I tried the new RPG ‘Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader’…

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so believe it or not I'm actually a big fan of Warhammer 40K I play the tabletop game I play a bunch of the video games shout out to my buddy Caleb for getting me addicted I'm not bitter about it at all it's a really really good time don't get me wrong but the running joke with Warhammer is that once you are into the universe you can't get out because it is extremely vast the lore is extremely robust and whether you are interested in the tabletop game or one of the video games or simply the lore there's always something new and interesting to be explored and that brings me to this video today because the developers over at owlcat reached out and offered me the chance to try and show off their brand new game Warhammer 40K Rogue Traer to my audience and so I said sure this is a classical RPG developed in the style of those old school RPGs we all know and love and it's from the same guys that developed Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous which is a critically acclaimed RPG in its own right now funnily enough I was actually already playing Rogue Trader when the developers reached out and asked me if I was interested in trying the game so I was like already doing it Bros but as is always the case with these videos I simply require that I'm allowed to say whatever I want to say if I have good things to say I should be allowed to say that if I'm negative I want to be able to call that out I just want to be honest with my audience and they said absolutely do whatever you want to do we just want you to share this with your audience and so here we are so shout out to owlcat games for sponsoring the video thank you guys and let's get into the game itself also shout out to the cats that are running around behind me Finley is also asleep in his little Christmas setup right there so you might see him running around too so Warhammer 40K Rogue Traer is a turn-based crpg set in the Grim darkness of the far future in the game you play as a rogue traitor which you get to design yourself playing as a combination of a free Explorer star Merchant and Powerful feudal you operate on the fringes of known space moving freely across the Imperium and and Beyond and stand above most of the laws and limitations of the Imperium you start as a rogue Trader's Heir on the void ship of your Patron and distant relative Theodora Von valencius and following the events of the prologue you will discover the chain of events that lead you to inheriting the Dynasty and the vessel itself the game starts with you designing your character selecting some background elements that have permanent effects on how you play the game basically your own backstory you choose your classes loadouts all of that good stuff and then into the game now the first thing to make very very clear is that this is the first crpg like this for Warhammer ever so if you've ever had the itch to have a sort of balers gate Style game but in the world of Warhammer 40K this is the game for you no joke not to mention that it is also extremely robust and the writing is Stellar it also features a turn-based combat system which takes a lot of hints and nods from the actual t tabletop RPG so if you've played that or if you've ever wanted to play it this can be a really cool way of seeing some of those same terminologies and elements come into play on the video game side of things this right here is a battle during what's technically the prologue section of the game when we're fighting a big scary ghosty ghouly chaos spawn which you might also recognize from the tabletop game itself and it gives you a pretty good idea of how the combat works so I thought we would go here and start with this at the start of combat you can actually select memb of your party and then assign them to certain locations on the battlefield that might be more advantageous based on their load out so for example I have this melee focused build for this guy so I want abelard right up front and center cuz he's going to try to slap him with the chains sword then over here I've got somebody that's a psyker is good at range stuff and like AOE affected attacks and things but pretty weak not somebody you want getting hit so I'll toss her over there and then as for my main player character Luke I am sort of an officer class so I give my crew Buffs and passive abilities to help them fight even more effectively same thing I don't want to get hit too hard so I'm going to go into cover but I can also Rush with melee so I'll stay here with partial cover and then lastly I have a ranged focused character in the form of the one and only arenta so I'm going to put her in cover where she's going to be safe because again she's ranged not really meant to get up close and personal so here we're ready to start the battle now that we've set ourselves up in an ideal position we start the battle and then it's actually going to kick off and you can see it runs through the little tutorial if you're not overly familiar and then you can hit complete and just get into it now this early in the game combat is relatively simple you have movement points as you can see it's based on cells so the entire Battlefield is divided up into a grid making movement pretty clear with what types of units you could fit where and how and it helps you organize more complicated attacks especially once you start fact factoring in adding certain Buffs onto certain characters debuffs onto enemies and then striking them at the right time in the right combination since right here I'm looking for the ranged attack I'm just going to select ranged attack this in this case is just a pistol shot using this pistol that I have equipped by the way there is a very very intense uh inventory system and as you can see there are many areas for you to expand and level up your character with all sorts of different armor different classes of items that might Grant you certain passive Buffs and different things and all of these stats as you can see here weapon skill ballistic skill strength toughness agility intelligence perception