Arms Warrior Season 4 Beginner Guide for Raid & M+ | Dragonflight 10.2.6

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arms Warriors excel in applying bleeds Fring different Buffs and executing damage at the end of fights in their rotation I'm going to teach you it in a digestible and beginner friendly format for season 4 of dragonflight with no information overload whatsoever for the stat priority we are always going to want a higher eye level that we can get our hands on over the secondary stats that are on offer to us however this here is a general idea of the second secondary stat priority you should be looking for but again getting a higher and higher eye level is always going to be top priority and will generally output more DPS when you get that if you're not sure what talents to take the builds I'm going to be showing you are these with this on the left being for raiding and single Target and the build on the right for Mythic plus and AOE they do have separate rotations and I will be going through both including which one to take if you only want to be using one build for both as a beginner import strings for these are in the description by the way so you can put them straight into your game before we get into that rotation though these are some of the important cool downs and utilities we're going to be speaking about rallying cry is a great party-wide defensive that you can use that is kind of a utility as well giving your party and raid members extra Health temporarily and therefore improving their survivability lastly we have one of my favorite cooldowns Avatar where you transform into a Stone Colossus dealing more damage for a short period of time regarding the utilities that we have we have Pummel this is the Warrior's interrupt otherwise known as a kick and is used to interrupt the enemy spellcasting if you are a beginner to wow then you may not be aware of this but it's actually really really important in fights we're not just there to do damage but we're also there to actually hinder the damage our enemy is doing and making sure that you're interrupting their spellcasting can be make or break in a lot of situations especially in Mythic Plus we have battle shout a party and raid wide buff that we can apply to our allies for an entire hour this is going to increase their attack power and lastly on the bottom we have hamstring an attack we can use to slow down our Target there may be often instances where we're trying to stop an enemy from chasing someone or getting from A to B and hamstring is the way we're going to do it as an arms Warrior now that we're in game let's first have a look at the UI you may see that my UI is very different visually to yours that's because I custom made it with an add-on called lvi if you'd like to get this UI you can by joining my patreon down in the description below one other thing that is on the UI is this here this is a we AA that's another add-on if you're not aware and by the way if you're like what the hell are you talking about then join my Discord because we're very beginner friendly obviously I make these videos for beginners that's the whole EOS of my channel so if you do join the Discord we can help you out with any other queries or questions or things you're struggling with as as well that's absolutely fine um so this is a weak AA by Lux fos you can import this into your game and what it does is it's just got all of your resources your cooldowns and your Buffs all in one central place for you to look at so they're not all over the screen in different places the main resource we use as a warrior is Rage and if I approach the target dummies you can see here I've now got 27 and 83 rage and certain abilities are going to generate rage and some are going to be spending them we also have down here just on the right hand side Battle Stance and defensive stance we can swap between these a defensive combat stance reduces all damage you take and all damage dealt you can use this in times of great unrest and you think that you're going to die or take a considerable amount of damage and Battle Stance is a balanced combat stance that increases Critical Strike chance of your abilities and reduces the duration of movement impairing effects that's the main one you're going to be using to be doing more damage in most of the fights we're going to be starting off with the single Target priority and what we're going to want to do when we actually go into into battle is of course putting on our battle shout that's the party and raid wide buff I previously spoke about but we're actually going to charge into battle here we're only going to use this when we're really going into battle or going from Mob to mob charge an enemy dealing damage and rooting it and that's going to generate some rage for you as well the next thing we're going to do is use our coold Downs up front we've got thunderus raw here roaring explosively dealing damage to enemies within 12 yards and causing them to bleed for an amount of damage over 16 seconds and that generates some Rage that's a big bleed called down and then we've got Avatar where we turn to a big avatar for 20 seconds causing us to deal 20% increased damage these are both on a 1.5 minute coold down they're going to be on the exact same cool down you can use them together and then we have Colossus smash you can use this twice for every one of these if that makes sense cuz it's on 45 seconds smashes the enemy's armor dealing physical damage and increasing damage you deal to them for 30% for 15 13 seconds and therefore we're going to put a bleed on them we're then going to actually increase the damage we do and then we're going to actually increase the damage that the enemy takes from us and that's the big free priorities so that we can do as much damage as physically possible to the boss then we have one of our main attacks and this is Mortal strike this is a rage spender so using this is going to cost some rage and it's a vicious strike that deals damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the Target by 50% for 10 seconds you can see it's on quite a short cool down here do use this on cool down it's one of our top priority we're then going to use Thunderclap and as you can see it's also got a short coold down now we're not going to use this on cool down at this point in the rotation anyway what we're really doing is you can see this buff here on my weak AA this is Ren bleeding for um x amount of damage over every 2.5 seconds and you can see here that thunder clap is actually going to put Rend on the Target that is actually from this Talent here blood and thunder thunder clap costs more rage and Deals 10% increased damage if you have Ren thund under clap affects five nearby Targets with Ren so if there's multiple mobs here it will affect all of them and when it says if you have Ren that's because you can Talent into it over here so if you don't have this Talent then you know it won't actually do that um if you're wondering what that means by if you have Ren that's what it means it means if you've talented into it which we have so we're only going to use Thunderclap to make sure that we're keeping up the ren on the target then we're going to use Whirlwind on