spongebob squarepants... i have no words... [SSS #037]

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have a holiday christmas it's a good time of the year pipe yourself up why are you tangled hey now y'all know what time it is spooky scary sunday we didn't do last week uh in fact we didn't do a lot of weeks this year but we're doing this week gosh now before we get started i got some things i gotta say all right bro i'm ugly i'm gonna do like a 2020 wrap-up video i feel like i got a lot to say about this year and you know just looking at the channel i i i don't know how to say this i noticed the severe lack of horror games why was it why haven't i been playing horror games so tomorrow i'm playing a horror game like we about to get back to our roots if you feel me we need more horror games and i need to finish go to sushima that's like the two things that i care about right now more war games goes to tsushima okay i feel a little better uh merch is still live so basically if y'all haven't ordered by now y'all not getting it before christmas but represent was dope enough to allow me to extend this the campaign so fred not you can still get these limited edition you can still get it until the end of the year so cause some of y'all be like i didn't get paid yeah you got paid by now anyway let's get it started um i know y'all know what spooky scary sunday is if you don't know by now you just subscribe so go ahead and click that button like dream says it's free and you can always change your mind let me explain some to the unindoctrinated spooky scary sunday is the most prolific scary video watching series on the face of this website and if you don't believe me check the catalog chase 37 episodes 37 right this series has been going on for like two years now why have we only have 37 episodes however here we are spooky scary sunday is a show where every sunday go ahead get it off the samurai we gather as a beautiful tribe the beautiful community that we are we get together and watch some scary videos sent them by you guys via twitter using the hashtag scarysunday you go to twitter follow me at corey kitchen use the hashtag squeakyscarysunday and leave a link to the scariest video that you know and if your video gets picked you get a shout out so sit back relax grab some snacks go ahead get you some which what's your feeling today but i never asked y'all what do you want to eat that's right because it's a video and i can't hear you nor can i see you what the freak are you looking at sit back relax grab some snacks go ahead get you some better made potato chips some now laters and a great faygo detroit snacks baby and with all that being said first video first video of this week is called secret formula and it was uploaded by me canyon this was sent to us by bang brawl stars who said hey cory this is scary and i love your videos so let's uh let's see how they massacred yet another one of our childhood heroes another beautiful day at the crust i'm out i don't you think i'm about to i'm not watching this look i'm tired of it another beautiful day at the krusty krab another day servicing the masses [Music] secret formula [Music] that smells good why is patching sponge me boy maybe a bit more of that secret formula what is that good mr krabs that how you like it die that's how old mr krabs wants it but this salty dog wants even more you can take as much as you want mr krabs oh don't leave me out i need you spongebob go on and get yourself a handful [Music] the secret formula [Music] i need more flavors was that good for you did i satisfy you all i you did me boy but you're all used up drained me lad our hunger is satiated for now but we'll be back [Music] i love my job at the krusty krab i wouldn't change for anything in the whole world i make people happy i fulfill their needs frankly i don't think i could stop even if i wanted to but who would want to stop [Music] when people love what you do this much this next one is something different all right it's called midnight jog and it was uploaded by true horror stories pov now this was sent to me months ago and usually when people send me good ones like i look at it and i'm like oh that's a good one i bookmark it on twitter but i can't find who sent me this so if you sent me this here's a neutral game bar this this is just for you this isn't the same neutral game bar that i give to everyone dark is free all right so you're going out for a midnight dog um you're trying to get kidnapped i don't know why you would do this buy a treadmill go to a gym there are safer ways to do this i'm sorry this is just the world that we live in all right you just don't you can't do certain things what language is that it's a woman dude bruh you for real by the way like it's too many just oh my god watch out for that guy that ran in front of where the freak did he go yo this is creepy as a freak bro this is creepy bro i don't know if this is the sound effects yeah i think i think it might be the sound effects i'm tearing up right now dude ran in front turn okay okay look i'm i'm tripping i'm trying let me my bad let me calm down let me relax y'all y'all thirsty i got some water i can say my grace yeah this channel is lit ah stop turning away from him keep your eye on keep up oh my god have you ever seen somebody back up that fast this man said something yo can we run that back all right this