thousand meters close to the peak of the mountain radiocarbon dated wood taken from the site showed that the structures around 4 800 years old okey dokey here we go however since they don't mention the lab where the tests were done it's a little hard to confirm whether this is actually the case oh you gotta send it to an external lab come on now you can't just be like yeah yeah I know I tested in this is the truth here we go got anything about that no no no can we test ourselves oh absolutely not no no no definitely not come on it's nonsense and Navara was not the only one to find hand-tooled wood on Ararat a lot of people claim to have found wooden arcs on the mountain sadly at this point due to the large number of expeditions and people's propensity to leave behind shrines and crosses the various possible sights of the Ark have been so badly contaminated by amateurs that the authenticity of anything found is highly suspect however there might be something up there no not an arc don't get excited but the ark isn't exactly the only wooden structure in history from 800 to 1400 CE there was a slightly warmer period often referred to as the medieval warm period one of the effects of the warmer weather would have been smaller ice caps and a higher tree line on Mount Ararat while some sources claim that arat never had trees growing on it there are others that disagree apparently 10th Century Arab geographers mentioned that Ararat was heavily forested and local Villages cut trees on its slopes it's possible that Timber buildings were built during this period and when when things cool down again from around 1400 to 1850 the structures were covered by Ice as the ice caps expanded and the buildings were abandoned Mount Ararat has always been considered a Holy Mountain by Armenians so what better place to build a monastery monasteries at high altitudes are not exactly unheard of wrong book Monastery on the slopes of Mount Everest 16 340 feet that's about five thousand meters above sea level this would also help explain the wood-found minovara the wood samples he found more in line with a warmer period allowing people to build structures on the mountain in the 1800s and 1900s the ice receded again exposing the structures that were buried beneath the ice so long ago which led to an increase in sightings if you go up a mountain looking for a wooden Arc and you find a wooden structure while confirmation bias is going to do the rest yes this episode is full of so much confirmation bias the mount Judy I'm sure we'll all agree that the formation at durapanap is basalt rock and Mount Ararat quite possibly didn't even exist at the time of Noah so where's the ark Mount Ararat only became a stable of art Tales around the 13th century before this Sunrise popularity Noah's Ark was thought to be resting upon Mount Judy of course we now face a similar problem to all of the sources claiming arat the sources for Mount Judy are even older so verifying the pecans are near impossible task confused matters even further Mount Judy is the mountain of many names including kudi dark mount kardu mount kwadu the gordian mountain the carduccian mountain to name just a few the Assyrians called it mount nepur a few sources even refer to it as Mount Ararat the reason behind that being that the ark rests in the mountain of arat which means Mount Judy and Mount Ararat is the same place oh my God these names are super confusing okay so history's really good Visa because he's got lots of different names got it home is where the heart is and Ararat is where they Arc as I suppose however for the purpose of this script I'll stick to using Mount Judy since I'm sure we're all confused enough already yes preach Mount Judy is a twin peaked non-volcanic mounted in the southeast of turkey roughly Northeast of the city of sizzra c-i-z-r-e and 2003 Mars 320 kilometers south of Mount Ararat the Twin Peaks and the confusion since arat also has two peaks but Mount Judy is considerably smaller than Ararat at only 2089 meters that's around 6 800 feet that is a lot smaller it's also far more accessible than Ararat which makes the stories of pilgrims visiting the site and collecting bits of the Ark for relics and talismans far more likely the area around Mount Juliet also has a rich ancient history nestorian Christians built several monasteries on Mount Juliet one named The Cloister of the Ark which was destroyed by lightning in 766 CE and later a mosque was built on the same site so clearly belief in the ark has been around for a while literature proclaiming Mount Judy as the final stop of the Ark is plentiful the Samaritan places The Landing place of the Ark in the Kurdish mountains north of Assyria the Samaritans were a Jewish sect that separated from the Jews around the 5th Century BCE then there's the book of jubilees dated to around the 2nd Century BCE which places The Landing place of the Ark atop Mount lubar one of the mountains of Arad well we're not sure who wrote the book of jubilees other sources also mentioned lubarb such as the midrashic book of Noah oh my God could there be more confusing names in this episode and some papirai papirai is that like Papyrus Papyrus paprias Papyrus papriai author unknown unfortunately no one is clear on where exactly Mount labar is supposed to be of course beresus also comes up again only this time the authors quoting him and those interpreting the quote decided that barotus was talking about Mount Judy not Mount Ararat in the writing of Josephus beresus apparently mentioned in the name Mount of cordayans and tells of people carrying off pieces of the Ark we've mentioned barossas before and here is a good example of why ancient sources aren't always a reliable barasas was most likely familiar with both the Hebrew text which places The Ark in uratu and the Babylonian text placing the Ark in the gore D.A in mountains so apparently the one scholar everyone is quoting was himself relying on other sources he never saw Anarchy simply retold an existing story which is a recurring theme in this in these decoding the unknown episodes it's like always it's just a second third fourth hand information for people who are not very accurate to begin with another source