cool down pretty much technically you should only be using it at this point in the rotation when you're in these Colossus smash Windows otherwise it comes about here but as a beginner I think just using it on coold down at this point it's on 10-second coold down that is going to be um fine while you're learning the rotation it's not going to be much of a DPS loss if you do want to do it perfectly um then literally just slot it in here and only use it here when you're in that Colossus smash window but if you're like that's a getting a bit too confusing then just use it on cool down at this point that's absolutely fine as a beginner then we have EX cute attempts to finish off a foe causing physical damage based on rage spent only used on enemies that have less than 35% Health if your foe survives 10% of the rage spent is refunded so tldr we can usually oh perfect timing we can usually only use it on or before on or lower than 35% Health but sometimes it will proc when it does we can use that proc so whenever you see it proc and that will be at any percentage of Health you can then use it at this point in the rotation anyway and that's from this Talent here sudden death your attacks have a chance to make your next execute cost no rage be usable on any Target regardless of their health per percentage and deal damage as if you spent 40 rage what perfect timing that was for that to trigger um I didn't plan that and then we have overpower overpower the enemy again on 12C recharge dealing damage can't be blocked Dodge or parried increases the damage of your next mortal strike by 30% stacking twice so we can use these overpower charges and you can see here I've got two stacks of that buff and that's going to increase the damage of our mortal strik we then use our mortal strike increasing that damage um there again use your overpower on coold down pretty much um and you'll be using your mortal strike on coold down anyway remember so you don't really have to think about this too much if you've got nothing else to press at that point use your thunder clap on cool down and then use your slam if there's nothing else to press slam is just a really basic ability let's just go over that again so we're going to charge into battle use our Thundurus raw putting that bleed up increase the damage we're doing with Avatar increase the damage taken from the en by the enemy with Colossus smash use Mortal strike on coold down use Thunderclap to apply Ren use your Whirlwind on coold down use execute whenever it's available use both charges of overpower and of course use those charges on Mortal strike which we're using on coold down anyway and then use Thunderclap if you don't really have anything else to press and if you've got nothing else to press after that it's going to be slam it's quite a straight forward rotation as you can see here um but it's actually really really really fun so we're just basically going down that priority list from left to right and that is it for single Target we're then going to move on to the Mythic plus an area of effect priority and it is quite different if you are a literal you know absolute beginner and you think that learning two rotations is too much and you just want to be doing you know whatever level content and you're like I just want to stick with one rotation for now stick with this one it's simpler than the AOE rotation some abilities like Whirlwind like your Thundurus raar Etc are going to be hitting multiple targets and it will actually be cleaving so although this is a single Target rotation some of your main abilities here will be actually hitting multiple targets anyway so don't think that if you do want to just stay with this that you're only going to be hitting one target completely it will be doing some cleave damage just not as much damage as if you went into the full AOE rotation so if we go into the AOE rotation you can see there is quite a lot of things changing well a fair amount changing so what we're going to do here is well one of our abilities has actually been traded in remember we had Colossus smash smashing their armor that's now replaced with war breaker here smashing the ground and shatter the armor of all enemies in in eight yards not just one but all of them dealing damage to them increasing damage you deal to them it's the same thing but it's an AOE version so we're going to use that Colossus smash or otherwise now known as wall breaker and then we're going to use our Whirlwind St straight after we're then going to use our sweeping strikes on cool down for 15 seconds your single Target damaging abilities will actually hit one additional Target so basically our single Target damage abilities are also going to hit multiple targets there we can then use our Avatar and Thundurus raw and then use our blade storm these are all on the same cool down so we can use them one two and three as you can see there you're spinning around becoming an Unstoppable storm of destructive force striking all nearby enemies dealing reduced damage Beyond eight Target and again we can just use those on coold down then we're going to use our overpower just as before using our execute whenever we can then using our mortal strike and then using Thunderclap and slam and let me just take off cleave because I'm not really using that um but that's pretty much it so it is a bit different again using wall breaker and then Whirlwind keep up sweeping strikes as much as possible using your cooldowns you overpower you execute whenever you can and your mortal strike thunder clap as well spreading Ren to all of those targets and then your slam and pretty much it that is it for the Mythic plus rotation so it is a fair bit different but actually when you look at it it's um it is still quite straightforward now if you are wondering about the set bonus for this season it really doesn't do much in Fury specialization it does actually change quite a lot but this season for arms Warriors it's really quite boring if I'm honest so the two set bonus increases the Critical Strike uh damage and chance of immortal strike here and then the four set makes it so that critical strikes from your mortal strike Etc actually will increase your damage and critical strike chance of everything um so it's really really passive doesn't really change anything um but good to know of course nevertheless and that's it guys that's how you're going to play arms warrior in season four of dragonfly again if you have any questions at all then please do join our Discord we're very very beginner friendly over there and if you would like some behind the scenes videos if you would like my UI and I've got a lot of other resources as well then you can get those all on my patreon which of course also does support this channel if you're looking for other specs whether it's protection Fury Warrior or any other classes click this playlist here it's got all of the season for videos in there for you so you are completely covered
Channel: Javier
Views: 4,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, Paladin, druid, hunter, priest, warlock, warrior, raid, m+, classic wow
Id: POP7Jf2jsGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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