willpower Fellowship all of those stats you might recognize from the tabletop are also here in the game itself but with this I'm just going to do a ranged attack we're going to toss it into the chaos spawn see if it hits try it okay okay six six ain't bad I can live with that we'll end our turn with him we're going to let her shoot with her Bolter uh no line of sight cuz I'm in the corner okay so we're going to move here and then we're going to fire and see if she can connect she can with eight okay moving on adira is a psycher so she is able to do this lightning Arc attack which is really really powerful and I think I'm going to throw it here but this is also going to Arc into all sorts of different enemies including my friendly fellas here that are close enough so you do have to be careful with that attack cuz Friendly Fire man that will ruin your day if you don't account for it then it's the enemy's turn they're all going to run around do their stuff planking away at Avalar ooh big slap okay okay that didn't feel good oh God okay that was really not good so now you can see a bunch of status effects sitting on him this is not ideal but basically if you right click on a character you can go down and see what the status effects are so he's got fresh injury which means means that it's received from a trap or sudden large amount of damage if not removed with a medkit it will turn into an old injury too many injuries reduce a character's resolve and cause traumas basically you want to deal with this before it scars them permanently he's also prone which is pretty self-explanatory just means that they can't act and they suffer a 30% penalty to Parry and Dodge so much more susceptible to actually getting hit and then bleeding which is a passive damage effect that they'll experience at the start of every single turn so he's uh he's not doing great now down here on the right side you can see that I have a few different abilities as well these are my officer abilities so I have one that's ignite so I can actually cast this out and deal like fire damage basically which will inflict a burning effect I also have this one which is voice of command which forces an ally to fully push themselves increasing their characteristics by 11 for a round very very handy and then this one bring it down immediately grants an ally an extra turn with action points equal to two and no movement points which effectively allows them to do more with their turn and with an extra turn itself that's really good if you have like a big onew punch with like a psycher or something I'm going to toss it to arenta giving her two rounds and with this we're going to just throw it in here and see if we can hit some shots oh I like that I like that o but I don't like that he just ate a body and then puked acid okay okay that was that was not how I wanted that to go and as you see now has energy boost and contempt for abalar oh baby okay I need to get out of the acid affected area so I think I'm going to charge up and I'm going to try melee attack this might not be the best idea but at least maybe I can push him off and give abalar a breather only six oh high toughness sucks so we just got to roll with that she's going to run over here hello Mr nice of you to join me oh thank you so much for that and then I'm going to shoot him we're going to see how this goes okay ooh did some work did some work I can live with that Miss Hermione is very interested in the fight too she's just like sitting right in front of me for it she's like oh this is cool I'm down oh hermion is ashamed of me we died it's okay though because when you die you can just simply load from the last save and try again all right and now that we're like actually focused and and all in we are doing very well we are just going to keep chopping away at the chaos spawn he keeps eating his friends so we've got to take them out otherwise they're just going to keep buffing him so now we're going to kind of rework our uh intentionality and our focus and shift priorities so in this case I'm going to focus on trying to get him he's just out of range so I think I'm going to push up here run up there and we're going to try to shooty shoot and see if we hit nope dodged it like it's nothing love it just kidding I don't love it I hate it okay see if you hit I probably should have moved first I wasn't really thinking oops there we go I can grab myself extra movement and then head out there's no great place for cover so I don't know I'll just pivot let's pivot over here we'll just pivot straight across get out of the poison effect we'll be okay and then I also get to fire again let's see we take him out we can love it little bit of Gore and then over here we have another archa we could use I'm more concerned about that guy there's no one else down there so it's just the one I see I can use my lightning Arc but it's going to cause abalar to take damage might be worth it but I don't think it's going to hit him all the way over there so instead I think I'm going to give some extra Buffs to abelard to help him like avoid damage be able to Parry better stuff like that there's also analyze enemies the operative targets one enemy within 10 cells and that Target gains two exploits so I think we're going to do that analyze the crap out of him voila and then we'll see okay he kind of slapped him reduces damage I gave him a bunch of Buffs as you can see here that uh give him a bunch of of passive Buffs to taking in damage and high toughness stuff so um damage is reduced by the toughness bonus and he gets temporary wounds and stuff which can be really really handy so that seems to be working well I'm also going to cast this again granting myself some extra temporary wounds and then we're going to take another swing love it we're going to see if I can hit him all the way down nope it hit him instead that's okay could have seen that coming we're going to move arenta over here see if she can land a shot on this guy it's going to be very tough hey but we got him okay okay that's what we needed now there's no extra Buffs there's no nothing it's just straight damage I'm also going to scream with my psychic shriek at him