Warhammer 3 Pump Wagon ONLY Campaign Part 2

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] starting right where we left off ground the punch and the snotling Brigade are about to destroy a castle but Stone the only real thing I'm afraid of is one the Paladin and two the pole arms oh we're not even getting through the gates like this for some reason every pop wagon felt the need to do 10 Donuts in front of the gate before actually going in gorgeous fishy breath there absolutely textbook I want these guys to break down the gate but I know it's probably going to take them a while we're not doing great against the pole arms but those archers are going down and the balance of power is going up it's been five full minutes and the pump wagons have barely taken out half the health of that gate there's the Army losses my God I should not have fought it that way these guys never knocked down the gate they were hitting it for almost 15 minutes non-stop I should have ran them around here and come in here behind my main Army I just didn't think that would need to happen I I really play that like [ __ ] I'm not gonna lie but to be fair these guys really should be able to knock down Gates oh they finally got it we can start building up a small third Army here that eventually will be a proper third Army [ __ ] oh that's good okay he backed off hopefully he doesn't come back too soon a war against coron won't be easy but their main Army just fought a few battles and I expect that Leclair war on me anyways as soon as they recover even though we don't lose any units there we fight this I just don't want to take too much damage and we lost one pump wagon because I was playing that all on 3x speed I want to kill these guys I think we beat them the balance of power is only slightly in our favor but realistically that looks like a very good matchup from what I can see there so yeah you are definitely going to take that back for sure no question 4 000 free gold for selling that [ __ ] it uh Orion I thought he was gonna come over here or something but he just went right back over there that's so cringe the ever so honorable King luon appears to be a little upset at us raiding in his territory that's overall not quite as bad as I thought it would be these guys are gonna be a major major problem the only really good thing for me here is that they have seven units of peasants including the Horsemen and they're gonna get zero value against me they also don't have quite a full stack although I don't either they've just sent these guys up to die apparently okay all right that's fine we're sending the Pegasus Knights up first that's kind of good because they are kind of squishy the Pegasus Knights here just decided to die I'm gonna see if I can send all my units over here and then just completely wipe these guys out those are some of the more Dangerous Ones okay these guys are gone more or less we're gonna all charge them those nights of the realm okay as long as we're wiping their units out fast that's that's great uh keep fighting those nights at around we're kind of losing here that's fine over here and over here we're winning okay we use that law immediately I think the balance of power is actually like pretty solidly in our favor now uh the paladins actually going down surprisingly effectively for the pump wagons I don't think that's supposed to happen but it is so I'll I'll take it uh yeah they're both oh my God we got the Army losses on them we actually didn't even take that much damage there we might have lost like one or two units but what the [ __ ] that was just so good I'm less impressed dressed by our damage output and more impressed by our lack of taking damage quickly wow that's good and we've recovered there because we're in raiding stance oh my God low sack value but I mean this should be easy we just [ __ ] push it through here once more the tried and true green skin strategy of charge them proves very very effective yeah we target the units in the back and this whole blob of pump wagons all physically just pushed through them I'm spread a little too thin here just a little too thin all right first I'm gonna handle this he's not backing off I think I have these guys charge this Army as soon as possible I fight every unit that I can and then I back off and then I have all of these guys fight Orion because Orion is gonna trade hilariously well against the pump wagons they're not gonna do anything to him under any circumstances uh [ __ ] I didn't actually consider the reinforcement time nothing suspicious here no no green skins hiding in these trees you can't see anything yeah even from literally all the way back here they are they're quite visible they are not well hidden there but it works it works all right uh 25 seconds we're good oh I could probably use blacktooth's conjuration onto Orion I've gone back and forth on my rules about summoning units I think it's funny and cool enough that I'm gonna use the Rogue idle summon not the cleanest engagement here for sure we do have the trees to worry about and they also have quite a few spheres but on this side we kind of just charge these Turtle guard very hard Unfortunately they do get some really good counter charges on both sides with the wild Riders they are just incredibly good Cavalry here those counter Chargers did [ __ ] hurt you can see a couple models died there oh the poor little flapper our leadership's very bad in this Army in particular but we're doing okay despite that like even though they're routing they will come back I might even use this early yeah I think I do it's time for the big boys to take on Orion he's gonna give him a [ __ ] bear hug oh my god oh that's so awesome yeah this is not the best matchup for because Orion is absurdly anti-large and he is absurdly anti-inventory but specifically against like blobs he's so good man I just love this guy oh wow their leadership is so high yeah they're effectively unbreakable under Orion really balance of power is good though okay this is looking good now now we have a Mass Route it took forever and Orion's at half Health that's great we're gonna have most of the pump wagons pull out here uh now I can afford to essentially just allow um The Garrison to die against him until he eventually dies himself yeah they are shooting him a bit I think it's valuable even if we do some Friendly Fire beautiful beautiful that