Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Review (Console)

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[Music] a new Warhammer 40,000 game has just released and this time we're a rogue Trader hello and welcome to the criticus on a monk and today we're going to be doing a review for Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader now this is an isometric turnbas tactical RPG developed by alcat Gam you may remember them from the Pathfinder games if you're familiar with the genre and of course you can find this on the PlayStation the Xbox both the old gen and the New Gen and of course on uh PC as well it will set you back around 40 depending on which platform you're actually buying it on and as you can see this is a turn based combat game so if you're very familiar with uh the channel then you'll know that turn-based strategy games are an absolute passion for us now I guess first things first this is a Warhammer 40,000 game and Road Trader certainly Dives head first into that entire genre so two things here really if you are familiar with Warhammer 4000 and if you are a Warhammer buff then you're going to absolutely love this game because it is just full of Law and full of things for you to get your head stuck in and learn and to you're probably going to be very familiar with the Universe um that they are trying to make however if you are not so familiar with that Warhammer 40,000 verse then this game is going to be a little bit harder for you to get into but as I said before this is A40 game and this game definitely delivers on that content it's around 120 hours in length it's absolutely gigantic this game there is so much to do so many things to to progress through that you can very quite easily get lost in it and if you stick with the story if you stick with the law I feel like this is a game you can definitely get sucked into despite not knowing a huge amount of Warhammer knowledge now me personally I do love my Warhammer 40,000 games however I wouldn't say that I am you know very well scripted in all of the law that the Warhammer verse actually has to offer having said that I found it really fascinating the amount of detail that is in this game um there is certainly a lot in there that if you want to dive in it it's definitely got you covered that being said this is one of those strategy RPGs and it works very well like that as well in a sense that you get to create your character there is a leveling system there are perks and points and things like that that you can pop on this different uh build classes that you can have there are different um troop classes that you can have and different weapons that you can pop on those different things as well and as you go around the board going from Battle to battle going from room to room you'll find lots of different things for you to loot and for of course that loot to be popped on your character or to just be sold uh for profit when it comes to that character customization I felt like there was a enough there for you to make a you know a unique character one that you can be happy with for the next 100 hours that you can feel kind of confident that there isn't another clone out there somewhere it's also worth noting that there are five different difficulties to this game including the ability to actually customize those settings so when it comes to actually replayability this game certainly has you covered the combat style I feel is a bit of a mix between uh G games like Pathfinder that the company are very very familiar with and that of XCOM in the sense that there is a cover system a full cover half cover system and of course you got your troops to be a to move into melee combat you've got um guns and you've even got an element of magic as well some of the things that I really quite like is the RPG side of it so for instance you know getting your perception up getting your persuasion up and then you've got those skill checks that you will run across throughout your game you'll be very familiar with them especially this year with games like Boulders Gate 3 being released I'm sure many people have jumped from that maybe even going into this so all of those RPG elements that you can expect that you have played and sin from games like Pathfinder and Raa the righteous are here in this game and present as well and on top of your party that you are recruiting and leveling and trying to Kit out you also have a ship that you're also trying to upgrade and kit out and manage along the way as well as having to manage the crew that man that ship too so there's loads of different systems and elements involved in this game you kind of have to keep on top of as you go throughout one thing I think it's handy to point out is that the tutorial within this game as you probably expect maybe from playing previous versions of these types of games isn't the best it could definitely 100% use a better more detailed um tutorial mode the prolog tries to do a decent job of showing you the different kind of mechanics but at the same time it does kind of just throw you in there and expect you to figure those things out for yourself for instance going back through to the combat the combat essentially is pretty simple there is a lot of it within the game and most of the combat situations that you'll encounter especially early game are full of a lot of Cannon F so a lot of troops you'll be outnumbered a lot of time they have a lot of low health so you kind of feel a little bit overpowered being able to One-Shot the majority of the enemies on the field however there's normally one or two bigger bad enemies that you have to figure out the perfect way to kill them and it isn't always as straightforward as first seems sometimes you'll be playing for about half an hour in one battle before you'll realize something something you should have done at the beginning and it kind of forces you to restart that battle can be a little bit annoying or of course you could find that a good thing depends on how you look at it not all of these battles are straightforward what breaks up all of these battles though is the dialogue there is a lot of dialogue within this game and that comes with a little bit of a caveat as well some of this game is voice acted it's not all voice acted I wish there was more voice acting involved within this game however this is a gigantic game so the kind of length that they'd have to go through to fully voice at this game would be quite difficult however there is are awful lot of reading whether that a good thing or a bad thing it really depends how much you want to get into this game but I do feel like the amount of reading that's in this game is going to unfortunately hamper a few people trying to get into it I shall pity not your enemies I shall heed not their pleas somebody shoot these shall betray not your tenants nor stray One Step from them take not your gaze from me leave me not without your grace I told you he would protect us my God my light my emperor however when the cutcenes do hit they do hit pretty well to be fair and honestly the companions that you meet along the way that kind of get introduced into your story are some of the best elements of this game every single companion you absolutely want to get to know better um so they've done a really really good job there now for the most part I am full of Praise of this game I honestly think it is definitely value for your money it works pretty well however I have had bugs I have had issues and I have had dashboarding unfortunately as well now I'm currently playing on the Xbox series X and the Xbox series s both of them are performing pretty well but the further you get into the game the more bugs that you can see now unfortunately we've had these before especially with alats with games like King maker and Rafa the righteous I'm pleased to say it is not that bad at all and this is a lot cleaner than those games but still those those games do persist and the loading times particularly on Console can be painful at times cuz there's a lot of gates there are a lot of loading times on PC it is a lot smoother so depending on which platform you are forced to buy on there is that to consider all in all though so far I'm having a lot of fun now I've played this game before launch within the alpha I'm very pleased to announce that the day one patch that got brought out really did improve this game massively it is has been a lot of fun to to go in I think one of the things I love about this game the most is your own agency as in how you want to play out this game how you want this story to to go you've got real choice in those decisions and those decisions have you know impact and consequences as well um I love games that give view agency I really do I think that there should be more of them out there and I think that alcat have done a fabulous job with Rogue Trader all in all I want to give this game an eight out of 10 it's one that I would recommend to many people if you love these kind of games you probably going to like this one as well I also fa to mention that this is a six player co-op I honestly struggle with think of another game that has a six player co-op but here we go this game does um you of course play it with just two people it's a lot of fun the multiplayer isn't something I've been able to mess around with up until now but it's something that I'm definitely looking to get into so if you are picking it this game and you want someone to play with I do have an active Ang gr Discord the link could be found down in the description of the video maybe join come say hi and let us know how you're getting on but if you stuck around to the very end of this video a big thank you to you don't forget to comment red banana down below just confuse all those people even new to the channel or that didn't stick around to the very end
Channel: The Critically Clueless
Views: 9,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader Review Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader console Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader First Impressions Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader thoughts Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader gameplay Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader xbox turn based combat warhammer games rogue trader Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader wab Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader worth a buy Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader should I buy Warhammer 40, 000 Rogue Trader honest review
Id: 1BatUXz8CHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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