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yo guys it's rrolling time with a new 100% XP bonus live in phase two of season of Discovery everybody's leveling new characters so we've got some extremely important Phase 2 DPS information to discuss as The Meta shifts rapidly you need to know exactly what class to play to maximize your chances of getting a rage spot so let's talk about the strongest DPS classes in Phase 2 first though let's talk methodology this time around the rankings were compiled by analyzing Sims current logs and firsthand raid experience as always classes were ranked on single Target down damage as well as AOE damage utility was also factored in as classic rating is all about debuffs and crucial utility spells all right so let's jump into the C tier first up we have the Paladin for single Target damage they have automatic crowd pumer which is somewhat ramped up red damage especially with the short fights and sure they can pump out some good single Target damage with exist and seal of martydom but unfortunately rats are still not very competitive with single Target damage they're still just barely above range hunters and frost mes as for AOE some top parsing red though are taking advantage of cleaving on managerie with their big Divine storm hitting up to four targets at once unfortunately that still puts them nearly 400 DPS lower than classes like Mages talking utility paladins have blessings like blessing of Salvation to solve threat issues and of course they have Blessing of Kings and blessing of freedom and blessing of protection and while this doesn't really help DPS paladins paladins are the most popular tank as well the verdict paladins bring a very high amount of utility to the raid even if their damage is lacking paladins are asset and both speed runs and pugs paladins go in the C tier moving into the B tier we have priest for single Target unfortunately Shadow priest have really not been scaling well in phase two their rotation with spells like void plague and Shadow or death was strong when nobody had gear but now priest are just not competing and are rapidly falling in the meters as for AOE priest have some of the worst AOE of anyone in the game sure they can multidot him and aery but their minds here are still borderline useless as for utility the low damage of Shadow pre doesn't really matter much that's because Shadow priest May well have the highest utility of any class in the game Huli is absolutely critical for any physical damage comp and vampiric embrace gives extra raid healing for intensive fights like thermop plug and you also have all those nice priest abilities like fortitude for the raid preskill in the B tier now let's talk Druid so for single Target ferals have come on some pretty hard times in phase two sure they bring wild strikes but their single Target damage still isn't bringing it even with the new automatic crowd pumers and boomkins are middle of the pack on single Target while being frustratingly crit Reliant as for AOE ferals still aren't adding very much in terms of AOE damage and unfortunately hurricane isn't very strong for AOE for boomkins either luckily for utility though Druids have incredible utility they have their battle res and Mark of the wild ferals also have mangle to ramp up classes like Warriors and you got fairy fire as well also both ferals and boomkins can cast Tranquility to prevent a raid wipe at any time and interv feels really fantastic for any Mana starve class the ver verdict Druids were the most desirable rating class in phase one but they bring a lot less damage to the table in Phase 2 Druids go in the B tier let's talk Rogues for a single Target sure the best Rogues can pump impressive damage with their white hits their mutilates their in Venoms but if you look at the data most Rogues are still in the low end of the middle of the pack compared to even the weakest range classes Rogues are still pretty far behind right now as for AOE Rogues bring very little AOE to the table that makes them have pretty low DPS on fights like managerie for utility really the main utility for Rogues is Expos armor and kick kick is very useful on fights like Thermo blug to be sure but that's not nearly enough utility to make Rogues a hot class to bring to raids the verdict Rogues are in a tough spot because they don't bring massive damage or utility to the raid hopefully a buff or two will hit them before the end of the phase Rogues go in the B tier for now let's talk about the ater so first up we have Warriors for single Target Warriors are really starting to ramp up their damage due to excellent gear scaling and runes like blood surch are nicely helping them to fit slam into their rotation as for AOE Warriors are doing really well in terms of AOE damage at least when they're allowed to cleave on fights like managerie you've got Whirlwind cleave and sweeping strikes which are all huge for AOE talking utility Warriors primarily bring commanding shout and battle shout they also have Sunder armor which amps up physical groups the verdict Warriors are really starting to come into their own in Phase 2 with excellent gear scaling by the end of phase 2 Warriors will be comfortably top five DPS overall which is very respectable Warriors go in the a tier let's talk Hunters so for single Target melee Hunters are still near the top of the DPS meters and they are the strongest physical class Raptor strike definitely slaps and your melee hit slap too and flanking strike amps up your damage even more unfortunately though ranged Hunters are near the bottom of the meters getting out DPS by everyone except Frost Mages as for AOE melee Hunters have very weak AOE damage meanwhile range Hunters have explosive shot in multi-shot shot unfortunately those still don't help them to get past 450 DPS on managerie talking utility you'll always be able to offer heart of the lion meanwhile if you go mm you'll get true shanara giving your party 50 attack power each the verdict Hunters are in a very strange place in Phase 2 melee Hunters are still top five DPS while range Hunters are absolutely Rock Bottom Hunters go in the a tier let's talk warlocks so for single Target top warlocks currently have the highest parses in the raid you've got your amped up in Center and Chaos bolt absolutely blasting and you have Shadow bolt as the ultimate single Target filler meanwhile for AOE Shadow bolt Vol is insanely strong DPS on trash and fights like managerie the top parsing warlocks are blasting Shadow bolts and pushing nearly 900 DPS as for utility hell Stones even if not spec into them are 500 health each you've also got cursive elements for those Caster groups and more importantly cursive recklessness for melee heavy groups the verdict warlocks mainly fire dester locks are having an amazing phase two warlocks go in the a tier let's talk about the S tier first up we have Mages for single Target Mages are number one or number two DPS on every single fight except thermop plug if you want to plug in play class that allow DPS the majority of your group from day one this is your pick as for AOE Mages are still the AOE Kings proven by the fact that their strongest fight is managerie as for utility Mage portals feel incredible in this phase for getting around the world and you still have Max rank water 1992 Mano over 30 seconds with a of Life buff last month the verdict Mages are the kings of DPS in every fight but they particularly excel in managerie with their ability to spam out those living bombs besides their damage though Mages are the ultimate vending machines to keep raage running smoothly Mages go in the S tier next up we have Shaman for single Target dual wielding enhanced Shaman are top three on nearly every fight in the raid and they feel hugely overbuffed La shamans meanwhile are consistently top five as well with key talents like lightning Mastery and Elemental mastery and even tank Shaman are blasting with top Shaman pushing almost 600 DPS as for AOE with melstrom weapon now chain lightning is a consistent big AOE damage for enhance plus you've got fire Nova totem as well and Ellies have overload to amp up their chain lightning as well as for utility utility is where Shaman really shine especially with wind Fury totem of course we have DRS for wild strikes now but for horde we have much more flexibility with groups now and shamanistic rage is still a must- have swap for raid Mana the verdict Shaman particularly enhanced Shaman have been massively overbuffed in Phase 2 Shaman have finally come online in Phase 2 as damage dealing monsters in PVE and PVP Shaman's going in the S tier what glass do you guys think is the weakest or strongest in phase two who needs some big Buffs to start being viable in raids and also while you're here don't forget to like the video and share with your friends to see what they think about the list and next make sure to check out my full phase two alt picking guide so you end up playing the perfect alt to close up the phase
Views: 38,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sod phase 2, wow Season of Discovery, wow sod phase 2, sod phase 2 leveling guide, season of discovery phase 2, wow season of discovery, season of discovery tier list, season of discovery wow, sod tier list, season of discovery class tier list, sod dps tier list, best dps season of discovery, classic season of discovery tier list, sod phase 2 dps tier list, sod phase 2 tier list, season of discovery phase 2 best class, updated phase 2 dps tier list, sod phase 2 dps rankings
Id: c9e3_SY_Zk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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