was not bad at all that is a really hurt Army right there they are gone they are gone getting a nice sack over here would be a nice like you know 12 000 dish gold so hopefully we can do that okay you are going for that okay they just sacked it I I think I like them out then unless they get just [ __ ] out of there would you guys beat these guys oh my God that Balance power is good I think you can handle that now that is an extremely poor decision they just gave me a free [ __ ] 12 000 Gold by declaring war on me yeah there's a lot of good units in here but there's enough [ __ ] units that we still beat them once again the same [ __ ] map the great one is a year that is just gonna pump us oh my God yeah 50 melee attack 50 melee attack on the pump wagons not factoring in their anti-inventory so yeah they're gonna be hitting all those attacks because these guys have 20 light offense I mean that is just so many pump wagons it's so many it's a sea of pump wagons uh we'll use that there half damage on them instantly and then we charge them except for like a couple units you go right after the archers I would try to break down this gate but I literally do not think I will be able to do that before the entire battle is over there's only a handful of units in the game that consistently can move around in settlements without it being all weird and wonky and those are really just single entities there's there's not really much else okay you guys gotta leave yeah we're really taking heavy losses on a few of these units now I'm not able to pull them out as quickly as I was hoping I would be able to okay Grom is now out of regen bit of a shame but that was a very successful wall really increased the balance of power Grom to wall is just incredible not even for like you know saving units the healing is more important for just getting the Army losses on the much earlier is the more Health we have the more value we have and the more value we have the more likely they are to run away which you know is pretty reasonable but healing all of our units at one time even if it's not a lot of healing that is a lot of value oh oh is that the Army losses oh that is yeah there we go beautiful sack then occupy or Luton occupy that is the question I do need the gold so I'm gonna sack this do we attack this or not I think it's a total of one full stack here that we would go against and I think we beat it we can back off if we need to but I'm actually pretty confident the arrival time is two minutes it might be two minutes for both of these so if we could wipe most of this out before they even get on the battlefield that could be great uh their reinforcement locations are absolute dog [ __ ] I think their first Army sits back there we kill both of these armies and then these guys just route yeah two minutes for both of them I mean we just get one good charger and they're [ __ ] gone oh actually we have the Tormentor sword so I'll move this guy up I'm not gonna use black tooth Sun duration here because it would just be so ridiculously powerful in this situation I only use things that break the challenge if they're more cool than they are strong that's my general rule they don't even have like a wide uh spot to come on the battlefield there that is incred incredible for us this is one of the most beautiful battles I have ever participated in the only downside is there's so much going on that it's hard to tell what's happening but back here you can see the flappers oh they are just creating an absolute hole in their lines here they are eating some wood elves 20 feet into the air they've actually gotten to the edge of the map despite being in like the thickest area of wood elves holy [ __ ] and then over here they have a few Spears but we just have so many pump wagons men these charges look so good uh dude definitely charged there definitely charge there oh my God only a few units are taking a lot of damage oh these guys got all the way into the back of them they're probably gonna route but that's fine if one or two of our units routes as long as we're just winning this by ridiculous margins which it looks like we are every single one of their models is being constantly attacked on all sides by pump wagons you can already see the corpses starting to pile up we've already finished them off on the right side we get the one a second bada boom we hit the wall might have even been a waste I don't know if we needed that now or if we should have saved that for this Army which is still not moving forward they're still just sitting there that's very cool I think actually we've reached a point where they're so compressed that we can't hit them yeah they're not really taking damage I think we have to back off here and then come back in is there such thing as too many pump wagons probably not based off of this they seem to perform pretty well in blobs I believe that's the Army losses right there that looks like it they might just be Mass routing though oh nope they're gone they are very much gone that was just so good man we lost so few units close Victory are you kidding me oh my that is wild that was a beautiful wall Camp oh yeah even the unit that routed lost less than half its models oh that's a lot of replenishment very nice 12 beautiful and then we should be able to just Waltz on in here and take that [ __ ] maybe Auto resolve beautiful I want to do that but I don't think I actually should here just because I'm in very hostile territory and I want to make sure that I have some health remaining quite nice we're gonna go for a little bit of a sack here and you yes you are going for that you do take that obviously but I'm pretty certain that you can't get far enough away for me to not be able to attack you wow holy [ __ ] he has a lot of movement range oh God how did they move that far I mean I obviously they forced March but that's still more movement range than I thought they had today we're going to use the trees to destroy the trees you see pump wagons are made of wood only the lowest quality of scrap wood but still and what elves are also made of wood why else would they be called that so with every charge and steamroll in this battle you can rest assured that the humble green skins have harnessed the power of nature and thoroughly desecrated it in the process alright we're pushing through here we're using our Mass to our advantage we're blobbing up quite well