is the last time i'm pausing it it's last time bro i can't see anything where are the people don't get an elevator oh my god big mistake oh oh i thought i thought oh that's her he is on a hoverboard hurry up hurry up hurry up bro it ain't it hasn't been one individual person oh my god that was so good that was so good it makes it scarier that he backs up like come at me at least don't back up no just i'm not a quit it confuses my brain like he just backing up yo that i love that that was true horror stories pov bravo i might get a 10 week off of that [Music] this next one is called sleep talker and it was uploaded by social house films which y'all know means it's going to be a banger off top this was said to us by samurai's sister who said i have no words for this one are you serious born tony that's good if that's the case i'mma need to put on my easy game screeners that's right this video is sponsored by berlizzi hey yo that's next youtubers gonna start sponsoring each other [Music] like yo i give you a hundred dollars you wear my t-shirt oh my gosh oh he didn't sponsor this by the way but hey hold up i see what you talking about real easy i see what you talking about all right just for all my fan editors out there [Music] that's one hold up here go to here go to [Music] i just looked at myself i look so stupid show us some victoria hey look i just get hyped when i see sleep sleep talk recorder enjoy your new sleep voice activated i can't read freak okay is he trying to get some sleep apparently [Music] so it just records [Music] what the freak is happening what was that my junk started lagging dude you have to make it up here we're cousins we're watermelon cousins what is she talking about all right um am i supposed to be looking at something huh what the freak was that how many how many are there how many are there yo you know how annoying it would be sleeping with her like every couple minutes she's starting a whole conversation you just knocked out like she like how much the brand cost you like huh how many how many are there how many are there hello listen i'm asking how many are there is somebody gonna answer listen oh nah now we putting up nest cams all over the room all over the house i couldn't go back to sleep after i heard that are you serious you have to find me you have to find me where are you bruh this is too much where are you nah i'm out listen get out of the house you still there so at this point if something happened to you you signed up for that like you heard the door open what the freak was that oh that's her fingers anybody huh anybody home where are you bruh my washer my my washer are you [Music] ew wake up suit up it's time get that light on girl you got a flashlight on in your own house turn the lamp on right here down look hit different but trying to focus oh night guys [Music] that's a nice little warm-up okay that's how y'all want to start huh okay [Music] this next one is called true trick-or-treat horror story and it was uploaded by horror shorts party so once again you know it's gonna be a banker now this was sent to us by lidarian who said please reply to me it will make my day well your day's been made brother take this positive energy that you feel take this moment and harness it harness it into a ball of pure concentrated energy now absorb it and accomplish all of your goals they set in the mood they set in the mood oh i know y'all see him narrated by none other than terence nicholson voice acting is about to be on point automatically favorite voice actor ever this story happened a couple years ago when i was in my early teens it all started when i went to the movies with my friend sam to go see the world premiere of the dark knight the movie garnered a lot of notoriety at the time obviously due to heath ledger's leading role as the joker i personally thought it was the greatest movie i had ever seen considering i've seen almost every batman movie that ever existed i decided to buy some dark knight merchandise at the ferris nicholson shop it was located in the theater what appealed most was how cheap the batman masks were selling for i didn't have a halloween costume picked out for october yet and neither did my friend say oh we both actively purchased one mask each and figured it would make for an easy costume to trick or treat with i can honestly say it was an astronomical improvement from the cliche bed sheet over the head ghost i was last year fast forward to october 31st me and sam both wore batman masks and began going door to door looking for an opportunity to fill our candy sacks faster than any other trick-or-treater on the block trick-or-treat happy halloween batman i mean batman that's it lame what'd you say boy i snatched that back out your freaking hands get off my porch that's it lame you get the hell off my property ungrateful twarps the majority of the houses were pretty generous with the exception of a few bad apples to say the least on this particular night there wasn't many houses that had their lights on which generally meant that they didn't really celebrate halloween or in other words they weren't giving out candy me and sam were understandably upset considering we'd been walking for at least an hour i continued trick-or-treating while sam began to head home through the pit located in the middle of the neighborhood why didn't i just stay home and watch