Warrior Tank Guide - Season of Discovery

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with season of Discovery finally upon us let's look at Warrior tanking for phase one by the way if you have not already please click that subscribe button because I think 95% of you are not subscribed right now human is going to once again be the best race if you are going the Alliance side I will say though don't worry too much about race if you want to go a certain race but due to their weapon specializations which is a lot more important in classic humans are going to be the way to go if however you are going hoard then orc is going to be the one to go for due to their axe specialization don't forget they also do get that attack power buff blood Fury but that is going to reduce healing on yourself which as a tank may not be what we're wanting at all times you could then argue that troll is also one of the best due to their berserking ability increasing casting and attack speed up to 30% the lower your health goes so overall there's definitely a few really good races to choose from here but I will leave that up to you if you don't want to go human for the weapon bonuses and you could choose dwarf etc for their stone form it does have a really low up time however so you know weigh out your options here if we look at the stat priority for warrior tanks then in phase one of season of Discovery number one is going to be stamina meaning more Health then it's hit chance then agility then strength then armor basically stamina and armor are the two things that are going to help you to survive agility is also really useful as a warrior because we have an ability called revenge and this is only usable after dodging or parrying something that agility is going to increase the chances of when we gain that stat strength is then going to really help with one of our runes which is devastate which we're going to get onto a minute and that is going to mean more damage which means more threat generation which of course as a tank is really really important the second one being hit chance the reason this is so high is because let's be honest here we're talking about fret Generation Well if you miss hitting you're not going to do any fret because you've actually done nothing because you've missed so that kind of speaks for itself on to that one for the runes then first one is going to be warbringer and this is going to go on our chest slot charge intercept and intervene are now usable while in combat and in any stance and we remove all movement impairing effects when activated which is a get out of jail free card in my opinion now while a lot of people do like the old dual weeding wielding Warrior tank style it does seem like blizzard are trying to get back to that more classic kind of you know weapon and shield tanking style because devastate our second one means that our suer armor deals 60% weapon damage increased by 6% per application of suer armor on the target and this is only going to happen FYI if you are in defensive stance with a shield equipped so we are going to absolutely be using a shield in season of Discovery at least in Phase One the last Rune we're going to be using is furious Thunder this is going to gain the Furious Thunder ability who would have guessed and thunder clap now increases the time between attacks by additional 6% can be used in any stance and Deals an additional 50% threet which is amazing if we're looking at the talent build then this here is the one that I would recommend as we are a tank we are actually putting most of our points into protection isn't always the case with classic and going to be a bit all over the place but this is how we're going to do it for a warrior so top five points is going to go into Shield specialization of course which is fantastic as we will be using a shield this is going to increase our chance to block attacks of a shield by 5% and it's going to have 100% chance to generate one rage when a block occurs on the second row then on the left we're going to go into improve improved blood rage increasing the instant rage generated by your blood rage by five and then going one down from that into Last Stand which is an ability of a 10-minute cool down when activated this ability temporarily grants you 30% of your maximum hit points for 20 seconds after the effect expires the hit points are lost then going down from our Shield specialization we're going to put one point into improved Shield block this allows your Shield block ability to block an additional attack increases the the duration by 0.5 seconds going on to toughness then which is the Retribution Paladin icon uh on the second row this is going to increase our armor value from items by 6% when we put three points in here and then lastly but not least we're going to put four points into Defiance this is the third one on third row fourth one along and this is going to increase the effect generated by our attacks by 12% while we are in defensive stance which is massive passive and really really useful as a tank this is really going to help with our fret generation when you consider that abilities like Ren revenge and Thunderclap have no threet scaling and actually really rely on the base damage that they do again because we are using devastate which is using the rune for Shields and then using obviously then Shields The Shield talents are absolute Nob brainers here and it's really nice because we're not wasting Talent points like we can do sometimes in other builds you could swap out the fre points in toughness this is the one on the second row again that increases your armor value you could swap this out for anticipation which is the one on the top row which increases your defense skill and they're kind of weighed out nearly the same it could actually be that anticipation is a little bit better and you could put these in here if you want I would say test these out you know yourself and see how you get along with it I personally do think that the overall armor value you're getting from toughness is going to overall be the better option in the long term if you are wondering why this is It's because avoidance is increasing your defense rating which is going to go into like avoiding attacks and it can be a bit unpredictable whereas a flat rate of armor increase is you know you can't go wrong with that it's a flat rate and we're increasing it and we just we know what we're going to get if you don't want to go with the warbringer Rune which is the first one for your charge and intercept Etc and those get out of the jail free cards I was calling them you could go for the blood frenzy Rune as well by the way which is each time you deal bleed damage you gain free rage but I would only say to take this if you are absolutely certain that you aren't going to need those Mobility you know get out of jail free abilities from uh warbringer so again make your choice wisely on that one looking at our rotation then and how it all comes together I'm going to put some screenshots here this is is for single Target we're going to use Revenge it's our highest threat per rage ability and we should always be using this when we can after we've dodged or parried a hit then we've got Shield block which is a really really fantastic mitigation ability we're going to be using this as well then we've got the Buffs that we're putting on there so we've got demoralizing shout this is quite literally going to reduce the damage that our enemies are doing and then we have Thunderclap which is also going to reduce damage incoming by 16% we're always always going to put this on the boss for that one then of course we've got our devastate and we're going to use this as our main filler when our R revenge is unavailable don't forget reveng is off we've dodged or parried Etc and then we've got our heroic strike as well that we can just use if we've got some spare raging uses as a rage dump if you're looking at then AOE packs I would use Thunderclap first and foremost just because this is a really good AOE ability and it's not going to generate a humongous amount of threat but for multiple targets it is going to generate a more even amount of fret if that makes sense balanced over all of them to help keep them under control then using Revenge again of course when we can it's a fantastic ability devastate is still going to be our filler and then we can use our cleave as well don't forget about that one when we are doing AOE and that is pretty much it that is how we're going to play tank Warrior Warrior tank in phase one of season of discovery
Channel: Javier
Views: 35,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, Paladin, druid, hunter, priest, warlock, warrior, raid, m+
Id: t_mqq9JcUok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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