just yelling 18 damage love it to join my oh I totally just killed myself did you see that did you see that I was hope you wouldn't see that but I defin itely definitely just shot my body on the floor she was trying to just like launch three rounds into the chaos spot instead one of them went right into my collapsed body oops okay I have no one to blame but myself one of the other really nice things about the game as well if you're ever confused as to what something means you can just go over here to the log press it and then you can see clear explanations for each and every individual little thing that might have happened so if you're like wait how did I just get that status effect you can go over here chaos spawn contempt effect applied you highlight it they have fantastic explanations for each of these individual little things so you can see like oh well that's what happened okay when he did that scream that's what was applied okay and that's interesting so these tests uh it changed from by 2 to 16 okay that makes sense so if you ever have any questions you can actually test it and investigate it which is super cool Finley are you supposed to eat Lego no you're not silly cat he thinks he's a master Lego builder he's a cat he doesn't even have thumbs he's ridiculous okay focus up Luke we're here to here to kill a chaos spawn let's finish this out let's do it big money okay now if I shoot in here I shouldn't hit myself so that that's at least the plan that's at least the plan cuz I'm already dead so what's the Worst That Could Happen okay over here I'm going to scream I might be able to kill him with the scream hey I did okay boom just like that we killed the chaos spawn hooray everybody we did it and that's just one little bitty technically tutorial boss fight that is very very simple and straightforward there is so much depth here and especially with the party system you can have at the max six members of your party with all different complimenting abilities and skills ways that you can synergize abilities so you debuff this guy you buff him up with that you give him an extra turn and then he slaps the fire effect and then this effect on him like there's so much cool indepth stuff here it's wild and you would expect it coming from alcat games I mean these are the guys behind Pathfinder like they know what they're doing when it comes to crpgs and there's seriously so much content in this game it's crazy there are diverse planetary encounters leading you to all sorts of different planets ranging from verdant Agro worlds or industrial Forge Worlds the decisions you make during dialogue can have permanent gameplay Al in effects not just on your party but on entire worlds and all of this was done in close partnership with Games Workshop the creators behind the Warhammer 40K Universe this is one of those videos where like I want to show you a lot of stuff you hit later on in the game that I've seen even though I haven't finished the game entirely yet I I'm enjoying what I've seen but again like I don't want to spoil the game in case you want to try it for yourself because there's so many crazy boss encounters combat encounters the environments are gorgeous and all of this is available on PC Xbox series X and S and PlayStation 5 so wherever you play games you can try it but I don't want to spoil too much because there is so much here and if you're interested in the world if you are looking for a really intense and robust turn-based combat system and you just want a solid game with lots of content and a crazy RPG to syn your teeth into this is a phenomenal game as far as I'm concerned and I can't can't wait to continue playing more and if you guys are interested in hearing my thoughts in the coming weeks and months as I continue to play the game and get more familiarized with it let me know in the comment section and like the video so I know to follow this up and we can look at the game again once I have a better understanding of all of its nitty-gritty details and also I mean these little narrative Exposition cutscene things I find super super cool it reminds me of the little uh storyboard cutcenes that they would do in The Witcher 3 when catching you up with the story if you remember those it's very very similar and I love this kind of thing it's like a story book comes to life but it's about a dark Grim universe that is frankly more interesting than the stories in most children's books so I find this much more compelling personally and as always you can expect links to all of the good stuff down in the description box or in the pin comment below so if you want to check out the game yourself you can jump right to it and give it a shot while you do that I'm going to keep playing you can so you can actually travel to different planets and explore the Galaxy or solar system that way uh which is just kind of cool to me and then you load in uh so I'm going to be doing that you guys have a wonderful wonderful day thank you so much for watching and hanging out with me while I play these games Finley and I greatly appreciate it I'm sure do you have any parting words of wisdom my dear kitty cat any parting words of wisdom no this is the cat that ran away for 2 weeks by the way if you guys watch the live streams and stuff you remember I was freaking out because my cat was missing and had been gone for 2 weeks and we were worried he got hit by a car that was this cat and then he just came back one day and was like hey what's up it was really weird I don't know what your deal was or what you were doing but I'm glad you're home so thanks for watching guys say bye say bye look at them no okay he's like I want cuddles now okay you can have cuddles okay thank you for watching Everybody much love make sure to like the video subscribe all that good stuff you're a YouTuber say all the time much love I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Luke Stephens
Views: 90,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke stephens, luke Stephens 40k, Luke Stephens rogue trader, Rogue trader review, Rogue trader gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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