Did I not serve you well?

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[Music] where are you where are you I can't see you anymore the smoke don't leave me out here I do not deserve his fate I fought in the emperor's name since the hour of my creation I've been steadfast and loyal haven't I Lord loyal to you have I not been your most devoted servant a venerated killer of your your enemies I thought you valued me where are you I can't see you anymore Lord do not leave me like this Forsaken and forgotten abandoned to Decay on a world flight baren by war war is all I know and all I have ever known and I could fight again if you just gave me the chance I can I know I can just give me that chance I've always known how to fight Lord the metal the fury it's forged in me trust me I can fight any War you want me to infro knows out here there is only War I have known glories in my time great triumphs I am a veteran you should understand that about me I have dealt in death and I have forged victories I was with Heisman great Heisman himself when he took the barricade at Gorgon hiive his sword Brethren at his back did you know that about me Lord great Hegman himself I was at his right hand when he faced the war boss that Barbor faced him down down to his death it was my shots that tore his meat and broke his bones my shots Lord I was his brother in arms we were inseparable I have smelled the blood of my enemies I have seen the steam rising from their wounds wounds I had given them years later I was at frao gate when certier held back the hordes of The Great Devourer certier what a warrior he was brightest of all aares a great champion of the black timers 19 whole hours he held the gate until the ground was tinned deep with the corpses of the enemy and when we lost him on Zas I was witness to his ending how we lamented his passing Lord he was treated with respect and reverence with dignity he was not left on the battlefield to rot he was not abandoned to the Kay his body was carried to the apothecaries so that his sacred Gene seed could be saved and used to beget a new generation of Warriors his anointed form was laid to rest his ancient precious arms and armor were repaired and bestowed upon his successor the chapter sang him to his grave with battle hyms he was treated as a warrior should be treated no such fi for me a storm how there is smoke and burn Blood on the Wind by the emperor don't leave me out here I do not deserve this fate who comes here now save me the greatest and IND Dignity of all foul carrying things things these demons have come to pick the field clean of spoils don't leave me here like this don't forsake me don't condemn me to such an ignorable end Lord where are you I can't see you anymore the smoke did I not serve you well [Music] are
Channel: burialgoods
Views: 489,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: psBvJySfWp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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