I will pop this onto there I think even though they have more units over here I'm not afraid of anything as much as I'm afraid of the azerite spears alright over here though in the back we have destroyed the models we're gonna push in there uh you guys go after them the Eternal guard mixed with the tree can there that is an unbreakable wall we might actually have to go around there with some of our units I'm gonna use the wall now because we're about to get a charge in two places that's great introducens is really carrying us here it is just such a good ability so much damage prevention please just charge them please just shot please please why why are you not charging them why are you not doing it we've taken so much damage here just their lord and Hero at like a third Health each and they're still fighting didn't lose any pump wagons we can sack this it said you couldn't reach that am I am I losing my [ __ ] am I losing my mind upon review I am not actually losing my mind at least because of this the movement range indicator [ __ ] lied to me for some reason ultimately it doesn't matter here but I've never seen that happen before and I don't know what caused it here I mean now we just obviously take that back but it's gonna be [ __ ] now we just upgraded that man that sucks so bad they keep sending their Skirmish cap to just die I for some reason the last like three patches uh the AI is being the worst I've ever seen it's using Skirmish Cavalry oh and the overall Cavalry too the knights Aaron are moving up the function against Cavalry is the thing I'm most surprised about with the uh pump wagons they're doing so incredibly well we do have to get onto those archers though as soon as we get through there that's gonna be great close Victory once again little ridiculous that is either decisive or heroic [ __ ] that was a lost Auto resolve oh yeah they write that down [ __ ] hell I'm gonna be honest I'm not seeing an option other than running through these guys territory and then eventually come back over and then perhaps send you down there as well oh this was almost made for me to get through the underway there okay we go there small chance we get wiped out here I don't know what's over here all right we're chilling we're chilling there and you take this wow wow that's a bad Auto resolve they're gonna need to make a second book for all the grudges they're gonna have after this one good [ __ ] took some damage but nothing more than we can recover in one turn we're gonna slightly Scout over here okay we're not gonna be staying over there if they wanna attack us we let them attack us because I think we win that if they do you're gonna declare war on me pretty obviously like I would be surprised if you don't yeah that's fine that's acceptable I honestly think we kind of rolled them here what we're gonna do is just not fight durfeu or any of the tree men or tree kin it is an incredibly good matchup against both the dryads and the Glade guard for us like a perfect matchup unfortunately it was not that simple charging the dryads and Glade guard was super effective and I managed to swing the balance of power in my favor slightly the issue is that the dryads and Glade guard didn't make up the majority of their balance of power despite being most of their units as on top of being an individual Powerhouse dirthu also Buffs the ever loving [ __ ] out of the tree can entry men those units just so happen to be some of the worst matchups in the entire game for the pump wagons overall though we did lose half of our army well they lost 80 percent of theirs but they really only lost like 70 if that of their balance of power okay we lost one pump wagon permanently and that's all that is not bad okay they can't reach us for a follow-up yes you're very annoying I am aware my God they are so annoying we move up here how much for the sack here only 5 000 gold we just take that then close Victory um I can afford that we're actually okay in terms of our economy we're better than it looks we've just spent all of our gold on upgrading things most of which will just improve our long-term income so we should be fine it's not as bad as it looks I promise one turn taking that back is a little too tempting oh and they still have the Army here too yeah that's good ooh four units of azri Spears that is a rough one they have 23 bonus versus large effectively over 50 melee attack then we're just zooming on up here we're zooming on up please don't get stuck on anything okay as soon as we get through those archers this [ __ ] is over they're all targeting Grom which is probably actually good for me as long as they don't kill him that's good for me as soon as they kill him that's very bad for me actually that'll be very good in there oh yeah that's big value Big Value from that fishy breath like a thousand gold value right there they're breaking the sheer mass of the pump wagons is just pushing them back oh yes it's over now with that wall this is over the Buffs from growl on these guys are just so insane they are very strong the Eternal guard actually did better than the um azerite Spears there oh beligar just wiped out durthu okay I don't know how afraid I need to be of bellegar it's generally a good matchup against the dwarves for us but he's often extremely strong oh [ __ ] I didn't see because it went through the underwear it didn't show me I would not have gone the way I did if I saw that Orion had gone here uh we do have Wall Monger again that is great that is incredible what is that looking like can I see the Balance power oh it's dead even already it's dead even already we can just move right up next to him and both raid in his territory that'll really piss him off yep he is wisely running away okay he's just encircling that's relatively fine construction cost and weapon strength those are both good those are definitely both good our current bonus is great too but we don't really need the control we have that from this uh yeah let's just run this right away [ __ ] it we do have a chance of getting pump wagons in the wall uh because we're playing as Grom it says somewhere here I don't actually remember where it says that but we do have that okay Ambush defense chance plus 75 so we are completely fine moving up there hopefully they try to Ambush us they did not but actually are we close enough to attack them even though we have no movement range left