I Was Wrong About Destro Warlock! | Season of Discovery Phase 2

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what's up guys it's your boy Java Monkey J and the Warlock Discord has spoken for Phase 2 season of Discovery game has already been sold everything you need to know about warlock top meta specs right here man I'm going to put this link down in the description below so you can check out these Sims for yourself these Sims just came online our boy Niche has put in the work he has built out the Sims for us and another guy by the name of rain I think yeah this guy rain right here they've been working on the Wows side and if you've played WRA King this might look familiar to you this is on the wow Sims season of Discovery section I think almost every class is available now on Wow Sims they've been working on this for the past couple weeks now but warlock Sims they're in man they're finally built out so let's get right into this so we have this first build which looks like a very typical um rain of fire cursive molate chaos bolt with incinerate filler this will probably be similar to the build that you saw in my last video we've got demonic knowledge on boots we have Shadow and flame on Belt these are runes that we've already talked about and this looks like the full abys list here I've kind of poked around it is confirmed that taking the new enchanting item and going in here and changing this to the plus 27 damage Helm is not going to be worth the damage if you see right here we'll go ahead and Sim this and then we'll change this we'll save as reference and then we'll switch back to the tailoring head head build with no enchant not quite as much damage but I think it's safe to say if you're looking for a PVP build you don't want to spend a lot of money maybe to be able to transfer back and forth I think the tailoring profession is going to be what you're going to want to go you're not going to want to go the enchanting just because there's limited options on the helm and for PVP I think the next best hat is like previous phase B so and that doesn't even have any Stam so you have to go all the way down to Twilight and Boker Shaw to actually get stamina out of your headpiece and you lose like what is that 13 spell damage so looks like tailoring will be B especially if you're a flex player if you're just parsing maybe you don't go the tailoring head I don't know looks like it's it's probably better for most people and uh according to this Sim this is also your bis list here kind of everything that we've already gone over so you have the Piston pendant this is a Gomer the synthetic mantle Gomer Gia cloak of fiery wrath again a Boe World drop you're going with the irradiated set with the war song gch bracers your best in slot uh glimmering Gizmo blade you're going to want to go orb of the however you say this or the Necronomicon again all of this is confirmed you can go with the Meco Strider or you can go with the umbrell wand it's the same thing dream weave gloves this is sort of an interesting choice here to me I did not expect to see blood woven cord outperforming outperforming the engineering waste I did not expect to see this so let's simulate this okay so it's only about 3 DPS less so I actually I actually probably would go ahead and keep this on just because you can get a 3% increased chance to crit for 30 seconds that seems pretty big and then maybe having maybe running the blood woven uh cord when the cool down is off off for your belt kind of switching back and forth in between those seems like a really good idea and then again for PVP this has the belt has plus Stam so it's going to be good to have in PvP so it looks like final verdict the professions you're going to want to have is engineering tailoring you're going to want to run the irated set you're also going to want a second set of just the um normal hyper conductive robe if you're going to be a pvper with maybe being able to run the previous phase boots um this is a great PVP item reducing damage by 30% is huge defensive cool down very good so we will be keeping tailoring it looks like so that's great uh let's just continue with the b list you have the ring from nomer going to have the Lor Keepers ring this is The warsong Gulch ring you're going to have this ner trinket which can be switched out for the previous phase bis and invokers they're they're about the same one just has a trinket proc and one extra spell power so basically a horizontal upgrade there and then instead of going with the Warlock ring here it looks like we're going to be going with infernal packs and this is actually pretty surprising to me however once you kind of think about it it makes sense so the major problem with with your imp is that he eventually will run out of mana on kills if you run this item it's not only giving you damage from the 20 plus 80 intellect being a k additional spell power from your demonic Rune it also gives your imp you know 80 in which is a ton of Mana so if we actually take this off and just replace it for like let's just say this this is pretty close to 10 10 spell power you'll see a significant drop off in DPS and it's mostly because the Imp damage that you're losing so infernal packed seems to be the play and overall this is going to be your PVE Miss list and then like I said you're going to want to change out a couple pieces for PVP like the irad set but other than that I mean you're good to go and the good thing about this set is a lot of these plus spell power items here are General spell power so you won't have to be changing a ton of items when you go into PVP like at this point you'll just be changing out the cloak and the belt for PVP so that it's really going to save you a lot of money so actually going tailoring instead of enchanting is actually pretty big here so let's go check out the talents now the talents ended up being a little bit different from what I had predicted so if you see here we have the normal five in cataclysm five in Bane five in Devastation two and improved Fireball to grab Shadow burn for the last little instant cast it'll just give you a little bit of extra I don't know why they took points into intensity I would probably put points into destructive reach instead I don't see a reason why you would ever take raid damage while casting Soul fire Hell Fire or rain of fire I don't really understand the point of having this I would just put it in destructive reach um but I it's not it's not a terrible talent to add it doesn't necessarily increase your DPS you take one and Rune obviously four and two improved emulate and then instead of taking the two points that you would put into improved EMP um you take it to those two points and put them into Ember storm if you see here we'll go and just Sim this really quick how I it and if you take two out put two in just a little bit less damage just about 2 DPS so it's really not a big deal if you do want to have a little bit of a juicier imp I guess um maybe this will come into play on extremely short fights maybe if we change this duration to like 30 second a 30 second fight instead and we simmed it again and then we swapped out two here two here maybe we'll get more damage yeah so it looks like it's just because the EMP runs out of Mana here so maybe on shorter fights will actually will go to improved imp over Ember storm but as of right now for the longer fights about a minute and a half which is about the time that you would get on AK Kumai for example in Phase One um looks like the Five Points in the Ember storm is going to be the best but again we'll be switching to improve them once the fights get really short if if they end up being really short fights so with that said boys let's take a look at this rotation the final results again you're it's just going to be exactly like last phase okay you're going to be spamming incinerate it's not shown in here but you will be Lake of firing on cool down keep that debuff up you're spamming incinerate your A's popping off you're spamming chaos bolts as much as you can you are throwing emulates as the debuff falls off looks like they threw searing paint in here to grab maybe a last second cast Shadow burn and then curs of wreck is going to be the curse to put up I thought it was going to be curse of elements but I guess not maybe that's something we can change here in settings yes it's actually simming for curse of elements but it's not casting cursive elements not sure what that's about maybe that's a little bit of an issue with Sims but it's only going to increase your damage it's not too big of a deal but yeah that's best in slot build for Phase 2 if you like the video like And subscribe again thanks for the Warlock Discord and the guys over at wow Sims that made this possible possible this is awesome I'll put a link to the Sims below so you guys can mess with it yourselves and a link to the Warlock Discord so you can get all this information before I bring it to you next time thanks for watching guys I been jav monkey J like And subscribe peace
Channel: JavaMonkeyJ
Views: 11,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lHOXseHpCFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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