Havoc Demon Hunter Season 4 Beginner Guide for Raid & M+ | Dragonflight 10.2.6

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I'm going to teach you how to play Havoc Demon Hunter in a digestible and beginner friendly format for season 4 of dragonfly in both Mythic plus and raiding settings starting with the stat priority I of course always recommend that you try and get a higher and higher eye level of gear before worrying too much about your secondary stats now if you would like to delve a little bit deeper into those stats however this is the general priority that I do recommend with that being said it isn't one siiz fits all and if you know how you should be simulating your character to see which piece of gear is best if you don't know what that means don't worry just go for the highest eye level and you'll be absolutely fine for the talent trees this on the left is raiding and the one on the right is for Mythic plus and more of an area of effect or AOE build there is import strings in the description and I won't be going through every individual talent but don't worry we're going to cover off all of the important ones but before we do that let's look at the important cooldowns and utilities we have in our spell book first one being metamorphosis does AOE damage and this is actually going to enhance some of your other abilities just touching on it now and we're going to go into it deeper later in the video regarding our utility spells we have quite a few and these are some of the most important ones disrupt being number one on our list is our kick otherwise known as our interrupt and is used to interrupt our enemies spellcasting which is really important the next one we have is Glide now if you're not aware demon Hunters can actually double jump and we can double jump and then use Glide to Glide slowly down through the air with our demon wings imprison is a fantastic incapacitate you can do incapacitating and imprisoning the enemy for one whole minute and lastly vengeful Retreat this place the spell should I say sorry does actually take its place within our rotation at some point however it's also useful for us to Vault out of danger when we need to and now that we're in game let's have a look at how we're going to put it all together now excluding this big action bar of course in the middle of my screen this is usually how I have my UI and if you do like it it's very minimal generally speaking then you can get this by joining my patreon in the description below you will also get access to a lot of written guides by me in there and other resources such as spreadsheets for Wow and behind the scenes content including a VIP channel in the Discord where you can ask me any questions at all you may have about your specialization whether that is Havoc or others and one other thing on my UI is this here this is a weor it's the Demon Hunter weor by Lux fos and this shows all of your Buffs resources and cool Downs all in one Central plac in your screen so that you're not looking all around for it and can concentrate more on the battle at hand the build we're going for Here is known as the low mover build and generally focuses on not doing an insane amount of movement unlike the other builds one thing I will say is there is a lot of different abilities in this rotation and it isn't the simplest out of all melee specs you can do so going from left to right is our general priority of spells here and number one is going to be our vengeful Retreat removing all snares and vaulting away nearby enemies taking 500 physical damage and we only want to use this as our number one priority if our IE beam is on a 15sec or greater cool down this is our IE beam here as you can see the next one we're going to cast pretty much on cool down is the hunt as you can see we're going to charge to our Target striking them for x amount of chaos damage rooting them in place for 1.5 seconds and inflicting x amount of chaos damage over 6 seconds to up to five enemies in our path this goes very well with our vengeful Retreat where we can Retreat away and then charge in with the hunt after that we're going to use our emulation Aura engulfing ourself in Flames instantly causing chaos damage to enemies ofin 8 yards and radiating out chaos damage over 10 seconds and this is going to generate 60 Fury over 10 seconds Fury if you're wondering is this main resource we have here so we're going to have some Fury generators and some Spenders the next one we have is blade dance otherwise known as de sweep and if you're wondering why is it also called Death sweep well that's because when we go to me metamorphosis you can see here that some of our abilities namely this one here and this one Annihilation are actually changed so this is actually a twoin one and at this point we're we're going to use our death sweep as our next priority striking a primary target for chaos damage and five nearby enemies for physical damage dealing reduced damage Beyond five targets and you can see then after we come out of metamorphosis it goes back into blade dance then we're going to use our I beam blasting all enemies in front of you for up to x amount of chaos damage over 1.6 second dealing reduced damage again Beyond five targets when the ibeam finishes fully channeling your haste is increased by an additional 10% for 10 seconds now one thing I want to mention here is that this is the single Target and build but you will notice a lot of these abilities will also cleave this isn't the optimal AOE build and I will be showing you a different one later for Mythic plus but if you are finding this rotation already complex and you want to use it for single Target and AOE as a beginner that is fine because of how much cleave it does I don't want you guys to get overwhelmed if you are new to the spec because it is a really fun and unique one after that we have our chaos strike slicing your target for x amount of chaos damage chaos strike has a 26% chance to refund 20 Fury this one costs 40 Fury ibeam costs 30 blade dance costs 35 then we have our metamorphosis leaping into the air and Landing an explosive force dealing x amount of damage to enemies ofin eight yards and stunning them Pawn Landing you're transformed into a hellish demon for 20 seconds greatly empowering your chaos strike and blade dance abilities and gaining some haste and leech and we saw there before that chaos strike and blade dance are both going to be enhanced versions of themselves we're specifically going to use metamorphosis at this point if our IE beam is on cool down don't forget the I beam is going to increase your haste for 10 seconds after and you're also going to get 20% haste after using your metamorphosis after that we're going to use our fa blade charging to our Target and doing damage demon blades have a chance to reset the cool down of fell blade now one thing to note on here is that you'll see it's going to generate 40 Fury and that our cap on Fury is 120 therefore you only want to use Fel blade if you are at or under 80 Fury otherwise you will overcap Fury and therefore you'll be wasting some then we're going to use our throw glaive throwing a donic glaive at the Target dealing damage and the glaive can Ricochet to two additional enemies pretty much just using that on cooldown at this point in the priority list again if we're under 90 fury because this one generates 30 and therefore we don't want to