no we're not oh [ __ ] I shouldn't use all my movement range wait is this registered is there Capital why is it green okay is that the one we need to take for the wall then this one's not green we'll we'll give that a shot did it work it worked okay how is that their main settlement this is literally the main settlement for this region ah he has a second Army there doesn't look like he's gonna attack me with it though okay that's good uh World Roots interception ooh that is nice because this Army is not very good the downside is that this map is even worse than this Army is yeah they all target ground because he's so valuable then the pump wagons get into their face and they realize ah maybe we shouldn't have just focused on ground just completely collapsing their front line is very fun and entirely possible as long as we have more than like three units charging them in one place at once I believe they're wiped out from the interception there what do we have in the walls now a feral Hydra but still no Pub wagons that's unfortunate uh what about groms still no pump wagons I am 99.9 sure that Grom can get pump wagons in his army but I will double check now wait did they remove that every other green skin Lord has one unit that can be uh in was grum is the only one that doesn't have that wow that is so weird I'm gonna try to get rid of their walls now okay it does work I I think you can only get rid of all the units at once I think that's the only way it works consistently I'll start with Graham doing this and then I'll go down to the dwarves once again though this will be functionally pretty much identical to a lot of previous fights so just gonna show a few seconds of it quite beautiful though this number of pump wagons and they're done oh my God that took a while or at least it felt like it really wasn't that long 20K uh we could Loot and occupy but the settlement is in inhospitable territory so I think we'll eventually take it but I'm not concerned about its rank I'm more concerned about the gold now let's give this a shot hopefully he stands in fights I think he does yeah the problem is their leadership other than that I think we're in a really good spot here all right one minute we should have enough time for like one good engagement and Ben to [ __ ] off charging them right away with this first Army seemed to be fairly effective they didn't really have enough units to bog us down or stop us doing what we needed to do and what we needed to do was kill a lot of them quite quickly toss this here that looks good so far we don't want to get trapped here for sure but this is going well so far I try all of you back off now all of you back off I think you can all get out overall we did a [ __ ] ton of damage to them here I mean we did like half damage to that first Army um we took probably a third damage on ours so a bad not incredible either they've made a mistake leaving those giant Slayers all up alone here that are most valuable unit we can just entirely destroy them here oh no it's too late to counter charge buddy oh [ __ ] no I didn't mean to do that oh I didn't mean to wall there that was that was a brain fart I should not have done that that was a complete waste of that [ __ ] wall and this first group is not gonna do super well but they're they're just engaging for us they took those initial shots and now these spiky rollers can really deal some damage I should have sent the spiky rollers in a little sooner but I don't think it'll matter too much all right you guys have routed but come back in here we can get another wall yes that should get a lot of value here it's their lord and heroes at this point that are the majority of their value for sure the balance of power is in our favor though and I think we can probably get the Army losses on them without necessarily killing veligar at this point we've routed all their normal units but bellegar had a few unbreakable ghost heroes in his army these stunty little Lads have 75 physical resistance and we have no magic attacks but 15 minutes of being repeatedly run over and tea bagged by snotlings was enough to take them down wow half damage and we [ __ ] destroyed two full mid-tier you know not good but mid-tier Dwarven armies actually I think it makes sense now to start grabbing another Army here and then send it over to assist these guys with Orion okay they are actually going to attack this I was hoping I would have a few turns to build up that Army and then come over here I think we lose this but I think we only lose it to Orion I think we killed our army and then Orion kills us Orion's Army surrounded by settlement on three sides so in True Green skin fashion I abandoned the safety of my walls and charged them on the two sides where Orion wasn't this proved highly effective and we completely rolled them but ultimately Orion and a handful of archers won this battle I do think it might have even been possible for us to win that if I played that a little better I played it pretty well but I definitely could have done a tiny bit better Grom is going to be slapping his juicy punch onto these guys rushing the feet absolutely crushing defeat not like we've won what eight identical battles now just the exact same battle every [ __ ] time against the wood elves good army losses I was hoping I would not have to fight them to the death air and I didn't 21 000 gold yeah we take that getting somewhat closer to short Victory we have 21 settlements yeah that'll be all for this episode in the next episode I'll probably get the short Victory and go a little beyond the thing is I actually don't want to go over here because I did that in the last campaign but I might do that right at the end of The Next Episode just to get that short Victory but yeah the lack of Auto resolves is [ __ ] painful otherwise though very very fun campaign I absolutely love using these units they're so [ __ ] fun genuinely some of my favorite units in the game I was so disappointed when the pump wagons were first released and they were just so weak but now they're actually strong potentially too strong big thanks to my patrons and YouTube members as always uh yeah that's all thanks for watching peace out
Channel: BrilliantStupidity
Views: 59,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6HlldZLne0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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