Nicholas of Damascus stated that the ark can be found atop a great mountain in Armenia called Barris once again there doesn't seem to be any Clarity on where Baris is or where Nicholas got this information from however Believers argue that Nicholas's flood story also places the high dark in the vicinity of Gordon the mount Judy side according to the Muslim faith there is no other place the ark could be the Quran specifically States the ark landed landed on Mount al-judi or jabal Judy and 10th Century Scholars al-masuti historian geographer and traveler and IBN Halco geographer both mention Mount Judy as the landing place of the Ark unfortunately I couldn't find that much information on the Muslim sources in English articles so if anyone knows more about this I'd be happy to read about it in the comments some Scholars claim that proof of Mount Judy as the final resting place for the ark can be found in Noah's Life After the flood you see after spending a year on a really big boat now a and the only way a man with a really big boat can he planted a Vineyard and made wine that does sound nice that's kind of like a vague dream of mine I'd love to like retire one day and just get a Vineyard and grow grow wine I mean I don't want to go out there and pick all the grapes and myself but like just to you know have a Vineyard and have people who pick the Great for you mate I'd just most likely to I'll just most likely to be drinking wine to be honest and living on a Vineyard somewhere warm that sounds nice man I don't want a boat though boats are a lot of work of course considering the year he'd just had I don't blame the man for needing a drink the wine grape most likely used in the time of Noah was Vitus vinifera this great museum average temperature of at least 16 to 17 degrees Celsius 60 to 63 Fahrenheit in the summer months and Winters that aren't too cold as well as an elevation that's not too high with at least moderate rainfall then there's the Dove and the olive leaf olive trees are even more picky than Vineyards as they are less Hardy and don't do well in hot or cold climates they also need to grow in well-drained soil or else they drown and this finally brings us to the dove that Noah sent out the dove was released in the morning and returned in the evening with an olive leaf so how far could the bird have gotten in a day according to this Theory the dove couldn't have gotten much further than say a hundred miles that's around 160 kilometers however pigeons today can easily fly 600 miles at around 900 kilometers in a day so whoa pigeon snake is 35 600 miles in a day holy pigeons that's incredible that's the craziest thing I've read in this episode so far I mean there's loads of crazy stuff in this episode but it's not true but pigeons can travel 900 kilometers in a day that's properly mental pigeons holy why are you all like living like dirtbags in the city fly off somewhere warm come on pigeons go save yourself so once our Noah's Dove could have gotten quite far in the few hours it was flying before returning to the ark however to keep things simple let's assume the dove decided not to leave the current time zone the leaf it brought back proves two things first we're not looking at a global flood because all the olive trees would have drowned and secondly wherever the arc landed was an area suitable to Vineyards and Audrey's apparently the area around Mount Judy as well saw suited to both Vineyards and olive trees as soon as I can afford it I'll go inspect The Vineyards personally to see if this is in fact the case or or maybe we're just reading into this a little bit too much although like the people still studying the Bible the Torah the Quran as like bro it's been like thousands of years don't you think we cracked we studied it all man like people are still like digging up new things over to find new it's done oh my God you're so bizarre religion's so bizarre while there are many arguments in favor of Mount Judy and much discussion or discussion around the historical sources supporting Mount Judy there doesn't appear to be a whole lot in the line of exploration happening at Mount Judy considering all the time and resources invested in Mount Ararat I can understand the unwillingness to search elsewhere a lot of people would have to admit they were wrong not exactly something the human race excels at but who knows perhaps someone will climb up Mount Judy soon and bring back a piece of the Ark to settle the debate once and for all yeah yeah yeah yeah not happening will the ark ever be found no it's not real I mean maybe they'll find some big old boats but it's not the Arc of myth it's it's going to be like back in like hours ago whenever this episode began we talked about the dude in his garden getting flooded that how that was a bit realistic and him building a raft maybe we'll find some raft that fits this historical myth but we're not finding a fat Arc that was filled with one of each species we're just not I'm sorry Bible people it's not real it's just not so far no real trace of the Ark has been found anywhere in the world Skeptics believe that's because the boat is a myth and it never existed however among Believers the reason is very simple the ark was made of wood according to smart people a high Mountaintop isn't ideal for petrified wood and it's unlikely that any pitch used in the time of Noah to treat the wood was Advanced enough to preserve wood for five thousand years on top of that Noah and his family just survived a flood they needed to build shelter and they needed to keep warm and cook food the flood destroyed all the trees but conveniently they had a really big wooden boat at their disposal they already built an altar and sacrificed some animals thank God for their salvation they had no need to preserve the ark they did need wood though and plenty of it a big problem with the search for the ark is the fact that proof has a nasty habit of going missing and eyewitness accounts are always second-hand or in some cases the eyewitnesses themselves simply disappear in 1948 stories abound that a Kurdish man named resit had stumbled across the ark however Mr Rec could never be found despite the offer of monetary rewards in fact