spongebob never gonna be the same pit was just a fancy nickname for the forest reserve which was generally used for nature walks during the day but me and sam went there solely for the sake of a shortcut home i began walking about half a block down when i see more houses without their lights on screw this i'm going home i eventually approached the pit while beating myself over the head for not leaving at the same time as sam as i entered the pit i instantly had second thoughts of taking the longer route as this route seemed nothing short of irresponsible and dangerous yeah i ultimately decided to man up and continue walking through the pit as i didn't want to prolong my already dreadful night why the hell did i have to take this route i can barely see anything i knew i should have dressed up as a skateboarder i would have been home already i remember the pit being so dark to the point where i could virtually see nothing except for whatever my cell phone light was illuminating i began walking faster as i could hear faint sounds of what sounded like a maniac clown laughing what the hell who's there who's there at this point i was so excited i instinctively dropped my candy due to the adrenaline rush flowing through my body i couldn't care less about the candy as i genuinely felt like my life was in danger run that's when i saw the source of the laughter standing a few feet in front of me it was a man dressed as the joker from the batman movie he honestly looked like an exact replica with a hint of blood on his costume what made this more disturbing was how casual his demeanor was he just stood there smiling at me like my appearance was amusing to him no i didn't want to express the fear i felt internally so i tried to playfully marvel at his costume and say hey there i really like your joker costume no matter how hard i tried to keep a composed poker face my body language and mannerisms couldn't help but show the fear that blood inside of me bro he then took a couple steps closer to me as i began to cautiously take a few steps backwards hey man what the hell do you want from me why so serious happy halloween the man support yo he walks past me while i watch him in complete shock what the hell was that was that some real life joker at this point i continued walking home while looking back every two seconds to make sure the man wasn't lurking behind me i eventually make it home and watch a couple of youtube videos trying to forget the creepy encounter that just took place that's when my dad pops into my room and asks me to answer the house phone hey mark answer the house phone hello hey mark is sam still with you that's when i felt my heart dropped to my stomach oh that was his friend no he left to go home way before i did oh my god why would you leave without him he's not even home sam's crazy ended up calling the people resulted in an entire block search party what came of such an innocent halloween night turned into a nightmare sam's remains were eventually found in the pit with his face lacerating in his head i i haven't trick-or-treated since and i still live with the regret of not leaving at the same time as my friend i informed law enforcement about the bizarre encounter with the man i saw that night call it speculation or whatever you want but i know the death of my friend sam had something to do with that sick man or should i say the joker my god why [Music] [Music] police are looking for any witnesses to come forward in the connection of a deadly homicide of a team the victim's remains were found at the local park observatory the suspect is described to be approximately six feet tall caucasian and was last seen wearing purple attire with a green vest and tie police say the suspect is described to have face paint imitating the joker from the blockbuster hit the dark knight if anyone has any tips please contact your local batman where was you shall remain anonymous all right karen back to you [Music] oh wait she was from that other thing we watched oh i love how all his animations are connected she was from the other one look at him trick or treat well happy halloween batman i mean batman that's it no y'all see what happens when you ungrateful lame get the hell off my proper ungrateful twerps [Music] and the last one for tonight is called fate uber horror story this is relatable we've all taken uber once or twice or why am i talking like this this was uploaded by classic distractions who has 1333 subscribers if this is good i need them to be at 5k it's so many slept on short horror film youtubers we changing that this was since was by mary liz the cat who said here you go bro love you if you love me simmer slice that like button [Music] you do it see already off top production quality is there recorded in a rain i appreciate the grind jasmine is that you stories today it's clearly halloween if not these people are weird are allowing costumes in this year or do we just have some sort of connection i think they're that popular i mean at least i hope not but yeah it must be faint must be goodness gracious fate is definitely the right word hey keep your eyes on the road this is kind of like our magic carpet ride or something you know yeah i think you've been following her where are you headed in our costume party or uh yeah there's a halloween party actually at little trouble tonight and they're having like and