Warlock Runes Locations in WoW Classic Season of Discovery - Get The BEST Runes Easy

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wow classic season of Discovery has been out for a few weeks now and all of the Warlock runes have finally been discovered and some are much harder to complete than others some you just go click on an item and then others such as the metamorphosis Rune take you all over the world on like a sixpar quest chain so in this warlock Rune guide I want to go over the the five harder ones the the the end game the ones that are like level 15 plus I've already made a guide with the six easy warlock queens that you can get by level 10 which I'll link down below if you're just making your Warlock and in this we'll go into the five harder ones and these are really powerful ones that make your build really powerful fire and Shadow ones that are kind of build defining so let's get into it first up incinerate this Rune deals fire damage and increases fire damage you deal by 25% this one is a really simple one it's a guaranteed drop from a mob in red Ridge Mountains you want to be over level 20 for this and you want to head to the southeast of the map where all of the Orcs are and once you get down there you want to find this small cave there's a cave and there's a few Orcs around it and then kind of leading into it there's more and as you head into the back there'll be a rare mob at the back an elite mob called incinerator GM in the back he's a level 23 Elite so you need to fight your way to him and then defeat him he's kind of challenging so you might need a friend if you're low level but simply fight him take him down and you loot the incinerate Rune from him a really easy one to get as soon as you get to that level next up Lake of Fire this is one of the key runes for the fire build it leaves a fire effect on the ground after you cast rain of fire that increases damage by 40% for 15 seconds to get this you need to head to Hills Brad Foothills the best way to get here is to North and up and around from menril Harbor in the wetlands if you're on the Alliance side once you're here you want to head between Southshore and Taran Mill and look for ziil the wandering Goblin Merchant he'll kind of Patrol between those two areas so kind of from the south to the Northeast there's a patrolling Merchant and this guy will sell an item called the demolition explosives for one gold now on Wowhead it says this is five gold I checked it and it's one gold so this has been reduced or nerfed so that that's great if you're holding off because of a gold issue go get it now only a gold then you want to ahead to D hold keep this is pretty contested on PVP servers so be really careful here if you're alone and make your way into the back of dur hold keep kind of go across the bridge and go up The Path into like the tower at the back there you'll find a pile of rubble near the near the chained up Orc in the middle there's like a pile of rubble and it'll glow if you hover over it if if someone's already used it just hang around here for a while and it'll respawn now you got to use the explosive from your inventory to blow the rubble and then you can just walk over and loot the loot the Rune the the problem here the big problem here is if you die after using the item and you don't get to loot it you have to go buy the item again so you got to go find the merchant again and pay for it again and that's a real as a real challenge as a real nightmare if that happens so be really careful there's no hoorde around or there's no mobs patrolling so that you don't you're not at risk of dying here get maybe a void walk out with you and just be careful to get this on your first go next up Everlasting Affliction one of the really powerful Shadow runes that lets Your Shadow spells reset the duration of your corruption if you've speced in as well you get instant corruption so this is really powerful for set up big damage on packs this Rune is a reward for gaining reputation with the new Supply faction now this used to be really difficult and release I think you had to get honored and then you had to pay five gold to buy it they and a lot of you might be putting this off but if if you're watching this they've made it crazy easy now all you need is friendly and the price is down to two gold so you can literally farm this out in a couple of hours the fastest way I found to do this on Alliance was to head somewhere with lots of chests but an easy one for me was Westfall because I was overleveled for that zone and I remember there being loads of chests there if you go down there there's loads of the little null camps and a lot of them have chests in them so yeah go clear out the camp if you don't get a drop from the mobs then check the chest and when I was doing this almost every chest had a supply Crate in it so it should be quite a good drop rate and then what you want to do is as soon as you get the crate fly back to your your city your nearest city uh so say if you're rall go to Stormwind and then go to the auction house and just buy what's needed to fill the chest if you if you can't fill it like if it's really expensive what it's asking for just hand it in empty and you still get a chunk of experience and then fly back down and do it all again maybe you can fish these up as well I'm not sure I haven't done much fishing but this is the way I did it and I think I got to Friendly in two hours maybe an hour and a half two hours and I didn't spend that much gold I just paid for the items that were cheap and if they weren't I just handled them in empty but yeah that's it a little gold sink couple of hours of running boxes back to town and then you get your Rune it's not too bad it's much easier than it was on release next up Shadow bolt volley a super powerful spell that turns your Shadow bolt into an AOE hitting more than one Target and there are more than five places you can get this Rune and I've Heard lots of different ways people have got it but I I can only show you the way I got it because that's the only you can only get it once but yeah it it this way was super super easy and was actually done as part of leveling as part of a quest so if you go to dark Shore one of the main quests you do here is called the Blackwood corrupted most if you're an alliance player from classic you'll be familiar with this you go to the furball camp in the north you loot the fruit you loot the N you place it near the bonfire and you summon delmin to hatred well if you're just doing this Quest you get the rune because it drops off delmin hatred so yeah rather than try and explain how to summon him and stuff just go do this Quest just go start this Quest and you you'll get it at the end of it anyway or just go find someone else who's doing it and take part in the final part and and grab it if you hang around enough you'll probably see him spawn and you can probably grab it anyway you can also get this on the alliance from uh Westfall uh lock Madan but if you're coming here you'll come here as part of the meth metamorphosis Rune so while you're here run up and grab it from this guy it's a very easy one to get while you're here because you we'll talk about that but you'll be here you'll be here very close to this soon on the metamorphosis