I AM SO HYPED! - My Space Marine 2 PVE Rant

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so with skulls going on right now we got a lot of lore updates to the uh Space Marine 2 with the new game modes that we're getting I say lore updates cuz they kind of let something leak during this trailer now it is about a minute and 51 seconds but there is a lot of little information again here first off it looks like Space Marine 2 is coming thoroughly for the hell diver spot and I am thrilled as somebody who was really into hell divers until the Sony Fiasco I kind of miss the gameplay like that and it only makes sense to drop in like a hell diver if you're a Space Marine and uh yeah the only thing okay my only gripe is I always wish that it would have been the Death Watch because I feel like that would just offer more you know a reason for different chapters to be working together and stuff like that even though it looks like from the trailer you can be whatever chap you want to be which you know cool good on them because that allows customization I myself play a custom chapter so you know it's uh it's it's a feels bad because I don't get representation but at the same time you know having the Cosmetic options and stuff to customize into whatever chapter you want is really cool you have all the like cool Herald dream stuff for the different chapters too from the looks of it now what I find really cool they show chaos cha chaos was a part of the original Space Marine and bolt gun so it makes sense that the threat of chaos would be a thing in a Space Marine 2 and it looks like we're actually seeing thousand suns which is wild to me because we I don't think we've ever had strictly thousand suns in a like AAA Style game like this in the original Space Marine it was Orcs And I want to say black Legion with some like you know your stereotypical like corn Berserkers and stuff this one it looks like it is going to be you know Z being it which is you know what makes sense from bult gun kind of Bridging the Gap into it it'll be cool to fight some demons and change the HRI at the end was really cool I I really enjoyed that but yeah I thought I would just go over just some of the things I want from this like I I don't think it's wrong to say cuz it looks like I'm going to be getting everything that I want so the first thing is customization and I know they showed this I think customization might be okay so I know they said they're not going to do like micro uh purchases and stuff like that um I think they might be and I think that's completely fine if they stay you know where they don't benefit you in an unfair Way by all means charge keep the game afloat keep the servers on because I can tell this is something people are going to be putting a lot of time into I love to etal Crusade I didn't get to get super into it and it looks like this is kind of kind of do that with the co-op mode and there's like already multiplayer and stuff he gets plays like the different units and stuff for Space Marines that's really cool this is going to be really fun and the day it comes out I'm going to be streaming this game the day it comes out I'm going to take like a day or two off just to focus on it and it oh my God I'm so excited um so just for that customization I want to see some like cool weapon upgrades and stuff um with customization being like it is in the tabletop I just I want to customize a marine really bad besides that I think another thing that I would like to see focused on is like just missions I kind of like to okay this is a pipe dream this is a really big pipe dream for me I would like to see the actions that we take in multiplayer actually affect the lore like keep like a running to tally you know stuff like that have this be like a small Crusade or small thing going on out there during the uh tanic War that's going on in lore right now and you know I think it' just be really cool to have an actual like quantifiable thing it shouldn't be big it should not be a big part of lore because not everybody's going to play this not everybody who plays the tabletop plays video games I play very little video games but I will be playing this honestly but I think it should like a small thing or like little nods to it and events and like achievements like have missions that are like time exclusive and stuff like that just to like push people to play this push them to be active push them to do their part you know like it was with uh the tyranid versus Marines thing at the start of 10th edition do it like that do just a very small you know have it be a world fight over done and with that I honestly it looks like I'm getting all my wishes with this multiplayer looks insane this looks insane different classes which are like they look like they're different armor types which is going to be really cool melee is going to be a big thing getting to fight IDs and all their biof forms coupled with I sound very out of breath I've been out running my apologies but coupled with like the chaos in this and I have a feeling we're going to see more chaos besides just thousand suns in this I I I am stoked I I didn't know when I was playing Space Marine 1 the Space Marine 2 was like around the corner like that so yeah I'm going to go back revisit that probably for a stream or two now that you know I can put on a better show being honest with you because around the time I played that I was in a very very bad mental state but yeah anyway with for further Ado I want to hear what you want I want to hear what you want from this game and if you think you're getting it so far everything I've wanted far and extends what I'm going to be getting and I just wanted just a good single player story and then like multiplayer getting operations on top of that customization and all that is just it's I'm excited I'm still have a dark tide player and this looks like it's going to be just leagues leagues better but anyway thank you so much for watching let me know down below what you think if you like the content please like And subscribe it helps out a lot lot especially how long I've been gone and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: N1CHR0
Views: 4,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space marines, ultramarines, army, conversions, custom model, painting, modelling, tabletop, warhammer, imperium, astartes, ultra, macragge, battle, dreadnought, terminator, scout, assassin, dropship, luetin09, overview, discussion, greyknights, librarian, psyker, psychic, elite, veteran, tactical, assault, heavy weapons, warhammer 40000 (interest), eldar (character species), imperium of mankind, the emperor, unification wars, age of strife, dark age of technology, 40k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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