when questioned people in villages around ARA didn't even know anyone by that name Mr asset wasn't the only witness to disappear and many witnesses were proven to be unreliable although stories of finding the ark only came out after they died not only eyewitnesses but documentation like newspaper clippings photos and written down accounts from those elusive Witnesses also keep disappearing in 1953 George J green an employee for an American Oil company took photos from his airplane of the Ark on Mount Ararat many people claim to have seen these photos but after green was murdered in 1962 the photos disappeared at the time the photos were doing the rounds they weren't proof enough to convince people to go and find the ark but once they disappeared suddenly they were proof of the ark's existence no one's seeing the problem with that there misidentification is another problem with many arc Tales a lot of people claim to have seen the arc over the years but the majority of these stories were proven to be misidentified objects mostly rock formations or even just Shadows especially for Arc sightings from the air and people and even people who insisted that it was definitely the ark couldn't find the objects Again by air or foot making Their fines just impossible to verify and let us not forget the conspiracies of course the arc is on Mount Ararat the government knows this and it's keeping it a secret since the 1970s spy planes and where the satellites have been capturing images of a man-made structure on Mount Ararat that of course is the ark and not only is Washington holding out on us Moscow is complicit in this as well they may have lost that original report during the Bolshevik Revolution though that was proven to be fiction but when has that stopped a conspiracy theory but in the interim the Communist Regime had taken their own images of the arcatop Mount Ararat but they too are keeping it a secret because of course they are I just have one question why why could any government gain from keeping the existence of Noah's arka's secret and if the government has indeed founded why has none of the by now hundreds of expeditions going up are at regularly come across a boat big enough to be seen by a weather satellite in orbit if anyone is interested in conspiracy theories about the ark let me know and I'll see if I convince Simon to do a whole script on this but for now I think we've heard enough about this big boat and it's time to explore other Mysteries yes I'm about done with Noah's Ark this is just nonsense conclusion why is the search for Noah's Ark so popular some Searchers believe that proving the existence of Noah's Ark and thus the great flood of the Bible will turn science on its head and convince millions of atheists and practitioners of other faiths that their belief leaves are all wrong and that the Bible is the only true account and thus the only true God in my humble opinion that is a rather arrogant assertion yes oh boy is it ever after all my research on the archive one question if so many Believers agree that the ark is real the remains still exist and finding this Landing place will be a great blow for Science and a win for the Bible while people working together on this instead the various research Expeditions are secretive unwilling to share information with other Seekers and everyone and their grandmother who's ever gone looking for the ark has written a book or made a documentary about it and made a good deal of money oh I don't know why maybe it's maybe it's the money could it possibly be the money call me naive that isn't greed a deadly sin of course the honor of being a person the person to find the ark would be substantial however the unwillingness to share information and findings means that a lot of money is being spent on duplicating efforts if this was truly a religious pursuit to prove the Bible as the only true word of God surely money and fame wouldn't be the driving factors on top of that not all Expeditions have the necessary permissions one group allegedly bribed officials and made the climb anyway after their requests were denied it could just be me but I'd be very wary of believing any claims about finding the ark from a group who are willing to use bribery and bend the rules for their own purposes if they're willing to do that wouldn't they be willing to stretch the truth a little claiming to see remains of an ark where there aren't any not to mention that I'd expect more from a group trying to find the Ark in the name of a faith based on virtues such as honesty and integrity yes but her religion is rarely devoid of irony is it the story of Noah and his ark is a lesson to Believers of God protecting the faithful for most others it's a piece of delightful fiction nothing more the odds of a global flood destroying all life and the world being repopulated by eight people and only two of every animal is nil however the idea of local floods not just in Mesopotamia but across the world and people on bar just survive in the chaos is not that far-fetched there are plenty of stories of surfers surviving tsunamis and if a dude on the surfboard can ride out a tsunami a family on a barge has a fair chance and a flood so I think we've decoded this mystery is the story of Noah true who knows there might be some fact in the fiction however the ark has never been found and I doubt that it ever will yeah fully agree and if we do find it it's going to be a it's going to be a raft or a barge or something like that it's going to be disappointing this has been an episode of decoding the unknown thank you for watching or listening if you've listened please leave a review it'd be very helpful if you're on YouTube like subscribe and I'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 778,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noah's ark, real noah's ark, noah ark, noahs ark, noahs ark found mount ararat, ark of noah, mountains of ararat, noahs ark found, noah's ark found, noah's ark national park, mount ararat, ark encounter, found
Id: 1qENU8hI6aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 29sec (4289 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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