Rune so let's get on to that the final Rune that we're going to talk about is metamorphosis and this is our big tanking Rune the one that turns us into a giant tanking demon and be ready for a grind okay so let's break this down into the steps to get this secret tanking Rune a lot of this takes place in horde territory so you know Buckle in Alliance this this is a rough one and it starts in the baronss so head to the southern Barons and talk to D Kahan here for the quest your'll take is orb of San rook and this is like phase one of the quest so this sends you to two places to collect two different items first you have to go to the raid or just outside of the raid in Ashen Vil to loot three saen Rook fragments and you need to defeat some level 25 Elites here called Twilight acolytes they drop off those guys so they're like the Mages and the challenge here is all of these things are grouped together so you know there'll be like a Caster a melee and something else so if you've not got friends here and you you can't talk someone to help in this is hard you've got to be really careful with your fears and your your Void Walker um or be geared to do this cuz this is rough or you can just do it as you go into the raid so yeah that's the first piece the second piece of this first phase comes from Shadow Fang keep so this is in the very north side of hord territory find a way to group up for this head into the keep and it drops from the shadow Fang Dark Souls which are about halfway through the dungeon now I had to clear this dungeon four times before they drop for me so yeah once that drops from one of these mobs in here you'll have both of the pie pie and you can go back to the Barons and hand them in you'll hand them in uh and he'll send you off for two more items the orb of Dez and the B of Altech and we're heading to two different places first we go to dark Shore to the Tower of ax this is the one that you can you can do the other Quest above while you're here but um yeah you want to go to Tower of Alx and this Tower is is brutal I think it's impossible to do solo if you're trying to do it properly it's full of high level Elites and they all have a pet and then at the very top it's just full of enemies so you want to either find a party of like four or five people and fight your way up to the top or you want to find a friend who can run in and aggro the entire room like a paladin with bubble or a rogue with evasion and then while they're Agro and everything you just run in and loot or do what I did and give up I gave up I couldn't get it done I I had no one online and I sat at the top I died and I sat dead at the top of the tower for like an hour just doing something else on other monitor and then I saw someone else come and do the Rune a group of people that came and did the Rune they were they were a different faction as well and I just resed them loot with it as well so yeah this is a hard one to do solo but that's the first piece with that out the way you want to head to Red Ridge Mountains for the orb and this is at the top of another Tower called the Tower of ilgalar but this is much easier if you can't find a group here what you can do is you can die inside and res in this safe spot at the top of the tower so you can you can res here in this safe spot and nothing will Agro you and then while you're up here you can summon your Void Walker throw them right at the enemies and then go loot your item you're going to die but you'll get the item and then you're done then you go back to the Barons and hand it in and that's phase two done now for the Final Phase phase three this is where I will say you can't cheese it anymore you have to fight here there's no just cheesing items you have to get get get in and fight and you need to find other people you need to find other warlocks guildies or friends maybe you can solo this maybe you're better gear or a better warlock than I am but I struggled I I needed to find people to help with this because you need to get 10 blood of the Legion and they drop from demons on the southeast of Ashen Vil all of the mobs here that you're fighting are either level 29 or level 30 if you can just pick off the 29's you can kind of solo it but there's so many 30s here and you need 10 blood is much faster with a group so yeah they're going to resist all your spells as well so so good luck we had three warlocks here and we this was still quite challenging a couple of people died so once you've got 10 Bloods off these demons you want to head south into the little alve in this same area and there's like a ramp follow the ramp up and there's a big ritual Circle and you hand your blood in at the altar if you've done this with other warlocks on the same quests get everyone to hand the blood in at the same time and that will start the final event which is waves of elite mobs these are all like level 25 Elites so again really challenging if you're trying to solo this now what you need to do here is make sure you defeat everything here until you get to the final wave the final wave will spawn a big searing infernal and you've got to drain his soul while standing in the circle that's like an absolute must you got to drain his soul while standing in the circle and that finishes the quest doing this will spawn the mysterious traveler you hand the quest into him you finish that and then you go back to the Barons talk to the guy and get the Rune I mean hats off to Blizzard they made this incredibly challenging incredibly secretive and it took people a while to find this out but man you you've got to be ready for this because it's a grind but yeah if you followed the last video with the the six easy runes and you followed this one you're on like 11 out of 12 and that's everything but Griz the only reason I'm not talking about grisbee is because it's just a massive gold SN right now I'm hoping they Nerf it like they nerfed all the other runes that were just really crazy grinds because this like I looked it up on my server and it's just going to buy items like 20 to 30 Gold's worth of items and this gets you 11 out of 12 if you followed everything and uh and that's it that's it that's all of the main warlock runes I really hope these videos helped and if they have subscribe for more and I'll be covering new ones as they come out you know they've they've recently announced the road map where they're extending the level cap to 40 and few months but that's exciting so if if you want to see more like this when they come out subscribe for more but that's it from me take care and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Medieval Marty
Views: 18,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow season of mastery warlock runes, wow warlock runes, season of discovery warlock, season of discovery warlock runes, season of discovery wow warlock runes, wow classic, wow classic season of discovery, warlock runes season of discovery, wow season of discovery runes, season of discovery, season of discovery warlock rune locations, warlock runes wow season of discovery, wow season of discovery warlock rune locations, wow metamorphosis rune, wow metamorphosis warlock rune
Id: SVdJZahEH70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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