Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 NEW Gameplay, Weapons, Bosses, PVP Multiplayer, and Deep Customization

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every minute detail every video I see of Space Marine 2 engorges my loins further than I ever thought possible there's no guarantee this game is going to launch super smooth and hit the ground running it could have a disastrous launch we can't know what the future holds for these delectable ultramarine asses but I know me I know myself I know the kinds of games I can snc hundreds of hours into and I'm looking at one on screen barring some unseen catastrophe Space Marine 2 is going to be the bomb Bitties we're getting single player campaign co-op campaign a separate PVE three-player Co-op multiplayer that ties into the main narrative 6 ver6 PVP multiplayer a deep and persistent customization system for both Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines that lets you deck Out cornate World eaters warp Talon night Lords death guard plague Marines and a bunch of different loyalist chapters and CSM Legions and crossplay will be available across all platforms Xbox PlayStation and PC so player base probably not going to be a problem that year delay seems to have done wonders for this game it looks incredible like I don't get to feel this way very often about games it's usually only once every couple of years at most but I am legitimately incredibly excited to play Space Marine 2 it is Jamaican me horny so let's go through the trailers now and break down some of the new reveals thoughts Impressions new enemy types weapons and all that sexy stuff lots to get into and first up we've got PVE Co-op and some famous Marines making appearances here sasus akaran current captain of the ultramarine second company and master of the watch is the bearded guy with a funny accent replacing Kos sarius got lost in the warp somewhere on his way to mcra this game mode is called operations which will send you and up to two friends on special Standalone missions that tie to the main story arc as part of this systemwide war against The tyranid Invasion Space Marine 2 takes place across three separate planets connected by a central battle barge that may serve as the main Hub similar to The Morning Star in dark tide and playing through the campaign and the side missions you'll end up hearing dialogue and experiencing an interconnected war that brings the whole thing together so you might hear Titus give orders to his Squad to take out a hive tyrant in sector seacus in the main narrative and then actually play that same Mission out from the other side in PVE got the dope ass Centurion Mohawk rocking that look there thunderhammer and bolt gun combos combat knives laced in some kind of green neurotoxin presumably an upgrade and all the dope ass action you could hope for in a 40K game don't think that's a swarm Lord boss I believe it's just a random Hive Tyrant with bone swords but love the movement and Dodge mechanics showcased here obviously plenty of Gore but it's one reason why the ghost of suima combat is so great right parry and Dodge timings are really important and once you begin mastering them and heading up that skill curve you feel rewarded for actually getting getting good I want that complexity and Nuance I want to get my ass kicked initially especially on the harder difficulties but have that room for skill expression and Improvement so then when I can finally clear an entire section of the game with zero damage and perfect accuracy I feel like I actually earned it we got heavy Weaponry Devastators with belt-fed heavy bolters a Plasma Pistol and Storm Shield combo a multi Mela which will just straight up incinerate on rushing hordes and looks amazing look at the surge of that heat there and then six classes to play and upgrade the Tactical Marine Assault Vanguard bull workk sniper and heavy all with unique modifiers weapons and skill trees power swords storm Shields and a robust menu for armor customization it seems to let you control a bunch of different aspects of your visual model and equip special skills and abilities presumably equipment as well for example the primaris Reaver has an incredible moment in the trailer where grapples to a warrior brood then just straight up Matrix kicks him in the face does a great job showcasing their speed and their power and of course there's a ton of brutal executions slicing dicing smashing gnawing hacking burning turn your brain off fun that you want from a game like this one that persistent leveling and customization should do wonders for replayability especially if you have to make thoughtful choices about your upgrades and can make some specialized builds that don't have access to everything which is what I want I want to be able to to even in a single class like the sniper I want that option to build a stealth long range damage dealer or maybe something else like an aggressive melee Scout with a ton of speed and assassination potential having those kinds of separate builds and play Styles even within each class and not necessarily unlocking everything all at once and being able to access the entire kit in one single game I think that'll take it to the next level cuz then you have something you actually have to think about and tradeoffs you have to make between characters but of course if we're talking about next level stuff I mean fighting thousand suns rubric Marines lior alphas contempor dreadnots and Hell Dres breathing fire from above looks like there's going to be some incredibly cool boss fights in this game as well and that's going to take it to that next cinematic potential legitimately already looking like one of the best 40K games ever and we're not even into the PVP stuff yet which speak of the devil should be appearing on your screen right now curious how far they'll go with the upgrades for chaos Space Marines or if it'll just kind of be a gen generic set similar to the loyalist bace Marines and Co-op game modes cuz in an ideal world if I pick a night Lord Chaos Raptor I want to be able to spec into like a warp Talon tree where I can literally teleport in and out of the emerium with lightning claws to surprise opponents where maybe my armor is literally fused to my skeleton I become this bird of prey and get special kick attacks to deal bleed damage that sort of thing cuz Raptors who become warp Talons literally become feral beasts with real claws on their feet and hands I don't know if they'll really go that far with the skill trees but even just a couple unique weapons or build setups for the chaos based Marines beyond the obvious visual differences between them and Loyalists that the loyalist don't have access to would be incredibly sick for example death heads biological grenades instead of crack grenades for the death guard Trader that sort of thing gives them a little bit more flavor gives them some unique equipment some unique abilities that separates them from the loyalist they've already taken the time to Model A World eater Berserker a night Lord Chaos Raptor death guard plague Marine black Legion CSM complete with unique heraldry and traits like that Berserker Crest so there may very well be some extra special stuff on the chaos side as well especially because we know the campaign will already have Inferno bolters on the rubric Marines Special plasma weaponry and so on give the Berserker a cornate eviscerator that kind of thing would be amazing big ass two-handed chains sword I want to rip people up rip and tear till it is done so yeah we're a bit sparse on the PVP detail so far that trailer is short doesn't show a whole lot we only know it will be 6 for six which some people have expressed disappointment about but it's pretty much exactly in line with what I was personally expecting this is not a Battlefield game I want tight Close Quarters and interesting map layouts that Foster a variety of different play Styles like Gears of War that's a lot harder to do when your maps are as big and lifeless as the stuff in 2042 remember going into buildings in that game in the beta being like there's nothing here I don't know why the map is so big it's devoid of any life it doesn't feel lived in doesn't even really feel real I understand wanting that type of scale there are downsides to that and yes of course a legit 40K Battlefield game with 64 vers 64 or even something as big as Eternal War would be great I hope it happens in the future but I'm very happy with tight Squad based tactics on some other Maps 6 vers six especially if we have access to the full speed of features and customization options that PVE will have multiplayer PVP is where this game could really get its legs and Longevity I think PVE and the co-op mode will certainly help on that front as well but obviously I'm just hoping that the multiplayer gets support and content well into the future which we're not sure about honestly if Saber plans to support Space Marine 2 longterm with DLC or expansions map packs or weapon updates it doesn't need to be a live service game but I like the idea of getting content months or even a year down the road this is the kind of title I'd like to see supported for at least a couple of years if not longer either way that year-long delay has done a body good I'm absolutely adoring everything I've seen let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: milkandcookiesTW
Views: 127,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k space marine 2, warhammer 40000 space marine 2, warhammer 40000, space marine 2 new gameplay, space marine 2, space marine 2 gameplay, warhammer 40k, space marine 2 pvp multiplayer, space marine 2 co op gameplay, space marine 2 new bosses, new bosses, new weapons, multiplayer, space marine 2 multiplayer, space marine 2 customization, space marine 2 tyranids, space marine 2 new enemy types, space marine 2 trailer breakdown, warhammer 40k lore, tzeentch, chaos
Id: 8hfhe9VIOdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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