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no microtransaction no in-game cash shop for Space Marine 2 all paid DLC Cosmetics only great maybe I should play this Space Marine 2 had a trailer yeah I didn't see this let's take a look at it right now we kill it we break the synaptic connection it's scatter like rats and if you're wrong I'm going to say like this is like if you buy a Warhammer game this is what you signed up for right here that's it and if you're wrong if it's not there I cannot afford to throw men after a hunch give me two squads three Space Marines that's all I can spare brief them immediately we are almost there what is your status drop complete moving to objective acknowledged that's right proing to relay Tassa on the march to take that high tyrant's head maintain VX reports C that W climbing SC death to all zenos now we end this okay I have been dying to carve up some seos bomb is in place six classes wow we can make it keep going dude I think I actually might play this this is awesome the lights will guide us Dam going to kill you soon enough demon and there's a melee class too cuz that guy had a m that hammer yeah the Heat and keep moving there's a [ __ ] Dragon it's on September 9th okay yeah I mean obviously obviously it gears a war right I mean that that's kind of like the first thing I I think of honestly I think I play this this actually looks [ __ ] cool like they're not doing any kind of like weird [ __ ] it's just going to be like a base game I'm actually kind of more excited for it but the main thing is you bunch of [ __ ] despite the provocation we can make it no pre-orders wait no pre-orders no [ __ ] pre-orders no pre-orders no [ __ ] pre-orders like I will obviously pre-order and play the game
Channel: Asmongold Clips
Views: 898,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold clips
Id: Ddv3LF_ztkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 36sec (156 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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