overcap we can use our Sigil of flame placing a Sigil of flame at the Target location that activates after a second dealing chaos damage and additional x amount of chaos damage over 8 seconds to all enemies Ed and then lastly if we've got nothing else to press we're going to use our fell Rush rushing forward incinerating anything in our path so although there is a lot of abilities here it is quite a straightforward priority of just use it left to right one thing to not is this Talent here chaotic transformation when you activate your metamorphosis the cooldowns of blade dance and ibeam are immediately reset there's a few other talents here regarding your demon form I want to mention we have the inner demon entering demon form causes your next chaos strike to Unleash Your Inner demon causing it to crash into your Target and deal x amount of chaos damage to all nearby enemies dealing reduced damage Beyond five targets and that is your one here chaos strike and remember that's after you go into your demon form with metamorphosis and then we have shattered Destiny the duration of your active demon form is extended by 0.1 second per 12 Fury spent so the more Fury we're spending when we're in demon form the longer we're at going to be in there and of course in demon form we're going to be a lot stronger and our abilities will be enhanced and that is when we're going to want to be pumping out our damage of course so spending War Fury is going to have a kind of symbiotic relationship with the demon form for that purpose and one last one I want to mention Is Blind Fury ibeam generates 20 Fury every second and its damage and duration are increased just be aware that that is going to be generating that as well so as a recap then we can go in with our vengeful Retreat and then use the hunt to basically go back into our Target in and out in and out using our emulation Aura using our blade dance both of these on cool down as well as our ibeam to get that extra haste and you can see here that sometimes you are going to be going into demon form this is with your extra haste Etc remember then we've got our chaos strike which we can use to spend Fury we've got our metamorphosis of course crashing in and going into our demon form for a while F blade which we can use again generating 40 Fury don't use this if you're over 80 Fury we can use both of our frog glaes there is a reason as well um serrated glaive enemies hit by CH strike or frog glaive take 15% increase damage from chaos strike and frog glaive and therefore after we use our chaos strike and then using our frog glaive it is going to actually increase the damage that those enemies take from those spells and using our sigil flame and then our fail rush I know it seems like a lot of butons but it really is quite straightforward um in regards to kind of what we're pressing in what order and a lot of these as I said before do actually cleave meaning that you can use this same build if you would like to use it in Mythic plus one thing to mention is the actual set bonuses from this tier your blade dance and your Annihilation sorry blade dance and death sweep should I say which is the enhanced version of blade dance so blade dance and the same spell when you're in Metamorphosis is actually automatically going to um throw your frow glaive but only if it is off cool down and has a 50% % chance per slash of that to actually cast an additional throw glaive for free and then what the foret does is that when you use your frog glaive it's going to reduce the remaining cooldown on the hunt by 2 seconds each time and then the damage over time on the hunt is also increased so just be aware of keeping that frog glaive off cool down when you are using your blade dance or blade sweep which is when it's buffed by metamorphosis and also that your hunt will become of cool down a lot quicker the more frog glaves that we actually get out if we then move over to the Mythic plus build you can see there's a few talents changing here but the overall rotation won't change too much if you do want to go with it and yet again like I said if you just want to go for the basics and you just want to do one build that one does cleave so you can use it for both if you'd like if you're only doing low difficulty content we've got a few down here imulation Ora's damage is increased each time it deals damage of course that's the one that's pulsing out chaos damage demon blades and frog glaive leave open wounds on your enemies dealing damage over 15 seconds and increasing damage again from your emulation aura and each time imulation Aura deals damage 30% of the damage dealt by up to three critical strikes is gathered as rage fire when the aura expires you explode dealing all that rage fire to nearby enemies and we also gain this spell and this spell first one is Essence break on a 40c coold down where you slash all enemies in front of you for damage and increasing your damage from chaos strike and blade dance to deal to them for 80% for 4 seconds and this one here glaive Tempest launched two demonic glaves in a whirlwind of energy causing damage over 3 seconds to all nearby enemies so so what we're really changing is really just kind of the order of course of all those extra talents for imulation Aura you guessed it emulation Aura is going to be our top priority then we're just going to move to vengeful Retreat and the hunt but after that we're putting in essence break of course coning out damage to enemies in front of us so we're just kind of moving a few around and adding a few more spells in as well actually then we have metamorphosis then it's blade dance then we're going to use our glaive Tempest then ibeam then blade dance again the reason this is here and here this one is for the empowered one this one is for the standard one so only use it here if you have the one for metamorphosis so basically if you have the de sweep one use it here if you're not in Metamorphosis then use the normal one here and then after that it's s the flame Annihilation Etc fell blade then frog glaive then the non-enhanced version again here the same when we're using these ones with blade dance you actually want to use your chaos strike and annihilation um enhanced one here non-enhanced there fell blade and then frog glaive and then chaos strike and again if you've got nothing topress fell rush and really you're just doing it in that order for the beginner rotation that is really it um but as you can see it is quite a lot more buttons in the Mythic plus build and like I said if you just want to go for the raiding one it'll be fine in Mythic Plus at lower levels it does a lot of cleave damage but that is it guys that's how going to play Havoc Demon Hunter in season 4 of dragonflight if you did enjoy this video and want to look at other specs I have done every single spec for season 4 and you can click this playlist to see them in action I'm also doing PVP guides and dungeon guides so check out my channel and the playlists on there for those as well and if you have any questions around the spec do join my Discord where we have a really friendly community that are there to help
Channel: Javier
Views: 1,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, Paladin, druid, hunter, priest, warlock, warrior, raid, m+, classic wow
Id: boE91974POA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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