LPS: A World Apart {Film}

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hi i'm june roberts and i'm reporting live from the science studio or i should say science lab today i am joined with a very smart and futuristic scientist hello my name is sam chase and today i will be showing you guys my newest invention he is the very first scientist to create a teleporter machine this has been in the making for a long time and i'm so excited to finally show it off to the world it is still a work in progress and keep in mind it can only teleport objects that are not living or require oxygen or water molecules great so can you show us how it works yes [Music] so here is the machine right here you open the door and you stick whatever you want to teleport in it i come over to the calibrator type in the programmed code click the button and it'll take a few seconds when you hear the beep you know the teleportation process is complete and so do you mind explaining how this works well of course this machine basically dissolves the actual atoms and molecules within the object that you put in it and then wherever the other machine is it'll reappear in the same form by collecting the same molecules and particles that are in the air and then together it uses the code to make up the object oh and it looks like it's complete let's open the door shall we and would you look at that it worked that is sure fascinating so now how do you get it back it's simple really all you do is close the door type in the retriever code and it should be coming back any second now and this process is much faster than when it first teleports away just because it's sort of vacuuming up all the molecules from the air and combining it into whatever object we're teleporting this is so smart and it's totally going to be the way of the future it really will and i think it'll be great for transportation except it can't do any live objects as i said so eventually when we do find the code for that i think it'll be very very amazing oh and would you look at that everything should be returning intact exactly how we left it wait um the kibble is missing um so the ball returned but not the kibble well isn't that odd i guess there are some errors that still need to be worked out but um thank you for coming to the demo of course thank you knock knock hey sam i just wanted to say that i'm going to be leaving the lab please lock it up whenever you leave yep will do okay let's see let's try to get the kibble back shall we okay this should be the code the tail come on work stupid machine has so many flaws still i don't know where i could have gone wrong let's see maybe my calculations are off what what the how who what who are you what how is that even possible wait hey wait up you shouldn't be running in a dark alley at night man she can run fast [Music] [Laughter] do hello everyone and good morning america it's june roberts here reporting live from the town center today have some fascinating news there is a grand opening of a new local cafe their beans are fully roasted and absolutely delicious cut um can i help you please excuse her um we're just gonna go shoot somewhere else please don't make this harder than hey there princess that's sure a nice crown and necklace you got on there's no way that's made from real jewels do you think didn't even know it was already halloween but you don't mind if we borrow that do you hey excuse me but you can't talk like that to my uh girlfriend now scram before i call the police uh sorry sir uh yeah our apologies you okay because that's not creepy at all why am i tied up in my own apartment where is it the crystal first off wow you can speak um second off what crystal i was sent to this place for a reason to find the crystal and save earth i'm sorry what i was sent here to find something it's a crystal located in a yellowstone yellowstone that's montana and we're in chicago take me to yellowstone i need to find it find what i'm so confused in the woodlands i was told that the crystal would be in yellowstone we must find it or else earth will die all living things will perish and there will be no life left i don't know what type of cosplay this is this is not cosplay i come from the woodlands and i was sent through the portal to come here well i ran away and my father doesn't know but he won't need to know i need to save the woodlands i need to save earth and i need to be the hero yeah i'm not sure if you know this but it's not halloween do you seriously want me to punch you again i don't care if you believe me or not and i know you're a scientist which is annoying because you probably won't believe that in magic and that's how i got here i don't know why i was sent here and not yellowstone but i must have been sent here for a reason so please help me and take me to yellowstone the question is how did you get through my teleporter i can't transport living things as i said magic we have magic in the woodlands if i help you will you leave me alone and then give me an explanation on how this quote-unquote magic works before i send you to an asylum for crazy people like you take me to yellowstone help me get the crystal save earth and then i think we can work something out great my car's in the parking garage down below but of course i can't drive when i'm tangled in rope right sorry about that there we go let me just pack a few things and then um i guess we'll be on our way what is this it's called a car now come on get in what is a car like a boat but it drives on land i'm doing this all for the gem okay oh my goodness this is so weird do you have any fresh berries hungry already or if you don't have fresh berries um some freshly picked apples would do nice or freshly caught fish or um i don't have any of that but if you're hungry we could stop by the grocery store really quick grocery store [Music] this is amazing all this stuff is freshly picked just for you so you don't have to go in the forest to retrieve any of this well it all comes locally grown and locally produced from farms and factories mmm fish raspberries and blueberries my favorite okay okay i'll let you pick one whoa hey hey hey you can't eat that why not because we haven't paid for it yet silly you have to pay for things here do you pay with jewels no these green paper things called dollar bills and what's this weird doughy thing that is so good what is that that would be bread it's so fluffy and the texture is like nothing i've ever had before well i guess we're buying that too this is amazing i'm still in shock how we managed to spend over a hundred dollars on groceries this is delicious so you really aren't that civilized over there we live in like teepees in the woodlands and we're like one of the nature huh and you never did tell me your name my name's sam this is the point where you're supposed to introduce yourself willow my name's willow that's a pretty name hey is it already halloween no halloween isn't even it for like another half a year oh people keep staring at us weird right come on we need to go get you a new outfit what do you mean you just stand out too much wow this place is crazy here i'll ask the cashier to get you some normal looking clothes and we can try on a few to see which ones you like [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] well what are your thoughts about this outfit you look amazing fascinating this is like parchment but it's all combined so that's where that went that's my overdue library book and you write stories in it fascinating that one's fiction so it's not true but it is a very good use but i would not recommend reading on this road why simply because you might get sick [Music] that's exactly what i was saying [Music] okay we'll get there in two hours [Music] i'm not sure if you should bring the blueberries out in the forest there's all types of wildlife out there fine the thing is yellowstone is pretty big so how do we know where this magical crystal thing is my necklace my necklace and the crystal share the same properties so look at that that means that it must be close come on okay it must be really close i found it oh my goodness this crystal will help earth maintain its beauty and stay safe this will help life thrive and all the plants and flowers and animals we drove all this way for that are are you sure or like is this just some type of prank or i can finally return home now and this is all gonna be safe thanks for the help of you it was really no problem willow i really enjoyed getting to know you and learning about your magical woodland place sounds very interesting and you should totally visit someday i'd love to show you around and show you to my friends and my palace palace more like a cozy little cottage thank you for showing me around the world of non-magic folk no problem well i guess this is goodbye yeah i guess it is please make sure to visit someday and i'm gonna really miss you sam i think i'll miss you more to be honest [Music] uh yeah i should probably go i'm sure my father's worried sick yeah right uh safe travels yeah uh you might want to stand back a little bit [Music] goodbye willow [Music] you
Channel: Sugar Diamond
Views: 69,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lps, sugar diamond, lps vid, vid, littlest pet shop, lps video, video, new, sugar diamond lps, lps sugar diamond, lps fantasy, lps a world apart, a world a part, lps scifi, lps adventure, lps romance, lps film, lps skit, lps short film, lps movie, lps series, lps alien, lps fantasy love, lps princess, lps love, lps couple, lps new video, lps science, lps fashion, lps shopping, lps ooak, lps magic, lps new short film, a world apart, lps car
Id: jXYHQ3bw7fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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