all my friends are waiting for me ah cool um will you and your boyfriend be competing in the competition or it's like i think he's lit you see how he did that like you and your boyfriend like y'all gonna that's the sly guy way of trying to see if she's single or not be like hey uh well i'm already aladdin so maybe we could ride on our magic carpet it's just me and my friends and no no we're not gonna do it are you you don't have a boyfriend bro if you about to crash this vehicle really it's shocking i mean i'm i'm surprised no offense it's just you know you you're so pretty and all i assumed he had a boyfriend or something okay all right he trying you know for a second there i thought he like ditched it for the party or something what you know something i would do if you were my girlfriend he's losing it you lost it so you got to crack some jokes i'm thinking uh you know i'd be happy to tag along with you and do the competition ah you know the whole jasmine allowed things like fate right we hey we could win we could win thanks but it's all right you don't have to do that you're sure i i i can make my own hours like i want to yeah no thanks i i really just want to go with my friends tonight all right bro chill that's it stop just trying to be nice so all right thank you by the way do you do you always ride in the back of an uber like you could have rode up here with me like shotgun bro yeah i just prefer to jump back here right along women i am so sorry y'all got to deal with this [Music] guys suit yourself thank you why are you not following the directions on the app ah don't don't worry about that just taking a little detour no state is actually slammed right now inside insider info well i'd appreciate it if you just stuck to the directions on the app yeah and i would appreciate it if you trust me so excuse me jasmine let's not let's not do this i mean things are going so great up until this point right we don't need to argue what the hell are you talking about hey it's not talking about us this fake god are you are you really as dumb as you look whoa pull over to the gas station and just let me out okay i'm canceling the ride right now i am afraid you cannot do that what are you doing give me my phone back are you kidding me it didn't have to be this way jasmine it really didn't why does every girl do this you know they they act like they're to you and then the moment you do something nice for them they shut you down just like that i've i've never seen you before in my life oh he's seen you though of course you don't remember well allow me to refresh your memory you got that jasmine costume from target didn't you we uh we bumped into each other and locked eyes what what no no we we we didn't i didn't i don't remember seeing don't be so naive you want to look at me like that if you weren't into me if you didn't like me i'm i'm not crazy you're crazy you think i'm crazy you think i'm crazy i just said you're crazy you're so crazy you want to see crazy clara oh no a bad boy oh okay i'll show you crazy here we go we're on a residential the speed limit is twenty i'll admit it wasn't exactly easy to track you down i mean wow those store records were i just cut myself one thing to get into but don't even get me started in the whole background check to become a legitimate driver god we so much paperwork but it was worth it bro you've been following me yeah well i hope that doesn't freak you out i just never had to meet in an organic way no better way than this right i've been waiting weeks for you to request a ride and when that didn't happen i just uh i started to panic a little bit you know i was like what is she gonna do what did she get her across there and then you know i thought uh halloween might be the night so i i wouldn't got this aladdin get up bingo here we are it's like it's eclair fate let me out please just let me out gertsen whoa stop egging him on let me help please let me out maybe you're right maybe i am a little [Music] crazy oh you will learn to love me you will learn to love me you will not love me if anybody is ever in this situation right chances are child locks is on them doors you're not opening that door but notice there is nothing else impeding her from just jumping behind him unlock the door now now open up hey the car is stopped right now tell me y'all y'all don't want to get caught in one of my headlocks you did la puerta aora don't forget to give me a five star rating [Music] he actually took her what oh the ending was so good what the heck i'm like thinking like oh maybe that he just was playing with her the whole time she did classic distractions guys y'all hooked it up that's the timing that's the 10 week um it was just a good combination of weird creepy the backing up one yo spongebob and then this one need another one next week i need another 10. so send me the best i need scary i need it all for spooky scary sunday [Music] [Music] guess my name is curry king [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 6,586,914
Rating: 4.9707398 out of 5
Keywords: spongebob, squarepants, spongebob squarepants, scary, horror, video, videos, lore, secret, formula, spooky, sunday, sss, 37, reaction, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, pov, have, no, words
Id: 1F8O8Z-ykGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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